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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6281021 No.6281021 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favourite flavour from this thing? Raspberry coke is pretty great, they should sell it in bottles.

>> No.6281026

I wouldn't be surprised if they track the popularity of all the mixtures and will eventually make some of the more popular ones "official" versions of coke

>> No.6281037

First-worlder here.

Fill me in. The fuck is this and how does it work?

>> No.6281041

>First-worlder here.
>Doesn't have Freestyles
I got news for you, chappie.

>> No.6281077

So you don't live in the US then? Since they are everywhere here.

>> No.6281081

With all of those flavors coming out of one nozzle, everything ends up tasting weird.

>> No.6281083

Successful American Freedom Jew Corporate Programming detected

>> No.6281091

What are some good flavor combos? Like cherry Fanta and lime Fanta or things like that

>> No.6281095

I usually do Cherry Coke or Vanilla Gingerale.

>> No.6281097

sprite w/ lemonade

>> No.6281107

Barq's needs to make a non-caffeinated version and put it in these machines. I'm really surprised there isn't one with all of the other flavors available on these things.

>> No.6281186

mix everything like at any other soda machine

>> No.6281188


are you joking? besides bawl g33k b33r or w/e its called i cant think of ANY rootbeer thats caffeinated.

>> No.6281195

Cherry Mr Pibb Extra

>> No.6281197

All of them are terrible. give me an old school soda machine and a bag in the box any day

>> No.6281211

I've always wanted to try one of these, but in my town that means going to Burger King. And I won't go to Burger King.

>> No.6281256
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They do. Several years ago I had a chance to go to the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting. They own a nice chunk of coca cola and they had a demo on the show room floor for these prior to their wide release when they were still on the test market.

They are able to instantly send data to Atlanta. They may be a pain in the ass to sometimes use, especially when its busy but Coca Cola doesn't care. They have the power to instantly track their product and that is a powerful tool. They know that cherry coca cola is the best selling product between 4-5pm at the Burger King in Peoria, Illinois and if it plays in Peoria, it will play anywhere.

>> No.6281261

couple of fast food places around my house got rid of the freestyle.
fucking mexicans

>> No.6281262

We have one these at the pizza place I go to. I always get cherry fanta and mix it with sprite

>> No.6281373

filthy touchscreen

>> No.6281379

I tried Raspberry Coke for the first time out of one of these things just last week. I thought it tasted like cough syrup in coke.

>> No.6281381

Hi-C Orange Vanilla. Can't get enough of the stuff.

>> No.6281495

Barq's is the only type of root beer available on these machines. There's one of these at my work, and I fucking love root beer, but I don't drink caffeine, so I'm SOL.

>> No.6281512

>Cherry Coke finally getting recognition.

About fucking time. Its the only coke I'd drink for over a decade.

>> No.6281531

I can't have soda, it makes me break out in hives for some reason. I used to get the lemonade out of the one at my old work. I loved putting all the flavors in there and I had to go back in forth in what to put in mine because our machine was always out.

>> No.6281559

All of the burger kings in Peoria are fucking garbage

>> No.6281573

Peoria is pretty garbage in general.

>> No.6281579

Peach Mello Yellow

>> No.6281583

Not OP, Canadafag though. the only place I've seen them so far in was Canada's Wonderland, and some machines had limited flavours. Disappointing.

>> No.6281585

I agree.

source: I grew up there

>> No.6281676

Water, Freestyle machine are a huge disappointment for water drinkers.

>> No.6281862
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>lime coke
>raspberry coke
>cherry vanilla dr pepper

>> No.6281882


weird, never knew it had caffeine. for what its worth i doubt the 22mg is going to even have a noticable effect on you

>> No.6281897
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>buy a bunch of different extracts or flavoring syrups
>add to drinks or whatever you want to make any mix of flavors you want at home

How pleb can you possibly be.

>> No.6281898

Any of the citrus flavors in diet coke and regular coke. I personally love putting a wedge of lemon in my coke that I get at in-n-out, goes so well with a number one with chilis, mustard fried and a whole grilled onion

>> No.6281908

Are you fucking kidding? 22Mg of caffeine would have me wired for at least a week.

>> No.6281936

Since I'm sure that this thread is a play off collecting marketing data as well, let me just say that the new interface is terrible. If you guys, Coke, were smart you would just do one circle for diet and another for regular...

>> No.6281950
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Get a load of this patrician.

>> No.6281958

None. Every flavor tastes like club soda mixed with corn syrup.

>> No.6281962

Oh look, another central-illinoisfag. Peoria's shit.
Love, Bloomington

>> No.6281966

Define everywhere? I've driven up and down the east coast and never seen one of these things before. Maybe I've just been passing them and not noticing; I don't drink tonic.

>> No.6281982

This thing is an abomination, everything tastes like a graveyard. Do not use

>> No.6282064

you don't know much about how things work, do ya buddy.

>> No.6282079

As someone who used to work at a movie theater and had to clean, maintain and fill these things they suck major ass.
They dont taste as good, a total bitch to clean, and they constantly break.

>> No.6282121


do they have to be filled constantly as well? i always thought with all those flavors they cant hold very much of each type of syrup compared to your typical machine.

>> No.6282175

eh not really.
Essentially you have two types of syrup, flavored syrup which are these little 2-5 pound boxes that go in the bottom half of the machine, and HFCS which come in ~50 pound bag-in-a-box that you have a back room or nearby cabinet for.
We did a box or two of HFCS every night, and maybe 6 or 7 flavors, but we had 6 machines and are one of the busiest theaters in the US

>> No.6282194

I always get this too, it's wonderful.

>> No.6282240

Pibb cherry vanilla

>> No.6282281

One tenth of an average cup of coffee? That's strange.


>> No.6282286

Hello fellow theater bro.

>> No.6282288

Maybe he's a Mormon, and doesn't know any better.

>> No.6282292


Peach Sprite erryday

>> No.6282299

Heh, i actually dont work there anymore. Only took 5 years

>> No.6282308
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Same. But we are still connected for life, you and me.

Six years at a dollar theater. Good times.

>> No.6282316

oh definitely.

good times. Regal or AMC?

>> No.6282322
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Neither. An independent chain. Six theaters nationwide. Owned by some greedy shit that used to be CFO of Carmike.

>> No.6282370

ooh, that must of been a little more fun. I was at a pretty strict Regal

>> No.6282429

Yeah I figured I would hate working at a big theater. We only had five screens.

>> No.6282449

20 and an Imax. Fridays and Saturdays were vile

>> No.6282455

cherry sprite & vanilla sprite

>> No.6282458

Peach Fanta

Yeah nigga I said it.

>> No.6282471

I've only seen them in a casino. Anything I get tastes like shit. Can they brix it better or no? And touch screens? Fuck you and that. It's a nice idea, but executed horribly.

>> No.6282481

Only place I've ever seen them is one a couple AMC theaters around here. Never seen them anywhere else.

>> No.6282504

This is the dumbest invention in the food industry I've ever seen. Touch screen barely works, much more expensive for the proprietor to run because of the "syrup cartridges" which, just like print cartridges say they're empty wit 25% left and refuse to work.

I did watch a BK employee key in the pass code which is done through a sequence of bubbles on the screen after selecting "water". touch screen was so bad he had to keep trying to put the combo in so I have it memorized.

>> No.6282511

mah nigga. i used to work at wendy's and we finally got this machine and i drank this shit all day every day. tastes like a creamsicle.

in retrospect i'm kinda glad i don't work there anymore because i probably cut out a million grams of sugar a day.

>> No.6282512

>only 20

Lel the theater I worked at had 30 screens. And we would fill that sucker up whenever the newest Tyler Perry movie came out. Lines into the parking lot for tickets, then another line starting at ticket window just to get in door, then another line right after that for concessions. Then yet another line to get in the door of the theater. Lines for the bathroom. Lines to get in fucking line. Basically all the hallways were completely filled to the brim with black people standing around at all times. At a certain point you stop even trying to work fast because whats the fucking point?

>> No.6282531


>> No.6282546

i mean even the small screens were 300 seaters

>> No.6282554


>> No.6282558

I like Peach Fanta.

>> No.6282635


>> No.6282710
File: 848 KB, 2064x3216, patrician tier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most patrician response image I have, but regardless, this is the correct answer.

>> No.6282717

they updated the firmware, now it has a new display and no more bubbles to guide you. There's still a way to get to the "tech screen" but i'm not telling you cause i'm sick of people fucking with my machine.

>> No.6282737

Goddamn. I can imagine. Ours were too, along with any days kids were off school. Being able to distract six kids for a few hours for $7 is pretty enticing I guess.

My dollar theater was in metro Atlanta, actually. A bit North of the city.

>> No.6282746

Every time I go to Firehouse Subs, I get a Vanilla Lemon-Lime Coke Zero.
Absolutely fantastic!

>> No.6282759

Go back to >>/k/ dr8co.

West Houston isn't central Texas.

>> No.6282788

Raspberry Diet Coke is so fucking good that I started buying fountain drinks again just to get it.

>> No.6282806
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I'm not DR8CO, I've been to his ranch, and I'm in North Houston.

>> No.6282819

>Fanime 2014
>long ass line at food place down the street
>fucking ONE of these machines
>constant line for the machine and I just wanted water with my meal

>> No.6282831

The data is the main reason these machines exist, not the flavor choices for the customer's satisfaction. That is an ancillary benefit.

>> No.6282840

1. That's what you get for going to an anime convention.
2. I have never been to a convention of any sort where there was only one source of water. Being too stupid to find water is nature's way of telling you that you aren't fit to breed. Just go feed yourself to a bear or something.

>> No.6282903

I'm glad you think I work for them but nope, I'm just a guy who had a chance to go to the meeting. There was a large group of media hovering around Warren Buffett. I didn't even see him because of those circle jerks.

Honestly, I hate the machines. Especially at restaurants that have only one or movie theaters where things get pretty messy, pretty quick.


No, but I did spend some time in Macomb. As far as Peoria, educate urself be4 u wreck urself. I did check out Bradly when I was applying for schools but they didn't care for my low math scores and that was actually just fine by me in retrospect.


>> No.6282987

It was at a pizza joint.
I had superior gatorade but I wanted water and I found it although with a wait.

The point stands that if there's one machine and say 3 people, one person could hold up the line.

>> No.6283019

Ha drinking pleb tier coke.

Pepsi or bust

>> No.6283139

>he went to western
>couldn't even graduate from western

>> No.6283184
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Nope. Went to Western. Spent 2 years there. graduated from Grad School and moved on. It was just a stopping point in the road to life. Other than the library, the campus itself was rather dreary and the housing was 3rd world at best.

Actually since this is /ck/ while macomb is nothing special and lacks any fine dining places of note, it does have quite a few good "joints" for quick places to eat.

pic related. it's the shithole I stayed in. I still suffer occasional bouts of ptsd from my experiences there.

>> No.6283215

Who the fuck would datamine on a chan you fucking tinfoil? Jesus Christ.

>> No.6283235

Official Top 3 Coke Freestyle Flavors
1: Cherry Mello Yello
2: Cherry Dr Pepper
3: Cherry Coke

>> No.6283562

Peach Fanta is the only thing I care about in those. I will never get anything else when one of those machines is set up in a fast food place. I only eat fast food maybe once or twice a month though.

>> No.6283885

We have them in Alabama.

>> No.6283971

if you can bring yourself to drinking diet barq's, that's caffeine free. mmm, vanilla diet barq's.

>> No.6283973

rename it the HFC dispensary

>> No.6283976

why the fuck would anyone ever /pibb/ when they can /dr pepper/?

>> No.6283990

I used to be the guy who took care of my uni's 2. Holy shit do they get filthy. Also 3 bubbles around the main logo of a selection will get you into the debug menu, top left right. Our default password for staff use was pressing the 9 key until the field was full.

And sadly I didn't think of fucking with the rfid codes until I got a real job, so I never got to see if you could trick it into pouring the wrong thing. (Every flavor is vanilla suck a dick).

>> No.6283995

Why wouldn't they just make it 5x5 rows.

>> No.6285319


>> No.6285357

it's in windscreen

>> No.6286747

ANY of the seagrim flavors.

>> No.6286748


>> No.6286767

...Because there are 24 flavors. You fucking child.

>> No.6286770

Go back and count the second row from the top again.

>> No.6286771

You are strong, human.

>> No.6286773

Because of where Coke ended up on the screen.

>> No.6286778

they could achieve the same effect with a 5x5 grid

>> No.6286797

>they could achieve the same effect with a 5x5 grid
And have Coke smack dab in the middle? Not really.

>> No.6286829


They do, i live in columbus, ohio and we have them in lots of places

>> No.6286832

they could either put it in the middle, or put in the third column, second row, which would result in a similar placement, without it looking fucking retarded

>> No.6286839

But you notice that it looks off, so your eyes wander to that particular row.

>> No.6286847

it triggers my autism, regardless.

>> No.6289070


To be fair, any business near fanime has a line out the ass. Even getting boba takes like 10+ minutes. I think the machine itself is fine, its just people don't know how to handle so many choices the first time they see them and take years to pick something.

>> No.6289072

>no coke vanilla


>> No.6289088

He's right though

>> No.6289097
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vanilla cherry dr pepper

>> No.6289098


Peach (whatever the sparkling water is called).

>> No.6289102


Southwest corner of the Loop here.

>> No.6289127

Had a drink from a slightly different model today. It had only 4 main screen options - All drinks, Colas, Fruit Drinks, and Waters/Teas. I ended up getting a Cherry Vanilla Mr. Pibb, and it was glorious.

>> No.6289131

I hear the Grape Mellow Yellow is pretty boss. I don't really like citrus based drinks, though (unless it's actual real lemonade) so I've never tried those combos.

>> No.6289133

vanilla orange hiC

>> No.6289140

Same. Everything tastes the same gross taste.

>> No.6289148
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>Tap Coke
>Tap Vanilla/Cherry/Raspberry/Lime button in Coke submenu

>> No.6289151

I work at Wendy's with 2 freestyles. I have tried nearly every flavor in the machine, including the few new ones in the recent update.

1. Peach Fanta
2. Vanilla Coke
3. Lemon-Lime Lemonade
4. Fizzy Very Berry Glaceau Fruitwater
5. Orange Vanilla Hi-C

>> No.6289349

That accommodation looks like what working-class people live in near London, gross

>> No.6289358

Moe's burritos has a custom flavor in their machines. It's some sort of peach vanilla fanta-like drink. It's pretty damn good, can't beat that 5 dollar burrito too.

>> No.6290095

This one is missing Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper

>> No.6290230

Got one at work and I don't care much for it.
Barq's with Vanilla + Vanilla Hi-C is best.

>> No.6290325

Bloomington Indiana here. Your Bloomington a shit.

>> No.6290348
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Strawberry Minute Maid 100%

>> No.6290403

>Machine owned by Coca Cola
>implying they would promote Dr. Pepper-Snapple products in advertising literature

>> No.6290452

There's more than one nozzle you fucktard.

Crouch down and look up at it.

>> No.6290513


>pibbwater all day every day