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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4947303 No.4947303 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone got tips for quitting soda? I know it's bad for me but it's difficult to go a meal without it. My parents did a pretty shitty job raising me and this is just one of those things. I got used to it from them drinking 2-5 cans of soda a day. I don't drink as much as they do but I'd still like to cut it out.

I've tried drinking water, coffee, tea, and those crystal light things but nothing satisfies me during a meal like a cold, crisp and refreshing soda. I need something cold and with taste during meals. Juice works but it's almost as bad as soda. Milk works sometimes but not often enough.

I swear I can smoke a pack of cigarettes and not buy another for a year, get drunk off a handle of whiskey and not drink again for a few months but soda is the one thing that traps me.

>> No.4947306

Sugar free squash.

>> No.4947308

Squash as in pumpkin type of squash?

>> No.4947311

No. Squash as in the drink. I thought that was obvious.

>> No.4947315

Sorry I'd never heard of that before. Is it liquid or is it thicker? Why do you recommend it?

>> No.4947316

I know you said with taste, but ice cold water does the trick for me. I'm down to about a can of soda a day, I used to drink that shit way too much.

You could try sparkling waters or flavored waters but I don't really care for them.

>> No.4947319

Your ethnocentrism is showing.

>> No.4947320

..Yes, it's liquid.
Because it's cold, flavourful, calorie free, and not soda.

>> No.4947322

Start drinking lime flavored sparkling water

>> No.4947325

I'm fine drinking water throughout the day but I need something with taste to drink throughout the meal otherwise the water during a meal makes the food tasteless to me. Dunno why.

Sorry it's just that wikipedia says it's a syrup. I'll look for some squash next time I'm at the grocery store. I don't think I've ever seen it but I'll check the juice aisle.

>> No.4947334

The product you buy is a concentrate. You do not drink it as a concentrate. You dilute it with comparatively large amounts of water.

If you are an american you will not find it, you do not have this product.

>> No.4947331

I've been cutting back on soda. But not entirely quitting. I've been purchasing small serving sizes of cans, the 7.5 ounce kind. I try to limit my intake so I only drink one of them every two weeks or something. It just takes some will power to not open another can.

The good thing about not drinking soda is that you can now eat more to compensate for the calories you would have had. More sides or whatever you want really. I typically drink tea or juice and lots of water. Tea helps because you'll probably get headaches due to being addicted to caffeine. But if you go cold turkey on any caffeine, you should probably get over it in a week or two.

>> No.4947335
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What a fucking asshole.

>> No.4947340
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Oh. ;_;

I don't even think I'd replace the calories. Half of the soda I drink is diet anyway.

>> No.4947343

I used to have this issue, still sorta do.

I was gonna say apple juice, but like you said, it's not much better. My key was drinking a shit ton of water. You should be drinking it so often that you'll never feel thirsty. I kept a waterbottle or huge glass of water around me at all times, and took sips from it like it was some sort of nervous habit.

>> No.4947344

I'm in the same boat as you, OP. I was doing okay for about two weeks, but I'm drinking a Mountain Dew right now. Fuck.

It;s just so tasty ;_;

>> No.4947346

No, you would rather drink soda. Hence the waistlines.

>> No.4947345

thank god. it sounds like shit

>> No.4947347
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I try to do that anyway but I can't help really wanting a soda when I'm eating.

I know what you mean man. I cracked open an ice cold squirt earlier and it was so refreshing. It makes you do that sigh "AHHHH".

>> No.4947350

>I can't help really wanting a soda when I'm eating.
I here you, that was my thing too. The water made it a little better but it was still there.

Could always just have juice with meals if that will quench you, and drink water the rest of the day, it'd be a start

>> No.4947353

I guess I could switch to juice. It's better than doing nothing.

>> No.4947355

Mio is an american product resembling squash

>> No.4947359

Sparkling water really helps me.
Why are you quitting? If it's the caffeine then drink ginger ale or big red. If it's the calories then do Perrier with some lime juice.
I like the flavored, carbonated water though.
Caffeine makes me antsy as fuck, so I'm sorry can't feel your pain.

>> No.4947363

well, OP, I reduced my alcohol intake by replacing it with soda.

maybe the opposite direction will work for you? Drink beer and wine!

>> No.4947372

Just health reasons in general. My mom has diabeetus. My dad still puts away a few a day.

That seems expensive.

>> No.4947376
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Sounds like you're trying to improve yourself. That's good, man. That's real good.

The only way you can do it is to go cold turkey. If you can't do that, then you just aren't ready. You have to really want to give it up.

>Slowly weening yourself off of it.
May work to lower your intake, but you'll hit a plateau and it'll always be "next day will be the day I don't have any."

>Substitute i.e. sparkling water/diet soda/ sweet tea/coffee
They won't satisfy your craving for soda, so you'll either end up consuming more of the alternative or just reverting back to soda all together. Either way, the sugar+calorie content will still be there

You clearly can regulate other vices (booze and smokes), but soda is your main addiction. I know cold turkey seems impossible. Like you'll just fail, or you'll hate life without soda. I've been there. You just have to want to do better for your future self.

Personal experience
>Used to be pretty husky, 235 lbs
>soda ~1-2 times a day at school
>rare at home because my folks tried to do right by me
>went to college
>soda fountains everywhere
>guzzled Mnt. Dew like it was my job
>decided one day that I didn't like how lethargic and unhealthy I was
>challenge myself to 1 year of no soda, only H20 and rarely sweet tea/lemonade
>after completing 30 days I allowed myself 1 glass of sweet tea (cheat day drink)
>it was ok, but after 1 month of water you notice how overly sweet most drinks are
>after 3 months I had no desire for anything other than water
>1 year completes
>have some dr.pepper to celebrate
>taste just doesn't do it for me anymore

Now I'll occasionally have a soda. Car trips, mixing it with some rum or whisky, but these are rare. I no longer crave it. Soda no longer has a hold on me. Sure I remember those hot summer days where I'd relax with an ice cold soda. Those are some great memories. But I much prefer how good I feel about myself now.

You just have to want to do it. Do it for yourself.

>> No.4947382

I use to drink a lot of soda but I quit when I was eighteen. Heres what I did.

Imagine the biggest douche in the world, hes arrogant, childish, vain and irritating. He walks into a convenience store for something to drink, and what does he grab? A soda or an energy drink. Now imagine the coolest person you can. Hes compitant, charming, well put together and maybe a little too smart but never shows it. Hes thirsty so what does he get? He grabs a water or a black drip coffee.

Now, do you want to be a childish loser or a real adult? I pretty much stopped drinking soda because i was afraid of being seen buying it or drinking it. One of the best decisions ive ever made.

>> No.4947384

I don't really understand this problem, especially when you say things like "I just need it to drink with food." You don't need it, you just really want it. The secret to giving these things up is not a secret at all. You just do it. You tell yourself "holy shit this is really bad for me, if I want to see 50 I should probably back off it" and that should be all the motivation you need.

I've never considered myself someone of substantial willpower, but it just seems like a lot of people don't have a grip on themselves with soda and weight loss in general.

>> No.4947387

>scared of how you're perceived by other people
Sorry anon, you're still a childish loser in the most literal sense.

>> No.4947390

Meant to quote >>4947382

>> No.4947393

Thanks guys, those are really inspiring and useful. I'll try to put your advice to action.

I just grab a soda without thinking about it most of the time. If I do think about it I know I shouldn't but the temptation is often too much.

>> No.4947416

The change happened so randomly for me. I've been trying to drink more water and all of a sudden I started grabbing a bottle of water instead of a can of soda. It's been maybe three weeks without soda. I used to drink 1-2 cans every single day, too.

>> No.4947436

I'll usually have one can of soda a week. And that's only because I'm having a craving for something cold and carbonated.

>> No.4947434
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A good first step to help yourself is to completely get rid of any soda you have available. Either finish up what you have and don't buy more, or just throw it away. If it's not there to tempt you, then it'll be easier to choose water.

Also helps if you don't put yourself in a situation where you can quickly buy the stuff.

Avoid the soda aisle in the store like its your neurotic ex-gf. Don't look at the soda case by the checkout line. Ignore the fuck outta that thing
>Filling up on gas
Pay outside so you don't have to go into the mini-mart
>Out to eat with friends
Tell em you're trying to quit. Ask for support. A good friend will only let you get water.
>Grabbing a quick fast food meal
Don't get a drink at all. Order just the entree and side.
>Keep water with you wherever you go.
If you make the effort to lug it around then you'll be less tempted to let it go to waste.

The little steps will help to get past all of this. And remember, don't beat yourself up if you fail, but don't use failure as an excuse to give up. You got this, Anon. You'll make it. We all will.

>> No.4947439

Thanks anon. You are a great man.

>> No.4947444

Just stop drinking and buying it. It's not so hard.

If you really want to quit, buy a bunch of tea bags and then make sweet tea. But don't use any sugar or anything just buy a tea flavor you like and use honey to sweeten it.

Then, gradually, use less and less honey until you can drink it with no honey at all. I'm not saying never use honey again, I'm just saying you'll have to ween yourself off of the sweet shit.

You should be good. Also, if you want soda, just drink anything else (that isn't equally as bad or wose).

>> No.4947466

don't buy it
You are paying for flavored sugar water and whatever brand identity comes with it

>> No.4948521

Do you even into cold sparkling water with lemon/lime squeeze?

>> No.4948530

It's not precisely the same, but drink soda water with your own flavorings. Put a small amount of juice in or something. Or drink diet tonic water. The artificial sweetener isn't exactly good for you so if that's what you're worried about, skip it. But I found the quanine bitterness satisfied my desire for the strong flavor, and the carbonation bite was the same. It's how I cut back on beer consumption.

>> No.4948544

Beer hits the spot for me. I like a lager with most meals, seems to go better with a lot of flavors over a soda in my opinion.

If you arent the kind of person that must keep drinking until drunk, it wont break the bank.

>> No.4948554

Don't stop. Going cold turkey just reinforces the addiction. Cut down to one soda a day. Replace with sugary tea or juice. Start to focus on your teas/juice over the soda. Don't explicitly limit soda; just move on. Forget about it. Try other things. Reserve soda for special occasions (I only drink coke when eating a monthly burger with my family).

Obsessing about your health helps a ton too. Avoid /ck/ since they'll try to convince you everything awful is good for you.

>> No.4948557

Water, beer, or milk.

I don't even drink soda except for the occasional rum and coke. I don't understand how people can make sickly sweet liquid sugar a staple of their diet.

>> No.4948561

After going several days without drinking soda it becomes easy.
Soda starts to taste gross if you stop being used to it. There really is a ridiculous amount of sugar in it, and if you cut down sugar in your diet, starting to drink just a single can of soda will produce somewhat noticeable, generally negative effects, and you'll not want to drink it so much.

I recommend drinking iced tea, iced coffee, fruit juice, or similar at home.

>> No.4948562

I am psychologist. I work at addiction clinic 4 users and celebutantes and drug user of addictions. We make users take long naps each day 2 get off the drug: for caffeine soda's addiction u need 2 sleep it off by taking 16 hour sleep days and also chanigning ur job will help.

>> No.4949369


Alcohol and I just do not get along.

I don't like the taste of beer, or the taste of alcohol, or even the effects all that much...I just like to get fucked.


No tips, but there's flavored carbonated water out there. The bad thing in soda is phosphoric acid.

>> No.4949371
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>> No.4949390

your body has become used to the taste of the ingredients of soda. After a few days of not drinking it, your tastes will come back

This is a commonly seen symptom of people who have to cut something like soda or processed food out of their diet. It will pass.

>> No.4949445
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Drink smaller portions? And it affects your health if you drink large quantities. This whole 'im going to stop' is a pretty stupid idea

>> No.4949450

Yes, because this sugary beverages compliment the food that you are eating. In fact the human body requires sugars as well and fats to keep itself moving which is why you have these cravings . Drink from a small cup and your body will not know the difference

>> No.4949451

>can't even write proper English

lel okay buddy.

Don't buy soda. Badda bing, badda boom.

>> No.4949454

Don't me a moron, if you like it or if you're a media shill that like it because someone else tells you to like it... write down evey time to buy something, then look it over after a period of time.

I was never one to drink 2liters a day, maybe a 20oz over a couple weeks or so, I don't care if it's flat. There's nothing wrong with moderation.

Niggers listen and OBEY advertising. Don't be a nigger, look at it that way.

>> No.4949463

>every couple of weeks

Why would anybody not drink carbonated drinks over long periods? Also flat? That's not the point of having these drinks

>> No.4949466

The one thing my mom got right when I was growing up was disallowing soda. So I never acquired a taste.

>> No.4949492
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OP, don't listen to these fools. These people are not strong.

> human body requires sugars
You are correct that we need sugar to operate, but this should not come from soda.

>12 oz coke=39g of sugar
>recommended daily intake of sugar for males: 37.8g, or 9 teaspoons
>Source[American heart association]

So 1 can a day already goes over the suggested amount. Even if you limit yourself to 2xrecommended, the other various sugars from foods would push you past this. If you read the labels of what you eat (literally 5 seconds) you'll find that most food has plenty of sugar in it, if not an excess. If you find that there isn't enough sugar, then don't sweat it. You won't do any harm with a lack of the stuff.

> Going cold turkey just reinforces the addiction
You may have some initial withdrawals, but after ~1 week you won't even notice it.

>pretty stupid idea
Don't listen to this anon. He wants you to give up just like he did.

OP, if you want to kick this thing you have to bite the bullet and leave your sugary mistress behind. Take control of your body. Ignore the naysayers, and just do you.

>> No.4949496

By the way, the 2nd quote came from this >>4948554 anon.

>> No.4949499

I would try tea again!
Try different brands like Taylor, Tazo, Bigelow, etc.
(Lipton and Nestea are shit tier), Different Tea types (Black v. Green), and if you like sweet beverages, get some Torani flavor syrup and put a little in your tea. Shit is cash. My favorite is straight Earl Grey, or some mild green tea (Theres a place in town that grows their own stuff) with some raspberry flavoring. Put either of those on ice, and you got a tasty ass beverage. And the chinese say it makes you live longer or some shit like that.

>> No.4949501

Apparently you're a pussy that didn't realize that your life is your own and left it to your mother.

That's pretty fucking sad.

I loved my mother, and my life is my own.

>> No.4949502

switch do dieat, later switch to water

>> No.4949506

Because it doesn't matter.
Get over yourself if you're capable.

Are you or you a moron that's just a bitch on a board?

>> No.4949507

>Avoid the soda aisle in the store like its your neurotic ex-gf. Don't look at the soda case by the checkout line. Ignore the fuck outta that thing

i would just go through the aisle, like on a safari, like some sort of adventure that does not concern me, no need to take one

>> No.4949509

>Why would anybody not drink carbonated drinks over long periods?
Perhaps because they're not actually nice at all?

Wish I could help you OP. My flatmate has exactly the same problem, her space in the fridge is completely taken up by Irn Bru...

>> No.4949510

And you're in charge of my life or a doctor or think so arrogantly that I give a flying fuck what you think about me or what I do?

Please explain yourself? You make a lot of assertions but nothing with proofs. Do you remember those? How about trying some!

>> No.4949511

Has anyone suggested seltzer with flavors? It's a good alternative

>> No.4949515

Maybe some bukake?

>> No.4949520
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Flavoured sparking water.
Carbonated like soda, not plain water.
Don't know how much they cost where you are from, but I live in Canada and usually the no name brand ones are only a dollar or two.
Pic is from the American walmart website. We don't get this brand where I live, but ours are very similar.

>> No.4949527

Just wondering the general hate for carbonated drinks and 'quitting ' like if you were a smoker.

Umm they have variety of flavors ? Why wouldn't you like these beverages is a strange mystery

>not strong
>caring this much about carbonated drinks

>but this should not come from soda.

Why not? All of Asia drinks it and they have low weight averages

>12 oz coke=39g of sugar

Here comes the American logic when it comes to eating in general. No one tells you to drink the entire bottle in a single serving. In other countries this single serving size is 2 or even 3.

>You may have some initial withdrawals
>carbonated drinks

Leftist logic? You are trying to make these drinks into cigarettes

>> No.4949530

Not sure if that will help you, but it worked for me: just calculate how much cheaper (tap)water is (i hope it is in fact cheaper in the us). Buy something nice from the money you saved at the end of the week for some time

>> No.4949533
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Cheers to Canada, I used to work in the Seagrams Bulding in NYC. That was classic. It was fun what we sold for you folk and it was a classy building.

It was more than classy, it was beyond what folk around here wanted to see.

Seagrans esp say Tonic Water is pretty good for bar stuff, it doesn't have to be hoity toit it has to be good and consistant.


>> No.4949535
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you make no sense, anon.

>> No.4949536

2 litre beverage is only 99cents and that's enough for an entire week. So spend that amount in a years worth and it's only 52$ for fun meals.

>> No.4949547
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>caring this much about carbonated drinks
OP wanted some tips, I gave him my opinion. Heaven forbid I actually show some decency toward someone on 4chan.

>Asian generalization followed by American generalization
I'll play your little game, Asians are far more active and can burn off the excessive sugar and calories. Americans are typically less active and therefore the sugar is stored in the body.

>American portions
it's a 12 oz can and the serving size is 1 fucking can you moron.

>Leftist logic?
Not sure how that comes into play. OP clearly stated that he has a problem limiting his soda consumption and compares it to other typical addictions (liquor and cigarettes). I was paralleling for him. However there is a possibility that he will experience some caffeine and possibly sugar withdrawals depending on how much he typically consumes.

>> No.4949549

Go back to your starbucks you fucking homosexual lover and contimplate why anyone would give a shit what you have to say?

Get over yourself if it's possible.

>> No.4949552

Listen to this anon please

are either shills or just ridiculously stupid

Continuing to drink carbonated drinks in the first place when you know that they are unhealthy for you and cause a sort of psychological addiction makes no sense. Although not quite as serious, thats like telling a smoker to "just cut down on the number of cigarettes" per day to one or two. Just quit entirely. You'll be so much better off for it anon.

As part of my weightlifting cycle I alternate between periods of eating large amounts of excess for to gain muscle and eating caloric deficits. I have never had a switch from lots of food to little that does not cause intense amounts of craving the first couple days, maybe even a week if you're really unlucky. You can look it up but its because your body and mind get used to the intake of chemicals that is caused by excess eating (or in your case soda drinking) and makes that the norm.

People saying that you just have to cut down are probably people who dont realise how deep-seeded something like this is. You should just quit entirely, and then if you decide to have a soda later itll be almost no harm no foul. But I guarantee that if you continue drinking just "a little soda per day", you will not be able to stop drinking it.

Please anon, listen to reason. If you need help along the way make another thread in here or in /fit/ because I guarantee any insults you get will be better than continuing with this.

>> No.4949554

What "assumptions" and lack of proof are you even talking about you fucktard?

>> No.4949555


Jokes on you faggot squash and cordials are delicious

>> No.4949558
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>> No.4949560

Don't fool yourself, without us, you'd have nothing to be active about.Do deal with the reality of that.

It's not a competition, we're all out for the same goal... except for socialists and freak ass muslims. They've got a problem that a nuke on mecca might only fix.

And asians != subcontinent assholes with their heads bobbing to and fro.

>> No.4949565
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>responds to supportive, earnest information with completely incomprehensible arguments

the fuck?

>> No.4949568

>OP wanted some tips

No its peer pressure I this shit now with carbonated drinks and hatred toward them

> Americans are typically less active and therefore the sugar is stored in the body

Ok what does that have to do with anything? You can still be healthy if you eat and drink smaller portions

>12 oz can and the serving size

In other countries 12oz is very large

> unhealthy for you

Drinking small portions is not unhealthy for you but continue to use that leftist logic.

> psychological addiction

Body craves for sugars, fats, and sodium which is normal behavior.

>dont realise how deep-seeded something

No, it's how culture went from normal behavior to now everything is some sort of physiological addiction.

>> No.4949569

So what? I mean really, if you can't enjoy life, then what's the point of it? You flaccid fuck!

I like a bit of drink once in a while, I like eating some decent food, but I determine that, not you! Again, get over yourself!

You people you can't get over yourselves really are pathetic, you add nothing to anything on this planet.

I won't tell you to go away, but perhaps you should know that for yourselves.

Folk like you will never understand!

>> No.4949571

See, if it was up to people who want to control others like others in this thread then fuck off, there might as well not be a USA. We might as all be wearing little worker clothing given to us by China and North Korea, and you know this website woudnlt exist in that kind of place.

That said, they can't do shit about this.
Fuck your commie shit!

>> No.4949574

>without us
So if i'm on 4chan i'm a neckbeard loser? So you must have just randomly stumbled upon this page? Shit-tier logic, bro.

>randomly bringing up muslims
You can just keep that tinfoil hat on, buddy. It's gonna be alright.

>jimmies unrustled
>troll level 1/10

>> No.4949578

I never said that, idiot, you need some reading comprehension lessions. Really, I do think though that a lot of people here have an agenda that has nothing to do with just having fun on /ck.

Agree or disagree that's all ok. Though I know that I'm in the right.

>> No.4949584

> I this shit now
Someone went full retard

>what does that have to do with anything?
In short, everything. There's a plethora of things to talk about relating to overall health and activity levels and sugar intake. However, OP wanted some advice on how to cut out soda. I made no assumptions on his health, but merely informed him of the benefits he would incur regardless of his current state.

>In other countries
Maybe, but OP has either stated or implied (can't be bothered to re-read the whole thread) that he is in USA. 12 oz here is typically a small.

>> No.4949585

Muslims are an easy target, I don't want to be back in the stone age, and they're bloody scared shit of what we're doing now to eliminite them now. That is get rid of them in our energy chain.

Deal with it, they brought that on themselves.

>> No.4949587

>>Keep water with you wherever you go.
This is the really important one in my opinion. If you're not thirsty your soda cravings will be lessened. And it's good to keep hydrated anyway.

>> No.4949589
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What are you even talking about? I directly quoted your post, and yet you deny saying something? That's just... wow.

You are so bad at trying to be an asshole it's actually funny. Please, do continue.

>> No.4949590

And overall health comes from culture that they come from as well. OP wanted advice on cutting down soda because of peer pressure since it's cool to hate carbonated drinks.

Yes, I know it's small in the USA but in other countries it's a large. Meaning that OP can still enjoy drinking these sugary beverages in small amounts.

>> No.4949592

So what, sometimes it's a little fun. I'm not a muslim faggot like you are, we can do as we will, and if you don't like it, we'll nuke mecca. Get over yourselves.

Please do get over yourselves. Because you're quite vile and disqusing to any normal human being.

>> No.4949593

I still don't see how this relates to OP cutting his soda addiction. You're entitled to your opinion, but when you can't properly vocalize it in an appropriate setting you just look like a douche.

>> No.4949600

fuck off peta faggot, I like eating meat, lots of meat all of the time, if I have a meal without meat I think of morons like you useless peta types.

Are you people really that stupid? How about all the little bugs that get killed during a vegan cull of vegetables? Don't you feel for them, or do you also cry for them like little fucking pathetic assholes?

At least try not to be fucking complete total hippocrites?

>> No.4949604

> cool to hate carbonated drinks
Don't know how you came up with that assumption. Regardless, it's merely an opinion without any merit. 3 minutes of googling medical recommendations will show that a reduction in soda and high sugar beverages is a good idea.

What countries are you talking about where 12oz is large? Most if not all of Europe, north america, australia, and a majority of china consider 12 oz small or at most medium. This is just from personal experience so I can't fully attest to every single location within those regions though.

>> No.4949615

Are you even in the same thread? How the hell did you got the idea i was some PETA faggot in the first place?

Do you know why I say that? Cultural shift with hating popular things. People use to love cigarettes but due to a small minority of people it is now the most hated thing.

> reduction in soda and high sugar beverages is a good idea.

Even though i was the one that recommended smaller portions are better? Japan has highest life expectancies in the world even though they consume carbonated drinks.

>What countries are you talking about where 12oz is large?

Countries outside of the western world? Not only that but western countries also have high obesity rates including europe and anglo countries.

>> No.4949620

Nothing from you quoted me you stupid peta faggot. If there were such a think I might consider replying but there isn't so deal with it and cry for the bugs or something you fucking utter moron.

>> No.4949622

I had kidney stones twice growing up (inb4 soda doesn't cause kidney stones!!!!!!!!!!) and I drank cups and cans of soda every single day. I started drinking lots of water and tea (especially iced tea). After moving out, I've been drinking water with a splash of lemon juice just about ritually, and I haven't had a kidney stone since. Iced water with lemon and sweet iced green tea from Starbucks are my remedies, and I occasionally drink a can of coke (1-2 times a week), hopefully it's the same for you OP

>> No.4949623

This is an Empire, and at this time, I don't care about nations outside of the western civilized world.

We're getting better and better all the time.

Stupid cunt!

>> No.4949628

Clearly the cause of your problems was coffee and that you were stupid enough to buy into starbucks like a fucking programmed asshole. That's your problem, not mine. Deal with it!

>> No.4949629

if you re-read >>4949574(my post) and>>4949560
(presumably your post) you will notice that there are direct quotes.

Or just put down the crack pipe.

>> No.4949639

Really? You're going to say that a small minority hated them for no reason and now they are a bad thing? You're just going to completely ignore the whole cancer bit? Reasonings like this just make for bad discussions.

>Japan and other countries
again, I'm going off the basis that OP is in USA and that he wants to "cut out" soda. He may be able to have small portions and be ok in life, but if he cuts it out altogether (no harm in that) he will get more benefits.

>> No.4949643

Whole cancer bit? Do you know that the related deaths are small and insignificant? Compare to heart failures the whole thing about smoking pales in comparison. Not only that but Japan is a smoking country as well and they still have higher life expectancy averages than the west.

> he will get more benefits

Little to no benefits would come from cutting soda altogether. He would be better just spending more time walking and eating less saturated fats.

>> No.4949652

I do not think you know what fluid ounce (oz) means. In almost every country (even outside of Europe and USA) the standard can size is 330 ml, which is just slightly under 12 oz. Sometimes 250 ml cans are used, but those are a bit more rare.

>replying to a 1/10 troll

>> No.4949656

Here's a tip: dont fucking buy it

>> No.4949657

Fuck OFF. I personally have watched numerous close friends and famiy members die from smoking related cancers, or have to have organs removed because of smoking related cancers. You can get fucked, you fucking ignorant fuck.

>> No.4949658

Having had multiple family and friends die from lung cancer and other respiratory diseases I'm gonna call bullshit on that. They were all heavy smokers and it cost them their life. You can't deny that smoking kills. Yes, heart problems are another issue in the modern world, and it beats out smoking related deaths, but not by much.

>Smoke related deaths >440k per year
>heart disease ~597k per year
>both stats taken from CDC website

it may be only 3/4ths the rate, but you can't say it's small.

>> No.4949664

>telling someone to fuck off when you have retarded friends and family

>> No.4949667

just drink club soda.

>> No.4949670

Am I the only person on /ck/ who hates soda?

>> No.4949674

You do know that obesity related are more of a problem? Yet no one cares about it

And in Asia they are all smokers as well but the biggest difference is the amount of saturated fats.

Heart disease and stroke related deaths are overweight related deaths. And these deaths count as a major percentage as well. Not only that but diabetes adds more to those numbers as well. Also those respiratory problems come from overweight problems

>> No.4949701

You can fuck right off as well.

>> No.4949758

>overweight related deaths
You do realize you are now reinforcing the notion of cutting out soda. By eliminating it one can lose weight and decrease their risk of obesity related deaths. Lowering it is a start, but cutting it out all together is the best course.

>> No.4949773

>. By eliminating it one can lose weight

You do know that carbonated add little to nothing to weight? Main problem is the fat intake

No the best course is cutting portion sizes

>> No.4949811
File: 76 KB, 575x608, Neil-deGrasse-Tyson-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soda adds little weight
OP said 2-5 cans a day. That can be anywhere from 200-1000 excess calories per day. Along with 78-195 grams of excess sugar. If you don't think that sugar makes you fat you are poorly mistaken. Fat intake is another issue as well, but like I keep saying, OP wanted to cut out soda. He didn't ask for complete dietary advice.

>Sugar intake
>Broken down into glucose
>excess glucose turned into glycogen
>Glycogen stores are full
>liver takes excess glycogen and forms triglyceride AKA fat cells

Bro, do you even science?

>> No.4949819

I quit soda through the week. I drink 2 sodas on the weekend one for saturday and one on sunday dinner.

>> No.4949823

Calorie free is a legal lie.
Undigestable sugars make you fat.

>> No.4949828

Avoid diet like the plague.
Aspartame and other replacement sugars just make you obese.

>> No.4949830

Have you tried mineral water? Having something bubbly will help.

>> No.4949833

Well Aspartame can make you retarded.

>> No.4949834

fucking retarded shills

seriously I explained the obvious problems of drinking too much soda and you respond by calling me hipster and soda-hating

there must seriously be something wrong with your brain. I and the other anon who you're being retarded to are trying to help OP and you're just responding with "nu-uh"

go fuck off m8. I aint even dongled

>> No.4949854

And he can cut that amount we are talking about how drinking soda in control amounts add little to no weight. Not only that but calories are just one factor of many when it comes to obesity.

>OP wanted to cut out soda.

Cutting soda is not the problem OP has a lot of problems to address.

And I proved that your exaggeration is nothing but inane bullshit from the media

>> No.4949857
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Yea you definitely proved me wrong with all those opinions

>> No.4949861

>control amounts
no amount of soda is a good amount

>> No.4949868

You mean carbonated drinks and empty calories?

And living is not good for your health? Latin America has a problem with obesity even though they have little to no culture when it comes to carbonated drinks. So what is it then? Well it has to do with the fat intake

>> No.4949872

>you mean carbonated drinks and empty calories?
Dont really know what you were trying to say, but yes, they are both very bad things

>that second thing
No, almost all weight problems originate from a very high intake of carbohydrates, which is why the atkins diet tends to work well. What the fuck are you going on about culture for?

>> No.4949878

Look up on empty calories and how carbonated drinks add little part to the growing problem in obesity

>eight problems originate from a very high intake of carbohydrates

Nope it's the saturated and unsaturated fats from red meats that are the causes of cardiac problems

>> No.4949879

topkek m8 you obviously have no clue what you're even trying to argue

im out peace

>> No.4949882

Ice cold water, OP. You're addicted to this shit so it's not going to be easy.

>> No.4949894

Maybe pour a little lemon juice in the water, it gives it a little bit of flavor.

>> No.4949913
File: 1.96 MB, 458x251, cotton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP has a lot of problems to address
Where are you getting this from? I'm not OP, but you can't really infer that much from a post about wanting to quit soda. What are these "problems" that you even speak of? For all you know OP could be loads more fit than you.

Way to overreact and critically judge someone for wanting to better themselves.

>> No.4949930

just get a soda stream and drink carbonated water with just a splash of juice. still has taste and way fewer calories than soda. drink that for several months till you get used to it and maybe you can try going for just plain water

>> No.4949954
File: 753 KB, 315x905, 6715786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy some pretentious soda so your friends look at you with disdain

soon enough you'll never want to drink the stuff again

>> No.4949972

make your own iced tea. its cheap and you can use those tea bags.
if you really 'need' sugar then add very little peach syrup in it.

>> No.4950013

I do this. Already drink a lot of water but a little lemon is nice

>> No.4950026

>I just grab a soda without thinking about it most of the time.

Start thinking, then? What are you, some kind of fucking zombie?

>> No.4950046

I used to be just like you, OP. My parents let me consume up to 3 2-liters per week. They even allowed my teeth to decay as a child because of this. I decided to go soda-free for one week, and it was hard, but after the week was over I never really craved it again. I'll have it here and there, but I find it too sweet now. Once you get past the initial week or two without it, you probably won't find it appetizing anymore.

>> No.4950221
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1003p50-lemon-juice-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cold water and a few jizzies of this

>> No.4950226

I guesse lemonade could be a good substitute.
Not all the way there but a tier down atleast.

>> No.4950245

Every time you crave a soda, grab a sparking water (club soda, seltzer, whatever you call it). It will be rough for a week or two, but eventually you will replace it completely. This is how I stopped drinking too much beer.

Addiction is a funny thing. You aren't just addicted to soda, but to something cold, bubbly, and sweet. So it is easier to switch to something just cold and bubbly. If you want, you can eventually switch to something just cold (regular water).

>> No.4950257

>Anyone got tips for quitting soda?

Stop drinking soda, you nigger. Learn some fucking self-control.

>> No.4950265


What I also find helpful is to get an somewhat expensive water canteen/bottle.

I just find when I spend over 10 bucks on a canteen I feel I must justify my purchase and use it daily. It really helped.

>> No.4950275


Thank you for that

>> No.4950282

Go cold turkey and straight to water. After some time you'll only want water.

>> No.4950284


My niggah! This is exactly how I stopped drinking soda too! Now I'm addicted to sparkling water but hey, the co2 just passes through my piss and so it's just like drinking water

>> No.4950348

everyone is different, yet the same. I am prone to gout. and no has to tell me how bad it hurts. I can eat almost any thing, except fried chicken liver, sherry, port wine, and kid you not. certain brands of beer. I can eat eat beans, peanut butter even liver wurst. but fried chicken liver, sherry... used to take colchicine. until it qaudrupled in price and was offered" uloric" in stead. no thanks better off with neither . watch your diet and water. lots of water. beer and soda don't count. water. unless on dyalisis. lots of water. pro tip. if your pee looks like coffee or tea, you are not drinking enough water. and lay off the salt. nacl or kacl live long and prosper, nerdos. I gotta turn on the tv and watch star trek

>> No.4950855


>used to drink soda quite regularly
>read up on just how fucking terrible soda is for you
>go on a healthy streak after losing my main job
>buy a $700 water distiller
>distill my own water now
>drink virtually nothing else as long as I'm home because it's good for me and holy fuck I spent $700 on it so I better damn well use it

>back to working again
>fast food and soda creeping back into my life
>still drink plenty of water every day because goddamn $700 and health

>> No.4950864

ding ding ding

or just sparkling water, and add lime. you can buy a twelve pack of the store brand for ninety nine cents.

>> No.4950878

50/50 sparkling water & juice.

>> No.4950926

Do it the way I did it.

>get first job at 16
>free soda
>gain 15 lbs
>switch to diet
>drink diet for 6 months
>don't lose weight
>drink a regular soda
>super sweet, too sweet
>drink water from here on out

easy as pie

>> No.4951918

>nacl or kacl
>ka cl...