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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 143 KB, 962x722, barbecue-chicken-wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6561325 No.6561325 [Reply] [Original]

Can i pre cook a big batch of chicken wings, store them in a container and then bbq them the next day?

going to a music festival next week and would love to be able to bring something decent to eat rather than over-priced garbage.

>> No.6561372

All signs point to yes.

>> No.6561459

Absolutely not. How could you be so naive to even think of such a thing?

You most assuredly will poison yourself and everyone around you. The fumes alone of you attempting to BBQ them after them sitting for a day will be enough to knock everyone in the vicinity unconscious and the poison will kill you all while you sleep.

Your only option is the under-priced delicacies they will have there for you to eat along with a nice $5 bottle of water they will have for sale.

>> No.6561465


>> No.6561500

Yeah, but par cook them in a way that won't brown them/dry them out so that when you throw them on the grill they don't end up dry and burnt. Cook them slow in your crockpot if you have one or confit them in your dutch oven (breaks down the connective tissue and makes them nice and tender), or just steam them if you must.

>> No.6563370
File: 25 KB, 294x370, race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so, i pre cook them but only 3 quarters of the way cooked, let them cool and put them in a cool box.

finish them off on a BBQ, everything seems to point in the direction of good.

>> No.6563373

Yeah that works. You can finish them with some BBQ sauce or glaze and drop some panties.

>> No.6563384

why my hot wings, I can guarantee panties will drop kek

>> No.6563390
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>> No.6563395

Niqqa, you going to bonnaroo?

>> No.6563397
File: 205 KB, 500x275, 1415490709378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude...thats low.

too far

>> No.6563400
File: 7 KB, 251x190, 1378611760000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you meant you'd give them the shits.

>> No.6563402

nope, going to the download festival in derby in the UK. 5 days camping, slipknot, Kiss, judas priest and Five finger death punch

fucking stoked

>> No.6563405

shouldn't do, I'm usually pretty good with food saftey, I just needed to check about the wings