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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8737395 No.8737395 [Reply] [Original]

You cowardly fucking faggot.

We are ALLOWED one thread per week to discuss the state of this board.

>> No.8737405
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>> No.8737414

Mods are fucking retarded. Earlier they deleted a thread that broke no rules at all

>> No.8737429
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cry to hiroshimoot about it i'm sure he'll do something

>> No.8737438

>broke no rules at all

So it actually was a troll thread huh?

>> No.8737441

the mods dont care about the rules, you should know that by now.

>> No.8737442

My guess is it was deleted when people started talking about how to avoid bans.

Also the janitor is a cuck.

>> No.8737450

Huh? The thread I'm talking about is not the one OP is talking about. I'm talking about one where the OP asked for recommendations and discussion of a certain type of food. There was no uncivilized discussion and it was purely shut down cause MODS are biased against that food. But mods shouldn't enforce their subjective taste, they should moderate according to the rules

>> No.8737451

So what's your deal

What do you want OP

Wordfilter McChicken?

>> No.8737465

Ironic shill threads are the best thing that happened to this board since 'go 'za.
In seriousness though, allow discussion about celebrity chefs, it's usually fairly productive and really weird that these are the threads that get hammered so hard

>> No.8737466

Ck is like the last board that has these issues

The board is fine compared to some of the garbage this site shits out

>> No.8737508

This is a concerted effort to force users into buying a pass.

Bring back moot

>> No.8737515

/pol/ has threads about bombing synagogues
/ck/ bans people for asking why lettuce is bad for you

>> No.8737531 [DELETED] 

You ever thought that maybe there's a reason I removed your thread? Quit making new ones after the staff removes them, you're lucky you haven't gotten a range ban yet but you're tiptoeing on eggshells here.

>> No.8737533

Because pol is politically incorrect thats why it dont get banned. And lettuce is not real people food so thats why you get banned

>> No.8737539

Saying your 4chan staff is against the rules and if you really are are mod or janitor you're getting fired :^)

>> No.8737541

mod damage control detected

>> No.8737542

Not that anon, but maybe give the reason? How are we supposed to avoid bans if the rules aren't your criteria?

>> No.8737545
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Kek get a load of this butt blasted guy

>> No.8737548

the criteria are "you had an opinion I don't like"

just reset your modem and move on

>> No.8737559
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>> No.8737561

What happened?

>> No.8737564

Nazi boy mod broke the global rules

>> No.8737574
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>> No.8737577 [DELETED] 

Not that guy and not a mod but maybe if you guys would quit making so many threads about e-celebs and obvious shitposting threads and shit that has been posted over and over again then maybe they wouldn't be deleting your threads and banning you left and right? Also complaining about 4chan staff is just shitposting and is a bannable offense too, so threads like these are not necessary. You had your one thread for the week and it was filled to the brim with shitposting, so I can totally understand why it was removed.

there's no way to prove thatwa s a moderator

>> No.8737591

>discussion of a certain type of food.

Just admit it was yet another BigMac thread you fucking retarded dumb pile of shit. And fuck off.

>> No.8737595

You are totally transparent

>> No.8737598

I've never made an e-celeb thread in my life and all I do is report them

I stopped reporting them when I started noticing that within an hour of reporting a Jack thread I'd get banned for having wrong opinions

Since I stopped reporting threads, wrong opinion bans are only about once every 2 weeks. As mentioned in the last thread, my last wrong opinion ban was for saying 20somethings liked a certain kind of beer. In a beer thread. In response to a discussion about what 20somethings liked.

Not the op btw, just another satisfied customer of the nazi mod

>> No.8737603

It wasn't. But even if that was the case it wouldn't be against the rules

>> No.8737613

What is this thread about? Has some faggot been deleting jack threads?

>> No.8737619

Someone made a thread about the nazi mod banning people for having wrong opinions about food. A lot of people replied saying they had the same problem. It disappeared, op apparently ban evaded, and now the mod is doing damage control pretending to not be a mod.

>> No.8737620 [DELETED] 

Your just chasing shadows and illusions kiddo. Keep pretending you know what youre talking about and that you are uncovering some kind of big conpsiracy or something, see where that kind of logic goes you.

>one person is all of 4chan.
>STILL complaining about the 4chan staff

Even if you were banned "incorrectly" just chalk it up to a fluke. Theyd are I can only imagine probably understaffed and overworked, and you people just starting shit and bitching and crying isn't doing any good to anyone.
Jack is overposted and is just shitposting "LE EPIC BAD COOK MAY MAY xD" eceleb garbage at this point. I say remove them.

>> No.8737624

Find a flaw

>> No.8737625

Global Rule 8 doe

>> No.8737628 [DELETED] 

>guy comes in and makes a post
the tinfoil is for baking, not wearing on your head you dingus.

>> No.8737630
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>I'm totally not a mod guys!

>> No.8737634

Just delete this thread and ban everyone, and hopefully it won't be picked up in the archives

>> No.8737639 [DELETED] 

>le "ITS A MOD ITS A MOD ITS A MOD" delusion
Literally chasing shadows, kids.

>> No.8737640

I'll take 'what is damage control for 100 Alex'

>> No.8737650

Give me ONE (1) good reason this thread was deleted >>/ck/thread/S8736433

>> No.8737651

good thread

>> No.8737656

You mean fellow kids

You're really not very good at this, mod

>> No.8737660 [DELETED] 

"This anon is delusional and tries to project his detective power escapism fantasy because he's got a tiny little dick and nobody wants it."
Protip its you.

>> No.8737662

This is a legitimate point. But fuck moot.
>Autistic screeching intensifies

>> No.8737663
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Nazi mod plz.

>> No.8737664

>the mod just spent 20 minutes going through his 30-40 "wrong opinions" bans he issues every day to find a single example justifying his existence
>he does it for free
Absolutely pathetic

>> No.8737669

The mod likes masculine penises?

>> No.8737671

No I'm serious. How was that justified? On topic, no shitposting, talking about food.

>> No.8737673

>We are ALLOWED one thread per week to discuss the state of this board.

No, Hiro made a post a year ago saying you were allowed one thread.

Not one thread per week.

And there's nothing to discuss about the state of this board. It's shit and it's always been shit.

>> No.8737675

>No I'm serious, fellow kids
Fixed that for you, fampai

>> No.8737677 [DELETED] 

Blatant shitposting. Not /ck/ related. Garbage outside of /b/.

Wrong again, dumbass.
Keep on believing tinfoil nonsense though lmao you guys are HILARIOUS and I am just LAUGHING AT YOU and how upset you are over having your stupid shitposting/garbage/anime-tier threads removed! Stay #triggered!

Either way, one thread or per week has already happened. Quit complaining about 4chan and how its run and just go to reddit already where you can be accepted with "likeminded" individuals.

Fucking cucks.

Keep dreaming young autist, one day you'll be able to count to twelve.

>> No.8737681

I'm legitimately criticizing the mod. Why would I be false flagging? Try justifying that deletion because it WASN'T AGAINST THE FUCKING RULES AT ALL and shouldn't have been deleted.

>> No.8737688

This is some mod level 'tism.

>> No.8737690

>I'll start throwing punches and eventually they'll turn on each other! just as planned, heh heh heh

>> No.8737692

>Blatant shitposting.
No. Shit posting is intentionally disruptive, incoherent. It doesn't mean "topics I don't like"
>off topic
It was absolutely directly on topic. It was about food in its entirety

>> No.8737693

Not him but if you don't like the way the board is ran you're more than welcome to leave.

>> No.8737698

Blue board. Keep your trap/futa shit to /d/ you disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.8737701

Of fuckong course you'rehim. What kinda retard would be this defensive on someone elses behalf?
Yeah, sure, whatever

>> No.8737705

Nothing about that was nsfw, deal with it.

>> No.8737712

>of course youre him
How stupid are you? Maybe I just care about the quality of posts on this board and don't like to see shitty fucking threads about bitching and complaining and shitty fucking garbage threads that should be in /trash/ cluttering my board. Of course you dont give a shit because youre an adblocking piece of shit parasite who lives with his mom in the basement jerking it off to evangelion and furaffity all goddamn night because youre a fucking obese monstrosity who's endgame goal is to become a fucking NEET sponge on society.

Whats that? Hit the nail right on the hammer with you? Bingo, Kid. Now fuck off.


Now enough. You can believe what you want but don't be surprised if you keep getting banned for being fucking retarded. Common sense.



>> No.8737717
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>he wants to range ban an area comprising of 66 million people

>> No.8737718

I done see how you can say that. The thread was objectively about food

>> No.8737728

>Maybe I just care about making sure people with opinions I don't like are banned from all boards for having the wrong opinion about food
>As you can see from this one cherry-picked example, I'm totally doing my job and not just arbitrarily throwing around global #3 as free license to ban whomever I happen to disagree with about food

Fixed that for you, feel free to ban and delete all posts :^)

>> No.8737730

just stop complaining about how this website is run. youre not doing anyone any favors and youre only making an ass ourt of yourself

>> No.8737737

>>my board
wew lad
Literally Hitler

>> No.8737738

>noo don't complain waaaah
Either you're an unbelievably nassive shill or you are a mod.
Criticism serves a purpose, and it doesn't hurt you, not even if you're a mod

>> No.8737742

>waaah, why did my shitposting thread get deleted? :(

hmm, really hydrogenizes the neurotransmiters.

>> No.8737743

>cherry-picked example
Again, really don't see why that example would be in the mods favor

>> No.8737747

>everything I don't like is shitposting
Hence why people complain

>> No.8737750

Explain why you delete threads about food standards in the US

Is that shitposting?

>> No.8737751

Can we please purge that tinfoil cunt who keeps turning every coffee general into a Natural News message board?

>> No.8737755

>Is that shitposting?

I'm not the mod, but it usually is. It's rare we have an actual discussion about food standards, it's nearly always obvious shitposting or trolling.

>> No.8737756

>ass ourt of yourself
You realize that you're the odd person out that everyone else disagrees with, right?

>> No.8737759
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If you're really that bothered go to the IRCnet channel and state your case.
We'll be there ready to laugh at you.

>> No.8737763

what? eat a dick. its a fucking disgrace the way this site is run. the janitors and mods around here are fucking namefag-tier.

>> No.8737765
File: 172 KB, 1350x530, banned_for_wrong_opinions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mod is a buttblasted midwesterner who thinks he's defending America's honor by deleting anything he perceives to be a slight against America (which in his mind is synonymous with the Upper Midwest)

>> No.8737767

Hmmm. I dunno man. There was a very interesting thread about washing chicken in some kind of mouthwash solution and how it might be bad for human consumption that got deleted. Even a vet joined in with his/her experience

>> No.8737781

>*You were kicked by NaziMod (Your opinion upsets me)

>> No.8737790

Widf has infiltrated 4chan?

>> No.8737794
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I doubt you're less of a dick on IRC than you are here.

>> No.8737803


That's a blatant troll thread though.

>> No.8737806

>haha someone is abusing their power and I take irrational amounts of joy from that despite being a potential victim and gaining nothing from it
What causes this mentality?

>> No.8737809

Just keep the adblock up, don't buy passes and continue to shit post until this place collapses under it's own crapulence.

>> No.8737818

Wisconsin cheese is actually bad though, I don't see why he/she couldn't legitimately be asking advice.

>> No.8737819

Not me, you special snowflake.
I think there's a site you'd be more suited to.

>> No.8737830

What are you even talking about?

>> No.8737831

How is that a troll thread? Do you even know what trolling is?

>> No.8737838

Fucking Plebbit has less moderation than this shitty board

>> No.8737847

But then where do we go to feel marginalized and repressed?

>> No.8737856

The only people who make these threads are the absolute worst posters

Evident by this /tv/ shitter >>8737465

>> No.8737862
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>We are ALLOWED one thread per week to discuss the state of this board.
Clearly not, retard.

>> No.8737874
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As if further evidence of outright power hungry mod abuse was needed, he's deleted all of his own posts.

>> No.8737876

>You have been permanently banned from all boards for the following reason: The Wisconsin International Association of Wisconsin Cheesemakers said Wisconsin cheese is the best and if you disagree with me you are obviously trolling and/or insane.
>This ban will not expire

>> No.8737906

the first thing Hiro should have done after taking over was remove every single fucking janny/mod from their position.

They're all a bunch of power hungry faggots.

Hiro if you ever read this please compensate your staff and hire all japs for the position so they have no idea what the fuck is going on so we can bully them.

>> No.8737939

The last time we had that /k/ threads were being shutdown left and right because the britmod said anything illegal in bongland was verboten.

>> No.8737944

That's fucking hilarious.

>> No.8737946
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mods/janitors have destroyed the board.

they get so triggered if you mention it

>> No.8737959

>anything illegal in bongland was verboten
wouldn't that basically mean all weapons, including knives?

>> No.8737984

It started with suppressors, but got pretty ridiculous as the britmod got more asshurt.

>> No.8737993
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what if we could have a democratic voting system to ban posters instead of power-hungry petty faggots electing themselves to be more than the average poster? fuck mods. if it weren't for pedofags and bronies and under-age posters we wouldn't even really need them but I don't trust these mods anymore than those people anyway

>> No.8738022

can't do that either since it'll end up with people getting banned just for having a differing opinion.

>> No.8738047

I ate lettuce for two months straight when I was bedridden (broke a leg), and in the end I got nauseous as fuck. My guess is it's not the lettuce that's bad, it's just all the chemicals it's treated with.

>> No.8738049

id rather have rule buy mob than be ruled over by faggots like these. but you've got a point. what about bot-mods then? with shorter bans to compensate for AI mistakes. bots should behave like robots anyway. nobody wants a mod to get personal.

>> No.8738053
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there isn't anything of value on this board anymore. cook alongs and recipe threads don't last on the board long enough for anyone to make an effort, and image dumps get old and stale. webm threads turn into jackposting, mcchicken threads and american threads just spam the board and more recently, legit threads are being banned for no reason, so what's the point of making food discussion conducive or topical

this thread is janny-bait too because there has already been a handful of posts deleted for simply expressing correct opinions. If they can't allow a /qa/ thread about /ck/ and then they go ahead and ban people here for trying to discus the place, the whole board might as well rot to hell.

>> No.8738061

>just for having a differing opinion
That's the current system

>> No.8738070

>Why don't we just have a voting system to silence unpopular posts and promote popular post?


>> No.8738097

didn't say nothing about promoting popular posts just that mods have become more of a menace than the people they ban. I think its because of advertising for janitors during the mass immigration of faggots we've seen lately

>> No.8738141

It was an analogy for your democratic anon voting. Your good intentions will make us into an edgy Reddit.

>> No.8738299

It was a bad analogy as I tried to pointed out, and we're already an edgy Rerddit. But these mods are somehow making it even worse. I fear were being governed by outsiders who don't understand how board culture works. what criteria does one need to fill to become a janitor/mod anyway? who are these iritable faggots and where did they come from? you saw that bitchy mod earlier, nobody around here writes like that, I mean who the fuck says goodbye and then deletes their posts like a passive aggressive little faggot on an anonymous forum? these people don't even belong here.

>> No.8738359


But that makes no fucking sense, you can acquire suppressors dead easy in the UK compared to the US. Buying suppressors are considered a requirement for common courtesy reasons wtf.

what a cretin

>> No.8738414

>outsiders who don't understand board culture
>What criteria does one need to fill to become a janitor/mod anyway?

Oh fuck off already.

>> No.8738436
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What's going on here lads?

>> No.8738450

Looks like somebody stopped the thread being bumped...

>> No.8738487


well the main criteria is being a colossal fucking loser

girth as well

>> No.8738548

Mods started deleting those threads? WTF I love mods now. I think it'd be funnier if they just moved them all to /tv/, though.

>> No.8738663

Truth hurts, I guess.

>> No.8738677

There is no such thing as autosage - Christopher "moot" Poole 1988-2018

>> No.8738683
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I think maybe reddit would be more your speed, buddy...

This is Jack territory now and forever.

>> No.8738801
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>> No.8738899
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I have plans

>> No.8739186

Well I'm stunned. I guess banning every last one of you shitposting in the thread and doing blatant ban evasion would start a fucking civil war or something, but just consider your stupid asses lucky that the mods are more forgiving and tolerant of your bullshit because they have other things to do. But yes, fuck these same shitpost threads and threads that are borderline redboard "ITS FOOD LOL" when its really not threads.

>inb4 "ur the janny lol" posts
Nope. Don't start with that bullshit.

>> No.8739726

>let's pretend to be a mod guize