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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6512444 No.6512444 [Reply] [Original]

what do you tell people who think they can taste a difference between gas and charcoal

>> No.6512450

i tell them that they are right

>> No.6512473

but carbon doesn't affect taste

>> No.6514204

as a person who has both, the difference is incredible.

>lump charcoal
>hardwood charcoal

>not ready start kingsford crap

There ya go champ troll

4/10 I replied and smoking some meat right now

>> No.6514256
File: 14 KB, 185x273, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taste the meat, not the heat

>> No.6514262


the drippings that come off the food and vapourise on contact with the charcoal do though

>> No.6514368

Cancer: The Post!

>> No.6514412

If you are going to cook prime quality beef you want gas, because the drippings going to the charcoal will have an effect altering the meat flavor.

I preffer gas anyway tho.

>> No.6514416 [DELETED] 


>> No.6514424

you people are idiots
it has always been done using charcoal in my family and its the only way. dont you dare hold a BBQ party only to have a gas grill. its not bbq if its not charcoal

>> No.6514679

i wonder if two mechanics argue about claw hammers and ball-peen hammers.

charcoal grill is a tool
propane grill is a tool
both are good at some things
both are adequate for cooking meat
each excels at a certain job but they have overlap

>why do people get so worked up about tools. I swear you sound like gun nuts arguing about ARs vs AKs.

use the right tool for the job and that's that.

>> No.6514707

Propane: Taste the meat not the heat.

>> No.6514749

"Be wary of bait"

>> No.6514761

Every hobby has autists arguing about stupid shit
>omega vs Rolex
>BMW vs Mercedes
>iOS vs Android
>Gucci vs Louis
>glock vs anything else

>> No.6514909

Also if it's a grill it's not barbecue

>> No.6514912

I like charcoal because I like tending to the fire.

>> No.6514920

I've worked for a number of chefs that have said that the wood you smoke with doesn't matter and you'll never taste any actual difference.

I actually tested this and blind taste-tested it and it is true. Nobody can tell the difference.

Seasoned grill bars matter though.

>> No.6514924

Tell them I agree, there is a difference in taste

>> No.6515441

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>> No.6515450

Are you even serious?

First off, gas is a liquid, while charcoal is a solid. Gas has a very bad sort of petrolium taste, unless it has a very high ethanol content in which case it tastes of alcohols. Charcoal on the other hand tastes sort of neutral, but is still pretty nasty.

Why the fuck would you want to be fooling around tasting gas or charcoal anyway? Putbthebgasbin in the tank of your car, use the charcoal in your grill. Drive to the grocery store, buybabsteak and grill the thing til it's done as you like it.

For the love of Mike. You people ask the stupidest questions.

>> No.6515487

Bunch of retards in this thread

Propane has vaporizer bars above the burners removing the "petrolium taste" if there even is one.They also work similarly to charcoal when meat juice falls on the bars it fizzles and smokes giving a smoky taste to meat you.

Bunch of plebs if you have quality meat cook it inside.

>> No.6515492
File: 499 KB, 1296x972, cookingovertheopenfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I cook with wood. What the fuck do you think about that, bitch.

>> No.6515499
File: 92 KB, 527x612, muh dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but muh grill

>> No.6515503

I think you like the taste of creosote and turpentine. Bon Appétit!

>> No.6515673
File: 18 KB, 220x293, 220px-Sid_Meier_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gas is a liquid
>burning ethanol smells of ethanol
>charcoal tastes neutral

>> No.6515678

Ethanol is an alcohol is it not?

>> No.6515826

ethanol is odorless.

>> No.6515837

And tasteless.

But I don't think its combustion byproducts are, though I'm easily mistaken.

>> No.6515848

Ethyl has a destinctive odor and taste you shlomo

>> No.6516067

>gucci vs louis
>not rick vs raf

>> No.6516133

Gas is indeed a liquid. What do you fuel your car with? Bricks of corn?

>> No.6516167

The wood particles float into the meat. I grew up on propane and only realized the glory of charcoal and wood chips when I moved out and tried saving money with a cheaper grill. Sorry Hank.

>> No.6516172

>Not growing corn in the bed of your truck and lodging them in the gas tank for fuel

>> No.6516217

Bread grilled on propane taste like shit.

>> No.6516222

I'd tell them yeah, there are some idiots can't taste the difference!

>> No.6516238


It may be dispensed as a liquid, hence the "L," but it's burnt off as a gas, hence the "G."

>> No.6516325

>implying ck knows the wonders of drape
>two states of matter are one and the same
>grilling bread
>implying you can taste and smell ethanol that's been decomposed into co2 and water

>> No.6516851

It's not carbon, it's the smoke. If you say smoke doesn't change the taste, then you are so, so wrong.

>> No.6517029



It takes wood smoke.

>> No.6517044


We're not talking about gasoline!

>> No.6517046


The petroleum taste was from gasoline, not gas.

I've never heard of anyone cooking over gas. There is kerosene, often for backpacking stoves, but people use the kerosene to heat the pots and pans, not as flames to directly cook the meat.

>> No.6517059

I never thought I would see a discussion as ignorant as this anywhere.

Retards who think that a gas grill burns gasoline. I guess if they try that, Darwinism will take care of the human race.

What is really scary is if they don't try to burn gasoline in a gas grill and so they don't kill themselves in a terrible, fiery death, reproduce, and teach their kids this crap.

>> No.6517111

wood isn't carbon
wood affects the taste

propane and charcoal are the same

>> No.6517120


Except for the fact that propane contains foul-smelling chemicals that were deliberately added to it in order for people to be able to smell gas leaks.

Oh, and there's a few other differences too:
Propane is much faster to light & get up to temperature so it's more convenient.

On the other hand coals (either wood or briquettes) radiate a lot stronger heat than a gas flame does.

>> No.6517125

your cooking with the heat , the smell doesn't affect the food. look it up.

>> No.6517143


Your is possessive.
You're is a contraction for "you are".

Don't try to argue. Don't bother with the excuses. Stow any attempt at a snappy comeback. Pull this matter into your conscious mind, learn it, get it out of the way, then let it fade out. You will then automatically do it correctly, near every single time, forever. And you'll never hear about it again.

Good luck. You've now taken the first step to proper usage of the English language.

>> No.6517178


Ignorance abounds.

>Except for the fact that propane contains foul-smelling chemicals that were deliberately added to it in order for people to be able to smell gas leaks.

No. Propane does not contain such odorizers. That is for natural gas used in pipeline systems.

Propane is not natural gas although natural gas may contain some propane in addition to other gases.

Propane is not used to distribute to houses through pipes and no odorants are added to it.

Also, for what it's worth, the odorants are added in very tiny quantities. In the quantities used, I wouldn't expect them to have any impact on flavor.

>> No.6517198

>No. Propane does not contain such odorizers.

You've got to be kidding me bro. Have you never used a propane grill before? Or a propane torch? Bottled propane contains the exact same additives that natural gas in a pipeline contains. Just google "propane odorant" for a zillion sources.

>> In the quantities used, I wouldn't expect them to have any impact on flavor.

Opinion disregarded as you don't even realize that propane contains an odorant.

>> No.6517216


only marginally more cancer than cooking on gas probably

>> No.6517225


I learn something new every day.

Our natural gas doesn't even contain an odorant. Of course, the well is a couple of hundred yards from the house and has no facilities for adding an odorant.

>> No.6518085

odorant does not impact taste.

do a blind test, do some research, it's all out there

>> No.6518140
File: 12 KB, 185x251, 1409885499909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hank hill is disappoint