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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6764314 No.6764314 [Reply] [Original]

Name a bigger meme combo than Nutella covered bacon

You can't

>> No.6764315

Taco Bell

>> No.6764320

Add some cheeky sausage/milkybar combo on the side

>> No.6764321

Quinoa-avocado-bacon-sriracha wrap

>> No.6764322

nutella covered bacon pizza with siracha

>> No.6764324

with a side of avocado and kale

>> No.6764341

>Nutella covered bacon

diabetus at it's finest.

>> No.6764346


ramen japanese food

>> No.6764348
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you little wanker lol

>> No.6764350

Why am I considering trying this?

>> No.6764355

I think op meant food combos that people would actually eat

>> No.6764366

Sriracha pulled pork

>> No.6764371
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A flat bread pizza with a mix of siracha and organic tomatoes base sauce, topped with bacon and nutella, dont forget the guacamole (Mexican style please) instead of ketchup, all of this into a box with a "like a boss" written all over it.

Pic related; its the shape of the pizza

>> No.6764383

Actually sounds pretty good.

>> No.6764398

sounds good as fuck

>> No.6764406

does the guacamole have peas in it

>> No.6764409

>inb4 taco bell comes out with a nutella covered bacon taco
Gotta ask for sriracha sauce for extra epicness!!!111!

>> No.6764418
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>Food other people like is memefood meme

>> No.6764440

"meme tier" is starting to rustle me. But as meme as it is I'd bone with that bacon all night.

>> No.6764455

"Just screaming" and "so many spiders" each give me a smirk, every time.

>> No.6764459

I want to make a chart of what qualifies "meme food". I think what makes something "meme food" isn't it's level of popularity or novelty, but how unreasonable and sudden the internet/public's level of enthusiasm for it is. Bacon is a meme because it had been around for all of our lives, and then suddenly it became the rallying flag of Epic Meal Time/Reddit, and suddenly everyone's level of enthusiasm for it skyrocketed to outrageous levels. People didn't even remember why they liked bacon anymore, it was just suddenly a thing to get hyped up for it, so they went along with it and pretended to care more than they really did.

TL;DR: A true memefood is a familiar but otherwise unremarkable food or ingredient that people suddenly become unreasonably/exaggeratedly enthusiastic for.

>> No.6764484

People have always liked bacon. Unless you just want "meme food" to be food that tastes good.

>> No.6764493

sous vide fennel

>> No.6764506

you fucking americans

>> No.6764533

People always liked bacon, but not the way they liked it when it was a meme. People obsessed over bacon, chain restaurants devoted entire menus to bacon, to the glee of millions of chubby millenials. People would share recipes to gimmicky bacon-based dished and squeal with ejaculatory excitement over a simple, salty breakfast meat that was always available to them but that suddenly had taken on a near-religious meaning to them.

>> No.6764553

Yeah, or a meme food lifespan. Like from 92-98 Tabasco sauce, and salsa were straight meme. Franks picking up the meme torch in the early 2000's.
But it's weird that pepperoni pizza isnt meme, when it's the most ordered pizza. And could be the worst topping.
Ranch dressing is dankly meme. I gotta think about some more shit.
Bottled tap water. straight meme from 02-09

>> No.6764591

Christ Pepperoni sucks so much dick. It's to the point where if someone orders that topping you can safely discard a large portion of their opinions on food from that point on. I would not have this reaction had anyone i have ever known were to prove me wrong on this. Every single person I know that has pepperoni (not a massive list, i grant you) has the most vomit worthy tastes in food.

>sausages burnt to a crisp to avoid salmonella
>home made pasta bake topped with cheddar cheese and DRENCHED in mascarpone store bought sauce (cheap brands)
>processed cheese slices
>red bull, monster, rockstar as drinks of choice

>> No.6764610
File: 221 KB, 655x986, trader-joes-sweet-sriracha-uncured-bacon-jerky1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda makes me not want to go to Trader Joe's

>> No.6764614

a quadruple hopped imperial pale ale infused with chocolate covered bacon

>> No.6764643

I was a little baby from 1992-1998, can you explain the tabasco fad?

>> No.6764657

Sorry lad the new thing is sours

>> No.6764836

I cant. But that shit was meme lv.10. It was the first "i put it on everything" sauce. People had tabasco T shirts. Everyone from diners, to pizza joints had it on their tables. It became annoying. Like bacon now, but not that serious.

>> No.6764854

Or maybe the pizza they order has pepperoni, the pizzeria doesn't offer customized toppings, and they aren't autistic enough to go remove the americanized salami slices one by one. Besides, you do realize that the overwhelming majority of people like pepperoni, right? You're saying most people's favorite drinks are red bull, monster and rockstar or that they burn sausages.

>> No.6764864


well yeah people have been using 'meme' to mean 'trend' for a while.

>> No.6764896

>the pizzeria doesn't offer customized toppings
> Implying that having any options for toppings other than cheese and pepperoni constitutes "customized toppings"

Nigga any pizza joint worth its salt has more topping options than pepperoni. If you don't at least have sausage/mushroom/bell pepper/etc your pizza place is beyond fucking shit. Even cheap places like Little Ceasars have topping options.

>> No.6764917

When /ck/ uses the term "meme" it's used in a very dismissive way though, so as to imply that you only like something because it's popular in the moment. This is true for a select few things, where people express sudden, hyper-exaggerated excitement for a certain food item, but /ck/ uses it on anything that is remotely popular in any way for any reason.

>> No.6765123

Maybe it's just because people like those foods and you are over thinking it trying to assign meme to everything. Maybe you want meme to mean "thing I don't like".

>> No.6765409

nah. Im fine with people liking meme foods. At least they arent vegan nazis.. I like sriracha. I think meme is the new word for bandwagon. So I remember having sriracha on my table for years people looked at it funny. Now people are like SRIRACHA FUCK YEA. So its meme.

>> No.6765420

Sweet Sundae Ramen with a topping of activated almonds.

>> No.6765438
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Gluten free nutella covered bacon cupcakes.

>> No.6765451

with a salted caramel sriracha drizzle and lemonade made from organic, non-gmo lemons and local honey

>> No.6765526

I don't think you're understanding the post very well. What I meant is that, believe it or not, some pizzerias don't let you individually pick toppings. You can only pick what is already in the menu.

>> No.6765553

Where do you live? What kind of shit show of a pizzeria forces you to only order pepperoni with no other choices?

>> No.6765590

It's not that they force you to order only pepperoni, it's that they put pepperoni in fucking everything.

>> No.6765626

Motherfucker really? They've always been my favorite beer ;_;

>> No.6765640

maybe now you'll learn to have your own tastes and not just run towards whatever isn't popular you fucking hipster faggot

>> No.6765674


I'm just not really looking forward to having the market flooded with garbage and people pretending to like that garbage

>> No.6765707

Cured pork belly with a sweet salted nutella caramel-sriracha glaze, crumbled atop a free-range egg baked avocado, all on a bed of gluten free organic spicy southwestern farm-to-table blue corn tamales, given an extra south-of-the-border kick with house pickled anaheim chilis and queso fresco, kissed with our favorite meme sauce, SRIRACHA infused extra virgin olive oil™.

>> No.6765758

>i am the patrish tastemaster with objectively good taste, if somebody likes something that i don't they must be pretending
autistic tbf

>> No.6765796


Do you even drink beer? The sheer number of shit to average IPAs that came out and still come out is staggering, simply because any retard can throw a few dozen pounds of hops into a wort

>> No.6766424
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egg on burger is the definition of meme food

>> No.6766435

Ham and cheese.

>> No.6766439

I almost fucking threw up

>> No.6767736
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>not a hot and sweet sriracha and nutella blend
>not battered first with beer batter
>not with piss water
>with craft beer

>> No.6767751

steak and a seasoned cast iron pan

>> No.6767799
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mfw I will go out of my way to order meme foods because it upsets the people I hate. I also prefer Reddit

>> No.6769010

the g8est of b8

>> No.6769013


what does that mean?

>> No.6769021

Yeah this is a decent enough definition of "meme food". I used to hate the term but then I realized what it meant.

>> No.6771124

Can someone please give me an unbiased explanation of what bacon combined with something sweet tastes like?

I really don't want to try it myself because it tastes cringeworthy bad, but I'm quite curious.

>> No.6771234


You never had bacon and pancakes? Or french toast and accidentally maple syrupped your bacon?

If not there's your starting point.

>> No.6771257


why would it be bad? is your palate so shitty that you can't conceive what it's like?

it's fatty and salty. use your brain to figure out how that would pair with something sweet, idiot.

>> No.6771325

Is carbonara the biggest meme pasta on /ck/ right now?
Are you pretentious memesters too ironic to just eat some damn spaghetti like the rest of us

>> No.6771343

Sriracha Nutellla covering bacon that was cooked sous vide before being finished on a slab of himalayan pink salt and comes served on a slab of wood with a tasting flight of sextuple-hopped IPAs infused with activated almonds.

>> No.6771347

Reminds me of the time i had chocolate covered bacon on a stick with potato chip sprinkles.

shit was NASTY

>> No.6771359

Carbonara is like the easiest mid week meal ever. It's made from 4 ingredients most people have on hand most of the time.

>> No.6771365

Savory things are generally pretty nice with sweet but bacon doesn't taste too good with chocolate at least.

>> No.6771391


Are you saying that this is something no one can enjoy without being told its good or that its more popular than it should be for how it tastes?

>> No.6773387



>> No.6774527
File: 60 KB, 1000x562, le wendy's meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nutella covered ghost chili infused salted caramel Bacon with a sriracha avacodo hummus dip and a coconut water drink infused with cucumber .

>> No.6774596
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>> No.6774966


That's been around for 40 years faggot

>> No.6774969


Pretty much this.

Anyone who is concerned with people eating trendy/meme food is definitely autistic.

>> No.6775415
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>> No.6775466

why do they charge per ounce?

>> No.6775477

I like pepperoni and hate energy drinks and processed fake cheese. But surely you knew your opinion had to be false, since you believed it to be an absolute truth.

>> No.6775485

What sucks with the gluten free trend is the people who are allergic to wheat or have celiac disease may not be taken seriously. But it has supplied many more gluten free foods, I guess.

>> No.6775491

They break the price down by ounce. It's kind of retarded for food, but I like it when buying detergent and things.

>> No.6775855

>Do you even drink beer?
pretty much proving the statement

>> No.6776489


>> No.6776571

>Implying people wouldn't eat that shit, just to be "ironic"

>> No.6778660

My local pizzaria sells pizza with nutella. I guess there's a lot of stoners in my area

>> No.6778672

Activated almonds with deactivated gluten-free whole weat raisin muffins

>> No.6778796
File: 876 KB, 1920x1280, 1434554905919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?

If someone sat that in front of me, I would look at them like they had just served me a plate of literal shit. Which is what it is! It's SHIT

>> No.6778887

Pizza is Italian. Nutella is Italian. It's common for pizza places to serve Nutella on a pizza base as dessert.