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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5150809 No.5150809[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many calories do you eat in a day /ck/?

>> No.5150823

1500-1800, cutting

>> No.5150824

some days 1000 some days 4000. I have a bad habit of overdoing my diets then losing control and emptying my fridge in a few hours.

>> No.5150831

No idea.

>> No.5150833

I don't really know. I stopped counting calories and just started eating healthy food and I am not fat anymore so I just go with it. When I was counting I would aim for 1600-1800

>> No.5150838

Pretty much this, usually about 3000 though. It's about 1000 over my BMR, but 20 miles on a bike is really easy.

>> No.5150839

Idk. I have an underweight bmi tho so I must be doing well.

>> No.5150847


>> No.5150876

So eating only up to 700 calories a day is bullshit?

>> No.5150890

yes. and potentially dangerous (base metabolism needs around 1200, depending on lifestyle, etc).

700 reads like a plan to screw up your body/metabolism -while- making you neurotic about food to boot.

>> No.5150897

About 3000 to 3500

>tfw hungry skeleton

Last year probably around 1000 a day. I am 6'1. I used to be 121lb.

I'm not sure how much I weigh now.

>> No.5150903

I have no idea and will never know. I manage to eat enough vegetables and have a balanced diet so that this question is pointless.

In fact, I'm not the only one to be surprised I'm still fit while feeding myself ogre portions and not exercising that much.


>> No.5150908

I think she should buy a dildo or a vibrator, instead of vegetables.

>> No.5150959

I just had two slice of pizza so I'm probably already at 1300 calories today. I do drink like 3 liters of water a day though if that matters.

>> No.5150967

around 3000-3500 but I exercise for like 4 hours a day

>> No.5150970

sometimes 500 sometimes 1500 depends if i take any stimulants or not

>> No.5150978


>> No.5151009

At one point I was at 2000-3000 just being a lazy stoned fat fuck some days.

Got my shit together, my eating habits now keep me around 1800 a day but I'm trying to lose more weight so I end up around 1000 some days. After I drop another 30 pounds or so I'll try to maintain a 2000 calorie diet.

>> No.5151022

2800-3200 building muscle gym 3times a week

>> No.5151052

1100-1300 a day. In the midst of losing a lot of weight. No more landwhale-ness for me. It's really easy to stay at my caloric goals.

>> No.5151055

>Build muscle on that low amount

That's a maintenance diet for men

>> No.5151061


No problems cept the fear I'll balloon if i get hurt

>> No.5151063

1. I'm working all day long in front of a pc with very low amount of movement
2. I'm not 'bulking' just trying to get a lean body
3. It's working till now! I know that the more amount of muscles I have the more I have to eat to maintain them.

>> No.5151068

No clue. But I do know it varies a whole lot.

Over the weekend it might top 2,000, but during the week it would typically be 1.5k at a guess since I generally eat only breakfast and dinner.

>> No.5151071

I'm on a permacut right now so my limit is around 1,800 kcal a day. I've been amping up my workout routine though so once that gets into high gear and I shed a few lb's of fat I'll probably raise it periodically.

>> No.5151092


4 hours a day, what the fuck?

>> No.5151095

Probably works at UPS

>> No.5151098

I dunno.. I start going into anxiety mode once I know I'm over ~1200 though.

>> No.5151099

really sporadic. 100 a day for like two weeks, 5000 in one sitting, twice a day for a month, and it goes like that.

>> No.5151100

2000-3000 usually, no exercise but i have a fast metabolism

>> No.5151102

between 1 and 5000

>> No.5151103

100 calories a day for 2 weeks? you were in a coma? 5000 in one sitting? About 700gs of butter?

>> No.5151105

yeah... I dunno. I used to have a really bad eating disorder and tried recovering and now it has morphed into this. I might still have one, I don't know. I feel like a middle-aged woman crash dieting.

>> No.5151121

I'm pretty sure you just count wrong.

>> No.5151129

No... yesterday I had 1pkg of spinach
and two tomatoes.

A few days ago I gathered the empty boxes and saw that I had eaten a jumbo box of chocolate chex mix and a gallon of whole milk, a box of granola bars, and a gallon of ice cream. about 5000 calories.

>> No.5151144

my actual meals are only ever add up to about 1000 because i can't eat very much at once (been in "recovery" from an eating disorder for like 5 years, still can't eat proper meals without getting mad high and battling the stomach cramps afterwards)

i've been eating yoghurt and complex carbs snacks to make it up to 1600 since i started doing weights

so far its had no effect whatsoever
still underweight
still skinny everywhere but my gut

but i don't feel tired and dizzy all the time, so that's something

>> No.5151146

1 package or 1 kg?

>> No.5151148


>> No.5151150

Not homosexual, so I have no idea. Enough to remain a healthy weight.

>> No.5151165


no, I run, do bikram, lift weights, do zumba, go hiking

not all necessarily in the same day, but it adds up to around 4 hours a day

>> No.5151171

I'll ram your bik, you little minx

>> No.5151179

1500-2000, 2500-3000 BMR
8-9%BF so not even trying to cut, but a completely defined six pack would be cool and I don't want to be too big anyway
I do exercise similar to boxing training and walk everywhere I can

>> No.5151181

No one here understands your broscience figures, fitfag

>> No.5151185

Approx. 1800

6'4", 300 lbs

>> No.5151186

if you're not retarded about how weight loss/gain works you don't need to count at all. just exercise common sense.
unless you're like a 5'0 fully grown female you should be eating over 1200
700 could mess up your metabolism long term

>> No.5151191

I do my best to keep it sub 2000, so on average I'm guess 1.6-1.8 K per day.

Unfortunately I'm still a fatass, so I need to nut up and get around to joining that gym.

>> No.5151193
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>> No.5151195


How the fuck do you have time for that?

>> No.5151197

Also getting regular exercise at the gym 3-4 times a week

>> No.5151198

>broscience figures
these are not uncommon acronyms, nor do I go on /fit/.
BMR= "Basal metabolic rate, the amount of daily energy expended by humans and other animals at rest." This is dependant on height, age and weight.
BF% = Body fat percentage, obviously.

>> No.5151201

2100-2400 depending on duration/intensity of workout.

>> No.5151203

oh BMR obviously depends on your physical activity too
my sedentary BMR is like 2200, but it would be at least 3000 most days incl exercise

>> No.5151207

How much do you weigh?

>> No.5151217


I run or lift weights in the morning before work or school, depending on the day.

I do everything else after work/school. On most days I'll go for a hike in the afternoon, then a couple hours later will do a zumba class followed by bikram.

I have no life.

>> No.5151221

I don't own scales, but last time I weighed myself I was around 165-70 and i've lost since then.
155-60 is my guess. i'm a lanky fucker.

>> No.5151397

what is a reliable way to calculate your daily calorie need?

I'm 190 cm (6 foot 2) and 73 kg (160 lbs) male, 24 years old and university student

don't exercise except sex and some situps/squats/pushups at home

does 2300 sound accurate?

>> No.5151400

google bmr calculator

>> No.5151411

2200 seems accurate

I try to keep at 1500 but Ive been sloppy

>> No.5151440


>> No.5151473



>> No.5151510

i eat a ton. i'm on steroid meds and i just don't give a fuck anymore. before, i had lost 30 lbs and worked hard to change my eating habits. i survived 2 months without gaining weight. with the cold weather and my body changes turning me into an insecure hermit, i gained 20 lbs pretty quickly in the past month or so

>> No.5151562


this is also a great smartphone app for counting calories. Since I've started doing it over a week ago I've managed to stay below my cut amount without too much effort. Even had room for a few beers here and there

>> No.5151618

1200-1600. Feels bad man :(

>> No.5151632

i'd so make love to that while she fed me chocolates. admit it, you would too.

>> No.5151642

Fuck you /fit/, get out of my /ck/.

>> No.5151658


>> No.5151664


There are a couple. I used LoseIt! to lose about 15 pounds a few years ago. Dropped from 172 to 157. Ate around 1300-1500 calories a day.

>> No.5151671

I'm a 5'11'' guy

Back when I didn't give a fuck and just ate whatever I wanted I was 135 lbs and everyone thought I was skinny.
I started eating healthy and cutting junkfood out to clear up my skin. This introduced me to the world of counting calories, and since I'm a really paranoid controlling obsessive person, I've started restricting myself and I feel like shit if I go over 1500, even though I have a semi-active lifestyle and exercise 3 times a week.
I've dropped down to 119 lbs and I think I'm developing an ED.

>> No.5151702

Stop while you can, please. I was like that until I started dropping my calories more and more because I found that if I did I lost more weight. I ended up eating 200 calories a day and 0g of fat, the same exact meals every day.
Why do you think you feel like shit if you go over that amount?

>> No.5151712

What? Why? Do you have an eating disorder?

>> No.5151719

t-thank you hungry skeleton

seriously thou, eat more. It will do wonders for your looks.

>> No.5151761

probably 1500-1700

>> No.5151770

for now eating at 1200kcal a day.
And a refeed every sunday.
losing half a pound a day.

>> No.5151779

I don't count calories as I am not a fatass.

>> No.5151815

It's a little complicated but I think one of the reasons is that my brother is anemic (along with a lot of other health problems) and he's always been very unhealthily underweight, yet he's going to a college for critical writing and he's always been an advanced student. I've always been an advanced student, too, and so I've always been kind of a perfectionist, but I'm still getting my shit together as far as college goes. I compare myself to my brother and think that, if he can be as great as me academically, have more friends and connections than I do, and seem to never whine or complain about anything, than why do I deserve to have more than he does? Why do I deserve to weigh more and eat more often than he does if he can be better than me while surviving off of less?

>> No.5152231

I'm supposed to only be eating ~900 in order to lose weight, but I probably eat more like 1300. Haven't lost a single pound because of it. It's just so hard to stay under 900 and not be hungry all day long. Eventually I'll stop whining and manage it.

>> No.5152251

600- 1000 in food 1000+ from alchahole.

>> No.5152261

I try to keep it around 1700 or so. Still a few pounds to lose but I'm alot better so not in as big of a hurry anymore.

>> No.5152847
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>see this thread
>pf calories
>think back on what I ate today
> ~500

no wonder I'm grey and pass out when my phone rings

>> No.5152851

I simply avoid fat. I eat whatever I want, whenever.

>> No.5153006

However many calorie is in 4 fish oil caps and 1 daily vitamin. Do i win? You fat fucks. Eating over 100 calories like a bunch of heathens.

>> No.5153058
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Aim for 1500, I stop counting at 2000. I have very little self control and no calorie over 2000 will make me feel any fatter than I already am.

Cheese, bread, hidden oils and processed food will rack you up past 2000 no sweat. One big texas cinnamon roll is 500 calories an you sure as shit aren't gonna be full after that.

>> No.5153084

>I simply avoid fat
>Eat whatever I want
pick 1
there's no way to entirely avoid fat unless you're eating plant matter almost exclusively, which are all very low in calories.
you're almost definitely fucking yourself but if not, this is a stupid way to live. fat is not bad for you. avoid sugar if anything because it's so energy dense.

>> No.5153095

>be 250lb grill, fat as fuck
>counting calories every day trying to lose weight
>eat less than 2,000 calories a day or less
>record literally everything I eat in an app on my phone
>not losing weight after a month
>contemplating suicide

>> No.5153104

Mix in a little walking or exercise and you'll see results. Don't give up!

>> No.5153105

fucking hell, delete your tumblr and pull yourself together.

>> No.5153109

So you eat only vegetables and fruit.

Well, anon, I have bad news for you. All of the vitamins and minerals you get from said food doesn't matter if your body doesn't get any fat to help it absorb said nutrients. Also if you were a growing child/teenager, your brain would not have sufficient fat necessary for brain cell growth.

So yeah, have fun being malnutritioned. But at least you "avoided being fat", right?

>> No.5153113

>tfw no tumblr
>tfw no friends
>tfw only pleasures in life are 4chan and food

>> No.5153124

Ok, I was like you too except I weighed in at 197 at most. Last year I lost 30lbs and this year I'm hoping to lose 20 more to finally be at a healthy weight.

Basically you need exercise. I bought a stationary bike which I rode for 1 hour a day. I would also do a lot of walking around my neighbourhood during the summer. Keep counting calories you eat and do some light exercise, it will start coming off as long as you keep at it.

>> No.5153131

You need to start low impact exercise to lose weight -walking especially- and keep the calorie intake low. You should start walking between 5-10 Kms daily. You should be sweating heavily by the end.
The suicide feelings are normal from reduced calorie intake as dopamine production drops as liver breaks down fat. Keep at it and eat right and you'll never feel this low again. It's all chemical.

>> No.5153152

i'm sorry to hear it, but things will get better anon. speaking from experience it's not a good idea to obsess over your appearance/weight when you're at a low point.
exercise will definitely make you feel way better though, even just going for a walk is good.

>> No.5153270

Around 700 cals. I'm 5'5 and 118lbs.
I used be around 160lbs 5 or so years ago.

I eat/drink whatever I want when I'm out with friends, so after that I need a lot of self-control to not go back to old shitty eating habits.

>> No.5153281

Aw man, I hate to go all /fit/ on you, but that's physically impossible. Try eating 1200 calories a day and weigh yourself EVERY SINGLE DAY and I guarantee you'll see a difference within a week, 2 weeks max.
Are you sure you're recording everything? Are you weighing out amounts and know exactly how many cals you're consuming? "Cause at that weight and that amount of calories, you should definitely have seen a difference.
Don't give up, either way.

>> No.5153381
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Yeah, you'll be putting yourself at danger if you keep that up.

On average, 1500 to 1700 calories. I try to control it, but sometimes I'll go past 2000 on rare occasions.

>> No.5153407
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1100-1700, depending on the day. Most days fall into 1200-1300 range.

Female, 110lbs, 5'2''

I have lost 55 pounds of weight from my biggest times.

>> No.5153421

5"7' 150 lbs

>> No.5153422

Around 1000.


>> No.5153425

Less than 2000. I never eat big, calorie-rich meals. I don't even know why I'm here, I don't cook and I don't even eat very much.

>> No.5153428

>5'6" grill
>stayed around 125-130 pounds last 5 years
>no fucking clue my calorie intake but my weight doesn't change
>don't do masses of exercise but I walk everywhere cos poor student

I guess I do something right... My little sister has dropped about 15 pounds in 3 months just by walking now she's moved to university. She was originally about 160 pounds, but she's only 5'2" so she still has a way to go

>> No.5153441


5000 - 6000

put on 50kg in the last 2 years

>> No.5153460

no idea and I don't care since I'm not a stupid bitch or a faggot

and let's not forget how outdated the currently used age old information for this shit is and how it's individual for each person how they handle the calories, counting exact calories is for genuine retards

>> No.5153479

I eat of 18000kcal. They hate me here in Essex.

>> No.5153522

don't worry, your metabolism will shut down in a few years. Be aware that will be likely translate by taking 10-20 kg in a few months.

>> No.5153524

>plant matter almost exclusively, which are all very low in calories.
what are nuts? carbs? syrup?
Not "all" plant matter are low in calories.

>> No.5153526

counting my calories [part of me trying to diet and not be a fat ass]
This month, since the start of the new year I have averaged 1217.4ish

I can link the google doc that shows my weight and calorie association, as well as my food log. I think there's a corelation between some of the data, but I really don't think you faggots care

>> No.5153529



>> No.5153531


Man I actually averaged, so it's off, looking at my daily meals it bounces between highs of 1700 and lows of fucking nothing that day.

The AVERAGE of all the days combined, then divided by the number of days is that.

what do you want from me?

>> No.5153532

3000 about sometimes more

>> No.5153536

It's been a rough month, especially these last few days, ideally I would eat 1300 - 1500. Just found out I won't get paid this month, and it has been close to 40 hours since I last ate. If I could only get a fucking smoke it wouldn't even be so bad.

>> No.5153538

Nothing is more glorious than going from maintenance/cutting to bulking phase.

3000+ calories a day is glorious.

>> No.5153540

>what do you want from me?

your hot love

also your calorie intake is kinda low, but more importantly the volatility of your daily intake will fuck with you if you're trying to lose weight. especially those days of eating nothing. consistency is gewd

>> No.5153541


Yeah I know, but with work and waking up late in the day [then working] it's really hard to eat at regular times. My schedule for working is different from day to day and I don't want to eat the food at where I work because it's super calorie dense, and not really all that FILLING.

I just need to make lunch before hand, and maybe start cooking for myself instead of relying on my family to have food when i get home.

All the weigh ins are recorded around 11 PM. I am worried i'm starting to rebound a little, but I think if I can do a little more work out stuff I can drop it back down.

[all the numbers for burned are based off of the Wii Fit, Wii U thing. I got the pedometer for it so i wear that all the time, throughout my day.

>> No.5153609

>tfw anorexic gf

>> No.5153612


Are you me?

>> No.5153766
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>foreign food with no calorie labels

>> No.5153771

>two slice of pizza
>1300 calories


>> No.5153849

Too many, thanks for reminding me OP I'm just gonna go be depressed somewhere else.

>> No.5154102

>>tfw anorexic gf
I guess Bill Gates complains about being rich too.

>> No.5154127

all of them.

>> No.5154130

Because the looks of OP and constant physical and mental weakness is such a bargain.

>> No.5154171

8k, at least. But I also work in Antarctica, so it's mandated that the cooks give us that much,

>> No.5154201

There's a difference between being slender and anorexic. Skeletons aren't exactly sexy to most people, otherwise we'd all move to Ethiopia and date their women.

>> No.5154214


>> No.5154261

Ethiopian women are fucking hot. My first girlfriend was Ethiopian

>> No.5154267


I'm a senior in college, it's not like my metabolism is inflated because I'm still growing. I exercise 4 hours a day, most of which is moderate to intense cardio. If I gained weight eating the amount I eat now, I'd eat less.

>> No.5155162

nuts are crazy high in fat, dum dum

>> No.5155377

Depends on the day:

M 800
Tu 500
W 800
Th 500
F 800
S 500
S 1200

MWFS are my main exercise days

>> No.5155396


Why would you eat less calories on the days you are training. Thats fucking stupid.

>> No.5155399

I think you need to read that again

>> No.5155510

Recently increased my daily intake from about ~700 to 1200.

>> No.5155519

How much do you fucking weigh?

>> No.5156193
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Give or take 2200 a day
>Feels good being 6'4 master race

>> No.5156227

I'm sure she lived in Ethopian living conditions too.

>> No.5156228

>tfw when I am a 5'0" fully grown female


>> No.5156287

Too many

>> No.5156288

1200-1400, depending on how hungry I am

>> No.5156297

1200 - 1300, I wish to lose weight.

>> No.5156299

anywhere from 1100-1700, though usually never going past 1200.

Can't say that about today though, if there isnt still ice on my car I'm getting pork lo mein from this place I like that I haven't been to since I moved home, and getting peanuts and fruit snacks from the grocery store.

>> No.5156336


my ex was 5'0 fully grown female, now I'm only into petite girls

it's not horrible

>> No.5156343

Too much.

>> No.5156347

I don't know because I don't count them. I'm losing weight though so it's less than 2500.

>> No.5156379

You fat piece of shit

>> No.5156381

About 1400-1700.

>> No.5156442
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I'm 6'4 132kgs, losing weight atm.
At work I'll have a small bowl of corn flakes with full cream milk for breakfast at 6am

Smoko I'll have a pic related at 10:30am

Lunch I'll have another pic related at 12:30pm

Then around 6:30 pm I'll have a portion of chicken and steamed veges. Not sure how many calories it is but I know it isn't shit, this is probably bad for me but I'm getting results so fuck it.

>> No.5156545
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At least it landed you a part on king of the hill

>> No.5156553

I look just like that.

>> No.5156556

Feels like this is a good thread to ask, can I survive on only brown rice, mixed beans and lentils for lunch/dinner and apples for breakfast/snack?

Trying to go Vegan on a tight budget.

>> No.5156559

Want to share more about your job?
You have to eat that much to produce enough bodyheat?

>> No.5156565

>132 kg
It's about fucking time d00d

>> No.5156637
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Depends on what I've done that day and how hungry I feel.
I have a soft squishy body with serious muscle underneath.
If I've been less active, I eat less food and have tea instead of snacks.
Looking forward to warmer weather for outdoor activities and more calories afforded

>> No.5156655

As long as you eat over 1500 calories a day of it you can survive on pretty much anything. That's not to say you'll be in excellent health because you're probably missing some amino acids or proteins and you'll get sick of those foods real quick but it's doable.

>> No.5156692

>bell pepper & tahini - 150kcal
>banana - 100kcal
>leftover minestrone & cheese - 360kcal
>bowl of oats - 500kcal
>some pickles later on - 30kcal

That only comes out to 1140 and I normally aim for 1600 since I'm cutting. But I'm not very hungry today since I ate so well yesterday.

>> No.5156760

Like a million because I eat away my feelings. Technically I have emotional issues where I suppress anything that would cause me to feel strong emotions, like I won't look at photographs of my dead mother and can't react to things normal people feel sad about.

In that way food gives me a momentary boost of actual feeling and pleasure that I can't get anywhere else in life currently except for sleeping and my escapist fantasies. I'm not sure what other addictive coping method I should adopt in order to get rid of my food one.

I guess I like feeling sore after having to pick up heavy stuff and straining my muscles but when I try to do pushuos and sit ups it quickly devolves into me just laying there and staring at the ceiling blanking out and becoming unaware of anything.

Therapy helps a bit. And pills. Advice from people who were/are in similar situations would be nice.

>> No.5156766


No idea. Been skinnyfat my whole life so I do not give a fuck.

>> No.5156888
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this thread.

>> No.5156905

WHAT do you eat? lay off the sugar and starch, they're making you depressed and sapping your energy and making you fat
eat moar meat (yes, even with the fat juicy bits on, don't depress yourself further by forcing boiled chicken breast down your own throat)
don't starve yourself, just eat however much you want, meat veg and fruit
try cutting out dairy for a while (week or two), see if you feel better. if not, just put it back on the menu
I guarantee you won't zone out anymore when doing physical stuff
in particular, avoid beer like the fucking plague and do not drink in the evening
also, exercise is dumb and boring. just go for walks for now

>> No.5156914

I try to not go any more than 1500 but some days it can be much more (even 2200).

>> No.5156919

If you've been maintaining that diet for a considerable amount of time, I'm sure you do not weight as much as you think unless you were morbidly obese to begin with.

Do you have an eating disorder?

>> No.5156939

No, I just want to look nice. I have only been eating like this for a few months.

I was fat growing up and having nice friends, family and a bf around me, I deluded myself into thinking I was fine and happy with how I looked.

I decided I had enough of hearing "that looks so good on you" and "you're beautiful as you are". No. I want things to look good on me regardless of the cut, colour or material and I want to be pretty as a fact, not just because of my 'personality'.

>> No.5156979

It's going to be much harder to lose weight with eating that little, your body thinks you are starving, because you are.

Push your calorie intake to at least 1400-1500, you'll lose more weight, I promise.

>> No.5156988

Starvation mode is a myth.

>> No.5156997

You will still lose weight, just not a lot, and you aren't getting anywhere near the right amount of vitamins, proteins and fat as you should.

Eating 800 cal a day is fucking retarded no matter which way you swing it unless you're doing a fast day thing...which works fine if you can do it.

Another reason why starving yourself is stupid?
You will run towards that chocolate cake so fucking fast you'll double your weight.

healthy eating, not no eating.

>> No.5157003

Whatever you do, take vitamins.

>> No.5157012

When I've lost enough I will graduate to a balanced 1500 cal diet.

I know how moronic it sounds, but this is seriously the only way that works for me.

>> No.5157023


Just wanted to jump in here and say kudos for taking responsibility for your own body.

>> No.5157028

If you have the willpower, god bless you

But I agree with the other poster, take your vitamins, nothing worse than sallow skin and fatigue when you're trying to lose weight

>> No.5157216

Well what's the deal here? Why would eating next to nothing be worse for losing weight than "healthy eating, not no eating"? Is it just willpower bullshit or is there actually some real scientific reason behind this?

>> No.5157276

Hmmm... I don't really count closely, but on average around 1500-2000

>5'8 160lbs and I don't have to work out to keep a 6 pack

>> No.5157326

Around 1000-1500 most days. I don't like the food here at the university :c

>> No.5157337

2400 calories.

6' tall, 200 lbs.

>> No.5157355

As many as possible. I'm trying to bulk, but it's hard getting used to eating over 3k calories when I've never been over 140lbs in my life.

Lately I've just gotten really stoned and eaten my weight in food. Working pretty well so far.

>> No.5157383

As many as I can

>> No.5157387

You probably have goddamn mercury poisoning from eating that much tuna consistently.

>> No.5157404

>implying dying won't help you to lose weight

>> No.5157410

I don't keep track anymore. I'm just going to forget about it until it starts to get warm and then cut when I start doing cardio.

>> No.5157904

How many calories do you eat? and what is your weigth?
Pls respond.

>> No.5158172

>that's physically impossible
no, it's really fucking not.

do not tell people to lose weight by severe calorie cutting. advice like that is dangerous; you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.5158205

Never counted calories. I imagine it varies a lot from day-to-day. I'm actually pretty good at having self-control when it comes to getting junk food while I'm out, and most of my snacks at home are fruit and veg.

But on my days off, I have the shameful habit of cooking enough for a small family, and then grazing on it all night until it's done, just so I don't have to deal with leftovers.

>> No.5158219

I eat vegetables, beans, only fruit I have is apples and bananas. I don't eat pasta and avoid bread and butter. Most dairy I eat is milk with cereal. Don't like cheese and stuff as much as I used to.

Mostly I make soups, use ham/chicken/beef.

I had to buy cat food today so I decided to walk downtown and buy it. While I was minding my own business two guys were talking in a parking lot and suddenly one of them said to the other 'I like fat chicks how I like my coffee..... and I HATE coffee!'

Ha fucking ha. I walked an extra half hour to the grocery store with 20lbs of cat food on my back and bought a container of chocolate chip cookies and ate them all.

Increasingly I don't see the point of going outside or even bothering to eat healthy. As much as I do love vegetables and cooking, I often feel it'd be kinder to kill myself with food.

I am 5'10 and was 320 lbs 5yrs ago. I'm 220 now and can do all the things I like to do, like bike for hours. I have no interest in relationships so I guess I feel as if there's not much of a point in caring. I just want to live alone in a house in the woods forever.

>> No.5158238

> bought a container of chocolate chip cookies
>walk past the same 2 guys
>proceed to commit cookie genocide in front of the two guys
>They eye at you nervously, sweating profusely at the same time
>rustle thru your bag of groceries and take out a bag of cheesy doritos anda bottle of ranch
>dump it into the bag of doritos
>eat gleefully while watching them cringe and cry for the lord

just do it

>> No.5158252


You are eating far more than 2000 calories a day bro. If you want to lose weight you have to actually eat 1200-1500 calories a day AND you have to fucking exercise.


>> No.5158276

Probably ~1,850-2,500 per day.
19 yo f, 18.9 BMI.

>> No.5158288

That sounds like disordered voice hogwash. Which is something you need to not listen to. Eat more.

>> No.5158302

>18.9% BMI

That's fucking slim as hell for a woman

>> No.5158305

Lol. I actually had a rare surge of feelings and I had to tell myself over and over that I am an adult and they were obviously idiot freshmen and adults didn't go punching people in the face or sitting on them u til they suffocate. Adults kept walking and drowned their sorrows in private.

I've never blimped out on anyone but maybe some day I'll give in and probably get beaten up because of my lack of muscles

My cats love me so fuck the world.

>> No.5158331

Yeah. It is my natural spot though. I've been lower, wasn't pleasant. I'm 5'9 and ~128 lbs for reference.

>> No.5158345

Currently trying to lose weight, so I limit myself to 1800 a day and usually fall pretty close to that number. There are outliers though. Today I only had 1300.

>> No.5158358

> I walked an extra half hour to the grocery store with 20lbs of cat food on my back and bought a container of chocolate chip cookies and ate them all.

This makes me want to cry and laugh hysterically at the same time. Look, either seek help or continue the pathetic self-loathing cycle. Nobody has time for your bullshit.

>> No.5158378

your cats may love you but they don't love you like a child or dog does. if you're okay with that then power too you.

>> No.5158393
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>tfw have cat, dog and child

>> No.5158662
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Around 2000. Some days less. I don't think I'm eating enough to maintain my current weight, which was 135 last I looked in December. I'm just not that hungry.

>> No.5158672


I try to keep it below 2100, losing weight. I'm on a break from work right now and I've lost control of myself and have been eating takeout and drinking all weekend.

>> No.5158677

19 f, 5'4" 18.9 BMI, 109 lbs, ~1000-1500 a day. whole family is overweight, gotta watch what I eat :)

>> No.5158691

>perpetual deficit
went from hungry cutting skeleton to clean bulking recently. on active days around 3000 is what I need just to maintain so I can't see myself getting fat any time soon. I expect bulking to yield ~0 results because i'm hesitant to stuff 6000cal every workout day.
currently 6'3 low bf% semi skeleton

>> No.5158731

I eat only 500-900. Only meat, fruit and veggies. I don't get hungry often. I am also 5.11 and 166 pounds, very muscular. I'm not sure whats going on with my body. I'm like never hungry, either.

>> No.5158811
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>tfw 2 more months til my bulk ends
I don't know if I can handle eating less than 3000 calories. Babby's first cut will be painful.

>> No.5158823

I guess around 2000 a day but I consume most of it through alcohol.
I pretty much just live on salad and fruit just so I can consume more alcohol.

>> No.5158841

I'm just trying to restrict
>don't want to jackassedly self diagnose

>> No.5158881

if you do it sensibly and have a high BMR it will be fairly short and swift
change up what you're actually eating, you don't need to go hungry ever when losing weight unless you're a sedentary 40% BF 4'10 recovering auschwitz
eat vegetables and do as much cardio as you like

not that a /fit/izen doesn't know 100% of this but I feel like this thread is being taken over by deluded myproana crossovers and fuck that

>> No.5158950

I don't know. I was gaining a massive amount of weight quickly. So for the past few years I have only been eating when my stomach hurts, and only eating enough until the pain goes away.

I have been maintaining my weight for a long time. I should probably get my ass up and exercise, but I don't want to get shot.

I am also obsessed with pan seared steak, so massive consumption of that isn't helping my case.

>> No.5158954

>but I don't want to get shot
what does this even mean

>> No.5159018

I live in a horrible neighborhood.

>> No.5159530

Capping this. Thank you.

>> No.5159541

You can exercise in your room. Or do you literally mean you can't stand up in case someone shoots through the window. Still room for pushups.

>> No.5159549
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5'9 - 130Ibs. Last time I checked I was about 15-16% body fat? Anyway, I exercise regularly and eat healthy meals at home every day. I eat around 1500 calories. I do go out to eat maybe once every two weeks and exceed that, but everything in moderation! Pic related.

As a future RD, it scares me to see so many people eating under 1000 calories and thinking that is acceptable. Your results may be quicker in the short term, but you're going to feel like shit and become extremely unhealthy - not to mention gain all the weight back when your body relapses. Please see a dietitian if you don't know how to lose weight properly.

>> No.5159560
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I don't know my calorie count.

I just stop eating when I feel full, and I go with my gut on what to eat. I must be doing something right, because I'm pretty in shape.

>> No.5159578


>> No.5159597


Fuck off fatty he's right it is physically impossible it is a fact weight loss is simply calories in, calories out

1200 is only 300 calories less than the average in take a woman needs

>hurr durr men should have 2500 and women 2000

That's only if you're active, you're fat you don''t exercise

>> No.5159596

I don't know, I don't believe in numbers or counting. It's all fancy trickery by the college educated elite designed to let them swindle you out of money and trick you with their fancy "science".

>> No.5159697


Men who are mostly sedative should never eat more than 1500 calories a day. It is a recipe for massive obesity if you go over that. Even more so if you eat processed shit since that is more calorie dense than real food would be.

>> No.5159706


That's a pretty broad brush you have there.

A 5'6" man will need a lot fewer calories than a 6'5" man.

>> No.5159714

If I do not feel shitty and depressed, then usually around 900-100.

Feels like way too much some days.

>> No.5159717

you are generalizing too much.
You can't tell someone who is 6'4'' to limit themselves to 1500 calories like you would for someone who is 5'6''

>> No.5159719
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beat me to it

>> No.5159753

>Men who are mostly sedative should never eat more than 1500 calories a day

First of all, It's sedentary, you retard, and secondly, yeah, if you're a 5'6'' man who lies in bed or sits down literally all day you shouldn't go above 1500, otherwise that's really stupid advice

>> No.5159779

I have this strange habit I've been meaning to look into: Most days I eat 1200-1500, however when I overeat, usually to the point of feeling stuffed, I'll continue to eat. For some reason, whenever I eat too much, I keep eating.

Can anyone explain this?

>> No.5159786


You're probably eating way too fast. Your blood sugar doesn't have time to adjust, so while your belly is full, your body still thinks it is hungry.

>> No.5159790

Around 3000. I need to gain weight though, and I work out 5 out of 7 days of the week.

>> No.5159791

1800-2000 per day for the last 12 months. Starting weight 340lbs, current weight 225lbs.

>> No.5159891


1200-1500 is too few calories for an adult male

you're starving then binging. you probably also binge only on food that you realy enjoy, so he feeling of fullness isn't negative enough to overcome the pleasure of eating.

>> No.5159911
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>mfw people are seriously eating less than 2000 calories a day

jesus fuck, do something with yourselves you fucking faggots. I eat roughly 3000 calories a day, every day. how does it feel to suffer such as you do basically starving yourself? fucking idiots

>> No.5159913

Feels like I have self control and self respect.
Pretty nice all things considered.

>> No.5159920
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>mfw you're picturing me as a fat piece of shit slob
>mfw you're completely wrong
>mfw you're skinny fat even though you have "self control and self respect"

top fucking lel

>> No.5159928

This whole "I starve therefore I am in control of myself" thing is a mental issue that those without any control over their lives and/or first world teenage girls develop. I wouldn't feel to nice about being this weak and vapid.

>> No.5159930

>This guy's mental image of me is totally wrong!
>My mental image of him must be correct, though. Because it's my mental image. Mine.

>> No.5159931
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>projecting this hard
What are you trying to prove on a food and cooking board?

>> No.5159938

lmao, babby's first weight loss attempt :-)
also calorie counting will lead to mad anxiety for some and you may find yourself in a worse place than where you were when not giving a shit. part of me wishes I could go back to being ignorant.

>> No.5159940


oh look, an obnoxious tripfag being a complete faggot. wow, colour me surprised

what am I supposedly projecting? we have at least a dozen faggots in here talking about how they're eating like 1000 calories, I suppose you it up the ass too, eh?

>> No.5159952


If pointing out your hypocrisy is being a complete faggot to you, then perhaps you would be better off if you stopped using your gaydar as a coping mechanism.

>> No.5159954

self respect is not being a vain piece of shit that needs to starve themselves to feel good.

>> No.5159955

>>mfw you're picturing me as a fat piece of shit slob
>>mfw you're completely wrong
What was this all about? There was nothing mentioned about you personally. Not sure where you got the implications.
Why so defensive bro?

>> No.5159965

Ugh. Eating disorders are not a sign of vapidity. It is a sign of deep emotional problems, and the ED is just a way to cope with those problems.

Our society is obsessed with thinness and beauty. If you do not comply with these standards, you will not be accepted by the majority of the US population, or most other developed countries for that matter. If you try to meet these standards, you're "vapid." If you don't try, then you are disgusting, subhuman, and unworthy of a romantic relationship. What the fuck are we supposed to do??

>> No.5159981

Weekdays, 1000-1500
Weekends and holidays, 1500-3000.

>> No.5160000


too many, leave me alone

>> No.5160002

You try but not obsess over it.
Usually keep to a healthy diet? Go on eat some crap every now and again.

When it becomes an obsession, that's when it becomes a problem.

Also, people think other people watch them way more than people actually do. Fat and eating a cheese burger? No one will notice unless you're a ham planet.

Getting to the sizes where people off the street really care about it is usually an indicator of something else going wrong with someone mentally.

The same with people who go too hard on the thin-scale. Obsessing and constantly controlling what you eat is as bad as binge eating, and both are considered EDNOS(eating disorders not otherwise specified).

>> No.5160020

I see what you're saying, you do have a point, but I still think that saying an eating disorder is merely vapidity and weakness is really undermining the disorder and failing to understand its source. It is a coping mechanism for most. If it was just about being thin, they would exercise regularly and eat healthily but not obsess over it.

>> No.5160023


>> No.5160025

That's like 6 pieces of bacon on weekdays.

>> No.5160028

It's also like 65 cups of cabbage.

>> No.5160032


>you will not be accepted by the majority of the US population

actually, this isn't true. it's an ED illusion... trust me.

in self-degradation, you will ALWAYS attract negative people who will degrade you. since this is all you know, this is all you believe the world is.

truth is, once you break free of the weapons our culture hands its people for destroying themselves and others, when you start to simply respect and care for yourself, you will find yourself surrounded by similar minded people. your world will change. i have seen both sides but i'm still on the threshold between them.

those weapons will still exist, and you will see people using them every day; you will see them on billboards, in ads, in TV and movies, on the internet, in your circle of acquaintances... people will hate each other and use this arbitrary "beauty" standard to do so. you just need to be strong and turn the other cheek. people admire strength, confidence and charisma. or envy it, thus making them hate you. BUT they can't touch you if you don't let them.

most eating disorders are far, far more complicated than this, though.

>> No.5160040

That's two big macs

>> No.5160041

Oh I didn't even read that part.
Someone could say that it is technically a weakness, since it's used as a coping mechanism for some other issue, whether it's fighting back for feeling like one has no control over one's life, as a way to receive attention or love, ect. ect.

But that stance really doesn't matter for most people.
It's important to note though, that obsessing about exercise and diet can become an eating disorder, and one that's becoming more prevalent. (Especially now that researchers are looking at Men's eating disorders.) Also some, but not all, forms of dietary restrictions can be linked with some eating disorders, like someone going vegetarian or vegan to maintain control over their lives and themselves.

This doesn't mean people can just go off and tell all these people they have eating disorders, that would be silly.

>> No.5160051


1000 calories is 200 pickles.

>> No.5160055

anywhere between 2200 and 3000
and this maintains me at around 83 lbs (i'm 5'1 for reference) yay having a grossly fast metabolism haha

>> No.5160058

It's also 65 tomatoes.

Point is, with any reasonable amount of calories you can compare it to a small volume of food. It doesn't mean it's an unhealthily low amount, though.

>> No.5160059

That's one bacon cheeseburger from Five Guys

>> No.5160070

That's 1 Dairy Queen Turtle Pecan Cluster Blizzard

>> No.5160073

I see. You have a point. I'm just always hearing about how fat people are disgusting and unattractive and unworthy of life. How thinness is the gateway to acceptance. It's hard to disregard that since I'm SO preoccupied with other people's opinions and thoughts of me.

>> No.5160075

5'11, 240lb female. Fat cunt but active

No more than 1000 a day.

>> No.5160079







>> No.5160083

Also I should add I am losing weight, I have no intention of staying this size. Goal weight is 150lb and then I'll see where to go from there.

>> No.5160090

Sounds like a bunch of jealous butthurt to me.

Blame everything (your fat) and everybody (society) for your problems (too lazy to go get you a man)... Step up yo. Seriously, that shit isn't just handed to you. Its a series of decisions over a long span of time.

Go out with my buddies and smoke dope, or stay home and study? Major is poetry, or something that requires effort? (You'd be surprised how easily $ trumps a tight ass and big tits. Turning off the light while you fuck is one thing, having the electric company turn off the light because you don't have the skills to pay the bills is different). Watch TV, or have a steady, dedicated regimine of dating? More variety increases your chances. Show some balls and don't puss out at the the thought of being lonely between boyfriends, or quickly move on and not waste time when someone is not up to standards?

On and on. You can't imagine the shit I went through to find a mate I could love that wasn't a loser. Took lotsa effort/faith/patience/money... Never did it involve diet, happenstance, or "society is a big meany". Put some effort in it. Its by far the most important aspect of life. If you get that right, everything else will fall into place, come naturally, or be something you can easily overcome as a couple.

>> No.5160099

I don't think you can be very active while eating 1000 calories a day.

>> No.5160102

Anon, please do not do this to yourself by eating so little. 1000 calories is way too little to be able to support your body at your height. I'd even go as far to say that it's dangerous to eat that little. Don't compromise your body by not eating enough, instead eat more but exercise as well. I know you mentioned you are active, but holy cow, that must mean your body is getting less than 1000.

>> No.5160105

>not kilocalories


>> No.5160172


I have only been eating this way for just over a month now, and know there are limits to how few calories to eat, but it just feels like so much. I have bad willpower/control, so with me it has to be all or nothing. I'm scared if I don't keep to my current regime I'll slip up.


I'm active enough- I don't sit on my arse all day- but I know I should definitely exercise more. I mostly just jog every morning/evening with my partner and do some weights every other day. I get too tired to do intensive exercise so most the rest of my activity is simple stuff like doing housework, cooking, going for walks, shopping and going to uni.

>> No.5160180

every volume here has been kcal, just nobody says it because everyone knows what you mean.

>> No.5160322

I admire your determination to go all or nothing. But I still disagree with your method. Hopefully you are getting your vitamins in, which is hard to believe you are doing so with only 1000 calories. Make sure to drink water and keep hydrated so you don't pass out or something.
Good luck to you and your goals.

>> No.5160547

4000 - 5000 kcal/day

6'4" 300#'s & built.

>> No.5160566

that's an insane staple quantity
if you're not obese you must be the fucking hulk, mirin

>> No.5161676


am i losing wieght yet


>> No.5161679

as much as I want to believe the ridiculous amount of reliable scientific proof behind calories as an anatomical unit of energy, a part of me thinks like this.
I'm just not 100% convinced our bodies work like that. They probably do, but IMO not definitely.

>> No.5161686

Dont count buut I imagine a lot just from drinks alone 600 cal plus another thousand in chocolate chip cookie, hell why not.

>> No.5161693


i never get fat. i always keep my proportions.

can eat whatever i want.

>> No.5161696

Anyone can eat whatever they want if they count their calories and expenditure properly.

Unfortunately half of the people in this thread fail to grasp that linear relation.

>> No.5161713

Ways you can lose weight:
1. Not eating
2. Eating

However with eating, you'll lose weight a lot slower, but you'll still be able to not feel shit and provide your body with daily nutrients (your body doesn't just run off calories, you need other shit like vitamins and minerals and fats and etc...)

Also you want to lose weight by making life choices so that when you get to the desired weight, you can just continue eating the same way plus a little.

>> No.5161714
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uhh... i forgot to mention i never count any fucking calories. And I do overindulge in my meals but I also starve myself when its inconvenient to eat.


I eat what i want, when i want, sometimes eating all you can eat buffet like thousands of sushis (137 orders - 29 of them rolls last time during sushi battle 2012. Winner pays all. It was draw)

yeah and sometimes i dont eat for like 3 days.

IN the last 3 days I was eating Tri tip roast i made 3 days ago. And some ramen.


Fat people aren't fat because their meals are larger or more numerous. They're fat because.. while we are walking, standing, talking on the phone, and other... non-eating things... they are fucking eating!

My fat ass friend and I hang out, right - he shows up 1 pm. He already has a bag of chips with him, pops that shit open like 'you want some chi.. NOM NOM NOM NOMORE!

ok, then like 20 minutes later he says come to store with me. I get a beer cause im an alcohol. He gets 2 x-large kit kats and a bag of chips again.....

an hour later hes like "im hungry, u wanna go to carls?"

we go to carls he gets a $9 dollar meal. My meal comes out to $3.50 and its two fucking burgers. This guy got some kind of 6 dollar Glutton Burger with extra Baconator barf or w/e.

An hour later is another bag of chips time.... then he goes home and passes the FUCK out because all that fucking fat and "hydrogenated corn oils" finally hit his brain and cut off any hope of being human.

It's like that movie Wall-E where everyone is fat, god damn it.


its not fucking chow time.

>> No.5161724

>I have bad willpower/control, so with me it has to be all or nothing.

them's eating disorder words.

no, seriously. no disrespect. please see a therapist. you're about to find yourself slipping down a slope.

>> No.5161735


i love when people say "find help"

yeah like the therapist is going to say "oh, you mean you don't have the red and blue stones? you just combine them to unleash the power of Thin-Man"

therapists are CRAP. They will tell you - guess what? "eat less, excersize, make a daily plan, make a regular schedule, set goals and achieve them, motive yourself positively, blah blah lBALHALAG

at the end of the day, it's still much easier to eat an entire nutella cheesecake.

(im not fat im on drugs i just get addictions tho)

>> No.5161741

it's true.
exact calorie counting will ruin your life if you let it.
I nearly let it at a point when my self respect was <0.

Just get general knowledge, eat healthily(plenty) and do some form of exercise if it makes you feel better.

>> No.5161752

Not a lot, I usually have two meals a day. Basic breakfast of oatmeal or toast with pâté, then probably a pasta bake or a stir fry for dinner.

About 1000 I guess?

>> No.5161755


okay, no. you need to not put words in my mouth.

first of all, you need to go into therapy with a mindset of "i'm going to kick this."

if not, then you keep grasping at straws until you find your breaking point.

good therapy WILL help. good therapy combines various methods--especially for eating disorders, CBT and DBT as well as general talk therapy, oftentimes art therapy, and anything else you can think of.

i'm guessing you've seen some shit therapists. and hey, so have i.

i've also been through months of intensive outpatient therapy for bulimia, but i was too immature, self-involved, and frankly depressed to continue going. i gave up. i had just moved out on my own, living by myself, and trust me when you are battling an eating disorder there is NO greater enemy than solitude.

anyway, my fuckin point! therapy helps. it doesn't fix you. sometimes you get therapy, learn some shit, drop out, almost kill yourself, go back, repeat. it's a process. and i repeat YOU NEED A GOOD THERAPIST. or several, whatever suits your individual needs. eating disorders are too complex to be covered by JUST psychotherapy or JUST cognitive behavioral therapy. it needs prodding from various angles.

>> No.5161769

added up today
about 6450 if I'm not mistaken

>> No.5161773

>About 1000 I guess?
what you describe is probably more along the 1500-2000 considering the amount of carbs it has. oatmeal isn't low in calories.

>> No.5161805

152lb 5'3" female, myfitnesspal says to get 1290 a day, I have trouble getting over 1000 and sometimes [a few times a week] I throw up. I don't think it's bulimia; I like food a lot, simple healthy food not microwave dinners or fast food, and I would rather have a fit healthy body--and enjoy the work it entails--than a thin waif body. I just have no appetite. I take a multivitamin and fish oil with breakfast, and I've been doing this whole at or under a thousand calories a day thing for about a year and a half; I added 30 minutes of jumprope a couple of hours after breakfast every day and I've lost 20lbs so far. When I'm less doughy I'd like to buy weights and a rack and start lifting, but there are no gyms here [rural as shit TN, we're lucky to have a fucking walmart] and even if there were I don't want to be seen. I know people at the gym don't really care about other people at the gym but I'm ashamed of how fat I am and how stupid my lack of appetite and occasional throwing up are. I don't really feel unenergetic, but that's probably due to the fact I have six or seven cups of tea a day. No sugar/sweetener/honey just plain tea, for the caffeine mostly. I've tried taking just caffeine pills but I don't drink enough water then so this is tolerable. I don't like sweet things outside of like, sweet potatoes and even then only small servings [2-3 tbsp or so, my plates look like little kid plates].

It's probably an eating disorder. Fuck me.

>> No.5161854

you should try starting your day off doing an hour or so of cardio then eat breakfast. A few hours after that do your jump rope or whatever your routine is. also do you spread your calories out throughout the day? if you do maybe try to eat more light meals but pick one where you get a lot of your calories (and macros if you are counting them). o and make sure you are figuring in the calories you burn so you can make them up. last thing drink way more water and cut back a little on your tea (it may be what is curbing your appitite).

>> No.5161860

whats the problem with the chick in the pic?

she scared they will rape her in the cunt with those foods or something?

fucking retarded.

>> No.5161884

>even if there were I don't want to be seen. I know people at the gym don't really care about other people at the gym but I'm ashamed of how fat I am and how stupid my lack of appetite and occasional throwing up are.

so much this

>> No.5161889

I disagree, eat light breakfast first, then cardio. it's difficult to do hard cardio without eating. it's easier to resist eating after the cardio. if you're going to eat anyway, which you are, eat before the cardio so you can run harder (or whatever it is you do)

you can relish the hunger for the rest of the day if that floats your boat

>> No.5161891

Wtf how are you 152lbs when you've been eating under 1000cals a day for more than a year? I eat 1200 a day and I'm 115lbs and 5"3, that is abnormal to be so fat when you're eating so little. You might have hyperthyroidism, go see a doctor.

>> No.5161897

could be miscalculating her intake. measuring by eye instead of with a digital scale. something like that.

>> No.5161924
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I'm a manlet though

>> No.5161976
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I don't know. I've never been thin, or even healthy--fat mother, fat stepmother, manual labor absentee dad with hefty beer gut. Grew up on syrupy sweet tea and sodas, everything deep fried and heavily smothered in butter, typical disgusting amerifat fare. I moved out and dropped the sweet tea; didn't drop the soda until this past december. When I was drinking soda still I ate maybe once a day and got the rest of my calories from soda, four or five cans of pepsi a day. I've only been consuming a thousand calories of food a day for about two months now and it feels like too much, and that blows because I know I should be hungry. >>5161897 I have and use a digital scale, I'm well aware how inaccurate eyeballing things is. Pic related is what I usually have; I pre-make a lot of things, like the dinner, and measure it out into containers to simply nuke later on. I should change some things up so I'm getting less carbs/sugar, thought I know carbs aren't inherently bad. I have kale/spinach/mustard/whatever leafy green is there sometimes as well.
I tried going fasted and found it disagreeable. My other problem is my extremely sedentary lifestyle: I move very little and sleep quite a lot, even with the large amounts of caffeine I'm inundating my system with. I did not start doing any kind of cardio until the beginning of december, when I dropped the soda and started trying to eat more. I have no doubt that my body is fucked up, and I'm pretty sure I'm depressed as well. I have difficulty focusing; I wouldn't mind seeing a therapist if he'd also prescribe me something like adderall but by the same token I don't think a pill can really fix a person completely.

I am losing weight, at least. Another 20-30lbs and I'll buy a bar and weights and a rack and start to look human. A doctor will probably be seen between now and then anyway, maybe a therapist too. I would have booked something by now but lol no insurance.

>> No.5161998

listen, you retarded fatfuck excuses for bodies..


how fucking hard is that?

>> No.5162002

>>I've only been consuming a thousand calories of food a day for about two months now

You are either:
A) A fucking liar
B) Can't calculate caloric count correctly

At 1k calories a day for two months you would already be so severely malnourished as to require hospitalisation.

>> No.5162071

That image says 1500 calories, which is a lot more than 1000 and depending on your size and lifestyle can make the difference between losing and not losing weight.

>> No.5162141


>excuses for bodies

unbelievable. i don't want to live on this fucking planet anymore.

how hard is it to understand that hating and shaming people doesn't help them change for the better?!

>> No.5162153

>At 1k calories a day for two months you would already be so severely malnourished as to require hospitalisation.

>> No.5162219

Let's see..

Breakfast: 200-300
Lunch: 300-400
Snack: 150-200
Dinner: 300-400

So about 1300 at max? I'm trying to skip snacks/breakfast or replace them with healthy veg so at minimum it would be around 800.

Before you pitchfork at me, I've done it regularly before with no ill effects and because of my frame and height it's a normal intake. Having breakfast would depend on how my body responds to it since I'm starting to work out to build a little muscle. We'll see.

>> No.5162236

900 - 1200 a day. I seriously can't eat enough, I'm often full at 1000.

>> No.5162272

It varies from day to day. Some days I take in a max of 1000-1200, and some days I go all the way up to 2000 or 2500 depending on how hungry I am, how much exercise I've gotten during the day, and my mood. Yesterday, for example, I went well over 2000 calories, because of the party for the game we had, too much good food everywhere. The day before that, I probably only took in 1200-1300, I had a protien shake for lunch, no breakfast and rice and beans for dinner, but I wasn't very hungry. The thing that brings me down is alcohol. I wish I could just not drink, but I've always been a drinker, especially a social drinker, and I actually enjoy the flavors of beers and wines, so I always end up drinking. If I quite drinking completely, I'd probably easily get back to my perfect weight, instead of being 12 pounds over.

>> No.5162331

I eat between 2500 and 3000.
5'10 155lbs

>> No.5162724


wtf? i ate around 700 calories a day for around a year and while i did lose a lot of weight, i was only at the lowest possible "healthy" BMI and could still function just fine. definitely slept a lot and my hormone levels were pretty out of whack an d my period stopped, but severely malnourished and in need of hospitalization is by far an overstatement.

not that i recommend it, i found myself binging uncontrollably eventually and became bulimic for 5 years and counting.

>> No.5163108


>> No.5163390

ugh god.. what did i eat today.
>bowl of oatmeal
>2 scrambled eggs with some broccoli

usually that's how most my meals go. Replace eggs with tuna, beans, broccoli w/ spinach.. sometimes add a fruit into the day. Don't know how much I weigh, 5'7" probably have an ED

it's seriously hard for me to get up to even 1000 calories sometimes. I don't like eating that much, and eating high fat makes me feel like shit / ill. any recommendations.

>> No.5163401

Do you all have eating disorders or do you all just sit on your ass all day?? I have around 1800 on a normal day, sometimes around 2500 and I've been losing weight for awhile. I'm fairly active though, I guess I'd have 1200 or so if I sat at a desk all day.

>> No.5163440

6'2" 290lbs, delicious winter weight.

>> No.5163465

ED as in erectile dysfunction?
What recommendation are you looking for, to put on weight?

>> No.5163479

They probably mean eating disorder anon

>> No.5163498

Obviously eating disorder.

I meant foods with more calories in them so I don't have to eat multiple huge meals, because thats what it seems to be needed to even reach 1200 cal

>> No.5163506


>feels like shit when he eats high calorie food

That's your body telling the brain to kill itself

>> No.5163518
File: 398 KB, 811x720, have i burning today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. With my brain and the rest of my body telling me to kill myself, I should probably be asking for suicide advice instead.

>> No.5163520

Holy shit. Your grammar is actually so bad that it's painful. Please go back to school.

>> No.5163524
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oh, sorry. little slow today LOL
Anyway, oatmeal is great and is high calorie
Hell, your breakfast could look like:
1 cup of cereal + 1 cup of milk
1/2 cup of oatmeal + apple/banana
peanut/butter jelly sandwhich
Bam, that's around 700 calories, which is what I eat on a daily basis
pic related for some other high calorie foods

>> No.5163530

also, that should give a lot of wiggle room for lunch and dinner. maybe some cottage cheese + honey as a late night snack. Lots of possibilities, anon

>> No.5163537
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Thanks man. I'll try to get some mad fruit action going with my breakfasts to start

>> No.5163603
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Np, 5'7'' bros gotta stick together

>> No.5163795

>lean ground beef
>whole milk
Why not skim milk and fatty ground beef? It makes no sense

>> No.5164146


It is the correct amount of calories for the average man. 2000 is too much for most men and guarantees obesity.

>> No.5164372
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Lol, so much momscience in one post.
What's considered average to you?
2000 might be too much if you're a 5'6'' comatose that has 0 amount of activity all day
Even for a male that is 5'9 and 170 lbs, 2000 is the maintenance calorie level
Please do not generalize so much. It's absurd you would suggest it would guarantee obesity

>> No.5164413

I honestly haven't counted. I'm somewhat afraid to. I probably only eat maybe 7000 calories a week, mainly because I forgot to eat for days at a time. I think I've had two meals over the last three days.

I'm 6", male, and weigh 124lbs and losing weight. I also run a lot because of work (valet) and then go to school and walk around another mile.

I'm probably going to die soon.

>> No.5164539

>about 6450 if I'm not mistaken

Sounds kingly.