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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 273 KB, 1920x1080, bacon_blog_post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8342021 No.8342021[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ever seen what a bacon factory looks like? Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWOeEINf6UU

>> No.8342067

Go vegan

>> No.8342100

I did't know bacon was made from cows, chickens and rabbits?

This is just an abattoir - it doesn't show how bacon is made.

If I didn't know better, I would think this was posted by one of those undernourished, anaemic people who don't eat meat.

>> No.8342113

Proper vid on how bacon is made


also here's a pig slaughtering method that involves first stunning the pig unconscious with a shock and then slitting its throat, if youre curious


t. animal eater

>> No.8342160

The "stunning" practice is included in the video I cited. That was video taken from a "humane" slaughterhouse. Humane and slaughter are oxymorons. If you can't needlessly murder a human and eat their flesh "humanely" then you can't to a pig, cow, chicken, etc.

>> No.8342166
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I don't caaare :^)

>> No.8342173

Humans are Omnivores, always ever have been, get over it.

'Humane Slaughter' houses are fine, unless you want to see workers punching the chickens to death.

I haven't got time for squeamish little babies and neither has most of the planets population, Humans will always eat meat, we are designed that way.

>> No.8342218


the engrish in that video is adorable

>> No.8342219

How about no slaughterhouses at all? Seems like a much better option you forgot to include.

Nice use of an appeal to nature fallacy.

Designed that way? Is that why it's so unhealthy?

meat clogs your arteries
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2954454/pdf/ajcn9251265.pdf 20 year study
The earlier in life you eat meat the faster your arteries clog

plant-based diet can clear your arteries

meat is insulinogenic

meat & cancer

Meat is a neurotoxin

Removing meat from your diet increases life expectancy

>> No.8342235

Why oh why lord can't the vegans just fuck off

>> No.8342236

I'm not reading any of that rubbish, you wasted your time with all those silly links.

>> No.8342241

I don't agree with a lot of practices in the meat industry and wish it were different. But I'm.not going to stop eating meat

>> No.8342245
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Since human beings are the only animals who understand death and must come to terms with the inherently tragic nature of existence, we have the right to eat other animals to make up for it.

>> No.8342250

wtf it's not actually smoked? how is that not false advertising?

>> No.8342252
File: 533 KB, 1920x1080, porky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bacon factory

>> No.8342254
File: 563 KB, 933x769, MonsoonI4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating meat
>Nature fallacy
Don't be ashamed! It's only nature running it's course.

>> No.8342277

>posting links you haven't even read
>with abstracts that don't conclude what you said they conclude
>in a field where I can find just as many scientific and anecdotal counter-studies that say meat is great

I have a study here that says veganism is a high risk factor for being a big, blubbery vagina

>> No.8342382

> Doesn't morally support something
> Financially supports that same thing

>> No.8342385

Then by that logic according to you we're justified in murdering and exploiting mentally disabled and young children on the basis that they don't understand death.

>> No.8342389

This is an appeal to nature fallacy. We can see why it is completely illogical when we try to apply this same form of reasoning to other similar situations. (example): Humans murder other humans. Humans have been murdering each other for hundreds of thousands of years. It is natural to murder other humans and therefore it is morally acceptable to murder other people. We have now justified murdering other humans using that exact same form of reasoning and this is an action i'm sure you find morally wrong.

And on top of that you buy meat from a grocery store which was made from domesticated animals which in all likelihood came from horrible factory farm conditions in which they were fed GMO soy, corn, and grains which are incredibly bad for the environment, and this also makes you a hypocrite for making an appeal to nature fallacy since there's nothing natural about buying meat from a grocery store.

>> No.8342393

Have you read them? You wouldn't say that if you actually read them yourself. Thanks for proving your mental retardation. You can prove meat is healthy with anecdotal evidence? LOL. You can prove anything with anecdotes. I can cite some old guy who smoked all his life and use that to "prove" smoking is healthy. Anecdotal evidence is not sufficient evidence, it's exactly that, an anecdote. Retard.

>> No.8342403

As a vegetarian I am completely in the right when I say this.
Shut the fuck up you colossal faggot, humans are evolutionary omnivores and have dependencies on nutrients found in meat and vegetables and only recently has it been possible to fully supplant the need of meats for various amino acids. You're arrogant shit slinging attempt at pushing your ideals at others is why every other vegetarian gets treated like a hipster jehova witness. Follow your ideals, answer questions when asked and otherwise let other people do what the fuck they want you massively infuriating shit stain. I'm a vegetarian for personal reasons, not to shove some unjustified moral superiority at people who don't give a shit. You should learn to do the same.

Oh and guess what, unhealthy vegetarian diets like every other unhealthy diet results in bad health, do not try to manipulate research for your pandering because my science background makes your post doubly insulting.

>> No.8342434
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Oh my fuck I didn't realize you had more verbal diarrhea. Your complaint of an appeal to nature fallacy is in itself fallacious by the subjective definition you've imposed on 'nature'. Humans murdering humans does not define natural tendencies because the same could then be applied to humans forming co-habitable societies. You're trying to cherry pick actions humans have ever done to push your personal set of ethics despite it having nothing to do with the evolutionary basis for humans as a species. This social science BS has no grounding and is useless in a discussion about facts. What is a result of nature however is that evolutionary pressures caused humans to have metabolic needs that can only be supplied by specific sources. Most of the 9 amino acids not able to be produced by the human body are found readily in meats and a significantly larger number of different plants and fruit would be needed to provide the same amino acids, which from the way the humans slowly migrated throughout the world would have been impossible to obtain in most environments due to the inability of certain plants to grow in certain climates.

Why the fuck am I surprised yet again that some cu/ck/ doesn't know shit aerobic metabolism?