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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8539810 No.8539810 [Reply] [Original]

>have fat roommate for half a year
>would put ground beef in the slow cooker with some kind of canned soup or spaghetti sauce, without draining any grease
>eats it over pasta
>a regular snack was biscuits cut in half, smothered in butter and sugar, topped with jam
>her idea of making vegetables taste good was to cram as many calories into them as possible
>all vegetables were drowning in some combination of sugary sauce, cheese, butter, animal fat, etc
>tried some brussel sprouts she made once and almost threw up from the coating of bacon grease covering my mouth
>always had diarrhea so I stopped sharing a bathroom with her and started using the one in the basement
>gets mad or cries if you question her eating habits
>also ate fast food almost daily
>how do people get like this

>> No.8539856

Put a stick of butter in coffee grounds and eating it.

>> No.8539862

What the fuck? Are you joking?

>> No.8539864

And she still wouldn't let you smash :(

>> No.8539869

I think I've seen you post on /r9k/ before.

>> No.8539870

Half of the things you listed aren't even that bad. Stop sperging out over random shit.

On topic

>Poor as fuck so i have to rent a room
>One of my roommates is a "chef"
>bic boi with piercings and tatoos
>one day, he gets fired from his chef job for knocking over a shelf with over a grand of lobster
>feel bad for him, so to cheer him up actually take the time to see what food he makes
>pay him 10 bucks to make me a gourmet chef meal so he keeps his dream of being a chef
>makes me shit on a shingle, but with ranch dressing and corn syrup
>causes it shit on a shingle with "valley sauce"
>take a bite
>h-heh good stuff man keep it up
>throw the rest out
>never talk to him again until he moves out a few months later for not being able to pay rent

>> No.8539891
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>> No.8539895

>how do people get like this

shitty parenting then willful ignorance

>> No.8539898

Nope. Uncle was a disturbed fuck.

>> No.8539907

I bake asparagus with olive oil and fresh parmessan cheese. It's delicious.

>> No.8540186
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>work at a restaurant
>a regular that is fat as fatass planetwobble landwhale always comes in to order the same shit
>easily +600 pounds
>literal tons of fucking food, 8 entrees
>extra salt on everything, any semblance of vegetables are asked to be left out
>comes twice every week

I don't understand how people can get like this. Isn't there a limit where you take a good look at yourself and say "this has to stop, there has to be a change"

>> No.8540189

Add a some lemon zest you fat piece of shit.

>> No.8540359
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>> No.8540702

>lived with 1 guy and 3 girls at uni
>I am skinny and the other guy is normal weight
>All three girls are heavily overweight with one being obese
>I cook with the other guy so we both eat pretty healthy
>The girls all eat various veg and qoarn(the fake meat) but then drown everything in horrid amounts of bottled dressing or mayo.
>the obese one has take away 3+ Times a week because "she doesn't have the time or money to cook every day"
>I'm talking 3 large domino' s with sides EVERY WEEK which is easily £45 or more.
>the second fatest girl go out drinking most nights counter acting any efforts to eat healthily

Over half the girls at this uni are overweight or obese. About 1/4 of the guys are overweight or obese. The "women don't needs to cook" coupled with the rise of takeaways has created a generation of walruses.

>> No.8540802

Congratulations! It sounds like the US at 12th fattest nation in the world might have a rival among first worlders soon.

>> No.8540838

once some people get to be super overweight they say fuck it and decide to go full scooter fatass.

Normally they are sad and fucked in the head

>> No.8540963

Mother of god....

>> No.8541192

Refurb is the cutest cat

>> No.8541204

>>her idea of making vegetables taste good was to cram as many calories into them as possible



>> No.8541215

How in the world have you never seen this?

>> No.8541243

>at salad/pizza bar
>waiting for pizza to be put out on the bar that I want, grabbin some fresh salad
>large young lad, 6'4" late teens probs 300+lbs in front of me
>covers bottom of plate in cheese shreds
>adds about 2 inches of pineapple over total plate
>SMOTHERS the whole mess in a soup of ranch dressing

was there with family and every time we eat at a pizza joint we remember pineapple ranch kid

>> No.8541246

I used to order a big dominos with sides every day of the week because I didn't wake up in time to go to the supermarket.

I gained 20 kilos in 3 months, that I haven't been able to lose since

>> No.8541434

I love seeing people's gross concoctions at salad bars. It's like being David Attenborough or something, viewing the wild ham beast foraging for sustainance.

>> No.8541775

Fried rice.
Fat cunt proceeds to add ketchup and mix it around rice like a sauce.
Absolut madman

>> No.8541808

I bought a dog bone for my grandparents dog and my grandpa ate it

>> No.8541816

>be fat
>wipe ass after pooping
>go for a walk
>ass starts itching like crazy
>go to department store lavatory
>wipe ass because it became dirty again

Seriously, lately even after wiping my ass clean I sweat a little and it's like I never wiped. I almost had a skid mark on the outside of my track pants the other day. My underwear was pooped through but fortunately there was an inner lining that stopped the flow.

>> No.8541863

>Go for a walk

Yeah, k

>> No.8541888

I am mildly obese myself, but I can understand it that at some point, after god knows how many failed diet and hungry miserable days you just give up. Especially when food is the only thing in your life that really gives you joy anymore. I understand that only too well.

>> No.8541938

Damn, exactly the same shit (no pun intended) happens to me. No clue what is going on. No matter how clean I wipe my butt, after an hour or three it is sweaty and dirty again. I always have to wash my butt in the basin, or try and take a poop before my morning shower

>> No.8541946

Eat 100 percent of your recommended
daily fiber for a few weeks and see what happens. Disgusting fat fucks.

>> No.8541948


I love fiber. Nothing like sliding out a big dirty brown eel at least once a day...

>> No.8541960


This happens to me when I'm hungover. I sweat like a bitch and my ass gets dirty and itchy. Sometimes I just finger my butthole a little and wiggle it around to stop the itching, kinda like picking boogers except I don't eat the poop like I do with boogers.

>> No.8542275

Eating raw butter t. /mbg/

>> No.8542312

>be fatfuck
>hungry all the time
>all the damn time
>it is seriously annoying
>constantly trying to find ways to distract myself from eating
>learned to cook early on
>make amazing food
>oh fuck portion control
>try to only cook every other day
>still get ravenous
>like a fucking locust
>just end up not keeping food in the house
>depressed all the time anyways

Just end me already.

>> No.8542334

I knew a guy who used to sprinkle hps on his fries for some reason.

Fries from fast food places I mean, he never made his own.

He's dead now.

>> No.8542339

Normal in Malaysia

>> No.8542351


What the fuck is hps?

>> No.8542354

he probably means PHS

>> No.8542356

I used to have this problem when I was fat, then I lost weight and WA LA it stopped.

>Lose weight you worthless fat fuck

>> No.8542524
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>> No.8542644


My mom received a huge bottle of this stuff for christmas. She keeps asking me what to do with it. What I do tell her?

>> No.8542647

>muh keto

>> No.8542657

I've seen a fat chick dig the space key out of a keyboard, then use it to shovel Nutella into her face, straight from the jar, after she got to the point where she couldn't reach the Nutella with her fingers anymore.

>> No.8542692

>skinny as hell
>5'8 120LBS
>Leave highschool for uni
>filmfag so they make me do art shit for a whole year
>no time to work out, no place to cook in dorm
>lose 20lbs, look like a KF clot
>move to apt second year, no art projects so time to cook
>start smoking pot every day, about 1/5 of a gram on weekdays
>eat masses of food
>now 5'9 118lbs
I look about the same way I did when I was doing weight training in highschool every day. I guess 120 is my max until i get obese at 40.

>> No.8542717

one of my housemates puts mayonnaise on hotdogs

plot twist: he's not even fat somehow despite the way he eats

>> No.8542874

Is it at least homemade mayonnaise?
(probably not, but one can hope)

>> No.8542956

I find Himalayan pink salt makes amazing salted caramel. I like to make caramel cookies and dust a bit of the pink stuff on top before baking.

>> No.8543002
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You can still use it as you would any other salt. It still has iodine along with traces of a bunch of other shit.

All benefits are placebos.

>> No.8543013

How stupid do you have to be to believe this shit?

>Some pink minerals turn salt from bone eating poison to something that makes your bones hard as steel

>> No.8543021

Next years' food hype;

>Now; With more pink minerals!

Worst part is that it might even happen...

>> No.8543048

the music does it for me

>> No.8543054

Common also in Japan.

Also it is basically considered kid food.

>> No.8543055

>Mom buys me a pink himalayan salt "soap bar"
>Hey anon look what I got you. It's soap but made from salt. It cleans your hands but it's very good for your skin
>It's basically a big clump of salt
>Ok I'll try it
>Doesn't properly clean your hands
>Doesn't make your hands feel any different
>Starts slowly disintegrating in the damp environment that is my bathroom sink top
>Whole sink top is now covered in salt crystals
>Throw that shit away

Himalayan pink salt was a mistake.

>> No.8543057

>mildly obese

>> No.8543140

>Normally they are sad and fucked in the head

This is why I try not to be too judgmental of these people. You have to have some real problems to let yourself get that way. A lot of really fat people I see are actually mentally handicapped, which just pisses me off. Who is taking care of these people? As caregiver, you can't let her eat that whole block of cheese, for fuck's sake.

>> No.8543165

Eat more fiber and shit that makes your poop form hard.
Eat fruit and vegetables.

>> No.8543173

Less shoveling shit down your fat fuck face and more running and walking.
Mountain Dew is not a substitute for water, fattie.

>> No.8543175

You sleep from 6 am until 10 pm every fucking day?

>> No.8543182

I think my wprst point was getting absolutely shitfaced and microwaing a family size frozen pizza.
>rolled it up and ate the whole thing like a 14" corn dog
>regret nothing
>except being fat

>> No.8543189

>fat people I see are actually mentally handicapped

I wish that were true, but it's not. I think it's more education and what standards your community has. I live in the south, and it's far more common to see either the morbidly obese or meth/crackhead skeletons, both black and white, than people in decent shape. It's just accepted as normal down here.

>> No.8543207

>Pink Himalayan Salt creates an electrolyte balance

NORMAL SALT DOES THIS. Jesus Christ. This was a pet peeve of my high school chemistry teacher. People going on about "electrolytes" when all they're talking about is straight salt water.

>> No.8543211

>People going on about "electrolytes" when all they're talking about is straight salt water.
I mean electrolytes are pretty much just aqueous ions

>> No.8543217

Fuck, I almost threw up

>> No.8543233

fuck me, the first thing that trigger me was how she held that whisk...

>> No.8543245

you don't have 24 hour grocery stores?

>> No.8543251


>> No.8543265

>any bad effects of salt intake go on the left side
>any beneficial effects of salt intake go on the left side
>throw in some nature-fetishist buzz / scare words for good measure

>> No.8543318

The best concentrated form of electrolytes are your car battery

>> No.8543379


What the fuck man.

>> No.8543383

I'm not fat at all, mildly /fit/, but I like to gorge myself if it's at all possible.

>> No.8543397

>1/5 of a gram
Watch out for fuckin snoop dogg over here

>> No.8543402

Himalayan Pink salt tastes a lot better than table salt and its hard to oversalt something

10/10 but expensive

>> No.8543423

>eat masses of food
No you don't. Eat an 18 inch pizza, a pie, and three bowls or more of ramen every day plus half a cheesecake, see if you don't gain weight.

>> No.8543426

>be invited by a friend for cheese fondue
>One of his other friend is so huge he can barely pass in doors
>He commandeer one of the two fondue bowl for himself
>The madman actually empties it all and finish before us
>Then he start asking if he can eat in ours
Shit was disgusting and I never went again.

>> No.8543431

I don't even have a problem with fatasses
I have a problem with disgusting inhuman fatasses who act like a motherfucking collapsar version of a galactic cluster

>> No.8543438

People still eat cheese fondue?

>> No.8543440


Very common where I live. Do it myself as well, not even fat.

>> No.8543441

I do every once in a while. I bought the equipment I might as well use it.

>> No.8543460

Lemme guess, East Anglia?

>> No.8543474
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>corporated salad

can't believe she's still alive and making vids

>> No.8543526


why so much fucking food? get a small take-out, eat it for dinner.

>> No.8543546

>literal tons of fucking food, 8 entrees
Unless your entrees are about 250lbs, I don't think you mean literal.

>> No.8543550

>>have fat roommate for half a year
>>would put ground beef in the slow cooker with some kind of canned soup or spaghetti sauce, without draining any grease
>>eats it over pasta
So Bolognese...

>> No.8543573

Stop ordering a fucking large that has like 2,800kcal or if your American it is probably 4,000

>> No.8543582
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>> No.8543598

Why drain the fat..... is that not where the flavor is?

>> No.8543601

If you are buying minced beef its probably only 5-10% fat anyway so draining it is stupid

>> No.8543604

Fuck off eurofag

>> No.8543605

Everytime I see this I get tempted to make it. Just for funsies.

>> No.8543618

I used to have this problem as a kid, I wasn't fat though

>> No.8543621

>heavy breathing intensifies

>> No.8543625

just normal swamp ass

i get it occasionally when it's humid

>> No.8543631

>One small can
>...Of sweetened condensed milk
Worry begins
>A cup of sugar
Worry intensifies
>A cut of white vinegar
That's kind of a lot of vinegar but okay whatever
>A pint of real mayonnaise
Worry peaks, horror begins

It is at this point I notice that stirring that god forsaken sauce has literally rendered the hamplanet out of breath. She cannot speak more than five words without ending up panting. This is terrifying.

I'm a little overweight but jesus fucking christ

I'm gonna start going to the gym, I think

>> No.8543638

Objective proof that Man's delusion of a righteous world is false. A kind and just god would not allow this to exist.

>> No.8543731

>little overweight

kek. That's something that doesn't exist except in amerilard brains.

But good for you to try to change it, but without a plan, you'll fail. /fit / has some decent stuff, their sticky is good. You don't just get to go to the gym for a few days or try the latest diet endorsed by your favorite celebrity or shill. You have to develop your plan that you'll follow.

>> No.8543745

what the fatherfucking fuck

>> No.8543751

As someone who has gone back and forth from barely fat to barely not fat for a long time I can tell you that your brain gets adjusted to a certain blood sugar level and tells you to try to maintain it. That part gets adjusted pretty often though like if you get sick and can't keep food down for a few days then you just get the blood sugar levels back up out of habit.

The fats are more insidious because burning body fat is actually mildly painful and your brain gives you the cravings to eat it instead of burning it constantly as you cut it.

The higher you get both of these levels in your body the harder it is to recover

>> No.8543759

It isn't. You can gain weight as long as you eat above your maintenance. I'm the same height as you and same weight and thought the same thing, until I started actually eating 3 large meals a day and a big 900 calorie shake. Now I'm 155 pounds (weight lifting 4-5 days a week as well)

>> No.8543768


>> No.8543786

Is it in America?

>> No.8543817

I've been tempted by that before, I'm not even a fat ass just a third worlder, I love ripping the scraps of meat and connective tissue off from bones.
I love wings and eat the ends of the bones and sometimes if they are over fried the small bone of the wing. I make like 70k a year so it's not really from need or hunger, more like nostalgia.

>> No.8543840
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>> No.8543847

Man, this happened to me when I was a skin-and-bones teenager who did two hours of swim team per day, four on Saturdays.

I ate tons of fibrous vegetables and very little grease, but whenever I pooped it was like I had an uncapped marker stuck in my ass. It felt like I was never clean unless I showered the filth out.

>> No.8543855

Thanks! I'll remember this.

>> No.8543862

That sounds like it could be fun, and it's nice that she thought of you. I wish it worked so I could buy one.

>> No.8543864

Not the author, but this is gold:

>> No.8543866

Sounds good desu even if it's not gourmet. A ranch twist on an old classic.

>> No.8543873


Not that guy, but I'm in decent shape and would like to lose about 30 pounds for sensory autism-related reasons. 10 pounds would take me to the lower end of a normal healthy weight at European standards.

Don't you mean that Americans just tend to be more overweight than Europeans? I'd take a second look at Brexitheim before keeping that opinion.

>> No.8543876

what a story mark

>> No.8543884

BMI doesn't mean shit
BF% or bust

>> No.8543893

I'm unsure. I do have normal, non-Skeletor amounts of fat, but would be considered skinny next to most people and don't have much flab to speak of. I can and do enjoy running for a good clip for hours at a time to audiobooks to stave off insomnia, but I can't claim to have much muscle mass either. There just isn't a ton of me, but my ass burgers objects to feeling what non-bone parts I have touch each other.

I could post a body pic to prove this, but we're not on fucking /soc/.

>> No.8544069

Where abouts do you live?

>> No.8544152

>8 entrees

Why did he not get 4 mains instead? Your starter menu good?

>> No.8544168

He's probably from the Midwest US or Asia.

>> No.8544169

That is all p gross, OP, but here's what's good.
take a biscuit, put a dollop of butter on it, then smother in sorghum. so damn tasty. it will make you fat though.

>> No.8544177


vinegar does not fucking contain calories.

>> No.8544701

I once deep fried and ate one of the chicken carcasses that i feed to my dog.

>> No.8544710

Why not just go wipe it with toilet paper? It feels far nicer and your hands won't smell like shit.

>> No.8544728
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>all these faggots have never seen simply sara, not even the macaroni salad video...

has it really been that long? I remember seeing that video posted on this board almost every day 4 or 5 years ago and everyones acting like it's new or something.

>> No.8544738


>doesn't have time to cook every day

I hear this shit all the time.

Bitch, invest in a slow cooker. Throw some shit in there before going to sleep (for beef) or when you wake up (pork or lamb), takes like 20-30 minutes of prep to flavor/sear the meat, get a simple stock going and cut up some veggies and you got good eats for the whole day plus some.

>> No.8544741

>work as overnight manager for 24 hour burger joint in the south
>we're right next to a truck stop
>one of our regular customers us a hambeast of a trucker that always orders a triple meat triple cheese burger combo with large fries and 44 oz drink and 4 apple pies
>only ever seen him order a salad once. Ordered an apple cranberry chicken salad with three crispy chicken filets, bacon and an ungodly amount of ranch

>> No.8544752

start a fast for a weak, minimum three days of no food. drink water to get a semblance of fullness (ignore stomach acid)
Your appetite will die.
Just don't re-lapse into eating lots of food again

>> No.8544793

HP sauce, or A1 steak sauce for you yanks

>> No.8544931

>muh bulletproof coffee

>> No.8545090

The only repulsive thing there is not eating the roasted beans straight up.

>> No.8545117

No, you don't get it. That's not what they are actually saying. What they are actually saying is that they are too lazy to cook.
It also gives them an excuse to buy whatever greasy fast food they want to jam down their gullet.
They probably believe it themselves as well.

>> No.8545209

A lot of times fat people like myself ruin attempts we make to eat healthy because we're afraid of change. If we feail, it's an excuse not to try again.
Any time we over eat it's because we aren't thinking. It's like having smoked a pack of cigarettes without realizing it.

>> No.8545229


>> No.8545266

I checked her new videos, she is still making unhealthy food but now she uses artificial sweeteners instead of sugar
She must have been hit with the betus

>> No.8545275

>Uses at least twice as much dressing as she should
>Don't worry, the vegetables are going to soak all the sauce

>> No.8545327

>how do people get like this
Ignorance. They don't know any better. Educate them and make the world a better place. Just don't be a dick about it.

>> No.8545332
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>> No.8545344

Speaking as a former fattie it's usually the kind of change that needs to be self motivated, especially considering it's usually a messed up bundle of learned behaviours, shitty emotional issues and in some cases physiological/neurological problems.

I never lost weight until it was an intentional self directed effort. People trying to encourage me was something I found very offputting until I initiated the change myself.

But I grew up in a really shitty household and have sensory processing disorder so maybe I'm a special case, I dunno

>> No.8545362

shit I remember this

>> No.8545368

>so maybe I'm a special case
No, you're not
It's kind of like studying
People can help you all they want, they can encourage you all they want, they can make the path easy for you all they want but in the end you're the one who has to walk it
Like okay let's say you're studying for a history final in high school or something (example)
Your older sister can help you out because she's a history major in uni, but she can't go and take the test for you
If you're a fatass, people can tell you 'here's how you can get /fit/ in six months', 'here's some food that is filling and tasty but somehow not fattening', 'here's good resources to stop being a lardass gradually' and so on but they can't lose the weight for you, you need to do it yourself.

>> No.8545379

Yeah, that's a pretty good way to explain it. I mean, I'd say my circumstances make it harder than some people might have it (70% of food making your gag reflex act up makes designing an appetising, healthy diet kinda tricky), but you could say that for a lot of people, really. I mean, I don't have a fucked up thyroid, I don't live in a food desert, I don't live with my parents, etc. Everyone's got their own shitty hurdles they have to get over.

>> No.8545383
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Jesus I haven't seen that in ages. How the fuck is she still alive?

>> No.8545391

>ignore stomach acid
I've been on a diet for a few days now and I've noticed this before. Why does the heartburn feeling happen when you're hungry?

>> No.8545393
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my old roommate was like this first off she made the whole apartment like cum

She bleached EVERYTHING and washed her sheets in the bathtub every day one day I went in her room to investigate the smell

I found an old bloody tampon in an old bowl of food

Just sitting next to her bed

And the floor and her bed were soaked

This 600 pound pathological lying cow pissed the bed and ate everything in the house





I couldn't bring any food home because she would eat it

I couldn't buy any groceries because she would devour them

So we moved into a new place and she disappeared and never moved her Shit in so now I have a 2 bedroom house to myself

Yea honestly she probably died or something she was huge

>> No.8545394

That's 57-58 bags a day, I call bullshit.

>> No.8545409
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Did she died afterwards?

>> No.8545410

Fine you caught me being facetious Faggot it was a restaurant sized case of LAYS, I don't know how many fucking BAGS are in there but it was a ton and she took 5 bags to work every day, then ate them constantly when she got home

And I work 2-9 so I would just come home and see the damage she did

I bought a bag of 40 pizza rolls

This bitch in one sitting

I check the fridge

There are fucking 5 left in the bag

you don't understand dude and she was unbearable I went to Applebee's with her and her boyfriend and she didn't tip, told the waitress her drink was wrong after she drank the whole thing, then got a free meal because "it didn't look like the picture"
I was about to kill this woman myself

>> No.8545432

Does anyone have any advice on stopping the ravenous cravings? I can deal with being hungry, but when the craving hits to eat something unhealthy, it overwhelms me, I don't even feel human any more. I don't know how to beat it.

>> No.8545436

I fap or eat something that doesn't have a lot of calories.

Idk. I get a lot of super intense cravings, but I just do other things until going to the store for an entire box of Parmesan rinds is hard to do.

>> No.8545438

Find alternatives that hit the right spot but don't drown you in calories.

Like, I used to get big cravings for potato chips so I swapped in air popped popcorn instead, satiates the craving while being much healthier (depending on toppings, anyway).

>> No.8545444

Smoke little cigars, drink alcohol, chug coffee and play gameboy.
I barely feel human either but I'll probably live longer than someone that eats sweets like cake and cookies. I haven't touched any of it in 10 years because it's fucking gros.
I just eat 3 or 4 pieces of florestal taffy a week and only put sugar in black coffee. I will never understand how people can consume sugar elsewhere.

>> No.8545447

Refuse to buy it so even if you get cravings you can't get any to eat

>> No.8545448

>drink, smoke, 'chug' coffee
>I-I'm healthy guys

>> No.8545452

At least I'm not fat, fatty mcfatfat.

>> No.8545454

t. alex grandi

>> No.8545458

Are you sure it was not just salt in the shape of a soap bar (or, you know, just a bar)?
I'm pretty sure they do that, you're supposed to scratch or grind it to use it like regular powder salt. Yes it's stupid, unlike spices it won't lose taste by being in contact with air.

AA know a lot of "good" excuses for not stopping to drink booze too. Only difference is that alcohol is addictive, food isn't.

Not beetus. She had a lung problem, the hospital didn't have the equipment she could fit in, the veterinary either had the proper machinery, and she almost died of a fucking cold.
She did a video about it, after she stopped posting for a while, explaining everything (and exact name of illness, wasn't a simple cold, and had complications due to lack of proper treatment)
She's now trying to cook "more healthily", but fail miserably.

>But I grew up in a really shitty household ... so maybe I'm a special case, I dunno
Eating healthily should be learned as a kid. "Soda is for children" is retarded, they end up considering it's normal to drink it during meals and disliking the taste of water. And won't be able to teach their offspring how to nourish themselves correctly.
It's been a few generations people don't know how to eat properly, it'll take a great effort for a whole nation to get out of it. (Looking at school food threads, it's not going the right way.)

>> No.8545471

>Eating healthily should be learned as a kid
Yeah, absolutely. It's hard as hell to train yourself to eat healthy after spending all your formative years developing shit habits. Plus it usually means you have the palate of a ten year old, which is hard to change.

>> No.8545472
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>> No.8545505

I was a huge hipster as a kid

>all the cool kids were drinking soda so for this reason alone I didn't
>all the cool kids were drinking booze and smoking so for this reason alone I didn't
>all the cool kids were eating sweet and chocos and burgers and chips as a kid so for this reason alone I didn't
Lesson - if your kid is a hipster he'll learn to eat healthy

>> No.8545511

Refined sugars are most definitely addictive. I think people should start thinking of sugar in the same light as ethanol, nicotine and caffeine. They're great if you can moderate your shit, but no so great for you when you can't.


>> No.8545539

dude I did this in my first year of Uni. I was 6', 270lbs when I graduated in 2015. I made my schedule so I had classes from 10-3.

>got up, cleaned up myself
>made breakfast of eggs and toast
>lunch was nothing, or an apple
>no soda, so fast food
>walked everywhere in college

By spring of 2016 I was at 185 and I am still at 185. Lose weight, get laid, self confidence goes up like a rocket

>> No.8545625

You fatties are so dumb you can't even wipe properly? You gotta pucker your hole and really scoop deep.

>> No.8545645

This made my day.

>> No.8545648

He obviously never learned to use the 3 seashells.

>> No.8545681

What uni?

>> No.8545683

Once I walked in on my fat roommate sitting in bed eating brown sugar out of the bag with a spoon.

>> No.8545696

That sounds fucking disgusting. Like, why brown of all things?

>> No.8545706

Why would anyone do this? Candy not sweet enough for their diabeetus riddled body?

>> No.8545717


My guess is because there wasn't any candy available so that was the next best thing.

One of my previous (and very fat) roommates did something similar with cake frosting. He ate it straight out of the tub. Why? Because that was the only sweet thing in the house and he couldn't afford to go buy candy or soda.

>> No.8545744

That's something a bum would do.
>Imma drink this hand sanitizer because I can't afford booze

>> No.8545750


Yes indeed. Same concept.

>> No.8545751


Except it wasn't because he was broke, he was just too lazy to go get something other than literal sugar to satiate his sugar craving.

>> No.8545759

As a type 1 diabetic, I've done this during an extreme hypoglycemic episode to save myself from a coma. It tasted pretty awful. I force fed myself spoonful after spoonful of sickly sweet, gritty, molasses-flavored sugar while I tried not to vomit or drop the spoon as I had seizures. This probably wasn't why that person's roommate did it though. I don't recommend it.

>> No.8545763

>go out to eat with my mom & stepdad
>order an appetizer for the table - loaded nachos
>everybody is enjoying and finally food comes
>step dad picks up the half full nachos to his mouth and starts shoveling them into his mouth
>eats like he's worried somebody is going to take them away from him any minute
>makes obscene slurping noises
>mfw he doesn't even ask anybody if they're done before doing this shit

>when he starts eating his main course, he puts both arms on the table
>biceps & elbows on the table, with his forearms sticking up the air with his wrists down to hold his fork
>almost looks like a "fort" around his plate
>brings his head down to the edge of the plate, almost sitting on the table
>shovels food directly into his mouth

Watching fat people eat is easily one of the worst things to see.

>> No.8545785

Well that's understandable. I too would gulp down many gross things to save my life.

>> No.8545806

You know, on second thought, maybe it was something similar. It really doesn't taste good. A healthy person could eat maybe 2 or 3 spoonfuls and have no desire for more straight sugar. I think that guy had a pre-diabetic hormonal imbalance going on to be able to do that.

>> No.8545830
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>> No.8545837
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Thanks lads

>> No.8545840

Why Becky

>> No.8545843

There'd be less smashing and more cave exploring dont you think?

>> No.8545852

>pisses her bed
>keeps used tampons in food bowls
>is rude
>weighs more than 3 average men combined
>still has a boyfriend

How the heck?

>> No.8545857

food definitely can be addictive.

>> No.8545873

>is female
She probably doesn't have the best options, but she still has options.

>> No.8545932
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>> No.8545942
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>All dentay

>> No.8545995

Been trying to find this one for about a year, thanks man.

>> No.8546120

scooping deep is gay

>> No.8546148
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>Worst things you've seen fat people do with food
Make candy necklaces/leis out of all the chocolates

>> No.8546165

>roughly 3 days of my maintenance calories
>4-5 days when I'm cutting

>> No.8546238

Your stomach produces acid when it expects a meal to happen, not when you actually have food, based on your eating habits. It takes a little time for your stomachs 'memory' to reset

>> No.8546331

Nah, I just sat on the toilet and kept wiping. It was terrible. Have you ever had an actually chapped asshole?

t. >>8543847

>> No.8546341
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>a cupa suga
that was at least 3 cups what the fuck

>> No.8546385
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>go to this huge Chuck-E-Cheese rip off
>food is all shit tier carnival food an desserts
>get there and eat first
>we all notice this guy in the corner eating
>like 500LBs of disgusting human being
>has a pile of like 5 dirty plates
>we eat and go play games for a couple hours
>come back to get ice cream before we leave
>the guy is still there
>the pile of plates have multiplied into several piles of plates
>there's an employee talking to him now
Then the true insanity takes place. The employee goes and gets the manager and the 2 security guards. The guy just hunches into the table and ignores them. At this point i'm wondering how he was getting food, I still have no idea. Maybe he can still walk. Eventually the manager is yelling at him to get out. The guy's response was to fake a heart attack and roll himself onto the floor. We hung out and watched the EMTs and the security roll this piece of filth onto one of those extra large stretchers and get loaded into the ambulance. So he ate for at least 3 hours straight and then was carried away to a hospital to be cared for. I was really really funny at the time but I think about it now and want to kill him for being that shitty

>> No.8546527

I've hit that limit

I'm 175 fucking pounds and feel disgusting, 5'11" btw

>> No.8546830

Fairly often I wipe to the point of bleeding and the paper still doesn't come clean. Thank god for flushable wipes. I know they're not 'flushable' exactly, but at this point I don't give a shit.

>> No.8546844

Try 30, max 35. I've got the beer gut going, and I don't even drink beer.

>> No.8546865

hate when people say that eating healthy is too expensive, these people are just lazy. for the money it takes to get a meal at mc donalds i could easily buy a healthy meal at the grocery store and cook it in 30 minutes

>> No.8546866

You just eat too much. I never understood how beer calories were supposed to be different from any others.

>> No.8546870

sounds good anon i dont usually go for asparagus but ive been looking for ways to enjoy it

>> No.8546876

fuck i can hear her labored breathing as she makes this

>> No.8546880

>actually getting anything other than mcdoubles at mcd's

>> No.8546956

Watched some fat albino autist lick the tops of the parmesan cheese and red pepper shakers after topping her pizza at Sbarro. Have never used a shaker in a restaurant again. That was about 25 years ago.