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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8357047 No.8357047 [Reply] [Original]

Would you care for a stuffed cabbage, /ck/?

>> No.8357050


>> No.8357094

sometimes, but not now

>> No.8357112

Went to the land of freedom for a holiday and stayed with a mate in NYC. He lived in a polish area and we ate awesome polish food every three days when coming down off dingers.

>> No.8357113
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No thanks, got my own.

>> No.8357134

That looks much better than OP's. What's the general recipe? Don't need measurements, I'll figure that out.

>> No.8357154
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This was a beef stuffed cabbage, pork is typically more traditional.

Saute some onion until caramelized then toss it in a bowl with your ground beef, eggs, parsley and whatever seasonings you prefer. Then just wrap it up in boiled lettuce leaves, cover it with some tomato sauce and bake covered until done.

>> No.8357158
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Pound of a half and two heads of cabbage will get you this.

>> No.8357174
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>Pound of a half and two heads

>> No.8357181

That tomato sauce is thin af boi
That's better

Also I always freeze and thaw the cabbages instead of boiling them. Saves a fuckton of effort and gives a better texture at the end

>> No.8357185
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That's a great tip. Boiling cabbage is a pain in the ass.

>> No.8357194
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slav jew american so i love these bastards

pretty sure the worst one i ever had was from one polish place -- too much brown rice as filler, which isn't too bad, but they put ketchup instead of tomato sauce, which is barbaric.

>> No.8357217

>too much brown rice

>> No.8357250

yes pls I would like one or two

>> No.8357315
File: 869 KB, 2560x1205, sarmale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, yeah it's the most traditional Christmas food in Romania, the way you made them looks so different.
Is your cabbage pickled?

Are you interested in a recipe or whatever?

>> No.8357416

Gross. Why does that meat look like headcheese?

>> No.8357420


>> No.8357477

Its like an inside out rouladen... I have to try this.

>> No.8357579

Thanks. What spices did you use so I can make it traditionally according to your country? I grow thyme, rosemary, sage, ginger, garlic, parsely, cilantro, basil, marjoram, and oregano.

Reason I asked, we just harvested 12 heads of cabbage and I want to surprise the wife with something different.

>> No.8357587


Marjoram thyme salt pepper paprika is pretty standard. So is garlic but it's 50/50 depending on the family who makes it.

>> No.8357883

Just... just sous vide them. Why do you make it so hard on yourselves?

>> No.8357893


>sous vide

Pretty sure you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.8357954
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Why is it so hard for you to google "sous vide cabbage rolls"?

>> No.8357995

love them. hate the work of making them.

>> No.8358149

I want it.

>> No.8358184

Pls gib

>> No.8358235

I don't want any cabbage from /you/, you're covered in bees.

>> No.8359191

First of all, >>8357154 got it pretty right, except that:
The cabbage has to be pickled
The meat doesn't have to be beef (we use pork but we do eat pretty fat, so whatever works for you). You can do it half/half for pretty dope results.
10 grams of rice for every 100 grams of meat, that's pretty important. You'll want to saute it for a bit with the onions, after having washed it.
Mix together the meat, rice, onions in a bowl. Add some eggs to tie them together, then some thyme and dill for flavor.
After rolling the the rolls, put them in the pot with some tomato sauce and olive oil.
The trick is the pickled cabbage won't cook nicely without fat around it, so add a healthy piece of smoked bacon in the pot. Gives a nice flavor too. Throw some bay leaves in too, then cook.
Serve with polenta.

>> No.8359201

that one on the far right looks like my gfs asshole but green...I'd love to try it, what is it stuffed with?

>> No.8359212
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I'm sorry that it's confusing due to the lack of proportions and whatnot, but when we cook them it's usually because there's a Christmas/Easter/Whatever Holiday gathering, so we make a shitton of them.

>> No.8359214
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I'm good, bruh. Rocking the lamb stuffed cabbage.

>> No.8359216


No shit? Thanks for that tip. Boiling cabbage is a royal drag.