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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 595x151, mI3hdlH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7053980 No.7053980 [Reply] [Original]

fucking yelp cunts like this trigger me

>> No.7054010

You should watch the episode from south park "you're not yelping."

>> No.7054014
File: 420 KB, 692x899, 1446681091342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry op those chinese will sort her out

>> No.7054027

>All these people who now say that you can't leave a bad review on Yelp under any circumstance, no matter how genuinely bad your experience was

>> No.7054032

Need to give cause. WHY was the food bad?

>> No.7054036

I wouldn't leave this out. I'd compare it to something else. Like, "the burrito has chicken in it that reminded me of frozen Tyson nuggets," or "the salsa tasted like watery ketchup."

>> No.7054048

sorry she made fun of your restaurant op

>> No.7054067

>not having a basic understanding of, and constant exposure to, user reviewed sites

How many times have you ordered literal garbage off amazon because you trusted a single review?

>> No.7054080
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1405966737620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white couple go to asian restaurant
>say food was good but service is terrible
>rate 1 or 2 stars

every time

>> No.7054094

Yeah do not expect good service at an Asian restaurant. They don't even give good service to other Asians most of the time, especially if it's a busy place. Now, me and my girl are regulars at one place, and they do right by us, but it took us over a year of going there to get treated like you'd expect to be treated at any non-Asian joint. That's just how it is.

Bitch in the OP is from NY, so she probably ate some non-Canto food and though it was crap. The Chinese out there is way different than it is on the West Coast. Both are really fucking good but you have to understand they are different cuisines.

>> No.7054404

I love the way service runs at Asian restaurants, they're perfectly polite they just leave you alone. People are so used to having some poor student kissing their arse that they're shocked when they don't have someone begging them to enjoy the food. Jesus I hate being bothered when I'm eating, just put the plate down and fuck off, I'll let you know when I want the bill.

>> No.7054418

Jesus I know this feel.

There's a sushi place in my town I love and the service is exactly like this. I've even seen them go and just stand on the other side of the dining room and watching us, you know for important shit, like someone's waving for help, or a drink getting low or a plate that can be prebussed.

And their short and to the point, I hate having to pretend to talk to someone, I just want to eat. I know I got this from my dad cause he's the exact same way.

>tfw I always tip like 60% for them because I like it so much
>most of the time when I go there now they know me and just give me my soup and drinks for free lol

>> No.7054427

No one is saying that. There are just a lot of yelp reviews to the effect of, "the food was great and the atmosphere was wonderful! But there was a water spot on my glass. One star"
Or cunts like the one in OP's pic. "This isn't what I'm used to so it's bad!". They go in with this mindset right off the bat so no matter what they leave a bad review

>> No.7054444

>leaving a bad review because the spicy dish that actually comes with a warning was too spicy
>bad review because there was sunlight in their eyes
>bad review because the kitchen didn't 100% perfect their obscure substitutions and special instructions
>bad review because the restaurant doesn't cater to their special snowflake hipster diet
>bad review because the staff didn't take the time to kiss their ass and be their personal butler during rush hour dinner time

>> No.7054465


you let yourself be treated like shit for a full year and you're happy about that


>> No.7054468

>order from dominos for the thousandth time
>"we have a 2 medium 1 topping special with bread sticks and 2 liter soda for $20"
>no thanks
>she asks for my number for that thousandth time eventho they have my number on their caller I.d
>she then starts reading off my purchase history
>get frustrated and hang up

So I called the local Chinese restaurant
>"[insert restaurant name here]"
>place order for pork lo mein and shrimp fried rice
>"OK, bye"

Chinese and Mexicans are the only ones that get it right.

>> No.7054477

My local Chinese they let you order on,one but call you to verify and get payment. However, if you're paying cash, they just call directly to voicemail so I don't even have to talk to anyone! :3

>> No.7054522

>go to restaurant with family during the most busy hours
>get seated within a reasonable amount of time
>order something to drink while looking at menu
>order food when done
>kids finish their drinks
>food gets served fairly quick considering the circumstances
>"could we get two more cokes"
>waiter obviously stressed because busy
>"y-yes sir, of course"
>food is great
>several minutes pass, no coke for the kids
>call for another waiter passing by
>"we ordered two cokes but haven't gotten them"
>"I'm sorry sir, I'll be right back"
>the kids finally get their coke
>finish meal and have a great time
>get bill, they didn't charge us for the cokes
>leave one star yelp review, complaining about bad service

>> No.7054563

I order Dominos online.
Fuck ordering over the phone.

>> No.7054567

>given food promptly
>not bothered unless asking for the bill
>treated like shit

lol is this what flyovers think?

>> No.7054578

The majority, yes. I prefer being left alone but I see people bitch about not being babied enough when going out. I despise being asked if the food is good. If it wasn't I would've told you. Go away.

>> No.7054596

>I despise being asked if the food is good. If it wasn't I would've told you.
No you wouldn't. You'd have kept quiet like the pathetic beta you are and then gone home and shitposted anonymously on Yelp.

>> No.7054598

>trigger me
Beta faggot.

>> No.7054612


>> No.7054619

>despise being asked if the food is good.
Same. They always wait until I take a bite or spill food on myself to sneak up on me too.

>> No.7054659

>Yeah do not expect good service at an Asian restaurant.


Most of the Asian places I've been to are as good, if not better, than every other restaurant, service wise.

Maybe you're just an asshole, anon.

>> No.7054754

>trusting a single review
Thats on you. For me i look at negative reviews first for a common complaint and look for others.

>> No.7054758

This is the right way to use Yelp

>> No.7054765

Thats why i have my favorite pho place. They are polite and dont come by to bother unless drinks or the bill.

>> No.7054777

I also take yelp with a grain of salt too because its really polar on opinion

>> No.7055102

I just dislike my favorite places yelp being bombed because of new york and LA hipsters thinking this town of 300,000 people does not stand up to their china and korea towns.

>> No.7055121

there Is a place I go to around here which is pretty good, it has a bar in the front and in the back a dining room, and a patio.
obviously the dining room and patio close before the bar in the front does.

There was a review complaining that after being told the patio was closed, they proceeded to seat themselves out there anyway and never got any service.

>> No.7055334
File: 229 KB, 1080x999, Screenshot_2015-11-08-11-37-23-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

review for one of the older and more popular dive bar/diner in the city.

>> No.7055351
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>neckbeards autocorrect translates "there" to "thee"

>> No.7055387

>eating breakfast at 9am


>> No.7055388

yeah there's never been a time where I had any sort of problem unless there was a language barrier of some sort rarely. They come to the table, I order, they bring my food and leave, and then they give me my check and I'm out. I would say it's actually harder to give bad service unless it's rush hour and there's a whole confusing clusterfuck of shit going on in the restaurant and in those cases wherever I am I let things slide.

>> No.7055407

You're going to places catering to tourists and Westerners. Cordiality is not a thing in Chinese culture, the server exists for ordering and that's it.

>> No.7055452

>being from NYC

Why exactly are you even paying attention to someone from NYC?

>> No.7055486

That's great, but we aren't talking about you.

>> No.7055498

Nice meme friend :^)

>> No.7055510

>November 2015
>Being aware that Yelp still exists
>Making me select all the trucks just to shitpost

The problem is you, OP

>> No.7055594

graveyard shift worker?

>> No.7055597
File: 367 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-11-08-14-56-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone left this review on my favorite chinese restaurant's yelp and it's really triggering me. The owner replied to someone complaining that they wouldn't make a substitution on a dish and this person updated their 5 star review to a 1 star because of it

>> No.7055599

that's the main patron of this bar, no judgement on ordering a shot of whiskey at 6am it's great.

>> No.7055653

Nah, most like Obama is taking care of him

>> No.7055713

>I despise being asked if the food is good. If it wasn't I would've told you. Go away.

You, and all the commenters like you are such children. It's literally these people's jobs to be banal. They ask these questions sixty million times a day. None of you losers are new to this process. Just smile. nod and say yes. You act like you eat in total solitude every other mealtime.

>> No.7055730

Yelp is useless. Everything is either 5-star or 1-star with most of those people. The ones who whine are almost always dimwitted assholes who represent an outrageous waste of resources simply by being alive. If the world ever goes to shit, seek out the Yelp whiners first. They will be our food source in the lean times.

>> No.7055741

>unironically referring to yourself as a "yelper"

that is one of the most pathetic sounding things I've seen in ages

>> No.7055765

>we didn't go here because the wait time was too long. 1 star

>> No.7055771

>eating lunch at 9:01 am


>> No.7055821

>Round Rock
Fucking Austin, I swear.

>> No.7055824

That's the time the Alfred P. Murrah building was blown up.

>> No.7055830
File: 692 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-08-11-35-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7055845


>> No.7055848
File: 178 KB, 800x600, 0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>go to place to eat
>something is good
>go there more often


>something is bad
>never show up again

>mfw people are actually so attention-starved or butthurt that they have to give their opinions on the internet

>> No.7055851

>be me
You're worse than a yelper

>> No.7055895

Ah, I agree with the family there.

That there is a law about where a minor can sit is bullshit. And if the family wanted to sit in a booth and a big one was the only one available, well, let them sit there.

If you're that particular about where patrons sit, tell your retarded wait staff to lead them to a particular table, just like every other goddamn restaurant this side of McDonalds.

The manager has a really cunty attitude there. Fuck him.

>> No.7055903

>a big one was the only one available
it was the only the big table they had, not the only one available

>> No.7055904

If you're eating lunch or breakfast at 9:00 then you need some serious help

>> No.7055910

Found the lone eater who always sits at a booth

>> No.7055920


>not being yourself

>> No.7055925

Oh no you caught me :( I'm such a beta! 4chan has found me out!
Eat shit, you cock sucking faggot.

>> No.7055932

I think of yelping as being a hardcore uncomfortable photojournalist but there are tons of 20-30s basic bitches who just want yelp likes

>> No.7055970

I usually work from 10 to 6 or 7.
Not all work starts at 8 or 9.

>> No.7055972

asian grocery stores get a lot of shit reviews for not being 'clean enough' or having 'good customer service' when in reality they are perfectly fine and staffed by a bunch of non english speaking chinese people. the ones that people like for being 'clean and not having strange smells' are usually the smaller, overpriced stores.

>> No.7055986

Suprised she wasn't talking about Pizza.

>> No.7056014

>ive never had a job where i work at 5 or 6 am

>> No.7056041

I ignore all white people reviews of asian venues. They usually complain of bickering staff or dusty linoleum when it's a fucking recent immigrant dive not a shiny new Denny's. That's just how actual asian restaurants are.

>> No.7056150

at my pho place you just pay at the cashier so you can chill as long as you want without getting bothered

>> No.7056167
File: 81 KB, 960x540, cicero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So what? It's the one they preferred to sit at.

>> No.7056170

My work day starts at five am. Ten is when we take lunch. Get fucked, neet or at the very best, part timer

>> No.7056680


>> No.7056695

So it makes no business sense to allow them to sit there? If I was the owner, I'd rather piss off a small group of irrational people than a potentially larger group of rational people.

>> No.7056702 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 632x426, white_people_food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people should be banned from having opinions about food, period

I wouldn't go so far as to say they should all be chemically castrated and placed in boxcars bound for somewhere far away, but if someone else were to say that, I wouldn't really argue

basically what I am trying to say here is that whites ruin food, and the day they are all gone can't come soon enough

>> No.7056706
File: 82 KB, 594x595, 1445717634344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bait, but i wouldn't want to live in a world without bread or beer.

>> No.7056714

You know, I try to make complex dishes from all over the world, from every culture, pretty much every day. I spend an hour to an hour and a half per meal cooking...

But sometimes I just go out and buy a 1 dollar loaf of bread, 1 dollar bar-s bologna, and 1 dollar american "cheese product" slices and eat as many as I can until I want to vomit. Just because it's not aesthetic doesn't mean it's not delicious.

>> No.7056840

>go to steakhouse
>they don't have any vegan options
>1 star

>> No.7056856

>go to okcupid.com
>full of hot, out of my league girls
>shitpost on /r9k/

>> No.7056858
File: 51 KB, 661x737, sushi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this the other day.

You're in KANSAS. You're not going to get the freshest fish

>> No.7056865

It makes no sense not to seat them where you want them to be, and since your mostly empty anyway, what do you care if they sit at a table with a few extra seats?

>> No.7056882
File: 164 KB, 1000x562, fivepoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the restaurant side is small. one large corner booth and then a long bench with little tables that you can push together to cater to your party size (very casual). it's very clear that a small party shouldn't grab the large booth in the corner, unless you're autistic.

on a side note the appeal of the bar is that it's a rough crowd, neon sign even says "we cheat tourists"

pic related: the bar side that apparently wasn't well marked as a bar. (other side is legit just a greasy spoon diner)

>> No.7056888

>Lord Trump finally stumped
>wall building is the straw that breaks the camels back
>no food, not even tendies or nuggies
>spot a stornk wimyn hambeast by her lurid red hairdye
>I snack on her meaty jinabacon
>5/5 for satisfaction

>> No.7056899
File: 16 KB, 320x320, 1649778-nanael_37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read review
>mediocre food and service, at best
>I've had better
>X sucked, but otherwise it was OK

see rating
>1 out of 5 stars

this triggers me on videogame reviews too.
"totally average"
>score 1 out of 10"

the point of a scale is you can select numbers other than the minimum or maximum scores

>> No.7056910

Oh my goodness, I used to waitress at a seat yourself place. People are fuckin retarded when it comes to seating themselves "Oh, we are a party of two, so lets sit at the 8 seater" No, it is a small restaurant and you are potentially dicking us over. Why do people always do this shit?

>> No.7056921

I can honestly sympathize with reviewer on this one. I find that the Chinese suck at making sushi. At least in Cali, the Japanese people there actually give a shit about quality and ingredients, but so few Japanese people exist outside of major cities.

>> No.7056942

The law exists because these dumbfuck families take their shitty idiot kids out and don't pay attention to them then turn around and get crazy mad when the kid somehow sneaks a drink of someone's alcohol.

Plus the dude left a bad review without even eating there. Fuck em

>> No.7057066


>> No.7057071

why is it only women who use Yelp

>> No.7057091

Because if it's "seat yourself," then you're obviously going to take the biggest, most luxurious location.

A seat-yourself place should ONLY have four-seaters at most, that can easily be put together to accomodate a bigger party if needed.

>> No.7057092

no, its what you implied by not getting good service until being a regular customer for 1 yr

>> No.7057099

that would imply that the larger tables are more "luxurious" which is often the exact opposite case, with the larger tables having like fucking wooden skeletal chairs and flat top square tables put together with the booths being at least faux leather full back seats with rounded edged wood tables.

And the "more space" doesn't fucking mean a thing, if you need that "more space" when we're talking an 8seater attempting to be used by a 4 person party, they're either ham planets or fucking retarded if they need roughly 2 spaces per person.

>> No.7057110

Hilary 2016

>> No.7057115

Its mostly why i gothere when i go out to eat. Just the quiet dignity without some asshole up my ass every 5 seconds trying to be nice for a tip.

>> No.7057142

did this blow you mind?
was there anything left after your mind was blown the first time you found out McDonald's stops serving at 930?

>> No.7057148

With the economy the way it is, we might have to get some 'help' around the fields again like we used to. But the blacks seem to be against their old job, so we will probably have to go for you yellow guys next.
Then we'll treat you all to some really good white southern food.

>> No.7057152

uhh....all the places are vaguely equal. only takes a retard to take a table for 8 when your party isn't that large. no empathy for the autistic.

>> No.7057676

I hate how all bad yelp reviews start with "We really wanted to like this place...."

>> No.7057687
File: 11 KB, 339x190, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to a Chinese place
>family members loudly making fun of Asians
Its almost like they wanted our food to be spit on, fuckin Christ the waitress looked so pissed cause they kept calling her over for stupid shit like napkins which were available 20 feet away

Never ever go out with you're racist friends/family members, that's coming from someone that otherwise doesn't give a fuck

>> No.7057690

>grandad keeps saying "flied lice" like it's funny
>he has mild dementia so he doesn't remember everyone, including his equally old wife chastizing him for being an embarrassment who will get our food spit in
>so he does it every time

>> No.7057693


>> No.7057702


My mom would do the same thing when I was younger. She's 68 now and for some reason is a pussy about everything. She'd smack me silly if I said something like "flied lice." Feelsbad. She had the most hilarious sense of humor. Now she's only worried about sounding hurtful toward someone. Kinda weird, considering she was already 45+ at the time.

>> No.7057761

Chinese food is different in every fucking country holy shit americans should kill themselves 0/5 country

>> No.7057762

As if you ever left your grass hut village.

>> No.7057766

I've lived in Canada, Bong, Hong Kong and Korea my man

>> No.7057780

I recently took my asshole dad to my favorite chinese restaurant where I am a regular and he was loudly saying "flied lice" and "lings" (wings). Then he started telling a story about his friend who visited china and drank only bottled water, but he poured it over ice and still got sick because (very loudly, pointing at his glass) "THE BACTERIA IS IN THE ICE!"

The owner was taking our order and my dad didn't know what to get. The owner wanted to make a suggestion so he asked "What do you like? Chicken, pork, seafood, spicy, mild..." and my dad says "I LIKE LUBY'S". God damnit dad.

>> No.7057782

Is this an American thing? I couldn't even imagine anyone I know doing this

>> No.7057804



>> No.7057894

It's more of an asshole thing. Timed right, the whole R/L thing can actually be funny, but shouting "FLIED LICE" at every asian you see is not.

>> No.7057915

lmao I eat breakfast at 10
Because I start work at noon

The world doesn't revolve around you, idiot

>> No.7057963

>the food was great, no problems there
>however the reason I'm giving this place a 1 is that the service was horrible. I believe I may have detected a slight hint of rudeness in our waitress when she asked "do you want any drinks" rather than "could I start you off with any drinks". horrible. then, as if that wasn't bad enough, she only brought back TWO glasses of water to our table and had to go back for the third. I can safely say that we will never come back here again, and will strongly encourage all of my friends and relatives to follow suit. this restaurant is an embarrassment to the entire country.

>> No.7057986

>have good experience with a business
>feel satisfied and give them repeat business

>have bad experience with a business
>feel a rage equivalent to 22 kilohitlers and furiously seek a venue for venting your anger

this is why yelp isn't relevant. can anyone even take it seriously when the former is evident truth? yelp reviews are like scribbles on public toilet walls, you're supposed to ignore them, as all they're all bitter and negative releases of frustration made in the heat of the moment by uncomposed, unintelligent individuals who want to make people believe their opinions matter. also realize that people are fucking liars and want to bend the truth so that they can be seen as victims.

i'm going to start encouraging people to leave bad yelp reviews on my workplace and tell them just to make shit up so i can have a laugh at them later.

>> No.7058026

Though the prospect of some asshole trying to be funny doing that is funny.

>> No.7058070
File: 68 KB, 396x396, thinkgen about stealth rocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to a nice Japanese restaurant with my family for my birthday
>The second we walk in the door
>"This place looks like garbage"
>"Are you sure you dont want to walk out and go to a better place on your birthday"
>Loud discussion about hiroshima, nagasaki, and the rape of nan king

At the very least they admitted they were wrong about the restaurant being bad after they had the food, but never again.

>> No.7058085
File: 14 KB, 372x121, Meanwhile on Yelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 star because she can't understand the menu and didn't like the other paying customers

The only people worse than this are the people who take them seriously.

>> No.7058151

I don't know what to think. I think it's shit service but I'd like to have your opinion.
The waiters were good and nice, but there was a girl that acted as a head waiter.

Basically, we came in early in the restaurant I have booked (10 minutes before opening), with clients and a business partner. That's because our clients were very tired. She let us in under one condition, we cannot order anything. Granted, we can still wait for about 10 minutes, and my clients seemed to agree with that when I told them. The clients don't speak English. What happened was, suddenly, one of the clients left the table, and asked tap water on her own, like, not even 5 minutes before 12pm.
The client came back with the girl and she basically yelled at me.
My client was embarrassed and told me that she simply wanted tap water.
>Well, my bad, but it's just some mere tap wa-

What the fuck, it's just tap water, right? Surely, they don't need any cook or chef for that, right?
Also, it's a semi-upscale restaurant in a gentrified area serving burgers and roasted chicken, if you want to have an idea. Yeah, I hate that kind of place but they wanted to invest in that area so can't help it.
I think she really acted like shit, and I always eat outside, on a daily basis, in all sorts of restaurants.

>> No.7058160

>move to the west coast
>parents are from the midwest, surprise surprise
>they never fed me anything with spice or from another culture, except tex-mex
>they come see me for a week
>take them to an Indian restaurant
>mom starts bitching and throwing a fit, "your father and I hate that. it looks and smells like dirty diapers."
>"well it's good for you to try new things and I promise, the food is very good. I will suggest stuff I know you'd like."
>get them the babbiest of dishes
>both remark about how good the meal was
>fast forward a year, they're visiting again
>"how about that Indian place we went to?"
>"no, your dad and I don't like that kinda stuff"

Holy fuck my blood pressure

>> No.7058183
File: 8 KB, 377x326, 1420935713048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You act like you eat in total solitude every other mealtime.

>> No.7058190

Yelp is just like any other place on the net.

Once you learn how to filter out the shitposters, and the shills, you can actually get some fairly decent and accurate information.

>> No.7058218
File: 31 KB, 598x176, Screen shot 2015-11-09 at 2.51.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

triggered me when I saw this about the place i work at

It's always fun to look at the reviews of your restaurant

>> No.7058245

>food was good
>service was total shit
damn I always don't know what to rate them
i feel like they should always have two ratings
one for service and one for food

>> No.7058255

>I couldn't afford to eat at a premium burger restaurant, so I'll make it their problem

What a cunt.

>> No.7058306
File: 32 KB, 640x400, this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only leave good reviews. If a place sucks I just go read others blowing them out.

>> No.7058308
File: 47 KB, 679x413, SBUXMAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite reviews are from a Starbucks in Union Square. It's an awful place but people that would willingly wait 10 minutes in line for their special cup of coffee write up the most hilarious reasons for shitting on this place.

>> No.7058312

Wtf is a premium burger restaurant?
Sounds stupid

>> No.7058315
File: 63 KB, 211x214, 1446846123288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22 kilohitlers
Top kek

>> No.7058335

>premium burger restaurant,

Pretentious faggots and their "premium" burger/taco/pizza fantasies.

>> No.7058340
File: 70 KB, 640x960, yolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up in a very poor family. But my parents made great effort for me to try things from all over the world. We traveled on very tight budget and that allowed me to experience many cultures from different perspectives.

Ignorance is indeed bliss, as long as the ignoramus stay in the bubble.

>> No.7058377

>Wanting something extra for free

This explains everything. I hate customers like that. Want to change their entire order to be special and extra everything, and when everything's tallied up, "Why is this so expensive? I don't want it anymore." or "Oh, I have to pay for extra?!" People like this are scum.

>> No.7058401

People from New York are such pieces of shit.

>> No.7058413

It's their job to serve the customer. If a customer doesn't want to be asked stupid questions then do your fuckin job tip monkey.

>> No.7058416

Here in Mexico, no restaurant is bad if you have amass a big library of antibodies.

>> No.7058419

I hope I never meet this man. What a bastard.

>> No.7058426

You're the one who said you weren't treated right. Don't get mad at him get mad at your dumbass descriptions.

>> No.7058435

People have a wide variety of expectations. Some don't really give a fuck about the food as long as the place is cute and the service properly deferential. They're paying to be pampered as much as for a meal. Others are happy to eat in a dive with indifferent service as long as the food is great. That difference alone could account for the same place getting both one and five star reviews.

I don't really see much value on the surface level of any yelp reviews. The only way they seem useful to me is letting me know the kind of people who eat at a particular place - what they value and what they expect to spend for it. I'm a dude willing to sacrifice some of the finer points of service and decor if it means I get something particularly delicious for a reasonable price. When I see a review calling the place "cute" and raving about brunch I know that shit probably isn't for me. When I see one dollar sign and read something like, "My family is from Pakistan, and the food here reminds me of my mother's cooking," I may have to consider the place.

>> No.7058488


To be fair that is bullshit. Breakfast should go until at least 11, if not all day.

>> No.7058490

This is how I feel too. Some of the best places I've eaten were kind of rough looking at first glance.

>> No.7058744

When i worked at a pizza place that would happen so fucking much!
I would just skimp a bit and scruch it together to look hooked up. Never got a complaint.

>> No.7059061

they serve breakfast 24/7. yelper just wanted the discount.

>> No.7059186

Pictures people post of a restaurant's food on yelp are often times more helpful than the reviews, in my experience

>> No.7059218


>>mfw people are actually so attention-starved or butthurt that they have to give their opinions on the internet

Let that sink in.

>> No.7059225

How do you justify the price of that burger, may I ask? I mean are the ingredients expensive or is it laborious to make, or what?

>> No.7059252

Most expensive burger I ever had was $15. It was at a local, reputable farm to table place, it was "kobe" beef with truffles, some kind of onions, and some kind of cheese. I don't remember the specifics, however, whether or not it was "real" kobe beef and whether or not truffles are a trend and overpriced, it was the best goddamn burger I ever had. I can't help but think about how amazing it was whenever I have a burger.

I should go order it again.

>> No.7059253
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>Premium Burger

>> No.7059263
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who the fuck uses yelp

>> No.7059353

yfw yelp memes start photoshopping their pics to look shitty to combat this

>> No.7059361

>Others are happy to eat in a dive with indifferent service as long as the food is great

I ignore any review that starts off with complaints about non-food related shit.

>> No.7059426

>Most expensive burger I ever had was $15.
>it was the best goddamn burger I ever had.
For me it was $16. Pull off something brilliant and I'll give you my money. Just don't expect to see me everyday.

>> No.7059525

If you go to Dan's Chinese Restaurant you get american style service because everyone is white. You also get "chinese food"
If you go to asiana bistro you get good service because the waitress is white, but the kitchen staff is azn.

>> No.7059558

>eat in a dive with indifferent service
For me, the longer the waiter/waitress takes to get to my table once I'm seated usually sets the pace for their service the rest of the meal. Sometimes it's not their fault, but you can tell that by how good the service is once the numb skulled host tells them or they figure it out. If I'm sitting down and I'm expected to tip, I expect them to earn that tip. Don't kiss my ass, but be polite and attentive. That's all I expect out of any diner or run of the mill sit down restaurant staff.

Also- I'll avoid a restaurant with even the best service if they don't keep the place clean. I'll deal with subpar service if they place is squeaky clean and the food is great every day of the week.

>> No.7059572
File: 64 KB, 669x813, yogayelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7059576

>that last paragraph
It's a solid review except for the last paragraph.

>> No.7059618

>as someone who practices yoga


>> No.7059622

>$15 coupon for a $9 buffet
>"as someone who practices yoga..."

These people need to be found, and shot.

>> No.7059637

Good review until everything after those stars.

>> No.7059651

>Also- I'll avoid a restaurant with even the best service if they don't keep the place clean.

Agreed, a dirty dining room is usually a sign of a bad restaurant. If you ever see little fruit flies, that's also a bad sign. Houseflies are kind of a gray area, they can sneak in through the door to someplace. A restaurant can also be old and worn, but still be kept very clean.

>> No.7059660

Pretty sure he's a jokester. The bulk of his reviews seem really tryhard.

I mean, what part of the whole deal with his son sounds serious?

>> No.7059782

The meat is that fancy certified grass fed angus (8oz) from a ranch near the restaurant, buns are baked locally, add any toppings like bacon and cheese and shrooms for no extra cost, giant mountain of fries. Yeah I'm shilling but I'm pretty proud of the place I work at. Definitely worth every penny.

It may also be expensive because it's right in the middle of a tourist town

>> No.7059881

Of course you would Syn, your the kind of faggot who names their knives and butchers a fish when trying to filet it. No one expects any better from people like you.

>> No.7059896

It makes no sense that a party of 2-3 would sit at a table that is for 6-8. Even if it says seat yourself there is a reasonable expectation that you aren't a complete fucking idiot and understand that this is a business and seats are money and that you should only take up the amount of space that you need.

>Since you are mostly empty anyway.

Its clear you have never worked in a restaurant, it can go from dead to slammed in a matter of minutes and you never know when a large party may come in because more often than not they don't call ahead.

>> No.7059911

>leaving bad review because it wasn't what they expected or exactly like a different restaurant

nice quads 4/4

>> No.7059935

>1 star because im a fucking retard

>> No.7059943

Get fucked. You sound like the loser who wrote the review.

>> No.7059993

I do the opposite. I have a Yelp page full of times when I liked the food well enough to write a description of it. If it was bad, I just instantly forget it.

>> No.7060025

It's not just people like in OPs post that trigger me, it's any person who's rude or gives unwarranted criticism in restaurants.
I spent last week with my mother in law and her sister, and every fucking restaurant we went to, she was overly picky and outright rude to the waitstaff, which is total unacceptable, unless the waitstaff was rude as well (which they never were, since we took them to nice restaurants). By the fifth time it happened, I finally had had enough and gently tried to suggest they were overreacting, and then they were passive aggressive with me for the rest of the week. I fucking hate those cunts.

>> No.7060026

This is what I do.
I only write reviews for places I really liked, or who went over and above to give me great service and/or food. That's the only way to make it a win/win situation. Negative reviews aren't worth my time, and even negative reviews give bad restaurants more publicity than I care to give them.

>> No.7061438

>be polite and attentive
>Also- I'll avoid a restaurant with even the best service if they don't keep the place clean.
That works fine for diners, pubs and European style restaurants. It falls apart for other types of restaurants. I know when I go out for Cantonese in Chinatown the place will be dingy and the service indifferent, but the food is likely to be amazing, because they are running on a different set of standards. They're not as scrupulous about cleanliness because they don't serve raw food, and everything comes out of a 475 degree wok. The staff speaks little English, so they're trying to minimize interaction with you. Pretty much all they care about is getting something delicious in front of you as quickly as possible so you can eat it, pay and leave.

Knowing this I would not hold a Cantonese joint to the same standards I would hold a bistro (or even a diner). Different worlds.

>> No.7061497

Line cook here.
Got a server fired because of yelp.
>be slow night
>somebody walks out on $200 tab
>manager freaking out on waitress
>she convinced manager it wasn't her fault
>I hated this fucking cunt for other reasons
>go home after shift
>log onto my fake yelp account
>leave 1 star review about waitress saying she was rude all night and that I walked out 45 minutes after asking for a check and she was nowhere to be seen during that time
>write i saw her out back smoking as I was leaving
>come into work next day
>see her crying and begging for job back
Keks were had internally

>> No.7061514

Why did you hate her? Elaborate pls.

>> No.7061519

Constantly fucked up orders when ringing them up and always tried to get free food by flirting with whatever cook she could trick.

>> No.7061521


>> No.7061522

Did you fuck, tho?

>> No.7061529

>as the white night said, sharpening his gleaming sword

This isn't Dostoevsky, who cares about the backstory?

>> No.7061532

>go to really nice restaurant with SO at the time
>Waitress is lovely, attentive, and answers all our questions
>Food was awesome
>Waitress also has the table behind us
>the people at the that table look super posh and rich
>Waitress starts talking to them about loyalty program where you spend, like, $5000 in a year at this restaurant, you get a free appetizer or some shit
>SO gets annoyed, because our waitress did not talk to us about the program
>dinner went over well otherwise
>Later find out SO bitched about our waitress in an online review

Not together anymore, btw.

>> No.7061538

No, she was fat and fucking smelled like malt vinegar for some reason

>> No.7061548

Yep I bet cu cks were had internally

>> No.7061554

>unsheaths Katana
Back the fuck off bro?!

>> No.7061592

>you eat with people
>you have a "family"
>you still live at home

You sound like a cock smoker, son.

>> No.7061615
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Oh man, I thought it was a qt and felt bad for a bit there, but that changes everything.

Good job anon.

>> No.7061620
File: 102 KB, 671x961, faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to know whats worse? Armchair activists who use this shit.

A few years back a really old BBQ joint in my hometown made the front page of reddit for having a "racist" poster

It was a poster that had been hanging there since the 70's,he hung it during the Iranian hostage situation and it said "Lets play cowboys and Iranians"

It was just a little piece of history, the owner meant no malice, but of course once reddit faggots heard about it they flooded his yelp page with thousands of fake reviews.

Yelp has removed most of them but a few still stand, notice how most of the reviews come from people who don't even live in fucking Texas.

Their shitty plan backfired because it gave him tons of attention and ended up being great for business, he never removed the poster but died a few years back, RIP Mr Nonmacher.

I hate liberals.


>> No.7061630

>tiptoes around pronouns and calls their lover "significant other" instead of gf/bf

Are you perhaps a woman?

>> No.7061709
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>> No.7061726

It must have been real bad. Because Chinese food in NY is fucking shit.

>> No.7061728

Don't tell them that, they wholeheartedly believe they've got the best Chinese food in the world, just like how every kind of fucking restaurant NOT in New York is trash.

New Yorkers are literally some of the worst humans on earth.

>> No.7061753
File: 492 KB, 500x264, wrong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chinese New Yorker who's been eating at Chinese restaurants all over Flushing since I was a FOB seven year old. You two have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.7061779

That actually pisses me off.
Those people know nothing about the situation, and simply read a, no doubt extremely biased and embellished post on Reddit. And they think they can attempt to ruin a person's business and life because of it. They're not even in the same state and have never even seen the place. It should be possible to take these people to court.

I've noticed that we've lately seen a lot of causes backed by people who are incredibly uninformed on, and 9 times out of 10 unaffected by, the subject.
Targeting people, who are in many cases victims themselves, whose only crimes are not bending over backwards to appease the ignorant.
And of course, presenting these people with facts causes a backlash of threats, defamation, leaked personal information, and general hate-speech in the name of "justice".
Fuck these people.

>> No.7061792

>Chinese New Yorker
>eating at Chinese restaurants all over Flushing
>implying you know anything about Chinese food

I don't even care what the original discussion was, your post just triggered me.

Just because you're related to someone who at one point lived in China, does not make you an expert on the subject. Especially if your only experience with Chinese cuisine is a collection of restaurants in FUCKING MICHIGAN.

Why would you even think you're able to have an opinion on actual Chinese food?
>u-uh I'm biologically Chinese!
Fuck you.

>> No.7062003

New York has mediocre at best Vietnamese, but Chinese is pretty good here. Having three Chinatowns kinda helps. But if all you get when you come here is Chinese American shit from a take out joint it'll be more or less the same crap you can get anywhere in the country.

>> No.7063047

arguably since he moved to michigan as a 7yo it's implied that his parents cooked proper chinese. but on the other hand i know plenty of FOB asians who, in effort to assimilate, raised their kids on kraft dinner.

>> No.7063222
File: 111 KB, 400x587, Its true anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Yorkers are literally some of the worst humans on earth.

It's all the exhaust they breathe....or maybe the urine smell.

>> No.7063227

>arguably since he moved to michigan as a 7yo it's implied that his parents cooked proper chinese.


Because Michigan is known for Chinese food...

>> No.7064697

Maybe these people are just into cringe humor.

>> No.7064739

This, only service I care about is if they get my order wrong or take unreasonably long (45+ minutes). Otherwise only care about the food.

One of my favorite places to eat was obviously decorated by the crazy old chef, it's like the interior decoration version of a 1995 myspace page but the food is amazing and no one bothers you while you eat.

Hate to see places like that get bad reviews, which is why I stay off of Yelp.

>> No.7064759

Goddamn this. Nothing worse than trying to enjoy a meal alone and some faggot talking my ear off like we're buddies

>> No.7064766

Dumb review, but I think I've been to this place, and it is, indeed, shit. As someone who does not practice yoga, I think it deserves the one star.

Also, not the only time I've heard of an Indian place not taking a coupon (in my case it was from groupon). I do not understand why people try to pull this shit. It can only end in the reverse of the goal of giving out coupons to get people to come try your place when they otherwise wouldn't and maybe get some good word of mouth going.

>> No.7064787
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Popura may only be bullied from a place of love! Thinking someone would hate a waitress like her is just assuming horrible things about your fellow man.

I don't know what your fucking definition of 'patio' is google.

>> No.7064794

people get fed up with wandering /b/tards throwing around "tits or gtfo" to posts with no relevance to gender other than casually mentioning that one is a femanon. As if such things can't possibly exist.

>> No.7064796
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>I just wanna eat alone
>I don't need someone to talk to
>*sniff* I don't need friends
>wouldn't know how to talk to friends why would I try with a stranger

>> No.7064798

Why would anyone admit to that? Do they actually say that they are yelpers at restaurants? I would imagine they eat a lot of spit, cum, etc for admitting they're with Yelp.

>> No.7064801

Some people are happier getting some alone time while they eat.

>> No.7064817

Dad isn't racist just a general asshole. He treats waiters like shit, demanding like a little bitch and I won't go eat with him anymore. I hate going out to eat with rude people.

>> No.7064825
File: 786 KB, 500x267, yoisthisniggaevenserious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you...you people can't really be serious.


FOB = Fresh Off the Boat

as in the OP came over from (presumably) China when he/she/it was 7 years old

Goddamn it sure is gweilo up in this here thread

>> No.7064829

Owner / replier there is an arrogant shit. The laws you and your employees must enforce have no bearing on the WAY you enforce them.

>> No.7064840

More like

>have 3 kids under 5 years old
>work 11 hour days
>usually eat some lunch from home in about 5 minutes because busy at work
>will occasionally get the chance to go out to eat about once a month if I have a meeting across town
>literally only time I get alone
>some kid wanting an extra 2 bucks is gonna ruin it for me

You're a NEET though so you wouldn't know anything about that, faggot

>> No.7064983
File: 39 KB, 533x400, Pi's Thai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So I called the local Chinese restaurant

Ordering from the local Thai food joint;

ME: "I'd like to place a pick-up order for Anon, this and that food."
THAI GRANNY: "Oookayyy!"


>> No.7065446

i said that his parents probably cooked chinese food. what does the state have to do with the quality of his parent's cooking?

>> No.7065635

what is the matter?

>> No.7066130

>leaving a bad review because the spicy dish that actually comes with a warning was too spicy

Nice quads. 4/4 dubsmans. But anyway.

>take Dad into Philly for doctor's appointment
>some local sandwich shop I'd never heard of
>they offer to cook the hot sandwiches in ghost pepper oil
>extra dollar and you have to sign a waiver
>laugh off waiver, sign
>first bite


I mean I loved it, but I was in this odd combination of agony from just how hot it all was, while laughing because each bite was pain, and yet I love spicy food so I was enjoying the sandwich.

>wrote review saying explaining about waiver and that it really is as hot as it claims, to the point where whenever they cook with the oil the cooks use masks

>> No.7066906

Theres a really shitty pub in Vancouver on the west side of town called Darbys and I once went there high as fuck on heroin and ordered a poutine and it was so salty it was inedible and I left a bad review on there the next day and they got it removed. I only ever went to that dive out of convenience and definitely will never go back. fucking wannabe posh dorks.

>> No.7067109


>> No.7067124

>I am biased, being from NYC
jesus fuck. And New Yorkers wonder why the rest of the country hates them. Californian's are nearly as bad, but not quite.

I wish I had the picture of the sign from the mexican restaurant (in Texas i think) that said they were sick of Californian's coming in and telling them it wasn't authentic...when the owner and cook was born and raised in Mexico and was actually cooking authentic Mexican.

>> No.7067134

lol BTFO

>> No.7067237

about 4 years ago i made a yelp account, reviewed 6 local restaurants . 4 good 2 bad. A month later i logged back in to see if anyone commented, my 4 good reviews were still there, but the moderators deleted the 2 bad ones. I did not vent and spew and wrote like an adult. that was the last time i went to yelp.

>> No.7067242

Wow how thought provoking, fuck off poor cunt

>> No.7067253


Nice projecting FAG

>> No.7067275

insecure texan detected

you can always tell when someone is from texas (or sometimes wisconsin) when they start freaking out about california

>implying I'm california
>implying I'm even american
>implying I'm not australian
>implying the rest of us aren't sick of you clapistanis shitting up this site with your petty local rivalries

>> No.7067303

I am not the guy you were replying to but to be fair people who live on either coast of the United States are huge fucking cunts.

>> No.7067308

yeah I understand

I'm from melbourne, lots of people hate us for being better than them

we're probably your version of california

>> No.7067363

>Looking at reviews for my favorite little bao joint in London
>Some bitch 1 stars because no gluten free options

>> No.7067483

Amazing Anon.

Truly Mischief incarnate.