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File: 6 KB, 300x300, Soy-sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7187079 No.7187079 [Reply] [Original]

I severely underestimated this ingredient, holy shit.
What are some condiments or general ingredients that you've gotten a renewed or surprising appreciation of?

>> No.7187085


>> No.7187087

how? rice tastes fucking awesome. even just by itself it is cum-inducingly awesome.

>> No.7187116

Rice is an amazing food and the staple of tons of delicious meals. By itself it is in no fucking way "cum-inducingly awesome" you fucking weirdo.

>> No.7187123

just a bit of hyperbole.
If I had to pick between the major carbohydrate stables of all the big civilizations, rice is by far the best tasting by itself. Pasta and potatoes can go home.

>> No.7187126


>> No.7187129
File: 146 KB, 540x676, 1449113510280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only japan eats rice.

>> No.7187131
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>rice tastes fucking awesome. even just by itself it is cum-inducingly awesome
Goddamn, dude.

>> No.7187150
File: 66 KB, 900x900, Yamasa-Soy_Sauce_150ml-900x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your ass some yamasa and make sure to stick your chopsticks in the rice!

Now you can sneak attack pearl!

>> No.7187157

I mean, it's fermented soy beans, water, salt and yeast, it can't really matter too much what I've got right? I don't have any chopsticks.

>> No.7187163

I like making fun of the japs but there is a difference. There's a difference between say standard Kikkoman and Yamasa. Then there are folk who pay a LOT of money for specialties within those and some others. Likely Yakuza types. There are differences in the flavors. I suggest just trying them out for yourself as you can.

>> No.7187170

I generally just take the cheapest option, the entire reason I'm exploring new condiments is because I can't really afford a proper diet so I make what I can get more exciting with things like soy.

>> No.7187186


>> No.7187198

There's a big difference between the shit from a Chinese bag and what you'll get from a proper soy sauce. I'm an American and even I know that.

Funny thing is that I got turned onto Yamasa from a Korean restaurant. Everyone is like salt this and salt that, fact is with a good soy sauce, you have to use very little, so really you might be using more with the shit packets from Chink restaurants.

>> No.7187205

Well no shit, chinese soy sauce is an entirely different condiment from japanese soy.
I'm obviously talking about japanese soy sauce since chinese doesn't use yeast at all.

>> No.7187209

recently have gotten back into some of my old favorites, hp sauce and mustard pickles

>> No.7187212

That's what I said too, so try out Yamasa.

>> No.7187213

< this guy needs to get some Colmans powder

>> No.7187216

>stilll using salty soy water

>> No.7187218

As I said, I can't afford brand names, I just take the cheapest(non-chinese, cause that shit is just bad) shit. it's not an option.

>> No.7187224

The funny thing is that you can, since it takes so much less of it to effect a flavor. The cheapest will be shit, and the difference is only a couple dollars.

Have some taste anonfu.

>> No.7187226

I guess. I'll look into it.

>> No.7187231

One day you'll learn that it's ok to spend a few extra dollars to realize some taste that's different from Chinese sewer water.

>> No.7187236

God dammit anon, as I said, I don't buy chinese soy. It's just straight up like comparing ketchup and mustard, it's not the same product.

>> No.7187251

>I generally just take the cheapest option
Go look at your bottle. If the ingredients include "hydrolyzed vegetable protein",

it's fake

>> No.7187256

I like that Kikkoman. It's all right.

>> No.7187257
File: 160 KB, 960x638, dihydrogen-monoxide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberal moonbat detected, I bet you think vaccines caused your autism

>> No.7187260
File: 11 KB, 212x314, images-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stuff is amazing mate

>> No.7187265

Nah, I just remember that episode of Good Eats and can afford to spend an extra dollar

>> No.7187266

>soy beans, salt, sugar, water, wheat
Nope, seems pretty normal. tastes good too.

>> No.7187303

I'll have to find those. Are those what Jap restraurants serve sometimes?

They probably keep those secret, like the plans for sneak attacking Pearl.

>> No.7187409

das racis.

>> No.7187430

Hp sauce with Guinness, brah. God tier bacon sandwiches.

>> No.7187568

That sounds really good for an early Sunday afternoon.

>> No.7188117

> mashing on potatoes

Have a little respect! 1845—49 never forget

>> No.7189825


Only Japan insists on eating rice plain, like they're afraid of hurting its feelings by adding flavor to it.

>> No.7189827

>no quinky sauce


>> No.7189838


Not that guy, but hydrolyzed soy sauce tastes disgusting and belongs in a garbage can.

>> No.7189839
File: 624 KB, 1328x882, horse-Germany_equestrian_fair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7189849

You got the wrong anon there, I was the one recommending Yamasa or Kikkoman. Kikkoman is widely available, it's a bit harder to find Yamasa.

Go hollar at someone else.

>> No.7189853

What the fuck did Irish people eat before potatoes came to them through trade? There was a potato famine, but they were obviously eating and drinking before that could occur since potatoes are native to the Americas.

>> No.7189854

Why, because it sounds scary?

Show me a double blind taste test that proves you can tell the difference. Protip: you can't.

Water is a chemical. Now go lobby for GMOs to be banned, hippie. The rest of us have jobs.

>> No.7189855
File: 157 KB, 580x580, j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the rice spirits.

>> No.7189857

Rice mainly.
Hence why we call the Irish Paddies.

>> No.7189861
File: 30 KB, 640x477, To_Serve_Man-tsmas6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about the taste. It's about the genetic altering of things, then the companies producing it, with patent and copyright lawyers force farmers to buy more of their products because they've also been genetically modified to be sterile. So only one generation grows.

The other thing is cross contamination on other farms.

See, it's not about just "taste."

Have some soylent green wafers while you're at it, they "taste" just like pork.

>> No.7189972

learn to cook your rice in something other than water. Try Chicken stock, milk and butter.

>> No.7189987

>not worshipping flavor of things

>> No.7189998


People think they're only eaten raw or in desert dishes. Dice up a couple apples and garnish your next meaty or savory fish an just watch how the flavor explodes on you.

>> No.7190000


>> No.7190005

>Why, because it sounds scary?

No, there's nothing dangerous about hydrolysis. It's simply that it doesn't taste as good as the traditionally made stuff. The hydrolyzed version captures the main flavor of the soy sauce but it's missing something. Sort of like comparing MSG to doubanjiang--the main flavor is there but the nuance is lost. Or comparing plain table salt (pure NaCl) with sea salt which contains various other minerals.

>>double blind test
Agreed. If you can't tell the difference then eat whichever you prefer. But I'd be willing to bet the difference is more obvious that you think.

>> No.7190022


And in the end it's all the same MSG.

All-natural MSG, which is produced by the yeast in the sauce. Some natural preservatives, byproducts of the MSG production (soy = feeder for the yeast), water. And the whole flavor boils down to high concentration of MSG.

>> No.7190026

I always figured it was likening to a cow patty since the irish are shit

>> No.7190030

I started putting half a table spoon of vinegar in my rice during cooking. Works surprisingly well.

>> No.7190037


But the MSG is only part of the flavor. The rest of the sauce is important as well.

>> No.7190067
File: 50 KB, 200x283, seasoning_sauce1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Only part" maybe, but not like the sauce is seasned with MSG - the sauce primarily IS MSG, with a couple secondary flavor ingredients.

It's a bit like white sugar vs brown sugar, supposedly there's a subtle difference in flavor but if you drop two teaspoons of one or the other into coffee you'd be hard-pressed to to distinguish them.

And considering the usual number of ingredients in most dishes where soy sauce is used, you really won't be able to tell what kind of soy sauce was used. Yeah, if you take a drop of one or another on your tongue, sniff it, you may detect a difference. Once you use it as actual condiment, nope. I bet even if I used a typically western MSG-based soup seasoning like picrelated, instead of soy sauce in some curry chicken or such, you wouldn't notice the difference.

>> No.7190101

That stuff tastes absolutely nothing like soy sauce.

>> No.7190114

When taken alone, or sprinkled copiously on something nearly flavorless like rice - yes.

When added to an already flavorful dish? And in reasonable amounts, not drowning the dish, just sprinkling some and mixing it in? You'd have a really hard time telling them apart.

MSG has a very strong flavor. You may detect other flavors if you keep the sauce mostly pure. In a flavorful dish though, only the MSG flavor will survive.

>> No.7190142

>damage control

>> No.7190160

That's so stupid that this thread and your post should be archived for posterity.

>> No.7190169


Fucking weebs...

>> No.7190177

Come on, admit it, you like sticking chopsticks in your rice and making little bunny hats then pretending that your attacking Pearl Harbor.

>> No.7190184

Ching chong

>> No.7190202

Welcome to 4chan, nerd.

>> No.7190204

I always holler out, "Tora, Tora, Tora!" Then I make dive bombing noises. They don't like it when I do that over at the VFW.

>> No.7190205

Don't forget to load up on some road apples. You'll need them.

>> No.7190209

theres a gigantic difference between the 2 light soy sauces my gook store sells
one is only water, soy, wheat, salt and sugar whereas the other has like 20 ingredients and is vastly inferiour in taste

>> No.7190212
File: 108 KB, 670x670, kamikaze_divine_wind_fagget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to wear a kamikaze strap on your head, it helps to keep in the indoctrination.

>> No.7190522

Reminds me of the Simpsons episode that referenced this.


>> No.7191485


Brewed soy sauce ends up tasting like the hydrolyzed stuff eventually, and does so more quickly if you leave it out, but I consider that the time to get rid of it.

>> No.7191856

>Only Japan insists on eating rice plain
But they do shit like mix fish flakes, egg yolk, soy sauce, soup, vinegar, etc. with their rice.
Stop spreading disinfo

>> No.7191890

China also eats rice plain. But instead of furikake we have stuff like pickled vegetables, fermented tofu, pork floss, salted duck egg

>> No.7192812


I use at least a little bit in every sauce or marinade I make now. There are so many different commercially available preparations that you can easily find one with a flavor to compliment and enhance whatever you're cooking. Satisfies acid requirement for marinades and it's an emulsifier for sauces. It's also an antiseptic, so in my experience has extended life of refrigerated marinated meat a couple more days by inhibiting bacteria. Extremely underrated ingredient now. Most people just think of it as a standalone topping or dipping sauce.