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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 435 KB, 658x516, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6764834 No.6764834 [Reply] [Original]

Let's watch /ck/ tear itself apart attempting to answer this question.

>> No.6764838

To keep people from poisoning them?

>> No.6764839
File: 11 KB, 259x194, meanwhile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they had holders made of gold which was be stolen

>> No.6764842

because the stems broke off at some point in the thousands of years since they were used.

>> No.6764846

either of these. they either set them in holders, or they had stems.

>> No.6764847

>thousands of years since they were used.
made me smile

>> No.6764850

Because when you were tired of drinking you simply threw the remainder on the nearest peasant or servile person.

>> No.6764856

nope faggots

>> No.6764859

No, you're fucking wrong. Now go back to reddit, fag.

>> No.6764860

either both of those cups are missing their stand because they broke off or the people who had the glasses made where very heavy drinkers and thus would always have a cup of wine/beer in their hands and when they where done a servant would come take the glass away

>> No.6764865

Re-read the question everyone.

"Why do you think they would WANT cups like that?"

These cups DID NOT have holders or stems. They did this on purpose. Why?

>> No.6764867

>These cups DID NOT have holders or stems. They did this on purpose.
[citation needed]

>> No.6764868

Because even in the 12th century idiots at parties would drink half their beer, leave it somewhere, forget which cup was theirs, and help themselves to a new beer. No one likes people wasting their booze at parties. I should start serving drinks in glasses like this.

>> No.6764869


cuz old time'y faggots didn't slammed each drink only putting down an empty cup.

>> No.6764873

Defeats the purpose of asking the question if I have to provide links that would reveal the answer.

>> No.6764876

> Everything I don't like is Reddit xDDDD

Can we please lay this tired meme to rest?

>> No.6764879

It's almost like you pulled it straight out of your ass, or some website with zero credibility.

>> No.6764882

>this thread wasn't on reddit first
newfag pls

>> No.6764885

>my answer was wrong and now i'm mad
Grow up, kid.

>> No.6764886
File: 299 KB, 1179x897, 1438743109430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thousands of years

>> No.6764887

Until you prove that the website you got it from has credibility, or you didn't just make it up, I'm going to assume you're full of shit. Burden of proof is you, friendo.

>> No.6764891

I've never been at reddit, this is my first day on the internet. Is reddit a bad site to go?

>> No.6764892

They're 2000 years old and from Rome. OP calling them medieval is a moron.

>> No.6764894

So the second part of my answer right or wrong?

> the people who had the glasses made where very heavy drinkers and thus would always have a cup of wine/beer in their hands and when they where done a servant would come take the glass away

>> No.6764898

That's not how this works. /ck/ was asked a question, and they can either prove it doesn't have an answer (which you seem to believe is the case), or find the correct one.

>> No.6764899

The glasses had stems or holders. OP is a shitposting extraordinaire.

>> No.6764900


>> No.6764906

Cause they wanted to drink the entire cup in one go and be drunk as fuck
No setting your wine down to have a chat or some shit, straight up drinking and nothing more

>> No.6764908

These cups weren't meant to be put down after being filled.

>> No.6764911

Wrong. They had stems.

>> No.6764914

You hold one in each hand and it's like playing a medieval version of the Edward 40 Hands drinking game.

In case you're not familiar, Edward 40 hands is where you get a 40 oz. duct taped to each hand.

>> No.6764915


Reverse image searching OP's photo suggests that you are incorrect.

>> No.6764923

Why? Because "historyforkids.org" says otherwise? That's the only source that says they couldn't be set down.

>> No.6764926


Here's OP's super credible source. I wonder if his third grade teacher showed him the website.

>> No.6764930


http://ounodesign.com/2008/10/30/ancient-glass/ for one. There are others as well.

>> No.6764933

This is the answer. It was meant to be drunk at one time. The glass had to be laid down.


“500-600 AD –a small cup with a thin stem was used by the upper classes, and the lower classes used goblets made of pottery. When the Saxons invaded they brought gold goblets covered in jewels and also horns that when used had to be taken as one drink because they had no stems or legs and had to be laid down.“

Lrn2google fuccboi's

>> No.6764934

>Here's OP's super credible source. I wonder if his third grade teacher showed him the website.
>my answer was wrong and now I'm butthurt
top kek

>> No.6764937

OP's exact image comes from http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/medieval/food/

It's interesting that one page on the site says they're medieval, while another one says they're Roman. Almost like that site is full of shit.

Also, the link you posted includes these exact words "The odd glasses below are from medieval europe; they probably once had either stems or stands. "

>> No.6764938


have you never heard of medieval rome?

>> No.6764939


Real credible sources there. Why does historyforkids, where you got your image, say they're both Roman and medieval?

>> No.6764949

Any source is better than your non source Reddit fag. Y so butthurt

>> No.6764953

not the same guy, but that's not how these things work. if you claim something, you have to prove it. i don't think OP went to college, because these are not credible academic sources

>> No.6764955

Finally, someone who isn't a fucking moron.

>> No.6764961

Holy fucking shit that entire fucking website my fucking christ god almighty. I know American education is bad, but my fucking god, this is just terrible. Why would someone do this? Why?
>people ate mostly barely
>disregard all grains
>disregard vegetables, cheese, local meats, and fruit
This is only the tip of the iceberg

OP how fucking old are you?

>> No.6764960


And from other places as well.

>>Also, the link you posted includes these exact words

Keep scrolling down to the comments, Broski. "probably" isn't an answer. The reply at the bottom is the credible answer.

And how does their credibility compare to you--a random anon posting online?

>> No.6764962

>"The odd glasses below are from medieval europe; they probably once had either stems or stands."


There we go. That site is at the same level of credibility as OP's.

>> No.6764971

Burden of proof, my friend. Burden of proof. When OP posts an academic source, I'll concede. Until then, everything he has said is just conjecture.

>> No.6764983


The replies on that site sound a lot more credible than you, anon on 4chan.

>> No.6764990

Uncited claims are uncited. Are you not familiar with how academic writing works? If you make claims like that, you need to have a source.

>> No.6764991

>Until then, everything he has said is just conjecture.

That applies to you as well. You're just shitposting at this point.

>> No.6764995

No fucking shit. I just want OP to admit he's shitposting like I am.

I also want to know what he was doing on historyforkids.org. What would possess a grown man to go there, save a picture, and post it on /ck/?

Well, maybe he saw it first on reddit.

>> No.6765013

>What would possess a grown man to go there, save a picture, and post it on /ck/?

Uhm, Baiting for replies? Christ, just read OP!

>> No.6765021

How does he even know about it? Is OP in elementary school?

>> No.6765024

>what is Google

>> No.6765026

What the fuck could he have searched to get that image?

>> No.6765032

>medieval food

>> No.6765037

But how could someone who is college educated see the URL and even considering clicking on it?

>> No.6765040


>> No.6765100

>/ck/ was asked a question

OP asked a leading question which assumed a proposition. So it does work that way.

Until you can prove your presupposition that they *wanted* them that way, your question is a non-sequitur.

>> No.6765107

>expecting OP to know what a presupposition is

he's like 13

>> No.6765535

Wooden sockets.

>> No.6765541

Those don't look like drinking glasses

>> No.6765548
File: 524 KB, 912x1024, OhHenry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they had special codpieces with goblet stands built into them
made for some good party games later in the night

>> No.6766489

What evidence is there to even say these are cups?

This thread is lame

>> No.6766520
File: 46 KB, 1024x683, GodJizzTheDrink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't want the option of setting down their glasses to allow an assassin the chance to poison their unattended drink.
Am I right?

>> No.6766524

That's stupid.
Why wouldn't they just keep holding the drink or just toss it?

>> No.6766532

Good thread

>> No.6766643

All u tards got trolled hard

No stem cos they passed the goblet around and only drank from a single cup

>> No.6766660

IS this a real fucking question?

Because glass was fucking expensive in medieval times, and, if you haven't noticed, glasses are most likely to be broken when set down. Someone bumps it off a counter, kicks one on the ground, jars a table, etc.

So the idea was that you had it in your hand while it still had drink in it, and you never set it down for long except when storing it between meals.

It also helped like >>6764868 points out, that you were unlikely to lose your glass with alcohol currently in it if you had to hold it like that.

Further, it helped to keep things moderately civil at banquets, since having a cup with wine constantly in your hand meant it was a little less likely you'd pull a weapon, without dropping the glass and thus fouling your own footing.

>> No.6766694

>implying flat-bottomed drinking vessels haven't existed alongside drinking horns etc since forever and generally fulfill different functions.

>> No.6767034

Go fuck yourself. How about that?

And stop capslocking, nigger.

>> No.6767036

I don't know shit, but I'm assuming they drink it straight in one gulp, so when they put it down nothing will spill.

>> No.6767160

>reveal the answer
the answer being what you are currently denying.

>> No.6767249


They did have wine glasses with stems but setting down a wine glass was considered extremely rude and an insult to the host. So these glasses were innovated so you couldn't do that at all.

>> No.6767274


>> No.6767284
File: 99 KB, 1428x878, hells bells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because bell

>> No.6768340
File: 8 KB, 186x271, assad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 they're not even drinking vessels and OP is captain of a ruse cruise

I want to know but I can't help but imagine the answer will be disappointing

>> No.6768345

kek. this makes so much more sense's than OP's retardation

>> No.6768576

looks like mooncups to me :P

>> No.6770782

I don't know much about the cups in OP's pic, but I'm guessing that it's some kind of variation on the Pythagoras cup.

If you overfill it (drink excessively), you lose all of the liquid.

If you fill your cup moderately, then you're fine.

>> No.6770896

>having a cup with wine constantly in your hand meant it was a little less likely you'd pull a weapon
Where I'm from a glass IS a weapon.

>> No.6771643
File: 279 KB, 532x458, glasses_without_stems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmmm. Look fucking familiar.

>> No.6773033

probably had stems or stands
OP really dropped the ball on this one

>> No.6773092

well he did want us to tear ourselves apart

>> No.6773146

Today, ladies and gentlemen, OP was truly a faggot.