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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 500x375, andrew rasmussen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4104983 No.4104983 [Reply] [Original]

what would you consider "gay" food?

p.s. I'm gay

>> No.4104986
File: 87 KB, 800x532, IMGP2732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food you enjoy making and/or consuming in the company of other homosexual men?

oh, and Fudgesicles... they are total fagfood.

mmmmm fudgesickles...

>> No.4104985


>> No.4104991


OP you have to be kidding. or you are an idiot.

I'm white, guys. could you direct me to the "white" food section?

I'm short, guys. could you help me with some "short people" food?

jeez. and you wonder why so many people don't take you seriously.

anyway, OP, you pathetic fool you, look for the tripster named Sceak. he claims to be gay, and he knows about food. maybe he can tell you what "gay" food is.

>> No.4104990

anything that hipsters flock to

>> No.4104996

Protein Shakes

>> No.4104995

Giant german sausages or italian spicy sausages.

Also, british faggot. It's a meatball made from offals and off cut of meat.

>> No.4105002
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circus peanuts

>> No.4105004
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thread OP here...this is my penis

>> No.4105007


You're dumb. Here's why.

>what would you consider...

That's asking an opinion, faggot. Most likely tongue-in-cheek too.

I have black friends who make fun of haute cuisine and call it "white people food" because they only see white people paying a ton of money for a nearly empty plate with a bite of food on it.

I'd have no problem listing stuff that would be considered "black" food or "Asian" food either. Get off your fucking PC high horse.

>and he knows about food
That autistic tripcunt is nothing but a shitposting troll

>> No.4105009


I think you should grow some scruff.

Anyway, gay foods ... there aren't that many known. Like, straights have their medium steak and all that jazz but I can't really think of "gay foods".

I live in the Montreal Gay Village, essentially a big food court, and I really can't think of "gay food". A banana is just as good as a piece of steak, IMO.

Why do you ask?

>> No.4105013


I think this is an insult to gay people...

Nothing ruined Halloween more when I was little than getting too many of these. Does anyone even eat these or do they just buy them to troll kids with? I have yet to actually know someone who enjoys these.

>> No.4105016

Bananas and hot-dogs.

Try eating some while making direct eye-contact with a dude, you'll understand.

>> No.4105018

right now, you can taste that artificial banana flavor clinging to the back of your throat, as you relive all those halloweens

>> No.4105019

that penis is gay food

>> No.4105032
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> Andrew Rasmussen

Educator for democracy, union thug, awkward goof, godless damned liberal, cool nerd punk

Des Moines, Iowa

>> No.4105037

This is why you don't post non-anonymous pic on the Interweb OP.

>> No.4105041

>I'd have no problem listing stuff that would be considered "black" food or "Asian" food either.
You've just demonstrated why OP's question is stupid. Because although in your etchnically unaware little world you may think there is 'black' food and 'Asian' food, there is a big difference between soul food and Ethiopian cuisine, and between Thai food and Japanese food. The idea of lumping together gay people into one homogeneous group is absurd as your two examples.

>> No.4105046

>cool nerd punk

are you fucking kidding me

>> No.4105050

>implying circus peanuts are distributed to gay children intentionally

>> No.4105056
File: 139 KB, 550x602, circuscvbn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes means you are gay
no means you are not gay
it's not rocket surgery

>> No.4105057

you really are stretching with that one

>> No.4105062
File: 6 KB, 276x183, circuspee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are becoming the yellow star of david for gay children

>> No.4105067

My one roommate bought some to mess with kids, but then my other roommate decided he liked them. So I don't know!

Oh and Halloween was ruined by the hurricane anyway so I didn't get to ask the kids.

>> No.4105071

when did this circus peanuts = gay thing start? this is the first I've heard of it.

>> No.4105074

Get the cock out of your ass and stop being offended about everything

>> No.4105078

when I was a kid we would trick or treat in gangs
at the end of the night this one kid would take all the circus peanuts that nobody else wanted
he seemed like a normal guy
I heard that he died of AIDs
his wife and kid never knew he was gay

>> No.4105082


The thing is, the examples you provided are both true. Soul food and Ethiopan food are indeed very different....but that doesn't stop them being "black" food. Likewise Thai and Japanese are very different too, but last I checked both countries were still in Asia, thus they are both Asian. If you want a different example: a crab is very different from a whale but they are both "seafood"

I suggest you stop bitching, after all you're doing the same thing that you're complaining about. You wrote about "Japanese" food, but isn't that just lumping a whole country's cuisine into one label? I mean, there's a big difference in Japanese food depending on what part of the country it comes from. Food in Hokkaido isn't the same as dishes from Kyushu.

>> No.4105086
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ironically, I've never seen a straight man eating a fish taco.

>> No.4105098


>> No.4105108

Fish taco is delicious, though. It doesn't make anyone gay to enjoy delicious fish tacos.

>> No.4105116

...I didn't say it made you gay

I just said I havent seen a straight man eat one. Just your typical metro-cosmopolitans.

>> No.4105152

I'm not offended by anything, it's just not a meaningful question. Kudos on your edginess though.

The cuisines are totally different, it makes no sense to lump them together by continent or ethnicity. It's not a meaningful question to ask what black food or Asian food is because it covers such a diverse range of cuisines.

Yes, I've made the same mistake others are making here by lumping together all Japanese food because I don't know much about it. I'm glad you told me that and I've learned something. I'm not going to throw an internet hissyfit because someone disagreed with me.

>> No.4105202
File: 111 KB, 599x500, tossed_salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tossed salad

>> No.4105218


You really sound like an autistic tumblr feminist.

It's a perfectly meaningful question unless you're willing to go down to the individual family level. My spaghetti tastes different than my neighbors spaghetti, so you can't just group them together in "spaghetti". You can't ever specify a food unless you specify who cooks it.

See how retarded that is? General terms exist for a reaon, and the only people who complain about it are children who want everyone to see how much more enlightened they are.

You're essentially arguing that genus should exist because there are too many species. You're saying that the entire method of scientific classification used for everything is bad because broad categories make no sense.

You really seem too young to even be on 4chan.

>> No.4105233

my hero,
you really showed her didn't you...

>> No.4105263
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>> No.4105264

I don't know where you're getting all that from or why you're so emotional about this.

My argument has nothing to do with political correctness, it just doesn't make sense to have a discussion about a huge range of cuisines that have been lumped together based on a pretty arbitrary common characteristic.

>> No.4105313

quiche and pink champagne.

>> No.4105320

anything marinated in wine has ti be gay. ohhh and fish eggs are gay two.

>> No.4105322

food where balls touch

>> No.4105354
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thought about it pretty hard and the only thing I come up with up is these things

>> No.4105392
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Here you go OP

>> No.4105411
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Gay dudes love italian


>> No.4105469

Fish tacos are awesome I see all sorts eating them.

I was being edgy? Please explain.

>> No.4105487

Ah yes the classic "I'm calm about this, why are you getting so angry" argument. I see you're also implementing the "I don't even care, why do you care about it so much it's just what I think" gambit.

So "edgy"

>> No.4105503

Spotted Dick.




>> No.4105510

>I was being edgy? Please explain.
Sorry, I thought your casual homophobia was some sort of attempt at being edgy, I didn't realise you were being serious.

I'm genuinely interested in why that person is getting so vexed over a discussion about classification of food.

Their post was a little incoherent but I gathered that they seem to think this is some sort of political-correctness thing, I'd like to know how they got that impression.

>> No.4105513

How about a tossed salad with a side of poppers?

>> No.4105571

But you are making it into a politically correct thing. Just like you assume I'm being homophobic by using "cock" instead of "stick."

Get over it and stop being so PC.

>> No.4105611

Another dude's hotdog.

>> No.4105655

>I'm white, guys. could you direct me to the "white" food section?
Turkey and Mayo sandwich on white bread

>I'm short, guys. could you help me with some "short people" food?
What ever's on the bottom shelf.

>> No.4105663

Really /ck/, I'm disappointed in you

Here you go OP

>> No.4105685

I'm not making it into a politically correct thing at all. As I stated before, my problem is with lumping together foods based on arbitrary common characteristics, which in those instances happen to be ethnicity.

And the phrase 'Get the cock out of your ass' is very clearly homophobic, it's using homosexuality as an insult. I don't know how you can think you're not being homophobic when you say that.

>> No.4105719

m-my dad likes circus peanuts...

>> No.4105735

>check your heteroethnic privilege!

>> No.4105752

Bagel with locs
Whole milk
Anything dipped in chocolate other than chocolate bars

>> No.4105757

spray cheese and whip cream or similar that comes in a can. holding a big object over your face and waiting to get covered,yeah thats pretty gay.

>> No.4105763


Those are actually fairly delicious, I love faggots. Especially good with chips or mash and peas.

>> No.4105764

I dunno, good food? The faggots are pretty on point with that shit, although they tend to veer toward pretentious, but some are, flailing there arms about in some sort of rhythmic spasm, who the fuck walks like that?

>> No.4105771


I think it's offensive to say that all gay people have good taste.

I bet there are some absolutely appalling gay people out there, who attach Truck Nuts to their cars and eat nothing but Burger King or White Castle and listen to Nickelback and Take That and dress like neckbeards. And they don't even do it ironically.

>> No.4105789
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OP i think you're possibly attractive. scruff would definitely be good as someone suggested. contact info?

>> No.4105824

Basically just cross hipster and gourmet, i think.

>Essence of rasberry whipped into a foam and served over acorn and Mexican flesh fed pork, cured for 6 hours by a man from the South, then 5.5 hours by a man from the North.

or something

>> No.4105826

anythign with foam.

>> No.4105837

Check your reading comprehension.

>> No.4105983

>cross hipster and gourmet

exactly this.

>> No.4106075

>union thug
Unions suck, get the fuck out lefttard scum.

>> No.4106109
File: 426 KB, 1200x1600, 1228121412a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gay too you can see from my nails

>> No.4106113
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>what to do with crabs

>> No.4106117

>that old tired fish
>chicken queens
>swish steak

>> No.4106145

>nails trimmed back
is that so you dont hemorrhage your boyfriend's anus during foreplay?

>> No.4106308


>> No.4106703
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>Educator for democracy

>> No.4106731

OP and I have the same shelf. Awks.

>> No.4106831

what would you consider "gay" food?
>anything phallic (bananas, popsicles, hot dogs etc.)
>"fancy" foods that you've made yourself (quiche, flourless chocolate cake/torte, etc.)
>anything that sounds like it might relate to gayness/a gay sex act (coq au vin, twinkies, fudge, tossed salad, etc.)

>> No.4106834


>> No.4106849

oop i forgot to add fruit

>> No.4106852

Nobody actually eats cock.
So... semen.

>> No.4107005

>gay cookbook
>front cover is full of sexual innuendo

If homosexuality was perfectly "natural" and "normal" then why is the gay scene so obsessed with sex?
Maybe because homosexuality is in actual fact a sexual perversion?

>> No.4107030

So edgy.

>> No.4107034

It's because homosexuality is just liking men. You can't have a 'gay cookbook', it'd just be a normal cookbook. So, instead they go down this route.

>> No.4107035

He's right. Have you ever met any gay men? Absolute sluttiest fuckers ever.

>> No.4107036

And? Are you just angry because you're not having sex? Who cares if they enjoy sex, that's healthy compared to you autistic conservatives.

>> No.4107047

Yea there a reason the aids population is so much higher in gay communities. See not engaging in high risk sexual behavior actually has a use. Not that homos actually care if they infect someone.

>> No.4107048

I get laid regularly, I'm just saying that almost every gay man I've ever met will sleep with any other gay man just because he's gay too, attractive enough, and right in front of them. I'm no autistic conservative, that's just fucking gross.

>> No.4107050

A friend of mine's parents used to live on Christopher street in Manhattan when I was in highschool. That was ripe picking for going up to the roof and waterballooning them. I had other friends from Pennsylvania that would chase them around with pitchforks on Halloween. And what you see it true about them wearing leather with the little leather hats and the butt cheeks showing. They're pretty fucking in your face vile and they wonder why they get water ballooned and made fun of.

>> No.4107057

Anything made with semen in it.

>> No.4107099

>Yea there a reason the aids population is so much higher in gay communities

That's because AIDS is far more likely to transmit during anal sex, rather than vaginal. The rough abrasion on the mucous membrane causes exposure even if we can't see it.

>> No.4107137
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So, tell me, what's it like being an ugly virgin?

>> No.4107157

Spotted Dick

>> No.4107257

There are none. Are you the same type of person who makes a point to tell everyone about how gay you are?