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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 259x194, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7007655 No.7007655 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start with the most obvious-- Canned "meats" and giant vats of mayonnaise

>> No.7007658

black dick

>> No.7007661 [DELETED] 

Good one OP

>> No.7007666

>food Filipinos can't resist


>> No.7007669


>> No.7007680 [DELETED] 

that's all i eat and i am getting whiter every trichinosis

>> No.7007700

HA! I carry a can of vienna sausages to throw at hobos and wild dogs.

>> No.7007724

White meat poultrty

>> No.7007759
File: 173 KB, 316x330, 1307378629841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking mayonnaise
I'm black and I don't understand how people DON'T like it.

>> No.7007774

fucking lel

>> No.7007777

they grew up with parents who bought into the "fat is bad for you" meme, so it's been drilled into their heads that it's gross even though some have never even tried it

>> No.7007790

lol more like food pacific islanders cant resist

>> No.7007819

Most people do; occasionally non-whites like to go "LOL. WHITE. PEOPLE." over things that literally make no sense.

Sort of like making fun of black people for liking watermelon. Seriously, watermelon is the shit.

>> No.7007825

Everyone love mayo, it's just become an epik tumblr maymay because it's white so obviously white people love it. Like look at the Japanese,you couldn't find a culture more obsessed with mayonnaise.

>> No.7007847

SPAM is delicious fuck you

>> No.7007852

Grape juice

>> No.7008180

i don't really like mayonnaise, a lot of it is made with soybean oil which tastes like tangy trash and I'm not about to just go buy mayo

>> No.7008210

And grape drink.

Good going op.

everyone knows blacks are more fun to make fun of. Oh yeah. Being white, how terrible

>> No.7008252

You mean everything?

>> No.7009888

> food poor people can't resist

>> No.7009894
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undercooked meat is a big one *shiver*

>> No.7009895
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Food niggers cant resist

>> No.7009896
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>le ebin self-hate bred

Sorry you're a manlette OP.

>> No.7009898


I dunno, when you're black it's pretty fun to make fun of white people for being uncool

>> No.7009907

butthurt whitey detected, cant take a little bants whitey?

>> No.7009910


You're also white.

>> No.7009925
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>> No.7009931

you don't get to decide who's white and who's not cracka

>> No.7009936


he sounds british so I'm not sure about that

>> No.7009939
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The odd thing about society now is that young blacks living in mediocre to good town/cities don't speak like this, only the polarized white young brought up on rap music and meme culture do.

Truly pathetic.

Pic related, it's you.


>> No.7009942

That is below the belt. Everyone loves wings.

>> No.7009945


Those are candied almonds....which are arab treats, not white people food.

>> No.7009948
File: 18 KB, 429x410, 1385291657271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I first heard a bunch of black people talking like those infamous ebonics tweets and facebook stats

>> No.7009959


flip here and can confirm minus the mayo

>more rice please

>> No.7010089
File: 45 KB, 361x248, cheese_and_cracker_tray31974928_std_zps982794bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay shit like pic related

>> No.7010092

Underseasoned meats and vegetables

>> No.7010099

I love cheese and crackers and I couldnt agree more. this is the saddest looking shit ever.

>> No.7010126


Ugh. I'm white and I can't stand mayonnaise. That shit is revolting.

Never had vienna sausages either.

I've eaten Spam before as Spam Musubi, which is fucking awesome BTW.

>> No.7010133

When I see white ppl put too much salt on their food...

I'm like "Na"

>> No.7010135

Only a white person would make a joke like that.

>> No.7010142

Ha ha ha This has to be American!

Looks like Pepperjack and kraft slices cut into quarters . . .what makes it even funnier is that it's presented in such a way to make it look good!
Nobody would dare serve that to anybody in Europe!

>> No.7010144

>Nobody would dare serve that to anybody in Europe!

The peppers in the pepperjack would burn a sensitive European tongue.

>> No.7010145

>goes to mexican restaurant
>"what's the least spicy thing on the menu? okay I'll have that"

>> No.7010148


>> No.7010152

What the fuck white people eat spam? Only people I have ever seen eating that are Hawaiians
Have you ever actually met a white person

>> No.7010159

I'm not a fan of spam or mayo, but theres literally nothing wrong with potted meat food product

>> No.7010163

most stuff at the typical mexican restaurant isn't very spicy

>> No.7010165

Your ignorance of recent history and lack of awareness is disturbing.
Are you American?

>> No.7010177
File: 73 KB, 706x706, CRINGEBOB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whole kitchen is greasy as fuck
>Putting oil in your pasta water
>Washing of the starch while making carbonara
>Putting the garlic straight into the pan without the onion, just waiting for it to burn

I know this is bait but goddamnit I couldn't handle more than 1 minute of this shit

>> No.7010185


Limp wristed eurofaggots would cry from the peppers in pepper jack cheese.

>> No.7010192


You should talk to Hungarians about "spicy". Also the Italians sure do eat a lot of spicy shit.

>> No.7010210

I dont really like it. I REALLY dont like it on something warm like a burger. Fuckin gross. But if its on a sandwich or in deviled eggs its fine.
Also, the black people dont like mayo may may is retarded. Ive seen the blackest people ever eat mayo all the time. Its more of a regional thing.
Just like "niggers love fried chicken lol" may may is stupid. Fried chicken is just an American tradition, mostly southern.

Oh I almost forgot to call OP a faggot. Canned meat? You mean something poor people get because they dont have money for fresh meat?

>> No.7010229

>Limp wristed eurofaggots would cry from the peppers in pepper jack cheese.
You reckon?

I'm a Brit, brought up on real Mustard and Horseradish, we also eat killer curries for a pastime . . .learn a bit about other countries, cooking before you go full retard spouting maymays!

>> No.7010332

>brought up on real Mustard and Horseradish
Do you seriously think they don't have that in america

>> No.7010338
File: 67 KB, 288x310, 1236019527505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I see white ppl put too much salt on their food...

You have never met a single black person in your life have you?. All the black people I know put shit-tons of salt in their food. Why do you think so many of them have high blood pressure?

>> No.7010361

I lived in the midlands for almost 15 years you fucking cunt. I know what mustards and horseradish was available. How about YOU learn a bit more about other countries before you spew bullshit from that gap toothed mouth of yours? Better yet, go guzzle some fucking HP brown sauce you scurvy ridden faggot.

>> No.7010366

>I don't like fried chicken, watermelon or cornbread
why? They are food that objectively taste good.
They aren't purple drank or menthol 100s.

>> No.7010380
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>purple drank

>> No.7010382

>"we eat killer curries for a pastime"
Boy, I bet. taste all that cumin and black pepper! so hot!

>> No.7010395
File: 274 KB, 510x512, photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American here. Last night I made my friends buffalo wings made with chipotle, jalapenos, habaneros, cheyanne and ghost peppers

Everyone ate it

Tell me more about your dank curries made with baby shit and tomato sauce

>> No.7010400

I once made real carbonara for some filipinos. They covered it in banana ketchup. Their taste is seriously different than the rest of the world.

>> No.7010420

Your mustard is some kind of a fucking yellow coloured watery sauce that has a mild taste of something like mustard
Even worse for horseradish

>> No.7010494

You realize new england makes some of the best cheese in the world, right?

>> No.7010501 [DELETED] 

If you're talking about pre-sliced "colby" and "cheddar" shown in this image >>7010089, that's a terrible argument. You're probably that wisconsin cheese shill that wants to drag down the good name of new england and roll it around in the muck with pre-sliced tasteless wisconsin cheese.

>> No.7010555
File: 69 KB, 364x364, smokey-oregon-blue-6105smokey-oregon-blue-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oregon Cheese trumps everything else and is so under appreciated.

>> No.7010998
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>> No.7011011
File: 25 KB, 467x252, dudewhitepeoplelmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's the resident DUDE WHITE PEOPLE LMAO /ck/ guy again.

>> No.7011035


>cheese on the west coast


>> No.7011041

This is true.
I can't help but notice over the last 5-10 years how so many Blacks are now walking upright and mimicking human speech

>> No.7011056
File: 226 KB, 684x835, hf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I stopped myself from opening the thread after I realized it wasn't about foods people from Hawaii eat, but,

>cheese on the west coast

Pic related.

>> No.7011074

it's just meh
>doesn't like watermelon, fried chicken, or cornbread
>implying i'd eat yellow mustard

>> No.7011075 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 320x240, Space_Seed_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 WIDF accuses you of being me
>mfw I just got attacked for mentioning humboldt fog in the other thread
apparently no one except me has heard of it

>> No.7011106
File: 10 KB, 275x183, hhhnnngggghh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hashbrown casserole. shit is crack potatoes. I literally ate the whole casserole

>> No.7011109

you sound like you'd eat yellow snow, though

>> No.7011126


>apparently no one except me has heard of it

It's sold all across the country (well at least West Coast, Midwest, and NY/New England, from my experience), and I always thought it was one of the more popular domestically produced cheeses.

>> No.7011219
File: 19 KB, 500x280, 26a420cfbaf5460f_image.png.xxxlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread that makes fun of white people's taste (or lack thereof)
>Conversation devolves quickly into white people arguing about cheese.

>> No.7011252
File: 2.61 MB, 500x281, african cuisine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food black people can't resist
I'll start "insects and mud"


>> No.7011292

Even suburban white people know how good Ethiopian and Nigerian food are. Try harder and update your stereotypes

>> No.7011299

>Gets upset in a thread about stereotypes

lol seems a nerve was struck

>ethiopian and nigerian food


>> No.7011300

it smells fucking gross honestly

>> No.7011333

i'm white. prefer tuna. love mayo. and cheese/ice cream. also chocolate milk. potatoes and bread are great. so are onions. indian food is the bees knees, when i was at an indian buffet the waiter laughed because he saw me eat a deep fried cayenne pepper and he accepted me as one of his own because i didn't react like a typical white person.

>> No.7011449

More like the waiter laughed because of all the hemorrhoids you are going to develop from eating deep fried peppers

>> No.7011660

Infiltrate their ranks and then teach them to poo in the loo.

>> No.7011784


As a white person, you're not wrong.

>> No.7012311
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>> No.7012338
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>> No.7012349

Fuck you you stupid Limey shit
Don't burn your tongue on that horseradish

>> No.7012384
File: 204 KB, 364x336, 1445739846718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genuinely feel sorry for him
imagine if that woman cooked for you every day

>> No.7012389

that's not undercooked

what don't american blacks get about the concept that different meats need different cooking times? you wouldn't eat rare chicken, but rare beef is absolutely ideal

>> No.7012457

White Americans maybe.

>> No.7012777

>food white people can't resist
>posts food koreans and hawaiians eat at a large rate

>> No.7012790

hey at least the paste looks like actual food, unlike all those trendy retards forcing you to want to eat whole cockroaches.

>> No.7012852
File: 92 KB, 1000x750, Tips-For-Deboning-Chicken-Recipe-Pix-8-157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken Griste, the shit one the chicken bones which is white and hard but is not the bone itself

>> No.7013100

> food poor people can't resist
Every "white people's food" I've seen here has been "poor people's food". Is it the same fag posting?
Also this. Spam and vienna are pretty much staples in Hawaii.

>> No.7013103

They eat this in Asia. Never seen a white person eat it.. Though they probably should since it's probably better for you to eat the variety.

>> No.7013130

>white person not underseasoning all of their food
Literally the only white people that do this are people who went culinary school. Even then they keep most of their food bland because white people have trouble tasting more than 2 or 3 flavors at a time. Its why so many people on their board claim that steak should only be season with a little salt and pepper and no sauce or its "overwhelmed"

>> No.7013133

kek, 10/10 bait

>> No.7013592

>soybean oil
Buy Canadian mayonnaise.

>> No.7013656

>talking shit on codeine and newports

Well, they do suck. But as a white man I enjoy other cultures on occasion. I prefer to rape and pillage personally just like my ancestors but I enjoy taking a shit on the street or gangbanging once in a while too.

>> No.7013824

On the subject of white people foods, I've really been getting into "reasonably priced wine and benzos"

You'll never find a whiter combination than that, but trust me when I say that it's that good.

>> No.7014363
File: 160 KB, 734x960, 1444136100074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> black people food
>I know that sounds racist but it's ok, I voted for Obama
>[fag giggling intensifies]

most of those aren't even white food, they are Japanese and so on


>> No.7014524
File: 66 KB, 632x426, honkey feast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7014582


That's because they kept getting shot by white people

>> No.7014611

Hey dumbass, you forget about the whole southwest? America has tons of spicy food. Good mustards too. Try again.

>> No.7014676

thats the exact opposite of what happens

I've never been in a black home where there isnt that nasty ass seasoned salt they put on everything

>> No.7014785

mayo maybe? but canned meats really isnt white, its a dumb and poor thing which isnt geniunely white.

white food is:
cheese and crackers sometimes served with wine
pickled anything, or any sort of home canned preserves
actual fruit/vegetable juice
vegetable platters and dip
corn boil parties
roast beef, potatoes and mirepoix/peas with gravy and mashed potatoes

>> No.7014979

Do niggers honestly think that word offends white people?

>> No.7015001 [DELETED] 

Honey is a shitty slur, cuck is a more effective one.

>> No.7015035
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>Hot dogs and american cheese in Carbonara

>> No.7015040

as a former subway worker and current jimmy john's manager, the only people who want extra mayo are white trash and fat black people.

>> No.7015047


>> No.7015086

I'm Canadian and I'd fuckin fight off another white person in a display of dominance to get first access to that cheese tray

>> No.7015089

>Honkey offended that somebody would use the word honkey
Here comes the autism!

>> No.7015102

White people are too picky for that stuff.

>> No.7015108
File: 21 KB, 327x408, tfw murican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuk mayo. Miracle Whip is where it's at.

>> No.7015110


>> No.7015115



>> No.7015128

Is "white people can''t handle spice" a Yank thing?

British white blokes never stop trying to one up one another in terms of whose curry's hotter than whose.

"Lads" who go on about Nando's being hot obviously aren't included.

>> No.7015163

>quads have spoken

>> No.7015166

spicy is nicey

>> No.7015178

Whites deliberately eating excessively spicy food to prove their masculinity is equally a stereotype

>> No.7015214


It's a flyover thing.

>> No.7017020

I honestly thought these were cocoa krispies at first.

>> No.7017474

this bitch needs to be retroactively aborted.

>oil in pasta water
>salt in non boiling pasta water
>that "meat"
>that "cheese"
>that everything else

please kill her and her whole family.

>> No.7017483

Black people eat that

>> No.7017485

i deserve a >>>/pol/ for that but people who do that need to be cleansed.

>> No.7017491

why wouldn´t he cook for himself then?i do it...

>> No.7017504

not him but fuck off.

ethiopian food is on par with indian. if you like spicy stuff it´s really good (albeit a lot simpler than indian cuisine)

>> No.7019576


It's really come into it's own in the Northwest. The climate isn't that different than New England when you move away from the coast.

>> No.7019584


I always prefer food on the spicier side. It's scientifically proven to reduce stress anyways.

>> No.7021466 [DELETED] 

The WIDF can't handle the idea that cheese exists that isn't homogenized blocks of bland orange garbage NOW MADE WITH REAL GENUINE NATURAL DAIRY

>> No.7021952

have u ever tried that shit tho? its fucking god

>> No.7021969


I think that was pretty clearly the point of the post.

>> No.7021995
File: 152 KB, 403x500, enhanced-buzz-1439-1389279506-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dudes, you bring a plate of lime cheese salad with tuna filling to your white neighbors cocktail party, you'll have all the white people eating out of your hands guaranteed

>> No.7022014

Yes and? That's processed cheese no matter how you look at it.

>> No.7022021

They dumb it down for white people. Every Indian, Chinese, and even Korean restaurant I've been to in the West does it, so I'm not surprised if Mexican places do it too.