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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6927837 No.6927837 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: It's lunchtime in 4th grade. What are you eating?

>> No.6927847

PB&J sammich.

>> No.6927848
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>> No.6927850

cheese quesadillas and a juice

>tfw kids were partly popular because of the sweets that accompanied their lunch
>tfw i would get dunkaroos on very rare occasion and for a split second at the luchtable, i was the cool kid

>> No.6927853

That's a $10 lunch right there everyone

>> No.6927855


I was home schooled through primary school, which was in the upstairs portion of my Fathers pub... so, anything I wanted off the menu basically.

I usually ate soup with bread, or a nice sandwich with soup.

It's also raining and cold in Ireland, soup for days.

>> No.6927870

Either a ham and cheese sandwich, chicken noodle soup or pizza in a Thermos (don't ask, it works), Lunchable, a dessert like a Zebra cakie, and a Capri Sun or Yoo-hoo. My mommy packed my lunch everyday and wouldn't let me eat school food because she thought it was shit (and it certainly was shit).

>> No.6927881

or cold cut sammies

>> No.6927891

bologna sandwich or peanut butter

>> No.6927893

Vegemite and cheese sandwich

>> No.6927896

>4th grade
Nothing, just another day starving.

>> No.6927902

those octagonal mexican pizzas they'd serve, water.

>> No.6927906

Pizza rolls in a thermos, fruit in a tupperware container, and whatever dessert made you the elementary school pimp

>> No.6927915

I went through a strong weeaboo phase in grade school, so most likely a canteen of ramen noodles.

>> No.6927925

I have no idea, but it has a side of awful cooked carrots and milk to drink

>> No.6927944

Frozen peas

>> No.6927966
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>4th grade
>always pack my own lunch since i can rememeber
>ask mom to make a lunch for me one day

>crunchy PB, mint jelly, on 10-grain nut bread
>capri sun

>never ask her again
>mfw that's exactly what she wanted

>> No.6927970

I switched schools a lot but I think my 4th grade school forced me to drink milk everyday and I'm lactose intolerant.

>> No.6927974
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Bagel with strawberry cream cheese that all the other kids would call ass cream. Mom plz just a pb&j next time.

>> No.6927975
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>> No.6928004

A party-size bag of Lay's original potato chips and a liter of Coca Cola.

I was not a healthy kid.

>> No.6928009
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>mfw nan's cabbage soup on a cold winters afternoon after playing in the snow

>> No.6928031


>zebra cake
>not shit

>> No.6928064

Hey can I have one please?? Please? Pleeease? I'll be your frieend!

>> No.6928074

ham sandwich
bread - meat - bread, no condiments or lettuce, mom said no

caprisun or koolaid plastic sugar drinks

>> No.6928078

Ham Sammy
Some fruit
Some vegetables
Maybe some chips

>> No.6928090

Gushers, Doritos, random sammich, Capri sun

>> No.6928097

square pizza with boogers inside
chicken nuggets that bounce
microwaved bean burritos
special edition:
delivery day hard shell taco bell or pizza hut personal
you have cash money and friends addition:
zebra cakes
parental love

>> No.6928198

Whatever the cafeteria is serving.

>> No.6928204

4th grade field trip arsenal: mondo, fruit leather, dunkaroos, gushers, apple chips1 and, pb&j.

>> No.6928210

liverwurst on rye with mustard, pickles, and onions

>> No.6928211

Oh, and coconut koala yummies. True fucking story. Bought all this shit at Eagle (grocery store).

>> No.6928212

Turkey sandwich with provolone, grapes, Goldfish, and Capri Sun, with either Gushers or Dunkaroos.

>> No.6928217


>pizza in a thermos


>> No.6928223


To keep it warm, anon's mother made him ellios's pizza... she hated him that much.

>> No.6928376

soggy pb + J
Milk that leaked all through the lunch bag
Granola bar

>> No.6928392

rectangle pizza, chocolate milk, red jello with whip cream

school lunch could be worse i guess

>> No.6928942

Nutritional school lunch.
Because I live in an actual first world country.

>> No.6929061

A peanut butter sandwich and carrots in a bag, like I had every single day.

>> No.6929065

Herring because fuck you.

>> No.6929069
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used to walk home for lunch
remember eating this many times

>> No.6929106

My gym teacher's ass :(

>> No.6929123

>Salami/ham & dijon sandwich on wheat bread
>chocolate milk
>baggie of stale chips or a granola bar

Or just

>cold dinner leftovers

>> No.6929146
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can't find that on the pyramid

>> No.6929178
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a combination from this

>> No.6929193
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>my mom brought me mcdonalds.

>> No.6929331
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usually a breakfast sandwich/burrito. egg,cheese,bacon or just a normal sandwich.

my choice of chips where fritos lime and Chile and a juice to drink. sometimes lunchables.

if I have a cold, soup in a thermos. each lunch came with some veggies like carrots and broccoli. and desert was whatever candy she bought that week.

>mfw kids were jealous

>> No.6929415

Is it pizza day yet?

Maybe I can get some money off my dad if he hasn't blown it all on VHS rentals.

>> No.6929740
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Standard fare would be:
cheese and salad cream or marmite sandwich
salt and vinegar mccoy's
an apple
and if I was lucky, a gold bar

>> No.6929766
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>> No.6929771

>thermos full of either meatball spaghettios or chicken noodle soup
>chewy chips ahoy
>carrots or grapes of an apple or some shit

it was awesome.

>> No.6929773

Probably some gushers or some other fruit candy along with a shitty sandwich made of salami, provolone cheese, and brown spicy mustard on plain whole wheat sliced bread.

>> No.6929775

Never ate in school

>> No.6929924

My own packed lunch. Usually bread with cheese, mashed liver with pickle, or ham.

>> No.6929926


>> No.6930548
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just a normal school lunch in yourop. the potatoes were bad had to eat them almost 3 times a week bad food but yeah it was eatable and the soups were always good

>> No.6930630

I was breast fed until I was 12, so I guess that means I got a hot lunch.

>> No.6930633

Bologna and cheese sandwich
a kudos bar
a koolaid squeeze-it and a
a handfull potato chips, a few of them soggy somehow

>> No.6930640

Depends really. Lets see,the majority of the itme it was school lunch. Square pizza,a tablespoon of lettuce and a wedge of tomato masquerading a "salad",a few stale crinkle cut fries,a few slices of barely cooked pears drenched in this weird cinnamon glaze and put in a pointless plastic square container when it would just as easily fit in the section of the tray made for sides,tiny square of dry cake with chocolate frosting that completely lifts off the cake when you try to cut a piece off.
If I got to take my lunch,however,it was usually a Lunchable(anybody remember when the cracker Lunchables came with this sauce you could spread on? Almost like a relish mayonnaise or something.) If I didn't have a Lunchable(because lets face it,they were expensive for some of us),Id take a sandwich,usually pb&j or a random deli meat and shredded moz,a Mondo,Hi-C or Capri Sun,some barbecue lays chips,a cheese stick and a yogurt. Occasioanlly my mom would pack a treat like a fruit roll up or rice krispy treat or something.

>> No.6930644

Oh fuck lad that sounds comfy

>> No.6930646

thats a delicacy in comparison to the (literal) prison food we got in america

>> No.6930656

and it doesn't even fill you up

>> No.6930671

who /freelunch/ poorfag in here

>> No.6930699

I'm not eating lunch. I'm in the bathrooms wetting clumps of toilet paper and throwing it so that it sticks to the ceiling

>> No.6930706

i should have been but the lunch ladies liked me and let me charge any time my parents couldnt pay

>> No.6930725
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Nothing. Usually skipped lunch, through most of school.

However this thread reminds me,

>lunch time
>eating Peanut butter and fluff sandwhich
>some kid tells me fluff tastes like farts
>haven't eaten fluff to this day

>> No.6930740
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Typical lunch for me was a sandwich made with pic related, Capri Sun, some sort of chips/crackers, carrot sticks and either an apple or a banana. Stuff like yogurt, apple sauce, string cheese, and fruit leather were fairly common too.

Maybe once every few months would get a Lunchable but I didn't think they were that great even back then; the only good part was looking cool in front of the other students. I would get a school lunch maybe 3-4 times a month, which for me was always just old pizza, an apple, and chocolate milk.

>> No.6930745

Peanut butter sandwich (fuck jelly)
Sandwich bag half-full of Goldfish
Small carton of chocolate milk bought for $0.30 from cafeteria

>> No.6930758


>> No.6930786

egg+tuna sandwich with a packet of chips, some kind of sweet cake or cookie packet and guava juice in a thermos

>> No.6930794

Salad is what i normally ate for lunch

>> No.6930832

Whatever is being served in the cafeteria that day. I think Wednesdays switched between teriyaki dippers, burgers, and some kind of pasta dish that I don't really remember.

>> No.6931071

>not beating the shit out of that kid for having shit taste

>> No.6931167

2 Capri suns, pizza lunchables, yogurt, a poptart and/or cookies with either grapes, strawberries or an orange. sometimes 2 hotdogs and fruit instead of all that shit. i always felt like my mom was throwing in too much food in my lonchera but I'd try and eat everything to not make her feel bad and seem like an ungrateful little cunt. she was way too worried about my hypoglycemia, tho


>> No.6931286

Salami, provalone cheese and spicy brown mustard sandwich
Either your trolling or you have no taste buds

>> No.6931303


your mum's moist roast beef, m8

>> No.6931311

happy birthday they no longer come in foil packets

>> No.6931321
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I'm not eating anything, and I'm sitting at an empty table.

>> No.6931328
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>> No.6931363
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>dad would sometimes drive by the lunchyard fence and drop me off a whole fresh pizza from the local pizza place to share with my friends

Man nowadays that shit would get you detained until the police arrived to arrest you

>> No.6931369
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>> No.6931373


Are you a brown person?

>> No.6931374

Sounds like a cool dad. Too bad you can't even go near a school these days without be arrested.

>> No.6931381


You are now aware your dad was scoping out kids to molest.

>> No.6931386

latino, half white, half cocaine cowboy (columbian)
Yeah right

>> No.6931391

Well at least you tried

>> No.6931393


You love playing that brown person card on the college apps huh... faggot.

Maybe that's why your Father would be incarcerated in todays society, for being a smelly dumb beaner scum.

>> No.6931398


Jesus, even for a racist you're stupid. Beaner means Mexican, not Columbian. Call him a Spic.

>> No.6931400


Beaner= all small fry shit skins that aren't black.

>> No.6931406

Why do you persist?

>> No.6931408
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Not really my family is pretty well off If anything thats played it's probably the autism/special needs card. my moms the columbian, and my dads the white guy

>> No.6931411


You're literally retarded and people let you around open flames?

Brave family.

>> No.6931427

Do they still make that? Chicken and stars was my favorite growing up.

>> No.6931463

Vegemite and cheese sandwich, an apple, and a couple of chocolate biscuits if I'm lucky.

I throw the apple in the bin because I'm a dumb little shit.

>> No.6931467

Depending on if my mom was lazy that day, either lunchables, capri sun pouch, and a gogurt, or a sandwich (salami and mustard of turkey, swiss, and mayo), a little bag of grapes, small bottle of apple juice, and another bag of nuts/trail mix

>> No.6931469

i didnt eat lunch from the 3rd grade until like 11th grade. i hated eating around people.

>> No.6931621
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That's exactly what I ate for lunch everyday until high school. No one ever wanted what I had so that was a plus.

>> No.6931630

I went to a catholic school and there was only one black kid in my grade. His dad would always bring him McDonald's. Fuck I hated that nigga. He liked the same girl that I did, but it was cool she didn't like him back. He would always tell on me for shit I didn't do. Anyway, that kid was a bitch. His dad would always whisper something into his ear when he would bring him McDonald's. It was probably something about the white man being evil.

>> No.6931650

holy shit
no wonder fat fucks

>> No.6931693
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bologna and mayonnaise with ketchup on white bread

>> No.6931694
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with store-bought cookies in the same sandwich bag pressing the melty chocolate chips into the bread

>> No.6931697
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actually it was miracle whip; not mayonnaise...

>> No.6931698

ate nothing for lunch for most of my early school years because packed lunches grossed me out

>> No.6931705
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Shitty school chalupas with hot sauce.
Hell yeah.

>> No.6931719

>chicken patty
>bbq pork nachos
>chicken nuggets
>hotdog w/mac & cheese

fuck that noise.

>> No.6931756

>Win a raffle thing at school but don't know what the prize is
>Get called to the principle's office
>"Congratulations anon, we're going to Mc Donalds to get you a kids meal for lunch!"
>Was excited because I get to miss class before lunch and all the kids would be jealous
>Hop inside her car and we drove to the nearest mc donalds
>Arrived back to the school cafeteria

Usually the raffle prizes were a plushie of our school mascot, and you get raffle tickets by helping the yard-duty people.

>> No.6931790

jello and none of the other food that was packed for me because i was terrible.

>> No.6931892

were you that one kid that always but a soggy PB&J to lunch white everyone else bought food from the sschool or some good shit from home?

>> No.6931915
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>> No.6931947

My school stopped snack time after first grade. I just grazed on peanuts and pretzels all day.

>> No.6931950

Sounds comfy

>> No.6931952

What does a fart taste like?

>> No.6931956

true story, one time when I was in 5th grade my dad came to play with me during recess on his day off because why not and they called the fucking cops on him

>> No.6931980

>"Extreme" Fruit and Vegetable Challange
>Chicken Nuggets and Chicken Patty back to back one week and chicken strips/chicken patty the next.

I thought my school was garbage.
>Once a week we had "cheese dunkers"
>Literally two small breadsticks and shitty marinara
>Literally no way to feel remotely full after it.

The only good days were Hot Turkey Sandwich/Veal Parm Sandwich/Chicken & Waffles

>> No.6932296

i went to a moderately upper middle class white middle/high school in the south
those fuckers got chik fil a every day even though it was against the rules to bring food for your kids
the parents were rich pta members though so they were never punished
if my mom had tried to bring me fast food i would've been suspended for a month probably

>> No.6933063
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a small bag of chips or goldfish crackers, capri sun, kool aid jammer or Hi-C, cheese stick, zip lock baggie of pepperoni. and usually my friend would give me the cheese out of his pizza lunchable.

>> No.6933065

pepperoni pizza lunchable

>> No.6933068

also, i remember back in like fist grade me and my group of disgusting friends would pile all of our fucking chips/ salty snacks onto the lunch table like literally dump the shit on the table and we would all share our food. it was like the bags of frito lays Munchies but in a pile on the disgusting lunch table

>> No.6933072

>$0.25 for milk (milk costs 30 cents)
>"Jays" plain potato chips
>a peanut butter and butter sandwhich
>Cry and dream of lunchables

>> No.6933136

Pizza lunchable
Make one pizza disc with sauce, cheese and sausage disc things
Eat the rest of the sausage disc things, they're so fucking good

use both other pizza discs, chocolate sauce and M&Ms to make a chocolate sandwich thing.

>> No.6933142

the feels man. :<
I know what you mean though. I was never that kid since my parents wouldn't spend money on junk like that.

I ate whatever the school lunch was.

>> No.6933238

wholegrain bread sandwich with ham, tomato, cheese, lettuce
an apple
maybe a bag of chips from the school tuckshop