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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 6 KB, 208x242, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5154403 No.5154403[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Cant believe there's no beer/drinks thread right now. I'm gonna chill with a 6 pack of pic related. Love me some scotch ales. What is /ck/ drinking tonight?

>> No.5154434
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bumping with good beer

>> No.5154454
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im drinking for the third night in a row so im just on lagers

>> No.5154458

I'll probably get some duvet like always. I fancy some whiskey though, but I don't have a decent glass to drink it in...

>> No.5154463
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Pic related is the best beer I've ever had. Like a 9.5/10.
Samuel Smith's oatmeal stout is a close second imo.

>> No.5154508

aaaah dem stouts tho

>> No.5154535
File: 65 KB, 800x1000, bombay_dry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably a couple negronis and then gin & tonics using pic related

i much prefer it to Bombay Sapphire and is a good $10-15 cheaper. don't understand why it's not more common since you can get Sapphire anywhere

>> No.5154587

Love that stuff. Much preferable to Sapphire because it's more neutral. I literally just bought a bottle of it 15 minutes ago.

>> No.5154652

leftover Ballantine's.

>> No.5154721

samuel smiths brewing is a shit

>> No.5154908
File: 405 KB, 1200x1600, Bells Hopslam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought some
Bells Hopslam
Ale Asylum Ballistic IPA
Lakefront Beer Line Barleywine

>> No.5154913
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>> No.5154924
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>> No.5154926
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any other marylanders drinking this tonight?

>> No.5154927

>not drinking every night
> for the past 14 months

>> No.5154931

>Carnegie Porter
>Fuller's London Porter
>Mayflower Porter
>Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout
>Founder's Breakfast Stout
>Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout
>Sam Smith Imperial Stout

Going to try out one or two of these tomorrow. Which do you think are the best?

>> No.5154934

>>Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout
I've never had the others on that list but this shit is fucking awesome.

>> No.5154936

Haven't had all of those, but Breakfast Stout is the best

>> No.5154962

go with the breakfast stout and the left hand, idk any others on the list but those two are great

>> No.5154964

making black and tans with homebrewed munich helles and porter

>> No.5154979
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Probably pleb tier, but I think it's delicious

>> No.5155004

i like weinenkugels a lot, there summer shandy is on point

>> No.5155006

as far as macro owned fake craft beers goes, Leinies is the best

>> No.5155017

i'm probably going to pop open the bell's expedition stout that i'm not aging right now

i've got nothing but stouts in my cabinet and i would really kill for a good berliner weisse

>> No.5155025

Drinking Bells Double Cream Stout atm.

>> No.5155027
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Making "Perfect" Manhattans on the rocks with this

>> No.5155032
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>Super Bowl weekend
>tfw can't drink because my ovaries are on shark-week

I went out last night for a friend's birthday and got a pint of Stella Artois. I like it, but for some reason, I can't help feeling that it's over hyped for what it's worth.

It's ok. This is probably the only Leinenkugal I like. I usually drink it in the summer.

>> No.5155038


I feel like I can't outright dismiss it because every bottle I've cracked open seemed skunked. It's awful if that's how it is normally.

How was it out of a tap?

>> No.5155049

>tfw no other beer has as much of a coriander note as Blue Moon
>real witbiers are always too clove and citrus-forward

what kind of suffering is this

>> No.5155060

I've never had the chocolate stout, but the oatmeal is heaven. Right now, I'm sipping on the Samuel Smith Taddy Porter and I'm massively underwhelmed.

>> No.5155066
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Drinking a thing of this, also some wine and some 'apple ale' I found.

I feel like I'm really getting trashed like people back in 1914 did.

The batch 19 shit is actually kinda good, kinda like a Boston Lager/ Budweiser mix. Boston Lager without the carcinogens and sulfates, I guess.

>> No.5155087

the oat is really the only good beer they put out
there are a million other chocolate stouts (and even just plain imperial stouts that happen to taste chocolate-y) that blow theirs out of the water

>> No.5155089
File: 131 KB, 640x853, ab-fdb-double-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my old standby ...

>> No.5155107

I sort of agree - the oatmeal is the only SS beer which has ever really impressed me.

A good imperial stout is so tasty. If you can get your hands on it, you should try Durham Brewery's Russian Imperial Stout. It's a local beer for me, so it might be hard to get if you're in the US, but it's by far the best beer I've ever tasted.

>> No.5155130

Just cleared a bottle of nigori sake, really surpising.

>> No.5155146

When I lived in Denver I used to hit up that brewery a couple of times a month. If you go at 1600 on Tuesdays they have a tour of both their brewery and the Stranahans whiskey distillery attached to it. The tour was free and you get 2 1/2 free beers and a shot of whiskey.

>> No.5155174

Better than I expected. I found it to have a light body, crispy, and a wheat finish. I guess...sweet-bitter, rather than bitter-sweet.

I don't think I'll ever buy the case though.

I was disappointed that I didn't see any foam to shave off (the commercials make it look so nice). At some point while drinking, I suspected that it wasn't chilled properly because it got warm pretty quickly.

>> No.5155230

Founder's Breakfast and Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout. Then take a nap.

>> No.5155257
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I started off with pic related at the bar, I'm going to finish off the night with some Sixpoint Hi Res.
Also why is /ck/ have such a narrow focus on BEER BEER BEER and when it's not BEER BEER BEER it's LAFROOG AND PAPPY ALL THE TIME? I'm no one to talk since I'm drinking the stereotypical /ck/ Islay and IPA, but that's just a coincidence. You people seriously need to get more variety in your diet. Wine and sake and brandy and gin, it's all good stuff. Drinking the same shit all the time is fucking boring and you people are boring. Yeah, you're fucking boring. You wanna fight about it?

>> No.5155261

best imperial stout for me by far is imperial biscotti break
i live in a small town so i don't have much access to the variants but that shit is like drinking silken chocolate
liquid decadence it is

>> No.5155268
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Spotted Cow

>> No.5155270

Just had some Bells Golden Rye

>> No.5155327
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Rockin' a bomber of St. Bernardus Prior 8 tonight

Does anyone else collect bottles/cans? My roommate and I have been saving a bottle of everything we've had for several years, it's amassed into a pretty nice little collection.

>> No.5155333
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Second shelf as well, everything on both was drank by myself or my roommate.

>> No.5155336

>saving your empties
neckbeard as fuck

>> No.5155339

nothing super stellar pictured up front there but i am pretty jelly of all that jolly pumpkin

>> No.5155344

>Bamberger Rauchbier
+1 mates

Also I love how you've OCD'd the bottles according to their heritage and brewing style.

>> No.5155352

I'd like to have another shelf with all the really cool/rare/interesting bottles, but we really don't have room for another one.

Thx m8, we figured it'd be a little nicer to look at if we arranged shelves by brewery and country of origin. I've got a Schlenkerla Weisen I keep forgetting to put with the other three as well.

>> No.5155373

>no bud lite
it's the best beer ever, just cause it's so popular you hipsters don't like it

>> No.5155379

You should at least try a little harder than that

>> No.5155381

>basing your favourite beer entirely on the opinions of others
Well done breh.

>> No.5155386

>opening rares
you better not bruh

>> No.5155387

Is your roommate the raging weeaboo or just you

>> No.5155408
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Drinking this neat

>> No.5155409
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>saving and displaying beer bottles

What? You realize anyone who actually enjoys trying different beers is going to laugh at your fedoric attempt to show off your tastes and knowledge. And anyone who doesn't know about beer is going to think your a raging fucking alcoholic.

>> No.5155447

I don't really think it's a big deal.

>> No.5155450

>not saving beer/liquor bottles

maybe not to the point of indiscriminately saving each one, but some are undeniably great looking, rare, or unique in some interesting way and worth keeping around if you'd like

>> No.5155456

Im a borderline alcoholic and even I think that looks pretty trashy, just sayin

>> No.5155462

or you can just keep a notebook like normal beerfolk

all you're doing is collecting trash
even if you have a good beer, the second you open it is the second it's worth nothing

no one cares about the bottles, they care about what's inside

>> No.5155472

>beer bottles
>bluray collection
>any art on wall
>fedoric attempt to show off your tastes and knowledge

Who gives a fuck? It's a nice conversation piece and a half decent way to fill up empty space in your apartment. Plus it looks cool once it's built up.

You must be a pretty boring person.

>> No.5155475
File: 38 KB, 300x400, pliny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im drinking a pliny right now.
cooking some garlic mashed potatoes(chunky with the skins on, like a boss)
im gonna broil a flat iron, rare, and make a salad as well.

its a good friday night

>> No.5155477
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I really want to get into whiskey/scotch, but I don't know how to start acquiring a taste for it. Randomly buying semi-expensive alcohol doesn't seem practical to me. Any ideas?

Pic related, it's all I've ever had (plus a taste of Johnny Walker), but I enjoy it more than most beers.

>> No.5155485

I agree with the other guy and disagree with you. Bottles can be awesome. Labels are usually nice. These things tie in with the experience of the beer, often times. And if someone has the space for it, why the fuck do you care.

>> No.5155490

get a bottle of jameson. you can get a pint for as little as 10 bucks depending on where you live.
its my absolute go too whiskey to drink neat.
smooth, tasty, and not too expensive.

>> No.5155491

Did you even read? It's about the bottle itself. Most of my friends drink Jim Beam or Coors Light; they care fuck all about a great stout or what have you, but they all can appreciate a great-looking bottle design

>> No.5155503

Evan Williams bourbon is a pretty good cheap and simple bourbon. Should be no more than $15 for a fifth and will likely be closer $10. Easy to drink neat, too.

>> No.5155520



>> No.5155533

>people ITT complaining about other people having collections
Man, you guys must be exciting people to hang out with.

>> No.5155538


You won't ever spend less than $40/750mL on decent scotch, even when it comes to blends

J&B is probably the best of the shit-tier and affordable blended scotches you'll find easily, way better than the ungodly swill that is Johnnie Walker Red (though Johnnie Walker Black is pretty good)

>> No.5155552

This seems like a reasonable place to ask this. been thinking about picking up some absinthe is la clandestine or amerique 1912 good? Also is Luksusowa vodka good and/or worth looking for

>> No.5155554

i cant get into scotch, i just really dont like the smokey taste. i like my irish whiskey and american bourbon.

>> No.5155557

I like Beefeater more as well. Bombay Sapphire is one of the most over-rated alcohols there is. Apart from any and all premium vodkas that is.

G+T are probably one of my favourite drinks but I can't have it too regularly.

>> No.5155575

>rogue voodoo maple bacon doughnut
Yeah, I got suckered into trying that als-
>two bottles

>> No.5155577

Stella's are average at best. If you want European mass manufactured beer Hoegaarden and Weihenstephaner are your best bet. I'd ratehr have a Guinness over a Stella. It has absolutely zero personality.

>> No.5155584
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>Apart from any and all premium vodkas that is
except for Chopin, of course

(and Ketel One and Stolichnaya Gold if those are considered "premium," otherwise I mostly agree)

>> No.5155590
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My current beverage atm.

>> No.5155592

you should try the rouge beard beer, if you can get it. (i dont know if they bottled it or not)
basically they combed out his beard, and cultured the yeast to make beer.
it sounds really gross. cus it is, but its pretty good.

>> No.5155594

i mean the head brew-master.

>> No.5155597


I'm not a sapphire fan myself, but there was a guy on here a few weeks back saying that sapphire's image problem was due to stock handling and people drinking old or damaged product. I don't really care to seek out "fresh" sapphire since there are lots of great gins, but who knows. Imagine being so hip that you drink awesome fresh sapphire while saying nothing in response to the the poseurs shitting on your sapphire for not being "obscure" enough. How awesome would that be? You'd be superior to the regular stale/lightstruck sapphire plebs, plus the over-opinionated hendrick's noobs, and all the gin of the month hipsters, all at once. And you'd be too cool to say anything.

>> No.5155601

you never buy a rogue beer more than once
other than the hazelnut brown nectar, that shit was boss

>These things tie in with the experience of the beer, often times
you know what had an awesome label and was a garbage beer?
cuvee deliriante
oregasmic ale
la fin du monde

the label has nothing to do with the product
the guy's just collecting stuff he should put in the trash
if he had a beer that he was proud of getting, he would buy two, drink one and display the unopened one
empty bottles is hoarder shit

>> No.5155611

>Guiness over Stella

Ohh, same here. Honestly, my choice for a Belgian beer (granted, SA is a pale ale) would be Kasteel.

>> No.5155621

Haven't had that but the bottle looks cool. Ketel One is my favourite and absolutely the highest I'm willing to go.

I'll be honest. The reason I started drinking Beefeater is because it was cheaper. Me and friend liked it a lot and were hoping that Sapphire(which cost double the Beefeater) would be even better. When we bought it we enjoyed it but it was a major disappointment and we never tried it again. I hope that the stock thing isn't true because I've been shitting on it ever since.

Hendricks I haven't tried yet so Beefeater is still no 1.

>> No.5155626
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i'll drink this beauty.....and the best part of that, i brewed that beer .........

>> No.5155632

Looks really cool. Porters are awesome. Any interesting details?

>> No.5155636

i........ dipped my dick in it..................

>> No.5155637

The other one is Peanut Butter Banana, not Maple Bacon Doughnut

>> No.5155649

Did it tingle? Straight into the bottle or did you pour the beer into the glass then dip it? Were you worried about getting and erection? I asked for details dammit!

>> No.5155652

It's not about the product though, at all, at least I don't think. It about seeing a nice bottle and keeping it because it looks good. Doesn't matter too much at all whether or not the beer or liquor inside was quality or not. And it's not really "hoarder shit" unless it's indiscriminate and compulsive. I guess you have every right to think it's stupid, but I'm sure many people also find some of the things you do idiotic.

>> No.5155653
File: 873 KB, 1393x915, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep a cardboard box full of my wine corks to admire in private and remind myself of some good times, but displaying dozens of empty bottles for all to see seems a little much.

>> No.5155658


thx :D

beer profile:
- Flavor notes of chocolate and Coffee
- honey porter ( with 100% real bee honey). Added the Honey to give it a balance
- Malty flavor
- Smooth texture and creamy foam


>> No.5155660


you can learn a thing or two, just dont mention champagne

>> No.5155661

For some reason, that seems a bit creepier: you hunched over a box of wine corks in a corner of your bedroom, carefully regarding each individually, sniffing

>> No.5155671


To make it extra creepy, I'll usually find a way to pocket the cork during restaurant meal when no one else is looking.

>> No.5155678

Jesus. I... don't know what to say.

Would love to try it.

>> No.5155979
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i've had 160 oz. of Olde E tonite...

>> No.5155993

how does it compare to steel reserve?

>> No.5155996


>Tank 7

I'm ok with this

>> No.5157108


beer shouldn't taste like sugary breakfast cereals

>> No.5157175
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2 bottles of this. My liver is aching just thinking about it.

>> No.5157749
File: 87 KB, 435x320, twobrothers caneandebel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a bottle of 3F dreadnaught and a sixer of pic related

>> No.5157791

>comes in 2L soda bottles

just how bad is that stuff?

>> No.5157912
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Just picked this up tonight : )

>> No.5157924

Nah they come in 3 litre bad boys. 7.5% alcohol content. Cheap and destructive.

>> No.5157933
File: 17 KB, 230x320, smirnoff-cosmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this right here

>> No.5158061

I'm drinking some homebrew trippel. It's pretty good, but I think I made it too strong.


Neat, I'm brewing some honey porter tonight myself.

>> No.5158097

Pleb detected. the imperial stout is god-tier.

>> No.5158430
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Ill finish off twenty four 500ml cans of this stuff in about 4 days. Downing 6 to 7 is normal, and its much cheaper than hitting the pub @ $50-70 per visit.

If i don't buy it i can resist for a few days. But if its there, and i have a taste, its full speed till the end.

>> No.5158613
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Missed this thread before and started a superfluous drink data request thread. Deleted it now, reposting post in here.

>What's a good bourbon or whiskey in the $40 range? I'm wanting to get a gift for a couple I'm friends with, so I figure I might get a step up in quality since it's two. I'm more of a fan of beers, ciders, tequilas and cordials they're both big fans of whiskey and everyone loves bourbon. I just don't have much experience in the realm there. What's a quality non-shitty option?

Basically, I'm bundling two birthdays into one since I'm friends with both people, and figure I might win more Cool Points by getting them something nicer rather than two average gifts.

>> No.5158619

That is pretty good, I had that for the first time two weeks ago. I don't think I have the discretionary taste to give accurate rankings to things, but it was yummy.

Yes, yummy. Fuck you.

>> No.5158628

i dont have a lot of experience with whiskey, but i like bourbon. of what i have personally tried, i'd recommend:

bulleit 10 year - all i can think to describe bulleit compared to other bourbons is 'bright'. the flavor/profile is just really sunny and bold, alive
knob creek single barrel 9 year - more spicy and dark
russels reserve - more woody and mild than the previous two

look up reviews from a blog called 'sour mash manifesto' as well. that guy really knows his shit

>> No.5158637

Stella is alright, but has associations in the UK that MERICANS put with shitty Budweiser and all, it's the beer that angry sports fans get fucked up on before fighting.

>> No.5158674

I'm siding with >>5154721
I haven't been impressed with anything Samuel Smith's has put out.

>> No.5158690
File: 199 KB, 800x767, anchorsteam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having some Anchor Steam right now.

I have to say that this is probably my favorite beer here in the US.

>> No.5158696


I do the same with liquor bottle corks.

>> No.5158708

i was amazed when i found out that its a larger

So much flavor

>> No.5158713

That is good shit. I really wanted to try their Christmas ale, but couldn't find any of that shit where I live.

>> No.5158718


I had that. It tasted like a christmas tree smells. Interesting but nothing I'd like to drink every day.

>> No.5158753

also Id like to point out that their tour is free.
soo if youre in sf schedule one. At least free 2 pints

>> No.5158766

brookers is pretty good but its around 60 tho

otherwise I personally love rowans creek

>> No.5158769
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I got 1.5L of 13% Pinot Grigio in a box from Target for $10. I've drank about 85% of it over the past 3.5 hours. I feel pretty drunk. The wine isn't that great, I drink red wine most of the time.

>> No.5158782
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Philadelphia Brewing Company Newbold IPA

Not drinking it because it's particularly great, but it's $30 even for a case at the beverage distributor place in my neighborhood.

>> No.5160287

I've had neither but La Clandestine is considered one of the best blanches by some. I'd dare buy a bottle if I found it.

>> No.5160302

not all scotch is smoky. Islay whisky is but that's only one of the several districts.

>> No.5160314
File: 143 KB, 1024x766, Innis and gun winter porter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this

I got 2 limited edition packs from innis and gunn the other day and both came with a bottle of their small batch bourbon stout, so i plan to have it tonight

>> No.5160318
File: 131 KB, 1200x1600, Full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here.
Also, looking at getting into brewing, is ale much harder than standard beer?

>> No.5160368

To an extent yeah, alot of the underlying factors in the brewing process can be veeeery tempermental when done by amateurs.

>> No.5160433

Damn it. I have a kit ordered for making standard lager in, was hoping to move onto ales shortly enough afterwards.

>> No.5160437

Coca Cola with Black Cherry Red Stag. No pic due to my camera being a shithead

>> No.5161439
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Drinking this shit. Pretty fucking tasty.

>> No.5161462

They actually make Repo Man stuff? Is it any good? I feel like I'd probably be disappointed if it was.

>> No.5161931

>black ipa
>black pale


>> No.5162064
File: 106 KB, 640x640, hopslam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had two bottles of Hopslam last night. Definitely not going to do that again.

>> No.5162338
File: 35 KB, 209x500, 3888846_a6c5925be0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This beer is great. It's like all Japan does is take stuff and improve them greatly, I mean the can is fucking steel! Too bad bad a single can is 3 bucks.
Sapporo is my shit

>> No.5164736
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>> No.5164798
File: 1.11 MB, 2209x2242, randoms 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I collect bottle caps. I had 3 of these sized frame pics full of different caps but 2 of them broke during a film shoot. I have about 80-100 right now. tricky to find new ones these days.

Currently drinking a kokanee I got for free for being a taxi driver on friday. Tommorow is a liquor store day. I'm really craving something hoppy or fruity, maybe a hefeweizen but it's out of season. I'll probably end up with a howe sound pothole filler. looks like a solid beer.

>> No.5164837

I'm starting to get a good collection myself. I think I'll make a cork memo board or something...

>> No.5165394

I keep one empty bottle of any liquors I like, though it bothers me that there isn't a colored liquid in the whisky and rum bottles. It just isn't the same and it's rustling muh autism.

>> No.5167145
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Enjoying this awesome imperial stout.

>> No.5167212

Can of Murphy's so far

>> No.5167241

just Gordon's Gin & Tonic tonight

>tfw hours cut at work

>> No.5167466


Sweet as fuck dessert beer here.

>> No.5167472


I've had the Fuller's, Left Hand, and Samuel Smith's and recommend them all. Based on what I have read I would the the most eager to try the Founder's.

>> No.5167602
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Tonight I've had a couple shots of Knob Creek Single Barrel Reserve, but aside from that I decided to lay off the bourbon tonight, also had a Founder's Imperial Stout and just opened a 22oz bomber of Avery Hog Heaven.

This is by far my favorite easily attainable craft beer.

>> No.5167959

Wow. How much did that run?

>> No.5167973
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Love this stuff.

>> No.5168601

looks like a ruby beer from here
what's it like?

>> No.5168607

i do, although I don't have enough to sort in any meaningful way

>> No.5168636

how much does a bottle of jaeger cost

>> No.5168640
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Im not the guy you were talking to, but the only Innus and Gun Ive ever had was horrifying and got poured down the sink. It was their rum cask brew.

>> No.5168647

the scotch you're talking about is petted scotch its made to be smokey, drink some sherry scotch, or even bourbon cask scotch they taste different. Try Macallan 10 or 12

>> No.5168690

Aren't porters and stouts usually red though? Hold a Guinness up to a light and you'll see it's just a really deep red

>> No.5168712

How do I keep a nice buzz/drunk for a while without getting completely nauseous on shots?

>> No.5168721

1. take 3-5 shots over half an hour depending on tolerance
2. nurse beers the rest of the night
4. profit

>> No.5168725

What if I dont have beers.

Ive only gotten drunk a few times so my tolerance is basically zero

>> No.5168730

nurse a mixed drink, preferably one less than 50% liquor, or space out your shots by the hour after that first batch

>> No.5168735

Aight thanks. I took like 9 shots over the course of maybe an hour or so and I felt like I was one more from throwing up and I didnt like feeling sick like that

>> No.5168941

eat a reasonably large meal beforehand - it takes more alcohol and longer to get drunk, but you're less likely to get totally hammered and the effects will last for much longer

>> No.5168968

How was it?

>> No.5169813

Last year's Christmas batch was pretty disappointing. The spices were oddly balanced.

I stored a few anyway, just to see how they age. Perhaps some of the understated flavors will come out after a few months.

>> No.5169877
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chimera, birrificio del ducato, belgian ale

>> No.5169879
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How can one single brewery be so based?

>> No.5169894

fucking jelly

how is westbrook in south carolina but doesn't distribute to north carolina

>> No.5169954

Stella is known as wife beater lager here in the UK. The Cidre's not bad for a relatively cheap cider though

>> No.5169968

why did you name a beer after a tanktop?

>> No.5170132

it's because it's allegedly strong enough that you beat your wife after drinking it

related, i met several belgian people who said that when in the uk, they go for stella as it is the most like the belgian beers they're used to

>> No.5170161

/ck/ I'm 27 and I have never had a drop of alcohol other than a few sips of champagne when I was young. I love the taste of wine in food, how do I into drinking it?

>> No.5170171


you put your glass up to your lips and you sip.

good luck!

>> No.5170176

Leinenkugels is fucking awful

>> No.5170182
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I have one more glass worth left in the bottle. What should I buy tomorrow, /ck/?

>> No.5170189


>> No.5170190


>> No.5170194

No way, that always gives me headaches.

is that a whiskey?

>> No.5170196

Japanese scotch

>> No.5170199


The fuck is a scotch ale?

>> No.5170203

Michigan Craft Beerfag here, I've been sipping on my bombers of Incorrigible from New Holland. For a sour ale, it's got a surprising cider-y quality to it. Like Granny Smith apples and lemon juice with a little bit of a wheat quality to it.

I've been trying to get more into Dogfish Head's brews, when I first started getting into craft beer, I wrote them off as weird and their range of distribution made me think they were of low quality. I just had the Noble Rot last week and fell in love and my work is getting a case of 120 Minute IPA, which I have dibs on a few. What else do I need to try?

>> No.5170204

Yamazaki isn't really a great intro to Japanese whisky, it's kind of like... Bowmore 12 as an intro to islay, to be frank. I think it's overall a better whisky than Bowmore 12 but that's not saying much.

>> No.5170205
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>> No.5170206
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forgot my pic

>> No.5170208


Most of Dogfish's stuff is solid. Midas Touch is fun, some people freak out when they see the description, but I've never given anyone a bottle and had them not love it.

>> No.5170211

I just think it's a solid whisky.

>> No.5170212


Fuck I hate the obsession with jacobite this and that for selling 'Scottish' stuff.

>> No.5170215

Scotch Ales (also known as Wee Heavy ales) are a darker style of beer, the wort is boiled for a longer time allowing it caramelize and giving it a darker color. They are usually higher in alcohol and have a stronger malt bill to them. They're very good if you're a fan of darker beers!

>> No.5170219

Is it popular where you are? No one in my area drinks this shit and I can only find it at a few liquor stores. It's one of my favorite scotch ales. Well the oak barrel aged one is.

>> No.5170220

Alright man thanks, I work at a craft wine/beer/liquor store right now and they're one of the few breweries on our shelves I haven't delved too deep into. Maybe I'll break up a Midas Touch 4 pack for myself when I clock in tomorrow.

>> No.5170222

Yeah, I know the Bowmore isn't all that special. I saw a bottle of Laphroaig quarter-cask for $46. Is that a good deal?

>> No.5170227
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>Japanese scotch

the scotch in "scotch whisky" refers to scotland. yamazaki would just be called japanese whisky

>> No.5170232


Sorry the rant was more about the generic overuse of Jacobite/highland references.

And no, Buckfast is popular where I am.

>> No.5170234

I aint even care

>> No.5170235


It's a good price compared to what it goes for now in my area, although Laphroaig overall has gotten really inflated in recent years due to neckbeards.

Most people start with something a little smoother like Lagavulin 16, but you've had your milquetoast Bowmore 12 already so you might as well dive in now.

>> No.5170240

>muh autism

>> No.5170254

>lagavulin 16
I was going to try that the other day, but it's 70$ in my area. Fuck that.

>> No.5170258

Lagavulin 16 runs from $55 to almost $75 depending on the store around here. I can get Ardbeg 10 for $40 at one location.

For just getting drunk, my go-to is a big jug of Cutty Sark.

>> No.5170305
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Get on my level, nerds

>> No.5170413
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bless da 40 oz

>> No.5170490
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dis shit

>> No.5170505
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Had a glass of this last week and it was pretty damn incredible. It's 'West Flanders Brown' blended with a lambic and it's got this wonderful sourness that just melts into a bittersweet fruit flavor.

A local place is having a Sour-Fest coming up in about a week and I'm really looking forward to trying a bunch of different sour beers.

>> No.5170542
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same thing I drink every night, an old fashioned.

>> No.5171006

Ever mix it up with a manhattan grandpa?

>> No.5171017
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Possibly a small glass of this later.

>> No.5173411 [DELETED] 

To be honest with you I bought this in Denmark. Sorry about the distribution.

>> No.5173415


This again, just like every night.

>> No.5173416

I bought this in Denmark actually. Sorry about the distribution!

>> No.5173417
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>> No.5173489


>> No.5173511

Don't get discouraged. It's not that hard, honestly. You'll do great with your kit.

>> No.5173541
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Drinking a sixer of pic related and then starting on a bottle of Jack Daniels. Found out my gf has been sleeping with my best friend so hopefully I can get drunk fairly quick.

>> No.5173583

Wtf is wrong with you. Wild blue is like smurf cum.

>> No.5173592


Have you tried Keweenaw Brewing Co.? I go to university up at MTU and was probably going to pick some up for the winter carnival up here

>> No.5173685

Only on fridays, kid.

>> No.5173745

My local has this on tap. So delish

>> No.5174218

yooper scum

>> No.5174262

Going to a BYOB, gonna finish off the rest of my Goose Island Sixth Day and Ommegang Adoration. Hope to be completely drunk before the appetizers drop.

>> No.5174279

Say that to my face, Toivo, not online and see what happens, eh?

>> No.5174494
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>> No.5174867


had been years since I've gotten my hands on Dreadnaught, until I was in my local liquor store a couple weeks ago and found out they sold the bottles behind the counter with a limit of 1 each. Good stuff.

Now if only I could find some Zombie Dust.

>> No.5174907

is that full of cream?

>> No.5175296
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Was wolln wir?

>> No.5175306

I fry up 10 lbs of bacon in a large cast iron skillet. I then transfer the grease to my flask. Shit is so cash

>> No.5177652
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Drinking this baby right now (Siren/Omnipollo/Rick Gordon Lindqvist Näcken). The way this 3-way collab took place was that Rick Gordon Lindqvist won a homebrewing competition and got to be a part of a collab with Siren/Omnipollo. Apparently they never intended to mass produce the winning beer, but they liked it so much that they decided to mass produce it.

Thought this couldn't possibly live up to the hype considering how it shot up to ratebeers top 10 of german hefeweizens in a couple of months. But fuck me this is the best hopfenweizen I've ever had. That perfect mix of a hefeweizen and IPA in the flavour makes this one a fucking winner.

>> No.5177675
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>> No.5177934

>dat hand
>dat tiny flask

Are you by chance a giant baby?

>> No.5177951
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>that fucking hand
I fucking hate fat people.

>> No.5177953

>Are you by chance a giant baby?
Nailed it.

>> No.5178091

"smells like asprin, tastes like Icy-Hot"

>> No.5178100


Actually I am. I'm drinking it again right now and I haven't stopped

>> No.5178316

based tyrone

about to crack open some 'shine in a bit

>> No.5178709
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Founders Imperial Stout. Fucking great.

>> No.5179488
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What I'm drinking tonight.

This will be a fun night.

>> No.5179511

Drink it from the bottle

>> No.5179529


Chocolate Rain is for faggots.

>> No.5179533
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>I'm not cool enough to secure walez

Look at this fucking kid right here.

>> No.5179571
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Had a glass earlier, might have another.

>> No.5179577


I've seen this at the liquor store by my place. Is it worth $85?

>> No.5179590
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Had a shitty day and this got recommended to me by a guy at the liquor store. Loving it so far.

>> No.5181418

Just had a Dark N Stormy

>> No.5181454

>tfw people that know their shit about food keep themselves to this thread a few others while white thrash and people that regularly ingest shit invade and sack the board of any good discussion while flooding it with their cancerous, horrible tasting food

>> No.5181473

Guy you were replying to initially, I have, my work also carries their sampler six pack of their flag ships. The Black Ale and the Pale from their are fantastic!

>> No.5181486
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These bad boys because I bought 'em to binge with over the weekend but didn't end up going out. Also PBR.

>> No.5182733

muh nigga

>> No.5182773

Miser's Punch. Cheapest way to get 10 people fucking Drunk in Vancouver.
2x Bright's 74 Sherry 2 liters- $17 each x2 = $34, 400mL pure alc each
2x Peach Growers Cider 2 liters- $8.50 each x2 =$17,
140mLs pure alc each
Total booze costs = $51
Total mL's of pure alcohol= 1080. Enough to get an entire fraternity wasted.
8L water cooler jug

Get a clean 8 liter water cooler jug and a funnel.
Pour in all the booze, Swirl it, pour it into glasses and distribute.


>> No.5182775

Get fucking wasted

>> No.5182776

well, if I am ever in Vancouver, thanks

>> No.5182783

Actually, it's best to buy the booze in Newton, a 2 hour transit ride from vancouver, it's cheapest there, and isn't prone to restrictions like arbitrary bans or weird rules about purchase limits

>> No.5182822

>purchase limits
u wot m8

>> No.5182823
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>> No.5182824

Vancouver has a lot of dumber than shit politicians. They think setting lots of rules makes things safer.

>> No.5182827

I'm not drinking that amount actually. I'm on medication and possibly should not drink at all.

>> No.5182845
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go myself a bottle of mead

it wasn't too bad, but neither good.

I honestly don't what i was expecting

would you guys recommend me a cheap wine?
less than 20 bucks please...

>> No.5182846

I live in vancouver and have never been met with a purchase limit here. In a private store or a BCL. I've never had trouble buying drink here. You must be a teenager.

>> No.5182857

Have 2 bottles of that in my fridge. Can't wait to try it.

How is it?

>> No.5182869
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>tfw you live 2 hours from 3 Floyds, then spend 80 dollars on two cases.

>> No.5182874

Have you tried Lambrusco? It's a cheap red wine that's on the sweet side. You can find it for under $20 usually. If you don't like sweet wine then it's not for you.

>> No.5182886

One is Voodoo Doughnuts Bacon Maple, the other Voodoo Doughnuts Chocolate, Peanutbutter and Banana. It isnt any better.

>> No.5182893
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>> No.5182982

>Doughnuts Chocolate, Peanutbutter and Banana

this is now an ice cream thread

>> No.5182990

I live about 3 hours downstate from chicago and I have never seen any 3F stuff sold. Really annoying.

At least I managed to find a pack of BCBS

>> No.5183502


I'm in the NW 'burbs

been meaning to get down to the brewery sometime. But ya, 3F selection can be pretty hard to come by, the stuff the stores do get always flies off the shelf so quick

>> No.5184393
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I am drinking La Chouffe. Belgian beer.

>> No.5185312

I drink a lot of Boulevard's beers, and I'm wondering, does' bottle conditioning' really do anything special for their beer? All their stuff that I have drank says on the bottle that they add extra yeast to the bottle to 'promote further fermentation'. Will it taste better if I let it age a while?

>> No.5185332

Left hand always puts out a good product.
>dat subtly satanic brew

>> No.5185550


Bottle conditioning is one prerequisite for a beer that will age well. You have to understand though: Aging any beer that meets the prerequisites does not necessarily make a beer better. The changes that occur as you age a beer are in fact contrary to many beer styles. For example, you should not age an Imperial IPA, but you should consider aging a barley wine if you have had the beer fresh and believe the changes that aging would bring might benefit the beer.

Other prerequisites include high ABV (generally above 8%), no prominent late hopping or dry hopping (these will be eliminated with age and the beers that do have them are meant to be enjoyed fresh), and also optionally the presence of "funky" cultures like brett, pedio, or lacto. These different organisms can have vast effects on a beer over time.

Prime candidates for aging: imperial stout, barleywine, Trappist beer, high gravity specialty ales, eisbock, lambic or gueuze.

>> No.5185571

Lambics? Really? I didn't know that.

>> No.5185572
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Some Great Lakes Burning River with dinner, and now this before turning in for the night.

>> No.5185580

thanks for the info, it's their basic porter I have now. Unfortunately, Boulevard doesn't list the ABV on the bottle, so I have no way of knowing.

>> No.5185737
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I guess I'll have to represent the plebs drinking here tonight. I'm polishing off some of these left over from a party, along with some Gordon's vodka.

>> No.5185752

I know it isn't saying much, but at least it's better than Coors Light and Bud Light

>> No.5185810
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bretty good

>> No.5187947

Any of y'all know some good local shit I can get around North Carolina? I usually just drink Sierra Nevada, or something.

>> No.5188122
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>> No.5188128

do you type on the floor anon

>> No.5188131

lol holy fuck he does

He lays on his belly and uses the computer

>> No.5188148

My monitor is also my TV, so I have one of those low slung "gaming" chairs sitting in front of it real close so I can read text.

>> No.5188453

I've literally had all those beers. Personally I think Left Hand is the best. Best bang for the buck as well.

>> No.5188456

You will think this is good for one beer.
Like what >>5157108 said

>> No.5188463

Dude no. It tastes like a grapefruit. I love Stone but these 'Enjoy By's' are the worst. And when I say worst I mean still a lot better than most beer but I don't know.

>> No.5188466

True master here. Good job anon. I'm drinking Pilsner Urquell now and PBR. We could be friends.

>> No.5188801
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i'm trying this...and..pretty meh i mean isn't bad but isn't the ultimate beer