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[ERROR] No.48940[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It really makes you think.

>> No.49011

Is marvel still outselling DC?

>> No.49085

Does anyone actually fall for this crap?

>> No.49094

I want this "social justice" era to die faster.

>> No.49109

He was promptly fucking flayed, and crucified by a crowd of screeching zealots

>> No.49118

Not at all

>> No.49178

not once you adjust for the overshipping and number of titles

>> No.49216

Good, they shouldn't have pandered to people who didn't give a shit about them.

>> No.49285

We don't want shitty comics either.

>> No.49305

Nightwing outsells every X-Men book, Harley Quinn sells in one month what YAAS QUEEN sells in one year, Humphries book is outselling the most important Marvel book right now (Captain America). Avengers sales can't touch Justice League sales.

They are in a bad shape.

>> No.49349

Without overshipping, the sales and volume numbers were literally neck and neck, despite publishing wwwwwaaaayyyyyyy more books than DC is. They haven't had a consistent presence in the top ten for a while, and their their events like MU are complete non-starters. While DC is maintaining, and even growing, the boost they got from Rebrith, Marvel is struggling to keep anything afloat for more than a few issues, if that many. Their new overhyped flagship "Champions" is a complete dud through and through, while DC has been finding more and more successes with their approach.

With far more books shipped and even still some overshipped(they only did LESS overshipping in February, not NONE), they still struggle to stay ahead of DC, and can't find a way to get some real contenders in the top 10 anymore, and someone finally came outright and said where the biggest hits were felt and promptly got torn apart for it.

>> No.49419

Anon, Batman sells more than Marvel last event, but that normal, now last month Superman sold more than Star wars book thats is something strange

>> No.49469

>Their new overhyped flagship "Champions" is a complete dud through and through
I love old Mark Waid but he needs to have his ass handed to him repeatedly until he either figures out what he's doing wrong or he has an aneurysm and is no longer a tweetshitting crybaby

>> No.49669
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The problem isn't diversity
the problem are gimmicky books with unsympathetic characters and plots that go nowhere.

>> No.49735

>It really makes you think.

Yeah, precious snowflakes don't buy comics.

>> No.49745

It's not diversity. It's the fact that to them diversity means:

>"Dude. What if Spider-Man was black LMAO!"

>> No.49787

Probably shouldn't have tried so hard to pander to the sjw crowd

>> No.49909

Well no shit. Sad when telling the truth is a revolutionary act

>> No.49952
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>meet moongirl! the smartest person in the marvel universe! she's 8 years and and blaaaaack!

>skip over any/all parts of her book that make it entertaining and the parts where she has no common sense and doesn't know how to talk to people properly because she's fucking 8
>instead just make it look like a shitty forced equality attempt like the goddamn burger king kid's club

>> No.49978

>It's not diversity. It's the fact that to them diversity means:
>"Dude. What if Spider-Man was a black lesbian LMAO!

>> No.50091

It only took them ten years of throwing shit at a wall to realize almost none of it stuck.

>> No.50148
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>muh diversity
fuck em

>> No.50176

Anon, you know better than to make reasonable posts in a troll thread.

>> No.50287

Is... Is he in denial?

1. Called their fans basement dwellers
2. Kicked out ongoing storylines in favor of a crappy reboot
3. Burnt out X-Men because they were petty about not owning the movie rights
4. Called people who didn't buy Avengers vs X-Men when the sales weren't as expected
5. Demonized everyone who said that the new Hawkeye wasn't that interesting
6. Still hire Brian Michael Bendis to write even after all the negative feedback
7. Prioritizing the Soapbox aspect of comics above Entertainment Value.
8. Raged at the retailers for not "selling" their comics "well enough".

You can go on and on about the number of crappy sins, but they're imploding and refusing to take responsibility for it.

>> No.50427

The problem is that they were "diversifying" to reach an audience that didn't care. The kind of people who cry and bitch and moan about this kind of shit are also the kind of people who don't actually read, or more importantly, buy comics.

You give in to their bitching and they're still not going to buy your books. 99% of those people only know about your characters because of the movies and will probably never pick up a comic book in their lives.

>> No.50564

>"I'm a different shade of brown than you! Give me special treatment!"
>"I have a vagina! Give me special treatment!"
"""""Diversity""""" never mattered for these two reasons.

>> No.50885

Is the cop supposed to be black too?
Or at least latino?
Cause he sure as hell ain't white with that Zorro mustache.

>> No.50948

Anon everyone knows latinos are better than blacks

>> No.51061

their idea of "diversity" wasn't original new characters from other ethnicities/cultures,etc
it was grabbing their old characters and WHAM turning em black/female/asian/gay/muslim and so on
It was so fucking lazy

>> No.51226

I wouldn't mind diversity if it didn't mean replacing the famous superheroes with someone who is hipper, younger, possibly bi or homosexual, is some religious or ethnic minority, and is gender swapping. Those heroes are just going to be seen as the replacement nobody asked for and be hated by the people who liked the previous hero better. Hell, it doesn't even matter if the replacement is the same gender, sexual orientation, race , or age, they're still replacing a hero most of the audience likes more.

>> No.51332

>I'm pale as fuck! The whole world is out to get me and my only hope is to put lots of ((((((parenthesis)))))))) inbetween words! White genocide!

How did a fedora learn to type anyway.

>> No.51442


ITT: One samefag cries nonstop because they put a black girl in the Iron Man armor and now his world is ending.

>> No.51488

This it feels like just leaching on the name of the original characters why can't they be there own

>> No.51734
File: 46 KB, 640x480, retards zoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marvel's approach:

>nonstop events

>constant relaunches

>titles ship late

>even popular titles get cancelled every six months so they can have new #1's

>every event kicks off another event which starts the same week

>some characters are women and some aren't white

>Books sell like shit

DC's approach:

>only do events every couple of years

>relaunches after 50 issues instead of 6

>titles ship on time

>self-contained stories so you don't have to read fifty event tie-ins just to understand what's going on with Batman

>some characters are women and some aren't white

>Books sell well

Marvel's conclusion: IT'S DIVERSITY'S FAULT!

>> No.51821

Nope. Try again. Besides, I was never fond of Iron Man, he's a corporate, powerless Reed Richards with fascist tendencies, or a slightly less evil version of Ultimate Richards that managed to convince the heroes he's on their side. Either way, I always avoided that loser and will continue to do so regardless of who wears his armor.

>> No.51916

>even popular titles get cancelled every six months so they can have new #1's

I don't get this practice.

>> No.51976

I don't like heroes being replaced unless it's something like Dick becoming Batman. I haven't touched Marvel since Superior Spider-man ended, but I heard about the Fem Iron Man. It's cringeworthy.

>> No.52004

More to the point, the tone and setup of so many of the books was exactly the fucking same. They're all the same hip big city multicultural urbanites with a sitcom sort of supporting cast.

I contend that it's a lack of diversity we're seeing that's the problem.

>> No.52034

Comics wise, sure. But it's pretty clear marvel isn't a comics focused company anymore, and they are clearly winning the movie front:

>multiple blockbusters every year released to massive ticket sales vs.
>a few movies almost universally panned by fan and critic alike.

>> No.52085

#1 supposedly get a sales bump from serving as a jumping point to newfags.

>> No.52167
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>gimmicky books with unsympathetic characters and plots that go nowhere
"...which, in many cases, are a result of seeing diversity as the top priority, and using the comic as a vessel for political beliefs, rather than writing a good story"

>> No.52345

You mean to tell me that demonizing your main consumer base and extremely transparent pandering to various demographics that don't buy your shit was a bad business move?

>> No.52395

It's like all those early 2000s movies where every other protagonist was an ad executive

>> No.52523

>some characters are women and some aren't white
The issue isn't sex or ethnicity, it's that the stupid motherfuckers are replacing every one with women and minorities and trying to either shame long time fans into buying something with a familiar name or cash in on SJW bucks rather than taking all of these "progressive" characters and turning them into their own characters. When I say their own characters I don't mean it in to mean "this character based entirely on a prexisting character does a few things different!"' I mean start a completely fucking new character from the ground up with their own unique abilities and story. It's the same shit we've been asking for for a while now, but marvel has it's head so far up its ass that no one is willing to face the fact that people don't like straying from the norm when the norm works.

>> No.52585

Still can't believe this is official

Look at this shit, Marvel. This is why no one wants your books. I'm sure DC probably does shit like this too, but they seem to know how to keep it lowkey or at the very least, do it way less often

>> No.52798
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To be fair that's probably the worst example I could have posted, but the real issue isn't just the low quality, but also the high quantity of this shit taking over everything.

>> No.52801

So have they figured out that normies and SJWs aren't going to become comic buyers or are they not there yet?

>> No.52813

>Implying many of us are fans of that Mary Sue that pretends to have flaws, but is still rich, unrealistically smart, attractive, Hulk powerful despite not having innate superpowers and goes through women like clothing
You're making a lot of assumptions. Every time I read that "character's" comics, I feel like I'm reading someone's self-insert fictional fantasy.

>> No.52964
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Any day now.

>> No.52987


>> No.53034
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I mean my goodness.

>> No.53055


The greatest irony is that even Marvel's whitebread titles are getting outsold by DC's "diverse" books

>> No.53082

Where was that said?

>> No.53130

No fucking shit, David Gabriel.

If I want to be indoctrinated into communism I'll read Mao.

>> No.53195
File: 682 KB, 3500x2587, all new Captain Brexit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All-New All-Different Captain Brexit when?

>> No.53228

Maybe people just didn't want shitty writing and jokes attempting to appeal to a very niche audience at the expense of everyone else.

>> No.53254

To be fair, almost every lead comic book character is attractive, powerful, is usually intelligent, if not a genius, and has a harem of sorts. Tony just shows it off more.

>> No.53286

The movie side moved out from under Marvel and is now fully under Disney. So yes, Marvel is a comics company still. It's Disney that makes the movies.

>> No.53306
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In light of recent events, that's an unfortunate angle to try and work.

>> No.53382

>winning the movie front
>with no oscars

>> No.53395

I loved how Black Dynamite wasn't adverse to beating up blacks if they fucked up.

>> No.53423

Hah a hahaha

They knew exactly what they were doing

>> No.53464
File: 96 KB, 978x978, C8R9yYCXYAABuGe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they will change their ways now

This is a one way street, folks. Once you go Marxist you don't go back.

>> No.53502

Nigga, you know what they mean

>> No.53503

Ooof, yeah. That's tone-deaf bordering on outright offensive in light of recent events.

>> No.53565

I liked how race was treated more like a gang thing (kung-fu gangsters from china town, nigga ninjas, the cartoonishly-evil government honkies).

>> No.53587

In terms of what then? They're pretty neck-in-neck in profit and cultural impact.

>> No.53591
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That's not a real headline
Fuck you that can't be real

>> No.53611
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, GalleryComics_1920x1080_20160803_HARLEY_Cv1_577fe2fe147a82.35185968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The greatest irony is that even Marvel's whitebread titles are getting outsold by DC's "diverse" books

I was gonna say this kind of seems like bullshit when Harley Quinn comics (a female character, so no one must buy it!) is kicking the ass of all of Marvel's traditional shit...

Maybe the problem with Marvel is just that they're shit and they can't fucking write and they can't fucking market and they suck endless donkey dick.

This feels like not taking responsibility for your own goddamn fuckups you incompetent shits.

I hate the new "diverse" character two but let's not pretend fucking awful writing all around, stupid ideas, and incredibly dumb and demeaning way they went about "diversity" ("duuurr let's just shoehorn a black quadrapelic lesbian into every single oldschool hero with no reason no story and no character development") and a thousands endless fucking events and crossovers that no one gives a shit about or can keep track of didn't play any role here.

>> No.53622

God that's so fucking racist

But at the same time bill isn't even a science... man. Guy is just a celebrity engineer.

>> No.53639

>Once you go Marxist you don't go back.

Slovenia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cambodia, and the Baltics are doing pretty well

>> No.53646

Its not that people didn't want females and diversity.

Its that people usually dislike mantle heroes.

>> No.53650

>Force diversity because screeching SJWs
>Don't write them well
>Not relatable to anybody in the crowd
>Only sold because PROGRESSIVE
>Sales tank after the first two times you try this
Okay and?

>> No.53707

in all fairness it's likely not real. Most /pol/ "headlines" are shopped

too lazy to check tho

>> No.53712
File: 303 KB, 615x647, Mankind is Sexist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is not your enemy:


>> No.53719

its almost like most people don't want heavy handed political shit in their escapism. Political plots can be great when done by competent writers though - which the new batch at marvel are not

>> No.53731

I like Slovenia

>> No.53733

I love Bill but it's insulting to have him lead the March for Science just because he's on TV, not because he's "die white cis scum." They should get an actual scientist.

>> No.53747

>Maybe the problem with Marvel is just that they're shit and they can't fucking write and they can't fucking market and they suck endless donkey dick.

This is EXACTLY the problem, but people from both sides like to yell about "muh diversity."

>> No.53799

They don't really have to.
They litterally write themselves.

>> No.53807
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After blood had spilled, sure.

People gotta learn the hard way, but even then there are those who do not learn from history.

>> No.53861
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>> No.53898

>Fringe news source reports on fringe group being insane
Literally nobody cares.

>> No.53913

>one side is retarded so the otherside must be completely benign.
I don't understand that logic.

>> No.53950
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>surely that's bullshit
>Washington Post reporting on how "it would look bad to name a white man as the event's first public face"
>some "diverse" person added for diversity's sake because can't have an educated white man representing a cause

>> No.53961

Yes you do, when you devalue the people running the shit show.

>> No.53966

/pol/ was never white

>> No.53977
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Fuck you for it being real

>> No.53986
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I'm offended that Marvel thinks so little of me as a minority that they assume I am not into comics already and need to share a fictional character's cosmetic features in order to relate to or enjoy a character. Most other black guys I know think the same.

Its funny that they think so highly of themselves that they think their comics dictate whether or not someone has an adequate sense of self-esteem

>> No.54006
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>> No.54014

Every communist state in the world besides Romania, Ethiopia, and Yugoslavia has collapsed peacefully. And Yugoslavia's transition from communism was peaceful but the ethnic sectarianism is what made it violent

Even the faux communist states that are still officially commie but little else (China, Vietnam, Laos, Angola, Nicaragua) transitioned to de facto capitalism peacefully

>> No.54022

>fringe group

>> No.54050

They're doing pretty well inspite of marxism/communism. Do you have any idae how much money was and is pumped into them by bigger countries?

>> No.54059

No no no. Guy who posted it, here. They did that in like 2009. Not gonna give you the wrong idea.

Shoehorned as fuck, but nah, not referencing the Britain attacks.

>> No.54118

Maybe it would just look bad to have a TV star as the event's first face? Can't we get a real scientist doing groundbreaking research and not a guy from a kids' show? Nothing against him but that's stupid and it would be the same damn thing if they picked Neil Degrasse Tyson because muh television show.

>> No.54125

They really aren't.

I understand that you are just hesitant to accept how bad it really is.

>> No.54131

What events?

>> No.54132
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>the second most-watched person on the single most popular news network

>> No.54139


>> No.54144

What better way to prove the system wrong than abuse it and crash it?

>> No.54156

I voted for Trump dude, but /pol/ is full a bunch of whiny children

now go ahead and post that mask pic.

>> No.54181


Man you tumblr niggers are really fucking pathetic and desperate when your favorite political side looks bad.

>> No.54189

I don't mind diversity of female characters as long as the books are well written, which usually isn't the case for comic books in general.

>> No.54221

you keep posting stuff that make one side look like absolute retards - thats not making a case for pol XD

>> No.54236
File: 73 KB, 800x533, Westminster Attack Aftermath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Westminster Stabbings. You know, with a blade.

>> No.54249

>We've been making the same shitty grab for free publicity over and over again for at least a decade and it isn't working anymore for some reason
Fixed that for him

>> No.54254


> all of this aren't scientific issues

I can't tell if you are from /pol/ or just a butthurt STEM major.

>> No.54267

I didn't think it was a direct reference, obviously.

I think that even back then it was pretty tone-deaf though, and it's aging worse and worse every year.

>> No.54290
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>implying capeshit isn't always bad

>> No.54293


This is why bruce wayne came back to life and batman beyond was cancelled

>> No.54321

Doesn't matter really, it signifies the implied belief that it is a good thing that Islamic immigrants to Great Britain will pick up the mantel of British society whilst the endemic brits fade.

That is something that is unironically sitting in the back of the minds of everyone who voted no to brexit and all the people in the US who pay attention to the UK.

>> No.54330

Where did all that virtue signally get you, ol' Nye! Nowhere! These people will never be satisfied!

>> No.54337

Because he's wrong.

>> No.54350
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>> No.54352


>> No.54355
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>I voted for Trump dude, but


Why are you so defensive? You're acting like these loons are your ideological peers or something.

>> No.54357
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>He said while posting SU.

>> No.54386

>gimmicky books with unsympathetic characters and plots that go nowhere.

I guess you can say capes are the problem after all

>> No.54389

But everyone likes Terry.

>> No.54411
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Ha ha, okay, buddy.

>> No.54432

its not the same person. the top one is me.

>> No.54443

Nah, I'm just saying that, considering how likely it's been in the last decade for Britain and Europe to experience Islamic terrorism, this might have been a bit short-sighted. Just a bit.

>> No.54470

because the vas majority of scientists are too busy making important researches to attend to a stupid party made by retarded sociopathic millennials with gender dysphoria who pray to the mecca

>> No.54479

trying too hard

>> No.54497

I'm so glad my brain doesn't interpret things like a retard

>> No.54524

I know what they were trying to do with it, but handing a symbol like Excalibur to any foreigner is pretty wrong, and I would say the same for any symbol of a non-white country.

>> No.54537

>just want to watch cool people with super powers duke it out and save the day
>have to sit through the daily plight of being a half-black half-chinese muslim pangender otherqueer

Getting real sick of this meme

>> No.54541

>China transitioned to de facto capitalism peacefully
Did you miss the part with the army firing on student protesters in a public square?

>> No.54554
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>implying SU is bad

>> No.54565
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>> No.54644

>student protesters

Whew. You had me worried there for a second.

Well, British TV keeps trying to turn Lancelot, Merlin, and King Arthur black so it's par for the course, I think.

>> No.54646

This is why you never pander to communists.

>> No.54695


>being this butthurt because someone mocked Fox News

Bill O'Reilly is that you? Don't you have lawsuits to settle?

Fox lots to brag about its ratings but they ignore the fact that ALL cable news networks have pathetic ratings these days. People get their news from the internet now; if you get it from cable news, you are fringe, because even Fox's numbers are a fraction of the numbers a mid-tier news website like Politico or Huffington Post gets.

There's a reason why Fox's average viewer is nearly 70 years old. It's basically reserved for elderly fucks who don't know how to use the internet.

>> No.54706
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>> No.54738
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>> No.54778


Real scientists have disowned them and they sent Bill over to get them off their backs. Maybe that guy in Africa who "invented" a helicopter ride would be willing to do it for them?

>> No.54798
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>Implying it's good.

>> No.54820
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Ok, I know that trying to apply logic to SJW bullshit only leads to madness, but I have to ask.
Aren't intersex people:
>a)Really fucking rare, like, 1 in millions, kind of shit?
>b)Virtually indistinguishable from normal people, except for having fucked up genitalia/sex organs?

>> No.54869

>oh my gawd this cartoon is soooo goood cause feelings and shitty anime lesbian references.

Compare that pastel vomit piece of crap to Samurai Jack and you'll get why SU is shit.

Too much exposition, Too much singing, Too much "muh feelins"

Show, don't tell motherfucker.

>> No.54892


They could be... if we were allowed to do some human testing to see the underlying mechanics of these things. It would require vivisection.

>> No.54899

>implying Jews joining Hydra is anything new

>> No.54905

>Whew. You had me worried there for a second.
Fuck you, you made me laugh

>> No.54920
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Well, Bill Nye and Neill DeGrasse would have both been fine fine choices (as would Carl Sagan if he was still alive): they're popularisers of science, the people that bring up the importance of scientific literacy and awareness. You'll see people in the march with their "I fucking love science" posters and shit, but they'd probably be fairly scientifically illiterate if you were to quiz them on even basic matters.
The benefit of having a populariser of science leading the march would be that he's a well-known figure and an intermediary between the layman and the actual scientists. Adding some literally who because of their skin colour, gender or nationality does nothing except reinforce the notion that whitey is evil and you can't give him an inch or he'll take back all the power we so bravely wrested from him in the last decade.

tl;dr - science needs a public face, and politicising it is disgusting.
Old macro somewhat related.

>> No.54930

Yeah well, it's fucked up. I would say it's worse than whitewashing an ordinary character because the Arthurian legend is SO quintessentially British.

>> No.54943
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Yep, you can never keep them happy. This isn't really on-topic with the board discussion, but as an illustrating example, Life is Strange got ripped apart by one reviewer for having a "phallic symbol" lighthouse, Zelda: Breath of the Wild was called "damsel in distress" by Anita Sarkeesian despite Zelda playing a major role in holding off Ganondorf for 10 years, and Overwatch was called a "white saviour narrative" simply for having a white healing character in a game that also has black characters.

Even if you make every single character a demiqueer black muslim in your cast, there will still be a left wing reviewer or blogger somewhere who rips into it for being disgustingly ignorant and racist.

>> No.55055

Is the point here that Spencer is a moron? Because that's the only reasonable conclusion to draw from this.

>> No.55083

That's why they kept making episodes, oh wait-

>> No.55086

>Marvel: We make people upset so they'll talk about us, it gets us more money
>Marvel: *writes out legacy characters for minorities to anger fanboys and the right*
>The Left: Take that pissbaby racists! Marvel loves the left good bye white people!!
>Marvel: *writes plot twist bait turning Cap and Magneto into Hydra agents to upset the left*

Do these people not understand how Marvel works despite them explicitly telling them how they work?

>> No.55115

>Yep, you can never keep them happy.

Unlike comic fanboys, who are so famously easy to please.

>> No.55117

No, because now you can choose to be intersex whenever you want and anyone who disagrees is [insert current insult here].

>> No.55127

the point is you can never satisfy the left-wing internet brigade, which ties into the overarching point of the thread that pandering to SJWs rather than focusing on making a good story is dumb, and will kill your company.

>> No.55219

If Marvel's plan was to upset the left, then what we've learned is that the left is driving comic book sales, since Marvel's sales have fallen off a cliff in the last year since they introduced Hydracap.

I'm not saying that's what actually happened, but you're certainly making a compelling argument for it.

>> No.55221

You're not wrong, but at least they are a larger group than SJWs and often buy comics.

>> No.55222

why do people find this so rage inducing, I think its funny

>> No.55223

Comicbook fans ARE easy to please. You just have to write books about the characters they liked when they were 12.

>> No.55277
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>> No.55297

Funny how bad it is, sure. But it would be nice if they were making us laugh with good writing instead.

>> No.55344


Faiza was born and raised in England retard.

>> No.55346

its funny because its silly, what's wrong with that?

>> No.55373

Because it's not intended as a joke.

>> No.55392

a) They're not that rare, it's more like 1 in 1500. Which means there are more intersex people in the world than there are Americans. Some cases are pretty mild, though, but others are very severe.

b) This part is true, but it must lead to some awkwardness in their sex lives.

>> No.55404

You mean post-communism?

>> No.55419

>didn't want more diversity
not for diversity's sake, hell no
>didn't want female characters
not if they're written the way they are now

>> No.55436

Got a source to back that up?

>> No.55480

So was the Westminster stab guy.

>> No.55492

what >>55373 said

It's like how Nicholas Cage in The Wicker Man isn't trying to be funny when he yells BEEEEEEEES, but it is funny

Since the movie isn't a comedy, we put it as a point against the movie since we're trying to be immersed but hilariously bad acting/writing is taking us out of the experience

>> No.55526

Arent Infowars and Breitbart far bigger than Huffpo and Politico these days

>> No.55533

all comic books are comedies

>> No.55536

>marvel does everything it can to kill X-men, its actually successful diversity franchise
>bitches about when their other shitty books can't make up for it

>> No.55589

No, they're not.
Fuck off, casual.

>> No.55592
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>Maybe that guy in Africa who "invented" a helicopter ride would be willing to do it for them?
What the fuck is this bullshit!?
Everyone knows that helicopter rides were invented in Chile.
Fucking niggers, trying to steal even our credit.

>> No.55629
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>> No.55684


Why even bring that up? She predates that by years.

>> No.55697

Ok, what is the context of this picture?

>> No.55715

>PC/Tumblr/SJW crowd scream for more diversity and PoC and less men or else.
>Marvel actually listens to them and thinks "Hey they want it, so let's do it!"
>They get applauds for going through with it.
>Turns out the ones screaming for diversity didn't even bother to read or buy the comics after that, they just wanted representation is all and thus moved onto the next bitchfest to start.

I'm honestly surprised they expected surging sales because they listened to what they wanted.

>> No.55716
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IKR? SJ is so deep and has an amazing story. the creators dont waste a single minute in the episodes. I love the nonstop action, theres nothing like it

Steven stupidverse on the other hand UGH its just sjw garbage thats obvious to everyone
Like why should i care about the main character if all he does is cry what a fucking pussy UGH

besides, samurai jack has all the good memes, it gets even bigger humor value

tl;dr fuck taht tumblr baby shit us 90s kids gonna wreck your shit up

>> No.55739
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>> No.55772

>Well, British TV keeps trying to turn Lancelot, Merlin, and King Arthur black

No they didnt

They made a few side characters ethic minorities in the Merlin TV show and thats it

>> No.55833

is capeshit finally getting btfo?

>> No.55894

>hire bad artists
>hire bad writers
>sales take a heavy hit as a result
>"the RACISTS BIGOTED readers are to blame!"

>> No.55904

No just Marvel. DC seems to be doing relatively ok.

>> No.55925

He was refering to the guy who made a functioning helicopter from parts in a scrapyard


>> No.55929

you are a fuckwit. Faiza was around before Marvel went diversity crazy. She is actually a well written character and is british born.

Why are you racists fucking here.

>> No.55947
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american sjw's aren't communists

>> No.55998

Marvel's taking a play straight out of Bioware's playbook

>> No.56000

How did they explained having minorities in Medieval Britain?

>> No.56028
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>Why are you racists fucking here.

>> No.56062

Explain this image then

>> No.56066
File: 313 KB, 630x354, Mockingbird2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This really represents the new Marvel

>> No.56084

>let's pander to the people that don't really buy our shit

>> No.56110

>Why are you racists fucking here.
Because we're not allowed on other forums and social media

>> No.56121

They're more like social communist. In fact some argue what they believe in, while stemming from a Marxist background, has long since diverged from anything that Marx ever imagined.

>> No.56158

>identifies as communists and socialists
>pushes communism and socialism
>violently attacks non-communists and "nazis"

What's missing?

>> No.56164

>"It still sucks" she says from her underwater house

This is that comic that shows her as a kid refusing to acknowledge any female heroes and bitching that they don't exist, right?

>> No.56172

Posted on an apparently non-satirical Twitter account with the caption "With the boys at the victims of communism memorial".


Lefties like to pick on people who can't hit back.

>> No.56210

>You'll see people in the march with their "I fucking love science" posters and shit, but they'd probably be fairly scientifically illiterate if you were to quiz them on even basic matters.

See this is my entire problem with that idea right there exactly...

>> No.56222

they did it with Robin Hood also
>black Friar Tuck
>muslim woman original donut steel character

>> No.56245
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Samurai Jack fans, everyone

>> No.56282

>Explain this image then

>> No.56297
File: 111 KB, 600x700, better dead than red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did it became socially acceptable to be a dirty commie?

>> No.56309


You really couldn't see through that? Either you're an idiot or you're samefagging

>> No.56320
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>blaming 'diversity' itself instead of shit writing, taking a crowbar to canon and awful art

Why do these companies always take the wrong lesson from the horseshit they pull??

In the fucking 70s they knew how to introduce a new character instead of fucking up old characters in the name of """""progress"""""".

>> No.56333

Fuck right off
I was born in 1987 in modern day Russia and 90s Russia was anything but peaceful

>> No.56341

>american sjw's aren't communists
Many of them are, though.


"Black Bolshevik"

>> No.56351

No way fag

>> No.56367
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Why would anyone pay $3.99 for a Marvel book whose one and only selling point was having women and LGBT characters in it when Gunnerkrigg Court has those things, is significantly better, and can be read for free on their phone?

I think there really is an audience that wants to see comic characters that look like them, but they're not going to shell out 4 bucks for 20-odd pages when the it sucks and they could just read a website.

"This comic stars a black woman!" is something that really does appeal to a subset of the comics-reading audience, but if you want those people to buy your book, it has to be better than Sleepless Domain, which also stars a black woman, and is free.

Or you c-could read my webcomic....maybe....if you want.....

>> No.56389
File: 8 KB, 262x193, descarga (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, i like it because it makes fun of asian crossdressing culture instead of "oh muh god fat queer kid let's celebrate"

>> No.56406

When McCarthyism ended and communists successfully wrestled control of the media, political and education sectors of America.

The fact that everyone screams about how evil the Holocaust is but turns a blind eye to the hundreds of millions of people tortured and killed by communist regimes is evidence enough we've been compromised as a society.

>> No.56411
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>equating an economic system with fringe social ideas
>ethnic diversity = workers control the means of production somehow uh because...because ???
>I don't understand what Marxism, communism, or socialism actually are

Jesus fucking Christ I figured babies from /pol/ who have been sperging out all day about their board being merged would come here but this is just sad.

>> No.56454

They didnt

They just acted like black people were always there

>muslim woman original donut steel character


>were going to transport a Saracen woman thousands of miles away to be a slave for diversity's sake

oh ffs

>> No.56485

>economic system

It's always a harmless "economic system" with you idiots yet in practice it always leads to death and suffering.

Venezuela's socialist government just dissolved its congress days ago. The wonders of this "economic system"!

>> No.56490

What the hell? Ideologies aside, you don't just disrespect a memorial like that. AND make it public.

>> No.56498
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>The fact that everyone screams about how evil the Holocaust is but turns a blind eye to the hundreds of millions of people tortured and killed by communist regimes is evidence enough we've been compromised as a society.
I was just waiting for a cue to post this.

>> No.56534

/pol/ likes to blame Jews, but I think it's really just a product of awkwardness about portraying communism as evil during WW2 when Russia was a major partner of the Allies, combined with collective shame over anti-Communist witch hunting going too far in the 50s and late 60s.

Communism is absolutely an awful ideology, and I think many normal people don't take it much more seriously than memes, but at the same time, it's sort of looked down upon to criticise it too, based on those above factors.

In universities it blossoms because a lot of people in university are poor and want shit for free.

>> No.56562

I don't think it's that people don't want diversity or more female characters, but rather they don't want diversity or more female characters at the expense of the established characters that everyone loves.

I feel that many of the people that decide this shit believe that "hey let's put this new minority/girl in the role of this established character, we're going to sell millions!". And the only shit it does it makes the people who were part of the original fanbase drop the books and the people who bought the books for the diversity/female characters drop the books after they get bored.

The main problem with this is that it's really hard to make a book starring a new character sell and that it maintain sells, heck even DC has trouble of selling titles that don't have notorious characters on it (i.e. titles outside batman, superman, etc)

>> No.56572

You'd think so, but who's going to stop them?

>> No.56573

>They just acted like black people were always there
Didn't you know the original inhabitants of the British isles were black?

>> No.56580

>ethnic diversity = workers control the means of production somehow uh because...because ???
Commies think ethnic and national divisions are a false consciousness that is keeping the workers from uniting and that diversity will eliminate this.

>> No.56607

>anti-Communist witch hunting going too far

The irony is that McCarthy was considered too extreme back then but his accusations ended up being correct and now we have commies fucking everywhere now for not acting on them.

>> No.56621

>equating econicm systems with fringe social ideas
They're linked. the social ideas were divised by people who were following a marxist train of thought.

The only one confusing the pure economical side of communism with what OP was talking about is the idiot

>> No.56664

Mao is actually still well thought of in China

>> No.56667

Diversity isn't the problem

The problem is having these new diverse characters coming in and replacing all the old characters

Make new fucking characters you lazy fucks

>> No.56672

>reeeeeee commies

>> No.56684

the only reason this shit worked with Ms. Marvel is that 1) Carol was Captain Marvel already and 2) no one gives a shit about Carol.

Why, if they HAVE to have that established brand, can't they do it the way Ghost Rider did, it was just like. Oh hey, here's Robbie, he's also a Ghost Rider. Johnny's still there too, in fact he's going to mentor Robbie a bit.

>> No.56688

well i am a black male, 40 yrs old. been reading comics since before most of you were born, let alone could read.

And yeah i am insulted by the so-called diversity that Marvel comics has put out lately. Why am I insulted? Here's why:

First and foremost of all they are replacing the characters that I know and love with faceless copy/pasta "diversity" characters. Characters with about as much depth as a rain puddle in July. Next the characters quickly become a vehicle for every other social justice platform, but most of all they become a platform for feminism, the gay agenda, and political activism, mainly for leftists. The new diverse characters often face cliche` racism that is practically a trope now, instead of evil villains. In fact villains have pretty much been replaced with crappy one-liners about the afore mentioned platforms.

The pandering to me without understanding is obvious. Yes i understand there is racism, but i don't deal with racism every day and not every white person i meet is a some redneck with a pickup truck and a gun rack in the back window. Taking the Red Skull and dressing him up like Donald Trump doesn't appeal to my blackness nor does turning White America against Sam Wilson help me identify with him as a character or with my being a black male.

To be honest i have seen black writers make great characters out of both whites and blacks without using racism. But it seems that the experienced writers at Marvel can't make a good black or Latino character to save their lives, unless hey keep mentioning their race and/or gender every five seconds. Finally whats obvious to me is that the pandering isn't being done to help my self esteem or to even be more diverse, its being done in the hopes of catching the eyes of these hip new millennial types who are either fanatical in the devotion to SJW/racial causes or passive activists who get involved to look cool or "in the know".

>> No.56695
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Dude I'm not a fucking socialist, I'm just saying it has nothing to do with "ethnic diversity." You could have an all-white socialist country that systematically executes anyone who's not white and straight as long as the workers are controlling the mean of production.

Meanwhile a true Ancap situation would have no borders at all most likely and immigrants pouring in from every corner because super lax, pro-immigration policies are great for capitialism (at least the people making the most money off of it with cheap labor).

Tumbrtards meanwhile don't give two shits about economic systems most of the damn time, like you /pol/tards they don't understand it, in their case they're mostly sheltered privileged kids and it doesn't even occur to them to think about what an "economy" even is.

What you're saying makes no sense.

>> No.56708

But the people that are doing all this
they're all intellectuals who spend all day protesting and attending commie camps!
The workers they want to 'unite' all fucking hate them!

>> No.56711

Triggering tankies by mentioning the Communist death count is great fun


>Hitler killed 11 million compared to Stalins 8 million haha

>> No.56717

Have you seen the state of Western universities lately?

>> No.56756

Nah, the problem is that they're boring as absolute fucking shit and come off as very perfect and stale. They have no personality. They're like the politically correct group of kids enjoying some new toy. A bunch of posing, smiling kids: one white, one black, one asian girl, and one kid in a wheelchair. No personality, all just there to fill some quota.

Miles is a great example. Or Cho, whom I used to actually like.

>> No.56757

But anon, communists killing millions of people for being rich, educated, or religious is perfectly fine because they didn't kill anyone over their skin colour.

>> No.56814

>Every communist state in the world besides Romania, Ethiopia, and Yugoslavia has collapsed peacefully

Is this a fucking meme








>> No.56824

That's because despite China shifting towards capitalism more in its economy, the rest of its government is still heavily left-wing authoritarian and will actively suppress anything anti-Mao.

>> No.56826

Well considering the grandaddies of communism were a trust fund kiddie and his moocher friend that's not surprising.

>> No.56838

>"hey let's put this new minority/girl in the role of this established character, we're going to sell millions!
Of the white men who are Marvel heroes in the movies, how many of their mantles are currently held by the same white men in comics now?

Iron Man is a black woman
Captain America is a black man
Hulk is an asian man
Wolverine is a woman
Thor is a woman
Hawkeye is a woman

I mean sheeeeeeeeit. You have all this fucking publicity that would turn people onto the comics and the characters are nothing like the ones on screen anymore

>> No.56878

>Wolverine is a woman

Is she sexy at least? Cause that sounds sexy

>> No.56909
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Except they're really not and they really don't, Communist countries weren't exactly friendly to minorities (see Castro and "the gays" plus tons of other shit).

SOME PEOPLE have that mindset but it doesn't make them linked, there have been plenty of white supremacist socialists who support socialism for white workers only and there are plenty of "yay for diversity" types with a Libertarian bent.

>> No.56912
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Communists don't give a shit about economic systems either. It's all about gaining power over others through the State. And those benevolent Communists who sincerely claim to be "the good ones" will be the first ones killed by their more ruthless peers.

The problem is the State. The moment you surrender your rights, arms and wealth to the government, you become a lesser creature.


>> No.56922

Lots of people fap to X-23, so I guess

I prefer older women, though

>> No.56925

Nope, sorry, it's X23. Even if you're into Cassandra Cain style woobie feels-bait characters, she's lost even that and become generic plucky teen.

>> No.56998
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Ten years younger and hispanic here but I'm going to agree with everything you said. You know what character I identify with? The Thing. I'm not Jewish, I didn't grow up on the streets, I never played football, but I love the idea of a gentle giant, a big intimidating guy that isn't a genius, talks very casually, but with a heart of gold. I think he's a great character and I feel that Marvel has completely forgotten why people used to identify with their characters so much.

It's not about their race, it's about their circumstances, personalities, and how they respond to adversity.

>> No.57023

>Communists who sincerely claim to be "the good ones" will be the first ones killed by their more ruthless peers.

>> No.57027

But anon, your opinion doesn't count if you're not agreeing with the left wing. You must obviously be brainwashed and internalizing racism!

>To be honest i have seen black writers make great characters out of both whites and blacks without using racism

what would you consider the best-written black character? Do you think black panther is good? how about Cyborg? What constitutes good writing of a character? I don't mean to set you up as some kind of "black authority" here or anything like that, but what do you think

>> No.57055


I always wondered why Marvel doesn't do a Ultimate U 2.0 and just create new characters with the mantles there. I mean Miles works at some extent.

>> No.57086

I do not understand.

>> No.57105

to continue for a moment. I have actually met the audience that Marvel is trying to pander to. Most of them are self-absorbed 20 somethings with a warped sense of self-importance. Does anyone remember when comics used to pander to teenagers and kids 7 to 12? I do, i remember it so well. And now all of Marvel seems to be focused on these sorry millennials who do nothing all day but bitch about the unfairness of life. They have no money and are so self absorbed that they don't read comics and if they had money they'd be saving up for the next IPhone instead of the next issue of Captain America.

This is who Marvel is actually pandering to. Not Black America, not Latinos or Muslims, but white millennials and white teenagers who they think are somehow connected to the rest of the world and know about racism, homophobia, etc. These same millennials who used to pick on the comic book nerds and geeks are now being pandered to by Marvel, and yeah it makes me sick. I haven't read much of Marvel in a while and all i do read lately is Ms. Marvel. At least she is palatable and has some decent writing.

>> No.57160


That's just fine as long as you understand that dissolving the State would probably lead to more diversity since there would be no borders at all or ways to enforce them so people would come pouring in to certain areas from everywhere. They're not the fucking same thing. Communist countries can have ironclad restrictions on immigration because they're usually brutal dictatorships and can build you know fucking walls actual effective giant walls and shoot the fuck out anyone that gets close to them with impunity, hello Berlin.

>inb4 muh NAP muh private armies

In fucking fairytale land.

>> No.57171

Don't you know, anon? It's what's """hip""" right now. Everyone's reading about quirky cute girl characters like Squirrel Girl, Gwenpool, Spider-Gwen and America Chavez!

>> No.57236

>Falco becoming Cap
that's alright I guess, Bucky had his run
>Jane steal the hammer and the name
better than beta ray?
>literal who becomes Black Iron Woman, she's the best at everything there is to be

>> No.57282

Did we ever get that SpiderGwenpool crossover?

>> No.57321

The issue with McCarthy was that he blamed via association. Which logically doesn't make sense, hence why it's criticized.

However Mcarthy wasn't wrong in the sense that communists are frustratingly persistent with their beliefs due to how Marx portrayed the conflict between the bourgeois and proletariat. The KGB basically armed communist idealogy with an aggressive brand of espionage and manipulation that tries to stick it's dick into everything.

Take any movement and always spin it to their endgame because in the end nothing about humanity matters more than the relationship between the worker and his enemy.

Look at Jim Jones. Often miscited as being a religious extremist. Jim was only ever a communist who was interested in the controling power of faith to meet his endgame.

Everything about the massacre regarding religious elements is overblown, he wanted it to martyr the idea that socialism was worth dying for, even though all the people under his church were just Christians drawn to the religious aspect he preached.

There were also multiple attempts to get African Americans to spark a communist revolution.

The point is, they're annoying hijackers that will infiltrate fun things and steer them into whatever they think will spark a revolution. Right now the goal seems to be destroy national and cultural identity so people focus on the class issues.

>> No.57347
File: 235 KB, 1600x1045, 1484168383050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear the three smartest people in the Marvel universe are black women in New York City

Ironfro and Moon Girl are the only two I know of, though

I'll always love this though:
>"How can we make a non-racist portrayal of a black person?"
>"Make them nerds!"

>> No.57354
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>Beta Ray Bro appears in first issue of Unworthy Thor
>first thing he does is offer his own hammer to Thor
We do not deserve Beta Ray Bill.

>> No.57360

>implying there's not an inbetween
>implying reading comprehension is your strong point
He didn't say "dissolve the State", he said "don't surrender your rights, arms and wealth to the government"

Also IIRC many major libertarian pundits like the Pauls are in favour of keeping the government in a barebones, but existing state in order to enforce basic laws

>> No.57389
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I'm not advocating for ancappery. I'm saying that government should have ironclad checks and balances to prevent it from getting too big.

Communism will never work because it requires government to enforce the agenda, and that means taking EVERYTHING from the citizen as Communism decrees. That transitory period where the government controls everything in society is the exact moment when Communism fails.

>> No.57405

Thanks bro. Let me give you another example. The Fantastic Four. Why kill off the one good ride that Marvel had for decades? Because you have people at Marvel right now who are literally saying this, "The American family is dead, and so we need to reflect that in our comics." Instead of showing us hope for the American family we now have a diverse group of characters whose families are trainwrecks, rapists, child molesters, wife beaters, or corpses. But hey its all done so we can identify with these characters, right?

>> No.57468
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>However Mcarthy wasn't wrong in the sense that communists are frustratingly persistent with their beliefs due to how Marx portrayed the conflict between the bourgeois and proletariat. The KGB basically armed communist idealogy with an aggressive brand of espionage and manipulation that tries to stick it's dick into everything.

This. It's like a cancer. Communism is not an ideology that's content to be self-contained.

>> No.57484

>better than beta ray?

What the fuck could you possibly have against Bill you sick heathen?

>> No.57506

>extremists are desperately eager to keep states sliding down the slippery slope
Gee, what a surprise.

>> No.57539

>that powerpoint design

I made better ones in the 8th grade

>> No.57549

to be honest i have read very little of either Cyborg or Black Panther. But what I have seen of both, including Storm was well written. Cyborg was a great character in the original Teen Titans cartoon. Black Panther had his moment in the sun too until they decided to make him the same as Namor in terms of having a ego the size of a small nation.

Static Shock was well written before DC took the character and maybe a few others whom i cannot remember well right now.

>> No.57565

It's sort of like the 90s era of comics but taken to a new (slightly less edgy) extreme. Every hero archetype has to be torn down and replaced with a morally grey anti-hero or bad guy.

>> No.57632

No one on /co/ even likes Iron Man lol. There's been a fuckload more rage about Bobby being gay, arguably one of the lamest/least cared about OG X Men, than there has about Riri

>> No.57642

Can I write a letter to Marvel without them just ignoring it or blocking me to remain in their ignorant hugbox?

Dear Marvel,

The problem is not the diversity or female characters, the problem is you. You allow legacies to be destroyed, allow development to be retconned and you allow stories that serve no consequence except to cycle out legacy characters for a newer generation. You then pander to market demographics to sell comics when you are well aware that the market demographic you yearn for do not buy comics past the first issue because then they feel satisfied with supporting them and can now move on to the next 'injustice.'

Your narratives are weak and not fun. The only enjoyment most get out of it is waiting to see who will die and then betting how long it will take for them to come back. When there is no stakes in any of your events, you lose your 'outrage' gimmick that rode you through record sales of Spider-Man.

When your writers tell the fans that 'angry fans buy more comics' do you feel that this is a trend that will last in a long term scenario? Is it easier to hide behind this foolish bullshit for short term sales to, in turn, alienate your fanbase and drive most to piracy?

You reward the mediocre. Those that don't do their research on the characters or their journeys and those that never seek to understand past 'oh, i wish for these characters to be similar to the movies.'

You've failed as creators, storytellers and as humans. You've so disconnected these characters from what made them 'them' and have failed to continue a long legacy.


fuck you

>> No.57657

if that's the way you want to interpret the situation

>> No.57691

THIS! so much this! If i want to read that kind of crap I'll read indie titles like Strangers In Paradise, Invincible, and so on.

God i just realized something. How long before they retcon Superman's parents and make them shitheads

>> No.57698

I do quite like Storm. She actually uses her powers for mundane good on many occasions too i.e. raining on people's crops, which I like seeing capes do.

>> No.57716

He's not wrong.

>> No.57763
File: 36 KB, 320x480, sjw hobosecksual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bobby being gay
I thought his entire secondary character trait apart from "cocky teenage boy" was perving on the female X-Men.


>> No.57764

>Right now the goal seems to be destroy national and cultural identity so people focus on the class issues.

Do /pol/ schizophrenics actually believe this bullshit? Actual communist groups in most of the world are tiny and insignificant. Changing demographics and the Civil Rights movement led to more tolerance and diversity. Kids who are SJWs don't even know what communism is half the time. They're usually rich kids who DON'T want to think about class, so instead they focus on identity politics and how they're "so oppressed" because they can whine about everything. Everything BUT money = privilege because the ones who have time for this shit come from well off families and they need to figure out why they're victims anyway.

Poor kids don't talk like SJWs, they have real shit to worry about.

>> No.57791


You mean like in Man of Steel?

>> No.57811
File: 26 KB, 342x401, 1454275538247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Changing demographics and the Civil Rights movement led to more tolerance and diversity.

>> No.57813

Sounds really self-righteous and retarded. There is no narrative, they're just exploring for more ways to make money and their PR department is just going with whats safe when it comes to public image.

>> No.57835

I assume that's a Muslim girl?
Shouldn't she just instantly be turned into
a pillar of salt touching such a high level
artifact like Excalibur?

>> No.57874
File: 169 KB, 300x455, All-New_Wolverine[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They went full coverage with her outfit to match Wolverine's, so they're toning down the sexy. But there's still a solid supply of rule 34 flowing.

Perving on the entire female population of the planet, and beyond, if we include Mojoworld, the Shiar Empire, and limbo.

They barely listen to sales figures. I doubt a letter is going to help.

>> No.57909

Storm has been one of the few female characters in Marvel that has never been given the SJW treatment. In fact, last time i read X-Men it seems all the adult females in the comics have never been plasters with the shit storm that is the current pandering climate at Marvel. Instead they just wrote a lot of them out of the comic all together. Anyone seen Rouge in the last few years?

>> No.57943

There's two kinds of "Communist" in America today: Bored upper/middle class kids, and bitter disenfranchised middle/lower class kids. The former are your standard mouthpieces who do speeches and make fancy blogs and shit, the latter make up Antifa and other grassroots movements.

>> No.57952
File: 154 KB, 557x605, 1454215783299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually fucking brilliant
>make 90% of the characters a minority or/and women
>make 100% of villains white male
>if it succeeds it succeeds
>if it fails it's muh racism

>> No.57979

Person who posted it here, aiming for accuracy rather than /pol/ racebaiting. Since Excalibur in the Captain Britain comics is given a magical, rather than divine origin like Arthurian legend, that wouldn't be a problem.

However, I still think it's really disrespectful to turn British cultural icons into foreigners. Also the face art on that page was laughable.

>> No.58019

Britain is 99% muslim now so it's alright

>> No.58020

I don't wanna know. Let me have my lie this time man. Just let me have my lie and wallow in it.

>> No.58062
File: 22 KB, 624x364, KUUGASHASHADENOUGHWITHTHISSHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58072

Marvel: Surprise, Captain America is a Nazi!
Readers: What, no
Marvel: Look forward to this important event that will interrupt 18 books
Readers: Please stop
Marvel: X-Men? Why not read about the Inhumans instead, they're extremely cool!
Readers: STOP
Marvel: 616 was the Nazi universe before a cosmic cube made Cap a hero, the entire line will cover an event about this


Marvel: huh, I guess people stopped reading because of the women and people who aren't white

>> No.58115

Really only within London. England as a whole is still majority white. But yeah, Muslims and sundry other races and religions have taken over London.


>> No.58124

The thing you're leaving out is that four of those original six are still around, they haven't been black holed to replace them.

>> No.58203

this is so true. well i am going to bed. its 2:21 AM here and i am ready to sleep. Take care guys and read Archie's Sonic The Hedgehog comic. At least it isn't crap yet.

>> No.58209
File: 2.09 MB, 1261x782, A lotta $%#& Ghost Riders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why, if they HAVE to have that established brand, can't they do it the way Ghost Rider did, it was just like. Oh hey, here's Robbie, he's also a Ghost Rider. Johnny's still there too, in fact he's going to mentor Robbie a bit.
The problem is that for Robbie and not for others specifically for two reasons:
1)There's already been established to be A lotta $%#& Ghost Riders. So one more wouldn't really be an asspull and Robbie isn't even a "real" rider..
2)Marvel in all it's glorious stupidity goes overboard with this shit and we end up having:
>2 Iron Men
>4 Captains America
>3 Spider-Men
>2 Thors
>2 Hulks

>> No.58214

Did Doom have a bowling ball dropped on his head or something?

Also the whole damn universe? I have a feeling that High Evolutionary is probably far, far above fucking Moon Girl.

>> No.58226
File: 40 KB, 228x316, YHWH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course YHWH would like a government with a long, storied history of killing people for not obeying the rules

>> No.58271

I...think Marvel put the stop to FF because of the movies and lack of rights.

>> No.58327

>Actual commie groups are a minority
But marxist thought is not. You're seeing useful idiots, they didn't start the fire but they'll spread it for whatever asinine reason ranging from pure idealism to trying to feel like they're good people.

>Tolerance and Diversity came from the Civil Rights Movement and Changing demographics

The civil rights movement was pretty much near hijacked by communists. The Nation of Islam of which Malcom X was a part of was very likely something spurred by a communist. Wallace Fard Mohmmad showed up and vanished without a trace, before devising an Afrocentric brand of Islam for African americans to subscribe to. Not only was it basically the Mormonism of Islam it doesn't make sense as to why an islamic man would show up and try to spread a bizarre form of Islam that conveniently improved the community and social strengths of black followers.

>Demographic changes
You mean in 1965 where a bill was past that reformed the immigration policy to let in just about anyone, leading to the ethnic based unrest thats going to erupt within the next 15 years if not sooner?

>> No.58337

>>2 Hulks
We are WAY past 2 Hulks.

>> No.58344

I hope Marvel keeps up this line of defense
It'll be oh-so-sweet watching them dance around trying to explain their way out of one shitshow after another

>> No.58375

No they're not anon.

Marvel Studios is a separate company, Feige got tired of Ikes shit.

>> No.58394

I am only counting the ones that are alive and active at the moment.

>> No.58393
File: 10 KB, 250x231, 1452168124971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there good looking, want some help creating a glorious Kingdom of Law? Imma sing for that shit.

>> No.58397

So G Willow Wilson got pissed at that article and the fact that they used a picture of Ms Marvel


>> No.58401

>Marxism takes a deterministic approach to history

This is not the way to start a discussion about how Marxism is good. One of the original selling points of Marxism is that it was the "scientific" interpretation of history (read original Marx, he literally believed he was a scientist of history, shit is hilarious). This was of course entirely debunked and even Marxist "historians" don't try to make that claim anymore.

>> No.58412


(300 million / 7 billion) > (1/1500)


>> No.58458

Is she /our gal/?

>> No.58465
File: 169 KB, 640x480, get your lazy ass outta here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58513

ITT: /co/mblr

>> No.58533

>Jude Terror used a picture of Ms Marvel

>she pitched the first Kamala run as stealth mini

>> No.58537

When the Oscar comes with a cash prize the studios will give a fuck if their popcorn flicks win them.

>> No.58578

Did they get rid of Red Hulk and Red She Hulk?

>> No.58608

>voiced by Maaya Sakamoto in the remake

I'm ready to be brainwashed!

>> No.58652

Red Hulks don't count.

>> No.58653

Red Hulk is in prison as of Civil War 2.

Not sure about RSH.

>> No.58734

they're remaking strange journey?

>> No.58830

Yep, giving it the 'ole Overclocked/Record Breaker treatment. Will include voice acting. Also an exceptionally out of place anime girl.

>> No.58854

I think she fucking nailed it, dude. She gets what Marvel doesn't seem to, that there is a market for what she refers to at the end as YA comics, but that market is not going into a comic shop every month. So maybe don't try to sell America or Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur to the direct market, maybe sell them to the people who do want to read that stuff.

And on the other hand, a thing she doesn't mention, is let the people want the Milo Manara covers have the Milo Manara covers. There's a market for that stuff, too, don't let the people who are part of an entirely different market ruin those sales. Learn to cultivate more than one market, fucking finally look at what happened with Runaways and apply the lessons you should have learned fourteen years ago to today.

>> No.58857
File: 2.48 MB, 1621x986, 1490567348317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raidant Historia as well

Although both of them are more like enhanced ports

the new art for both makes me want to kill myself

>> No.58874
File: 307 KB, 943x827, THINGS CHANGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Past Ororo had clear western facial details, as one would expect from a mixed white-black girl. Ororo from past week Extraordinary X-Men ed looks completely African, which makes no sense to her background...

>> No.59024

Its so fucking strange how they did that
>we want to feature more diversity
>we have this franchise chock full of established strong female and racially/ethnically diverse characters that since its inception has dealt with ideas of oppression and discrimination

>> No.59057


It would be funny if someone now drew Storm with Asian facial features like she originally had

>> No.59091


Rogue's been in Uncanny Avengers the past few years

>> No.59141

I think what doesn't come up enough in these sorts of discussions is that Marvel knows anyone who takes off that has their origins as an Xmen character can't show up in the movies that actually make all their money now.

>> No.59145


This is pretty on point. I like the point about the hit books having strong POVS. Fraction/Aja Hackeye hit this too

>> No.59199

Why use X-Men when we have Inhumans, a society of eugenist slave-owners that do what they want and take no responsibility?

Just a good as X-Men.

>> No.59241

>a society of eugenist slave-owners that do what they want and take no responsibility?
Who also nearly gassed an oppressed minority to death.

>> No.59271

Dear Mr. You,
We appreciate the time you have went to write this letter. We also would like to thank you for your support and backing through this time. Enclosed in this email is a key to our online comic service for a one free online comic!

>> No.59371

The new art for Radiant Historia is painful, but it was the definition of an unfinished game. Hopefully this version will be closer to the original vision of the game.

And have more than like ten songs. Boy did I ever get tired of that one that played in every single cutscene.

>> No.59411


> h-u-g-e reason Ms Marvel has struck the chord it has is because it deals with the role of traditionalist faith in the context of social justice, and there was–apparently–an untapped audience of people from a wide variety of faith backgrounds who were eager for a story like this. Nobody could have predicted or planned for that.

I think that's fairly easy to predict, it's the core concept of stuff like X-Men.

>> No.59477


How is this even possible given how high London likes to charge people living in its confines simply from the fact that it's London? Shouldn't they be too poor to live there?

>> No.59548

Stop trying to link science to faggotry you fucking degenerates! I don't have any reaction images because I'm posting with my phone but please imagine that I posted a picture of an angry anime girl.

>> No.59554

pardon me im /ck/ just reading the thread but what happened in the runaways?

>> No.59602


To be fair, Malcom X actually learned that he was being played like a fiddle and tried to break away from it so he could fight for social equity on his own terms, and was shot by the people he defected from for his troubles.