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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 261 KB, 1600x1027, 53556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6065196 No.6065196 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like it, /ck/ ?

>> No.6065259

its divine.

My favourite is au torchon with a dab of fig jam and warm toast. Add a glass of sauternes and you are in heaven

>> No.6065262

no it's cruel

>> No.6065263

>Add a glass of sauternes and you are in heaven

Why, do you have a heart attack?

>> No.6065274

it's pretty awesome

don't like it when restaurants put it in fucking EVERYTHING though

>> No.6065287

Never had it but is it just super fancy paté?

>> No.6065296


Well, please, re-read the question.

" Do you like it " is not " is it cruel ".

>> No.6065299


Nope. You could say that because of its appearance, color, sliced with a knife but when yo talk about taste...


This nigger is right. I'd add onion jam, tough.

>> No.6065300

It's super-fancy in the fact it's made from the livers of geese which have been force-fed corn, and there's no other way to make it, so...yeah I guess.

>> No.6065304


doesn't have to be in paté form, it's just the engorged liver of a duck or goose. but it very often is made into paté.

>> No.6065308

no, but i gave ur mum a heart attack last nite.

>> No.6065315
File: 69 KB, 382x194, kort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was my birthday the other day. Every year my grandmother takes me out to eat where ever I want. I found this super fancy french place. I'm going to order two courses of foie gras. Can't fucking wait. It is probarly the thing I look the most forward to every year.

>> No.6065407

Ethics aside, as a food item it tastes bretty durn gud.

>> No.6065415

I love it but I like it best in pate form. Has anyone here ever dealt with a goose before? They are greedy satanic things and I will eat their engorged livers without a second thought.

>> No.6065435


What currency is that?

>> No.6065440


>> No.6065442


looks like spam on a bathroom tile with some salt and dirt

>> No.6065449

Can anyone explain why I should care about how the goose feels? Its going to be killed to be consumed, it should be as tasty as possible

>> No.6065454

>Can anyone explain why I should care about how the goose feels?

You shouldn't, geese are feathered bundles of evil which deserve everything they get.

>> No.6065471
File: 292 KB, 736x432, sustainable-foie-gras-from-spain-an-interview-with-edoardo-de-sousa-extremadura-farmer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject of ethics.

Most foie gras is obviously made in the way we all know and "love". But geese over eating, to the point of football sized levers is totally natural. The method of producing most foie gras, might not be though.

Which has let some farmers to make 100% organic foie gras. This method is ridiculous. It include letting the geese go free and unfenced, vulnerable to wild predators, and free to fly south if they feel like it. But, as long as the geese feel free, and is constantly surrounded by unlimited supplies of food. The geese will stay, and eat it self to a size that not only compare to that of a force feed goose, but even surpasses it. It grows so large in fact, that it will be able to fight of foxes, and other predators.

This might not make the force feeding any less "cruel", but I still take comfort in the thought that foie gras is a somewhat natural product. Not one created by man alone.

"This American Life" did a story on it.


Also, this >>6065449
I have little sympathy for poultry in general, geese are no expedition. They are awful.

>> No.6065479


>Can anyone explain why I should care about how the goose feels?

empathy/consideration for sentient beings in general.

>> No.6065484

Though unnatural, the ducks actually like to be force fed, unlike what's shown in "animal cruelty" footage. The duck willingly comes back for more.

>> No.6065640

I love it seared on a screaming hot pan with a little red wine fig relish, fresh arugula and some toasted brioche

definitely one of my favorite things to eat/make

Also love making terrines in my spare time, but deveining those fuckers is so irritating

>> No.6065673

Its awesome, had it in a fancy restaurant in Germany. It was slightly caramelized

>> No.6065688

They aren't people though, they're food

>> No.6065692


You sound like the kind of person who likes to hope there is a heaven because the idea of just dying and disappearing is too sad

>> No.6066225

low quality bait

>> No.6066253

It's probably my favorite meat product.

Growing up my mom often made me Braunschweiger and mayo sandwiches. It was only much later that I learned I'd grown up eating liver, and absolutely loved the taste.

Things might have been different otherwise, but if you like the taste, foie gras is basically everything great about liver times 100, though really smooth and not really gamey or organy (I'm completely blanking out on the word I'm looking for, the one associated with organ meats...).

>> No.6066265


Yeah, and there's also this one anon out there who figured out how to grow his own truffles.

>> No.6066273


didn't say they were people

>> No.6066295

>fois gras truffé
>fleur de sel de Guérande
>poivre du Sichuan
>gelée au Gewurtztraminer
>pain toasté

Like this, it's divine.

>> No.6066403

Well of course I believe in heaven. I'm a god fearing young man.

>> No.6066414

>barely anyone likes a disgusting animal product like liver or roe
>put a hefty price tag on it and suddenly it becomes sought-after. bonus points if its production is controversial.
like clockwork

>> No.6066422


the people who eat liver and roe and the people who eat foie are the same people.

>> No.6066424

Yes, in other words: petty bourgeois edgemasters who tend to claim that their enjoyment in eating meat is proportional to the animal's stress while alive.

>> No.6066427

I really, really like beef and chicken livers. I imagine I would probably like this.

>> No.6066430


it's 'petit bourgeois' not 'petty bourgeois'. no they don't tend to claim that at all.

>> No.6066433
File: 24 KB, 500x375, DAEDBORT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>edgy for eating liver
How fucking old are you? And people like the flavor because the force feeding marbles the liver with fat.

>> No.6066441

I had foie gras raviole resterday, wonderfull.

>> No.6066459

dkk, the price in dollars is 1/6th of that.

>> No.6066471

I don't think you know what bait is, or how to identify it.

>> No.6066472

How is that super fancy?

Are those appetizers? 225dkk for an entree is definitely not high priced.

>> No.6066473

>Calls someone "petty bourgeois"
>Get's "petit" wrong
>Calls others edgemasters


>> No.6066474
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>> No.6066764


>barely anyone likes liver or roe

>> No.6066838


I love foie gras and dislike foie

>> No.6066865
File: 30 KB, 600x450, iuCAOB392F.jpg&amp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like grass and I love you man

>> No.6066900

I love Xmas just because of it.

It's hard to find good one though.

>> No.6066910


Is there anyone less entitled to judge what good food is than an American vegetarian?

>> No.6066913


>> No.6067073
File: 90 KB, 624x600, podravka-pileca-pasteta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never eaten it, I have eaten chicken liver pate, we call it pašteta the croatian brands are what your looking for.
It's delicious

>pic related

>> No.6067089

He was clearly telling you the reason why he "doesn't like it".

>> No.6067144
File: 18 KB, 385x500, pate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I buy the pork pate

tastes like liver sausage

>> No.6067574
File: 3.59 MB, 285x259, 1418005143239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You and me, guys

>> No.6067580


But that's doesn't make sense.
It may be cruel but still delicious.

>> No.6067693

Never had it, but I'd like to.

>tfw poor

>> No.6068218


It's not like you're buying a $300 bottle of scotch or wine.

Seriously, what do people spend their money on where they're not able to go out for a nice meal every few months, at least?

>> No.6068221

It doesn't taste particularly great.

May as well eat spam.

>> No.6068232

OP pic isn't a "a nice meal". It's a slab of duck shit.

>> No.6068268


When you get into a university a few years down the road, assuming you graduate high school, you should start with intro logic.

>> No.6070023


>14 y.o postin'

>> No.6070030

I'm a poor student with less than $13 and no job.

>> No.6071133

If you've never had, you would probably never know it's liver.

To me, kinda tastes like a greasy burger.

>> No.6071215


Get a job, then ?

>> No.6071236

Delicious. Yes. I like it.

>> No.6071504
File: 207 KB, 500x500, lobe-foie-gras-cru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys all eat it the paté way ? Buying raw foie gras and frying it in a pan is by far superior.

>> No.6071508

>let me tell you about my feelings

>> No.6071571

Yes, Vegans..... from anywhere

>> No.6073431


It's all good in my opinion, and it all comes down to preference, but I'll go for a torchon any day.

>> No.6073694
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>> No.6073700
File: 180 KB, 720x480, 913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dislike soft texture of patê feels icky

had a gf that was grossed out by shirt buttons
is this real or just an excuse to not fuck the first week?

>> No.6073701

>had a gf that was grossed out by shirt buttons
>is this real or just an excuse to not fuck the first week?
Why don't you wait until the second week to figure out if she's a liar or a lunatic?

>> No.6073702

Torchon or terrine for me as well.

>> No.6073717
File: 563 KB, 519x640, 3057700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i totally got some later and shes was sane enough. really nice girl, just didnt work out.
still, sometimes i wonder why someone could react negatively to something mundane as buttons...

>> No.6074071
File: 1.28 MB, 2256x1496, 46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh force feeding

>> No.6074075

>is it just super fancy paté?

nope. unless you don't buy it whole of course. then you get the equivalent of chicken mcnuggets

>> No.6074077

What the fuck you on about, liver is tasty.

>> No.6074114

Some time ago there were two anons here who said geese actually like being force fed and come running eagerly at feeding time.

When I see the pic there may be something to it. Geese are pretty powerful and aggressive birds, I'm not sure they would be waiting there all peacefully if they hated it.

>> No.6074156
File: 50 KB, 620x387, ORTOLAN9_3041989b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about ortolan buntings?

>> No.6074182

All animals are like this to an extent, its the only time theyre fed, and their instinct is to eat as much as they can. I dont neccesariitly think they would run though, but it looks quite painful and is unethical

>> No.6074185

Hey, don't talk to me about unethical! The company I work for changes its name every 3 months to keep ahead of the feds. (we scam old ladies out of their pensions)

>> No.6074188

Ethics towards animals are what I mean, ethics involving humans are a different issue. (scamming old people is bad though)

>> No.6074200


>Some time ago there were two anons here who said geese actually like being force fed and come running eagerly at feeding time.

this is the case in some few farms, but not all of them.

the actual 'tube down throat' element of gavage isn't that big a deal seeing as geese and ducks don't have sensitive tissue inside their throats. it's just something that's particularly prone to abuse, if you overfeed animals to the point that they're actually unwell, that is clearly cruel.

>> No.6074206

Daily reminder that these are the same faggots who have 20 cats, all extremely overweight.

>> No.6074213

>Geese are pretty powerful and aggressive birds,
You ain't kidding. My uncle was attacked by a goose once, stupid bird broke his arm.

>> No.6074219

You have a frail uncle.

>> No.6074282

>For centuries, a rite of passage for French gourmets was the eating of the Ortolan. These tiny birds—captured alive, force-fed, then drowned in Armagnac—were roasted whole and eaten that way, bones and all, while the diner draped his head with a linen napkin to preserve the precious aromas and, some believe, to hide from God,

That is the most decadent thing I have ever heard.

>> No.6074286

Nah, he worked as mechanic his whole life and was a pretty sturdy guy. Might have been a swan though, rethinking it. Either way, asshole birds.

>> No.6074302

I want to try it so bad... but am afraid I'd chicken out.

>> No.6074414

Grandparents just brought some over from Toulouse. Mi-Cuit.

>> No.6074420


Dude, i used to live in a farm. Geese are powerful as fuck. An arm broken by a goose is a common thing.

>> No.6074427

I got pecked in the dick by an ostrich once.

>> No.6075133

A different and more important issue. Gavage causes such an uproar. I make sure to get foie every chance I can.

>> No.6075263

How does a goose even break an arm? I can't imagine how they would accomplish that. Bite you really hard? Kick you?

>> No.6075297

Geese are absolute assholes, even bigger pricks than chickens, I feel no guilt whatsoever in eating them, I get the feels from red meat tho, cows, sheep and pigs are basically giant delicious puppies once you get to know them.

>> No.6075301

The fuck are you smoking? Foie gras has been a delicacy for over three thousand years.

>> No.6075448

Think for a second. You see those strong wings they have? They WILL break your arm.

>> No.6076220


This. Fuckin wings.