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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20209358 No.20209358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder to my Catholi/ck/ bros- it's lent season.
That means NO red meat on Fridays.

>> No.20209365

why do religioids make up arbitrary restrictive rules that aren't in the source books to make their lives more difficult
can't you do, like "extra ice cream week" or something instead

>> No.20209369

>You can't eat this on this day because... um... because God said you can't, okay!?
I don't really think God gives a fuck.

>> No.20209382

You fags give up meat entirely because it serves your imaginary god of global warming
Sorry, god of "climate change"
I remember when he was your god of "acid rain," and also "global cooling"
The leftinity
It's so you feel poor and hungry so you're more empathetic with the poor and hungry

>> No.20209389

This is the time of year when the red meats go on sale for cheap!!!
RIP your chicken and fish budget though

>> No.20209398
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it might be beneficial to give up posting here for the Lenten season, brother. it seems to give you ample opportunity to insult, find fault in and judge your fellow man. the only thing we have the authority to do is love, and please know I say this to you only out of love. my local monastery prescribed this guide yesterday, perhaps it can be of use to you.

>> No.20209414

Fair enough, I will give up the insults and shitposting, and contemplate and meditate instead
Man, I haven't meditated in almost 30 years
I will continue to post but only helpful, positive, and encouraging messaging

>> No.20209419
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Thankfully McDonald's caters to Catholics during Lent with the classic Fillet of Fish burger. The item was added to the menu specifically for Catholics!
Ba da ba ba ba.

>> No.20209420

We're all human. God bless you and keep you, always.

>> No.20209423

Lent exists to imitate Jesus' fast while he was in the desert. The rules have actually become more and more lenient over the past few decades.

>> No.20209438

Is pork red meat? Or white meat.

>> No.20209440

wish you dorks would stop eating red meat forever so prices could go down

>> No.20209445

/ck/ isnt that bad but 4chan in general is AIDS for your soul
a social media fast would be good for everybody

>> No.20209459

Nigga if god is real and I have soul it's already on the VIP list straight to hell, not eating meat ain't gonna help my case at all.

>> No.20209471

Just don't eat it at all.

>> No.20209473

>catholics, the largest religious demographic in the world, stop consuming pork
>pig farms lower their output to match the decreased demand
>pork is now 5x more expensive because of lower supply

That's what's gonna happen

>> No.20209475

Sorry, I'm gonna believe my pastor over anonymous 4chan user #20209459

>> No.20209476

No one knows who goes to Hell except God, assuming you know what's on God's mind isn't exactly Christian

>> No.20209478

Thank goodness that I follow the word of Jesus and not the word of false prophets so I can eat as much meat as I like.

>> No.20209489

The apostles observed the fast on Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the year. Even in western Orthodoxy, where there are more lenient rules, meat is to be abstained from every Friday throughout the year, and every day except feast days during lent. Do you know why Catholics only do no meat on Fridays? Genuinely curious, not looking to start anything.

And to all the haters: do your research every once in a while and quit making asses of yourselves. And even if God wasn't real, the fast is good for you physically (cutting back on decadent foods and eating more veggies/lentils/legumes makes sure you get more vitamins) and financially (meat tends to be more expensive) but y'all can't think about anything but eating ice cream and being fat apparently so.

>> No.20209530


>> No.20209538

catholics are so fucking annoying
fucking faggots

>> No.20209550
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>convert 40 days to weeks

>> No.20209562

Realistically, you should not be eating meat at all. Horrible stuff.

>> No.20209567

>You fags give up meat entirely
Um, no I didn't.

>> No.20209572

>/ck/ isnt that bad
idk man, to me /ck/ seems bizarrely worse than any other board I browse. Way more volatile freaks flipping out over shit they're making up in their heads and/or trying to shove their current fixation into unrelated threads ("how can I make this thread about black people or vaccines?").

>> No.20209580


>> No.20209587

>Way more volatile freaks flipping out over shit they're making up in their heads
Try /v/ or /pol/
>or trying to shove their current fixation into unrelated threads
Try /tv/

>> No.20209601

Inform your handlers that there are too many of you on the lower boards, you guys are arguing against each other

>> No.20209625

I don't believe in God and I have eaten nothing but tortillas, beans, chicken, crackers and milk for three months

>> No.20209628

>no one knows who goes to hell
Bullshit, make enough bad decisions and you're toast. 90% of the people at my work are fucked lol, you don't fuck over other people to make money and walk away just repenting. maybe the janitors will be fine since they're old dudes and Mexicans, which usually are Cristians

>> No.20209654

false, it never goes that way

>> No.20209680

Thanks for the reminder I'm getting two double doubles tomorrow one for me and one for you.

>> No.20209684

God never said that, it's a rule made up by the priests to keep the people in line. If religion was too simple they would have no need for the pope and the priests to tell them what to do.

>> No.20209696

>It's so you feel poor and hungry so you're more empathetic with the poor and hungry
That's a lie though, if you really wanted to feel poor and hungry you would fast or eat beans and rice. Giving up a single food type isn't making you feel deprived. Many people go regularly without eating red meat. You are doing nothing but virtue signaling and I know 100% for a fact God does not like that.

>> No.20209704

Pretty sure Jesus had a word for those kinds, what was it again? Oh yeah I'm pretty sure he called you a den of vipers. Clean on the outside but on the inside you are full of wickedness.

>> No.20209710

You've already failed as a believer if you take the word of another man over the scripture.

>> No.20209719

>bro some retard on /ck/ definitely knows the scripture better than your pastor

>> No.20209721

Nice deflection, you won't fool God though. Keep on taking your marching orders from a man instead of the Word.

>> No.20209738

>muh poor oppressed brown jewish trans folx
Your joke of a "religion" destroyed Rome just as it continues to do to us today
Maybe you've (d)evolved to subsist on grains, but they don't grow well enough for that where I'm from. Easily half of my diet is derived from animals, sometimes more depending on the season
Baste. Fuck rabbi yoshua and his blasphemous claim to be God

>> No.20209744

look bro Im not that anon, your voodoo curses dont really scare me
Im saying taking them at face value, a holy man will be a lot more helpful than a dumbass shitposter

>> No.20209750

Bro you have fag/tranny/women priests. You have lost the plot so hard. Be thankful Jesus isn't around right now. The hell he would raise if he saw the mockery you have made of the church.

>> No.20209767

Jesus was a radical leftist who was too subversive even for the jews. Haven't you read the sermon on the mount? Or how he defended sex workers? Or what he had to say about kulaks (camel needle eye)? Or... I could go on and on because it was all he talked about and the new testament is long and full of it.

>> No.20209779

>defending fag/tranny/women priests
Well thanks for confirming what I already knew about you.

>> No.20209791

Everything you just said is wrong. I'm nta and I would never defend a semitic religion.

>> No.20209793

Didn't they used to call it "the other white meat" in old commercials?

>> No.20209803

Are you going to deny what we have all seen with our eyes? Isn't lying one of the big sins? Next you'll be telling me that all those choir boys were just making it up.

>> No.20209824

You must be confused, probably because I butted into the middle of your conversation. I wholeheartedly agree with you that semitic religions have truly revolting teachings and practices.

>> No.20209837

it's a shared experience that helps them observe their core values as a group. there you go retards.

>> No.20209844

The core value of making up an arbitrary rule to virtue signal? Wow I really feel the love of Christ outpouring from you guys.

>> No.20209853

again, I havent done anything to your death cult, schizo
I do not give a fuck what a dead sandnigger from 2000 years ago would think of me

>> No.20209862

I will never believe that God decided my fucking diet, I will eat what I want and I will not burn while you eat shit and burn anyway.

>> No.20209868

>he doesn't believe in God

>> No.20209879
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>> No.20209880

I believe in God, I don't believe in God telling me my diet plan and giving a shit what I eat as long as it isn't other people.

>> No.20209890

“We should commit to a spiritual practice as a community”
- “uh uh.. stop virtue signaling, your being a hater”

>> No.20209892

You said God doesn't decide or care about your diet and then you referenced some schizo nonsense about "burning". Ergo, you don't believe in God, or your understanding of him is warped beyond recognition.

>> No.20209894

I was wondering, if you haven't meditated in 30 years, how did you find 4chan?

>> No.20209895

You're just a retard. Sorry, I know this hurts to hear, but I guarantee God agrees that you're a fucking retard and he is not sorry for making you that way, retard.

>> No.20209905

It's a shame calling out degeneracy is considered edgy now

>> No.20209906

>telling people what God wants or how to properly understand God

Ah, playing God? Pretty sure that is one of the biggest sins a man can commit. Enjoy your life as it is the last time your soul will have a chance for non-suffering for even a moment, "God Jr.".

>> No.20209909

My b, was responding to this

>> No.20209921

Read your own bible sometime, you might learn a thing or two.
1“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

2“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 3But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

>> No.20209927

I have Black Fasted

>> No.20209944

>no coherent argument
>claiming that God is morally relative and is therefore beyond Logos
Sad. You worship Him in name only, because He is the opposite of whatever perverse idol you're describing
>threatening me with imaginary fire
So scary

>> No.20209952

>imagine actually trying to have a coherent argument on the internet with people you don't know, nor care about
not checked, so your dub dubs don't count, faggot

also, to everyone else: Abrahamic religions is the blight on this planet. Jews, Christians, Muslims are spiritual cancers.

>> No.20209959

>Abrahamic religions is the blight on this planet. Jews, Christians, Muslims are spiritual cancers.
Mein nigga, I'm the one who's been the most vocal about that itt. Check my dub dubs

>> No.20209967

The same way anyone does
>ask the wrong questions

>> No.20210182

nope, not gonna check them. if I ignore the fact that you have dub dubs then they wont be checked

>> No.20210185

Strange. Why would I care about some brown sandnigger carpenter that hallucinated? Religioids are weird.

>> No.20210193
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Don't you just love Jesus?

>> No.20210229
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Aren't all of those bad decisions and actions made by first turning away from God? When you know God and have a relationship with him, let him guide you to do the right thing, you wouldn't do those bad things to other people.
So you didn't listen. You said "religion doesn't make sense". Or you hungered for something that you know you shouldn't have, but you thought "I'm too weak to resist giving in to this temptation". Now you think that God won't forgive you, you're already too deep in sin, there's no turning back so I'll just keep digging deeper in the mud. Do you think God wants that? Everyone spiraling downwards because they're in for a penny in for a pound?
All of that weight is so heavy to carry around, it's poisoning your soul, it's why you feel lost in life with nowhere to go. It's why you worry that people won't like you, or that you're not good enough to do the things you want to accomplish in life. It's why you're scared to die, like there's something you haven't done to make things right.
Your heavenly father breathed life into you as a little fetus, he loves you unconditionally and wants to spend eternity with you far away from this little mud ball you're on right now. His mercy is so much greater than any living person could possibly have. He loves you just like how you are right now, whether you're upright or broken, gleeful or dejected, or anywhere in between.
The good news is that you can start today, repent to the big guy upstairs, accept your own cross of responsibility, and start on the path you strayed from a that time ago. It's never too late, today is a new day, and as long as you have breath in your lungs there's still a chance at redemption.

>> No.20210245

It's just saying don't do good things for prideful reasons, do them because they're just the right thing to do and you know it. If you're showing the world what you did to provide example of how others should do good works, or as an inspiration so people don't get jaded and think everyone's bad, or to raise awareness and funding so you can continue to do good works, that's totally fine. They're saying it has to be genuine good faith, not "I want everyone to see me as a righteous person so I can get some physical reward".