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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 29 KB, 300x300, cinnamon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4202077 No.4202077 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, so apparently you can burn your throat by swallowing too much cinnamon? I didn't even know this was a thing.

>eating delicious cinnamon cereal
>drink leftover milk with all that delicious cinnamony goodness
>all of a sudden burning sensation in the back of my throat, still isn't gone after 2 days

Any other seemingly innocent foods that can actually be dangerous? Since I'm apparently susceptible to hurting myself with food, I figure I should know what else to watch out for.

>> No.4202092

Apples can cause arsenic poisoning.

>> No.4202095

Oh, but to be fair, you'd have to eat several kgs whole, cores, seeds and all.
Still true, though.

>> No.4202099

Alright, don't eat several kilos of whole apples in one sitting, good to know.

>> No.4202112
File: 782 KB, 2048x1536, 381459743.328090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cherry pits and apple seeds contain cyanide.

Well a cyanide salt that turns to cyanide in your gut.

So don't eat a bajillion cherry pits/apple seeds for some reason...

Fiji can kill you.

Avoid soy unless it's fermented. It's a slow killer.

>> No.4202122

Cyanide! That's what it was. Not arsenic. I knew it was something awful.

>> No.4202129

Yeah arsenic is in the applejuice.

Fucking chinese....

>> No.4202146

Note to self: avoid eating cherry pits and apple seeds, never go to Fiji, and don't eat non-fermented soy. Got it.

>> No.4202151

>I didn't even know this was a thing.

how on earth did you get all the way to the asshole of the internet without stumbling across any of the thousands of "cinnamon challenge" videos roaming the wastes?

>> No.4202157

I don't watch videos of people doing retarded things. I've heard of the "cinnamon challenge" but I always assumed it was difficult to do just because it's so grainy and you don't have enough saliva to swallow the whole spoonful. I was not aware that it also burned the fuck out of your throat.

>> No.4202170


even still, you should have at least partaken in some sort of "hot" candy at some point.
no one can escape the grasp of the ever present cinnamon heart.

>> No.4202176
File: 13 KB, 352x298, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Avoid soy unless it's fermented. It's a slow killer.

>drink soy milk every day for years
>perfect health

>> No.4202183

enjoy your estrogen.

>> No.4202192

I think I tried those once before when I was younger, never been a fan of hot things. I was eating a cinnamon-sugar flavored cereal, not something meant to be hot like those candies. I think it's reasonable to assume the leftover milk, which I always drink with no problems with other cinnamon-sugar flavored cereals, was not going to burn the fuck out of my throat. I guess this cereal had a much higher concentration of cinnamon or used a different variety or something, but there were no issues when I ate the cereal itself.

>> No.4202285

there's no estrogen in soy.

>> No.4202331

thats just because you are young

I have drank beer almost every day for years and am perfectly healthy, that doesn't mean its good for me (well there actually is strong evidence that moderate beer consumption is good for you but thats besides the point)

>> No.4202352

or maybe its because soy produces no negative effects in 99% of all people? your analogy is totally disingenuous.

>> No.4202360

I'm just point out that individual cases don;t allow you to draw conclusions, plenty of people do unhealthy things without having visible effects, especially when you are young

>> No.4202363

Over eating of lemon products (especially concentrated citric acid) can burn a hole in your cheek.

Fucking Warheads.

>> No.4202425

i agree you cana't generalize from one case, but i'm in fact generalizing from the millions of people worldwide who consume soybeans, soy milk, etc en mass to no ill effect.

>> No.4202584

Okay, this one is just wrong. The human body, unlike with most acids, has no trouble processing citric acid.

>> No.4202596

Cinnamon is literally just spicy tree bark that 'happens' to taste good when mixed with other things.
It soaks up water exactly like sawdust too, which is why it burns your throat and fucks people up in the 'cinnamon challenge'

Like grapefruits? Cool. Just don't eat any when you're about to take any sort of pills or meds.
It has an enzyme that causes your stomach to break down things faster than normal, basically dumping everything into your bloodstream all at once instead of slowly over time.

>> No.4202600

sounds like a good thing to take with psychs

>> No.4202945

>Like grapefruits? Cool. Just don't eat any when you're about to take any sort of pills or meds.

Yeah, the little pamphlet that came with my blood pressure meds told me to stay away from grapefruit.

>> No.4203072

I'm taking anxiety meds that say not to eat grapefruit, but it makes me more anxious to change my perfect breakfast habits

>> No.4203079

Oh the irony

>> No.4203092
File: 21 KB, 220x275, 220px-Edward_Furlong_image_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Edward Furlong here, the kid from Terminator 2. I did drugs for years and it didn't effect me at all!

>> No.4203100

i actually thought the biological mechanism was that it inhibited an enzyme, not that it "breaks down things faster"

ie: once the enzyme is inhibited, you get more of any given drug into your blood stream

this is different because you actually in the end get a higher dosage than if you didn't eat grapefruit, where you seem to be claiming you get the same dosage anyway, only difference being intensity/duration

>> No.4203104

Of course not, it just increases your bodies own production of estrogen.

>> No.4203108

The outer leaves of an artichoke are not to be eaten
Eating to many raw tomatoes can kill the good bacteria in you digestive tract. This happened to my father when he first planted a HUGE tomato garden in an empty plot next to our house.

>> No.4203128
File: 37 KB, 400x400, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like grapefruits? Cool. Just don't eat any when you're about to take any sort of pills or meds.
It has an enzyme that causes your stomach to break down things faster than normal, basically dumping everything into your bloodstream all at once instead of slowly over time.

>tfw drinking 3 glasses of fresh grapefruit juice before ingesting 900 mgs DXM

>> No.4203134


Who the fuck EATS the artichoke leaves? Did he eat the glass his water came in too?

>> No.4203131

i actually don't know why you'd avoid eating the apple seeds

after looking up the cyanide "danger" (there's none, really, even eating a full cup of apple seeds means you'll have an upset stomach or at worst vomit)

after learning about this and the bitter almond flavor of the seeds, i actually have started eating the entire apple now. it's really great, i suggest trying it. i've found breaking open the seeds with your molars and releasing the bitter cyanide taste to be a nice cap to the apple-eating experience. the other plus side is you never have to find a garbage to toss the core in, and you get 1/3rd more apple out for your purchase

this is more esoteric stuff i guess, but i also enjoy comparing the cyanide tastes of seeds across cultivars. each of them have unique properties. some seeds have a more bitter, sharp, dark flavor, others taste more creamy.

>> No.4203138

You should have seen him trying to swallow that avocado stone...

>> No.4203149
File: 74 KB, 461x523, 1337547657720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, can /ck/ explain this shit to me?
All my life I've heard from family and siblings that I shouldn't eat fish and drink milk with it. (Strangely only people from my own culture have told me this.)
Because they say that you can get that one disease that Michael Jackson had where he turned all white. I even have a little cousin with one lighter skinned eyelid and everyone has to bring him up whenever I ask for proof.
I'm wondering wether this is just some old wives tale or actually the truth.
Mfw my brother even slapped a delicious tuna sandwich out of my hands because it had cheese on it.

I'm sorry if that didn't make any sense, my english isn't that well.

What happens if you eat fish with milk (or any other dairy product)?

>> No.4203156


People actually do that you know, they say that eating or sucking on lemons or other citrii(?) increases your high or some shit. I've seen someone sucking on one while eating magic truffles but I was too busy staring at the carpet thinking of purple wriggling maggots to pay attention to his high

>> No.4203186
File: 10 KB, 279x291, 1262387502374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tuna sandwich had cheese on it

>> No.4203203

A good food tip is to avoid mixing alcohol and mushrooms, even edible ones can become toxic if eaten while drinking alcohol.

>> No.4203233

My love of citrus and sour things totally wrecked my teeth. :(

>> No.4203240

Check out Pronamel bro, you can find it at pretty much any grocery store next to the standard toothpaste and all that.

>> No.4203244


We have the technology, we can rebuild you.

>> No.4203263


Wut. No. What fucking backwards ass country are you from that anyone would think this?

>> No.4203287

Haha nah mine are past the point of no return, I actually need implants. I'd love to go back in time and tell my younger self to not be so lazy about brushing and to not eat so many god damn lemons.

But getting back on topic, too much tuna can apparently cause mercury poisoning. I know that's a well known one but I didn't see it posted.

>> No.4203296

Apparently it's primarily an Indian/Pakistan and Jewish thing.

>> No.4203328


Yup, I'm from pakistan. But I guess I got my answer, thank you. Unless someone can bring me documented proof that it's poisonous I'm going to enjoy a lot of foods more now.


>Having a different taste.

Ugh fucking plebs

>> No.4203333

There are many fish dishes that use milk or cream for sauces or stews... most of Scandinavia must have splotchy skin.

>> No.4203338

>Because they say that you can get that one disease that Michael Jackson had where he turned all white.
I lol'd

>> No.4203341
File: 30 KB, 565x552, realization 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the reason they're completely white is BECAUSE they eat so much milk and fish together

>> No.4203345


Bananas are mildly radioactive. Enough for a crate of them to set off radiation detectors at places like airports and nuclear power plants.

Not really dangerous though, unless I guess you ran when the police tried to stop you at the airport.

>> No.4203364



>> No.4203367


You can laugh all you want but those people (asians) are some of the biggest racists in the world. Hell, my dad even said to a black friend I brought home that he didn't want him to steal anything and sent him off home. It's pretty funny know I think about it.

>> No.4203378


Asians are also the biggest westernphiles in the world and would eat fish and milk all day every day if it meant they'd get white skin

>> No.4203379

I'm not saying asians are not racist, but that really does not qualify asians as being the biggest racists in the world.

>> No.4203384

Oh my gosh this. Unrelated to food, but I recently started dating a half-korean and the mother (married the glorious white man to make it to America) is one of the most racist people I've ever met.

>> No.4203464

Pineapple melts the flesh inside of your mouth

>> No.4203478

you consider pakistani asians? that's a broad use of the term

>> No.4203483

it's actually a correct use of the term.

>> No.4203482

acidic anything makes my mouth burn. if I eat a pineapple sloppily, I'll look like I have mouth herpes the next day.

>> No.4203495

I don't know about melting, but it sure fucking damages it.
I've had my mouth bleed on and off for days after eating a pineapple.

>> No.4203501

makes it an even broader statement to say aaaallll of asia are the biggest racists in the world. everywhere's pretty racist man

>> No.4203505

isn't pale skin a status symbol rather than a recent 'western' invention? I thought it was global knowledge that darker skin meant you were a laborer like, anywhere. isn't the caste system essentially based on skin color?

>> No.4203510

>Asians are also the biggest westernphiles

doesn't being from the east literally define asia as pretty much the only non-westerns, africans aside? since by 'asian' we're including central/western asians

>> No.4203511

It's enzymes dissolving your skin

>> No.4203514

no wonder it gives me herpes-lips

>> No.4203558

Phytoestrogens can act as estrogen if your estrogen levels are too low, or pretend to be estrogen to reduce your estrogen levels.

All they do is regulate your estrogen in your body. It'd only matter if you were a juicing sportsman.

>> No.4203588

This. One of my oldest friends is Indian and she grew up having to put all these Indian creams on her face in the morning to lighten her skin because they prefer paler skin. She used to gush about how beautiful she thinks I am because of my very pale skin.

>captcha: pale avelkee

>> No.4203609

Protip: if you eat a couple of nutmegs you will trip balls

don't fucking do it

>> No.4203678


This is why you salt pineapple slices first then rinse the salt off if you're eating fresh cut pineapple.

>> No.4203795

No, it's just disgusting.

>> No.4203806

I had a friend from Thailand who was a part of our exchange group, and her mom demanded she use (and even sent with her) a skin cream with bleachers in it over the summer. She didn't give a crap about being dark and didn't use it at all, so the day before we all left to go home she was basically pouring the stuff on people at random so she could take home an almost-empty container...

>> No.4205176


>cheese on a tuna sandwich

>> No.4205456

>>Faggot who has never ate fish chowder..

>> No.4205461

Another faggot who has never ate fish chowder.