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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4397668 No.4397668 [Reply] [Original]

does growing up manlnourished stunt both your body and mind?

I existed of peanut butter n white bread sandwhiches. mcdoubles and cans of spaggettios up until about 18 when my diet slowly started to expand. at 25 i eat a pretty healthy, (still limited) diet but no matter how much i work out i max out at 5'8" 165lbs, and i feel pretty dumb.

does growing up malnourished also affect the development of your brain?

does it also afffect, susceptability to injury, rate of recovery and rate of aging? rate of maturity?

>> No.4397671

Of course it does.

>> No.4397697

so i am inferior?

>> No.4397700

Inferior to what you would have been with a proper diet, yes. Your potential was less fulfilled than it could have been.

>> No.4397705

No change of diet is going to point out to you where the shift key is, unfortunately.

>> No.4397707

I'm wondering this too. When I was a kid my parents allowed me to be ridiculously picky (as in.... eating nothing but chicken nuggets and biscuits) and never forced me to eat anything else. It wasn't until age 14 that I ate my first fucking vegetable. I eat normally now but fuck you, parents. They just saw it as a benefit to them because they never had to cook, lazy bastards.

>> No.4397708

the fact that you are asking this question probably omits retardation

so at least there's that...

>> No.4397739

Not necessarily
Think of it more along the lines that you'll never be able to live to your potential

>> No.4397743

I wish I ate healthier food, but I just can't get motivated.

>> No.4397748

You can try juicing
Prep, juicing, consumption and cleanup can be 10-30 minutes(depending on what fruits and veggies you use)

>> No.4397766

so yes, this did affect the development of my brain, cuase i really feel way more aspie than everyone else

anyone here know a lot of girls and can confirm that annorexic girls are by far dumber?

>> No.4397780


How? It doesn't even taken any effort, just stop buying shitty food and buy some good food instead. If you require motivation for THAT, then you don't really wish you ate healthier

>> No.4397788

anorexic guy and im pretty stupid tbh

>> No.4397789

I know a couple, and for the most part before they got sick, they used to be smarter than average. But yeah they're pretty stupid now because it's fucking hard to concentrate when you're constantly hungry.

>> No.4397790
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mental knowledge and instinct are two different things, my body sometimes cries for vegetables, but most of the time it wants nothing but salt fat and savory stuff, and carbs. (ironically I have an aversion to sweets for some reason though.)

OP the best thing to do is to make something where you'll eat a lot of vegetables and find them delicious. because of the other ingredients. for example, next time instead of making mash potatoes and gravy with some vegies on the side, dice those onions and brussle sprouts and mix them in with your potatoes and gravy. next time you have creamy alfrado, pour in the pees carrots onion and or asparagus instead of just chicken. next time you go for prime rib use a sharp nice and slice it in half, slip in something green like a sandwich and a little bit of your potato gravy. Make lots of delicious soups which are savory, and load them with lentils beans and veggies. make some okonomiyaki, its got delicious mayo and semi sweet savory sauce, and meat, but the bulk of it? a ton of cabbage in batter. want a hot dog? make one with your favorite condiments and instead of leayering in the condiments, dice up some onion or pico de gao and mix in the condiments like a wet salid, and apply it to your dog.

>> No.4397807


Salt, fat, and savory stuff isn't inherently unhealthy. Cook with a lot of tomatoes and olive oil and you'll satisfy your cravings while remaining healthy. As for carbs, you damned well better be eating them, they're supposed to compose 80% of your caloric intake. Pick up delicious apples, bananas, mangoes, peaches, etc and snack on them

>> No.4397814

>plain noodles
>a salad
>a roast chicken
damnit japan

>> No.4397821


Why does only one of the things in that picture have a nose?

>> No.4397822

See: Best Korea

>> No.4397868

olive oil has a fruity taste i dont care for, and to get real uncut nonmafia olive oil costs more money than I have. I think i'll stick to cheaper oils sorry.

>> No.4397882

You can get non-mafia olive oil if you purchase from any country other than Italy or Spain, especially. Greece has some problems with this, too, but not as bad as back home and Spain.
I was wondering why olive oil in the US tasted like crap, then learnt about this whole mob-involvement thing, so I specifically buy olive oil from Turkey, North Africa and, occasionally, Greece and the Balkans. Pretty cheap, at $10USD for 3 litres, and quality just as good as back home.
Again: avoid Italian and Spanish olive oil if you don't live in Spain or Italy.

>> No.4397883

holy shit i hope you don't believe this dude

>> No.4397888

>80% of intake
Holy fuck what are you doing?

>> No.4398628


10% fat, 10% protein, 80% carbs. That's the accepted healthiest human diet for the average man. Carbs are the body's main energy source, they should most definitely be the main thing you eat. Your trillions of cells all need glucose every second of every day to function

>> No.4398645

where's the fiber?

>> No.4398658


Fiber is a carbohydrate

>> No.4398674

And again, recommending 50g of protein? What is this, a weight loss program for holocaust survivors?

>> No.4398678

My Mother's friend had a son that my and my brother used to play with. He was always short and very skinny, way shorter than either of us and he was the same age as my younger brother. When they were 15 he seriously still looked like a 10 year old, like puberty hadn't hit yet. idk if maybe he was just late bloomer, our Mothers had a bitchy falling out about a year later and we never saw him again.

We discovered when we went to his house for dinner that he only ate slices of white bread with butter and drank either UHT milk or cheap "fruit drink" cordial. His Mother was so excited we came over, she made pizza, base and all but he just ate two slices of bread with butter and nothing else. His sisters ate whatever the Mother made, although I did not see a single piece of fruit or a vegetable in that house apart from onions.

Don't let your kids be picky eaters. It will fuck their bodies over.

>> No.4398680


How much protein do you think a person needs in a day? If you're not a bodybuilder, you don't need much

>> No.4398686

The dutch were known as a short people

Then they started drinking milk

The dutch are now the tallest of people

But there is a documentary, Rauw about a family of raw foodists. The child is very undersized and weak.

So we see nutrition working both ways with the dutch. good nutrition = taller
poor nutrition = shorter

>> No.4398688

Hormones play a big part in when females enter puberty. Their bodies are set to start puberty when they reach a certain level of body fat.

Because of the ever increasing rate of obesity, on average girls keep entering puberty earlier and earlier.

>> No.4398694

Children who drink full fat milk score higher on IQ tests than children that drink low fat or skim milk.

Obese children are 25% more likely to be diagnosed with adhd than normal weight classmates

>> No.4398713

drink whole milk instead of soda

eat 1 veggie dish at every meal.

mayonaise and butter > ketchup and margarine.

>> No.4398716


20% would be much healthier

>> No.4398723

This is why people are obese and have diabetes.

Even vegans know to eat more fat and protein

>> No.4398732


That's also why girls who are gymnasts and ballet dancers sometimes have no or delayed periods, their occupation requires that they be very slender.

>> No.4398736

yeah I resent my mom for how she fed me, I ate nothing but pizza and microwaved dinners all the way up until highschool and I was able to start feeding myself because I got a job.
I blame her for why I stopped growing at 14

>> No.4398771
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Do a HGH cycle

>> No.4398776

Jesus christ nigger that is not balanced, more fat and protein is needed

>> No.4398807


It does.

>> No.4398819

i do poorly in social situations

>> No.4398833

You're not a victim of malnourishment you're just who you are.
I'm an identical height, weight and age.
You should look healthy.
And not everyone has the genes to become a hambeast. Deal with it

>> No.4398839

but yeah im also trying to figure if it stunts the development of my mind... ive noticed im way slowerrr and less clever than most others i know

>> No.4398842

>You should look healthy.
i dont look healthy, i have bad skin(prolly from being in the sun 24/7) and always have bags under my eyes, i get sick at least 2x a year

>> No.4398861


do you mean seriously sick with something that will leave you bedbound? or just regular sick with colds or tummy bugs, which are an inconvenience that many people have every now and again.

>> No.4398916

Yes, and possibly other organs and muscles.
And yes having an eating disorder means you are mentally retarded.

>> No.4399003

Drink more water, son. Number one way to improve the quality of your skin

>> No.4399017

I'm anorexic and just got into med school.

>> No.4399023

first of all, lots of guys I know hover around the 5'8 to 5'10 mark. It's only a slightly below average height for a white male.

>> No.4399065

Last I read it was about 80g for women, 120g for men.

>> No.4399070

Because moe, you baka.

>> No.4399161

AHAHAHA! Perhaps, but not a digestible one. That's the point of fiber.

Actually, according to recent research, protein, carbs and fat should provide roughly equal portions of our daily energy uptake. At 2000 calories per day, an average of 400 calories/100 g for carbohydrates and protein and 900 calories/100 g for fats this translates to a diet consisting of about 165 grams of both carbohydrates and protein and 75 grams of fat.

>> No.4399180

I also have bad skin and bags. And everyone gets sick.
Really doesn't help your skin. Seriously doesn't do shit for me, at all.

>> No.4399189

Getting into med school and getting admitted into the hospital isn't the same thing

>> No.4399202

the second is finding the washing schedule that your skin likes.
tepidly temperate baths/showers from 1-7 days apart

>> No.4399380

I ate very little and very unhealthy, and I'm 6'2' with a proper body, health, and mind. I think malnourishment affecting development is an issue affecting poor countries rather than developed ones, since no matter how poor you are, you'll never eat as badly as any given person in a shitty african country, and even there, a lot of them live out their potential.

>> No.4399383

You're average.

>> No.4399386

One thing that can affect you a lot is a lack of Omega-3, which most modern countries suffer from. Your omega-3 to omega-6 balance should be 5:1 minimum. An average person has a balance of 15:1 from eating too little fish.

>> No.4399395

Did you parents keep you locked in a basement or something?