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File: 1.02 MB, 632x351, starbucks frappuchino.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9333295 No.9333295 [Reply] [Original]

Do people really drink frapuchinos all the time because they think it's just coffee?

>> No.9333301

Probably, even though they're literally just fucking milkshakes. The green tea flavor is my guilty pleasure desu. I order that with a heated-up cheese danish once every couple weeks as a treat.

>> No.9333339

Tell me anons, do you have anything againts this gluttonous lifestyle? Assuming she's using her own money, not welfare of course.

>> No.9333346

how do i get a thiccccccc gf like that?

>> No.9333357

Some are coffee based. Some are cream based. It annoys me when people avoid them because they think they all have coffee in

>> No.9333404

>your duel wielding level has increased

>> No.9333428

They're pretty good if you get double coffee, otherwise you can't taste it at all and they just taste like a shit milkshake.

>> No.9333436

This. I order them because it tastes like a coffee flavored milkshake to me. I don't order it expecting an actual coffee drink.

>> No.9333446

Wasting hospital time and equipment treating her fat ass instead of people with unavoidable illnesses

>> No.9333471

I don't drink coffee at all (don't want to become caffeine dependent), and I like milkshakes. So I like frappuccinos as a vaguely caffeinated milkshake, a pick-me-up for those days I feel like crap with 3 hours of sleep. Rarely happens, but that's what I'll usually do.

>> No.9333522
File: 29 KB, 592x607, 1501010940770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I worked at Starbucks for a year.

People think there is coffee in them, which is "true", but it's flavoring, and even then it's mostly just ice blended with milk and flavoring. Even the coffee variant only has just a few more squirts in it. Hell, a majority of people always thought stuff like Mochas or Lattes were flavored coffee and were sometimes shocked to find out that it's steamed milk and espresso. The very idea that people are just that completely unaware of what they were consuming was insane.

>> No.9333548
File: 244 KB, 544x232, paradox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bench outside the door because they need to rest while going from the car to the house

>> No.9333601


Little tip from someone who works at one, fatasses like her are the reason my job is stable and the reason they can afford to pay for the expensive equipment to help non landwhales when they break their ass or something. It's disgustingly beautiful

>> No.9333670

>no restin bench in front of his eurohovel
do people in europe really live like this?

>> No.9333672

I worked at Starbucks. Pretty sure coffee frappuccinos do have shots of espresso in them? 1 shot for tall, 2 shots for grande/venti.

>Hell, a majority of people always thought stuff like Mochas or Lattes were flavored coffee and were sometimes shocked to find out that it's steamed milk and espresso. The very idea that people are just that completely unaware of what they were consuming was insane.
True. They buy lattes because the coffee is so diluted by the massive amount of milk.

My boss used to have a "black eye" all the time, maybe you're familiar with it too - filter coffee with two shots of espresso. She only had it in a short cup, but still, the amount of caffeine must have been insane.

Man I loved that job. It was so fun putting the drinks together. That was by far the best job, being behind the bar. Knocking out drinks. Good fun.

>> No.9333677

Fatties and smokers are more likely to die suddenly and before retirement so they end up paying into the system more than healthy people who require a shitload of end of life care because they never collect. The fatter America is the more secure is your Social Security check. We should be encouraging it

>> No.9333686

>Pretty sure coffee frappuccinos do have shots of espresso in them?
not if you're following the rules they don't

>> No.9333691

Most smokers die well after retirement. Dying at 30 after smoking one cigarette is a meme and you know it

>> No.9333693

you actually have to make sure they're adding the additional espresso shots, if you don't complain, they wont add them

>> No.9333705

gotta make them yourself from the ground up, all about slyly giving them way more calories than they can burn

>> No.9333711

Am I just thinking of iced coffee then? I thought the coffee frappuccinos had shots of espresso too. To be fair this was a few years ago.

>> No.9333717
File: 47 KB, 655x560, 1342321331756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't actually believe this right?...right?

>> No.9333759

>Life expectancy for smokers is at least 10 years shorter than for nonsmokers.
>US life expectancy: 78.8 years (2015)
>78.8 - 10 = 68.8
>retirement age is 65
>68.8 is more than 65


>> No.9333760

u trippin bruh the iced coffee doesn't have it either nigga

BUT I definitely had a few people who wanted shots in their fraps

>> No.9333762
File: 258 KB, 351x364, 1407735029502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long after
>3 years

>> No.9333771

And that's after retirement, not before. So you're still the one who's wrong

>> No.9333806

I said:
>Fatties and smokers are more likely to die suddenly and before retirement
I did not say "most die before retirement." You have not disproved my assertion, but in a clumsy fashion have actually reinforced my argument with statistics from the CDC that they are more likely to die before retirement

Do you even know how to argue holy shit kid take a class or learn to read

>> No.9333833

The statistics showed that the average smoker dies after retirement.

>> No.9333863

You said well after which implies a long time.
3 years is not a long time in relation to 65 years

>> No.9334050

Iced coffee doesn't have espresso? Nigga I think you're the one trippin here

>> No.9334310

Doesn't change that I'm more correct, they still die after the average retirement age as opposed to before

>> No.9334326

starbucks iced coffee is literally made with a mix of all the old shitty grinds people don't want. iced americano is the espresso version.

as far as the frappuchinos go, the frappuchino syrup is the coffee part. espresso frappuchinos get shots, but that's it

t. someone who spent too much time reading starbucks employee complaints online

>> No.9334330

You are probably just a janitor if you aren't lying. Obese patient's don't keep the gears greased with money. I don't know why you would say not only such a wrong thing but blatantly retarded thing

>> No.9334351

Soooo.. they are dying after retirement age...

>> No.9336128

How the fuck do you get this fat?