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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 180 KB, 1024x768, RoastedVeggies24x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4296936 No.4296936 [Reply] [Original]

I gag when I eat vegetables, however they're cooked. Sometimes I even vomit

Yes, even if they're roasted, they're still disgusting as fuck

I guess I'm dying slowly

What do I do?

I even ate properly cooked vegetables at a restaurant, they're still disgusting and I had to go throw up.

I wish I was normal :(

I keep experimenting, the only vegetables I can eat are stewed carrots and green beans, cucumbers and salad

>> No.4296942

OP is a 6 year old

>> No.4296947

I'm 20.

I didn't eat veggies when I was a kid either but my mum gave up on me after trying to hard.

>> No.4296952

Probably some fucked up psychological power play with your mother manifested some neurotic phobia.

>> No.4296954

>trying to hard
Harding is silly. One should never hard.

>> No.4296958

Oh so I made a typo, how hilarious

>> No.4296971

Who says it's "normal" to eat vegetables?
Evolution suggests that people who need vegetables in their diets are descendant from foragers (ie shitty hunters).
Enjoy your superior genetics and family heritage.

>> No.4296974

My only advice would be to start integrating it with other things you enjoy.

Throw them on some pizza, etc.

You like mashed potatoes? Put some cooked cauliflower in a blender with a good amount of butter, salt, and pepper for a similar taste.

>> No.4296977

I'm not trying to be contrary, I've genuinely tried both of those things :/ veggies on pizza and mashed cauliflower

>> No.4296976


Evolution does NOT suggest that. Humans have always been omnivores, don't be an idiot.

All humans have common ancestry.

>> No.4296978

make salads using raw spinach. Tastes the same and is way healthier than lettuce.

>> No.4296980

Don't hate the player, hate the game, veggiefag.

>> No.4296995

get a juicer fag

>> No.4296998

This is a good idea.

Also, you could try pureeing spinach or something and adding it to smoothies.

>> No.4297000


I've had smoothies/juices before I'm afraid.

Is there really nothing else I can try?

>> No.4297007

afraid of what, that it will taste good and be absorbed quickly by your body, ya that makes me nervous too, so much that i shit myself

>> No.4297008

Smoothies/juices taste disgusting.

Is there anything else I can try?

>> No.4297011

Damn, man. I'm out of ideas. If you've really tried everything in the thread and you still can't stand veggies, you might just be screwed. At the very least, eat fruits, whole grains, and good protein to make up for it, and look into superfoods like chia and flax. You could make up a lot of lost nutrients that way.


>> No.4297013

you could try not being a pussy

>> No.4297017


Make it an unnoticeable part of the food, if you're making a pasta sauce, blend it up before adding it to other things.

Try blending up vegetables and then binding together homemade burgers with the resultant sauce.

You can add spinach to pesto, or make spinach tortillas.

What can you eat OP?

>> No.4297018

Yeah I can eat all sorts of fruit, never tried chia or flax before


>> No.4297021

stuff some garlic celery and onions to your burger meat you wont even notice it

>> No.4297032

>I guess I'm dying slowly

You should let nature take it's course. Frankly, I'm suprised you made it this far. I just hope you didn't have kids.

>> No.4297033

I haven't tried the pasta sauce thing, I'll give that a go

I eat mainly carbs and meat. I have no problem with dairy, mealt/poultry/fish, pasta, rice, potatoes, eggs

I can eat sweet potatoes, forgot to mention that in the OP

>> No.4297037

Oh, and brown lentils, and beans

>> No.4297069
File: 51 KB, 1100x1100, GivePeasAChance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't even eat peas? I could eat an entire bowl of peas right now. Bit of butter and garlic-salt. Yum.

Honestly just sounds like you're a picky eater. Find vegetables you can stomach and slowly add them into your food. Eventually you won't be a wuss. I used to be VERY similar. I'm 24, and refused to eat lettuce or spinach until about 3 years ago.

Make an omelet loaded with chicken and cheese, add some spinach and onion in there. Eat with salsa.

Make burgers, mix in chopped up green peppers, celery, and carrots with the meat.

A good chili can mask most anything if you don't think about it. Onions, shallots, carrots, tomatoes, celery, peppers, BEANS

And yeah, if you like sweet potatoes eat the fuck out of them, they're good for you. I just picked up 3 nice sized ones, gonna make some mashed potatoes with them.

And, this is just a guess, but cut out any junk food you eat. Of course real food is going to "taste gross" if you're eating fat/salt bombs at fast food places, eating bags of chips every day, and washing it all down with soda. Your taste buds don't stand a chance.

>> No.4297086

also corn is a good addition. Hominy as well.

Also what about Chinese food? Even when I was a youngster, at my pickiest, I would eat Moo-shu like no one's business. If anyone told me what was in it I'd freak.

>> No.4297106

>mum gave up
You're obviously not the most loved child on the board.
Keep trying until you can stand the taste or find something you like.

>> No.4297111

Eggs and chicken at the same time? That seems disgusting

Mother and child in one mouthful

>> No.4297116


>> No.4297122

Frill? It's really good. Especially with some spicy seasoned chicken strips - chili powder, cayenne, bit of cumin. P. jack cheese, some jalapenos. Yum.

>> No.4297132
File: 1019 KB, 4000x3000, stuffed bell peppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuffed bell-peppers are the shit. Try them OP. If making the pepper softer/chewier would help, just blanch/boil the peppers a bit longer before baking them with the stuffing.

>> No.4297136


>You can't even eat peas? I could eat an entire bowl of peas right now. Bit of butter and garlic-salt. Yum.

Peas are the worst offenders, they are absolutely disgusting, and I don't just gag when I have them I throw up in my mouth

>Make burgers, mix in chopped up green peppers, celery, and carrots with the meat.

Alright, I'll try that

I don't eat much junk food

Chinese food doesn't make me like the veggies, usually I pick them out (I did try them once though)

Ew, tried them

>> No.4297142
File: 46 KB, 460x360, peas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We talking puke-green stewed peas, or delicious crispy fresh peas?

>> No.4297145

Whichever way you cook them, they're nasty

>> No.4297148

just be a fucking man and eat them, after a month u will start to like the taste and you will start to feel human probably for the first time in your life

>> No.4297150

I'm trying this as soon as I get fresh bellpeppers. I fucking love them.

>> No.4297153

That's just a vomitfest, I'd end up in hospital or something.

>> No.4297156

in your heeeeaaaaaddddd in yo heeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaddddddd, ZOOOOOOMBIES ZOOOOOMBIES ZOOOOOMBAYHAYBAYHAY...

>> No.4297157

It's happened before, a whole week of vomiting and feeling like shit

>> No.4297165
File: 43 KB, 546x600, 1360510912111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like you make me kind of sad, OP. Not a personal attack, I just feel bad for you. What happens when you go out on a dinner date, and your woman realizes she's dating a gigantic pussy who can't eat peas?

What happens when you're out to lunch with your boss, and you have to be a picky little bitch when you order? You will lose all respect with that person.

Do you realize how offensive it will be, when you are the guest at someone's dinner party, and you refuse to eat half of what they cooked for you because "it's icky"?

You seriously need to consider manning up.

>> No.4297167

it sounds like you like sweet fruits and vegetables, so maybe you can't take the slight bitterness of other vegetables. do drink coffee?

>> No.4297173

Well that's alright I'm an unemployed recluse with no friends (and a girl)

It would be more embarrassing if I ate the food at the dinner party/lunch meeting and threw up in front of the other person.

>> No.4297175

i find it hard to believe that eating a red bell pepper will end up sending you to the hospital violently vomiting, just pull up your big boy pants and suck it up jesus christ, if i was your mum i wouldn;t have just given up on you, i would have brought you around back and fuck you with a rubber mallet till the pussy was fucked out of you

>> No.4297176

I don't. I don't mind it, don't want to make it a regular habit though

>> No.4297177

Just blend some together into a soup, sheesh.

>> No.4297179

well, it sounds like you only like sweet vegetables, or light green ones. maybe try mixing a small amount of the vegetables you can't eat with the ones you can, and slowly increase how much you add. mix salads with other green leafy vegetables.

>> No.4297180

I meant if I vomited day after day eventually it would take its toll

>> No.4297181

so let me get this straight, you have no problem sliding te shit chicken and eggs and other meat that is raided on hormones and arsenic that cant even walk because their breasts are too large and they sit around in their own and others chickens shit ... put you gag when an organic carrot is set in front of you ... best bet is to fuck yourself with said carrot

>> No.4297185

I can eat carrots (I said so in the OP)

>> No.4297186

then fuck yourself with a parsnip ... i dont fucking care

>> No.4297190

so you cant eat a carrot raw, it must be stewed ... try stop being a five year old pussy and just eat the fucking things... or stop bitching and die 30 years earlier who gives a fuck

>> No.4297191


I'd suggest a bitter melon. Spiked for her pleasure.

>> No.4297193

This, you gigantic faggot.

Anything strongly flavored like spaghetti sauce will mask the flavor, and one of the two forms of blender will destroy the texture. You won't be able to tell they're there.

>> No.4297194

I don't think you know what omnivore means.

>> No.4297199

...Soups taste of vegetables, they are disgusting

I haven't tried putting them in pasta sauces though.

>> No.4297208

Not all soups taste of vegetables, just vegetable soups taste of vegetables.Continue to expand your horizons, and either grow sufficient balls to control your palate (instead of allowing your palate to control you) like the rest of us or please agree to never reproduce.

Lastly, eating your limited selection of veggies is sufficient for good health. Salad is a big one. Maybe throw in a multivitamin if you're worried.

>> No.4297252

If you blend them into a soup they'll still taste like vegetables

I'm trying to expand my horizons, but the steps given are just too big, and the more I vomit the more I hate it

>> No.4297279

>f you blend them into a soup they'll still taste like vegetables

OK, sure, if you put a bunch of veggies in a pot of water and blend it then yeah it will taste like veggies, but if you SEASON your soup and you use proper stock then it's an easy way to get veggie-haters to like them.

>> No.4297286

I've had proper soups with stocks and seasoning, you can taste the veggies in it.

>> No.4297316


Take vitamin pills. Problem solved.

>> No.4297328

No, you can't get phyto-whatnots from pills.

>> No.4297330

Alright everyone, lets just agree to stop bumping this thread.

Op is either a troll, a genetic defect, or an omega level pussy not willing to put in the necessary suffering to grow his 12 year old palate. He has one legit solution idea, that's enough.

>> No.4297337
File: 44 KB, 814x500, 1267569113531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I refuse to eat vegetables
>what do I do?

Eat something else you dumb bitch. You won't even eat soup, the fuck do you expect us to tell you?

>> No.4297345

>never had a smoothie
>never drank juice
What the fuck man

>> No.4297350

I'm not afraid of suffering, I've been through a lot of experimentation and vomiting, that's how I know I can eat stewed carrots and green beans.

I eat it and promptly eject it

I have no idea, maybe there's some way to eat veggies I've never head of

>> No.4297353


What are your opinions on vitamins here to make up lost nutrients like a multivitamin?

>> No.4297359

pills can't give you all the nutrients you'd get from veggies.

>> No.4297363
File: 63 KB, 611x600, Combinpedal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always better to eat the food that has it instead of taking pills. Nasty shit happens when you don't get enough nutrients. Pic related. I have an autoimmune disease that causes severe protein deficiency which leads to shit like this.

>> No.4297368

This guy.

This fucking guy.

Listen to him and man the fuck up or die like the weakling you are.

>> No.4297377


If I'm already a worthless sack of shit who doesn't eat nearly enough veggies it won't hurt to take the vitamins though right?

>> No.4297381

My advice would be to see a doctor.

>> No.4297395

ahahahaha faggot!

>> No.4297611
File: 71 KB, 604x603, 1304031678989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vomited almost every time I ate or drank anything for 3 years before getting a diagnosis of what was wrong with me. You know what I did when I threw up? I tried eating something else, and I kept doing that because I'm not a pussy.
If you can even just manage to not throw up 100% of what you eat it's a step and you will like veggies more over time. We can recommend all sorts of ways to make it EASIER but at the end of the day if you just refuse to eat like some man-child because it doesn't taste good then you're hopeless.

>> No.4297622

OP is a genetically inferior human. Just let him die slowly from malnutrition. Natural selection at work.

>> No.4297634

Just eat them anyways. Seriously stop being such a baby. The gagging reflex is all psychological, it's not actually caused by the vegetables.

>> No.4297657

A little bit off topic but I have no idea how the fuck to do anything in the kitchen outside of boiling water for pasta, what would be a recipe for the beautiful roasted veggies in OP's picture!?

I would love to do that with some potatos, mushrooms, peppers, onions, ect. like in the picture.

>> No.4297663

>cut up dem veggies
>toss in olive oil
>season with whatever
>put in the oven until they're done

Look around online for exact temp/time depending on what you're cooking.

>> No.4297664

what the fuck is your problem? are you a fucking child? you sicken me. stop being a pussy and eat some goddamn vegetables like a man!

>> No.4297672

You had canned veggies or fresh/frozen?

>> No.4297680

Well look guys, I had a piece of tomato and spat it out

I tried again a few hours later and actually threw up this time.

I feel like shit and I hate tomatoes more.

>> No.4297687

what the fuck has to happen in your life for something like this to happen. I've heard of people being picky but this is just unreal.

I'm not used to advocating self harm or any hatred, but jesus christ man. It's all in your head.

>> No.4297702

Well, shitty factory farm tomatoes do taste bad.

>> No.4297704
File: 96 KB, 500x340, tumblr_miw3b5hJcs1s0vvglo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't "put it in your mouth" like a fucking child in a high-chair and bib, SWALLOW IT and try to keep down as much as you can.
Are you getting shitty vegetables or are you really just a big baby who can't eat food because your parents didn't love you enough to feed you anything beyond the most basic/easy food?

>> No.4297710

I did swallow it the second time, and then it came out

Ok then, where in London can I get good tasting vegetables, if supermarket ones aren't good.

>> No.4297722

See a therapist. Also, I bet if you had a feeding tube full of pureed vegetables you wouldn't vomit once. You're just psychotic.

>> No.4297726
File: 83 KB, 500x362, 1362196625714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're honestly throwing up, there's a possibility that there is something physically wrong with you. Go see a doctor.

But it sounds like you're just a picky little cry-baby. You're acting like a melodramatic 10 year old faking sick over finishing his plate. Why did you bother making and posting in this thread if you're just going to complain and shoot down every suggestion given to you? Did you expect us to let you in on the secret hamburger-sprouts that only /ck/ knows about?

11/10 yes I'm mad, plus I bet you're fat.

>> No.4297731
File: 155 KB, 750x607, 1358962648207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google "farmers markets in whereeverthefuckmanchildoplives" or "organic market" or any other bullshit term that is kinda close to what you want. Just looking up info on how to tell quality of different foods can help even if you are limited to shitty markets.

Holy shit, can you not even look up basic information on the web? I'm honestly a bit worried that you may be developmentally stunted and that picky eating is likely the least of your problems.

>> No.4297734

Shut up, your body doesn't give a shit about vegetables you are just acting like a child. I've seen small children happily eating a bolognese and then upon finding out it has small pieces of mushroom in it insist that they are going to be sick and start gagging despite being absolutely fine before they knew they were eating food they thought was icky. You are acting like a small child.

>> No.4297746

I didn't shoot down every suggestion, there are a couple that I said I would try. The others I've tried before

I know fuck all about farmers markets, instead of counting on luck it would have been nice to be told where the good places are

Eh? That's not what I do

If I can tolerate a vegetable I won't say I hate it after finding out what's in it. That's why through experimenting I found out I can eat carrots, green beans, lentils, sweet potatoes etc etc.

>> No.4297756

Look for vine-ripened truss tomatoes at the supermarket if you can't find anything better, but your best bet is to buy food from hipster breeding grounds like >>4297731 said.

I think that you've successfully gained a taste aversion to vegetables that's gotten much worse because your family put up with your shit. Try eating very small pieces of fresh vegetables a couple of times a day until it goes away, never big enough to make you throw up. If you can't eat a 1cm cube of tomato then you need to harden the fuck up.

>> No.4297767

>instead of counting on luck it would have been nice to be told where the good places are

What a rude, lazy fatty you are.

>> No.4297773

Thanks for the suggestion

Rude? Hmm.

It's not laziness, I just don't want to waste travel money trying out different markets if I can help it.

>> No.4297781
File: 156 KB, 640x640, 1309985037792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, ok now I'm think you're a troll or legitimately autistic or something.

> instead of counting on luck it would have been nice to be told where the good places are

You want ME, to go look up farmers markets and the like for you, with no more specific an area than "london".
Go fuck yourself, learn to google, I'm done offering help.

>> No.4297786

If you're not from London and don't go to farmer's markets, you can't give me a recommendation, can you? Why would I expect one from you.

>> No.4297799

Stop being such a lazy cunt and do your own research.

>> No.4297805

just kill yourself

>> No.4297807
File: 23 KB, 405x270, 1288362648663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can't imagine anyone wanting to give you helpful suggestions at this point.
You refuse to do any research or work yourself.
I'm surprised some troll hasn't already given you the address of a great farmers market right down murder ally in the worst part of the city since you don't seem to have the critical thinking skills to not become a darwin award receiver.

>> No.4297812

I used to hate a lot of vegetables since my mother only fed us shit. Then I stopped overreacting and just ate stuff I didn't like before until I liked it.

>> No.4297841

>eat delicious fruits
>ignore disgusting vegetables made by the devil himelf
>live a happy life full of happiness
You are welcome op, don't share this secret with other people. It won't be fun anymore if everybody is happy.

>> No.4297851

I can't believe anyone would actively be trying to eat vegetables, and simply are overcome by throwing up once they are down in their stomach.

Honestly thats just stupid. I haven't thrown up in years. You are making yourself do it.

>> No.4297860

There are good vegetables too, like all that unknown stuff that is in chinese food. Or this stuff that they do in sauces for delicious meat.

>> No.4297865

I do the opposite and am probably happier than you are.

>> No.4297868

I am twice as happy as you are

>> No.4297871

Really, not even mushrooms?

>> No.4297873

I can do my own research, I can google farmer's markets and go to a few of them, but you know things are easier and cheaper when you get recommendations

I'd even quote Neil Gaiman on what he has to say on the matter but there's no point

>> No.4297876


NO I am!

>> No.4297881


>> No.4297883


Which veggies have you tried so far? Could you make up a long list for us so we can help you with recommendations?

>> No.4297886


DO you disagree or something? Link me to something that says they can almost perfectly substitute veggies and I will start taking them constantly.

>> No.4297892

Juice them, with a piece of fruit or two mixed it. ive been doing it for a couple months now and my palate is already changed. i can handlethe taste of way more than i used to be able to

>> No.4298360

Deep fried cauliflower?

>> No.4298460

OP, you should probably see a doctor. Looks like your problem isn't culinary but rather medical.

>> No.4298477

ping your still here i thought i told you to go fuck your mother

>> No.4298507

try juicing dude. get a good juicer and drop this in:

4 cups carrot
1 large sweet potato
3 cm ginger nub

best shit in the world.