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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9020390 No.9020390 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: things that ruin a meal faster than soggy bread

>> No.9020397

Tomatoes in any form

>> No.9020400
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Nothing ruins a meal faster than adults who insist on playing with their toys at the table.

>> No.9020409


>> No.9020428

Shut up grandpa

>> No.9020460


>> No.9020489
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sweet and salty is a tricky thing.

i've added salt to desserts, thinking it'll make it amazing. it only makes it awful and inedible.

i think the trick is to use a few pieces of large grain salt, just on the surface. you get the occasional hints of salt here and there.

>> No.9020627

This shit right fucking here.
I lost two friends (really one friend married to a shitty female) because we got in an argument over phones being appropriate to have not silenced/out and being played with at a restaurant.
"But if my phone's in my purse how am I going to take pictures of the food?" was the point where I fucking lost it and told them not to invite me out anymore.

>> No.9020649

your cooking

>> No.9020659

I get that it's annoying, but that is pure autism

>> No.9020668

I'm autistic and I can confirm
If someone takes their phone out to take a picture of food while we're eating I usually tell them to leave then and there or just leave myself and don't pay my share.

>> No.9020671

Finding out after you're all done and ready to eat that one of your ingredients had gone bad
Happened to me twice
>Spend $35 making some chicken casserole
>tastes funky
>find out the jar of chopped garlic I literally just bought was completely bad
>whole pot ruined and an hour wasted

>spend 20 minutes making cheesy scrambled eggs and bacon
>use the last eggs
>tastes like medicine
>look in cheese bag and see very faint signs of mold


>> No.9020672

i mean, i get what you're saying. i had a come to jesus moment with my girlfriend a while back and told her not to ever take pictures of her food in public if she's with me, and she obliges. i don't give a shit what she does with her instagram or snapchat or whatever if she isn't with me.

but you're a fucking autist if you ruined (yes, YOU ruined) a friendship over some trivial shit like this.

>> No.9020676

fat bitches

>> No.9020679
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>Noisy eaters.
I could be at the perfect dinner of kobe steak, truffels and caviar with Giada and the Pope taking turns slobbing my knob the whole time and I would walk out if anyone at the table couldn't shut their fucking mouth while chewing

>> No.9020695

>cheese bag
that's what you get for not shredding your own off a block

>> No.9020703

I don't want to dirty up a cheese grater every time I want shredded cheese. There's literally nothing wrong with buying quality shredded cheese.

>> No.9020707
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>pre chopped garlic
>bagged cheese

>> No.9020708

Maybe if Jeremy didn't stick his dick a a girl 20 years his junior I wouldn't have to go full autismo about being associated with the kind of millennial trash that would even bring their phone inside the place charging nearly $500 a plate.

>> No.9020716

>pre-shredded cheese
Pick one and only one.

>> No.9020717

>quality shredded cheese
This doesn't actually exist
Just get a block and shred with food processor if you're so lazy you fuck
You know they add a bunch of shit to prevent melting in every brand right?

>> No.9020727

My mother dying.....

>> No.9020749

For most purposes you're not going to notice a difference if it's from a bag or a block if it's a minor ingredient.

>> No.9020756

Wanna know how I know you don't make very good food?
>minor ingredient
There is no such thing
If you don't immediately detect the difference in texture and taste between bagged and freshly shredded good quality cheese then you need to start cooking higher quality food

>> No.9020777

I bet he didn't slaughter his own chickens and pigs either, literally hamburger helper tier XD

>> No.9020786

I don't care, it's good enough for me and I'm not dirtying up the entire kitchen every time I want to make a simple meal.

>> No.9020810

>entire kitchen
>have to bust out one more utensil and a cutting board
Don't make it seem more work than it is. at least you acknowledge your cooking is simple though.
Freshly slaughtered chicken is god tier if you can get it, but most people don't live near a farm. Just finding the most local poultry/meat really helps the local economy and tastes leagues better. If there is nothing fresh and local then you have a pretty good excuse to pick up some factory meat, but only if you're cooking for yourself and not trying to sell your food.

>> No.9020828

>grating cheese
>dirtying up the entire kitchen
>utilizing shredded cheese in so much of your cooking that it's become inconvenient to even shred it on your own beforehand and store it
How much do you weigh

>> No.9020835

>spending $500 on food for a single person for a single meal
>not taking pictures to remember it by

>> No.9020852

lol WHAT?

you're not supposed to bring your phone into a fancy restaurant because..why? if i were with you, and you started going off on me for checking my stocks or whatever, i'd kick your ass.

if you couldn't handle the situation, that is 100% on you. you don't have to reveal your power level like that just to get across such a simple point.

>> No.9020862

>just start suddenly checking your stocks while eating with an acquaintance in a nice setting
Very rude. At the very least you deserve a dirty look. Unless you excuse yourself before hand.
If you did this in a business setting then I would not associate with you.

>> No.9020864

>nice setting

why does that make a difference to you? think it'll spoil your overpriced food?

>> No.9020874

Will me burping smacking my mouthful spoil your perfectly good meal?
Not very good manners my friend. Excuse yourself first. It'd be fine casually between close friends, but don't do this in a nicer setting that calls for proper manners.

>> No.9020883

eating is a leisure activity in nearly every instance. if you find someone glancing at their cell phone during dinner personally offensive, that's fine. we've already covered that you're willing to end important relationships over petty things.

>> No.9020889

I'm not that autist. I wouldn't end a friendly relationship with someone over it in a simple casual setting.
If it was in a professional setting or a serious date I definitely wouldn't associate with the person anymore if they didn't excuse themselves which seems like pretty normal etiquette to me.

>> No.9020893


>>9020708 is me
>>9020874 is some other autist

You don't by chance regularly make McChicken and Jack webm posts, do you?

>> No.9020901

>You don't by chance regularly make McChicken and Jack webm posts, do you?

you callin me a goddamn memer

that's fair enough, i suppose. you seem to have better perspective than the other autistic fellow.

>> No.9020906

"All nice things are a scam" is the general /ck/ meme, yes.

>> No.9020907

>parsley on everything
>"truffle" oil
>people that chew with their mouth open
>putting more salt even before tasting
>someone complaining to waiter

>> No.9020908

>no you're not allowed to entertain yourself in ways that doesn't effect others because it triggers me
Fuck off you uninteresting cunt

>> No.9020909

If theyre making noise with it that's one thing but if you're sperging over people surfing the internet while there's nothing else to do then you're an actual autist

>> No.9020912

i never said nice things are a scam. i enjoy eating fine food. i just don't treat the experience like i'm diffusing a bomb. it's food. you will shit it out tomorrow. i have disposable income too, buddy.

>> No.9020913

but it does AFFECT others. i wouldn't throw an autistic fit like that anon, but it's completely rude. what are you really gonna miss out on your phone while you're out for an hour with physical friends?

>> No.9020919

Sounds like you are asking to die alone anon. How petty of you

>> No.9020922

>nothing else to do
>in the company of people who you're friends with
And somehow I'm supposed to be the autistic one?

>> No.9020939

>i never said nice things are a scam
>>think it'll spoil your overpriced food?

That's all I really want, yes.

>> No.9020946

>being with friends who care
We actually acknowledge sometimes there's nothing else to do or can manage a conversation despite using phones.
>I literally have no friends
Do you think it's impossible to pull out s phone for a minute when nothing else is happening?

Christ this entire thread is "old man yells at cloud". If people are on their phones there's either downtime or you're not being interesting enough to warrant attention

>> No.9020954

Your attitude.

>> No.9020960

i'm allowed to recognize that "nice" food is overpriced while enjoying it. getting pissed off at somebody for "ruining" their "fine dining" experience by using their phone is the epitome of classless. sorry you wasted your wagecuck buckaroos, i guess.

>> No.9020971


>> No.9020972

If I'm with people and they start fucking with their phone or take silly personal calls, I'll leave immediately. It's fucking rude. Having said that, if their phone rings and they look at it and say, "Excuse me, it's some work bullshit, I've got to take this," that's cool. If you can't escape your fucking phone for a few hours of social interaction, stay in your goddamn basement!

>> No.9020975

yeah and you going on your phone doesn't help at all. there's nothing wrong with lulls in conversations. it's just this adhd/autistic generation that needs to be constantly stimulated or distracted. saying this all as a millennial btw.

>> No.9020979

Get with the times old man

>> No.9020981

Things with soggy bread that I enjoy:
Biscuits and gravy
Crostini in soup
Bread pudding
Crackers in soup
French toast

>> No.9020992

Thanks for confirming that you never have and never will patronize any establishment more upscale than the local chain steakhouse.

Put away your iPacifier while you're out with people who you claim to actually be friends with.

>> No.9021397

>jar of chopped garlic
>bag of cheese
>not tasting as you go
Low class garbage person.

>> No.9021430

>put away your iPacifier

The millennials cannot do it. It fucking amazes me. Even my Grandmother who got old and religiously watched her soaps, was polite enough to turn the tv off if she had company. This fucking generation is so self absorbed and believes the internet bullshit is more real than real life and cannot disconnect without suffering withdrawal symptoms similar to an addict. This fucking brave new world of computer screens being a better friend than your neighbor is more frightening than nuclear weapons. I know who it's benefiting and they look fat and happy in the farmhouse, while you're in the barnyard. Orwell was just a little early in his prediction.

>> No.9021451

Listen up here pal, I'm about as millennial as you'll get and even I put my phone on silent and keep it in my pocket whenever out in company. I've seen more people between 35-60 play on their phones while with company than I've seen other millennials do it. This problem isn't with the millennials, it's with their parents.

>> No.9021455
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>> No.9021456

Raw onions ruin everything they touch

>> No.9021482

you're so full of shit. i worked FOH between 2010-2012. even then, when smartphones weren't quite as ubiquitous as they are right now, boomers and up were constantly on their fucking phones. it's endemic to western society in general, brother. i'm not saying that millennials aren't always on their phones, but holy shit. how selective can you be.


oh, i see you're a hopeless moron. carry on.

>> No.9021490

come on m8. it's a problem facing all age groups, but that's simply just not true.

>> No.9021547

It probably isn't true in reality, but from my point of view it is. Maybe I just hang around decent people my age but shitty people other ages.

>> No.9021568

check this: you're on 4chan

4chan isn't representative of the public at large. like, at all. most normal people (normies, omg) don't use this site. most normies don't even use reddit desu. and yet virtually everyone owns a smartphone. you are technically in a minority, alongside myself, of people who aren't totally self-absorbed born-consumers. good job, you did the bare minimum to not be a garbage human bean.

>> No.9021575

If you are out with a friend and take out your phone, even after the conversation has simmered, you are a fucking idiot. It's incredibly disrespectful, and there's nothing wrong with not talking to people like that anymore. Period.

>> No.9021590


> Back seat cookers

Even if the meal I cook is good, I can never enjoy it if someone is trying to "back seat cook" me to the point of almost yelling at them. It's like, holy fuck! Just leave me the hell alone and let me cook in peace already.

>> No.9021611

t. autist with no friends

>> No.9021619

>dissing Orwell
>current situation in the west is endless unwinnable wars on drugs and terrorism
>incremental loss of freedoms stage by stage as the citizens grow accustomed
>due to the endless wars an increasingly militarized fascist police state that the public accepts as status quo

LMAO. You're a fool, tool.

>> No.9021685

If you did that in a restaurant with me, I'd beat the shit out of you, you fucking punk.

>> No.9021698

I can relate because i assumed some flour i had was fine so i made it into bread and it tasted like bleach
turns out the flour was rancid

>> No.9021785

>food is cold
>food takes way too long to get to your table
>other person/people are quiet as fuck or annoying as fuck
>weak covfefe

on that last note, why is everyone okay with coffee that tastes like water? When I make coffee at home, its straight up mud, like 40-65% of the filter is filled with grounds. Am I the only one who actually likes flavor with their coffee?

>> No.9021801

What if I just browse /ck/ on my phone at restaurants?

>> No.9021806

wrapping the meat in bacon

>> No.9021961

this x1000

>> No.9022109

Nothing is worse than soggy bread but poor mass catering is a damn close second.

>> No.9023172

Well done steak

>> No.9023173

No those are delicious.

>> No.9023532

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.9023692
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>this entire post

>> No.9023711

did the autocorrect made coffee to covfefe?

>> No.9023781

>at restaurant
>nothing to talk about
>no one talking to me
>current conversation is dog shit
>no one my age
>pull out phone to keep occupied from going to sleep at the table waiting for food/waiting for people to finish eating
Eat my ass. Do more than ask one yes or no question if you don't want people on their phones.

>> No.9023995

>no one talking to me
>no one my age

Only excuses. If you're with friends, you should never pull out your phone. If you're with your gay family, then it's ok.

>> No.9024064

What's wrong with taking a picture of a nice looking dish at a restaurant? Why would this bother you? I've done it when I'm traveling or at someplace fancy.

>> No.9024084

wow man, like, dude whoa

you could make this exact argument on any day in the past hundred years and it would be equally as contrived

glad to see you're passing your high school english classes, though.

>> No.9024228

The fact that you can't even see what's wrong with your behavior makes me want to slap both you and your parents.

>> No.9024270

How the hell do you taste casserole or scrambled eggs as you go?

>> No.9024288

Top kek

>> No.9024344

how did noone mention hair in the food. hair. in .the. food.

>> No.9024389

if you can feel the salt in a dessert then you've put five times too much and you fucked up real badly
salt is a pure straight bonus to a dessert

>> No.9024417

Why are you even hanging out with these people if you don't enjoy their company?

>> No.9024424

It's his parents

>> No.9024426

Nothing will trigger me harder than someone I'm eating with complaining to a waiter about something that isn't an issue or something they never told the waiter in the first place. Had a friends gf complain that her brisket wasn't cooked properly because it was pink and sent it back only for the chef to send it back as is with a note explaining what a smoke ring is, dumb cunt wouldn't listen to me or my friend when we explained it to her before she complained either. "I haven't the slightest clue about food or cooking in general but I'm going to send shit back and complain its not right" fuck those people.

>> No.9024435

Egg shells
Flies landing in the food

>> No.9024534

I bring my Kindle or the paper with me if I'm eating out alone.
Tell the waiter to leave the bottle on the table so I can help myself to drink as I need it, then proceed to sit my ass down and eat good food, drink good wine and read a good book or the death notices in the paper.

>> No.9024587

>kick my ass

try it you beta pussy faggot

>> No.9024967
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agree with this desu, fucking tryhards

>> No.9025330


>> No.9025397

I hate sweet and savoury mixed together.

>> No.9025404
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Hold up, op.

>> No.9025438

Neck yourself and whoever didnt abort you

>> No.9025472
File: 366 KB, 1176x1680, 8560_8553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is truffle oil the new ranch dressing?

>> No.9025504

If I was spending $500 for a plate of food, I'd want to brag about it to the rest of the world too desu

>> No.9025515

Salt is not savory

>> No.9025830


>> No.9025862

That's not really an exception so much as Au Jus is so good it overpowers the soggy bread texture.

>> No.9025870

I have this happen only it's not because my ingredients are bad but because I'm terrible at cooking.

>> No.9025871

>"But if my phone's in my purse how am I going to take pictures of the food?"
How can you even manage to relate with such childish and stupid people?

>> No.9025876

Lol my entire family has a pet peeve about people chewing with their mouth open.

>> No.9025882


1. If I was at a $500 per person meal I would want to remember it too, especially if someone was buying it for me and I couldn't afford that sort of thing myself.
2. You should have known your friend well enough to anticipate what he might do (or who he might bring) OR clarified before or after that it wasn't the type of place to have phones out or something.

>> No.9025897

>death notices in the paper
... Do I want to know why that section would be part of your leisure activity of choice?

>> No.9025920

>Put away your iPacifier while you're out with people who you claim to actually be friends with.

No. It's how I talk to them at the table, autismo maximo.

Not gonna demand they learn sign to speak with me.

>> No.9025924

Your mother plays card games in hell.

>> No.9025931

yolk in meringue

>> No.9025953

It sounds like this goes deeper than the food, anon.

>> No.9025959

Huge fucking pieces of ginger and/or cardamom


>> No.9025972

when my ketamine shaker runs out and i have to order more from holland. tastes amazing on croquettes!

>> No.9026088


Shitting babies.

Parents who change baby diapers or pack a fucking potty in the dining area.

Even puppy dogs know not to shit where they eat.

>> No.9026357

I dont get parents that bring their couple-of-months old babies to a noisy restaurant.

>> No.9026543

>jar of chopped garlic
Holy fuck you cant even chop a garlic clove? That jar shit if pure trash. Just fucking give up dude. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.9026548

Explain then, what is wrong with it?

>> No.9026554

I don't get parents that bring kids under 4 or even over who haven't learned how to act in public to real restaurants instead of like a dennys. Drop em off with grandma if you want a night out don't bring your screaming kids.

>> No.9026577
File: 295 KB, 500x612, 'Merica!!! Fuck Yeah!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been to burgerland once and my only impressions of restaurants was that they were filled with loud black people who did nothing but yell at each other.

Do 'merican blacks not have an "inside voice?"

>> No.9026581

No niggers do not have inside voices. Also why visit the US and go somewhere around them?

>> No.9026589


Friends live in Atlanta... did not realize it's almost all black.

>> No.9026595

You leave the best fast food sandwich out of this.

>> No.9026597

>Do 'merican blacks not have an "inside voice?"

Just wait until you visit an american theater with blacks.

>> No.9026616

Lol did they not give you a heads up?

>> No.9026618


>> No.9026621

Casserole: taste the components, the sauce, etc.

Scrambled eggs: if you can't make this blindfolded and in a coma you're a shit cook

>> No.9027088
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>i absolutely need to be stimulated 100% of the time


>> No.9027102

>I've been to burgerland once and my only impressions of restaurants was that they were filled with loud black people who did nothing but yell at each other.

Eating at an Atlanta Dennys is basically like eating at the zoo. Its so loud with people you pretty much have to yell at each other.

>> No.9027273

a shot pellet

>> No.9027417

Gun them down on the street like the degenerate they are

>> No.9027429

is no one going to mention they have condoms on their glasses?
why the condoms?
their black so do they not know what they are?

>> No.9027459

>why visit the US and go somewhere around them

Anywhere in the south and they're everywhere, often the majority. Any major city anywhere, ditto. The only exceptions are the far north northeast and western mountain states like idaho, montana, and wyoming, or extremely rural agricultural areas outside the south. Foreign tourists might go to western mountain states or extreme NE if they're /out/fags, but they aren't coming to the US to watch the corn grow in Iowa.

>> No.9027479
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Nigaa u never had a french dip?

>> No.9027496

Just get a separate small grater and keep it in the bag with the cheese. You don't have to clean it.

>> No.9027595

French dip is okay I think op meant bread soggy with just water

>> No.9027673
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Fuck you OP, I actually happen to like soggy bread.

>> No.9027794


When you order Caprese and it comes back covered in sickly-sweet "balsamic" reduction

>> No.9028237
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fuck you're autistic as all hell.

>> No.9028289

I get what you mean, but why say it like a sentient fedora?

>> No.9028294

>I think op meant bread soggy with just water

yea i've ruined so many meals by dropping my bread in a glass of water

>> No.9028312

These people ITT...

I can think of little worse than taking out a bacteria encrusted phone that you take to the bathroom whenever you drop a shit at the table because you can't stay off Twitter for an hour or need to take a photo of your fancy hamburger.

>> No.9028374

You have shitty friends.

>> No.9028379

It was simply for convenience and I assumed garlic in a sealed jar would be fine you fucking faggot

>> No.9028408

I wouldn't have to use this in the bathroom if they still made fucking magazines

>> No.9028844

>when you use your phone as the conversation starter
Why dont more people do that, just pull your phone out, look up something relevant to both your interests and try and start something up from there. If no ones talking then at least make the attempt to try and start a conversation. I understand that people can just sit and enjoy each others company but just sitting their eating in silence slowly gets awkward as you start to pay attention to how the other person eats.

>> No.9028898
