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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4294357 No.4294357 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4294358

it's not vegan. it's got honey in it.

>> No.4294362

It's still fucking revolting all these raw food fags need to die.

>> No.4294364

revolting it is indeed. they didn't add any chili.

>> No.4294365

That doesn't sound too bad actually.

>> No.4294368

I hate vegans just as much as the next guy, but that doesn't look too bad. I fucking love the taste of avocados, and spicing it with raw cacao and such could be quite good.

>> No.4294369

>B-but they are eating things I don't want to eat
>they should only eat what I want to eat

why the fuck do you care? You are far worse than any dietist. Kill yourself.

>> No.4294370

Don't get me wrong, I dislike vegans for the same reasons I dislike other religious nuts...

But I don't see anything wrong with the recipe. Avocados are good. Chocolate is good. Cacao nibs are good. Honey is good.

I've never combined them together so I can't really pass judgement on the final product, but I'd try it.

>> No.4294374

I don't think it is bad at all. Have you every had an avocado milkshake at a Vietnamese place? They are amazing.

>> No.4294376

My friend made a avocado-chocolate cream once. She nearly puked.

>> No.4294383 [DELETED] 

I'm vegan, and I consider raw foodists to be a problem only to themselves - but the problem is going to solve itself since they're dying because of what they do not eat. <3

>> No.4294398

that sounds pretty good actually

>> No.4294434

>still making these threads

fuck off you man-child

>> No.4294435

A: That's not vegan.
B: I dunno, sweet avocado? It's so delicious with tomatos and salt on some fresh bread

>> No.4294438

>sweet avocado?

Believe it or not, it's actually pretty good. I've had avocado icecream and was surprised at how good it was.

>> No.4294446

All right, I'll give it a shot once avocado season comes around

>> No.4294451

What kinda honey is that? It's opaque.

I know shit about honey, anyone help me out here?

>> No.4294452
File: 100 KB, 682x400, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried some red velvet cupcakes that used avacado in them instead of milk/butter
fucking disgusting shit
almost gagged after one bite

>> No.4294485

coconut honey

>> No.4294491

>Raw chocolate mousse
Cocoa powder isn't raw, you have to cook and ferment cocoa beans to get cocoa powder

>> No.4294492

or, you know, just creamy, crystallized honey?

>> No.4294497

i don't think raw foodists eat honey...

>> No.4294498

Why does that honey look like frosting
Damn I want frosting honey

>> No.4294500

wtf are you talking about, that's coconut honey

>> No.4294504

This could easily be made with silken tofu instead of avocado if the avocado grosses you out. No idea how good either would taste though.

>> No.4294506

TIL that americans don't know untreated honey


>> No.4294514

We pasteurize everything in America. Milk, honey, meat, salad, children... All of it must be safe for consumption and free of bacteria.

>> No.4294519

TIL nonamericans have never heard of COCOnut honey

>> No.4294524

Matter of fact, I haven't. What is it? And what makes you think that the stuff in OP's pic is cocounut honey

>> No.4294531

color, viscosity, and the recipe in the picture

>> No.4294534

Americans are only served honey from clovers. Specifically four leaf clovers. We believe honey to be magical and it's part of our culture that the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow in fact referred to honey. Beekeepers are required to look like Leprechauns and it is not illegal to kill a beekeeper to take all their honey if they refuse to give it to you if a rainbow falls on the location of their honey.

>> No.4294551


Bluemental makes a vegan chocolate mousse with chocolate and water.

>> No.4294570

>implying farmers markets don't have this by the gallon in the U.S

>> No.4294582

I buy a good couple jars every year from the farmers market.

>> No.4294585
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I really don't wanna start a flame war, but all those three things can easily apply to crystallized honey And not to the one pic I found of coconut honey (not actually honey).

>> No.4294591

top post,
these vagen haters are a minority and pure scum

>> No.4294592

>picture just says "honey"

>> No.4294620
File: 27 KB, 250x286, form-whipped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So just to clarify to everyone, Thats not coconut honey. I mean its possible. But from the look of it i would say its whipped honey.
>Pic very very very related
Now shut up about the coconut honey you tards rofl

>> No.4294762

see this guys, its raw fags

>> No.4294778

>avocado, cacao powder, and honey
This sounds awful.

>> No.4294781

I just counter the all raw vegans by eating chunks of flesh straight off the cow.
it hasnt even been slaughtered yet, theres just pieces missing.

>> No.4294790

Why not use a blended banana instead?

>> No.4294798

>go to vegan restaurant
good lord.

>> No.4294800

Because a banana and an avocado are not the same things.

>> No.4294814


>> No.4294824

Honey and avocado aren't the same thing as cream yet this recipe uses them to create "mousse". Why not use something that won't taste like ass?

>> No.4294826

If someone's looking for something to use to get the texture of chocolate mousse, a banana's flavor won't affect the mixture much, while an avocado can.

If they wanted avocado chocolate well, more power to them I guess?

>> No.4294838

>a banana's flavor won't affect the mixture much
Are you retarded?

>Why not use something that won't taste like ass?
So you have never had an avocado milkshake before and think that something new is automatically icky and weird? Grow up fag and talk to me when your balls drop.

>> No.4294839
File: 7 KB, 229x220, Erin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> go to vegan restaurant
> Order a bacon cheeseburger
> Sorry sir, this is a vegan restaurant
> My mistake. Ill just get a normal cheeseburger then.
> We don't serve animal products here.
> oh, I though vegan was a country?
> ...........


>> No.4294840
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Typical Amerifat logic

>> No.4294852

I only dislike vegans when they're preachy about it, or when they expect me to bend over backwards to accommodate them. If they don't bother me, I don't bother them.

And even as a non-veggie myself, some vegan food is pretty good, especially a lot of Indian stuff. It can start to get kind of gross when they try to emulate non-vegan food (i.e. veggie burgers, tofu hotdogs, etc.), but even some of that isn't too bad. The recipe posted doesn't look horrible. I'd try it at least.

>> No.4294855

WOW have you been to SAF restaurant, London? it's epic

easy my fave vegan restaurant in London

>> No.4294858

When did I say avocados are anything new? It's known objective fact that avocados taste like asshole. I don't think mixing it with chocolate will fix that.

>> No.4294857
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>> No.4294865
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>avocados are new

>> No.4294868

This is a load of shit. I've tasted both avocados and asshole, and they taste nothing alike.

>> No.4294869

but...avocado tastes good...

>> No.4294872

Apparently the use of avocados beyond a burger topping or guacamole is new to you.

>> No.4294878
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>> No.4294881

I dunno, it seems like in the past couple years suddenly everyone is dickriding avocados like they're some sort of magical fruit. They are nothing new or interesting at all, despite what faggots want to believe.

>> No.4294883
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>to me
>implying I was the person you were even arguing
>implying I'm not just pointing out that you're a trendy fucktard that thinks avocados are new and meat is bad for you

>> No.4294887

When did I say avocados were new?

When did I say meat was bad?

I am an avid hunter and fisherman, but nice insecurity there.

>> No.4294888

What, you fags have something against eating raw foods? Fucking get over yourselves.

>> No.4294893

>/ck/ - Food and COOKING
I prefer my food cooked.

>> No.4294894
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I thought this thread was for the taste combination here between avocado and cacao which is nothing similar to mousse

>> No.4294897

I've made avocado chocolate pudding before, but not like OPs. It was smooth and super creamy and tastes just like chocolate pudding. I like it because I'm allergic to dairy (break out in rashes all over), so it's a nice treat for me. I don't bother with the whole raw/vegan/organic crap though. I use good quality chocolate, and turbinado sugar, and a little vanilla. And I blend the fuck out of it in a food processor so it's whipped and creamy.

>> No.4294906

You were implying it was new to add them to different foods

>> No.4294975

I'm just baffled by why this is any more raw than a normal mousse. Maybe because the author can't get unpasteurised milk or something?

>> No.4295004

>think "wait, milk here is pasteurized at 60-some-odd degrees"
>look up raw foodism
>40-46 degrees
What the holy nigger fuck? I can get cheap micro-filtered milk here and while it's unusually delicious I fail to see the problem with low temperature pasteurization.

>> No.4295170

> en-joy
> en
> -
> joy


>> No.4295187

Possibly the only benefit of living in/near a small Texas town - easy accessibility to raw honey.

>> No.4295208


Why would you assume this is a rural thing only? There's a demand for raw local honey nearly everywhere, you just have to know where to look.

>> No.4295218
File: 33 KB, 460x276, 1317696725600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there are no vegan recipes on this board, just arguments

>> No.4295223

Go be vegan somewhere else.

>> No.4295231

I will.

>> No.4295232

90% of threads are about burgers, 90% of board usage is by American's

go figure.

>> No.4295236

I'd be cool with vegans if they weren't as bad as door to door mormon missionaries.

>> No.4295246

I have never suggested to anyone to become a vegan, infact it's always been the other way around.

>> No.4295258

Where the fuck is the bacon???

>> No.4295275

eating vegan and/or raw is one of the most intelligent choices you can make. it's good for health directly and indirectly, both yours and others'. you're stupid.

>> No.4295303

Eating raw is absolutely nonsensical. We aren't cows.

>> No.4295319

>we aren't cows
yet i bet you drink milk.
food loses nutrients when cooked. did you not know this?

>> No.4295325

that looks like ass

I hope it tastes better than it looks

>> No.4295333

>food loses nutrients when cooked. did you not know this?
Yeah, and we can't access those nutrients when the food is raw because we don't have four fucking stomachs.

>> No.4295336
File: 49 KB, 459x429, 1333086770113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, get educated.
Our bodies are meant to eat both cooked and raw foods. We absorb more nutrients from certain foods in their cooked forms than when they're raw. You really need to do something about your ignorance before you start typing nonsense.

>> No.4295367
File: 33 KB, 274x409, GTFO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meant to
stopped reading here. appealing to biological teleology is the surest sign of a dull mind.

>> No.4295372

lol @ u

>> No.4295384

naw u

>> No.4295390

God giveth the appendix, and God taketh it away again, and then God giveth it back but in a role which helps the large intestine recover from diarrhea.

>> No.4295399
File: 1.60 MB, 350x197, 1330810646049.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking nitwit. Only an insipid and "dull" mind would refuse to learn new information based on their own self-subscribed superiority. I see you're committed to doing your part to hold back the human race, nincompoop.

>> No.4295401


>the surest sign of a dull mind

There are much stupider things people can do than appeal to nature.

>> No.4295404

please go here

>> No.4295408

People sure get angry when their life choices get judged on the internet.

>> No.4295438

na bro coco nibs are hella gross taste like chewy poop

>> No.4295452

It's raw honey.

>> No.4295463

Where can I purchase one of these pasteurized children?

>> No.4296206

lol, chocomole

>> No.4296268
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>> No.4296291



>> No.4296344

I live in Portland and pretty much every restaurant here has a vegetarian and/or vegan option. So why the fuck don't vegetarian/vegan places have a meat option?

>> No.4296363


If it is honey from bees, then it's not vegan.

But creamed honey does look just like that, it's great stuff.

>> No.4296368

because normal restaurants are businesses and vegetarian restaurants are actually propaganda outfits

>> No.4296832
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no its creamed honey

>> No.4296836

because then it wouldn't be a vegetarian/vegan restaurant to begin with?

>> No.4296839

What fruit goes best with chocolate, GO

My pick: bananas.

>> No.4296841

My sister does teh retarded paleo diet and has tried to make our family eat this shit.

No joke, this is the devil's faeces. Avoid at all costs.

>> No.4296843


>> No.4296844

what about lycopene in tomatoes?

>> No.4296854
File: 50 KB, 640x640, 56678011_H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's set honey. Not as popular as regular because it has the consistency of snot.

If you want that honey without the runny, set honey is for you.


>> No.4296856


>> No.4296869

In my country there is this one boy who is seriously 30cm smaller then people normaly are at his age... doctors said he had the growing curve of a starving kid in Africa... Why you ask? because his mother thinks its way more healthy to only give him raw vegan food... FUCK vegans and fuck their unnatural way of life!

>> No.4296883

>In my country there is this one boy
So everyone in the country knows this boy? He's famous country wide?

>> No.4296901

Not that guy, but yes he is, a documentary was made about him, where a woman with a camera followed him and his mother around. his mother seriously compared eating animal protein to doing heroin. (his name is Tom)

>> No.4296919

Your country must eat shit and lack basic food standards, in my country there are many vegan children right from birth who have excellent health.

>> No.4296933

I just don't get veggies/vegans.

You don't want to eat animal products, but you purposely buy or mold your food to look like ours.

The fuck? Do you want to enjoy the real deal or not?

>> No.4296946

>but you purposely buy or mold your food to look like ours.

This is just for those in transition generally.

>> No.4296951

I don't buy those foods as they taste like ass, but I can't see how it would be a problem if I did. I don't eat meat because I don't like the treatment of animals. It's a win/win if I'd like that stuff.

>> No.4296964


Meat eaters will have a body full of acidy solutions (not the same acid as fruits)

Vegans body will be alkaline and mucus free.

>> No.4296984


>Vegans body will be alkaline and mucus free.

you think that is good? to be dried up?

big surprise there. you vegans hate life itself.

>> No.4296986

What's wrong with treating animals? I'm vegan by the way.

>> No.4296987

>alkaline = dried up

You just went full retard.

>> No.4296992


>You just went full retard.

ha ha i like how you skipped over the "mucus free" part.

clearly you don't have a hot girlfriend.

>> No.4296997 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4296999 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4297009

In this vegan thread I smell lots of mormon door knocking meat-eaters who clearly seem butt hurt.

why can't they live and let live. instead of pushing the meat eating religion.

>> No.4297015


are you looking for >>>/b/

>> No.4297022

Why are you posting Deadpool on /ck/?

>> No.4297048 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4297084

I'm vegan most of the time. Wife makes almond milk for our coffee, and I cook vegan at home twentysome days of the month. Making vegan food delicious is more of a challenge than cooking with meat, butter, cream, cheese, bone stocks, etc., but it can be done. You just have to get your skills up to the task.

I'll even have friends over for dinner, and they rave about the meals I make. Many don't even realize they're eating vegan until they're stuffed at the end of the evening.

I do it for health - I'm a middle aged fuck who used to be overweight, and had to take pills for both blood pressure and cholesterol. The combination of lifting and a mostly vegan diet has made me trim, and gotten me off the pills entirely. Wife's looks have improved on this diet as well, so she loves it.

When we go out or visit friends we eat meat, and enjoy the fuck out of it, because we're both lovers of good food. But we consider it a treat, not an every day (or even every week) thing.

No reason to be dogmatic about one's diet.

>> No.4297094

>Mucus free
So they're going to die?

>> No.4297104

mucus clogs up cells, vegans generally life longer than none vegans.
mucus leads to calcification - cancer.

>> No.4297110

Your body's pH is QUITE efficiently buffered. Your diet won't do shit to it, and there's no truth in the acidic/alkaline body talk.

>mucus leads to calcification - cancer.
Oh my god please tell me you're trolling.

>> No.4297112


Given that mucus is a combination of multiple different cells, how can mucus get inside a cell to "clog it up".

Also, what does mucus have to do with calcification? It doesn't contain any calcium.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.4297123

I never said mucus contains calcium, it's the oxidants process that dairy and meat products spark.

>> No.4297129

This is true. I'm the mostly vegan anon from a few posts ago. The only time I get a stuffed up nose or wake up with sand in my eyes is after I have meat or dairy.

>> No.4297163
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>Mucus clogs up cells, leads to cancer

>> No.4297205

FOOD and cooking
>implying uncooked food isn't food.
Eat a dick and i'm glad your dad got cancer.

>> No.4297211
File: 606 KB, 1024x768, Tulips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. More people are vegan than people assume. People are just looking for excuses to compensate their inferiority complexes. Here's a picture of some tulips.

>> No.4297223

>no animals ever!

Do they eat products that have been pollinated by bees?

>> No.4297254

>Implying vegans hate animals/don't want anything to do with them. The reason that people use shitty arguments against vegans is that, unlike vegans, non-vegans assume they know and argue from that, where as vegans are experienced in arguing their cause. Just sayin' and your argument does not make sense, or is any good.

>> No.4297265

It was just a question. Sorry.

>> No.4297277

No, you tried to prove hypocrisy with a non-sensical argument. Does not matter if it is a debate about vegans, america vs europe, knives or bitches. Think before you write.

>> No.4297303

I'm actually legitimately curious. Where does pollen fall? Also, what about fertilizer?

>> No.4297342

When bees fly from flower to flower to collect pollen they spread it to other flowers giving them the ability to multiply.
Inorganic fertilizer is made of phosphate and lime. It is just as bad to the environment as organic fertilizer. Where i live, organic fertilizer has made tap-water undrinkable some places because of organic fertilizer (basically shit) has hit the ground water. It all comes to using fertilizer responsibly.

>> No.4297355

I know about the process of pollination, but I was just curious of what one would think of bees pollinating farmed crops rather than wild plant life.

The fertilizer one is tricky, I think. As you've said, we are poisoning ground water because of the sheer amount of it causing nitrate contamination and fucking up the water table.

>> No.4297512

>honey isn't vegan

it's only partial the amount of fertilizer. the biggest mistake is the wrong time to fertilize. you have to apply the fertilizer when the soil is ready to assimilate it (eg after rainfall in fall before a drier period, rain mustn't wash it out).

>> No.4297517

OP is probably the one who has been posting the recent McDonalds threads
fucking fat manchild, go away.

>> No.4297870


no calcium no b12 no omega3-6
very low iron

>> No.4297893

Why do you hate vegans? That's fucking childish.

>> No.4297908
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Ask most people about the best source of calcium and they will probably say "cow's milk". Cow's milk does contain calcium but, as we have seen, calcium needs sufficient vitamin D in order to be properly utilised by the body and cow's milk actually contains very little vitamin D. In the USA most cow's milk is actually fortified with added vitamin D to enable the body to absorb more of the calcium that the milk contains.

One of the very best sources of calcium is tofu whilst others include vegetables such as curly kale, okra, horseradish and watercress. You can also get significant amounts from red kidney beans, soya beans, petit pois, broccoli, cabbage, celery and parsnips too.

>b12 no
Fortified Cereals, Fortified Soymilk and Tofu ext

flax seeds and walnuts are excellent food sources of omega-3 fatty acids ext

>very low iron
Squash and Pumpkin Seeds
Nuts (Cashew, Pine, Hazelnut, Peanut, Almond)
Beans and Pulses (White Beans, Lentils)
Whole Grains, Fortified Cereals, and Bran
Dark Leafy Greens (Spinach, Swiss Chard)
Dark Chocolate and Cocoa Powder

The Top 10 High Iron Foods by Nutrient Density (Iron per Gram)
Dried Herbs (Thyme, Parsley, Spearmint, Black Pepper, Marjoram)

>> No.4297912

Please go and stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.4297917


lel. I find it hilarious that vegans *have* to life off supplements if they want to be healthy.

>> No.4297921

We don't live off of supplements. They're there to help.

>> No.4297926


Actually it's only b12, the reason here is because supermarkets wash all veggies in cloride and this removes the B12 bacteria from the veggie that we otherwise would have got

>> No.4297934

true we dont live in a vegan world, but we are getting bigger and more catered for

>> No.4297943

And live 10 years longer than you.

>> No.4297950

I take supplements because my diet mostly consists of McDonalds.

>> No.4297970

Point is, as a meat eater you don't HAVE to. Vegans do.

>> No.4297982

The majority of people per head with vitimin deficiencies are meat eaters.

>> No.4297990


the amount of B12 active generating bacteria on the surface of plants is biologically irrelevant, washed or not you aren't getting B12 because its simply not in a pure vegan diet, unless you're eating dirty tubers or roots but then its in the dirt not the plant

it can be added in a non-animal product fashion, kombucha is often a fairly high in B12, depending on the active strains in the mother and various fermented black teas are ready suppliers though the subsequent aging tends to eliminate the active B12

>> No.4297997

The point is lost with you.

>> No.4298004


yeah but that often isn't "the meat" that does it but more because they live on a fast food diet, the rest of us omnivores with a real balanced diet do just fine

>> No.4298009

I made several points here how requirements are fulfilled

>> No.4298018

A person does'nt need much B12, too much will turn up as gout, vegans get enough but it's the meat eater who is at risk of a diet that is too rich in protien and vits leading to complications.

>> No.4298214

OP's picture isn't vegan because it uses honey.

>> No.4298264

Raw isn't Vegan, as many have said.

That also doesn't sound too bad, but it ain't fuckin' mousse.

>> No.4298265

love that image
fucking lazy nigger starving to death because of his laziness

>tfw blacks are the fattest demographic in the US

>> No.4298361
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Bananas usually fall apart when I try to fondue 'em.

Oranges are best as chocolate oranges. I've never had an orange dipped in chocolate before.

My vote either goes to chocolate-dipped strawberries, or these fuckers.

>> No.4298452

Is /ck/ just /v/ but with food?

>> No.4298454


>> No.4298472

Did you try freezing the bananas first?

>> No.4299545



>> No.4299561

The animals are not producing B12 unilaterally, they get B12 from what they eat and that's grasses fruit and veg, all unwashed.

I am a vegan since 2002 never taken supplements and my blood tests are generally always perfect.

>> No.4299562
File: 1.35 MB, 400x400, Get Out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, /ck/ is far more pedantic
that said, we have enough shitposters here, so if you're new,
get out.

>> No.4299598

Vegan here as well. what I find funny is that people who are preachy about their diets tend to be assholes regardless of whether they are eating meat or a vegan diet, however because meat eating is an accepted part of the dominant ideology such preaching is not an issue for people. No one seems to have a problem with the "beef, it's whats for dinner" billboards but god forbid someone says "a diet based in vegetables is a healthy alternative".

Doesn't matter in either case: if you're diet is heavily based in industrial foods of any sort you're nutritionally fucked. That's why all the processed shit is fortified: global capitalism raped all the naturally occurring nutrients of both plants and animals in favor of mono cultures and genetic engineering

>> No.4299610

>ruining cocoa with avocado

That shit tastes like buttered grass, I don't understand how anyone can actually enjoy it unless they have a genetic disposition where they can't taste things everyone else does