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9083594 No.9083594 [Reply] [Original]

can you both be an animal lover and eat meat? serious question. not even vegan/vegetarian, though I've been unironically considering changing my diet.

>> No.9083598


I own a dog and I hunt. I'm not a little bitch.

>> No.9083602

Yes because not all species have equal rights.

>> No.9083605

Yes. Both my dog and I agree, meat is fucking delicious.

>> No.9083606

yes, because while i love animals, i don't love them enough to become a turtle

>> No.9083627

is it really though

>> No.9083774

Do you not love the animals that provide you nourishment OP?

>> No.9083782

can you both be a plant lover and eat veggies? serious question. not even omnivore/carnivore, though I've been unironically considering changing my diet.

>> No.9083800
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>> No.9083813

how can you love another human being and also believe some human deaths are justifiable?

>> No.9083814

very easily. some bitches just need to die.

>> No.9083833

No, I don't really think so, but then again, that's only my opinion and obviously there are many people who do eat animal (by)products and consider themselves such, so who am I to tell them that they're not, OP?

Considering that almost one-hundred percent of Earth's human population is omnivorous, it's not especially surprising that people see nothing unethical about consuming these things.

While I and others would prefer they didn't, it's an unrealistic expectation to have of anybody, and I'm content enough with people not abusing, neglecting, or tormenting animals in any way beyond their dietary choices.

Whether or not they see themselves as animal lovers isn't so important. Some of the shittiest pet owners I've ever had the displeasure of knowing, were people who openly declared themselves to be lovers of animals.

It tells me next to nothing about a person whenever they describe themselves as such, but again, personally, I find the idea of an animal-loving omnivore to be a silly and self contradictory thing altogether unless you're referring to them loving to eat them to be the source of their loving them, loving them as culinary commodities.

>> No.9083842

autistic faggot has difficulty understanding human emotions, news at eleven.

>> No.9083843

people are terrible

>> No.9083849

How did they train doggo so stay still for picture in that situation?

My dog goes nuts whenever I work with dairy or raw meat.

>> No.9083865

animals die, in the wild they probably get eaten alive or suffer from a disease they cant cure. no clean deaths.
now im not sure how it works in america but my country has a 3 star system for the quality of life the animals had.
if you get meat with one star it already means that they're probably not tortured bioindustry products, meaning they had a pretty ok life with a nice and clean death.
i have no probems eating that

>> No.9084149

No. You don't abuse and kill what you love. Very simple.

>> No.9084161

Yes my dog and I both love going hunting and eating meat
>I've been unironically considering changing my diet.
You are just a fag

>> No.9084165
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>He thinks hurting defenseless animals disqualifies him from being a little bitch.
>Accidentally confirms that he's an insecure little bitch.

>> No.9084177

>defenseless animals
Well that is a first one

>> No.9084197

>rabbits have slingshots

>> No.9084204

No but rabbits can run incredibly fast maybe they should have evolved something more useful against humans.

>> No.9084737
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>> No.9084745

Hunting is easy. Knowing where your meat comes from and processing it from live animal makes you not a little bitch boy when it comes to meat.

>> No.9084752

if you cant handle butchering an animal, then you shouldnt eat meat imo

t. meat eater & animal lover

>> No.9084764

I love animals. I also eat meat. I don't see a problem here. Any living thing necessarily results in the death of other living things.

2nding this.

>> No.9084798

Yes you can
But you will be be a hypocrite with severe cognitive dissonance

>> No.9084802
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>calling out people for having mental disorders


>> No.9084803

Yes. See classic American outdoorsmen like Theodore Roosevelt and Daniel Boone.

>> No.9084804

>cognitive dissonance is now a mental disorder
Lol. Fuck off cunt
At least I am true to my principles

>> No.9084811

Yes, I regularly share a little bit of whatever meat I'm eating with my cat as long as it doesn't have garlic or onions on/in it. Same with my dog when he was alive, he'd get an entire steak with the fat removed for his birthday/Christmas dinners.

>> No.9084813

yes if you'rer a hypocrite.

>> No.9084814
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>> No.9084823

LOL. if you have to go on an indonesian pottery board and talk down to people who don't share your values, then it sounds to me you really don't feel secure in your princples. Cock sucker.

>> No.9084825

>Same with my dog when he was alive, he'd get an entire steak with the fat removed for his birthday/Christmas dinner

You are good people.

>> No.9084897


Morally, no. If you believe that animals should not suffer but eat meat anyway then you are a hypocrite. Most of the world experiences this cognitive dissonance so you are not alone.

Go to any comment section on an article about animal abuse, e.g. someone kicking a cat. There'll be calls for severe jail time. 99% of those people eat meat.

If you believe that species which can experience pain/suffering should be deserving of our consideration then veganism is morally defensible. There's no way around it.

If you don't believe that species that can experience pain/suffering should be worthy of our consideration then you need to articulate why that is (hint: you won't be able to). A common argument is that "cows are dumb" but that is a poor argument. If intelligence is the quantifier, why not eat the mentally retarded?

>> No.9085076

autism. just existing causes other beings suffering. just kys or u are a hypocrite

>> No.9085080

Just because you love dogs and cats doesn't mean you love all animals.

>> No.9085082

>can you both be an animal lover and eat meat? serious question.

Are all white men such beta coward cuck pussies? Serious question.

Cuz its easy to see why all your white women love meat eating manly niggers BBC while your faggot men cry about food.

>> No.9085088

>Cuz its easy to see why all your white women love meat eating manly niggers BBC while your faggot men cry about food.

White women are just trying to emasulate white men & turn them into vegans just to laugh at them...

Meanwhile, all white women love themselves a BBQ eatin Tyrone.

>> No.9085089

And loving doesn't mean you can't accept the inevitable death of something. Things die, and they even suffer. That's fucking life. That doesn't mean you can't have appreciation or be thankful for their existence. All things come to an end.

>> No.9085100

What's your point? Well being of your off spring > personal well being > well being of your loved ones > well being of other humans > well being of other animals.

Not everything is black and white. You can be against killing animals for food since it's not a requirement for any of the imperatives above it. But you can also support animal testing for medicine when required. Just like you can justify killing people in a different country to secure your people. You can fuck over your loved ones if it comes down to you or them. And finally you can sacrifice your own well being to secure the well being of your children.

>> No.9085103

>Cuz its easy to see why all your white women love meat eating manly niggers BBC while your faggot men cry about food.


'Merican Vegans are just a media conspiracy to make white men look like pussy ass beta faggots to the rest of the world.

>> No.9085109

Also, just because I love my dog doesn't mean I can't love eating his butchered carcass even more.

>> No.9085126

Have you actually seen the people in a vegan restaurant of a vegan meetup. Literally the most diverse group of people (ethnically, economically less so) you've ever seen. Tyrone might not be there but don't be surprised to see Marcus.

Not everything is a conspiracy to make the frogs gay.

>> No.9085140
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>Have you actually seen the people in a vegan restaurant of a vegan meetup

Yes. Yes I have.

>> No.9085151

>Yes. Yes I have.
No. No you haven't. I mean that kind of guy wouldn't really go amiss in a vegan meetup but its ridiculous to think that the only males there are white, they may actually be the minority, or at least under-represented.

>> No.9085276
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>> No.9085285

I care about the ecosystem not the animals. I only care about companion animals, which may be an individual animal that is a species that I eat. That being said, I think that farming and hunting should be as humane as reasonably possible.

>> No.9085298


Can you be an animal lover and keep a pet which eats meat?

>> No.9085988

Like I said earlier, you are mentally disturbed. Must be that vegan diet fucking with your brain chemistry. Don't reproduce.

>> No.9086410

>I think that farming should be as humane as reasonably possible.

Better stop eating meat then

>> No.9086422

you think this is the only conflict humans face? Literally everyone is a hypocrite in various aspects in life, you've just chosen to focus on this one thing to achieve your moral high ground. Dedicate your life to charity or shut the fuck up op

>> No.9086438


If you want an actual vegan answer, no. That doesn't stop vegans from owning pets but they are at least well equipped to note the hypocrisy.

As veganism is against the exploitation of animals, selling them for financial gain is frowned upon. As is bringing new life into this world for the express purpose of selling it. Sentient beings should not be commodities. A quick look at the amount of abandoned pets should also give you pause.

I have a cat from pre-veganism who I love very much but the only way I will ever get another one is through a rescue shelter.

>> No.9086547

Sure, there's no reason you need to love all life equally or in the same way.

>> No.9086615

Yes, you can be both. But you should still consider being vegan/vegetarian (not either myself but I think it's obviously the right way to go).

>> No.9086623

more useful than >>9084165

>> No.9086624

Have you seen how animals kill each other in the animal kingdom?
The way we kill them is really showing them mercy.

>> No.9086627


>> No.9086628

Have you seen how animals mate?
Women should be grateful that I drug them before the rape.

>> No.9086634

Yes they should. It's the most humane thing considering how ugly and unskilled at sex you are.

>> No.9086648


>implies they're not defenseless then criticizes their defense

pick a side you tard.

>> No.9086661
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Thanks, I really loved him, and still do. Here's a pic of him as a happy 13-year-old.

>> No.9086663

You sound just like your mother

>> No.9086672
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awww man
I I had one of those like 20 years ago

>> No.9086681

Nice doggo, Chows really are weird when they choose places to relax.

>> No.9086697


>> No.9086702

I guess the earth was nice and cool. He was always feeling hot even in the mild climate we have in Denmark.
Drooled like a motherfucker too, but I doubt there's a softer and more huggable dogbreed out there.

>> No.9086706

hows his temper? my friend had a chow and she said she was awful

>> No.9086722
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It was good for a while but then he developed a brain tumor and started biting. Had to put him down.
I haven't had a purebred since.
Pic related is the current doggo (she's fast)

>> No.9086733

>can you both be an animal lover and eat meat?

Of course.

Dogs, birds, chickens, mice, fish, ALL love eating meat as much as we do. However, they aren't big pussies about it....

>> No.9086740
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Mine in the pic loved to sleep on linoleum, wood, and thin carpet floors, but sometimes liked an old couch we had for a few years. He was very comfy to hug, but he didn't always like affection, so as far as touching goes, he was a little cold, like me, so it wasn't a problem.

Mine was easy-going, tolerated kids, but hid from them after about 5 minutes of interaction, was tolerant of kittens attacking him, but tackled and dominated them when they were fully-grown, and if you yelled at him for something bad he did, he'd bark back and stand his ground until the "conversation" was over, after which he'd isolate himself from everyone for a few hours. Loved cheese and dairy in general, felt comfortable in a room where loud metal music was playing, enjoyed being high on weed which he only got about 3-4 times in his life, and LOVED, absolutely LOVED the feeling of crushing a mouse's head with his teeth despite being completely trustworthy to leave alone with a hamster outside its cage.

>> No.9086743

Also never managed to teach him to stay on our property. They are apparently genetically disposed to running away.
Had to fence in the yard to keep him there. the current one stays there because I told her to.

>> No.9087513

I'm not pro or con, but I will agree here that, as Alan Watts states--being is killing. As a vegetarian, when I eat yogurt, or an avocado--something alive is dying because of my consumption. There is no way out. Something of nutritional value to me has to be processed and dissolved via stomach acid, into my body--so I can live. Nutritional value essentially traces back to living--what ever form that may be. If we could eat dead things, we'd live on cardboard. Whatever we consume has to have lived, and died accordingly. Dissolved into a sea of stomach acid. An apple or a chicken. Now the ethics of harvesting on both sides can be debated...but none of us can escape the end game. Ultimately, our time will come as well. Worms and maggots. The process never stops.


>> No.9087543

>man hunts wild animals, wild animals live tough lives and usually have prolonged painful deaths
>man domesticates wild animals, protects them from predators, makes sure they're food, gives them quicker and less painful deaths (usually, not counting botched slaughters and people who purposefully torture animals before killing because they think it tastes better)
>man invents lab-grown meat to help animals kept in poor conditions on factory farms

>> No.9087547

>makes sure they're food

>> No.9087563

I thought you were supposed to grind the meat up, and then stuff it into the casing.

>> No.9087681

maybe you should evolved a better argument

>> No.9088329

nice slip, dude
shows your true intention.

>> No.9088351

Correct. And that's exactly what you see in the OP pic.

>> No.9088357


I'd rather take the animal's life myself then pretend it doesn't happen in a much less humane fashion when picking it up at the grocery store.

>Implying moose are defenseless

>> No.9088375

Thankfully our species is blessed with the ability to hold two contradictory viewpoints in mind at the same time

God Bless tasty cognitive dissonance

>> No.9088391

That's not cognitive dissonance, you reddit fucktard.
Thinking of dogs as companions and cows as food is perfectly reasonable and we have been doing it since the fucking stone age.

>> No.9088405

Plants are living beings of the earth. Taking advantage of their existence via agriculture or any other type of ownership Is morally wrong.

>> No.9088446

I love animals inside and out. I love animals in ALL ways (except sexually), and I love the way they taste. I have cats but if given the opportunity I would totally try cat meat

>> No.9088476

Depends on what you mean exactly.

Stating that dogs are generally companion/working animals while cows are generally food is very common and I don't see any cognitive dissonance there.

OTOH if someone were to claim that it was morally OK to kill a cow for food but it was wrong to kill and eat a dog then that's some first-class hypocrisy.

>> No.9088502

I mean, I like dogs. I don't think I could kill and eat my own dog, because I love him, but they were definitely an emergency food source for a lot of hunter-gatherers.
I think it's gross to eat a dog, but I also think it's gross to eat bugs, and Asians do both.
tl;dr spoonfaces are gross and I don't get the obsession with Asian food, it's p good but not any better than anywhere else.

>> No.9088509

You're a shitty hunter if you hurt animals. Learn to aim, faggot.

>> No.9088514

if you are the lover of an animal you should kys

>> No.9088522

I was talking about dogs in general. Note that I said "a dog" not "your dog" or "your pet". Obviously a family pet has an emotional attachment that doesn't exist compared to a wild animal or animal that was raised specifically for food.

>> No.9088565

Two kinds of love but both are love

>> No.9088612

i guess you could love eating animals made of meat?

>> No.9088655
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>tfw when you realize that you are made of meat

>> No.9088672
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>> No.9089169

Animals : rape, murder, fight over territory, have no sense of morals

Humans : same exact things


>> No.9089171

Is this what legitimate retardation looks like

>> No.9089185

Animals eat meat too, I don't see why it should be exclusive

>> No.9089196

Humans won, animals lost, and basically every one but pets would fuck us over if they had the chance.

I'll keep eating them until we can make good synthetic meat. It'll be cruel once we don't need them for our benefit anymore, but until then I'm not going to feel bad about it. It's just nature to eat other things to stay alive and it'll be up to humans anyway to end that.

>> No.9089204

Killing an animal does not mean making the animal suffer.


If the animal lives it's entire life in comfort and safety, and eats a natural healthy diet, and is killed ethically and painlessly - it did not suffer.

You might try to say 'well, not all farmers are like the Polyface Farm guy'.
But, right now we are examining the unbiased statement that 'All meat consumption is linked to animal suffering', which, as illustrated in the above video, is a fallacy.

If you want to eliminate animal suffering, it's better to support ethical farms than to abstain completely. By supporting ethical meat farms, it will push the industrial farms out of the market faster.

>> No.9089271

We have evolved past the point of needing to consume the flesh of living creatures to sustain ourselves. If you claim to love animals but still insist on eating them you are living in denial. And not that egytian river.

But meat tastes good so whatever, it's cool.

>> No.9089282
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>> No.9089551
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>>9083842 if i had a penny for each time somebody used words that start with a-u-t-i-s in that order on this site or even just this board alone i'd be so retardedly rich too bad it's not the case t-b-h