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20411701 No.20411701 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a good beer?

>> No.20411703
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Yes I’m drinking one right this second it’s one of New Belgium’s best beers

>> No.20411717

IPAs are trash.

>> No.20411771

I like it, they're 9% and cheap

>> No.20411777

*some* ipas are trash yes

>> No.20411779

IPAs taste like shit, pass.

>> No.20411815

idk about the regular stuff but I really like the atomic pumpkin ipa they make around halloween

>> No.20411824

let me think about it

>> No.20411862

i've had plenty of the green voodoo ranger, it's just an ipa. tastes bad, but it's not as bad as high gravity shit
haven't tried the fruit force one because i hate fruit punch

>> No.20411915

Yeah it's good.

>> No.20411972

same, i get the juice force ones for more flavor/less grass clippings but yeah

>> No.20412002
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As a guy who had VR in his convenience store a decade before everyone else, let me promise you that it’s not worth it. The spicy pumpkin one is the best and even that is a low tier pumpkin beer.
May I recommend a tasty, hoppy, small town beverage brewed within mere miles from where I grew up, yet now readily available along the eastern seaboard?

>> No.20412017

Yeah it's pretty good. Used to drink those all the time and languinitas. Now I'm back to wine and piss beer most the time.

>> No.20412028

I used to get blackout drunk on these

>> No.20412143

I used to drink these along with vodka and boy the wds coming off that were bad. Met the shadow people and saw bugs on the walls

>> No.20412188
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All of those VooDoos taste like shit, except for the Atomic Pumpkin one in the Fall, just drink an actual beer.

>> No.20412814

i don't plan to ever eat shit so i hope you don't mind me asking what else tastes like shit?

>> No.20412866
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>> No.20413026

The marketing effort far outweighs the quality of beer.

>> No.20413049

It's commonly available and costs just about the same as any other generic 6 pack. Not great, not terrible.

>> No.20413064

voodoo rhymes with doodoo

>> No.20413081

doodoo rhymes with poopoo

>> No.20413087

New Belgium makes great beer. Unfortunately, Johnny Jackwipe only wants IPAs, NB is a business, so they make them. Fucking sad, because they can do so much better.

>> No.20413114

its all I drink. doesnt taste like ipa, and has a good price to abv. It used to be called rampant before they started the whole voodoo branding

>> No.20413117

I need to specify that I was referring to the imperial ipa. most of the rest are trash. The orange juice force is ok.

>> No.20413126

i like juice bomb but hopewell junction has contaminated water
enjoy your lead poisoning

>> No.20413211

yea you can get 2 juice force ones for like $5.50 at a few 7/11's around me....works real good

>> No.20414050

Hypothetically speaking, if I did a shot of Listerine, what would happen

>> No.20414210

It is not a good beer.

>> No.20414479

Answer this question

>> No.20414494

It's too strong for me

>> No.20414508


>> No.20414584

For someone whose actually a fucking alcoholic the tall boys are a very good ratio of taste, price, and abv.

>> No.20414586

every beer these guys make is pretty fucking good. Try to get them on sale though because it can get expensive if you drink a lot. Ive never even seen the pumpkin one everyone is talking about itt, but their other beers are also good. ESPECIALLY if you can get them on sale. The two fruit ones are good. Their flagship "normal" beer is good as well with the white label, but I only see them in bottles. I prefer cans for many reasons. I also only really like the cans in 12oz.
The only other beer that i can say is as good as the NB beers, is La Fin Du Monde, but it's never on sale and much harder to find.

>> No.20414588

Its great for beer bread. Toss in sharp cheddar

>> No.20414593

You’d get fucked up but you’d seriously fuck your body up doing that in a way that’s not worth it. I don’t condone stealing but if it’s between that and drinking methanol please just go swipe some tall boys.

>> No.20414596

ooh I'll keep that in mind

>> No.20414686

Yes the Juice Force is one of the better beers I've had in a while

>> No.20414689

They’re decent if you drink them fast. The tall cans aren’t the move, they start to warm up before you can finish them. Anything remotely near room temperature, and they taste like pine-sol with several shots of rubbing alcohol.

>> No.20414700

>they start to warm up before you can finish them
Skil issu

>> No.20414810

fruit force was really good the first time i had it and a severe letdown everytime after
the new tropic force is great tho i been on them for a few weeks now

>> No.20414836

Three Floyds Alpha King is the best beer in the United States

>> No.20414853

i assume you're buying this at a gas station and if so get TROEGS instead

>> No.20414885

And a notable uptick in advertising after the original brewery was bought by some fucking megacorporation. Fuck that shit.

>> No.20414942

tropical beer hugs?

>> No.20416056

Wrong, retard. Brain damaged probably from the IPA you've been drinking.

>> No.20416060

>Poopoo Cringer
no, it's not worth it, it's fucking shit

>> No.20416210

Trash. Get the Yuengling point cans.

>> No.20416439
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For me it’s New Belgium® Voodoo Ranger® Juice Force. Basically alcoholic carbonated orange juice, shit’s dangerous.

>> No.20416442

These are the new go to for functioning alckies I know this because my corner stores are always sold out, I asked one of the employees and he said one customer comes in and buys 12 at a time for the week

>> No.20416463

I like it decent enough. I get the juice force ones. 2 of em will get you in that relaxed drunk state but definitely not black out. I can get two cans for $4.50 near me so its a pretty good deal imo.

>> No.20416466
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VR is ok, but this is the superior juice beer

>> No.20416659

too light

>> No.20416677

Fruit force tastes exactly like if you put a couple shots of Hawaiian Punch in an IPA. If that sounds good you'll love it, if that sounds terrible don't bother because that's 100% the taste and it's not at all subtle.
I actually liked it

>> No.20416678
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Come home white man

>> No.20416802

why is IPA another soyboy meme when being really into beer at all just seems really gay?

>> No.20417437

it's supposed to be manly to consoom 4.5% light beer for hours on end instead of blacking out in 2 hours

>> No.20417476

different anon, but the dudes I know who drink 4 percent beer all day are usually more manly than the ipa dudes i know. I drink ipas but im a musician, which makes me half a fag automatically anyways so fuck if i know. I low key wish i could drink bud and coors all day. It would make life easier in a lot of ways.
Right now i drink around 2 on a good day but 8-12 on a bad day, voodoo ranger 12oz cans and i'm blacked out with no beer for the next day.