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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8567538 No.8567538 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a tea thread?

Post your mugs, tea sets, gourds, etc.

Just picked up this gourd and so far can't complain since making the switch from traditional to ceramic, since most of the other gourds I used to have would rot. Maté is from eco-tea.

>> No.8567555

that's a very nice mate anon, but the straw looks weird as fuck.

>> No.8567556


Looks pretentious, and you're probably a virgin.

>> No.8567559

Haha, mais quelle tarlouze.

>> No.8567596

>non metal straw

>> No.8567690

the straw is feels better than any metal straw i've used, probably more hygienic since it won't rust too.
>implying guachos don't get all the bitches

>> No.8567938

tfw I can't decide if I should continue my obsession with Chinese black tea or stock up on jade oolong's for the spring.

any recs for best bang for buck Taiwanese vendors? I'm a huge YS fan but Taiwan sourcing seems super pricy.

>> No.8568195

Thats a weird crack pipe Anon.

>> No.8568296
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Looks liike a lovely companion, op.

I recently got drunk and ordered tea online for the first time....

Turns out for 50 bucks I did not buy a 500g tin, but a 50g tin that was collectible and limited to 500 sets. pic related.

I was midlly upset, and more so when I saw it was green tea + green rooibos for the base.

I'be only seen red tea as a meme drink, but with some reading I've found that green rooibos has many times more of the chemicals that have been scientifically proven to improve health like green tea.

In the mean time, I am literally drinking the 100 paper teabag in a box black tea I'm stealing from the roommates so I can just buy them another box of the stuff when they notice.

>> No.8568312 [DELETED] 
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>green rooibos has many times more of the chemicals that have been scientifically proven to improve health like green tea.

I meant that some papers I found cited green rooiboss as having as high as 10 times certain compounds, I didn't mean to compare it to green tea.

ps- this black tea is nice and I am the salt of the earth, jesus never enjoyed stopping this low. who am i

>> No.8568318
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>green rooibos has many times more of the chemicals that have been scientifically proven to improve health like green tea.

I meant that some papers I found cited green rooiboss as having as high as 10 times certain compounds, I didn't mean to compare it to green tea, but the red tea which is fermented(red instead of green) rooibos.
ps- this black tea is nice and I am the salt of the earth, jesus never enjoyed stopping this low. who am i

>> No.8568422

Japanese tea > Chinese tea

>> No.8568429
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>> No.8569078

>Can we have a tea thread?
proceeds to post a picture of mate
>Post your mugs, tea sets, gourds, etc.
so a teaware thread, not a tea thread
/ck/ is a food board ffs not a gearfagging board
anyway I'm drinking mate as well because I'm out of tea, I ordered some from dragon tea house and I'm still waiting for it
retrospectively I shouldn't have ordered gyokuro from china, but oh well what can I do now, let's just hope it's good
fucking weebs
the japs almost exclusively make green tea even, and you may argue that for some reasons jap greens are better than chink ones, say because they don't have that astringent, roasted, relatively strong, bitter flavor due to having been steamed instead of roasted, but that's all you could argue
10/10 mug
bagged tea tho...

>> No.8569493


I miss my Mate gourd. Lost it while moving.

Can anyone make some reccomendations for me?

Currently drinking and like
>Lapsang Souchong
>Blueberry Black (pretty solid for a meme tea) from a local tea store
>Mystic Dragon (Sencha and Dragonwell green tea, mallow flowers, cornflowers, strawberry and rhubarb)

I'm not usually a big fan of flavored teas. Any help ?

>> No.8569502

>brewing bagged tea in a teapot


>> No.8569505

I sincerely hope this thread is still up later today, because I'd love to take all my mugs, cups, tea acessories, and teas out and photograph them individually. That'd be a fun project for a lazy Sunday afternoon. But first, I have some errands to run. It would also give me the opportunity to inventory what I have, which hasn't been done in awhile.

>> No.8569510

make a thread on reddit

>> No.8569523

>tfw i bought some freshly packed first flush darjeeling in Nepal for literally a quarter of the price it would cost here

>tfw too scared to open and drink it because that place is a dity polluted shit hole

what do

>> No.8569531
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Oh fuck that. I've never been on reddit, and never will.

>> No.8569929


>> No.8570670

Tea comes in bags sometimes and I put it in my teapot. tea patricians know that the really rare flavours aren't available in loose form and must be purchased in bags.

>> No.8570682

>flavoured tea

Absolutely plebeian.

>> No.8570689
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>hating flavoured tea

that's...all of it anon

>> No.8570711
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The only full-leaf tea that has any business with added flavouring is Earl Grey, and even then it's just a bit of bergamot oil to imitate puerh.

>> No.8570717
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Boy, do I have a drink for you!

>> No.8570719

where'd you get it from? how does it compare to Darjeeling first flush? aka don't be a bitch. drink it.

>> No.8570721

You're retarded.

>> No.8570734
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>being this jealous of my good taste

>> No.8570753

>box of tea with Inuit imagery
>isn't even Labrador Tea, something the Inuit actually drink

Please die.

>> No.8570783

if you like black tea I advise you try some raw pu-erh, or possibly maybe some da hong pao
fucking open it, take out the amount you need and then close it
I agree bagged tea is the lowest quality tea one can find, but what's the need to mock others if they like it
you do sound kinda like asuka there, try some good quality ginseng oolong instead of acting cool because you drink higher quality tea than others
you're memeing too hard there
also with your taste in mugs you might want to try out some matcha, or some relatively cheap jap tea like sencha if the fact that it's jap sounds like a good enough excuse to you to try some higher quality tea than the literal dust you're used to

>> No.8570791
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>> No.8570799

i have a bunch of loose tea lying around but taking pictures of that is pretty well pointless. I sorta got annoyed with the selection at the tea shop I usually go to, so I went to some chinese corner store and got a bunch of touristy bagged teas and stuff like that. they also sell green tea there for really cheap.

I dunno, the store I went to was silk road but maybe I'll switch to teavana or david's tea or something. Last time I went to teavana though they got mad at me for going behind the counter and opening their cans of tea and they said they do that, not me. I don't want to stand there and ask the tea lady to hand me can after can so I can smell it. They have a hundred flavours, that'd take forever.

>> No.8570804
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why? It's used solely for tea. you don't wash things that aren't dirty, that's just tea residue. I haven't done something stupid like brew coffee in it, although, even washing it wouldn't get the coffee taste out after you've done that.

>> No.8570815
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>Its not grime, its just seasoning.

Confirmed NEET

>> No.8570827

It just looks dirtier cause the flash is on anyway, I usually keep the lights off and sleep during the day. bed at dawn and I just recently arose and the sun is low in the sky.

And anyway, it's practically solid black on the inside and no one cares about that, so what difference would the outside, that does not contact my tea, make?

>> No.8570828

>not keeping a whole collection of unwashed yixing clay teapots, one for every tea you have

200% turbo scrub

>> No.8570858

>not using a single teapot for all flavours to have a special flavour imbued with every cup that is personally tailored to your tastes alone and unreplicatable

I also dump any tea that gets cold in a jar I have, teas of all flavours and when the jar gets full, I can microwave some new cups and get new tea mixtures.

>> No.8570868


Sounds like it would make good kombucha

>> No.8570886

I was also thinking of like, selling my jar idea to dumb hippie liberals. I'm much too lazy to be a scammer unfortunately. Oh well. But I still contend that I could sell a jar and call it Tim's amazing tea concocter, draw some artsy fartsy picture on it, and claim that the glass specially oxides the mixture or whatever. Oh, and don't recommend that they microwave, if they ask that when I am selling it, just glare at them and say with derision:

>You don't microwave tea

and then don't offer any follow up instructions. If only I were motivated to implement my ideas...

>> No.8570889
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I've never seen autism this pure in the wild before

>> No.8570906

It could be done! I see them selling these special tea jugs or whatever at the tea store. They're just jugs, but they cost thirty dollars. It's my jar idea, almost exactly, but the idea they have is you pour tea in the jug in the fridge and you get cold tea in seven hours, and that's what the jug is for.

>> No.8571319

Where do I get decent Yixing pots?

I'm scared to get a fake.

>> No.8571390

I've heard good things about these

do a bit of research on clay types, heini, zini, zhuni, hong ni, duan ni are all pretty different, other factors matter too such as filter type, clay density, thiccness and firing temp. Also dont listen to the mei leaf memes, airtightness, lid fit and spout angle are not necessarily signs of a good pot, a lot of older factory pots have some defects but work fine in the utilitarian point of view even if they leak a bit.

>> No.8571403

I would also lurk teachat's teaware section and read a few threads as well as marshaln's blog

>> No.8571405

Dejen de tomar mate gringos del orto, el precio de la yerba sube gracias a sus gustos pretenciosos
*Reeees in spanish*

>> No.8572758

do you have a dammann freres shop around?
the one I have at hand has an "isle" in the middle with half full 100g tins that are there to be opened and smelled
prices aren't the best but the quality is pretty good, the selection is pretty good and the store is veeery nice
>I usually keep the lights off and sleep during the day. bed at dawn and I just recently arose and the sun is low in the sky.
you sound a lot like you're purposely trying to trigger people
even if it's not the case, please stop, we're kind of trying to have serious/interesting discussions about tea
>mate drinking hipsters made mate prices rise
I don't know it's pretty cheap here, around €7/kg

>> No.8572779

I really am nocturnal. It's actually been almost exactly twenty four hours since that comment, and the sun is coming back. I might go buy a donut before that happens.

>> No.8572799

>retrospectively I shouldn't have ordered gyokuro from china, but oh well what can I do now, let's just hope it's good
Gyokuro is just green tea grown in shade, right? It could be good; China really can't compete with all of Japan's cultivars though.

Nice pot, where'd you get it?

Not the anon you replied to, but thanks for the links.

>> No.8572803

I bought that pot at Silk Road tea. blue is a nice colour.

>> No.8572981

>I really am nocturnal.
still, you including all these details and anime pics and references (as nice as they might be) and obviously troll opinions (tea patricians know that the really rare flavors aren't available in loose form and must be purchased in bags.) are kinda out of place, I'd appreciate if you wrote about tea instead of your life
>Gyokuro is just green tea grown in shade, right?
it's green tea from a particular cultivar (that the chinks don't have) grown in the shade for some 3 weeks and then steamed (which the chinks can but usually don't do)
I mean a good tasting green tea could be grown in china like gyokuro and processed as such, but that wouldn't be exactly gyokuro, and while it would be good enough for me I doubt I'll get something like that
I'll just have to try it when I get it
>all of Japan's cultivars though.
the only noteworthy tea plant cultivar in japan, and the most common there, is yabukita
chinks have a hell of a lot more cultivars than japs

>> No.8573107
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Kombucha counts as tea, I guess? Got a scoby a few weeks back and managed to keep it alive and split it. Currently have two continuous brews going, lung ching and ceylon.
The baby in the lung ching one is getting kind of thick so I might have to set up a new jar eventually.

>> No.8573130

whats the best way to prepare mate?

>> No.8573142

Just drink vinegar. Fresh tea is not comparable to that shit.

>> No.8573234

FTGFOP first flush darjeeling every morning since I've been a kid. Green tea or green jasmine sometimes in the afternoon for variety.

I can't drink cheap or bagged tea. There is literally a world of difference in taste between different tea qualities.

>> No.8573251

>Kombucha counts as tea, I guess?
yeah pretty much
have you tasted any of those?
did you have to go to the hospital as a result?
>best way
it's up to taste mait
I put a teaspoon in a ∼300ml cup, pour a bit of room temperature water on the mate so it doesn't burn when I pour 85°C water on it, then I pour the water and I wait for it to cool
when it's cool enough I drink it with a bombilla while it steeps

here's the updated pastebin

>> No.8573275

Fuck that's expensive. It costs around 4 here, but it was 2-3 a couple years ago before reaching meme drink status. Gee thanks a lot, Hetfield.

>> No.8573478

>I'll just have to try it when I get it
Hope it's good. How much of it did you get?

>the only noteworthy tea plant cultivar in japan, and the most common there, is yabukita
My mistake, I didn't think all of their green tea was from one cultivar. I also never realized how many kinds of green tea china produced, as I usually drink blacks and oolongs.

Why is jasmine so popular? For the few times I've tried it, it's definitely one of my least favorite infused drinks.

>> No.8573813

>Hope it's good. How much of it did you get?
Thanks. 50g for a bit less than €7
>I didn't think all of their green tea was from one cultivar.
it's not, gyokuro is often made from other cultivars, tho it's the vastly more common one
>I also never realized how many kinds of green tea china produced, as I usually drink blacks and oolongs.
you may wanna try some maojian if you're down for green teas, in my experience it's fairly stronger and fuller-tasting than lots of other greens

>> No.8574210
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I actually prefer the taste of green rooibos to that of red, though the oxidized stuff is perfectly fine. Grooibos synergyzes really nicely with mint, mate, nettle, and a bunch of other herbals; IMO it's more flexible than rrooibos. And grooibos does seem to be healthier, or at least higher in antioxidants, antiorients, &co.

>I'm not usually a big fan of flavored teas"
>Just about all the teats listed are essentially flavored teas
not judging you but I am amused. Any, I'll second
for DHP and yancha/wuyi area/"rock" tea as a whole. Also recommending pu-erh, but I would start you off with a ripe/shou rather than, or in addition to, a raw/sheng. Shou + Da Hong Pao and its da hong pals can get pretty smoky, while a fair bit more complex than a typical smoky Lapsang. Here's an example of a really roasty shou you can get pretty inexpensively:
Shou is usually cheaper than comparably-good shong.
If you want to try a very different sort of black, go for a Yunnan black e.g.

>> No.8574487

show me a venue for loose blueberry icewine tea

>> No.8574496

Literally all of it seems to be from one company.

>> No.8574512

okay, so, can you show me the loose tea? That was just one example, I could give a dozen, in case you want to throw a hissy fit and claim it's not real tea or something.

>> No.8576132

Like the updates, I suggest the oolong owl in the blog section, especially since so many people want to get into matcha, she has a ton of reviews of all sorts of pricepoints

Also reccomend pu-erh.sk in the vendor list

>> No.8576876

>you may wanna try some maojian if you're down for green teas
Cool, thanks for the recommendation. I tried some Long Jing from What-cha recently that was pretty good. It had a sweetcorn, vegetable-like smell, and a great sweet aftertaste. How's the Maojian compare?

Seconding oolong owl. There's a good amount of thorough reviews on their site.

>Also reccomend pu-erh.sk in the vendor list
There's some beautiful teaware on that site. How's their pu-erh?

>> No.8576900
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>Can we have a cuck thread?
Sure, why not?

>> No.8576964

No, because the flavor doesn't exist outside of that one brand. There's plenty of looseleaf black teas with blueberry flavor though.
I'm not saying it's not a real tea, but it is just a specifically flavored black tea.

>> No.8577084

so my statement, "certain niche teas only exist in bags" was correct.

>> No.8577130

Still havent ordered from them, but heard good things from people whose taste I trust, will make an order of some older sheng samples later this week and a few of their younger productions. Love their teaware, especially the andrezj bero stuff, some of his new stuff is supposed to become avaliable soon, some cool shibos.
Dont be retarded, the contents of the bag are some blend, you can recreate it with actually good ingredients instead of some dust and artificial flavorings, takes work but its probably much better.

>> No.8577528
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>Still havent ordered from them, but heard good things from people whose taste I trust
Good to hear. I am kind of wondering about the authenticity of some of their products though. There's a 1998 Shu, 250g for €100. Doesn't that seem a bit low?

>Love their teaware, especially the andrezj bero stuff
Yeah, especially those jars he made. They would be perfect for loose tea too. Personally, I like Stefan Andersson's kyssu's; just look at these aesthetics.

>> No.8577603

Nans mug. PG tips. Splash of milk. Nice suppa sorted.

Why do americans have to make everything so pretentious you fedora tipping poofs.

>> No.8577612

Shu doesn't improve in value that much unless it's famous productions, did a quick search of similarly aged stuff and didn't find a big discrepancy, but yeah, I have no way of proving anything, your guess is as good as much

>> No.8577615

as good as mine*
need sleep

>> No.8577674

I'll read some oolong owl reviews thanks for the suggestion, but it's not like you people can't update the pastebin if you want it
just be careful and double check your sources and update it if you think it needs to be updated
>so many people want to get into matcha
fucking weebs can refer to the internet
also I've only tasted two matchas and I didn't like them so I don't know enough to verify the sources, somebody else do that please
>Also reccomend pu-erh.sk
anybody else who ordered from them can agree?
>long jing
>vegetable like smell
I found the smell somewhat sweet but not vegetable-like, and instead I found it tasted like straw and roasted greens/grass
the maojian I tried has a stronger smell, you could hear/feel/smell the roasting more, the flavor was stronger and less complex, like it was almost roasted too much, say for example burnt greens, and the aftertaste wasn't as sweet, tasted somewhat grassy and was more astringent
it's the kind of green tea I would recommend to one who likes black tea, mostly for the strength
>Doesn't that seem a bit low?
on the contrary
it doesn't cost that much money to store big quantities of tea, especially if it's stored in an already available place that doesn't need much/any maintenance €400/kg sounds fair if the leaves were good quality to begin with
are you english?
you sound like you don't care much about how your tea tastes

>> No.8578248

Where do you anons buy your teaware?
I'm in the market for a gaiwan and a new cup.

>> No.8578661
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>I'm wrong, but I'm too weak to ever admit it.

>> No.8578833

But it's not really a niche flavor, so much as an exclusive product of the Metropolitan Tea Company, which does make a looseleaf version of the icewine tea and a looseleaf version of the blueberry tea, just not one of them together. Niche implies at least one other source of it.

>> No.8578839
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you said flavour, I didn't say flavour. That's your word. I said tea.

>> No.8578847

But that's what it is, a black tea with flavoring.
You can get black tea anywhere, it's not a niche tea.

>> No.8578851

You can't get my tea anywhere, only the metropolitan tea company.

>> No.8578868

Get some looseleaf icewine tea and add blueberries. There's your tea.

>> No.8578892
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>make it yourself
>or buy it from one place in the whole world

"Not niche" -/ck/

>> No.8579502

You know how I know you're fucking stupid and probably a sudaca or guiri subhuman?

Other than drinking mate, that's it.

>> No.8579569
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I've been enjoying this batch of 上煎茶 (SF+) from O-cha. I enjoy it immensely and it comes highly recommended from yours truly, dōmo arigatōgozaimashita. It is a fantastic mid-day cupping. O-cha are the "real deal", as it were - skilled blenders, tried and true terroir. I'm genuinely impressed and I am happy to announce that I'm preparing for my first o-shiri-o-kayotte steeping - it is that good.

As for my set, everything is custom made, from the 茶碗, 棗 and even the hand-woven 茶巾. I will not take a picture of it and I recommend you follow the same practice as well. It may seem superstitious to you, but there is tamashī in your equipment and a photograph will tarnish it, ruining your chanoyu. If you think this is funny and you don't take it seriously, might as well stick to CTC and teabags.

>> No.8579579 [DELETED] 

I like you
Please continue posting

>> No.8581190
File: 46 KB, 500x500, flavors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who has the best loose leaf flavored teas? I have tons of non-flavored teas, but I've been trying to eliminate soda and I want something fruity/fresh to drink instead.

>> No.8581329
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Pic related

>> No.8581352

Can you be heterosexual and still have a tea set?

>> No.8581423

depends, how do you feel about sucking cock?

>> No.8581445

Is that fucking sugar?

>> No.8581448
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>> No.8581449

Pretty sure it's ice.

>> No.8581452

Try good quality white peony tea (bai mu dan). Fruity, fresh and sweet.

>> No.8581473

There are a lot of companies to choose from, but I find that Argo and Adagio has a decent selection if you're going commercial and want to shop online (their actual shops sucks by comparison). Some of the fandom blends from Adagio are surprisingly pleasant.

>> No.8581490

Okay, I will put that on my list of things to order next.
Never heard of Argo, but I have ordered from Adagio before. Their flavored teas are hit or miss. Their fandom blends have always sort of weirded me out because a lot of them seem to have way too many different things crammed into them, but others have looked decent. I may give one a try.

>> No.8582190

nop. as soon as i bought tea equipment i found myself going under bridges and paying dudes $15 to suck them off

>> No.8583307

if you're in europe, or better yet in spain, you can get some good one from bbte.es, tho you'll have to write and ask if they can ship it to your location if you're not in spain
yes, but I'm not 100% sure if you can manage that as well
not him but thanks for the recommendation, I might just get some and see how it is

>> No.8583509

Me too, once I started buying tea at >1$/g I started visiting the local pornshop to use their gloryhole, its a slippery slope

>> No.8583713
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Hi Op Argie here, nice mate, not sure about the bombilla. Is it really mate a trend in the US? i like my cheap as fuck mate, because i'm a lazy piece of shit so i forgot to clean it and it grows molds sometimes. pic related

>> No.8583719

Probably a crack pipe

>> No.8584608

what are your favorite yerba brands? I just got into it, ordered a few different bags, tried 3 so far, can't tell much difference. they're all good.

>> No.8584872

yes we should - and one more thing.

>> No.8584894

Anon why did you post such small size format picture, (3.88 MB, 4048x3036) is fucking way too small.
Please post fucking 30.88 MB at least next time, moron.

>> No.8586152

what's a good brand of oolong tea i can buy online? i've tried everywhere near me but no one carries any.

>> No.8586267
File: 299 KB, 800x600, IMG_20170216_230211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been drinking mostly pu-erh lately. Really been enjoying semi aged (7-10 year old) raws on the wetter storage side of things. The white box Xiaguan and the 2006 Feng Quing have been my favorites. That is my third box of that Xiaguan. I got a few ripes in my latest order and I find them pretty bland, I was expecting much stronger flavors. I have a 2013 Three Cranes Liu Bao that I find is a much more flavorfull ripe tea. U have been buying mostly from Yunnan Sourcing, but I will probably make a bulk order from Taobao soon. Any suggestions for older raws I should try?

>> No.8586776

Dong Ding is my favorite.

>> No.8586799

So I just got a new temperature control kettle with a bunch of preset temps for tea. The first setting is for delicate tea but I don't know what that is. Am I supposed to use delicate for things like silver needle and gyokuro or would those fall under white and green respectively?

>> No.8587437

Usually around 70-75C for most green teas. As for white teas, most of what I've bought has recommended around 80C. I think I even have a few oolongs that are better brewed at a lower temperature.

>> No.8587449

lmao, every product from China is called ding dong something. Narrow it down.

>> No.8587530

experiment a lot, there's a lot of variation within tea types, there's whites I use 80º others I push with boiling, same with greens

>> No.8588130

>brand of oolong tea
whatever shop in the last pastebin is good, don't look for a specific brand but for a specific type of tea, and buy it from someone trustworthy
>a bunch of preset temps for tea.
I personally wouldn't trust them unless I knew what temperatures they were, and not knowing that I can't say what setting would be best
for silver needle and gyokuro in particular, I steeped the first at around 80°C and it came out very nicely imo, and the second has some pretty complicated rules you supposedly should follow for it to came out properly, you can easily found them if you search a bit on google
in the off chance you aren't trolling, dong ding is the name of a specific taiwanese oolong, not a brand
if you want something easy to try, try some tie guan yin from one of the stores in the pastebin
if you're trolling, still know that since dong ding is the name of a taiwanese oolong you will be hard pressed to find any product with that name coming from china :^)

>> No.8588546

I have a question: I got gyokuro from a friend recently. I looked up brewing instructions, and it looks like they use a special teaset for it that I don't have. Am I ruining the tea by trying to brew it normally with a teapot at the delicate setting?

>> No.8588796
File: 185 KB, 670x444, Pesticides sprayed on tea leaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey tea freaks can someone address the heavy use of toxic chemicals sprayed on growing tea bushes.

Toxic Pesticides in Green Tea from China.

Along with being the world’s largest producer of tea, China is also the world’s largest user of pesticides.
The excessive use of dangerous pesticides in green tea farming is having a real impact on the safety of tea in the global market.

What are the pesticides in green tea from China?
In a study done by Greenpeace in early 2012, researchers took 18 samples of medium-grade tea from 9 different tea manufacturers in China.
All 18 samples had no less than 3 different types of pesticides.
12 of the 18 samples had traces of banned pesticides.

Avoid Chinese tea
Another solution would be to stop drinking Chinese green tea altogether and move over to only drinking Japanese green tea.
China is an enormous country with a very large population.
Although the government has strict regulations in place, many tea plantations find ways around the law.
China has been the subject of many publications reporting on business men and women that are willing to pay bribes in order to pass product inspections.

Japan has very strict regulations on farming.
Their laws on pesticides are checked regularly, and are more strict than those of the European Union and the USA.
So there is a much better chance of fewer pesticides in Japanese green tea.
Aside from regulations and laws, farms in Japan are kept small and are owned by individual farmers.
Since these farming families have a limited amount of land, they take extra care of what they put on their soil and crops.
It wouldn’t be beneficial for them to use extremely toxic pesticides that could potentially ruin their land.
My advice is to know the origin of your tea.

Choose Japanese green tea if you can. When in doubt, rinse the tea with hot water before brewing your first cup.

>> No.8588841

>Not China

Ding Dong! Hong Kong! Ching Chong! Its all the same to me, you slant eyed dog-eaters.

>> No.8588908

Yeah, my Korean wife loves green tea and she categorically refuses to use any except for Japanese. Given the hatred between the Japanese and Koreans, that says something.

Bottomline, don't buy food products from China. I seriously hope we annihilate china in a war soon, and turn them into a Japan.

>> No.8588923
File: 215 KB, 800x598, Kitties-cats-22092221-500-374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you slant eyed dog-eaters.
and cats, don't forget cats, they eat kitties also

>> No.8588933

Yunnan sourcing has all their tea tested for pesticides to make sure there wasnt excessive use that will impact the flavor. Every tea Ive bought from YS has been top tier with great flavor.

>> No.8589011

>Every tea Ive bought from YS has been top tier with great flavor.
yes but taste alone is not the indicator that toxic chemicals were or were not sprayed on tea leaves, and considering Chinas dishonest practices
I would not trust them for not using toxic chemicals or using very little of them
Chinese were cought many times with toxic additives to various foods or that famous lead in paints used to paint children's toys
so I would not trust tea from China unless it was grown for the Chinese ruling communist elite.

Fuck them, there are other more trusted sources of tea.
I'm not taking chances with those proven time and time again cheaters.

>> No.8589077

Scott from ys doesn't seem like the kind of dude that would scam you

He said many times that the tea they produce is tested not all the teas they hold!

And fuck it if I die at 50 because I drank tea from China so be it

>> No.8589138
File: 70 KB, 800x494, c5560a4a-f354-11e6-8a92-5a4126ffa8eb_image_hires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And fuck it if I die at 50 because I drank tea from China so be it
Wow, you are or stupid Chinese or just plain stupid.
Millions of people don't drink tea and they are not missing anything special that tea provides.
Look at those Chinese, they drink their stupid tea they eat all that gross stinky food and they claim that they have this ancient chinese medicine secrets
but take a look at 50-60 years old chinese people.
They all look like nuclear bomb victims, all shrunk like prunes, bend down, barely walking, turtles fucking walk faster.
Where is their secret ancient medicine that many in the West are so fascinated with.

Chinese have nothing special on the West with their weird shit foods that smells like some creepy monster's shit, I suspect that Bigfoot's shit
smells more appealing then some of the shit food chinese eat thinking that it will make them healthy and live forever.

So their tea drinking philosophy is just nothing then a piss in the wind.
And many westerners are stupid enough to see that ir real perspective. Where is the freaking proof.
If drinking tea was so beneficial chinese people would be best looking most healthy people on the planet.

It's a scum guys, just pure scum. Wake up suckers.

>> No.8589146
File: 57 KB, 1024x683, laughing at naive tea buyers from the West.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laughing at the naive tea buyers from the West

>> No.8589164
File: 288 KB, 800x419, tea-pesticides-FI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Brands of Tea Contain THESE Harmful Chemicals!

Although tea is widely thought to be a healthier source of caffeine than coffee, pop or energy drinks, conventional tea brands have been shown
to contain high levels of toxic substances such as fluoride and pesticides.
The levels found in these products are so high that they are considered unsafe for consumption.
As with most products, all tea is not created equal. Opting to save a few dollars on cheaper tea can cost you a lot more when it comes to your health.

Conventional Teas May Contain Fluoride and Pesticides
Most tea isn’t washed before it is distributed into bags. If the tea was sprayed with pesticides, those pesticides will wind up directly in your cup.
Many non-organic tea brands have been found to contain pesticides that are known carcinogens.
Popular tea brands often get away with listing “natural flavors” as an ingredient, causing many consumers to think they are buying better, cleaner ingredients.
But there is a whole list of what “natural flavors” could mean.
A study published in Food Research International found that a significant percentage of the United Kingdom population greatly exceeded the recommended dietary intake for fluoride,
which can lead to detrimental health effects.
It was determined that the overexposure was occurring specifically from the consumption of tea.
Overexposure to fluoride can cause problems with the bones and teeth, as well as kidney problems.

Where Does The Fluoride Come From?
Tea plants absorb fluoride from soil and accumulate it as they grow, so older leaves contain the most fluoride.
Cheaper quality teas are often made from older tea leaves, which contain more fluoride.
These teas also contain the least amount of anti-oxidants, lessening the health benefits associated with drinking tea.

>> No.8589182

Which Brands Contain The Most Toxins?
The CBC actually conducted an investigation on several popular international tea companies, including:
4.No Name
5.Uncle Lee’s Legends of China
6.King Cole

Alarmingly, the CBC found that half of the tea brands contained a level of toxins that exceeded the legal limit.
The worst offenders were:
King Cole, which contained the monocrotophos – a chemical that is currently in the process of being banned, as it causes irregular heartbeat and even coma.
Uncle Lee’s Legends of China, which contained more than 20 types of pesticides. One was endosulfan, which causes nervous system damage.
No Name, which contained more than 10 pesticide types.
That doesn’t mean the other tea brands were totally safe, however. In fact, only Red Rose tea was found to contain no pesticides at all.

SO THERE YOU HAVE IT TEA FANATICS you were thinking that you are so sophisticated and immune from poisonous toxins in your precious tea.
I think you would benefit more from drinking your own urine to be honest

>> No.8589196
File: 33 KB, 800x600, Pesticides in tea- Testing the chemicals in your cup (CBC Marketplace).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pesticides in tea: Testing the chemicals in your cup (CBC Marketplace)

We tested tea for pesticides, and found stuff in your cup that you may not want.
Pesticides in tea: Testing the chemicals in your cup (CBC Marketplace)

>> No.8589215

What's with the crack pipe?

>> No.8589322

Good thing I just like the taste and do not care whatsoever about muh health benefits, also who would drink any of those brands, no shit bagged plebs get the worse of it

>> No.8589455

this is some woke shitposting guys

>> No.8589834

Wasn't there a tea general once? Also anyone where to get French vanilla?

>> No.8590241

jesus christ this fucking weeb really wants senkaku so bad that he shits up tea threads. anon, we dont fucking care. chinese tea is enjoyable thats why we consume it from the ceremony to the taste

>> No.8590259

say it, I, not we. OK?
you understand now? you speak only for yourself.

>> No.8590601

here's what I found after a brief research
the website quoted here quotes in turn this - http://www.greenpeace.org/eastasia/publications/reports/food-agriculture/2012/pesticides-chinese-tea-report/
according to that report they bought some green, oolong and jasmine tea from chinese big name tea companies (tenfu for example), some very cheap (€15/kg) and some fairly expensive (€280/kg), and found that each of these contained some pesticides, the "worst" of which (the banned, illegal ones) were
>methomyl, illegal over a certain amount pretty much everywhere, too high intake brings kidneys problems, no signs of it being a carcinogenic or neurotoxin were found
>endosulfan, illegal in a lot of countries and soon to become illegal in most others, it's a neurotoxin that inhibites neurotransmitter receptors and the max safe dose for adults is 0.006mg per kg of your body per day, so you can be safe with an intake of 0.042mg per day if you weight 70kg; according to the table in the greenpeace paper, the tea with the higher endosulfan concentration had 0.35mg of it per kg of tea leaves, which means you'd be fine if for everyday of your life you consumed a bit more than half a kg of the most toxic tea they tested; this as well has not found to be carcinogenic, and while it has been connected to development disorders and birth defects, the doses were higher than the ones I mentioned above
>fenvalerate, which according to greenpeace and other very inaccurate (as in, they state it's toxic but don't provide any data about dosage or real studies) sources, it's moderately toxic in mammals because it temporarily inhibits the sodium permeability of cells in the brain, which makes the brain work worse than it should, causing coughs, headaches, nausea and similar stuff that goes away after little time (hours); the epa has removed this from their archive, I'm guessing because it wasn't considered toxic enough to be worthwhile of the space

>> No.8590632

sources for the info in the previous posts were
>wikipedia.org, pages relative to each of the chemical in question

please note that the greenpeace report tries to make it seem like the quantities of chemicals in tea are toxic, and my guess is that, being greenpeace an "environmentalist" organization, they want to protect the flora and fauna as much as possible, and those three chemicals are moderately to severely more toxic to some animals that to humans, and it's mentioned that a big part of the concern is due to the fact that these substances have been linked to problems of some kind in pregnant women and consequent children, so if you want to be paranoid you can surely avoid making your pregnant gf drink a lot of chinese tea
I only looked into those three chemicals because they were made to seem the most dangerous and while I don't know if they actually are, I hope my brief research makes you take the info in that green-tea-guide.com article with a grain of salt
if you fear for your safety, I invite you to read more about the other chemicals found in chink tea that the greenpeace paper mentions, I'm very convinced you'll find they're not nearly enough toxic to cause any observable effect when the tea is consumed in reasonable doses
now to the fun part...
>Avoid Chinese tea
fucking weebs I swear
>Japan has very strict regulations on farming.
>Their laws on pesticides are checked regularly
china has them as well, anything makes you think the japs respect them while the chinks don't?
>farms in Japan are kept small and are owned by individual farmers.
come on you have to be joking here

>> No.8590668

part 3
>look at those Chinese, they drink their stupid tea they eat all that gross stinky food
China was the 19th country for tea consuption in 2016 according to statista.com and the 35th in 2014 according to sources cited in wikipedia.org
according to everything, they're the first exporter of tea, while turkey, morocco, ireland and the UK are among the first for tea consumption
going logically from this, people from turkey, morocco, ireland and the UK would drink more chink tea than the chinks on average
>but take a look at 50-60 years old chinese people, They all look like nuclear bomb victims
you may want to look into genetics
else you may also want to attribute their almond shaped eyes to their tea
>SO THERE YOU HAVE IT TEA FANATICS you were thinking that you are so sophisticated and immune from poisonous toxins in your precious tea.
to answer to this, and to do a

there's a quantity of toxic substances in chinese tea, who knows if it's more or less than in tea from sri-lanka or india, nobody seem to care much about those to verify, but the amount of those substances isn't nearly high enough to cause any harm to a human being if drank in reasonable quantities (where unreasonable quantities would be the liquor of 0.5kg of leaves of the cheapest and most toxic tea you can buy from china), so unless you drink 15 liters of tea per day you'll be fine.

peace out

>> No.8591043
File: 1.41 MB, 2560x1920, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How make cold black tea?
sometimes I forget tea in cup and it has 20% chance tasting great when gets cold and for rest bad taste, and can't figure i out why that happens. Any tips?

>> No.8591087

Don't let it steep for to long.

>> No.8591154

>being this fucking autistic
its called consensus nigga

>> No.8591332

Scott's shilly fuck boi again.

>> No.8591592
File: 29 KB, 600x600, bag of idiots left open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you google the meaning of the word 'consensus' before you use it speaking for anonymous posters or readers here.
I know a'lot of retards like yourself are using this phrase "nobody cares" because it sounds like a fact but in fact that is just
an empty statement that is totally false.
Unless you have everybody registered an taking their votes and getting 100% agreeing vote then you can not say "nobody"
unless you an retard and panicking that suddenly somebody is questioning value of your point of view and is providing opposite
facts that are somehow putting in question honesty of your original statements.

My strong suggestion for you is to engage your brain next time before you post something absurd like that.
Unless you are applying for the "village idiot position"

>> No.8591807

wow anon youre so very smart teach me your ways

>> No.8591825

>teach me your ways
I can't. I was born like that

>> No.8591844


Hi, just popping in to say I agree with >>8590241 anon, therefore we have reached a consensus and we really dont fucking care.

>> No.8591850

pastebin has a lot of stuff, any recommendations on oolong?

>> No.8591875

>we really dont fucking care.
the 'we' you are talking about is only two of you so far.
At this point when I'm typing this there is 64 posters here, so you are full of rotten tea leaves.
you need 62 more posters to be able to say "nobody"
you see again I demonstrated to you guys that you are inferior.
go back to school.


>> No.8593241
File: 1.18 MB, 2560x1440, deliciouspoison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last tea package that came from aliexpress
rip delicious cancer at affordable prices ;_;7