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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5548647 No.5548647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

People who complain about picky eaters are no fun to hang out with. They just nag nonstop about other people having different tastes. There is no reason to be friends with someone who judge you for what you do or do not eat.

>> No.5548664

fuck off

>> No.5548672

i had a picky eater friend, only potatoes and beets for him

so... i just stopped inviting him out cause he would just bitch about wherever we went and got enough women for that

>> No.5548673
File: 12 KB, 252x200, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A preemptive strike.
Not bad for a weakling.
Squeamtards are weak and will let you down every time when the going gets rough.
Best to avoid them.

>> No.5548691

picky eater confirmed
pretty weak damage control
how about you fuck off this board, faggot

>> No.5548701

Yeah, Fuck off OP.

>> No.5548702

>There is no reason to be friends with someone who judge you for what you do or do not eat.
Let's be friends! It's so hard to have any when you are a regular cannibal.

Seriously though hubris is much worse. I went through my entire life with my father calling me a picky eater so much I actually believed it myself. The truth is I'm allergic to pepper, sensitive to sulfates, and dislike fast food. I pretty much eat everything that doesn't have pepper on it.

What was really happening was that my father is a picky eater. He pretty much will only eat traditional southern US cooking and he never wants to eat anywhere that isn't Golden Corral.

"Let's eat at Golden Corral, son!"
"How about we eat at that German restaurant, or that Chinese place? We could go get pitas or Ramen?"
"Damn son, how can you be such a picky eater that you won't eat at my shitty buffets every single time we go out?"

>> No.5548730

i wish my dad was still alive to take me to golden corral, enjoy it

>> No.5548747

I don't mind if for breakfast. They'll make me waffles to put steaks on and bring me a ton of little shitty honey packets. I do like me some steak on a waffle covered in honey.

>> No.5548755

>I do like me some steak on a waffle covered in honey.
How fucking fat are you?

>> No.5548769

150-160lbs depending on the time of year. I'm pretty active, don't drink sweetened drinks, or eat fast/prepackaged food.

>> No.5548830

No one likes hanging out with picky eaters


>> No.5548851

You know what's fun, OP?
Ordering a pizza with a picky eater.
It takes forever, because they sperg out at any topping you like.
Eventually, you give up and get them a small cheese and order whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.5548860
File: 18 KB, 445x343, 1350341418726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twf youre a picky eater because youre a super taster and so much food smells tastes like its spoiled or poison

>> No.5548863

I would just let them order what they want on whatever fraction they paid.

>Yeah, can I get half bacon, ham, pineapple, and roasted red peppers?
>The other half just cheese.

>> No.5548867

The problem is that people who are against picky eaters are the ones who make a big deal of it. They are the ones who cause the drama and then blame the person who is the "picky eater".

>> No.5548871

if i were to say that my dad refuses to eat either chicken or pork because the meat smells does that make him picky

>> No.5548872

except that's completely ass-backwards

>> No.5548878

The picky eater is already ruining mealtime.
Just eat alone you guys. No one wants to watch you rudely pick shit off.

>> No.5548889


>> No.5548896

>different tastes
you mean no taste my plebian friend.

>> No.5548899


every tiem

>go to eat with friends
>one friend is picky about something
>other friend can't shut up about how picky friend is so picky
>can't mind their own business and makes the whole thing very annoying and unenjoyable to sit through
>does it again every time even though the picky eater just asks them nicely to mind their own business.

>> No.5548903

trust me, those people want to avoid you too. nobody likes people that think like you.

>> No.5548906


damage control

>> No.5548909

My only problem with picky eaters is when they act like I'm supposed to know beforehand. If you hate onions in your burgers, fucking bring it up before you're halfway done with it and feign gagging because you finally realized they're in there.

>> No.5548910

that is completely wrong. often times the picky eater just makes their own choice without causing any drama and then this huge dumbass shows up "WHOAAA YOU DON'T LIKE THING! HOW DARE YOU BE SO PICKY THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT WAHH WAHH"

>> No.5548915

exactly this

ugh.. those types...

I'm picky in my own way and I don't cause trouble like that.

>> No.5548923

fuck off

>> No.5548924

butthurt samefag detected
protip retard, multiple people can't damage control. It's when one person does it

>> No.5548930

That doesn't even make sense faggot. More like:

>Hey, let's go eat some X
>"No, I don't like X because of Y."

>> No.5548937

>butthurt samefag detected

but thats what I'm saying

>protip retard, multiple people can't damage control. It's when one person does it

whoa, I never thought I would say this, but how new are you to this website?

OP makes an excellent point and you are caught in shock and awe at how correct they are. all you can do is shiver and toss insults but the truth has been set free and you have to understand that or you will be the one that nobody wants to hang out with. OP is trying to help you by telling you how annoying you are, and you are throwing that hint away.

soon your friends probably wont invite you because you always make a big deal out of nothing at all. you are illogical and your priorities are garbage.

>> No.5548946

there are all kinds of people out there but more often than not I myself or another picky person make choices that don't effect the rest of the group. we make our own choices for our personal reasons and pickyness, and then someone gets really upset that someone is being different and tries to scape goat them and get the rest of the group to dislike them when in fact the picky eater didn't do anything at all and the one creating the drama is the person who can't tolerate someone else exercising their freedom to not have onions on their salad.

those people repeat that every time and cause alot of social difficulties for the entire group and make the picky eater feel like they have done something wrong while they are in fact actually making a huge fool of themselves.

>> No.5548956

god you sound gay

probably a vegan faggot

>> No.5548964

>makes a good point
>can't come up with anything smart to say
>whuahh such a feg hueehuee

I'm laughing.

>> No.5548975
File: 176 KB, 854x859, 1403476672572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP makes an excellent point
>"omg why are normal non scummy ppl meen to me :("
>how new
About 5 years new. By the way you type, I assure you, you're fairly new yourself and your only discussions before this happened in facebook. Regardless of how much of a fucking newfaggot you are, you think that the 5-6 people are the same person? Delusion at it's best, but it's no surprise I guess, coming from some mentally imbalanced "picky eater". Funnily enough, you are trying to shift this to insipid highschool drama about "u will get no friends", instead of the problem being you, faggot.

If people are complaining about your moronic fat ass, then guess what, you're the problem. Do you make a huge deal in restaurant because the pasta you order is red and whenever you see red you have a flashback of your redneck uncle brutally raping your anus until it bled? Are you constantly saying "i don't like your food lol, i only eat mcdonalds"? If you do you should just consider killing yourelf. If you are more mild about your autistic picky eating, then still, you can just shut the fuck about it and no one wil lsay anything.

Anyway, luckily, I don't have to subject myself to people retarded enough to catalogue themselves as picky eaters. This is a board about food and cooking. Not about your autistic quirks and how much you hate being bullied by being a subhuman. You can to go /r9k/ and /adv/ for that. If your garbage thread's purpose isn't to discuss food, and you blog about it like anyone cares, then you can fuck right off. Besides, you're a picky eater and you're browsing /ck/? Top fukin' lel. That's like only playing mobile games and going to /v/. Sorry to tell you newfag, but your only solution is to stop being such a fucking faggot and fuck off this board until you stop having the mentality of a 12 year old child.
I know you are going to reply with more facebook-tier "omg ur so meen to me"

>> No.5548979

>wow you like people of the same gender as you
>you probably eat alot of vegetables

my sides

>> No.5548980

>gets called what he is
>an objective fucking faggot
>ur post is so dumb! lol!
fuck off fag

>> No.5548987

I'm not hearing a no.

And I've never encountered what retarded shit you've just described. I have experienced picky faggots making sure to impose his will when ordering a group food item, or offending someone who cooks for them by refusing to even try it or just taking a single bite and then eating some shitty junk food or something right afterwards.

Picky faggot.

>> No.5548996

faggot detected

>> No.5548998 [DELETED] 

>About 5 years new

sure. (thanks for telling me, you really had to prove it)

>I assure you,

why am I laughing so hard

>you're fairly new yourself


>and your only discussions before this happened in facebook. Regardless of how much of a fucking newfaggot you are,


>, you think that the 5-6 people are the same person? Delusion at it's best, but it's no surprise I guess, coming from some mentally imbalanced "picky eater". Funnily enough, you are trying to shift this to insipid highschool drama about "u will get no friends", instead of the problem being you, faggot.

I sense a rustle in the jimmies

>If people are complaining about your moronic fat ass, then guess what, you're the problem.

I just keep having to make these fancy little comments because every step of the way you make me burst out laughing. projecting levels are off the scale, alert home base!

>Do you make a huge deal in restaurant because the pasta you order is red and whenever you see red you have a flashback of your redneck uncle brutally raping your anus until it bled?

OH WHAT HAHA look anon I really feel bad that you had such a horrible life, please try to feel better and eat healthy and try to stay positive okay. life will get better. pray okay.

>> No.5549005

>or offending someone who cooks for them by refusing to even try it or just taking a single bite
Maybe your cooking is just shit, Iron Chef.

>> No.5549010

>quotes and tries to respond to each sentence

Holy shit, go back to whatever retarded part of the internet you came from newfag.

>> No.5549011 [DELETED] 

>grr he says what he is!

U STIDUIODPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just stop. I can't..

someone doesn't like onions in their salad and this control nazi jumps up and wants to shame them for making a personal choice. picky eaters are clearly just people who like different things than you, the problem is you anon. deal with it and your life will get better.

>> No.5549013
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>only replies with memes, hehehes, and hahahas
>healthy life
I think I know what's the problem here. Are you a vegan? No wonder why you're so quick to get butt frustrated about getting told and being such an obnoxious faggot, on top of a retard.


>> No.5549015

picky eaters should be summarily rounded up and shot

>> No.5549017
File: 103 KB, 508x616, fruit basket serf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butthurt picky eater faggots experiencing extreme anal leakage because they know they're missing out on great food.
Childish pleb fucks.

>> No.5549019 [DELETED] 

>vegetable eater detected

yea bro I made this salad and roasted some garlic and potatoes, excellent chef dinner *DRAMATIC BREAKING WINDOW ENTRY*
>"YOU ARE HOMOSEXUAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


>> No.5549020

Just because someone doesn't like some small amount of things doesn't mean they're picky, that means they just have their own taste in food and simply do not like some things. If someone will eat nothing at all besides a very tiny amount of specific foods then it's a problem for them.

>> No.5549023

get better friends and learn how to cook

>> No.5549026
File: 852 KB, 1600x1200, 1394467308595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone doesn't like onions in their salad
no, that's not liking onions on their salad. That's not the same as being a picky eater that only serves to constantly remind people what they like or don't and making some autistic drama on public, just like you are doing, buddy.

Please, just get the fuck off this board. Even by this board's low standards, you're fucking filth and cancer. You can spam your faggy "im laughing so hard" when in reality, everyone here is making fun of you and bullying you

>> No.5549030

I couldn't resist, every sentence was truly retarded shameful projection.

>> No.5549032

take it to san francisco, fairy

>> No.5549033


>> No.5549036

>my cooking

where are you getting these implications from?

>> No.5549038

Fuck. Off. Faggot.

>> No.5549042

No I'm also laughing at you because of how stupid and insecure you are. Always so many of you here that are just mad at everything. Most people just ignore people like you because they also know you have some major issues to work out.

>> No.5549043

My girlfriend is such a picky eater it might be the end of our relationship.
>>hey honey want to go out to eat?
>>let's go somewhere nice!
>"no let's go to Subway"
>"it's my favorite!"
>go to Subway
>she orders a cheese and lettuce sandwich on italian
I thought she was a vegetarian the first month of our relationship.

>> No.5549050


>place has a pizza with three toppings as a special
>3 of the four of us are trying to come up with combinations
>fourth guy is calling everything gross
>finally after poopooing on everything he admits he only eats plain pizza
>wind up get half cheese for him
>he also doesn't eat his crust.

>> No.5549051

that is extremely harsh and unusual, just because someone has different tastes than you?


hey anon, sometimes I like tomatoes, but I just happen to not like them in my sandwich. its my freedom to choose what I want and don't want in my food and when. I don't try to control your life and I wont let you shame me into letting you control mine. deal with it because people with different tastes than you will always exist and there is nothing you can do about it. be mad or change your ways, what will it be?

>> No.5549055

what's wrong stupid, a little upset?

>> No.5549061

> If someone will eat nothing at all besides a very tiny amount of specific foods then it's a problem for them.
>it's a problem for them
>for them

doesn't effect you so let them deal with it. they didn't ask for help because they made their choice and don't want to eat what they do not like.

>> No.5549063

>OP's butthurt
can we vote this thread for an archive? i haven't seen anal annihilation of this caliber in a while

>> No.5549064
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>>he also doesn't eat his crust.
Not everyone wants to stuff themselves with empty carbs out of principle, fatass.

>> No.5549071

next time we ordered pizza with >>5549050 around we left him out and he went to subway and got a sandwich with nothing but bacon and mayonaise on it.

yeah I'm sure the guy grossed out by vegetables on pzza was doing it because he's carb conscious.

>> No.5549073

I'm not saying I would interfere, just saying they're also closing themselves off from a lot of good food if they do. their loss.

>> No.5549074

>meet person
>go out with them
>don't like them
>keeps going out with them
>wow I really don't like this person!
>keeps going out with them
>I just really don't like them! I can't walk away so I will complain and bitch and moan and try to change them!

>> No.5549075

>I wont let you shame me
tumblr as fuck
we're getting to know you with every retarded post you make. can you be honest with us? Are you a woman? Or legitimately homosexual? There must be a reason behind your stupidity

>> No.5549078
File: 51 KB, 437x359, 1348171705992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this tumblritte is still trying

>> No.5549079

>eats pizza
>worries about vegetables

wait what?

>> No.5549082

>yeah I'm sure the guy grossed out by vegetables on pzza was doing it because he's carb conscious.
No, he wasn't. I'm talking about eating the crust you fat piece of shit.

>> No.5549083

>sometimes I like tomatoes, but I just happen to not like them in my sandwich

Are you the one that greentexts tomatoes in every fucking picture that has a tomato on a burger or sandwich of some sort?

>> No.5549085

>I'm not saying I would interfere, just saying they're also closing themselves off from a lot of good food if they do.their loss.
>from a lot of good food if they do.their loss.
>their loss.

I feel like you are that type of person who doesn't try to interfere but constantly tries to remind them what they are missing.

>> No.5549086

baseless implications won't get you anywhere just make you seem like even more of a idiot. This is gold, I can't believe people as dumb as you even exist.

>> No.5549092

>pizza blotter detected

It's pizza, and you're calling other people fat? Wow you picky faggots sure come up with some retarded rationalizations.

>> No.5549093

>makes a great point
>oh no I have no witty comeback!
>I know... "HEY YOU! yea you! you are from toilet world!"
>haha... that will teach them...

>> No.5549094


I was saying that I doubt the picky eater who is grossed out by vegetables was forgoing pizza crust to be carb conscious.

>> No.5549097
File: 8 KB, 241x209, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that is so fucking weak.
There us all sorts of stuff I don't like.
I HATE annise flavor and cilantro.
You know what I do when its in some food that someone made for me?
I fucking eat it and smile.
Guacamole makes my mouth itch.
Oh its in my burrito that you made me with love?
I fucking eat it.

Weak fucking fucks will do otherwise because they are spoiled bitches with no self control.

>> No.5549108

>implying there is anything else to do that is more satisfying than to make someone so dumb this mad.

Listen no amount of intelligence in the world will ever reach someone that hilariously stupid themselves anyways.

>> No.5549110

I'm not surprised you aren't aware of the meaning the words you're attempting to use, that's the classic tumblrette, but if you were close to being self aware of your mentally imbalanced self, you'd see that from your faggy mannerisms and choise of words, it's pretty obvious that you're one of those things. If this is gold to you, trust me retard, this is diamond for the rest of the board.

>> No.5549111

>makes a great point

hahaha oh wow!

you can keep saying this, but it doesn't make it true

>> No.5549113

>Are you the one that greentexts tomatoes in every fucking picture that has a tomato on a burger or sandwich of some sort?

dude what

anon tried to correct what they believed was a mistake of logic on your part and you magically assume they wipe the oil away from their pizza...

its hilarious how as soon as some angry anon gets upset with someone who disagrees with them they accuse them of some hilarious assumption. its also hilarious how in every thread these same angry angry hippos show up to violently ragedisagree with everything in every way.

>> No.5549117

I think that's just forcing something you hate on yourself and trying to prove your not weak but eating everything you don't like either. Sounds like you have some issues yourself if you just force things you hate on yourself just to prove something so pointless with food of all things.

>> No.5549120


jesus christ woman, you're retarded

>> No.5549121

if you truly loved me you would know what I like and don't like in my food.

>> No.5549126

trust me I been here for a very long time and seen it all. I am aware, most likely even more aware than you considering the way you are.

>> No.5549131

all anon would have to do is post the same comment they did in reply to yours and it would again fit perfectly.

>> No.5549133

>be neckbeard on chinese cartoon food board
>never have gf
>assume people have gfs for reasons like food
>try to give relationship advice
>never use great knowledge of relationships
>pretend people don't have relationships for the sex
>can't comprehend planning a breakup ahead of time

>> No.5549136 [DELETED] 
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>s/he still thinks that making delusional assumptions are substitutes for good points
yes, I'm sure that guy instantaneously hated his gf for eating subways. Sorry tumblrette, but not everyone is as much as a insipid dense cunt as yourself. Although in your case, it would be like "THE WAYS HE SEES ME WHILE I EAT MY RANCH SOUP WITH LETTUCE (that's salad in your world) MEANS HE OPRESSES, SHAMES , AND RAPES ME. OMG I HATE HIM."

>"HEY YOU! yea you! you are from toilet world!"
>toilet world
Jesus christ, you sure are an autistic, insufferable fuck. But that anon above sure is right, if I can't pierce your thick, hormonally unbalanced brain, at the very least I get some laughs at making you mad

>> No.5549145

truth is in the eye of the truthholder

>> No.5549147

>change your ways
No u.
Eat the fucken tomato cunt.

>> No.5549155

it's okay if you don't like the way someone else expresses their opinion... its okay. really.

>> No.5549163

No, that's something akin to what land whales say when someone tells them they're fucking gross, usually accompanied by the words "thin" and "privileged". The concepts of objective truth and eugenics exist for a reason.

>> No.5549164

I don't know why you play such twisted games with the people you meet. if you don't like someone say so instead of stringing them along and unnecessarily making you both miserable and wasting their time, they will respect you more for it.

>> No.5549175

you make so many rage fill assumptions that I can't even understand what you are talking about anymore. its like everything that anyone says just sets you off. you need help anon.

>> No.5549178

Just because your a narrow minded loser doesn't mean everything true always means what could possibly be the very worst thing attached to it.

>> No.5549180

I will eat the tomato if I want to. If I do not want to eat the tomato I will not eat it. It is my choice and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.5549181

your opinions are ones of the mentally handicapped

>> No.5549186

>I don't know why you play such twisted games with the people you meet
Crazy things happen when girls are actually attracted to you.

>> No.5549188

Dubs confirm that you are the picky eater.

>> No.5549191

you should also be sure to throw it away in front of someone like that's face to because the reaction you would get from someone that cares that much about something so small would be hilarious.

>> No.5549192

>disagrees with them
Landwhale thin priveladge eugenics

what are you smoking? you need rehab.

>> No.5549202

that's your opinion, and I respectfully disagree while politely implying that perhaps you are the one with issues?

>> No.5549205

I don't care about hanging out with them, one of my closest friends is extremely picky (he feels bad about it though and wants desperately to change this). It's just annoying because I love cooking and it's more difficult to cook for them.

>> No.5549208
File: 215 KB, 2658x2298, 1326101751765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, those scientists, philosophers, and rational people that digress and observe the universe by objective truth and eugenics sure are "narrow minded losers"

Classic woman right here. Goes against everything rational just to inject her PMS-fueled bullshit as truth. You think I'm raging? I'm treating you the way you ought to be treated. You wouldn't have a philosophical discussion with your dog on why he shouldn't shit on the carpet, right? And now people start saying you're mad as fuck and it's hilarious and now you decided you reply with "no u!!!". Absolutely hilarious

>> No.5549209

I disrespectfully disagree and call you a fucking faggot, faggot

>> No.5549211

>Crazy things happen when girls are actually attracted to you.

and if you make someone that upset they do crazy things right? I suppose we can slightly agree on that. gender has nothing to do with it though.

>> No.5549213

to put it in perspective,
>i think eating gasoline is good for your health :)
>you're mentally handicapped
>that's your opinion, and I respectfully disagree while politely implying that perhaps you are the one with issues?

You're a different kind of retard, huh

>> No.5549216

dubs confirm that you are wrong about everything in you said previously in the thread.

>> No.5549218

why is everyone in this thread so mad? this is really a topic that sets people off. next time i will put a trigger warning.

>> No.5549221

>gender has nothing to do with it though
you go girl x'D

>> No.5549229

picky eater says they cannot eat onion, they hate it in all its forms. they say the flavour ruins everything.

make butter chicken from scratch. they eat every bit and go for seconds. other friend at dinner asks what the recipe is. picky eater suddenly wont touch food when they find out how much onion is in it. proceeds to bathroom and forces themself to vomit.

and I'm the rude one?

>> No.5549230

nobody said anything about gasoline but you must have been sniffing it if you think making assumptions and insults makes you sound smart.

in the case of dangerous gasoline inhalation or consumption see a doctor immediately.

>> No.5549232

telling retards that they are fucking retarded, explaining why, and telling them to fuck off is customary 4chan. You should really leave to your hugbox, cunt.

>> No.5549236

OP was right and everyone who has ever bitched about and scape goated picky eaters have been revealed to be the actual fools, embarrassed and exposed they can only fling poo and scream in rage because they can not handle their absolute and shameful defeat.

>> No.5549239

>picky eater says they cannot eat onion, they hate it in all its forms. they say the flavour ruins everything.
>make butter chicken from scratch. they eat every bit and go for seconds. other friend at dinner asks what the recipe is. picky eater suddenly wont touch food when they find out how much onion is in it. proceeds to bathroom and forces themself to vomit.
Has this ever happened?

>> No.5549240

nice try OP

>> No.5549246 [DELETED] 

It seems that in typical dumb, insipid, cunt fashion, you didn't fully comprehend a completely explicit sentence in your native tongue. To do my good deed of the day, let me point it out to you in green text, since it's almost guaranteed to grab your attention like the ADHD subhuman you are.
>to put it in perspective,
Now, hopefully, after reading it over 10 times in conjunction with the rest of the post, you will eventually, in a few days, realize what was the meaning of the post.

>> No.5549247

yes because we are totally talking about doing something that would kill someone here right? We're talking about picky eaters. Keep assuming, it seems to be the best you could do. Must be hard being so negative and implication happy.

>> No.5549248

>girl breaks up with boyfriend
>exboyfriend goes insane and beats up her new boyfriend out of jealousy

you forgot those huh?

doesn't have anything to do with gender, there have always been crazy people on every side of any conflict.

>> No.5549250
File: 53 KB, 392x530, 1340569938524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally not OP.

>> No.5549254

I'm just gonna imply something cause it's true xD

>> No.5549262

Yeah, I forgot to read some feminazi's exaggerated fantasious bullshit on tumblr today, although I'm reading posts made by an exemplar woman on 4chan. Also, I forgot to check my male cis priviliedge as well. Shame on me, I know.

>> No.5549266

>picky eater has only ever had bad experiences with X food because it has always been prepared for them in a way that was awful
>they have no clue that its good

instead of letting them rediscover it on their own by their own free will

>haha I know, I will force it upon them by sneaking it into their food!

these are the same dirty bastards who try to force people who are allergic to eat the food they are allergic to because they don't believe them, WHOOPS they ended up in the hospital or worse, G-D forbid.

you are a terrible friend and you don't even deserve that title. what kind of sick bastard goes against someones personal choice and wishes to sneak something they explicitly said they didn't like into their food just so they could feel some ego rush "HAHA YOU WERE WRONG! I FORCED YOU TO LIKE ONION!!!"

you deserve no friends.

>> No.5549272

that's funny this isn't about feminism or tumblr. Listen I know you aren't the brightest bulb in the box but it's not good for anyone to just throw around implications either.

>> No.5549275

because that changes everything!

>> No.5549277

>actually defending selective eating disorder hysterics

wow, perform high velocity brass self lobotomy

>> No.5549280

Yes, that's called context.

>> No.5549283 [DELETED] 

~~(^O^)~~ I will just fill up my comment with as much assumption spam as possible! pmsing rocketfueled bulldogs! they poop all over the carpet wow I'm so smart

>> No.5549285

No one is being hysterical, not everyone likes everything but may branch out on their own later if they wish. It's not going kill them.

>> No.5549287

You're one special kind of retard, aren't you?

>> No.5549289

I disagree harder :D

>> No.5549300

did you ever wonder how it would be to be happy?

can you try and be a nice happy person please?

make the world a better place.

>> No.5549301

you're just a burger king worker that has anger problems related to their families pet dog! I'm automatically right!

>> No.5549307

you can't claim context when there is none, your comment is a mess of assumptions and rage induced gibberish.

>> No.5549308

No, this is about trying to find out why you're such a retarded, scummy human being. I'm close to realizing it, and since you're desperately fumbling for responses and falling back to spamming the same shit over and over. Just like you were constantly spouting
>this is gold
>my dense simple post is a good point just because i constantly say it is!
Just be honest. This is 4chan and you're anonymous, no one will be able to identify you in the future, and you're already pathetic and low enough to blatantly and shamelessly samefag in the thread. Just come clean and I'll stop bullying you, I promise.

ointing out my posts are implications. Good job retard, you know what an implication is. Are you that excised to use that word in a conversation?

>> No.5549310

>enjoy food
>self induce vomit because you find out there's an ingredient in it
>not hysterics

Have you ever tried critical thought? It may one day save your life.

>> No.5549312

>this anal hurt and retarded responses
jesus christ give me more

>> No.5549316

Did your story ever happen?

>> No.5549318

this is the truth: you are mad because OP is right.

want OP to be wrong?

stop being that jerk that picks on picky eaters, you are just being picky as well, you are continuing this chain of picky whining dubmbasses. stop being that jerk, and make it so that it simply does not exist.

if nobody spills the milk than there is no need to clean up the mess.

>Inb4 the picky eaters started it or spilled the milk

they don't effect you, so don't try to hurt them. they are innocent.

>> No.5549322

nice try, person who bothers picky eaters

>> No.5549323

>you have no context
Really? Because you cherrypicked a single sentenced out of 4 and focused on that while completely disregarding the context. You should consider visiting an online dictionary for the first time on your life and read what a context is. At this point, you're just embarrassing yourself even further.

>> No.5549334

He's just desperately trying to state that every case of picky eaters will always be the absolute worst case because he's so negative that he'll never be satisfied with anything ever.

>> No.5549338

want to be right? stop imposing your picky faggot tendencies whenever your group suggests a restaurant or group dish you butthurt dipshit

>> No.5549348

>want OP to be wrong?
>then stop pointing out I'm a retard!
How about no? In your stupidity, you think that this problem is about "taking sides" when it's just a matter of letting stupid people know they're stupid. That's all it boils down to.

>> No.5549349

yes, but they vomited not because the onions, but because the betrayal

>> No.5549351

I have none, I'm not picky and OP is right. The more you have your head stuck up your ass doesn't mean the more right you are.

>> No.5549381
File: 972 KB, 894x670, OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the reason is that picky eaters are not normal. You see, the problem with tumblr SJWs and leddit's SRS is that they think that being a low individual is acceptable. They think that being fat is beautiful, and acceptable. They think that being an unhealthy piece of shit that puts their bodies and heart to constant stress and they might pass on their garbage mentality for their children, and to society. It degrades people.

In the same way, why don't you subhumans try different things? Why can't you enjoy food like normal people do? It's okay to have likes and dislikes, but it's not the same as being a picky eater. Why are you perpetuating your filth with anyone else? Do you even acknowledge that you have the mentality of a 12 year old? Why do you fags make such a big deal out of inane, minuscule stuff on food? And what's even more curios, what the fuck are you doing on this board?

>> No.5549386 [DELETED] 

doesn't really matter how many complex ways to say absolutely nothing you can find, it doesn't make you right. anybody that reads the thread from start to finish and follows the conversation can spot you like a honey covered squirrel wrestling a homosexual octopus on a shortbus in the middle of july, and they will see that you are the one who is blatantly illogical, enraged, and incoherent.

people may stop replying to your posts soon, but its not because they have given up, its because they went to go to sleep while you stayed here trying to shove a remote control up your sun-no-shine because your mom canceled your wow account because you yourself didn't want to finish your vegetables.

so stop projecting, and stop being angry at others for how crappy your parents were, I can smell your pain across the vast digital void of the internet and it hurts. I feel pity and sorrow for you and I came here to tell you that its going to be okay. it wasn't your fault.

you: what do you mean

it wasn't your fault

you: you can stop really, you make no sense

it wasn't your fault

you: *crying*

*holding you* its going to be okay, you're free now, live free and have a happy life.

you look back at me with tears in your eyes

me: *wink*

you flap your wings and vanish into the sunset before landing upside down on a leaf to begin your new metamorphasis into a beautiful bunglefly



p.s. on topic can you logically tell me why OP is wrong? if you can't I'm sorru but you are wrongu

>> No.5549387

>The more you have your head stuck up your ass doesn't mean the more right you are.
there are levels of irony here you can't comprehend

>> No.5549419

>enjoying chaos and pain

jesus isn't happy with you

>> No.5549426
File: 6 KB, 259x186, 1339781883522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes OP, several people have responded to you on the thread telling you in short, to drop your faggot act. Both in your autistic posts, and in your "picky eaters way of life". From being blatantly new, using tumblr posts, not knowing the definitions of pretty basic terms and words, using questionably mentality, and spouting the same gimmicky "good points" (top kek) over and over again so you can convince yourself you're the one that's in the right and everyone else is wrong. People have discussed it several times already, and yet it can't pierce your thick skull. You still cling to the type of down-syndromed fueled posts n the vein of
>it wasn't your fault

>you: *crying*

>*holding you* its going to be okay, you're free now, live free and have a happy life.

I don't doubt that you unironically think that you're a normal person in terms of intelligence, but you've displayed in the entire thread with your multiple personas that you're pathetically dull-minded, at the best. Now, your current fad is making jabs at a bad childhood that never happened. I'll tell you in on the joke we're all having since ridiculing you is so freakin' hilarious. The reason that warrants the attitude we're having is making such a pathetic, retarded individual mad. There are tons of people in this earth that eat nothing but cheesy potatoes and in reality, I don't particularly care. But you are so fucking stupid, that I couldn't let this opportunity to make such a retarded person mad. If anything it makes me sad that a human being can drop as low as yourself, but at least it amused the fuck out of my night. Thanks for the laugh. If you wish to keep being told you're a retard with objective arguments and exemplar expositions, by all means go ahead. I still have a few minutes to kill.

>> No.5549431

>you think that this problem is about "taking sides" when it's just a matter of letting stupid people know they're stupid. That's all it boils down to.

exactly, that's what I'm saying. OP pointed out that people who bully picky eaters are stupid and here you are trying to choose sides and say that "no, the picky eaters are stupid and we will continue to bully them"

>> No.5549437
File: 26 KB, 231x224, levi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no wonder why you're such a fucking faggot rofl
you can fuck right off buddy

>> No.5549444
File: 52 KB, 605x550, Even the Brain is Fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, look at this image. Look at the brain even. The heart and the lungs. The digestive tract. The posture and the bone's positioning from the fat not even allowing the person's arms to rest at their side. Do you these people realize obesity eats away at your liver as bad as over-consuming alcohol or harsh prescription drugs? Are they aware their knees will be wracked with pain from having no cartilage left by the time they hit 45?

>> No.5549452

I picked every cherry on your tree of logic and they were all rotten to the pit. I spit you out.

>> No.5549453

Despite me explicitly stating that this isn't the case you're adamant on forcing your delusions. I don't know how else to explain to you:
It's about a retard telling a retard know that he's a fucking moron. There are no sides to it. There is no picky eaters vs normal people movement. Also, funny that OP miseriously stopped posting and now a random faggot that's equally as stupid suddenly decided to come out of the blue and post. Either OP is an emotional wreck and called one of his beta orbiters, or you're desperate enough to adopt a different persona, although people called it all over the thread that you were being a same fag.

>> No.5549468

No, you picked the sentence that grabbed your attention the most and failed to grasp the rest of it. Nice emo poem though, fattie.

Yeah, you need to understand how an x-ray works. The x-ray of the fat fuck has still an inflamed heart and liver. Considering how much mass a fat person has, it of course has to go somewhere. Also, if you think being a fatass increases the size of the brain of a person, my only advice to you is to commit suicide as soon as possible to prevent passing on your genetics.
Also, your post is full of broscience. Jesus christ, you're fucking stupid

>> No.5549469 [DELETED] 

what tumbler posts?

>is making jabs at a bad childhood that never happened

you projected a rape uncle didn't you? see therapist right away.

literally everything you said is an assumption that you made up in your own mind. you are absolutely wrong.

I tried to give you a chance to have a logical discussion but you failed many many times, only able to respond with tumbler accusations and other low insults. you may think that you have won, but you know it in your heart that you have lost because in your enraged rant you have shown the world the way you truly are, and how right OP really is about people like you. you are finished. defeated. done. goodbye now, take care.

>> No.5549477

so you disagree with OP? what is the point that you want to make?

>> No.5549489

>being colorblind
>somehow thinking I implied the brain was bigger
>being obese hard on the joints and liver is broscience
I think you're the one that needs to kill yourself fatty.

>> No.5549491

just what are you talking about?

>> No.5549497

May G-D bless you and save you from the dark deep hole you are in and allow you to redeem yourself. may you see the error of your ways and cease your evil deeds. Shema Israel adonay elohanu adonay ehad baruch shem kelvod malhuto leolam vaed AMEN.

>> No.5549502

I didn't have to pick any specific sentence in your post, they were all equally special.

>> No.5549506

>you projected
Again, you don't know what that means. Maybe getting education is hard in Lousiana but Jesus Christ, you're really pathetic. That's an ironic hyperbole, you dense fucktwit.


>thinking I implied the brain was bigger
>look at the brain
You certainly think that being fat somehow changes the brain, along with asserting your stupid assumption as fact.

But nice try over sensitive, cunt, but your immature out of place remarks highlight you further for being the dull schizo you are. Also, you think that moderately drinking alcohol is as bad as being a fat fuck like you are. Again, saying "no u!" won't help you out of the mess you created for yourself.

Gee idiot, I don't know, how about reading the post you quoted? Or maybe the rest of the thread?

>> No.5549508
File: 132 KB, 468x589, 1350752560962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He already did, kike.
Oy vey shalom

>> No.5549516

>You certainly think that being fat somehow changes the brain, along with asserting your stupid assumption as fact.
Look at the goddamned color! IT IS NOT A BLACK AND WHITE XRAY FROM THE 70'S!

>Also, you think that moderately drinking alcohol is as bad as being a fat fuck like you are. Again, saying "no u!" won't help you out of the mess you created for yourself.
I was arguing the opposite, but I see reading isn't something you're good at.

Or are you just a troll that's arguing both sides.

>> No.5549524

>ironic hyperbole

Again, you don't know what that means.

we will wait 5 minutes while you go google it and come back really fast and pretend to actually know it.

>> No.5549526

what is the point that you wanted to make? because you haven't made any sense this whole entire thread.

>> No.5549535
File: 64 KB, 550x550, fat-stab-550x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at the goddamned color! IT IS NOT A BLACK AND WHITE XRAY FROM THE 70'S!
Wow, it has color! That means it's more true! Lol. What a retard. Even x-ray, to this day, is black and white you massive mongoloid. But I wouldn't expect you to have set foot in somewhere civilized enough to have a machine able to x-ray.

Then, again, in your PMS-fueled apeshit rage, you misinterpreted both explicit english in my post, alongside the picture I posted. Like you've been doing in the entire thread.

>> No.5549544 [DELETED] 

Sure thing, bud.

Boy, you ought to really just end your miserable existence and kill yourself already. And you even think basic english should be "googled". See? This is how I know you are a fucking retard trying to pose as anything else. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.5549549

IT'S NOT AN X-RAY, it's a goddamned full CT/PET scan you dumb fuck. X-Rays take a snapshot. CT/PET take a spiral of images from several different angles, and usually combine them with a chemical or radioactive contrast, to produce vivid and often color images. The fatty brain is different colors for a reason.

You don't know fucking shit. You've wasted several posts attacking a chiding filename.

>> No.5549565

what is the point that you wanted to make? because you STILL haven't made any sense this whole entire thread.

>And you even think basic english should be "googled".

you accused anon of not knowing what they were talking about when they only used english, and when they accused you of the same you couldn't handle it and completely flipped out.

>> No.5549575

Yet again for the 4th million time, you can't read and understand a sentence. Let me break it down for you:
You said
>omg your pic is in black and white, that means its from the 70's!
I replied
>Even to this day, x-ray -is- black and white, retard
And then you went on the tangent that it's a PET scan. So either you think an x-ray is the same as a PET scan, or your classic womanly fashion, you failed to grasp reality since you're that desperate to recreate what happened in your delusional mind.

>> No.5549581

>you haven't made sense
Read the thread. If you're still confused there's no hope for you.
>flipped out
Really? Can you quote that?

>> No.5549588

>you haven't made sense
>"Read the thread. If you're still confused there's no hope for you."

if its that easy, why don't you just tell me? unless... you can't...?

>flipped out
>"Really? Can you quote that?"


this is what you said:

>"Boy, you ought to really just end your miserable existence and kill yourself already. I know you are a fucking retard trying to pose as anything else. Absolutely pathetic."

thats quite the rage induced flip out.

>> No.5549591

Holy fuck. Yeah you're a troll.

I'm out. You obviously didn't know what a CT scan was. And now you're covering your ass trying to make it look like I'm running away from the discussion.

You are the only one who called that image an X-ray. Repeatedly. Then you implied it was a colored X-ray and that the color was not relevant. I really hope a doctor molests you.

Now you're calling me womanish because you look like an idiot. I'm out.

>> No.5549594

improving your palate will make it easier to stop bullshitting yourself

you certainly aren't fooling anybody else

>> No.5549606

I'm already with a blithering retard, I can't pay attention to two of you at the same time. Besides, I'd really prefer not to spoonfeed morons of your caliber, but I'll feed you a little bit and TL;DR'in.

Picky eaters are scum because of
>In the same way, why don't you subhumans try different things? Why can't you enjoy food like normal people do? It's okay to have likes and dislikes, but it's not the same as being a picky eater. Why are you perpetuating your filth with anyone else? Do you even acknowledge that you have the mentality of a 12 year old? Why do you fags make such a big deal out of inane, minuscule stuff on food? And what's even more curios, what the fuck are you doing on this board?


>If people are complaining about your moronic fat ass, then guess what, you're the problem. Do you make a huge deal in restaurant because the pasta you order is red and whenever you see red you have a flashback of your redneck uncle brutally raping your anus until it bled? Are you constantly saying "i don't like your food lol, i only eat mcdonalds"? If you do you should just consider killing yourelf. If you are more mild about your autistic picky eating, then still, you can just shut the fuck about it and no one wil lsay anything.

a picky eater that only serves to constantly remind people what they like or don't and making some autistic drama on public, just like you are doing

Along with the poor cognitive skills your ilk share.

>> No.5549618

you are actually really truly insane. I understand now.

>go to restaurant with friends
>hello may I take your orders?
>me: soup please
>friend1: tacos please
>friend 2: tacos please, but no onion if thats okay
>waitress: sure! no problem :)

>> No.5549628

Finally. Please, never come back to this board. It took a while for you realize how insipid and pathetic you are. You might want to re-read your sociopathic posts, because you were explicitly talked about -my- pictures which were x-rays. I didn't comment on what your picture was. Do you think I'm an educated simpleton as yourself? Do you think I have the need to leave a discussion for a thread for 15 mins just so you can Wikipedia a picture to pose yourself as anything but a fucking moron, even though several people explained you why you're a down-syndromed moron? You've been moving goal posts, cherry picking, and overall acting like a complete fucking cunt on the thread and you're delusional enough to think you're in the right.

It shames me to think that people like you are even allowed to think as themselves as members of society and their output being relevant at all.

>Now you're calling me womanish because you look like an idiot.
Sure, that makes sense. Posts like this lets me know your severely handicapped thought process.

Please, leave this board for good, or even better, put yourself in a house for psychopaths, or you know, get your misery over with and breathe some helium.

>you're calling me womanish
But no, I've been calling you a fucking dense, insipid, retarded, moronic, exemplar in stupidity, ignorance embodied , and an insufferable cunt. It's not really the same thing.

>> No.5549638

It's fucking impossible to eat out with picky eaters. Even more so when trying to feed them. They're disrespectful, entitled cunts that think their tastes take priority over evrything. Refusing to eat is one thing. But when they start gagging and acting all grossed out over something as trivial as a piece of meat or slice of onion, it really shows just how much they take food for granted. Fuck them.

>> No.5549640

>live with a family of picky eaters
>mother is a stuck up bitch
>father grew up a spoiled cunt
>20 years of "EEEW HOW CAN YOU EAT *THAT*"
fuck picky eaters
fuck them in the ass
they're like vegans, they act like they keep it to themselves but inject themselves into every conversation

>> No.5549649

>15 minutes later
>anon1:oh hey look a pizza thread!
>anon2:sweet pizza thread
>hey this pizza looks great
>yea bro it sure does
>yea but it would be better without the pepperoni
>yea it WAIT WHAT,

>> No.5549650

You are actually truly fucking stupid. Even among the posts I quoted, I predicted your delusional post and quoted

>no, that's not liking onions on their salad

Learn. To. Fucking. Read. You. Fucking. Moron.

Also, as I've said in the past, I don't have the need to tolerate people scummy enough to catalogue themselves as picky eaters. Again, kill yourself you fucking newfaggot. Stop using smiles, stop using this >friend1 shit. Just get the fuck out.

You can't read
You can't understand
You can't fucking adapt to the board you are discussing
You can't be a normal person that enjoys several different ingredients and cooking styles
You're an abnormal cunt that vilifies common sense and rational arguments and forces their leddit shit here.

Just get the fuck out, please.

>> No.5549652


read this

>> No.5549664

Except that's not what happens unless we're talking dogshit establishments like taco bell or boston pizza that appeal to the masses. Have you tried eating pho or ramen with picky eaters? Fuck off with your shitty strawman.

>> No.5549678 [DELETED] 

>faggot (that means you): *goes to detroit dressed like a cheerleader*
>nigger1: sup fucking faggot what are you doing here do you want to get fucked or what?
>nigger2:yea fucking bitch boi
>faggot (that means you): omg no >< im not gay
>nigger1-5 all say at the same time:what the fuck are you doing in the middle of detroit, the city of nignogs
>faggot (that means you): i dont know :( i go to places that focus on the things i dont like because im a fucking retard
>niggerchief comes out of his tent, dragging his 3 ft tall black, tattooed testicles
>you (faggot) hears the clangor of his bling on hammering against his nigger chest
>chink2: o ma ga is da nigeru bossu
>niggerboss: the fuck are you doing here, faggot boy
>faggot (that means you): :'( im a picky eater
>the nigger chief's eyes widen at such a fucking gay response
>he stomps the ground, breaking the the cement
>the whole earth rumbles
>purple flavored soda, watermelons and cotton nuggets fly from the heavens
>niggerboss1: you fucked up you fucking faggot
>he grabs you by the neck, slamming your faggot face into the nearest pizza parlor
>he shoves a whole fucking onion to your faggot mouth
>as you lay there, bitching about "ITS MY DECISION STOP OPRESSING ME" he jabs at your liver, making you puke, forcing you to eat your puke once again
>faggot(thatmeansyou): please stop :(((((((((
>the niggerboss calmly brings his chimp mouth to your ear
>in a soothing tone he says
>fuck off to reddit with this shit you fucking faggot
>he stabs you and kills you
And /ck/ was a better place after faggot1 was gone

>> No.5549732

it isn't a strawman its just some simple food examples. you are strawmanning.

>> No.5549811

>i dont know what that means
>instead of googling it, I'm going to just use it on you even though I have no idea what it means

>> No.5550122

The level of anal damage in this thread is off the chart.

>> No.5552979

When someone just says it tastes bad, there's not even a question of them being allergic or not. Either the dish tastes bad to them or it doesn't, no harm done either way.

>> No.5552998

You goddamn idiot he was agreeing with you that being fat is bad.