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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 9 KB, 276x183, Naples_St_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5907909 No.5907909 [Reply] [Original]

This is what real pizza looks like and it only takes about 7 minutes to cook.
>now take all the that GM, pre-frozen, takeaway crap you insist on calling pizza and put it in the bin.
Protip: If you've never had pizza in Italy don't bother posting, you know nothing.

>> No.5907915


real talk european pizza sucks

>> No.5907917

Looks great, OP.

>> No.5907921

Who cares if it's real, it looks and tastes like shit.

I'll take an American "fake" pizza any day.

>> No.5907925


>> No.5907930

wrong, Europeans make shit pizzas.

>> No.5907931
File: 129 KB, 600x450, dominos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP has a point.
Pic related, it's from Dominos and looks horrible

>> No.5907936

You wouldn't know. You have never tried one.

>> No.5907937

is cheese that scarce in italy?
is it the recession?

>> No.5907941


looks better than op imo

and dominos is shit tier

it's like

>Mellow mushroom
>the rest

if we are talking about chains that is

>> No.5907943

What is in those four little tins?

>> No.5907944

Pizza isn't supposed to be smothered in cheese.
I prefer it with just a few handfuls of mozzarella

>> No.5907948


oh my god

>> No.5907949

sorry but mellow mushroom lacked everything what real pizza is about

i will never eat at mellow mushroom i havent been to mellow musroom in over 30 years same goes for arcos donatos jets and goodfellas

>> No.5907950

Ketchup and mustard I guess. Why you would want them with pizza, fuck knows ???

>> No.5907956

It's honey mustard, but still a baffling pizza dip choice.

>> No.5907961

and that's why you will develop diabetes.

>> No.5907963


Well what pizza do you like

If it's european don't bother, they don't know what food is supposed to taste like

>> No.5907964

No they have plenty of good real cheese in italy but they use it wisely. ... ( not like in U.S the industrial analog cheese http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizza_cheese#Processed_pizza_cheeses))

>> No.5907965

You have no idea what you are talking about!
and you just gave it away
your >pic related
contains at most half a hand of mozarella had it been one complete hand of mozarella it would be entirely covered

if you were taking more than one hand

or likr you braindead italian retard said several hands of mozarella you would have flooded the entire oven with mozarella

how come i know more about your countries culture than you?

>go ahead prove me wrong post how to make dough
>go ahead embarrass yourself with your lack of knowledge on how to make pizza dough

>> No.5907969

I make my very own rustic country style artisan pizza


>> No.5907971


Oh do europeans not understand eating in moderation?

>> No.5907973

>they have plenty of good real cheese in italy
but they can't afford it

>> No.5907996

judging by your posts clearly not.
which part of this don't you understand ?

>> No.5908005

>judging by your posts clearly not.

So you are agreeing with me Europeans don't understand eating in moderation?

Pizza isn't an everyday thing anon, and generally speaking you don't eat the whole thing you eat like two slices.

>> No.5908010


>> No.5908016
File: 1.39 MB, 3264x1952, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europeans don't understand pizza period. His is a swedish pizza.

>> No.5908041

OP, would you be so kind and tell me the secret recipe?

>> No.5908052
File: 528 KB, 1086x720, 1382304157077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the hell is wrong with europe

>> No.5908054

We're American, we don't give a shit about culture as long as it tastes good.

>> No.5908056

Lol Europeans dont know what food should taste like
Says an Amerifat, enjoy your hot pockets pleb

>> No.5908060

some do, some don't.
>How can you generalise an entire continent ?
You can't.

>> No.5908061

hur durr euros cant into pizza
posts pic of generic stoner food, as if no amerifat has never made this shit.

>> No.5908063


Fat for a reason, we know how to make shit taste good.

>> No.5908064

pizza threads on /ck/ depress me. you all have the fucking worst taste in pizzas. you're why every tourist pizza place i go to has shit dough, a sea of cheese, acrid sauce and low quality toppings.

>> No.5908074

thread of the year

die slowly

>> No.5908081

OP's just jelly that america has more obese people then Italy. 'Murica, Fuck Yeah

>> No.5908083

Who cares about chains, little ma and pop places are the best.

>> No.5908086

Jesus fuck the Murrica vs Europ shitposting is getting out of hand.
Gotta love greasy cheesy American pizza just as much as classic Italian pizza.
Much love to my brothers from the USA from Europe.

>> No.5908088

Yeah you're right becasue they dont sucum to the influence of fast food

>> No.5908090

That is definitely not Dominos.

>> No.5908093

It's because that's not Dominos but a hot dog pillsbury pizza or something.
>not into image search 290

>> No.5908094

Yeah dominos doesnt make anything that good

>> No.5908096

>chocolate lava crunch cakes
>not better than that

>> No.5908098

It's pizza hut.
same shit I guess.

>> No.5908109

that's really gross, why is real pizza so fucking ugly and disgusting

>> No.5908121

>knows no better
>probably the whole point of this thread
me sad for you

>> No.5908134

ignorant little c*nt
>use of the word "gross" confirms child.

>> No.5908139

Anon, i think you've got brain damage.

Stick to the golden rule : Good pizza is great but bad pizza is still pretty good, what's to argue you'd really have to try in order to fuck pizza up.

>> No.5908148
File: 45 KB, 542x407, Barry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't want to be counting the fingers you haven't got ...

>> No.5908154 [DELETED] 

what the fuck kind of cunty faggot are you

>> No.5908168

one who was bought up by my parents, not dragged up like you, anon.

>> No.5908170

I just spilled my beer laughing

>> No.5908173

>what the fuck kind of cunty faggot are you
dude just got pwnd lel

>> No.5908180 [DELETED] 

>samefagging harder than diamonds
confirmed for 14 years old and has never touched a beer let alone spilling one, cuntfag underageb&

>> No.5908183

>there are people in this thread right fucking now that say murkan fast food pizza tastes better than italian restaurant pizza

top kekeroni

>> No.5908184

You just lost that one
Try a bit harder next time and maybe you won't look like a fool.
If you require advice about not making yourself look like an asshole when posting on internet channels / boards then please ask.
For other issues you may have you could always try google and search for : wit, education,riposte or maybe just "socially adequate behavior"
I remain, your most humble servant. Thank You.

>> No.5908189

>pizza is originally from america
>people claim that it's 'better' in italy

topper kek

>> No.5908192


are yuropoors really so poor that they cannot afford to properly cover their pizzas with cheese?

>> No.5908193


apply yourself

>> No.5908201

it's already been discussed.
You do not understand what a pizza is
>read the whole thread or fuck off please

>> No.5908202

>apply yourself

big words from a tripfag. don't you have selfies you need to upload to instagram?

>> No.5908207

Not the guy you are replying to, but I don't think you understand what pizza is

>> No.5908208 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 192x235, hipster1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have had pizza in Italy and the one pictured should be call "Pretentious Pie."

Let me guess you wear a hat in the house and while eating in restaurants.

picrelated: pretentious as fuck

>> No.5908216


Shhh shhh yuro.

Its ok. America is already setting up a cheese relief charity. You'll get a proper pizza in your country any day now.

>> No.5908217

did you you just use the "fag" pro-fix outside of /pol/ ?
>shame on you

>> No.5908230


>> No.5908255

pie is a pie
pizza is not a pie
pork pie, shepherds pie, steak pie
mince pie, beef and onion pie
cottage pie, pizza is not a pie
pizza is not a pie

>> No.5908270


>> No.5908278

>If you weren't eating bread before agriculture was invented you don't know TRUE bread

Fuck you, that bread was shit. Food can be improved upon, just like America improved your awful Italian shit-pie.

>> No.5908292 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 125x119, 1370013937856s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ya forgot hair pie

>> No.5908294

nothing is originally from America

>> No.5908299 [DELETED] 
File: 1.51 MB, 320x240, 1410531838410.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5908305

you're from Asia, faggot

>> No.5908307

>Fuck you, that bread was shit. Food can be improved upon, just like America improved your awful Italian shit-pie.
By loading it with absolute crap that appeals to the next generations of medical dependants.
You fucking pleb, you are fucked.

>> No.5908312

what about crack houses and crystal meth ?
>surely 2 American Institutions
nigger land anyway

>> No.5908316
File: 350 KB, 1000x652, american_buffalo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5908337

derived from the African Bison you fucking moron. It's about as American as I am.
You utter cock !

>> No.5908341

american buffalo is the name for a species of bison dickhead, a fucking BISON

>> No.5908347

Canadian originally

>> No.5908359

Why are foreigners so fixiated on America?

Is there autism in the water or something?

>> No.5908369 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 530x300, corn_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't ever say that to someone from Kansas. It's the corn hole of America.

>> No.5908381


That was easy.

>> No.5908439

Whoa, I never knew America invented bread, steak, mozzarella, waffles and Chinese cuisine.

>> No.5908456

You're welcome, Yuro

>> No.5908478
File: 2.82 MB, 214x120, 1391502730150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They cant help but notice the big red, white, and blue cock in their face

>> No.5908479

I don't know. It's weird to because they consume our media and use american run sites like this one.

>> No.5908496

And even the small English town Cheddar is in America! So I have been to America after all.

>> No.5908499

But the British flag was red white and blue first. :(

>> No.5908501
File: 2.67 MB, 3216x2136, 2627757-5428875245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you post such a tiny image.

>> No.5908505

because some OPs are bigger fags than others

>> No.5908515


-7/10, too obvious

>> No.5908580
File: 92 KB, 720x960, 1394232814537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Best trolling I've seen in a while.

>> No.5908585


>fries and falafel


>> No.5908608
File: 123 KB, 1278x713, 1403039795697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how you can be even a little bit snobby about cheese on bread.

>> No.5908651


You do know that pizza has tomato sauce on it and that ketchup is made of tomatoes.

>> No.5908686


So... why cant they spread their toppings evenly?

There is barely any basil, with most it on one side. If they actually gave a fuck about making the pizza look nice, I would consider eating one but the way it looks right now, it looks like they gave a job to a highschooler who doesnt care about how the pizza looks.

>> No.5908831

Thats the great thing about America. Within walking distance I can buy pizza that is made the exact same way. I could also go to my local pizza joint and buy a deep dish pizza. I could even go to Shakeys and buy fried chicken, mojos, and American thin crust pizza. Even though these are all different types of pizza they all have their pros and cons. Your pizza might be authentic but I have more options and with those odds I am more likely to find a better pizza than yours.

>> No.5908897



>> No.5908905


why are americans so autistic about that shit

it's such a fucking petty thing to criticise a pizza for

>> No.5908917

If that was an American pizza you'd criticize it just the same. The topping placement is shit get over it.

>> No.5908928

Lmao you pretentious fuck

>> No.5908933

Topping distribution is important. I hate when I go to a good place and pay extra for a premium pizza and the toppings aren't at least placed with some semblance of attention.

Using sliced mozz as opposed to shredded as in that pizza is nice. It allows a different kind of bake. The sauce that isn't covered by the cheese gets a little sweeter and the cheese melts differently. It's like a different bite each time.

That thing looks amaze, but even when a place is slammed ya gotta make sure the basil makes it to the other side unless it's on purpose.

>> No.5908956


>If that was an American pizza you'd criticize it just the same.

no i wouldn't

this shit is thrown together in like 10 seconds and crammed into an oven because what matters is the dough, the rough shape, the quality of the ingredients and the cook time and temperature, and fuck all else. that's what makes them great. you don't know shit about pizza if you obsess over trivial shit like that.

>> No.5909018
File: 656 KB, 1600x1200, j-b-alberto27sii1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've had pizza like that before. I'll stick with my "fake pizza" or whatever you think it is.

>> No.5909029

>square cut
Ma niggaru.

>> No.5909065


>> No.5909069


>topping distribution




op's pizza looks like a teenaged worker at papa j's got bored and just threw some shit together

>> No.5909070

My mother once brought home leftover pizza slices from a fancy, expensive restaurant that looked like this and it was pretty fucking mediocre. Waste of good money.

And no I don't live with my mother still, this was years ago.

>> No.5909071

You're the one obsessing. All people are saying is the topping distribution is shit.

>> No.5909089

>having a problem with gmo crops

I agree that that's better than shit like pizza hut, but jesus christ you're a retard. there's literally nothing wrong with gmos

>> No.5909103


I'm Italian. Pizze are not something we actually eat here, it's more of a food developed for foreign tourists because they expect something, and there is a market. I have never actually eaten it at home, but I tried it once at a tourist restaurant in Napoli and it was interesting.

Mostly, it is eaten by people who emigrated from Italy to America over 100 years ago. Putting mashed up tomatoes on bread seems funny to us. It amazes me to read about what foreigners think about how we eat here.

>> No.5909106

this. it's like people have no idea how science works.
>omg this is genetically modified
you mean improved? yes, yes it was.

>> No.5909119

Sweden is like the Great Britain of continental Europe in terms of food culture

>> No.5909143




i actually do love that. i love variation in the pieces you're getting.


no anon, you are mistaken. i am protesting a disproportionate criticism of a very insignificant aspect of the pizza.

>> No.5909148


shut the fuck up.

>> No.5909150

your protest is an obsession. to you it might not matter, but to others it does. misreading your own opinion like it's some fact is the first step to idiocy.

>> No.5909155

>implying all cheese on all pizzas in the U.S. is industrial sludge

That is only Wisconsin, California, and the entire south that do that.

>> No.5909165


>your protest is an obsession.

no it isn't.

>misreading your own opinion like it's some fact

it is a fact that topping distribution makes a very small contribution to the quality of a pizza.

>> No.5909195

Omg I love pizzas like this, delicious and easy to make. I make these with my mom all the time for a quick dinner. I get these really decent frozen crusts from whole flood. I then put some olive oil on, throw some sauce on with tomato pieces, some mozzarella balls and fresh basil. salt and pepper to taste and you're done! I don't know why'd you buy fast food pizza when making this is so quick, easy, and delicious. I'm also American so there's no need to hate on Americans haha.

>> No.5909223
File: 977 KB, 2048x1536, neapolitan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these ocd complaints about topping placement on neapolitan pizza
You guys should know that these pizzas are normally eaten by 1 person with a fork and knife.

>> No.5909237

So the story behind Pizza Marinara being made in 18th century by sailors is fake? Why would someone fabricate stories about a food?

>> No.5909260

I've had both great and bad pizza in Italy.

I still like our murrkin stuff too back here. Not everything has to be the same.

>> No.5909283


1/10 for making me reply.

>> No.5909341

wow. no.

My friend's family in Italy makes pizza at home every other week.

You are a troll or a retard who actually thinks this shit. And btw, you do not represent a country.

>> No.5909372


>> No.5909575

Really though, you know your country has fucked up pizza BADLY when it's standard to shovel up disgusting fucking ranch sauce with each shitty, dry slice.

fucking Americans

>> No.5909584
File: 48 KB, 814x500, 1412025360770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5909592

someone makes bad choices

>> No.5909639


pizza in Italy really isn't that good. Even in Napoli. You should be eating many other better dishes in Italy.

>> No.5909686

Italian pizza taste perfectly fine but deep dish, pan pizza, and NY style are all WAY better.

>> No.5910122


Hoping there is an italian to answer the question.

What do you put into the recipe to make those small black burned spots? like in >>5908501 too
It's a cooking trick maybe? When I use the recipe some Italian friend gave me, it's all raight but those spots don't appear.

>> No.5910128

....It's called a wood fired oven. It's not in the recipe. It's the high heat. God damn.

>> No.5910149


>> No.5910162

no tiny black spots for me then :c

I thought it had something to do with the flour type

>> No.5910192

Not using the majestic Italian water buffalo milk to make your mozzarella for pizza smh

>> No.5910368

That looks so good

>> No.5910379

i live in milan lol, still in love with fruta de mare spaghetti tho (if that's what it's called) with red wine

>> No.5910381

i've had pizza in italy...it's good sure, but i prefer it from brooklyn when it's from a family run store full of italian-americans and there's a couple people there who are old as shit with italian accents in the back...

>> No.5910386

I have had pizza in Italy, in New York, Chicago, New Orleans, and North Carolina too. I agree that Neopolitan pizza is incredible. I love simple pizza, I can't get that anymore. Everything has to have a whole bunch of crap piled on top of it. I don't eat a whole pizza by myself so I have to eat what my spouse wants (the reasoning being I can pick off the toppings). The resulting pizza is thick and doughy, flavored by the residue of crappy substandard meats and just not the same. Anything close to Neopolitan pizza is now just a fond memory.

>> No.5910439

i love op's pizza. went on holiday to lake garda a few years ago and everywhere had them like that. pizza has never been the same since.

>> No.5910451

I've never had OP's pic but the texture looks uncomfortable to chew. I have no doubt it tastes much better tho and it is probably more healthy

>> No.5910459


> uncomfortable to chew.

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.5910463

I was there this summer, on that little peninsula town. Pizza was very good in the places where I ate, but not as good as the stuff I had in Napoli or even Verona.

>> No.5910464
File: 27 KB, 456x537, 1318533692017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uncomfortable to chew
eating must be a daily battle for you and your poor sensitive teeth and weak jaw

>> No.5910490

OP has been to Italy once.

>> No.5910497

And now only wears some Italian soccer jersey with pointy shoes and overpronounces every single thing that's remotely associated with italy

>> No.5910517
File: 44 KB, 610x458, 1410328448950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poorfag food
y u mad?

>> No.5911007

>TFW pizza veteran and loves all kinds of pizza

Doesn't matter who has better pizza, I always win.

>> No.5911021

Is sauce over cheese style really more efficient?

>> No.5911025

+1 for Napoli

>> No.5911051

Protip: You still live with your mother

>> No.5911074

OP here.
>not even slightly mad
pic is not of pizza, checkmate trashfag

>> No.5911251

You're objectively wrong.

>> No.5911388

I see no meat there

>> No.5911430

it's a necessity for deep dish pizza as the long cooking times will burn the cheese if it was placed on top. sauce takes more heat to burn, thus the order is reversed.

>> No.5911460

the pizza I've had in italy was pretty bad actually

>> No.5911471

how many /ck/ browsers do you seriously think have been to Italy, OP?

>> No.5911473

From Sicily actually.

>> No.5911484

Why would you ?
>does pizza have to have meat ?
>are you this fucking stupid ?

>> No.5911493

OP Here
I stated very clearly that if you hadn't eaten pizza in Italy then you shouldn't bother posting

>> No.5911506
File: 79 KB, 499x332, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a subpar grimaldis pizza. Face it euro plebs you are consuming our culture even when you think you're not.

>> No.5911507

>Pizza thread
>Not a meat thread

>Any danger of you taking your retardation elsewhere ?

Fuck Off Moron

>> No.5911512



>> No.5911514


>> No.5911516

>implying the very memespeak you communicate isn't American culture

>> No.5911519

It's become so ubiquitous in Europe, you don't even notice anymore.

>> No.5911522

I beg your pardon ?

>> No.5911526

the internet is global.
You think only americans create memes ?
>0/10 for intellectual debate

>> No.5911529

How long until the Italians ITT switch sides?

>> No.5911533

There's no Italians ITT

>> No.5911535

want to go out for pizza sometime?

>> No.5911542

You're about to get pwnd again, oldposter.
Best give up while you still can, wouldn't want to see you retracting again

>> No.5911553

Back again are you ? Want some do you ?

>> No.5911794

If that picture was taken where I think it is, that pizza IS better than any pizzas anywhere else. Really. The rest of Italy doesn't get anywhere close, nor does any other country (including the USA, where I've had pizza a fair number of times, and in different styles). It is the Universal Supreme Being of pizza.

The trick is in how the pizza is moved around inside the wood-fired oven during the cook, since the ingredients are basic. If you're not using wood, you're not in the same league. If you're not moving the pizza correctly, you're failing. The taste is just sublime, but get it wrong and you just have ordinary pizza or you have a charcoal disaster.

And it's cheap too. Bastard Neapolitans! Mad jelly, here...

>> No.5911859

My favorite pizza is pepperoni and plain cheese with no toppings

>> No.5911869

[citation needed]

>> No.5911890

>Italians on 4chan

>> No.5911897

>pepperoni isn't a topping


>> No.5911904

>my opinion is fact

Confirmed troll

>> No.5911912

do they not recognize BTFO on /ck/?
nice post anon, you wrecked that guy

>> No.5911925 [DELETED] 

>Jarvan's Q now has tip to hilt damage

>> No.5911931

>being this pompous about peasant food
oh jeez oh man, this is southern europe in a nutshell actually

>> No.5911934

No I'm right, the only places where Italian style pizza is more common is Italy and Japan.

>> No.5911939


I ordered a specialty pizza today which incidentally came with extra cheese. I wish I had told them not to include the extra cheese because it drowned out all the good qualities

>> No.5911948

>hurr original is better just because its original

nah fuck that. If some one can take a shit concept and make it better ill take the better option. fuck off with your pretentious but muh traditional pizza bullshit

>> No.5911951


not an opinion.

>> No.5911958




fuck traditional, it's just superior. no shitty conveyor ovens, simple dough, great tomatoes and no fucking sea of shitty cheese.

>> No.5911965

>it's all raight but those spots don't appear.
>it's all raight
>all raight

Look, I know this is 4chan and all, but is it even possible to be this stupid? Not to mention how stupid your question was. You should probably just kill yourself

>> No.5911967


pinatas arent a part of mexican culture because americans use them to

>> No.5911977


bitch that shit is just bread tomato sauce and burnt cheese. hwo the fuck is it superior

>> No.5911982


i literally just said.

>> No.5911991


Welp keep your shitty tomato bread then. Ill enjoy an actually good pizza here on the west coast

>> No.5911996


well that's unreasonable.

>> No.5912008

>real pizza

>looks nothing like an Egyptian pizza at all.

>> No.5912009

Yeah tacos aren't a part of mexican culture because Americans use them too

>> No.5912032



>> No.5912063
File: 362 KB, 500x562, kWJYW8T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America vs Europe

>> No.5912139

cold fermented dough (24 hours in fridge minimum)
really hot oven
pizza stone

>> No.5912916

quick someone give their pizza sauce from fresh tomatoes

>> No.5912937

>Protip: If you've never had pizza in Italy don't bother posting, you know nothing.
A man from st.kilda, melbourne, Australia won the world championships held in Italy for margarita pizza.

Shut your pie hole.

>> No.5913107

europeans living in the fuckinstone age

>> No.5913111

european pizza is more fore taste less for filling you up

>> No.5913184

Typical poorfag logic.
Our pizza only incidentally fills you up, no one wants LESS of something that tastes good. The design delivers more flavor, it's the human body that needs to adapt.

>> No.5913508

Italian pizza is literally americanised pizza, post-ww2.

It's pretty good but not the one true pizza or anything, there is no one true pizza, that is the one truth you will eventually come to realise. Many bad pizzas doesn't mean only one good one.

>> No.5913521

>Shut your pie hole.
No no no no no no
Shaddup you face (Joe Dolce)


>> No.5914192

Looks good !

>> No.5914265

> American pizza - cheap fill
> Real pizza - taste

>> No.5914810

We have places like those. They're not popular though. Everyone wants a deep dish. Which I like better.

>> No.5914851

>muh pizza way better than urs

Really now?

>> No.5914960

>bread with tomato paste

this is literally peasant food

>> No.5915634

>cheese on bread

There's your problem, Amerifat.

>> No.5915661

versus hard as shit crust, flavorless sauce, a few tiny pools of cheese that sit on top of the pizza like diarhea, you really are a retarded, pretentious idiot

>> No.5915664

I'm not American but nice try

>> No.5916391

Relevant to this thread:


>> No.5916431

been to rome and Florence a few times, Italian pizza is(obviously) superior to most American establishments but the disparity between the two isn't all that severe
basically its not that far off from decent teir Chicago or NYC pizza

>> No.5916671

>mostly bread
>burnt crust
>can see the bread through the sauce clearly
>cheese distribution is asinine
>tfw fresh mozzarella has no flavor
>7 minutes to cook
Sounds exactly like something I would eat when I have no money. Mmmm, bread.

>> No.5917306


>hard as shit crust

lmao no

>flavorless sauce

holy shit no

>a few tiny pools of cheese

more than enough for anyone with a palate

>sit on top of the pizza like diarhea

oh hey another wildly inaccurate comparison with shit

>> No.5917337

You can get certified neapolitan style pizza here in the US. It's the same as you'd get in Italy. You're right that genuine italian style is better, but if you think we can't get it here, you're even more ignorant than the average European.

>> No.5917351
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patrician pizza incoming

>> No.5917354
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the fuck is that? looks like a plastic bag melted on top.

>> No.5917362
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i think its chocolate

>> No.5917410

/v/ pls go

>> No.5917418

do you make fresh buffalo mozzarella in the US ?

>> No.5917475

>he means water buffalo
There at least a few companies that do, but it's only sold locally.

>> No.5917503

I had pizza that looks exactly like that once at a restaraunt in Manhattan.

It was called Mediterraneo if anyone is from the area.

Was probaly some of the best pizza I've had, though I think pizza can be amazing in any form that it takes (brooklyn-style, chicago-style, european-style) as long as the person making it knows what they're doing.

>> No.5917515

You do realize pizza was invented by spanish in america. Tomatoes are not native to europe

>> No.5917699
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This is what real pizza looks like and it only takes about 15 minutes to get delivered

>> No.5917810

>real pizza
I think you have to pick one.

>> No.5917816
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This is what real pizza looks like and it only takes about 7 minutes to cook

>> No.5917824

You left the beans off! What kind of monster are you?!

>> No.5917828

>black pudding and an egg
looks more delicious than it is

>> No.5917831
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>> No.5917846

I'm gonna make a pizza with fiori di zucca and amanita cesarea

>> No.5917851

Beautiful That sauce looks especually good. I'll have a slice of beans and a slaice of black pudding, plox.

>> No.5917927

I hope you don't eat corn, tomatoes, peppers, etc...

>> No.5917931

I make my pizza from scratch, using an italian recipe for the dough. I know people who are absolute pizza snobs and they love it and keep bugging me to make more (no chance in hell I'm gonna spend 2 hours making a pizza I'll only get one slice of), so I assume it's not half bad. Does that count? It's oven-cooked, though. Tried making a pizza in the fireplace once. Did not go well, though it had a nice, smoky aftertaste. The parts that weren't charred, at least.

>> No.5917935

I remember when it was first posted, somebody put fucking Kraft slices or some other kind of AMERICAN CHEESE on there as substitute for Mozzarella

>> No.5917952

But american cheese tastes like plastic. Not even good plastic. Tastes like that shit green plastic that slightly smells and turns into complete shit in a year or so.

>> No.5917954
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gibe recipe pls

I'm on my 5th dough and by now I've figured out how to make it edible and look okay, but I'm still looking for the perfect dough recipe

>> No.5917963
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>> No.5917968


nah you get good delivery places

captcha: holding poopese

>> No.5917970

>Eats enough plastic to differentiate between good and bad
>Criticizing how something tastes


>> No.5917982

u sound like a gayfag

>> No.5917987
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>> No.5918000

I don't have the recipe on hand and I haven't made it in a while, since I'm in university right now, but I think it was something along the lines of:
200g flour
125ml of warm milk with some fresh yeast dissolved in it (don't make it too hot or it fucks up the yeast)
2 soup spoons of vegetable oil
pinch of salt

You knead it and let it set somewhere warm for about 45 minutes to an hour. Then you knead it again. I tend to add 100ml of milk and a bit of extra oil. That way it's harder and less sticky, so I can easily roll it into a nice shape without the son of a bitch sticking to the table. Also, rub the pan with oil. I know you're usually supposed to use flour for pizza, but I prefer oil. Makes the crust nice and crunchy, but not too dry.

As for the toppings, I just throw on whatever I feel like or have available and cover it in a shitton of cheese. Sometimes it's just some salami, sometimes it's a combination of stuff, sometimes I decide to get fancy and use boiled eggs and stuff, sometimes I just feel like having a veggie pizza and just throw on some mushrooms, peppers and tomatoes with cheese (we have this type of cheese in my country that's hard, white and salty. Goes great with that type of pizza.). Basically, whatever you feel like, cook it at about 150-200 degrees until it seems ready.

I know the recipe's kind of odd, since I tend to just eyeball everything, but I've never had a bad result.

>> No.5918011

Hey, I'm an engineering student. At this point, they make us differentiate between different materials by smell alone. Next semesters' exams are probably going to involve getting electrocuted and telling what the voltage is by feel alone.

>> No.5918108

How the hell can this result in a dough? That's too much liquid and not enough flour..

>> No.5918124

I dunno. I usually make 3 pizzas, so I use 600g of flour and 300ml of milk. I'm certain of that. I get nice, hard, non-sticky dough every time. Takes a shitton of stirring and kneading, though. Maybe that has something to do with it.

>> No.5918129

thumbnail made it look like a pumpkin pizza

>> No.5918144

milk in pizza dough? um. no.

Proper Neapolitan pizza crust contains nothing but flour, water, yeast and salt.

300g strong flour (bread or high gluten)
200g water (cold)
6-8g salt (more if you're cold fermenting for more than one day)
1/4tsp instant yeast

Mix everything together, kneed until smooth and strong feeling, does not tear when stretched.

Wrap in oiled plastic wrap, place in fridge for 24 hours minimum, up to 3 days max.

>> No.5918204
File: 177 KB, 800x450, 430867951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I learned that americans eat pizza with their hands
>mfw none of my american friends use napkins and wipe their greasy hands on their cargo pants and ill-fitting jeans
I wonder, do you guys eat all your food with your hands? Have you considered eating out of a long bowl on the floor? Or a bag that you can attach to your heads, enabling you to eat hands-free while still being able to watch TV and play on your phones?

>mfw it's not a joke that americans put ketchup on literally everything

>> No.5918270

Saying traditional Italian pizzas are superior to American style because they are more "rustic and traditional" is like saying hatian clay cakes are better than a hostess snack cake for the same reasons.

>> No.5918274

>place in fridge for 24 hours minimum, up to 3 days max
it's better to leave it out and fold it a few times after it's risen instead. putting it in the refrigerator is the same thing as leaving it out... just slower.

>> No.5918290

>implying authenticity is a good thing

you people are thee worst

>> No.5918295

>and ill-fitting jeans
what do you consider well fitting?

>> No.5918316

>wipe their greasy hands
You aren't supposed to hold the cheese part guy

>> No.5918321

Dont you talk about my malt liquor forties like that nigga

>> No.5918349
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Guess where this is from..

>> No.5918355
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Guess where this is from then..

>> No.5918360
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And how about this one?

Can you guess the toppings?

>> No.5918404
File: 145 KB, 960x720, mmexport1409232494522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evolution demanded a better a pizza and here it

>> No.5918416

I bet the egg makes it from Australia. Not that it's unique to one country, it's just common there.

>> No.5918429
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>> No.5918433


That looks good- what's the sauce? Ranch?

>> No.5918447

sliced potatoes on top of a bechamel sauce

>> No.5919068
File: 86 KB, 500x666, tumblr_n2twiqRW6c1rvr5s8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not a pizza
thats a flammkuchen
and a goat one at that

>> No.5919096

The best there is.

>> No.5919100
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>> No.5919107

well potato on pizza is popular in japan, but that doesnt look japanese

>> No.5919256

I actually had my second worst pizza in italy, worst was in murica

best pizza I've eaten was in croatia, food there is amazing in general and is cheap as hell

>> No.5920913

smash that bad boy !

>> No.5920921

Yarr exactly.
American pizza ain't pizza.

>> No.5920935

I had some amazing pizza during my stay in italy. And it was always inexpensive. A whole pizza for 3-4 Euro.

>> No.5920938

Dauphinoise potatoes ????
>carb bomb about to explode

>> No.5920958

Yeah this.

>> No.5920967

>real pizza
>burnt basil

You can keep your poorly made "real pizza"

That is shit and I would send it back

>> No.5920975

>illogical fallacy detected
Why would you order it in the first place ?

>> No.5920985

This thread has made me want pizza

And not that sissy bread with leaves on it european shit

Time to order marcos with some oldworld pepperoni

>> No.5920990
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>> No.5920996

thank the Lord we have a plebeian class like you
>easy to control you are

>> No.5921001
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>> No.5921012


Enjoy your "pizza"

i'm sure people will think you are real cool

>> No.5921025
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>> No.5921026

I doubt that very much, I wear baggy jeans.

>> No.5921029
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>> No.5921034

Fuck you pretentious fuckernuts, there's a Little Ceaser's across the bridge from this PC selling whole large pie with pepperoni for $5. Your shit with "basil" from Nippleoni or where ever the fuck you Germans live can't beat the satisfaction of stuffing my gullet with that large pie for that price within walking distance. Fuck you pretentious twits, fuck you hard with a bread stick. Keep talking shit, I bet you use a fork for your burnt Euro toast with bang & mash tomatoes "pizza" too. Fucking French faggots.

>> No.5921036

When I went to italy for a week I ate pizza once.

You're a fool if you waste your time with pizza when you're in a foreign country.

>> No.5921050


>> No.5921063
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>> No.5921073
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>> No.5921099


it's not burnt

>> No.5921121

Dr Oetker is a German brand.

>> No.5921365

Fucking disgusting. I'm actually upset. Fuck American pizza holy shit

>> No.5921407

Pizza al pesto sfizioso, fakin gud
also dr oetker is Cameo in italy, da fuq

>> No.5921464

>pepperoni will never be forbidden from appearing as pizza toppings

>> No.5921471
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This is what real deep fried pizza looks like and it only takes about 3 minutes to cook

>> No.5921477
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>European "pizza"

>> No.5923309

i'm american and that looks amazing

>> No.5923784

Can that even be considered a pizza?

That's kebab on top of some pizza doe!

Kebab pizza.

>> No.5923816


>Can that even be considered a pizza?

why not

>> No.5923830

>Food can't have any variances depending on where it is made and years of local customs or else it's fake
>Everything has to exactly resemble the origin food or else it's bad wrong
Okay, whatever you say anon.

>> No.5923869

i'd fucking eat the hell out of that beauty

>> No.5923876

Deep dish pizza looks amazing, but does it actually have a solid inch or so of cheese in it, or is that mostly other toppings hiding in there? That much cheese seems like it would get too much pretty quickly.

>> No.5923880

It really has that much cheese. Midwest, USA. More is better and cheese is king.

>> No.5923888

Amazing. I could probably manage two mozzarella balls worth of cheese max before I gave up.

>> No.5923909

Fact: American ingenuity improves everything, pizza included.

>> No.5923913


that would be kebab pizza. Really popular in nordic countries like sweden and denmark. My uncle owns a pizza place in sweden and makes it like that.

>> No.5923918


I've been eating pizza in america literally since before i could walk. I have never ever seen anyone in america put ketchup on a pizza. I've seen them do it in afghanistan, korea, japan, italy, and canada, but NEVER america.

>> No.5923961

It's because Domino's has a deal with Heinz now for their dips so they're practically obligated to include ketchup. Pretty sure only maniacs actually use it for the pizza.

>> No.5924108

>I have never ever seen anyone in america put ketchup on a pizza.
You prefer ranch dressing?

>> No.5925359


>> No.5925392

I've had pizza in Italy and make my own.

It takes seven minutes to cook if you ignore preparing the sauce and dough.

Tips for a good crust? I usually make pan pizzas because they're easier... but I want to be able to make a thin, light crust like the pizzas I had in Italy.