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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 98 KB, 640x480, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4969192 No.4969192[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be fat
>go to costco
>buy 2 huge bags of chips

Why, /ck/? Why do I do this?

The sad thing is that I buy them because they're a quick snack and I'm hungry. But I don't eat them until I get home. If I only waited 10 more minutes I could make a healthier snack.

tl;dr: fatty thread

>> No.4969196

Why didn't you buy the $1.50 hotdog meal?

>> No.4969207
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OP here.

I love their hotdogs, but there's always a lineup. I often buy meltables, so I just want to get home quickly.

>> No.4969222

Assuming you're being legit. Why do you buy two, if it's in response to hunger for a quick snack, rather than one? Are they "two for $x" special, and you really need to buy two to get that price? (I gather this varies by state...in Michigan, if that's all they say, you could buy one for half of $x).

As to why you do it...well, you said yourself, you're hungry. I always try to eat something filling before I go shopping...it reduces my weakness for junkfood and prepared foods. I typically limit myself to one junk food item (like a bag of chips) on my weekly shopping trips.

>> No.4969226

Because chips are delicious.

Why don't you fit them in your macro nutrient requirements and try lifting weights is the better question.

>> No.4969229
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OP here. Legit.

Yes, it's two huge bags for one price. At Costco one bag is not half price.

Canadafag here. Grocery stores often advertise something as two for $$, but you can get just one for half that price here as well.

Sometimes I'll buy a cooked chicken and make a sammich. But today I caved in to temptation.

>> No.4969243

Why. What is there at home that is so important?

Stretch. Enjoy the giant warehouse. People watch. Nothing at home is worth the two seconds and crushing disappointment you gain from a bag of fried air.

>> No.4969259


Never liked them.

>> No.4969274

OP, same anon as from >4969222, I find that my resolve is usually strongest at the store. It's terrible at home. It helps if I put some chips in a bowl, close the bag, and put it on a high cupboard shelf. It doesn't stop me from going back for a 2nd or 3rd bowl, but I still eat way less than if I'm eating out of the bag, or if I leave the bag on the counter. How long does a bag of chips last you?

The best is to just not buy it though. Whatever it takes, you gotta just not buy that shit at the store. Maybe it would help to have a list of things you intend to buy, which include some fast healthy snacks. Even if it's only half healthy, like drenching carrots in ranch dressing, I'm guessing you'd be better off.

>> No.4969276

I tend to buy more junk when I shop at costco while slightly hungry so I try to eat beforehand (no I'm not a fatty). If I come at the right time I fill up on samples

>> No.4970376
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OP here.

A costco sized bag lasts me 3 days. I keep it handy on the counter and just dip in every time I walk by.

Good idea about making a list and planning snacks ahead of time. Imma do that. Tell you what, I'll throw out the bag of Doritos I bought. I've never done that before. I wonder if I'll cry.

This is genius. I always avoid the samples because it slows down lane access. But fuck it! I'll leave my cart on the side like everyone else and fill up on samples!

>> No.4970410
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Have you tried not being a disgusting fat blob?

>> No.4972012

>The sad thing is that I buy them because they're a quick snack and I'm hungry

So quickly people forget that fruit exists. Even if fruit is expensive where you live, there's no place on earth where you can't get 10 bananas for $2, or a bag of dried dates for $2-3

>> No.4972023

Every week I go grocery shopping and buy a bag of chips. Way too frequent but the price is too tempting. I made some sour cream onion dip for those unflavored corn chips and they were heaven.

>> No.4972030

Shop with someone else's money. If you're a decent human you will be guilted into not doing ridiculous Crap.

>> No.4972037

>there's no place on earth where you can't get 10 bananas for $2, or a bag of dried dates for $2-3

canadian north. they have to get everything air-dropped, minimum order to get something delivered by truck is an entire intermodal container full if they're even lucky enough to be near a road.
nothing is cheap up there.

>> No.4972045

Also I go into sams on the reg with another persons club card and debit. Most I bought on a whim is some potatoes.

>> No.4972060

Order a interblah blah blah direct from Costa Rica. Realise my shopping needs are a bit different. Buy my town a year's supply of their banana needs.

Slightly cheaper then those assholes in Alaska paid.

>> No.4972092

>I buy them because they're a quick snack and I'm hungry

It's time to start buying lots of bananas.


No, shut the fuck up retard and start buying bananas. Do it. Also shut the fuck up, again.

>> No.4972166

>going to a store while hungry
Huge mistake right there.

>> No.4972241

>like drenching carrots in ranch dressing
>not making some god tier guacamole
>and using that as a healthy and tasty dip

>> No.4972406
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>get 10 bananas for $2, or a bag of dried dates for $2-3
OP here.

Fuck, I need more fruit in my life.

OK, I've thrown out the huge bag of doritos. >>4970376

Tomorrow morning before work Imma go buy some dates and naners. Maybe I'll get some watermelon. Enough fruit to have a couple per day.

>> No.4972412

Avocados motherfucker.
You can slice those bananas and fry them to make chips, but beware. In doing so you wont be as filled as eating the banana whole on its own. Why? because fucking magic, I don't know.

>> No.4972550

>be overweight child
>put caramell
>chocolate sauce
>on a digestive cracker
>every day

>once a week
>make chocolate mixture of oat, butter and cocoa

and now im skinny and got a good looking body, working to get those abs.
feels pretty good

>> No.4972587
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Not OP, but I'm honestly fucking allergic to bananas. I wish I wasn't because they're delicious.

>> No.4972644
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>> No.4973501

Because you lose a lot of the nutritional value of a food whenever you fry it in oil. I think

>> No.4973850

Nah, microwaving destroys most, around 90% in a matter of minutes, and boiling is second worse. Steaming and frying aren't as bad, and render more nutrients bio-available than eating it raw in the first place.

The reason it doesn't fill as much is because when eating small slices, you don't need to chew as much and can swallow food faster, which means your salivary glands aren't getting as much a workout as when you bite into a banana whole and chew it. If the salivary glands aren't as active, then they'll send weaker signals of satiety. There are several other systems at work here, but the big point is not as much work eating your food, your brain thinks you didn't as much as you actually did, therefore your still hungry. Also depends on what you eat (fat and protein are more filling for longer),but like I said, magic and shit.

>> No.4973895

Bananas and dates are loaded with sugar. They're like candy. Go for high water content fruit. Watermelon is a smart choice.

>> No.4973910

Despite what you might read on the Internet, microwaving your food does not “kill” nutrients. In fact, it can make certain nutrients more available to your body when cooking greens (broccoli, spinach, etc)

>> No.4974171
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>Be fatty
>mfw trying to get off soda

I feel so tired without it, I guess I'm withdrawing from the lack of caffeine or something.

>> No.4974214

it's called sugar withdrawal, you'll get over it

>> No.4974326

Good for you. I thought you wouldn't listen and would just say something like "fruit sux lol". Nevermind shutting the fuck up then. You go get dem fruits like a champ that is totally not retarded.

>> No.4974383

Assuming these are the Kirkland brand ripple chips then I don't blame you for a second. Those things are delicious.

Yeah, though, it's hard not to feel like shit doing that over and over. I suggest buying and eating a lot of fruit.

>> No.4974441

Uhh where I work if it's 2 for 1, you have to buy two to get the deal. If you buy one then it's full price. I work at a hardware store, though, so I imagine it might be a bit different.