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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 238 KB, 1024x750, fast-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9236414 No.9236414 [Reply] [Original]

95% of my diet consist of fast food and takeaway, but I exercise every day.

Is this ok?? I don't like cooking and I don't have a girlfriend to cook for me either.

>> No.9236470

No you're probably gonna die soon

>> No.9236474

dude just fucking cook

>> No.9236483

I guess you'll probably be ok but isn't it a huge waste of money?

Also no wonder you don't have a girlfriend, why would any self respecting woman want to be with a guy that hasn't mastered basic life skills like cooking?

>> No.9236488

You are hemorrhaging money for food that is not very good for you.

>> No.9236518


No I couldn't be fucked

Money isn't an issue for me, I have a well paying job. Sure I could theoretically save more money by making all my meals myself but I don't care.

>why would any self respecting woman want to be with a guy that hasn't mastered basic life skills like cooking?

Well I have money so that isn't an issue. Also I can cook, I just don't want to.

>> No.9236519

Since you're working out, im going to say it's fine. What kind of shape are you in anon? Just watch your blood sugar, cholesterol, and all that other shit that could cause one your organs to give out or heart to explode.

>> No.9236523

Might I add that you still try to at least have a nice home cooked meal anon, it wouldnt hurt.

>> No.9236527

I haven't done any health tests recently but I've got some muscle definition on me, definitely not fat or too skinny.

How many fucking times do I have to say, I don't want to cook!

>> No.9236604

Just be smart about it, man. It's still food even if it's low quality. Skip the fries and soda, they're garbage and offer you nothing. Try to stick to healthier options and get things without mayo and such. No need to get a double bacon greaseburger if you can get a chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomato on it. Still not healthy, but it's better. If you're relatively smart about your food choices then sure, you can live off of fast food if that's really what you want. Track your calories too, it'll help you figure out what you can get away with.

>> No.9236628

And that food is still unhealthy for you. If you don't care financially now that's one thing, but That food is bad for you in the long run even if you keep in good shape. You care about taking care of yourself, care about what you put in yourself as well

>> No.9236633

OP here, thanks for the advice.
I am a bit concerned about sodium levels.

>> No.9236661

Not OP but eating Healthy and all that is fine, but my question is, how do you get around such low calorie counts?

I eat healthy, go to the grocers and pick up fresh produce and fruit, and all that shit, but I have to eat less than 1.5k calories a day due to health problems with my digestive system.

I've been living off of mostly soups and have to cook all my meals myself. If a bowl of soup is around 400 calories, that means just eating 2 bowls of soup a day is half my allotted calories, if I have some nice bread or something to go with the soup then that's easily 100~300 more per meal. If I go out to eat at a restaurant, that one meal is anywhere from 800 to 1.3k calories easy. That's about everything I can eat for the entire day.

Eating a sandwich or having a meal with heavy meat like a Roast is so calorie-intensive that I can't eat much else if I have that.

>> No.9236680

I was a fat fuck (6'1" 240lbs) and decided to finally do something about it. I hate the gym and go off and on, but in the last two months I've lost 30 pounds just by fixing my diet. All I did was pick meals I know I like and can cook and just replaced the ingredients with better portions and healthier ingredients. I eat a wholesome, filling spaghetti meal at about 420 calories. You could eat that shit 3 times a day with a small side and that's all your calories and you'll be full as fuck. I eat around 1800 calories a day split between five or six meals. Seriously just take the time to do a little bit of research to get a general idea of the nutritional value for staple ingredients, then start fucking around with recipe concepts.

>> No.9236691

If money isn't an issue you can hire a personal chef.

>> No.9236692

just don't eat the obvious carbs (bread, fries)
for sodium, just drink about 12 l of water a day since you will pee out the excess salt

>> No.9236716

enjoy your kidney stones

>> No.9236879

This guy's a faggot and there's nothing wrong with potatoes.

>> No.9236907
File: 43 KB, 400x400, 1275088850422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just drink about 12 l of water a day

>> No.9236911

Just cook from time to time you disgusting lazy sack of retarded human garbage.

>> No.9236912

Nope. You're worse off than someone who eats clean but doesn't exercise.

>> No.9236914

no, you are not getting the nutrients your body needs from a variety of fruits and vegetables

>> No.9236919

Didn't we have a containment board for autistic manchildren?

>> No.9236931

there are 24 hours in a day, 16 without sleeping, I easily drink 1l of water per hour if I'm not too lazy to refill my bottle

>> No.9236959

Cook in batches and freeze the excess, at least you could get a few home cooked meals a week with minimal effort doing this

>> No.9236975

(You) are one thirsty bitch.

>> No.9236991

>eating healthy
*eating healthily

>> No.9238591

Can you not read? I said I don't like cooking. Fuck off

Why? I don't think that's true btw

I eat salads and vegetable dishes from various restaurants though. Not everything I eat is McDonalds

I don't want to. Learn to read.

>> No.9238628

don't have time to link to these, going out door. You can find them all on NCBI if you web search them.


>> No.9238869

>I don't have a girlfriend

Gee I fucking wonder why

>> No.9238893
File: 56 KB, 1200x720, Pink slime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. You need to eat raw fresh organic fruits, nuts, and veggies or you will get sick. There are very few people who are able to avoid the side effects of those disgusting food products.

>> No.9238895
File: 37 KB, 639x479, This is ground beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fast food industry is the largest purchaser of pink slime. I hope this changes you OP. You dog food eating fuck...

>> No.9238907

Risking yourself for heart disease.

Don't act surprised when your heart starts aching badly and it tells you to go fuck yourself as you get into a sudden panic over it.

>> No.9239012
File: 1.36 MB, 892x3062, cookingathome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but how does someone go about learning how to cook without someone to teach them? I've tried cookbooks but I end up getting frustrated and ordering out when it ends in failure.

>> No.9239152

You start easy.
Go start with eggs, pancakes, soup, whatever strikes your fancy.
Breakfast is filled with things that are wonderful for beginners.
It teaches you some techniques that you'l need with other meals.

>> No.9239420

Yeah, man, girls only want boyfriends who have great skills. You know like nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills.

>> No.9240178

Thanks for the advice. I'll start with breakfast.

>> No.9240218

Man, if you're that lazy, grab a bunch of salad toppings and buy a couple tubs of salad greens a week. You said you have money, so you should be able to afford the fancy little mixed topping packets and the good dressings in the refrigerated section. You get enough damn cholesterol, likely, so if you like meals to be protein ladden, buy some of that vegetarian shit. Because you know, you sound like you need something that isn't meat. Baked tofu is pretty good, chews like meat. Boca is shit, nothing but hype there, but quorn is decent. It literally takes 3 minutes to throw a salad together, and you can do way better for yourself just doing a couple of salads a week. Okay? Okay.

>> No.9240593

stir fry everything
add 1 cap of soy sauce and some canyenna pepper

stir fried chicken/beef/pork slices/cubes + broccoli/cauliflower/carrots/mushrooms/beansprouts

>> No.9241663
File: 3 KB, 188x128, 1439445860049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if, say, hypothetically, there was a guy who eats fast food every day. and this hypothetical guy does not work out. he's overweight but not fat and really only eats like one big meal a day. with some snacks throughout the day. probably, i don't know, chocolate or something.

how fucked is this person's health?

>> No.9241705

Your blood pressure (from the excess sodium) blood sugar (from the excess carbs, and not just the bread but the corn syrup from the soda too), and resting heart rate (from being sedentary) are all likely fucked. You're likely fine right now, but once you're out of your 20's you're going to start having health problems, and they'll steadily get worse.

unJUST yourself, starting now, or you're going to regret it later.

>> No.9241714
File: 72 KB, 669x1032, 6342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just drink about 12 l of water a day

>> No.9241716

i think you mean this hypothetical person should be worried

just how bad would this person's health be later?

>> No.9241728

If you count calories you will be fine. But just exercise isn't the best way to maintain weight, watching what you eat is.

>> No.9241729

>drinking 52 pounds of water in a day.
Wow dude

>> No.9241737

How often do you take a piss?

>> No.9241742

how hard is it? I refill my bottle every hour and drink it all down in 1 big gulp
I go to the pisser every 30 minutes

>> No.9241743

What is "wala" ? I keep seeing this on this board. are you trying to say the French "voila" ?

>> No.9241750

>pissing 32 times a day

that sounds infuriating

>> No.9242282

Pretty fucking bad with excessive heart problems. Start cooking your own food and getting daily exercise.

>> No.9242328

Check out 4 Hour Chef, it attempts to solve this problem.

>> No.9242383

This kind of diet is fine for a young man as long as you're consuming about the amount of calories you burn in a day, but if you keep eating like this through your 30's and 40's it will probably take a toll on you. Nothing in life is a sure bet, but many of those guys who fall apart in their 50's have shitty diets.

>> No.9242577

>lifeless teenager detected

>> No.9243089

Thank you for the help. I'll try stir frying today.

>> No.9243149

Nobody likes manchildren that doesn't even know how to boil water and throw pasta on it

>> No.9243188


I do the same basic thing, OP. I try to make sure I don't eat as much fast food as I do delivery of slightly better things, but cooking is a pain in the ass after a long day in the office.

I can cook a few dishes, but they're more of a pain in the ass than they're worth.

>> No.9243304

Youre an ass. You create a thread and tune out any advice or contrarian beliefs. We aren't here to validate you go jerk yourself off.

>> No.9243333

> 24 * 2 = 32

>> No.9243507

and you got quads

Try making a good amount of small meals on Sunday and storing them in the fridge to eat them through the entire week.

>> No.9243582
File: 29 KB, 500x344, Cancer cows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salty beef

>> No.9243687

>being awake 24 hours a day

You don't count the times he pisses the bed, moron

>> No.9243700

You'd probably feel much better if you ate cleaner. When I cut out junk and fast food the difference was like night and day.

>> No.9243822
File: 43 KB, 131x134, 1387011454217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but this oatmeal comic >>9239012 is basically my life. i could try to cut out soda but i dont suppose that would help my heart too much

>> No.9243827

>Money isn't an issue for me
Why don't you hire a housemaid to cook and clean the house for you?
Then you only eat out at weekends.

>> No.9243846

not him but eating out seems cheaper to me, it's about 11 bucks a day, roughly 4000 dollars a year

>> No.9243917

It would be better to just make easy meals

>Spend one day cutting fat off chicken and then cutting into two
>put chicken into plastic bags, marinade with them, freeze em, then take em out the day of
>set oven to 325 and let it cook for like 15 minutes
>slice tomato, make two pieces of toast
>lay mayo on toast, then tomato, then chicken breast, then tomato slice, then mayo then toast
There ya go. Chicken tomato mayo sanmmies for the week

Substitute the whole thing for whatever you want, but it's not super hard to spend a Sunday afternoon doing this. You could even turn the tv on in the background since it's basically mindless work

>> No.9244075

>cutting fat off chicken
What the hell kind of chicken do you buy?

>> No.9244228

>no gf to cook for me
Gee, I wonder why.

>> No.9244823

Are you the same guy making all those vegan threads?

Cutting out soda would help you tremendously. Just start small and work your way up. Buy a salad box and take some to jog instead of shitposting. It's not like you're doing anything important right now.

>> No.9244904

Cutting soda is one of the best first steps ina diet you can take.

And don't worry about cooking hard stuff. Focus on making easy healthy things (like salad, tuna sandiwches with low carb/whole wheat bread, oatmeal, baked chicken, etc.) Being healthy doesn't have to be hard.

>> No.9245744

alright, cutting out soda shouldnt be too heard. but i fucking love fast food. it's embarrassing but i do. everything just tastes like garbage compared to it. healing my heart will be very difficult. i even tried to eat vegetarian food that's "supposed" to taste like fired meat but it tasted like ass

>> No.9245762

There's nothing unhealthy about roasted or stewed meat. The main problem with fast food is the shitty cooking oil the meat is fried in, and also the carcinogens from burnt meat.

Most fried meat is also fine, as long as you're using healthy, high-smoke-point fats, like butter or coconut oil or lard. Yes, lard is fine.

Olive oil is the other healthy fat, but it's not good for frying - it burns too quickly.

Barbecued or flame grilled anything is out due to carcinogens.

You should look up the paleo diet. It's very satisfying for someone with meat cravings.

>> No.9245788

pick one

>> No.9246594
File: 4 KB, 154x269, 1349232214173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what fast food chains use these methods? or do none of them so i have to fry the meat myself?

>> No.9246649

paleo diet is dogshit

plus you can counteract carcinogens from browned/charred meat

>> No.9246666

scientifically impossible you stupid cunt, people have died for drinking less than 10 litres on a single day

>> No.9246680

>what fast food chains use these methods?
All of them.

>have to fry the meat myself?

>> No.9246686

Citation needed. I think you're confusing gallons with liters.

>> No.9246716

i'm getting mixed messages. are you saying that fast food isnt too bad but it would be better to fry my own food?

>> No.9246943

What exactly do you call takeaways anyway? I mean there are takeaway salad restaurants with fresh fruits and veggies.

>> No.9246953

Do you live in an incredibly hot country/state?

>> No.9247038

Yes, because you control how much of each ingredient you put into the recipe.