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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7997436 No.7997436 [Reply] [Original]

It's 2016... why haven't you gone vegan????!?!??

>> No.7997440

Because I'm not a retarded person

>> No.7997441

Because kill yourself.

>> No.7997445

Health reasons. I prefer getting my nutrition from animal products as it's often more bioavailable.

>> No.7997449

I like flavor, and protein in my life.

>> No.7997451

How do I start? Do I just drop everything at once or is there a process?

>> No.7997456

Drop everything

>> No.7997475


>> No.7997480

I'm already a pesco-vegetarian.

I don't think I could live without cheese and milk.

>> No.7997487

How do you get your protein

>> No.7997496

Start with removing pork. The next year beef. Chicken then next, etc.

>> No.7997502

Probably peanut butter or eggs

>> No.7997514

Because sufficient vitamin B12 isn't available without supplements in a vegan diet.

Also I love milk, cheese, eggs, etc. way too much to give them up. I have my own chickens, so the birds that produce my eggs are spoiled rotten and you can't say otherwise.

>> No.7997517

Or the FISH.

>> No.7997529


Unless you need /fit/ percentages of protein oats, peas, soy and beans all have plenty.

If you do need /fit/ percentages, vital wheat gluten or any of the other various vegan protein powders.

>> No.7997646

Tofu, milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt, and sometimes fish.

I would have fish more often if it were cheaper. Not really a fan of sardines. Kippered (herring) is pretty good though. And of course Salmon.

Good argument. Going full vegan isn't necessarily good for the environment, while cutting down on red meat and some fish consumption is.

>> No.7997669

Because cow tits are fucking hot.

>> No.7997724

I'm trying

>> No.7997727

In what scenario is supporting meat products good for the enviornment. I can only think of maybe honey and oysters (and other filter feeders) being good for the enviornment.

>> No.7997763

Because I will eat everything in the world, one way or another.

>> No.7997794

I've heard some bad things about almonds and other vegan products in regards to the environment, but don't know much so that may be wrong.

I doubt any meat products are actually good for the environment, but I was pointing out the biggest offenders. Cows are worse than chicken. Sardines are better than Bluefin Tuna. That sort of thing.

>> No.7997808

Farmed mussels and oysters are better for the environment than plants. They don't have a central nervous system and their sensory and movement abilities are plant-tier. If you're a vegan but you won't eat them you're a crazy cultist.

>> No.7997818

I read that the gas from cows that are fed corn is really terrible for the environment, while cows that eat grass produce much less gas. Plus the meat from grass fed cows has a better Omega 3/6 ratio so it's healthier.

>> No.7997820

measuring `environmental health´ is impossible
not to mention finding out whatever is affecting it

whoever uses `veganism is good for the environment´ argument is a complete fucking retard

>> No.7997821

Grass seems like it would be more expensive and take up more ground area though.

>> No.7997837

You are too confident in your statements when you have no right to be. The amount of resources animals is staggering, there is no ecosystem in place, the entire process of growing animals for food on a scale any larger than that for a rather small community is completely unsustainable. Just because you don't know how to measure the effects certain actions have on the enviornment does not mean that no one else can and that it doesn't exist.

99.9% of plant products are better for the enviornment than any animal product. There are certain exceptions, the ones I know of I listed, but just because almonds might be "bad for the enviornment, compared to meat, it is still not even close.

Yeah, I can get behind those filter feeders. I also hear that a lot of insects have minimal environmental impact, but there isn't any way that modern western society will go from eating hamburgers to bugs.

>> No.7997842

Is it more expensive to become a vegan? My monthly budget is like 175 bucks tops

>> No.7997844

Because I raise my own meat animals.

>> No.7997851

Depends how you want to replace your meat products. If you want to replace your milk with almond milk, your meat with nuts, etc etc, you will be spending far more. But if you abuse how cheap and healthy legumes and grains are, and buy leafy greens to round out your meals, you will be spending far less for sure.

>> No.7997853

How do you replace milk with legumes?

>> No.7997854

Because if I could, I would hate your misbegotten kind to death.

>> No.7997855

Serious question, how much more does it end up costing you?

>> No.7997856

It's cheaper (B12 supplements are cheap), but you need to actually study nutrition. Meat covers for a lot of nutrient planning fuckups, and without that safety net you can't just guess and expect to stay healthy.

>> No.7997859

IMO, you shouldn't even be drinking anything but water.

>> No.7997860

No right to be confident? Meanwhile I don't see any sources for the bullshit you're spewing.

>> No.7997863

Generally the cows are rotated on different pastures so the grass has time to grow back.

>> No.7997868

Westhoek, Henk, et al. "Food choices, health and environment: effects of cutting Europe's meat and dairy intake." Global Environmental Change 26 (2014): 196-205.

>> No.7997894


> 99.9% of plant products are better for the enviornment than any animal product.

We can grow pigs, chickens and farmed fish off food waste though and then use the chicken manure to farm fish. Not all types of meat need have significant environmental impact in water rich environments.

Not that it matters, environmental impact is a bullshit argument. The best and only way to reduce human impact on the environment is to reduce the human population.

If there were only a couple 100 million of us it wouldn't matter what we ate. Once there are multiple 10s of billion people it won't matter what we eat either, it will be a shit show any way.

>> No.7997916

>we can grow animals on food waste
We don't though.
>fish farms on chicken manure
We don't though.
The majority of farming done is industrial farming, and the effects of those types of farming are horrendous for the enviornment. Even in your ideal world, food waste would be better used as compost for plants, which are far more efficient energy wise than animals are.
>reducing the amount of people is the solution
It doesn't address the underlying issue. That's like saying littering doesn't matter because if I was the only person littering, it wouldn't be bad.

>> No.7997946

Here's something to consider, you stupid fucking hippie.

African population has gone from 340 million to 1.2 billion in 60 years.
Chinese population has gone from 320 million to 1.3 billion in 60 years.
Indian population has gone from 300 million to 1.2 billion in 60 years.
Middle East population has increased 62% since 1990.
Worldwide white population has increased from 350 million to 600 million in the last 60 years.

Given that population growth and density are the primary drivers of agricultural ecological damage, why the fuck should white people have to go vegan?

It's not us that are fucking the planet with uncontrolled runaway population growth.

You know what would be better than whites going vegan? A massive Ebola outbreak in Africa and H1N1 in China and India taking out a couple of billion people.

>> No.7997947

the thing is, all the source he's got are going to be SHIT and absolutely biased

not to mention the fact that people who pay to have these researches/documentaries done, want to see a certain outcome
ie they're never going to be objective

not a single research is objective

>> No.7997987

It's 2016...... why haven't you learned to mind your own business?

>> No.7997988
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>> No.7997994

Chao cheese by Field Roast is great, totally like cow cheese. Finally a legit replacement for pus-filled wood glue that gives you acne cancer.

>> No.7998000
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Look at this vegan faggot. Where does he even get his protein??? Weak little bitch. No dick out for you, vegan ass Harambe hippie faggot.

>> No.7998002


> Even in your ideal world, food waste would be better used as compost for plants, which are far more efficient energy wise than animals are.

No, they do bugger all with the energy captured in food waste. It has to be composted before they can do anything with the nutrients.

> It doesn't address the underlying issue. That's like saying littering doesn't matter because if I was the only person littering, it wouldn't be bad.

If there was one immortal man it wouldn't be a problem. Even if the litter is completely non bio-degradable subduction would take care of it before it could pile up.

>> No.7998008

What the fuck does race has to do with any of this?

Us vs them narrative doesn't fix any of the issues either. At least you realize that eating meat has problems associated with it now.

>> No.7998025

Why are you acting like composting food waste is hard? It isn't.

That is ignoring the point that sustainability is the goal, not having a problem small enough that it is ignorable because it will be out of your life time before you have to deal with it.

>> No.7998042

he cant talk or write and he is very short

>> No.7998062

Whats wrong with a lil succ?

>> No.7998083

Because I believe it is our place as human beings with superior intelligence at the top of the food chain to be master of the animals and use them for whatever we will, including consumption.

>> No.7998087

The more people, the more pressure on the planet to produce food of all kinds.

Whites are the only race not reproducing irresponsibly quickly.

If you want to correct excessive demand on the environment to supply food, start where the problem is: too many fucking people.

You're asking 0.6 billion responsible people to restrict their diet to compensate for 4.5+ billion irresponsible breeders.

Remember that 'the white man's burden' is an inherently racist concept, and that its discriminatory and evil for white people to assume that niggers, chinks and pajeets can't work out their own problems.

>> No.7998090
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There are about 1 billion white people in the world. The differences in raw numbers isn't that great between races, even if this was a competition.
Population growth may be faster in those countries but resource consumption per capita balances out that consideration as well.

>> No.7998093
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>> No.7998109


>> No.7998114

Good luck ebola chan!

>> No.7998121

> If the world's population lived like the world we would need 1.6 worlds

>> No.7998129

I know you probably think to yourself that you are making "gotcha points," but you legit sound fucking retarded. Your selfish mentality is based on pointing to other people saying "those poor fucking niggers in Africa have 4 children so I should take up enough resources for 4 people." Grow the fuck up, this has nothing to do with white man's burden or anything else, it is about what you can do to reduce the negative impact that meat has on the enviornment.

>> No.7998130


I hope all of you get allahu akbar'd by Muslim immigrants while they rape you wives sisters and daughters in front of you you stupid fucking hippies.

Only intelligent post in this thread

>> No.7998195

>what is a strawman

Are you being wilfully stupid, or has dietary deficiency caused you to become diagnosably retarded?

I'm going to repeat it, and this time I'll try to make it as simple as possible for you.

If you want to reduce human-induced environmental damage, you need to reduce the number of humans.

Asking a global minority to radically change their traditional diet and abandon foods they've eaten for tens of thousands of years will not make a significant impact.

You are asking white people to radically change their lives to compensate for damage primarily being done by nonwhites.

It is racist and discriminatory to insist that only white people need to make this change. If it's a global problem, then it needs a global solution.

Why don't you go shitpost on a Chinese, African or Indian forum for a while and see how you go?

>> No.7998206


> Why are you acting like composting food waste is hard? It isn't.

My point is that animals can use the energy in food waste, the plants can't. The plants can only use the nutrients, they are not efficient in that respect.

There is nothing inherently unsustainable about meat farming. Yes, almost all current meat farming contributes to anti-biotic resistance ... which is unsustainable.

At the same time, the human waste loop is currently mostly open (ie. waste is burned or flushed into the ocean). All human agriculture is currently unsustainable in that respect.

They can both be made sustainable, at low enough population, with sufficient will. They can both be unsustainable at high enough population or without sufficient will.

The moral argument against meat eating is so much stronger than the sustainability argument.

>> No.7998215

>your own post is the intelligent post in the thread

Are you fucking retarded? I didn't realize that there is autismo support on the internet, but here you are, blathering away. Instead of changing the things you can change, you focus on things you have no impact on, so you clear yourself of any responsibility on the matter. Dump chemicals in a river near where you live? There are a lotta niggers in Africa you know. Factory farms polluting everything it touches? Have I told you about the chinks?

>> No.7998217
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>Going full vegan isn't necessarily good for the environment

>> No.7998221
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because i like food

>> No.7998225


>> No.7998246

Top kek, you're the one with the bizarre dietary rituals, comprehension problems and an inability to contain your internet temper tantrums when confronted with an alternate viewpoint.

Do you need a time out in the safe space to calm down, little soldier?

>> No.7998253

What is this trying to say

That we should live like India?

Yeah, because everyone knows living in a shithut in a third world country is a great solution to problems. They love it over there!

>> No.7998254

My point is that the food waste can decompose easily into energy that plants can use, so your point literally means nothing.

Sure, there isn't anything inherently unsustainable about meat farming. However, the demand for the meat cannot be sustained at all. Imagine if all 7 billion people demanded meat like the average person in a first world country. Thank god most of them are poor fucks that cannot afford meat, because that would literally kill the planet.

>lowering the population is the only answer
I'm not saying that slowing down population growth shouldn't be a goal, because it is, but you act like it will solve all of the world's problems. The way you use the argument is that all other solutions to the problem are pointless, because if you just do this one extremely hard to do thing, the problem would be small enough that you can ignore it. Might as well argue that the solution should just be to create more land or some shit.

>> No.7998257

Not even samefagging. Doesn't matter if you believe me or not nigger.

>> No.7998260

I’m a picky eater and all my favorite foods have meat AND dairy, and sometimes eggs too

>> No.7998263

I'm not the one crying about white rights in a fucking vegan thread on /ck/

only intelligent post in this thread hehe xd

>> No.7998269
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>yeah well you're a samefag ablobloobloo


>> No.7998284


>> No.7998286

>I'm not the one crying about white rights in a fucking vegan thread on /ck/

Once again you utterly miss the point. Where did I mention 'white rights', you fucking spastic?

>> No.7998292

Your entire post is about lebensraum, you autist. Good job conceding the argument btw.

>> No.7998295

only intelligent posts in this thread hehe xd

>> No.7998299

Do you want environmental protection or multiculturalism?

Yes they are mutually exclusive.

>> No.7998306

Only intelligent post in this thread

>> No.7998308

So you admit that you eating meat harms the enviornment?

>you can't recycle without being multicultural
>you can't pollute rivers and oceans without being multicultural
nice joke

>> No.7998322

No, I admit that overpopluation harms the environment.

And to be clear: there is at least one other anon who agrees with me because your same-fag accusations are wrong

>> No.7998323

Only intelligent post in this thread

>> No.7998332

>a shitposter agrees with you
Damn, debate over you win.

Overpopulation exacerbates problems that exist already, meat farming is a problem that becomes more apparent due to so many people, like you, eating it.

>> No.7998339

Only intelligent post in this thread

>> No.7998348

So you're one of those people who automatically leap to accusations of racism to desperately deflect attention when their poorly considered opinions are blown out.

Go ahead, show me where I've mentioned white rights or lebensraum.

You're the fucking racist here, you cunt. You're telling a white audience that we need to restrict and radically alter our diet to save the planet, while simultaneously ignoring the impact of the 85-90% of the planet that isn't white.

Global problems require global solutions and until you take a more egalitarian view of the actions required, I cannot regard your position as anything other than illogical, emotive and poorly constructed.

>> No.7998360


> My point is that the food waste can decompose easily into energy that plants can use, so your point literally means nothing.

Nutrients != energy. If you feed the food/farm waste to pigs and chickens the animals extract energy and nutrients from it, if you feed it to plants they extract only nutrients from it (bacteria will have consumed the energy during composting).

> I'm not saying that slowing down population growth shouldn't be a goal, because it is, but you act like it will solve all of the world's problems.

At a large enough reduction the entire concept of problems disappears ;)

I actually think any kind of partial solution is meaningless, we are heading to apocalyptic changes in the world and any fucking around in the margins you might personally do won't matter a damn thing.

Also the way things are going I'm not terribly fond of future generations, I'm not prepared to sacrifice meat for a tiny possible improvement in their lives. Fuck em.

>> No.7998363

Because I don't have a vagina. Yet.

>> No.7998365

Because I don't care about livestock and animals are tasty.

>> No.7998369

Nope white people are obviously the problem. Niggers and chinks can never be criticized you shitlord racist.

>> No.7998373

If it walks like a duck, you know what they say. You can say you aren't racist all you want, but you crying about white rights and complaining about how there are a lot of niggers and chinks around shouts out racist.

Doing what you can is how you save the planet m8, not playing a game of chicken with the fate of the world out of spite for those niggers you hate.

Composting is still far more efficient. Nutrients aren't the bottle neck, water use and energy are.

Exactly, that's the equivalent of shooting census takers to fix population problems. That's not a solution to a problem, that's just putting your head in the sand.

Glad to see I was right to assume that you have a self-centered approach to life.

>> No.7998380

Kill yourself you stupid hippie.

>> No.7998381

Because plants can feel pain (scientifically proven) and I am not a species-bigot who values animals over plants.

>> No.7998384

I'm not exaggerating either. The world will be a better place if you are dead.

>> No.7998390

Nice argument, shit you convinced me.

Really though, could you be more childish after I fucked you in an argument? Don't be upset, we can cuddle.

>scientifically proven
Sources are missing m8
Pain is an evolutionary development exclusive to creatures that can move, so they can avoid pain. No point in developing pain if you can't move to avoid it.

>> No.7998397

Who do you think you fucked in an argument? That was my first post in this thread you fucking moron.

>> No.7998403

You read my post, couldn't contribute anything of value, resorted to the typical 11 year old response to kill myself. That's called getting fucked m8, you are free to call me daddy.

>> No.7998410


It's unknown if they feel pain, but plants know they're being eaten. So why would I value animals higher than plants who know they're being eaten.

The true humanitarian wouldn't eat anything so neither plants or animals have to suffer from our greedy consumption. Would you like to try, you pig fucker?

>> No.7998418


> Glad to see I was right to assume that you have a self-centered approach to life.

Not self centred just not a global humanitarian, if my nation's population has to be displaced by ... then fuck it.

>> No.7998419

So your own source proves you wrong, and your stance remains unchanged.

If you think cutting off a branch is the same thing as cutting off a limb, then I can't help you there. You aren't coming into this thread with an open mind, so why are you here?

>> No.7998422

I shouldn't have to fucking argue with you. There ARE way more nigger and chinks fucking the earth you god damn ignorant cuck moron.

But no, >muh racism.

Fuck you and your politically correct bullshit. Again, I hope you die. For real. While your daughter gets raped by the sand niggers you think are so important.

>> No.7998423

You said you don't care about future generations, so even your own nation's children are just meh compared to your desire to eat meat. Stop acting patriotic, you are just self centered.

>> No.7998430

Oh shit reality is a bitch isn't it.
Fucking shill.

>> No.7998432

You're right, I was wrong about it being scientifically proven that plants feel pain. But plants do react defensively to being eaten and can recognize that they are dying. A fair hypothesis is that they do feel pain.

Like I said, the only way to be a true humanitarian is to not eat anything. Eating plants is likely as unethical as is eating animals, so shove that up your ass pig fucker.

BTW, I'm eating a big, juicy steak as I type it and it tastes even more delicious with your tears.

>> No.7998443


They will be raped and converted by the sword death will be the only mercy for them, I can't help them with changing my dinner.

>> No.7998449

Are you going to hunt them down and kill them? Unless you are, then stop bitching about things you can't change, and worry about things you can change. Telling me to die, and hoping my daughter gets raped doesn't change the fact that you are just a miserable person that can't even discuss things properly without sperging out. This is why your parents are disappointed in you, incase you didn't know already.

Did you read that phrase online somewhere, think it was cool, and decided to use it? Because you aren't using that phrase right.

An automated response is different from suffering. You can't assume things exist when there is no evidence of it existing, so no, it is not a fair hypothesis, because it is untestable. That's like saying there is an invisible unicorn in my room right now that I cannot detect.

Your humanitarian approach is based on bad science, don't act as if there is any moral justification for you eating meat.

I honestly don't give a fuck what you eat, to be honest familia, I just care about pointing out your hypocrisy.

So I guess our talk just ends here, get fucked?

Oh no, my feel feels hurt now. :(
Please stop, if you tell me I should die or that my children will be raped one more time, I don't know how I will live with myself. After all, I care so much about what you say.

>> No.7998464

I'll humor you and say plants don't feel pain.

What gives you the moral right to value animals over plants? Why are plants negated to be food while animals get a pass?

>> No.7998467

>You can say you aren't racist all you want, but you crying about white rights and complaining about how there are a lot of niggers and chinks around shouts out racist

So wanting to include all of humanity in a solution to a global problem is being racist now?

You're well and truly tying yourself in knots, even for a hopeless vegan zombie cultist.

>> No.7998468

B E E 1 2

>> No.7998469

>don't act as if there is any moral justification for you eating meat

>Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.
Genesis 9:3
Moral justification.

Pretty sure i can also find a passage that says you should die.

Get fucked.

>> No.7998471 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7998475

No you see. Only white people can do things that are wrong.

When a nigger, chink, sand nigger, etc does it its because of muh oppression and we should not only accept it but embrace it.

>> No.7998476

Only intelligent post in this thread

>> No.7998482

This faggot quit the thread because he realized he was outnumbered.

Hopefully he hung himself.

>> No.7998485

Capacity to suffer is a big one. My motto is if it has a central nervous system, you shouldn't eat it.

Why can't "stop eating meat" be one of your global solutions? Is eating meat a white right?

>quoting the Bible
>thinking it is the word of God
>not knowing some delusional, schizophrenic shills wrote down some things they think should happen
Be seriously though, what's next, going to throw some Leviticus at me?

All I see is a bitter cry for attention mate.

Jokes on you, I can banter with autists all day.

But I have to go now, eating a delicious, healthy, environmentally conscious, cruelty free meal in the company of my dearest friends.

>> No.7998493

>But I have to go now, eating a delicious, healthy, environmentally conscious, cruelty free meal in the company of my dearest friends.

Enjoy your sand you useless piece of garbage.

I hope you enjoy your sense of superiority while it lasts because hell his going to suck.

>> No.7998505


>> No.7998511

I hunt because it's good for the environment and I'm not a cuck

>> No.7998512

Only intelligent post in this thread

Only intelligent post in this thread

>> No.7998516

hurr durr murdering animals for no reason is good for da environment I so smart look at my big strong muscles I'm such a big strong man blah blah blah look at me watching da sports on da big tv mommy I love eating the nice cows and pigs mommy they feel good in my belly

>> No.7998520


>> No.7998521

Because animal products taste better, and

because I don't care about animals.

>> No.7998529

Actually nope nice try though

>> No.7998532

How can you say that with a straight face?

>> No.7998537
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Don't eat chicken
Please don't eat 15 spices fried chicken with barbecue sauce and honey mustard
Please don't eat barbecue chicken with a bit of lemon
Please dont enjoy rotisserie chicken with meat so soft it falls from the bone
Please don't eat crunchy pan cooked boneless tight with half a creamy avocado as a side

>> No.7998538

You're worse than hitler

>> No.7998539

Because a salad does not taste like a 20oz Porterhouse...and I prefer not to get my protein from semen.

>> No.7998545

Don't bother guys. The only vegan cuck left in the thread has been scared off by real men already.

>> No.7998549

Because the same vegans who don't want me to eat eggs are usually the same liberals who tell me it's okay to murder unborn humans because fetuses are not babies.

>> No.7998552

>How can you say that with a straight face?
Because it's true.

and which part did you mean?

>> No.7998555

Because I don't buy into pseudoscience peddled by pseudomoralistic shitstains that pretend to give a shit about cows but conveniently don't give a shit about the workers that pick their vegetables.

>> No.7998565


> Please stop, if you tell me I should die or that my children will be raped one more time, I don't know how I will live with myself. After all, I care so much about what you say.

Reading comprehension. You said I didn't care about the people from my nation who were to survive in the future.

I said death would be sweet release for them from the shitshow the future will be, I can't help them by changing my dinner.

>> No.7998574

Don't bother he had to leave so he could literally suck an Arab's dick.

>> No.7998576

my sister was raped by a vegan

>> No.7998581

South Asians consider cows more important than women.

>> No.7998605

that's not a thing. faggot.

>> No.7998609

So do I.

>> No.7998623

>Why can't "stop eating meat" be one of your global solutions? Is eating meat a white right?

You're not pushing it as a global solution, you're here asking white people why they haven't gone vegan.

My answer to that is that I don't feel like I should have to when my environmental impact, even with meat in my diet, is less than that of one of my dusky brethren with their lumpy wife and 4.3 kids.

Like I said earlier, go harass some Chinese or Africans about going vegan and see how far you get.

For that matter you might want to see if they'll wear condoms once in a while as well.

>> No.7998628
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Only intelligent post in this thread

>> No.7998661

>Like I said earlier, go harass some Chinese or Africans about going vegan and see how far you get.

Trying to teach barbarians to act civilized. This is a lost cause.

>> No.7998672

Tell that to the native born populations of Europe before they are forced into extinction.

>> No.7998719

Only intelligent post in this thread

>> No.7998771


>> No.7998783


dont believe all the tribalist bullshit some of these guys will feed you

i was a regular meat eater for 14 years, then a pescaterian for 2, then a vegetarian for 2, and then a meat eater for 6 months, and now I am a vegan (1 year).

You can dip in and out of diets. I'd rather people held back on meat than a small percentage completely abstaining. You don't have to drop everything but please please please start cutting out meat products unless they're integral thank you

>> No.7998791

How does it feel to be a cuck?

>> No.7998808

Fucking faggot

>> No.7998854

Look at how well integration and assimilation have worked in Sweden and Germany and I think you will find your answer.

>> No.7998861


>> No.7998880

Because sucking off cows is how I get my rocks off

>> No.7998902


don't project your insecurities on to me. If you can't be civil or raise a coherent argument against veganism then your opinion doesn't count

>> No.7998921

I think that meat good for you

>> No.7998923

Oddly enough, I'm the 'white supremacist' (kek) in the thread and I actually eat less than 2.5 lbs of animal protein a week on average.

I just fucking hate the sanctimonious bullshit that vegan zealots bring to the table. It's like they don't understand basic human motivation and think they can smug others into following their example.

Vegans are fine in my book. It's the moral crusaders that need a long drop with a short stop.

>> No.7998936

Such tolerance you are so smart you crushed everyone by calling them a cuck wow please teach me.

>> No.7998963

This was me: >>7998791

This was not me: >>7998923

>> No.7998964


I'd say on average vegans get a lot more shit than they give, purely on the basis that there's less of them. I've met very few of these devout religious vegans that I always hear about, yet many pro meat wankers

>> No.7998972

If you are a vegan you deserve to get shit. You cannot be a vegan without caring more about maggots than you do about fellow human beings.

>> No.7999049

I never once in this thread called anyone a cuck, matey.

I'd say there are more vegans asking non vegans to convert than vice versa. Because meat eaters generally don't give a shit about vegans and veganism until some scrawny, protein deficient fruitcake starts haranguing them.

I work in a team that goes out for regular team meals and we have one vegetarian that we all have to accommodate and tiptoe around.

It's just selfish. Meat eaters can compromise and eat vego meals once in a while, why don't veggos return the favor?

>> No.7999074

Cows taste good and provide me with the nutrition I need to function on a higher level.

Source: Vegan for three years

>> No.7999100


maybe one day you'll have a deep seated moral belief in something other than your self, but who knows. It must be tough having to pick a place that serves such rare vegetarian meals as pizza or curry dishes.


no, no you don't. you're a retard,

>> No.7999194
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>> No.7999216


>> No.7999261

I already am

>> No.7999264

Why idiot

>> No.7999274

>no, no you don't. you're a retard,
I think you need to re-read what you're responding to here because this makes no sense.

Actually don't, your nutrient deficient vegan cuck brain wouldn't produce a valid response even if you did read the post correctly.

Go die.

>> No.7999277

Mods, can we please have permission to post gore, horse porn, etc without getting banned in these cancerous "i'm a vegan why aren't you" threads?

>> No.7999280


>> No.7999331

You want gore, have a look at the ruptured vegetarian vaginas scattered through the thread

>> No.7999371

Man, you must be a shit chef if you think the only meals that don't include meat are sand.

You said you weren't fond of future generations. A group is made out of individuals, you can't complain about the group not moving to action when you yourself are doing nothing. All this says to me is that you are a sheep that only does what the people around you do.

Muh whiterights. Chinese and Africans eat far less meat than Americans, and there are pushes by the Chinese government to decrease meat consumption by 50%. Have you heard about China's One Child Policy as well? I swear, just because you get your news from TooManyNiggersandChinks dot org doesn't mean that it is right. Read some current events that don't exclusively deal with the death of the white race.

>you can only care about one thing at a time
Nice logic m8

Oh wow, you must be so enlightened. Careful not to drop your fedora from the higher level.

>nutrient deficient vegan cuck brain
Nice one, please tell me more why people should die, which is your goto response to anything you cannot properly respond to.

Eating steak makes vaginas look better
-Anon, 2016

"omg so i saw this vegan thread and it upset me so much that i had to click on it and i just have to respond because it threatens my entire identity to have people on the internet that dont think the exact same way and they use logic to fuck my tight ass hole and it makes me feel funny make it stop mods"

>> No.7999381

Only intelligent post in this thread

>> No.7999393


>> No.7999396
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>durr they have more people, they cant possibly have more waste than us.
you really are fucking stupid.

Ignoring the fact that you are wrong, you are basically a kid bitching at his parents that a bunch of fucking criminals get to steal whatever they want so you should be able to do so as well. The overpopulation of the old world does not change the fact that we dwarf most of their industrial output. It also doesn't change the fact that we are using too much in america as well as abroad. You can either go vegan like op wants, or champion birth control and abortion, because the only way around this problem that doesn't result in a mass culling (of every country, not just the "Brown" ones you fucking polfag) is realizing that sex and procreation is not a right.

Animals or children. take your fucking pick. or don't, and watch the world burn. just don't pretend you aren't a parasite sucking away the blood of the creature that supports your existance until it, and subsiquently you, die.

>> No.7999400

Because Im not numale

>> No.7999407

>Nate Diaz is a numale
Well, I do kind of imagine people in this thread to look like a fatter, shorter version of Conor McGregor anyways, so I guess that analogy works out.

>> No.7999419

You mean that one child policy that's been repealed and is no longer in place? Sounds like you need to read up on some current events yourself, mate.

Hi and welcome to the thread! If you take some time to read further, you'll discover that everything you just posted has already been hashed out by others. But thanks for your time! Always good to meet new people who conform to the stereotype of vegans as people who think that any mention of race is automatically racist.

>> No.7999420

So triggered for 4 words

>> No.7999433

Wow, sick comeback m8, nice use of the word triggered. Get out of the kitchen if you can't handle the heat boy.
Yeah, now it is a One Child Policy, but Two if the First is a Girl Policy, but that doesn't roll of the tongue, does it? But it's fine, try nitpicking to avoid having to actually debate me, I bet your ass is already sore from my fucking.

>> No.7999436

Ur so insecure

>> No.7999439

Oh look at Freud over here, coming at me with the super sick and super original burns.

>> No.7999444

You're the one who started this I was trying to be nice

>> No.7999446

Go away

>> No.7999448

>come into a vegan thread to insult vegans
>cant take any banter without crying
>"I was trying to be nice"

No go die? No my daughter is getting raped? Are you okay, do you want to talk?

>> No.7999456

Your daughter probably deserves it

>> No.7999463

No, ur just here for attention

>> No.7999464

There we go, I knew you had it in you, the nice and creative "I hope your daughter gets raped." I'm glad to see that eating meat gives you the ability to think of those clever and original taunts, I must be missing out on all those extra brain cells, since I could never come up with "lol rape" like you can.

>> No.7999466

The one child policy was completely repealed in January, and even when it was in full swing, it only covered a third of the Chinese population.

Git gud fgt.

>> No.7999477

Yeah, pretty much. Nothing upsets people here more than "I don't eat meat for ethical, environmental, and health reasons." Their identity and sense of self is so fragile that they can do nothing but incoherently rage at vegans because of it.

Nice try nitpicking, but yeah, not it is the Two Child Policy, Google a bit harder. At least I'm getting you to read about current events that aren't about how the white race is dying due to race mixing.

>> No.7999483

Ur the upset person here

>> No.7999487

you can do the same thing with hemp.. oh wait its illegal cuz muh drugs muh paper pulp industry

>> No.7999494

>Chinese and Africans eat far less meat than Americans

But they still kill living beings for food, which still makes them morally culpable, yes?

>> No.7999499

If you say so, Freud. Tell me what else you know, since you know so much about me.

Of course. However, that wasn't the point being made. Mr. White Rights was saying that because the damn chinks and niggers contribute so much to the destruction of the environment, the proud white people should be able to live life in any way they want. I was pointing out that those chinks are already putting in steps to cut down those effects.

>> No.7999504

You're the one who is a fucking faggot

>> No.7999512

Calling me a faggot? Wow, that must have taken literally all of your creativity to come up with, no one has ever called another person a faggot before. Your words hurt me, please cease and desist.

>> No.7999519

>Nice try nitpicking, but yeah, not it is the Two Child Policy, Google a bit harder.

>mentions 'one child policy'
>gets BTFO
>u-uh I totally meant the two child policy anon, I'm not shifting the goalposts, you're just being a nitpicker

Why can't you just admit you were wrong? Are you so insecure and dependent on your identity as a moral crusader that you deny your flaws?

>> No.7999526

Why are you vegan anyway?

>> No.7999537

Not really? I never said that the One Child Policy is still in place, I just asked if you heard about it. Now, it is pretty much the 1.5/2 Child Policy, not as well known. Try a bit harder, nitpick a bit more, you might win some more fans. Who knows, someone can defend your honor by calling me a faggot again, that really hurts.

Ethical, environmental, and health reasons

>> No.7999542

Admit you just want to be a special snowflake and that you probably sneak meat when no one knows

>> No.7999545
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I know ur insecure about ur eating habits since you fight and insult other persons on the internet. Also you try to get approval from strangers because you prob dont have any friends or family in real life. Ur the typical "Baby Dick" syndrome, trying to compensate for what you dont have with eating "Healthy" and acting all superior and entitled about it. Add in the fact that you get upset, angry and triggered over other people tastes or opinions and we have a typical internet autist. U might not be retarded but your for sure in the spectrum. If people want to be vegetarian Im cool, but it isnt anything special or anything to be proud of, and for sure it aint something to bitch in every video, post, comment thread or forum. Bye poop, I need my after dinner cig

>> No.7999551

Why would I? Meat is shit for you.

tl;dr, nice projection m8

>> No.7999560

LOL I am Mr. White Rights, mate.

And my argument is not about who has a right to eat meat, it's that even if every white person on the planet went vegan tomorrow, the net effect would be negligible compared to the ongoing effect of 5-6 billion nonwhites still eating meat.

In 20 years' time when whites are still a global minority outnumbered 10-1 by nonwhites, what difference will our being vegan make to the environment?

It's massive population growth arising from irresponsible breeding that's hurting the planet, not white people eating meat. Why single us out? You some kind of white hater?

>> No.7999571

Evading the truth only works for so long buddy, just make sure its suicide and not some mass killing spree. I recommend you to finish High School first

>> No.7999572

I quote from post >>7999371:
"Have you heard about China's One Child Policy as well?"

Stop lying dude, you fucked up.

>> No.7999574

>It's 2016... why haven't you gone vegan????!?!??
>It's 2016... why haven't you converted to Islam????!?!??
>It's 2016... why haven't you [conformed to my standards]

Because I defy oppression.

>> No.7999579

Leading by example is a thing. Since you do admit that meat causes environmental problems, white people should take the lead in curbing the issue, as they are the wealthiest and most educated people. Hypocrites don't get much support.

>evading the truth
>a simple google search will tell you that meat is bad for you
I mean, if you want, I could spoonfeed you some peer reviewed sources.

>have you heard about China's One Child Policy
That's like me asking "have you heard about the Holy Roman Empire?" I'm not saying it is still a thing, I'm asking if you have heard about steps those damn chinks are making to fix their population issue.

>> No.7999583

So brave. You might not hear me now, but I am here for you, clapping and saluting your bravery.

>> No.7999592

Thanks it means a lot

>> No.7999606

>tfw I asked my mother if I could be a vegetarian as a kid
>she said no
>now she's depressed whenever I visit because I refuse to eat her salad and eat fruit
It's not my fault I can't take sweet foods. I need meat in my life.

>> No.7999614

Everything is bad for you in this world, look at veganism, they make people entitled cunts

>> No.7999615


>> No.7999618

>I need meat in my life
What do you mean by this?

>> No.7999623

I think by entitled cunts, you mean aware and educated individuals.

>> No.7999629

maybe try a different approach and learn from the comment you're responding to. maybe see that forcing things aggressively doesn't work and that you might get more people to conform to your standards if you simply explained the benefits of doing so, and then letting people make their own decisions?
just a thought

>> No.7999638

I honestly don't give a shit about converting anyone, because it will never happen. I'm not arrogant enough to think that I could ever convince one of the "LOL I WOULD DIE WITHOUT BACON" crowd. Change comes from within, I'm just here to make fun of people that don't eat meat, because there is no reason to eat meat other than it tasty yummy, and if I lack self control, I have to eat the yummy thing.

>> No.7999642

Maybe stop being a faggot

>> No.7999656

>I honestly don't give a shit about converting anyone
>I'm just here to make fun of people

>> No.7999661

Why is that a reason to make fun of people?

>> No.7999675


>> No.7999680

Because you're secure


>> No.7999681

Normies dont get it they think people are vegans for the environment

Im a raw vegan for the health benefits alone... you guys are in lala land because you have yet to contract a disease from your poor diet

>> No.7999683


>raw vegan

Enjoy getting cancer

>> No.7999684

Because I don't want to become a faggot like you.

>> No.7999688

Every food i eat has scientific studies that prove it prevents cancer actually

>> No.7999715

Keep telling yourself that

>> No.7999913

>as a raw vegan, I'm far superior to non-raw vegans, and therefore my opinions automatically supplant theirs.

>vegans aren't vegans due to environmental concerns

Despite at least one vegan faggot in the thread claiming that his concerns were environmental.

>> No.7999949

You sure got him there

>> No.7999972

everything i've read says that humans are made to eat meat and fish. (by this i don't mean "flesh", but "offal").

>> No.7999999

/ck/ needs flags, and I want a gluten-free one.

>> No.8000215

I want some hex-free ones.

>> No.8000224

you should go vegan guys XD, its super cool.

>> No.8000292

>Implying you could ever convince a woman to have sex with you and not abort any potential children.

>> No.8000299

Keep telling yourself that buddy.

>> No.8000372

who'd win in a fight, vegan gains or anthony fantano?

>> No.8000569

Because I don't hate food.

>> No.8000582
File: 1.75 MB, 1600x1067, bigstock-Assorted-delicious-grilled-mea-89126834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a foods OP cannot eat thread.

>> No.8000629

Vegan gains is a pussy and mentally unstable. He'd have a mental breakdown after one hit. This is often the case with boys raised under single mothers.

>> No.8000668

i am vegetarian but im gonna quit it because it's so limiting

>> No.8000682

"im a real man because i eat cellophane wrapped pieces of prime cut meat from the supermarket"

>> No.8000684

I like milk and cheese

>> No.8000692

As I said in my post, no reason to eat meat other than a complete lack of self control. Same reason I make fun of fatties desu, except people here get more triggered so it is more fun.


Nice samefag, please go back to /b/

>> No.8000717
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>> No.8000724
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>> No.8000752

So much damage control in one post.

>> No.8000795
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>> No.8000834
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This angry cunt only made me eat more eat, I will make some steaks, sausages and chicken in your name.

>> No.8000887

You can buy a range of inexpensive soy milk makers online, Tayama brand has a pretty good rep. If you have a 'Chinatown' in your city that's also a good place to look for one, Asian kitchen supply stores will often have them next to the rice cookers.

t. Mr White Power

>> No.8000898
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>> No.8000967

Please do, act as if stuffing your fat ass with greasy food is showing me how much of a big boy you are.

Well, I never really called you White Power, but I guess we can just move on to actual Nazi at this point. Please tell me how the proud Ayran race will cease to function without factory farming.

>> No.8000974
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>> No.8000988

You can make lamination out of hemp?

>> No.8000993

I love pork so fucking much

>> No.8000998
File: 102 KB, 625x415, 27-insanely-delicious-pieces-of-meat-2-13739-1428712433-18_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8001017

>this stupid cunt thinks the only way to eat meat is fried.

Actually I will make a BBQ also, mmm, murdered cows.

>> No.8001024

Good job piggy, keep eating more.

>> No.8001025
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>> No.8001028
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>> No.8001050

>being this mad that you cant do anything but throw passive-agressive insults while the rest of the world keeps eating meat.

>> No.8001066
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>> No.8001068

Considering that more people are becoming vegetarian/vegan, I'm already happy. I just find it funny that some fatty is going to eat a lot of unhealthy shit in an attempt to spite me. Are you sure you won't get "FUCK VEGANS" tattooed on your forearms?

>> No.8001071
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>> No.8001160

>Considering that upper class white kids follows useless trends and cant shut the fuck up.

Yeah, no.

>> No.8001179
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>> No.8001316

Because I can't prove anything besides my mind exists so I don't really care about anything else

>> No.8001330
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>> No.8001335
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>durrr ur a vegan
no dumbass. I'm not a vegan, but you are certifiably retarded. Oh no, someone said a thing before me, that means I can't say it too. No dumbass, kill yourself. What matters here is something called volumne, and if we had to stop posting becuase someone said the thing we where going to say before hand, 4chan would be empty. Go to whatever the hell hole it is you crawled out of. Normally i'd say reddit but I honestly can't think of any forum so dated where your principles are applied to random discussion. Certainly when it's an objective fact that 99% of whatever the hell you posted has been posted by someone else too you fucking hypocrite.

>> No.8001344
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>> No.8001352


> You said you weren't fond of future generations. A group is made out of individuals, you can't complain about the group not moving to action when you yourself are doing nothing.

I admit, I don't want to go full Breivik and I don't have a talent or background for politics. So I shitpost and hope voting will make my nation great again.

Hitler was elected, it can happen again. We all do our tiny bit to help in your own way, you don't eat meat, I /pol/ post.

>> No.8001369
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>> No.8001551

People don't go vegan because they are either:

a) Uninformed
b) Immoral

>> No.8001560


I'm curious. Where do we draw the line to say what is or is not immoral when it comes to food? What exactly is the criteria?

Why is it immoral to slaughter a pig for food but it isn't immoral to clear a field of everything living on it in order to plant a crop? Everything we humans eat necessarily involves killing other living things. At what point do we cross the line from moral to immoral?

>> No.8001575

>only rich white people go vegan
Never mind the fact that meat is often the most expensive part of the meal, never mind the fact that meat is awful for your body, never mind that it is unethical to eat, never mind the fact that it is bad for the environment. Only hippies use their brain, REAL WHITE BRED MEN LIKE ME EAT MEAT CUZ MEAT IS GOOD.

>> No.8001576
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>> No.8001582
File: 366 KB, 970x493, new_1401210586_best-mexican-seafood-northern-westchester-county-ny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8001587
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>> No.8001590

In what ways will eating meat make America great again? Factory farms treat humans (many of them white people, which you care so much about) awfully, causes hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars in healthcare related expenses, and pollutes rivers and countrysides of the country you care so much about.

>> No.8001591

That's spanish not mexican

>> No.8001602
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>> No.8001603

A nervous system is where the line is drawn, especially ones complex enough to feel pain. No science says that plants have any capacity to suffer.

>> No.8001604


I think you should throw away your phone, PC, and other electronics you own.

This would do two things:

1) you can feel better about yourself because you aren't using those evil rare-earth minerals used to make IC chips anymore and thus aren't causing untold environmental harm

2) we wouldn't have to see your posts

>> No.8001608
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>> No.8001609

The world is not a good place. It's debatable if it is even worth saving even you actually believe you had the power to do so (hint: you don't). Just give up. Everything you do in the end is utter vanity.

>> No.8001612

Eating meat is the way of nature
You don't hate nature do you?

>> No.8001613
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>> No.8001623

>go into a vegan thread
>complain about vegans
I don't get it.

Nihilism is baby's first philosophy. Might as well kill yourself if you believe that nothing you do matters.

>way of nature
So is dying from smallpox. Thankfully, humans are not bound to the natural way of doing things, you fucking hippie.

>> No.8001637
File: 88 KB, 500x334, All-about-Crepes-and-Other-French-Foods-Fun-Facts-for-Kids-image-of-French-Banana-Crepes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8001647


maybe you should re read the first words of the post i responded too, you artery clogged fag wanker

>> No.8001650

>I don't get it.

It's a matter of hypocrisy. I find it ironic how vegans will put down non-vegans for their "immoral choice" of eating meat, yet seem to be completely blind to the fact that they also contribute to environmental harm due to their personal preferances.

Why is it not OK for me to at a hamburger when I want one, but somehow it is justified to own a cell phone because I can't overcome my instagram addiction?

>> No.8001653
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>> No.8001657

How does eating meat make someone a hippie

>> No.8001660
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>> No.8001666

>you can either be all good or all bad
>impossible to be anything in the middle
All about reducing the negative effects you have on the planet. Not eating meat is a huge step in that direction.

>muh natural way of eating
Yeah, that's hippie talk. Go chant kumbaya while getting high somewhere else you degenerate.

>> No.8001669
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>> No.8001677

>Muh planet
>Muh animals

>> No.8001684
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>> No.8001685

Caring about the negative effects the meat industry has on the planet, humans, and the animals themselves doesn't make you a hippie, it means you have a brain. Eating meat because you think it is natural makes you a hippie though.

>> No.8001686

i love meat more than any other food. cheese is coming close but not too close
even fresh beef raw meat smells better than anything (good one, not supermarket)

>> No.8001690
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>> No.8001691

Yes it does.

>> No.8001694
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>> No.8001696

>>impossible to be anything in the middle

See, that's where I'm going with this discussion. I want to know what, exactly, is the criteria for determining when causing environmental harm is justified and when it is not.

My personal opinion is that it's a matter of weighing the harm and the benefit. I find it puzzling that online vegans reject the idea of eating meat while embracing high tech. Providing sustenance to one's body is surely more important than a device whose chief purpose is recreation.

>> No.8001700
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>> No.8001703

I don't eat a lot of meat and dairy cause it hurts my stomach but I can't live without squid, it's my go to meat it's so good so idk I don't care cause there's more than just beef pork or chicken when it comes to meat consumption, also when I do make ramen I like a little slab of flank in there. if harvesting squid is bad for the environment gimmie some proof please. I also don't care about the worker conditions, similar to shrimp harvesting. it's their culture and I'm suppose to be "tolerant" of it

>> No.8001709

Because not all farmland is good enough to grow human edibles and those resources can be used by animals. Also meat can be conserved for longer period of time than vegetables.
>muh planet argument
out of season non-local food has to be shipped to your market
>but muh fee fee
not an argument

>> No.8001720
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>> No.8001724
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>> No.8001727
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>> No.8001742

sexts of truth
somebody call Hiroshimoot

>> No.8001750
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>> No.8001761

you are clinically brain dead you fucking pollock. Litterally so much money you can't even imagine is being poured into the presidential election. If people wanted a wall to keep mexicans out they could afford three on the money your retarded ass thinks is worth electing a troll doll who outsources a ton of shit talking about "lol I'm for state side jobs." You people are so fucking stupid its mind boggling. Like just this one fucking thing I can't even believe, you dumbfucks are all about buisness unregulation and running the government like a fucking buisness, but are so out of touch with your own situation you don't fucking realize that all the republican states for the most part are the ones that are financially fucked and would be the first branch of out country to be cut off if this nation was actually run like a buisness. You close shop on the outlets that aren't doing hot and open up shop in places that are doing better.

Trump gets elected, by rights what should be happening is that you guys get kicked out of america. But that wont happen, because running the country like a buisness is a buzz word that only appeals to a bunch of inbred cunts who don't understand how the economy works and think socialism is the same as communism. What they are actually planning on doing is making the government work for buisnesses. Litterally anybody. ANYBODY would be a better presedent than our current nominees. america could wind up with better policies and better financial stability if we raffled off the position. You dumb hitler worshiping cuck, you realize why trump keeps making out with his book about hitler? it's because poor black people are his target audiance. Get rid of the mexicans and get more opportunities for the real american disenfranchised. Thats his fucking sound byte. He doesn;t give a shit about you white suppremicists. As far as he's concerned, white people are already on top.

>> No.8001765
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>> No.8001787

Yum yum in my tum tums is really the only argument that exists. Good job being honest.

>> No.8001788

> think socialism is the same as communism
They share the aspects that intelligent people don't like.
> No private property
> No profit

>> No.8001792
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>> No.8001828

The opportunity cost of not using a cellphone is far greater than not eating meat. You can use that half-assed justification to justify anything harmful you may do.

The substanace meat provides to your body is unhealthy and more importantly, has better alternatives.

>> No.8001838

>more importantly, has better alternatives.

Just like the cell phone. But you just can't give up texting your BFF and chasing pokemons, can you?

>> No.8001839
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>> No.8001850

So, /ck/ what did we learned today, besides not replying to veganposters?

>> No.8001855
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>> No.8001865

Based meatposter.

>> No.8001873

That pork is delicious.
Eating pulled pork tacos with carolina reapers and red onions, I love meat.

>> No.8001895

Cellphone has alternatives?

>> No.8001902


Vegetarians are overwhelmingly aligned with liberal open border movements, the technocratic usefulness of meat eating is irrelevant for the moment.

Meat is a useful propaganda tool. The evil globalists want to take away our guns, our meat, our borders. As usual in war and propaganda, the truth is irrelevant.

Honestly, if you want vegetarianism to rule you should join us. The nazis were quite supportive of it. If revivalist muslims rule don't expect vegetarianism ... if the prophet and his early disciple ate meat then they will eat meat, they have a pretty simple modus operandi.

>> No.8001925
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>> No.8001934
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>> No.8001935
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>> No.8001937
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>> No.8001939

Nice """""""""""""""""""morality""""""""""""""""""""""""" you got there

>> No.8001941
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>> No.8001943
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>> No.8001948
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I don't care about the fact someone has died, I care about the fact that they argue their lifestyle is the healthiest, when it obviously isnt.

>> No.8001953
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>> No.8001958
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>> No.8001962
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last one.

>> No.8002236

I prefer vaginas to dicks

>> No.8002326

I was calling myself that because I'm amused that you think calling me a racist somehow refutes my points. The same way African Americans have 'reclaimed' nigger. You might also note that I was helping someone by providing actual advice instead of judgemental bullshit.


>calls me a Nazi

Adolf Hitler is the most famous vegetarian in history, my friend.

If I had to guess, I'd say you were a fifteen year old fat ginger kid who gets picked on in school, then comes onto anonymous forums to unleash the rage within.
Seriously, that was a tantrum of a magnitude not normally seen outside a spoiled child's birthday party.

>> No.8002447

>>7997436 Being vegan is fucking expensive if you don't want to get ill.

>> No.8002638

>comparing meat to borders and guns

I call you a racist because you think me saying "If you aren't a vegan, you are a selfish, shortsided asshole that cannot control the urges caused by the temptation of instant gratification" will cause the death of the aryan race. >>8002447
Considering that vegans are considerably healthier than the average person getting ill because you cannot stuff your face on manly meat is not a big concern.

>> No.8002688

Oh wow, Vegan Gains has changed a lot since the last time a watched a video of his

>> No.8003131

Show me saying anything about the 'death of the white race' anywhere in this thread.

Your inability to form a coherent rebuttal is only highlighted by your constant attacks on things I never said.

Why can't you address what I'm actually saying? I'm beginning to think that your signs in this thread (decreased cognitive function, irritability and memory loss) are classic signs of B12 deficiency.

You should really go get yourself a steak. I only want the best for you anon, and I'm concerned that your health is suffering.

>> No.8003177

All of your posts talk about how eating in a way conscious of the enviornment, health, and animal wellbeing will destroy white culture, which will lead to the collapse of the white race. Maybe you need to read your own posts if you forgot.

>> No.8003259

>All of your posts talk about how eating in a way conscious of the enviornment, health, and animal wellbeing will destroy white culture

Yes, I understand your claim. Burden of proof is now on you; please show me where I have made such a statement.