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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 400x400, 5bd8eaf0ac9ebb905b08fdf16ba31c37_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6089832 No.6089832[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this fucking faggot right here

makes this dish: http://i.imgur.com/XolxPBu.jpg

he doesnt know it but he made rotis but will not admit it

i liked him before but fuck this racist dirt bag, he takes the chance to discredit indian food whenever he gets a chance

>> No.6089836


OP link should be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_cnGT0T7uU

>> No.6089847

Indian food is shit.

>> No.6089852

indian cuisine is among the worlds best

you must be italian or something, go dip everything in tomatoes parmesan and olive oil you goddamn simpleton

>> No.6089856


You know nothing about food, bonglander.

>> No.6089868

says the one dissing on indian food

>> No.6089902

Maybe if your palate is ruined by shitty spices to cover up the poor quality ingredients.

>> No.6089915

Whatever other content your post may hold OP, you're dissing on based Chef John and I don't take kindly to that. Good day sir.

>> No.6089925

It's just flat bread, get over yourself.

>> No.6089927
File: 618 KB, 2000x2504, Common_Indian_Cuisine-Shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6089929

They missed type 8 on this, obamanoids

>> No.6089931

OP I believe the term for someone like you is "delusional".

>> No.6089945

Roti Malaysian, retard.

>> No.6090124

in south asian cuisine every ingredient is quality ingredient and the vast variety of ingredients intimidates your limited shit ass

bread cheese tomato olive oil have a gold star oh dont forget basil you dumb cunt

>> No.6090127

Oh yeah, like quality indian code.

That's a funny one.

Just stop go prey to obama.

>> No.6090129

Why don't you try to get his food truck shut down?


>> No.6090133

He looks like an iraqi or muslim terrorist that's being protected by the feds.

That's why he has a food cart here in the first place.

License, they don't need licesense they just suckers like you to buy shit from them.

>> No.6090137

His voice sounds really weird in this one.

>> No.6090140

I wont listen to that, I don't have to.
Listening to muslims yammer is of no interest to me.

>> No.6090141

You are so butt hurt about this your English is failing.

>> No.6090144

Chef John has a food truck?

>> No.6090145

No, it's that it's Christmas and I'm drunk as are a lot of us. Get over yourself asshat.

Stupid fucking muslim you are, do understand where you're posting.

>> No.6090146

Gotta solve your widespread cholera and starvation first raj. Then you can have quality ingredients. Turn off your PC before I fuck your new delhi ass.

>> No.6090151

Just like that 'Phd' punjabi that tried to get some random food truck shut down, your butt hurt is so palpable its fucking hilarious.

>> No.6090159
File: 572 KB, 600x580, NEVER EVER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indian food will NEVER EVER be relevant anywhere but their third world shithole

>> No.6090160

You fail to understand, I don't give a fuck about you indians or pakis except that you're here and stench up the place. I wont patronize your places, plain and simple.

Do you bobble your head when you speak because that's at least funny as fuck.

>> No.6090173

Funny thing is this, I usually remove indians and pakis from their jobs and do the shit myself because they always, always suck. That's just a fact.

Their code sucks and it needs correction, they project bullshit to keep their H1Bs going but that doesn't work in production code.

They can piss off the useless cunts.

It's even worse when it's not just code but it's design level documents, and indians and pakis fuck it up, EVERY TIME. To keep themselves in business.

I'm an American, I don't have to worry about that but they most certainly do and push it onto everyone else like little cunts.

>> No.6090195

indians are smelly ewww...
dont they shower in their culture?

>> No.6090224

When you have very little potable water you have to cut usage somewhere.

>> No.6090278


His voice is weird in every video, that inflection he does is super annoying.

>> No.6090283

>that link

>> No.6090451
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1337817150741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are even upset m8? It's flatbread.

>> No.6090456

but they magrate to other more developed countries and still don't shower.

>> No.6090493
File: 23 KB, 400x534, guyfieri_web[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting and go back to chugging your ketchup, Guy.

>> No.6090522


Ey bro, I'm pretty hungry, you got directions to flavor town?

>> No.6090706
File: 65 KB, 640x640, 1417933274660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw chef john internet defense force is grinding black pepper onto everything

chef john should make videos not food. he cant do wellington let alone complex curries. he's an american so he probably thinks "bbq" is original and not knock off fandom curry. shameful.

>> No.6091196
File: 263 KB, 1600x1200, 1415148311538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"chef" john has less chef experience than guy fieri

hes basically a budget version of alton brown who cant be cast on TV because his penis shaped head will trigger womyn and people of sexuality

>> No.6091381

Op needs to jerk off and relax. It's fucking bread.

>> No.6091414

>he's an american so he probably thinks "bbq" is original and not knock off fandom curry. shameful.


>> No.6091416

Indian cuisine is awful. They use strong spices to cover up the shit quality of their food. India is a pretty fucked up nasty country just all around.

>> No.6091426

I fucking love McDonald's.

>> No.6091435

It's fucking flatbread

Every single culture that has harvested wheat has figured out how to make flatbread

It is flour and water

>> No.6091452

>Hey thinks that bbq has anything to do with curry
Man, I thought yuropoor schools were supposed to be good.

It comes from barbacoa, you inbred fuckwit. Not everything is related to curry, Nigel.

>> No.6091453

found the paki.

>> No.6091474

But you're wrong. He used AP flour. Rotis uses wholemeal flour

>> No.6091564

>indian cuisine is among the worlds best
You've got to be kidding, this is just ridiculous, and down right an idiotic thing to say

>> No.6091568

B-but he's been a restaurant chef for y-years..!!

>> No.6091584

>Racism is not calling a flatbread roti

You smelly cunts are too sensitive.

>> No.6091599

>he takes the chance to discredit indian food whenever he gets a chance

That makes me like him even more. Fuck Indians.

>> No.6091642

>i liked him before but fuck this racist dirt bag, he takes the chance to discredit indian food whenever he gets a chance

I don't think you know what racism is

>> No.6091645
File: 618 KB, 1360x541, 1417514125629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all deez mad as hell ofay honkeys forget that bread founded civilization. Hindu cities had bread factories and opulent spice markets when europeans and americans were eating placentas, seasoning with manure fires and eating plague ridden squirrels and racoons.

indian cuisine has been around since before Caucasians started covering their pigskin in mud because theyre allergic to the sun.

pic related

>mfw an american kitchen is being used near me

>> No.6091650

>he doesnt know it but he made rotis but will not admit it
>he doesnt know it
>will not admit it
>doesn't know it
>will not admit

>> No.6091668

What's yfw India is now third world country with Africa-tier living standards while everyone with at least two brain cells to rub together flees to a country built and inhabited by Caucasian pigskins?

How's muh gr8 history when China's equally gr8 history is currently bullying you off your land?

>> No.6091813
File: 28 KB, 285x285, dudewat1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i never saw this you-tuber before, but he sounds like a fucking faggot

>> No.6091840

doesnt matter who was king of the hill 5ky ago
atm indians are the cockroaches of humans

>> No.6091882

i remember watching is tikka masala vid and theres was one comment from a mad as fuck indian chick saying he shouldnt disgrace their dishes with non traditional ingredients. what a sensitive little group of bitches

>> No.6091887

Chef John thread?

>I give this mad shitskin the old sage-a sage-a

>> No.6092873

You've fallen so far from being one of the first river civilizations. Your history it's not as illustrious as you might think.

>> No.6092881

And how much have you advanced since then? It seems to me that you're basically at the same place you were 2000 years ago.

>> No.6092890

Fuck off, Paki.

>> No.6093209

This whole thread is just a troll, right? Right?

>> No.6093218

Hold the fucking phone

I thought /ck/ loved Chef John

>> No.6093443

A lot of people have decided to turn on him for no discernible reason. He's completely inoffensive and presents simple, interesting recipes but I guess people can manage to hate that

>> No.6093468


>Indian "cuisine"


>> No.6093493

>"Your doast is r-r-ready!"

I'm dying.

>> No.6093507


Chef John has pretty as fuck eyes, goddamn.

>> No.6093577

>arrange tomatoes in benis battern

>> No.6093952

chef john needs trigger warnings. its pretty disturbing hes become a YouTube partner without being sensitive to his audiences

>> No.6094129
File: 713 KB, 855x534, Inidan Hygiene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I think it's time for you to shut the fuck up.

>> No.6094152


>> No.6095050

This sounds like RLM

>> No.6095088

You're a smegma gobbling faggot if you think Chef John:

a) strives for scientific perfection with his dishes
b) should make overly complex food that requires gimmicky shit like an electric smoker

>> No.6095091

Roti is a fucking flatbread. There's nothing wrong with using a generic term that's more recognizable to others.

If I made a fucking "flatbread" video and made pita, there's nothing wrong with that. I'd probably mention that it is pita... IF I KNEW.

Bread is like 4-5 fucking ingredients. The differences are small as fuck, and your anger is misplaced.

"Oh he used a slightly higher salt ratio, so that made it X type."


>> No.6095109

ITT: roasted weenies from allrecipes shills

how much are you guys paid to defend your cis dad-scum version of rachael ray?

>> No.6095115
File: 309 KB, 1885x2784, 1418882250269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chef john knows tater tots and fried chicken but he couldn't make a real curry to save his life. hes a cartoonish man child who shouldn't be taken any serious

>> No.6095123

honestly ck would be greatly improved if there were more west and south asians here. theres way too many yankee doodle burger and pizza postings. the comments dont add much either. you boys and girls are imprisoned in your racist comfort zones. tsk tsk tsk tsk

>> No.6095126
File: 80 KB, 960x478, 1408815202634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can one of you very educated americans tell me how many michelin stars chef john earned?!?

>> No.6095129

he lost three...and started with none

>> No.6095222

Indian food is pretty fucking samey. I watch Vah Reh Vah and it's 90% the same fucking spices in every curry/fry/et cetera, with, maybe, a handful of variations.

>> No.6095237

You racist fuck.

>> No.6095244

indian cuisine and palates are the future of the whole world because vegetables are becoming the main staples of more health conscious and resource constrained people.

indians have been cooking veg for millenia and we have countless varieties in our country. meat is certainly not the future. for economic and social and cultural reasons

>> No.6095248

havent you heard? human placenta is the future

>> No.6095263
File: 25 KB, 231x363, 1404852841002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unleavened bread
>flour + water
>one of the most universal foods in the world
>curry niggers in the comments trying to claim it as something exclusively Indian

Are these faggots for real?

>> No.6095274

curry niggers are mad for sure

>> No.6095278

Pump your breaks son, chef john is the man

>> No.6095292


chef charlatan is being BTFO in front of the whole food world.

you dont fuck with hindis

>> No.6095297

I watched the rest of these and they're all equally as bad. Get it together Dindu people.

>> No.6095299


funny how a delicious family of spices is so closely related to us. how come no one calls other races and civilizations by such a nickname?

you Americans are projecting again but this time its very complimentary to your targets

>> No.6095305


>> No.6095319
File: 2.71 MB, 500x357, gandy btfo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chef John is Popeye in this .gif.

>> No.6095684

Because nobody else is stupid enough to eat that shit.

>> No.6095958

this fuck indian food.

>> No.6095967

10/10, read in Chef Johns voice

>> No.6096119


what i woulsnt give to see chef john on an overcrowded ramshackle bus on the outskirts of mumbai, when on board a sinister slew of swarthy rapey dravidians, dark and oily and wearing shoddy stained clothing. they smell the pristine boipussy on chef john through the thick melange of curries, lentils, sulfurous flatus and body odor. they glide through the tense crowd like sharks, their eyes glaring with a rapists glee closing on their prey. chef john finally grows alarmed, but finds any egress obstructed by the overpopulated bus. the Cheshire grins light up the devilish dravidian faces and they seize his arms and begin shouting at him. the bus passengers inexplicably make room for the ensuing carnage, ebbing a pool of space onto which they throw the flailing bald chef, pleading for help in his singsongy voice. "And if you think your going to rape me..." was met with one of the gang kicking chef john in the teeth with a mouldy and mismatched pair of donated Toms shoes.

his meaty chef hands reached out to the docile stares of the foreign crowd unanswered and the rapists quickly set to work, pommeling him with a long piece of rebar concealed in one of their sweaty pant legs. another brandished a shard of brick and struck chef john until his struggle collapsed and his shouts became dazed whimpers.

>> No.6096168


the dravidians waste no time, tearing and rending his clothing like it was packaging, comforted in tje security that the bus was slowly ambling along the road again. chef johns immaculate globular buttocks were soon exposed to the wrank intentions that stung all the onlookers with dread and perverse fascination at seeing such an accomplished celebrity chef brought so low.

worse yet, the greasy gang of rapists calmly loozened and dropped their soiled holey trousers revealing grand drooping donkey-like phalluses that perfumed the already stinking bus with a salty pungence. one by one, the dangling pizzles stirred and conjured s ferocious veiny turgidity, one eyeing the hapless chef while others drew the gaze of their glans to the skittish passengers who stood in awe of the equine proportions.

and they each took turns at their rapists craft like pit crews or linemen, securing each shaky terrified arm while another prepares to mount the quivering chefs untapped flesh. with ample saliva spat onto chef johns rear, and a handful of glistening oil and sweat from their black dravidian mops, the first of them rubbed the helpful grime on his cacao butter foreskin, before methodically nudging his way into chef johslns virgin anus. like a metal smith etching a flower, he began boring and tugging and plunging furthet into chef john, his shrill pleas and cries interupting none of them, although each wail ricocheted through the crowd like a tormented spirit.

when one had his fill, hed unmount and grab an arm and force chef johns head down, dangling his slimey and sotted rod triumphantly near johns bloodied nostrils.

it went on like this for awhile, until each had enjoyed him enough, some requiring another go and a more violent one at that. theyre faces braced with j zealotry as they emptied their seed inside the hapless victim but released him only when they had slid the rebar sturdily inside him, kicking it repeatedly until he vomited and passed out

>> No.6096177
File: 621 KB, 3200x2368, 1418655437164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, does Chef John have a food truck or not? He lives in San Francisco I believe.

>> No.6096193

You're an idiot

>> No.6096392

its the song

>> No.6096499

Anglo-Indian food is very popular among Westerners because of the same reason Chinese food is.

Italian food on the other hand, stays true to itself and has had very little American impact on it.

I'd honestly rather buy a pizza from some WOP who's been scratching his balls all day through his pants, than some dirty brown piece of filth who doesn't wash his hands after he shits and lives on the ground.

Seriously, look at most MD videos on Youtube, they grossest ones are all Indian.

Know your role, faggot.

>> No.6096505

>Paki paki curry niggers wop curry paki

I'm sorry /pol/ I can't understand a word you're saying. Can you try again in normal?

>> No.6096508

Why are shitskins and saffron squinters so goddamn autistic?

Chef John always stays humble on authenticity and will give a disclaimer that it's not really that authentic.

He's made a few Italian dishes that don't hold true to the traditional recipe, who gives a fuck?

>> No.6096513

Your words, not mine, guy.

>> No.6096520

>wop wop paki wop wop nigger curry

No I'm still not getting it. Sorry man.

>> No.6096521

Nice defense mechanism.

>> No.6096523

>curry curry paki wop nigger wop wop wop

Can't you just speak the Queens English? Or are you some kind of foreigner?

>> No.6096530

Chef John is a good beginner's cook, he's good for people who want to learn how to cook, he's by no means a master at one dish.

>> No.6096533

Yes, India is clearly the only people who have been cooking vegetables and are the only country with a wide variety.


>> No.6096565

Fuck yourself, leddit-tier shitmonster.

>he doesn't know it
>will not admit it


Fuck off.

>> No.6096568

>you dont fuck with hindis
What are they gonna do? Gang rape me on a bus?

>> No.6096668

pretty much this.

>> No.6096693

They'll do their damnedest to shut down your food truck.

>> No.6096832
File: 37 KB, 450x252, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


MD videos?

>> No.6096846


>Italian food on the other hand, stays true to itself and has had very little American impact on it.

lol no.

>> No.6096897
File: 76 KB, 612x612, 1415230018207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw racists are supremacizing boring food

>> No.6096901

>"lol, i know racism when i see it"
racism is now a dead concept thanks to your ignorant overuse of buzzwords
thank you :)

>> No.6096969

There are people who actually hate Chef John. This must be a diagnostic criteria for unalloyed crazy.

>> No.6096978

He's a little gay, but he can cook.

>> No.6097080

This weird vitriol makes me paranoid that good things like Chef John are doomed once sufficient mentally ill people make them a target.

>> No.6097171

lol'd pretty hard

>> No.6097178

His recipes are great but lately he has been over doing the sing song thing he does with his voice. That shit is getting annoying.

>> No.6097277

>if you don't suck indian dicks, you're a foreigner

curry nigger logic lel

>> No.6097303
File: 98 KB, 680x966, refball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I read this entire thread hoping to learn something about curry

>> No.6097523

they just reused the same fucking outro

what the shit

>> No.6097687

I wonder how Indians feel about the fact that the UK has better Indian food than India. Don't deny it, you know it's true.

>> No.6097715

So let me get this straight

>CJ makes basic flatbread
>in India it has a specific name
>CJ doesn't refer to it by the Indian name
>OP is pissed and called him racist
>Shills in thread shit on CJ for virtually no reason
>People shitting on India and Indians in retaliation

Can all of you faggots just stop? Please?

>> No.6097727

welcome to forchinz, chummer

>> No.6097748



>> No.6097777

You manage to criticize the one recipe where Chef John doesn't use cayenne pepper.

>> No.6097779

mfw that picture of john is of beter quality then most indian cuisine

>> No.6097794
File: 413 KB, 623x473, 9fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6097797

totes brah