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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 300x200, cutting spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8968930 No.8968930 [Reply] [Original]

Why do americans do this?

>> No.8968942

I don't lol. No one I know does it.

>> No.8968943

Because slurping long strands leads to pasta sauce flying everywhere and ending up on your face/clothes. The question is: Why are non-Americans all slovenly animals?

>> No.8968982

If you're feeding pasta to toddlers you dont want them to suffocate.

>> No.8969514

Why do people just make shit up about americans from a single image

>> No.8969517

Why do yuropeens count the bongs on big clocks?

>> No.8969531

Your supposed to cut it in half before you cook it

>> No.8969581

Everytime I see hands like this in a thumbnail I think it's Jack... I think I need to lie down

>> No.8969583


>> No.8969607


>> No.8969608

Why do Americans post like this?

>Why do people just make shit up about americans from a single image

>> No.8969619

I wasn't aware we did that. Regardless, it doesn't matter. People could eat shit with a fork and knife for all I care.

>> No.8969627

I do it specifically to trigger yurops from the comfort of my own home.

>> No.8969630

My little shart can't be this retarded

>> No.8969632

Do americans really spell like this?

>> No.8969691

I don't understand why anyone would eat spaghetti, either

>> No.8969717

is it even possible to fuck up eating spaghetti that hard?

>> No.8969758
File: 1.14 MB, 2048x1536, toasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do yuros do this?

>> No.8969762

>bitching at spaghetti
You watch your mouth!

>> No.8969898

I twirl it into a ball on my fork. I cut it up like >>8968930 for my 5 year old. The reasoning is so they can't get the pasta stuck halfway down their throat with the ends sticking out their mouth still because they are yet to be a truly functioning eater. I cut up meats and other things also to small pieces. My 10 year old graduated to eating whole spaghetti at some where around 7 years old. Was still a little messy but eventually got the hang of it.

>> No.8969925

Because we're poor

>> No.8969928

and we love somalian cock

>> No.8969945
File: 39 KB, 750x1129, spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Italians had a solution to this, but clearly you Americans are too fucking dumb to know about it

>> No.8969960

Never understood the point of a spoon when you can just spin it up on the plate or bowl..

>> No.8969966

just THIS

>> No.8969972

I don't know any yanks, but my I know germans and swedish people that does that.

>> No.8969979


>> No.8969989

>believing Italians in Italy use a spoon to twirl pasta because he saw immigrants do it in "The Godfather."


>> No.8970165
File: 115 KB, 640x637, B577543C-A386-4BB8-AD0D-DF7890E98E7D-1502-0000011813004BE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only time I've ever seen this is with like little kids. Their parents do it so they don't choke or some shit.

>> No.8970173
File: 198 KB, 978x1194, Screenshot_20170524-112508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We're allowed to carry/own knives, that's why. Save a life Nigel, bin your knife.

Ameribros, can you imagine being arrested for concealing a butter knife in your pockets?


>> No.8970183
File: 27 KB, 314x246, 1479573749872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll have you know that this offends me personally

>> No.8970186

I can't think of any reason I'd be walking around with a butter knife in my pocket.

>> No.8970196

>non americans are slovenly
>americans grow up eating sloppy joes with faces smeared with, and laps full of, tomato sauce and ground beef

>> No.8970211

You've never walked through a dairy bad neighborhood?

>> No.8970277

it's to be pretentious

>> No.8970314

that was very cheesy

>> No.8970321

You are not alone

>> No.8970332

I see there's no risottoing with you.

>> No.8970347

This...and of course there are sandwiches with that "armdrip feature" so you have to lean forward and stand like a retard....

>> No.8970348

You know that this isn't an American, because Americans are too stupid to hold the knife in their right hand like that.

>> No.8970352
File: 810 KB, 1000x667, BabbadaBoopie).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8971154

Today I learned that americans eat like 5 year olds.

>> No.8971165
File: 64 KB, 624x649, 1399511616032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if the spaghetti isn't broken in half before cooking

>> No.8971168

The better question: Why do Americans and Europeans eat spaghetti with forks and sometimes spoons, when they should be using chopsticks?

>> No.8971177

is this whole board just making broad generalizations about people based on what you've seen like 2 people do?

>> No.8971220

I don't generalize behavior to the population at large unless I've seen 5 people do it. 2 is far too small a sample size.

>> No.8971234

5's still pretty small for a population of over 300 million

>> No.8971252


There are also alcoholics who come and post here.