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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8997391 No.8997391 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't Americans eat fish? Fish/seafood consumption per capita is a lot lower in the US than in most of Europe or East Asia, and even Canada. Even though the US actually has some of the best fishing (inland and sea) available.

>> No.8997401

seafood is my favorite food and I'm American

>> No.8997408
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I love fish

>> No.8997409

Because 98% of our country isnt on coastal land, or within easy access of it.

>> No.8997413

>In 2010, 123.3 million people, or 39 percent of the [USA]'s population lived in counties directly on the shoreline. This population is expected to increase by 8% from 2010 to 2020.

>> No.8997419

Because more than half of the U.S. lives in flyover country which means you have to pay a fuck ton of money for shitty quality fish.

When prime ribeye or filet/tenderloin is cheaper than nasty frozen fish, it's a no brainer on what to buy

>> No.8997421

Because our chicken is so goddamn cheap

>> No.8997432

Well I haven't a fucking clue then, I know the east coast eats tons of shellfish. Ask those retards in california why they don't eat more seafood instead of bitching about cows.

>> No.8997438


chicken is cheap but if you want fish that isnt canned tuna, tilapia or fucking pollock you have to pay a hell of a lot more for it

>> No.8997439

Because even in the pacific northwest fish is still expensive as fuck.

>> No.8997448


We have vast expanses of land where people actually live that are known as "flyover as fuck." These people don't eat fish because they are land locked. As a consequence, they don't eat enough of vitamins which are good for your brain that are found in fish and they vote for orange clowns and republicucks that just subsidize the production of corn and beef... which then makes fish look very expensive by comparison. It's a vicious cycle.

Places like East Asia all have salt water within a 12 minute drive for 80% of the population and they don't have shit brained republicans voting to lower the already low price of corn to a point where it is sold at below market value to the rest of the world, meaning the rest of the world can't even farm corn unless it rejects GMO corn like China. This means that we have EVEN MORE corn to feed to our cattle and makes our beef even cheaper which makes fish look even more expensive by comparison even though the economics of that are ALL WRONG since fish is one of the cheapest proteins to raise.

Anyway... i'm sorry for my beef headed compatriots. they are a real shit stain on the world at this point. after they feel the pain of trump for 8 years they will get their shit together and vote for the next good guy that will finally make some progress in the country. We just all have to suffer for a while because the only thing these stupid people understand is pain.

>> No.8997452



>> No.8997454

Please go to >>>/pol/ for political discussion.

>> No.8997459
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>> No.8997464

Most of the fish available at grocery stores has been grody farm raised shit. I've seen a recent shift towards wild caught but then there's the problem of high mercury levels
PS fuck tilapia

>> No.8997470 [DELETED] 
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b/c white americans have shit taste in food. ignore the other answers in this thread

>> No.8997477

it has less to do with taste and more to do with not being able to afford lobster every day

>> No.8997479

>Why don't Americans eat fish?

Because, growing up, we were taught by our Liberal teachers that eating animals was evil and we'd burn in hell if we weren't vegans.

To this day, most American still say "hail mary" and self flagalate after eating a steak or burger.

>> No.8997483

US overproduces food, they have endless amount of land that can be used for farming wheat/potatoes/corn and producing meat and they're cheap to buy.

They dont need to eat anything else.

>> No.8997487

>Because, growing up, we were taught by our Liberal teachers that eating animals was evil and we'd burn in hell if we weren't vegans.

Also, blacks can't be racist. Only whites, asians, and latinos can be racist.

>> No.8997488

Black Americans, or "niggers" as I like to call them, have nothing that can reach white food. Soul food is just code word for "greasier Americanized British food"

>> No.8997495
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>Soul food is just code word for "greasier Americanized British food"


>> No.8997518

>Also, blacks can't be racist. Only whites, asians, and latinos can be racist.

Can't tell if poster is serious or brainwashed liberal arts college student...

>> No.8997527

that's a run of the mill reactionary bitch boy

>> No.8997540

Pretty much this. I live in bumfuck backwater and it's hard to get decent fresh fish that isn't farm raised catfish. During salmon season in July/August I can get fresh wild caught salmon for @ $10.00/lb and I buy a shitload of it then and eat it fresh, smoke and can it or make lox. Other than that, options are snapper, sometimes grouper, when I drive 40 miles to a decent asian market or whole foods but they usually look old with milky eyes. I can usually find fresh wild caught cod filets but they almost always smells like a cunt that hasn't been douched in 6 months. Interior US is a fucking food desert.

>> No.8997638

This isn't a political discussion. It's a factual listing of exactly why Americans don't eat as much fish as other countries - which is a direct reply to OP's question. It's because of shit brained fly overs.

>> No.8997652

Because seafood tastes like shit

>> No.8997828

But I cook all the fish I catch

>> No.8997859
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Fish is icky, omg bones and eyes YUCKEEEEEE why can't we just have normal food?

Sincerely, flyovers

>> No.8997873

>implying flyovers arent the ones who hunt, fish, gut, and prep their own meat
>implying containment centers arent full of the idiots who have totally separated meat from the animal conceptually

>> No.8997892
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t. "pioneer" larper with a stack of glossy hunting catalogs by the toilet

>> No.8997902

I can believe that of fish but what about crustaceans? I feel like our sea bug consumption is just as high as anywhere else

>> No.8998027 [DELETED] 

Fish consumption per capita

>Australia: 25.5 kg
>Italy: 25.4 kg
>Netherlands: 23.6 kg
>Denmark 23 kg
>European Union average: 22.9 kg
>Thailand: 22.4 kg
>Canada: 22.3 kg
>Ireland: 22.3 kg
>USA: 21.7 kg
>Greece: 19.6 kg
>UK: 19 kg
>Chile: 13.2 kg

The US does not seem exceptional in any way.

>> No.8998039

Fish consumption per capita

Australia: 25.5 kg
Italy: 25.4 kg
Netherlands: 23.6 kg
Denmark: 23 kg
European Union average: 22.9 kg
Thailand: 22.4 kg
Canada: 22.3 kg
Ireland: 22.3 kg
USA: 21.7 kg
Greece: 19.6 kg
UK: 19 kg
Chile: 13.2 kg

The US does not seem exceptional in any way.

>> No.8998048

I don't personally hunt, but I sure as fuck buy deer jerky and venison from virtually everybody else in town that does.
Or does that boggle your urbanite mind?

>> No.8998070

> venison in a fish thread.
>super defensive

Its true that flyovers are not getting enough vitamin e from fish.

>> No.8998073

also known as "larping"

>> No.8998075

Wow, Chile consumes a surprisingly small amount of fish.

>> No.8998085


They certainly aren't, as vitamin E is not found in fish.

>> No.8998086

Their citizens can't afford it when places like the US will pay 20 per pound for frozen chillean sea bass.

Ironically 20 per pound is also the reason flyover cucks can't afford to eat fish as well.

>> No.8998096

>being this stupid in 2017

You must eat a shit ton of red meat to be this brain fucked. Read a book. Move to a city. Enroll in a school for adults. Eat some plants once in a while. This is what will fix your flyover dementia.

>> No.8998102


You could at least try to make your trolling entertaining, couldn't you? Or maybe you're already trying.

>> No.8998109

You have to excuse him.
His brain function is limited due to his increased mercury intake from all the seafood.

Just nod and smile.

>> No.8998123


Saturated fats from red meat are shown to block the small capillaries in the brain leading to early onset dimentia, while fish oils high in vitamin E have shown opposite effect.

My "trolling" isn't meant to be entertaining, its meant to be educational. I know you have a hard time concentrating on anything that isn't an orange clowns twitter feed, but try to keep up.

>> No.8998130


>Vitamin E originates from plants.
>Animals acquire their vitamin E from plants directly, or by eating other animals that have derived their vitamin E from plants and stored it in their liver, muscles and fat.

>HgCl2 inhibits neuronal outgrowth and induces degeneration of both developing and mature cortical neurons in culture

Enjoy your Mercury laced fish!

>> No.8998152

I've been watching a few American fishing shows on Netflix and I always see them catching small mouth bass and it's always catch and release.
Are small mouth bass any good to eat?

>> No.8998168

Because there are significant populations in the US that don't live anywhere near a major fishable body of water, unlike all the other places you mentioned.

>> No.8998174
File: 327 KB, 495x498, 1477613614899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had grilled salmon tonight

>> No.8998195

america pushes the seafood luxury hardcore. if you don't live an hour from the coast where you can buy directly from fishermen, the cost of seafood triples.

i live two hours from portland, maine and all fish in store is still frozen and insanely expensive

>> No.8998200

>in culture

This is how flyovers justify their total shit diet.

>> No.8998210

>chilean sea bass

You do realize that's considered a trash fish equivalent to carp (the epitome of nignog fsh) in Chile, the "patagonian toothfish" but they realized americans were stupid enough to pay $20.00/lb if they labeled it "Chilean Seabass." Lol, amerilards BTFO at their own game.

>> No.8998225

>Why don't Americans eat fish?
They do.
>Fish/seafood consumption per capita is a lot lower in the US than in most of Europe
We don't like fresh water fish as much as you.
>or East Asia,
They'll eat anything to stay alive.
>and even Canada.
Well, Canadians fish more than they can eat
>Even though the US actually has some of the best fishing (inland and sea) available.
We don't overfish with responsible regulations. We import most of the fish in the groceries (as do many nations who don't fuck up their own waters). So, it's supply and demand really. Go to wal-mart, and the shrimp are from China. Go to most any "fish fry" friday night special on a restaurant menu, and the fish isn't american catfish, but "basa" which is caught/farmed in the Mekong River. Anything served at Red Lobster is frozen, not that its a bad thing, but it's the lowest quality. Delicious seafood is still about economics, and being the most perishable and costly item in a grocery store, if it isn't utterly fresh most americans don't like fishy fish, so they go with the steak or pork on sale. In a restaurant that isn't right on the catch of the day kind of plan, you're not going to find a true fish eater getting more than the dolphin, snapper, halibut, ahi tuna, salmon, or fresh grouper sandwich. Anything remotely fishy rather than lightly flavored isn't liked.

>> No.8998226
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I love to eat raw tuna
I probably shouldn't just bite into the fish, but I can't stop.

>> No.8998237

Euphoria overload

It's a good tasting fish and more importantly it's almost impossible to fuck up unlike most ocean fish, which is why sales went crazy when it was given a more appealing name. Any idiot can make chilean sea bass taste amazing. Not so with monkfish, cod, swordfish, hake, etc, etc.

>> No.8998275

>Not so with monkfish, cod, swordfish, hake, etc, etc.

Idiot detected.

>> No.8998287

Care to put more euphoria into that?

>> No.8998417


Are you really so upset that Chile cucked the US into paying $20.00/lb for the trash fish, "patagonia toothfish," that you have to try to use a greek based word that has no relevance in this context?

>> No.8998437

underrated post

>> No.8999467
File: 6 KB, 140x210, 1369350542370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Americuck
>had fried cod for lunch today
>grilled rainbow trout for dinner
>"Why don't Americans eat fish?"

>> No.8999752

I can tell you equally intelligent opinions on many topics, such as immigration, international diplomacy, economics, and relationships.

>> No.9000241

99% of them can't afford it, and it's shit for 90% of the country despite the high price, due to being so far from the sea.

>> No.9001028

[citation needed]

>> No.9001031
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A meme for you, for future use.

>> No.9001142


Those numbers came from here.


This page has all the data you could ever need on this subject.


>> No.9001172

Catfish at least needs a good marketing campaign because it's a fucking solid fish that can be raised inland and has no problems with fish farm lifestyle.