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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 352x387, FIONA!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9627988 No.9627988 [Reply] [Original]

I think veganism is good. you people should all go vegan. If you go vegan it'll be better for your health. It will also be better for the environment and you dont have to pay for animals to be killed.

>> No.9627999

Very weak bait.

>> No.9628000

I saged your thread, just wanted you to know ;^)

>> No.9628024

This isnt bait you fuck. what is wrong with discussing diets on a food and cooking board?

>> No.9628196

Faggot detected

>> No.9628252

Fuck you I do what I want.

>> No.9628258

counter sage :3

>> No.9628261

>and you dont have to pay for animals to be killed

Killing animals is labor and labor is worth a salary.

>> No.9628275

>all should go vegan
>better for your health
assuming i want to live any longer
>better for environment
assuming i want people to live any longer
>paying for animals to be killed
literally the only thing keeping me going at this moment.

>> No.9628323

Post your skinny wrists, receding hairline and man tits faggot

>> No.9628418

>Better for your health

Yeah, who needs iron, B and D vitamins, essential dietary lipids, complete proteins, DHA and all that useless bullshit anyways?

>Better for the environment

I'm sure people breeding like vermin in impoverished shithole countries isn't what's placing all of this added strain on the world

>> No.9628797

I think veganism is bad for you as you cannot get certain b vitamins essential to human health withought eating some form of animal proteins. Some people say you can supplement with b12 injections or vitamins but those are now being found to lead to colon cancers and prostate cancers. Just be careful if you want to live an unhealthy lifestyle it is a free country for the most part.

>> No.9628812

I watched cowspiracy and got hungry a few times because of the documentary. Some of us can't be saved, OP. Some of us don't want to be saved.

>> No.9628864

You do realise B vitamins used to be in the soil but we can't get it like that anymore right? The animals you eat are supplemented with B12

>> No.9628870

>Man tits

People get gyno from beer and chicken faggot. Soy has phytoestrogens which don't have any notable effect. Also vegans have the same if not higher testosterone count. Read some studies faggot. Some world record breaking strongmen are vegans.

>> No.9628874

>Breeding like vermin in shithole countries

Alright Mr Churchill. Watch cowspiracy or go back to /Pol/

>> No.9628879

>Breeding like vermin

Alright Mr Churchill make up as many excuses as you want. Watch Cowspiracy or go back to /Pol/

>> No.9629385

Most of these can be found in vegetable diets. Iron/Vitamin B/D, some lipids/etc are found in common foods like grains/beans/nuts/green veggies/etc. Tons of vegies provide proteins. DHA is obtained from breast milks and I think algae oil.

On top of that, there's always fortified vegies/rices/nuts/food that comes with the essential needs. There are vitamin pills to take if you need any extra.

Seriously its not that hard. Well, full vegan diet might be bit hard to get into the habit but full vegetarian diet is frankly too easy.

>> No.9629395

Meat is delicious though, so I'm going to just try and eat more vegetables but still eat meat.

>> No.9629488

I kill my own animals.

You can fuck off with your unsustainable lifestyle.

>> No.9629738
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daily reminder that eating meat is degeneracy

veganism is moral purity

>> No.9629790


Meat consumption is ruining the environment.

- Pollutes rivers
- Forests cleared for livestock
- Causes soil degradation
- Massive inefficiency
- Major contributor to global warming.


Vegan Health




Animals ethics crash course - [YouTube] Non-Human Animals: Crash Course Philosophy #42 (embed)

The most common and well known argument is the argument from marginal cases. Loosely speaking, the argument contends that animals as sentient & intelligent as retards should have the same moral status

formal argument - http://www.iep.utm.edu/anim-eth/#SSH1fi

(Meatcucks please read the following before leaving a stupid comment)

Ad Hominem - https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/ad-hominem e.g. vegans are faggots

Strawman - https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/strawman e.g. vegans want white genocide

Appeal to nature - https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/appeal-to-nature e.g. meat is natural and therefore ethical

Tu Quoque - https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/tu-quoque e.g. vegans buy computers

Morality is relative - Science, logic, mathematics are all based on axioms that are not proven, what is different about morality and moral axioms? Think this argument through before arguing for it, it is not as simple as you think. (most philosophers are moral realists and believe moral propositions can in fact be true)

Meatcucks please realise the difference between normative ethics (what we ought to do) and descriptive ethics (what beliefs do people have). Normative ethics is what is being discussed with regards to veganism and morality.

- people should not eat animals for x reason (relevant normative claim)
- people eat animals for y reason (irrelevant descriptive claim)

>> No.9629948

I would love to stop eating meat and be vegan, but it tastes far too fucking good for me to stop. I guess that means I'm addicted, I don't know. It's also way more filling and satisfying.
>you can either eat 6 oz of meat or 2 lbs of veggies

>> No.9630170

how is obtaining vitamins from supplements "natural" ?

also arent supplements and related items tested on animals? hoow can you, as a vegan, support that?

>> No.9630277
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>> No.9630288
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Take the redpill lads.

>> No.9630385
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the spelling on this pic is killing me

>> No.9630822
File: 2.33 MB, 720x720, MEATCUCKSBTFO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Vegans have higher test


- Processed meattrash lowers sperm count


- Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man


- Casomorphine in milk is addictive


- Milk gives you prostate cancer


- Milk gives you acne


- Heme iron in red meat gives you esophageal and stomach cancer


- Meat gives you colorectal cancer


- Eggs increase cancer risk even when adjusted for intakes of macronutrients or for other food groups


meatcucks BTFO

>> No.9630832

fuck off

>> No.9630842


What's wrong with the spelling?

>> No.9630849

>Watch my shill documentary that's like totally unbiased

>> No.9630854

Why is everyone so angry and biased towards vegans?
Is it because you can't handle to face the fact that UNNECESSARY torture and death of sentient beings is UNETHICAL?
There is NOT a SINGLE nutrient, including ALL 9 essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins (yes, including B12) and minerals (yes, including iron) that is hard or expensive to get in a vegan diet.

>> No.9630865

>Watch that doctor telling you smoking is bad for you
>Oh wait, he's biased because he's an oncologist so his words are invalid

>> No.9630868

Same reason people don't like Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses knocking on our doors. The invalidity of their stance is only the beginning of their annoyance.

>> No.9630875

Smoking is actually not that bad for you if you use it sparingly or quit by like 40. Like many other things moderation is key.

>> No.9630877
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logical proposition for meatcucks

P1: It would be wrong to treat dogs the way we do farm animals

P2: There is no morally relevant difference between dogs and farm animals

P3: A morally relevant difference is a difference that justifies different standards of treatment

C: It is wrong to treat farm animals the way we do

>> No.9630884

Why do you always post this. It never stumps anyone or changes their minds. Nobody will ever give a fuck about dumbass birds. Some people like to eat dogs and that's their choice too.

>> No.9630890

>knocking on our doors
Except this isn't your house, it's an open public forum, and you can just filter out the word "veg*n*" (to filter out vegetarian or veganism too)
What about the bird's or the dog's choice?

>> No.9630892

>don't like Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses knocking on our doors

But they're so fun to fuck with, anon. Nothing is better than beating those fucks at their own game.

>> No.9630896

>he thinks there are holes in the vegan argument

>> No.9630902

P1 is wrong because you're failing to distinguish between pet dogs, wild dogs, working dogs, and livestock (meat) dogs.

P2 is also wrong, largely for the same reasons. There's a massive difference between a dog that has been raised as a "family member" (a pet) versus one that was raised to work, vs one raised for meat, etc.

You're also

>> No.9630907
File: 1.02 MB, 640x360, meatcucks3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

irrelevant descriptive statement

people eating dogs doesn't make it moral to eat dogs

try again meat boi

>> No.9630914

Lol doesn't make you less annoying tho. You're annoying. You annoy people in real life and you annoy us on the internet. Accept this as part of who you are and deal with it. Every person I know who isn't a vegan talks behind vegan people's backs about how annoying and retarded you are even if we say nice things to your face or even play along for a bit (women do this a lot) I live in a liberal college town in California so I know vegans aren't really accepted anywhere.

Dogs and chickens do not deserve choice.

>> No.9630916
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so morality is based on the arbitrarity pet/not pet status

the absolute state of meatcuck philosophy


>> No.9630925

Why did they just give her boiled sprout? Why not sauteed or roasted in olive oil and garlic salt. They're literally trying to make her react negatively to vegetables.

>> No.9630928

you're shits getting stale lad

>> No.9630931

>P1 is wrong because you're failing to distinguish between pet dogs, wild dogs, working dogs, and livestock (meat) dogs.
YOU are failing to distinguish between them. What trait makes a dog food or friend?
>P2 is also wrong, largely for the same reasons. There's a massive difference between a dog that has been raised as a "family member" (a pet) versus one that was raised to work, vs one raised for meat, etc.
See above
>You're also
Are you retarded, fellow vegan? You misquoted me.
>Lol doesn't make you less annoying tho. You're annoying.
You too
>You annoy people in real life
Most my irl friends don't even know I'm vegan, lol
>and you annoy us on the internet.
>Dogs and chickens do not deserve choice.
Why not, friend?

>> No.9630933

if veganism is so great why do any carnivores exist
checkmate atheists

>> No.9630943

tagged the wrong post

this person is a retard

>> No.9630944

>My friends don't even know I'm vegan
If they don't invite you out/over to meals they aren't your friends lad

>> No.9630951

Lol you're so frustrated your stale ass memes are stale. What kind of sperg posts the same shit over and over for at least a month, gets btfo every time and then does it again? I mean really.

>> No.9630965

is this b8?

>> No.9630966

why are you so triggered by vegan posting bro

>> No.9630969

90% of B12 is being sold as growth factor for meat production.

>> No.9630981

My friends are in another country because I moved out of my parents' very recently, and I have only gone out with my new friends here for beer so far. In the school cafeteria I always only get tea or coffee.
My point is that we aren't as you've pictured us in your mind :)
>is logic, empathy and compassion b8?
Is this b8?

>> No.9630986

They use fish bladders to make beer perfectly clear.

>> No.9630997

not all brands ;)

>> No.9631002

More than you think. Breweries don't publish their ingredients but I can tell you from first hand experience it's rampant. Better stick to hazy IPA

>> No.9631017
File: 10 KB, 276x182, Vegan for Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you go vegan it'll be better for your health

Don't believe everything you hear from random people until you verified the information yourself.

I wish somebody warned me about the dangers of all Vegan diets while I was young, but it's too late as I am now *living* with stage 2 colon cancer.

> Long term vegetarian diet changes human DNA raising risk of cancer and heart disease

Sarah Knapton

29 MARCH 2016 • 10:15PM

Long term vegetarianism can lead to genetic mutations which raise the risk of heart disease and cancer, scientists have found.

Populations who have had a primarily vegetarian diet for generations were found to be far more likely to carry DNA which makes them susceptible to inflammation.

Scientists in the US believe that the mutation occured to make it easier for vegetarians to absorb essential fatty acids from plants.

But it has the knock-on effect of boosting the production of arachidonic acid, which is linked to inflammatory disease and cancer. When coupled with a diet high in vegetable oils - such as sunflower oil - the mutated gene quickly turns fatty acids into dangerous arachidonic acid.

The finding may help explain previous research which found vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters, a finding that has puzzled doctors because eating red meat is known to raise the risk.

>> No.9631021

why veganism over vegetarian diet?
wouldn't go for either of them though, just curious.

>> No.9631022

>Long term vegetarianism can lead to genetic mutations which raise the risk of heart disease and cancer, scientists have found.

Not just correlation, but DIRECT CAUSATION of vegan diets leading to elevated inflammatory arachidonic acid levels.

>> No.9631027

Because memes.

>> No.9631031

>The finding may help explain previous research which found vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters, a finding that has puzzled doctors because eating red meat is known to raise the risk.

Let that sink in for a minute. Vegetarians have 40% higher colon cancer rates than Meat eaters.

Why doesn't BIG AGRACULTURE companies like Monsanto tell us this information?

At least the pork industry will straight up tell you that eating bacon every day will kill you.

Why does Monsanto and big agra try to hide all the negative sides of eating a restricted vegan diet?

>> No.9631032
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both the egg and the dairy industries are unethical

>> No.9631041

how is killing plants any more ethical then? you're still killing
>inb4 arbitrary definition of killing

>> No.9631045



To make the problem worse, the mutation also hinders the production of beneficial Omega 3 fatty acid which is protective against heart disease. Although it may not have mattered when the mutation first developed, since the industrial revolution there has been a major shift in diets away from Omega 3 – found in fish and nuts - to less healthy Omega 6 fats - found in vegetable oils.

"Changes in the dietary Omega 6 to Omega 3 balance may contribute to the increase in chronic disease seen in some developing countries,” added Dr Brenna.

Previous studies have shown that vegetarianism and veganism can lead to problems with fertility by lowering sperm counts.

Separate research from Harvard University also found that a diet high in fruit and vegetables may impact fertility because men are consuming high quantities of pesticides.

>> No.9631050

who the fuck is Sarah knapton

literally just some random shit off the internet.

Actual studies show meat dramatically increases rate of colon cancer

Meat gives you colorectal cancer


>> No.9631052
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>I don't eat milk or eggs cuz I saw a video online once

>> No.9631053
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>Previous studies have shown that vegetarianism and veganism can lead to problems with fertility by lowering sperm counts.

>Separate research from Harvard University also found that a diet high in fruit and vegetables may impact fertility because men are consuming high quantities of pesticides.


>> No.9631055

perfectly reasonable response to evidence

>> No.9631058
File: 170 KB, 500x522, Veganism = Profit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Obvious Monsanto shill is obvious

>> No.9631061

It increases risk (maybe) by less than 40% of a disease you've got less than 5% chance of getting. What are you afraid of?

>> No.9631063

I'm gonna Commit a genetic fallacy real quick and point out that Reddit and vegan health mag aren't valid sources. Besides humans are omnivores, you'd know this if you had an actual understanding of biology.
You cannot claim morality is relative and then move the discussion to normative ethics, it's hypocritical and moving the goal posts. Math is one of the few inherent truths as 1+1 always equals 2. You have not provided any arguments yourself either but instead are setting arbitrary rules to your debate.

Tl:dr you're a fucking Moron that posted no arguments and used bad sources try again Faggot.

>> No.9631064

Evidence of that guy not knowing how to do his job. It's not that hard to feed a calf.

>> No.9631065
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I agree with this guy. Monsanto Organic Products (tm) are fresh, delicious, and 100% safe to eat with no risks or long term health effects!

Remember kids. Meat is bad. Only buy Monsanto Certified Organic products if you want to live a long and healthy life!

>> No.9631068

post doesn't claim morality is relative. Literally advocates the opposite

read it properly you spaz

>> No.9631070

>I agree with this guy. Monsanto Organic Products (tm) are fresh, delicious, and 100% safe to eat with no risks or long term health effects!
>Remember kids. Meat is bad. Only buy Monsanto Certified Organic products if you want to live a long and healthy


>> No.9631072

>Let that sink in for a minute. Vegetarians have 40% higher colon cancer rates than Meat eaters.

Yes, but according to the article, it's 2nd generation vegans that get fucked.

So if you hate your kid, and want to give them cancer, GO VEGAN! Yay!

>> No.9631073

Honestly, there is nothing wrong with Monsanto.

>> No.9631074
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/ck/ is literally /fit/ for children

plain embarrassing desu

>> No.9631076

I love the vegan bashing but I'm not so sure that Monsanto cares much either way because they sell all the feed for animals too.

>> No.9631077

>> Obvious Monsanto shill is obvious

They spam /ck/ every other day, like clockwork.

>> No.9631089

>Long term vegetarianism can lead to genetic mutations which raise the risk of heart disease and cancer, scientists have found.
>Populations who have had a primarily vegetarian diet for generations were found to be far more likely to carry DNA which makes them susceptible to inflammation.
>Scientists in the US believe that the mutation occured to make it easier for vegetarians to absorb essential fatty acids from plants.
>But it has the knock-on effect of boosting the production of arachidonic acid, which is linked to inflammatory disease and cancer. When coupled with a diet high in vegetable oils - such as sunflower oil - the mutated gene quickly turns fatty acids into dangerous arachidonic acid.

Long Term Vegan diets >>> Elevated arachnid acid
Arachidonic Acid >>>> Chronic inflammation
Chronic Inflammation >>> Cancer

This is old news, people don't care because it affects subsequent generations.

>> No.9631093

What is arbitrary about sentience+intelligence?

>> No.9631107


Human grade (edible) pesticides are highly regulated and far, far more expesnive and profitable than animal feed.

Monsanto derives nearly 80% of their profit from 'organic' human grade pesticides.

They compete in the down market of anmial feed but Chinese competition is pushing Monsanto out.

All of monsanto's future profitability is banking on high margin human grade "organic" pesticides.

There is a very good reason Monsanto is shilling "vegan lifestyles" so hard... money.

>> No.9631108


>> No.9631111

Because there is no conclusive evidence that organisms that lack our brains and nervous system lack sentience. Plants "know" when other plants miles away are in distress. The idea that brains are the "only" route to sentience is myopic

>> No.9631115
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ITT /ck/ retards who don't understand citation

>> No.9631116

Sounds pretty plausible. I'll look into it further

>> No.9631121
File: 204 KB, 600x399, Monsanto 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of monsanto's future profitability is banking on high margin human grade "organic" pesticides.
>There is a very good reason Monsanto is shilling "vegan lifestyles" so hard... money.

There is also a good reason the EU is considering banning Monsanto until they publish all their research on Glyphosate...

It's fucking CRIMINAL that monsanto still claims Glysophate is organic and safe to eat when it has obvious links to tumor formation.

>> No.9631125

>There is also a good reason the EU is considering banning Monsanto until they publish all their research on Glyphosate...

Anybody who believes vegan foods are safe to eat because the "government" told them so needs to look into who the government is taking money from...

>> No.9631130

>Anybody who believes vegan foods are safe to eat because the "government" told them so needs to look into who the government is taking money from...


The head of the United States Food & Drug Administration, responsible for food safety, is no other than the Ex- CEO of Monsanto.

>> No.9631133

thats just a harmless coincidence.

>> No.9631140

Yeah and why shouldn't Monsanto merge with Bayer?

>> No.9631142

>that is hard or expensive to get in a vegan diet

You mean "in a supplement". Veganism is malnutrition and should be classified as an eating disorder.

>> No.9631145

I'd have to give up meat then, does not compute

>> No.9631146


WTF? Do 'Mericans not understand "conflict of interest?"

>> No.9631151

>correlation = causation: the post

>> No.9631157
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>Vegans have higher test

>but this was offset by higher sex hormone binding globulin

Do you vegtards even read the shit you link

>> No.9631162

Bro we had an election that featured Hillary pay to play Clinton and Donald I'll suck your dick for a line of credit Trump. We're italy and burlesconi tier right now.

>> No.9631170
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>perfectly reasonable response to evidence

True, that's why I'm not vegan.

>> No.9631175
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We're fucking Brazilian oil tier right now

We're fucking London white papers tier right now

We're fucking fucked m8

>> No.9631187

>The head of the United States Food & Drug Administration, responsible for food safety, is no other than the Ex- CEO of Monsanto.

lol that's so fucking retarded

>> No.9631190
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>> No.9631215
File: 1.29 MB, 1181x1529, Rick_Perry_official_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and secretary of energy is this guy. Former gov of Texas and author of many brilliant quotes. Like this one when he ran for prez
>Eliminate agencies that perform redundant functions... Get rid of the Department of Commerce, the Department of Education, the Department of Energy

That's right our current secretary of energy literally stumped to eliminate his own department.

>> No.9631219
File: 118 KB, 640x1136, 1497964419466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is still hope for the misguided.

>> No.9631220

Oh man, got some studies, I am sure youre being totally honest and not just posting half truths and brainlet analysis based on a study title right?

>... offset by higher sex hormone binding globulin, and there were no differences between diet groups in free testosterone, androstanediol glucuronide or luteinizing hormone.

>2nd link mentions multiple times that it isnt conclusive due to an assload of variables they didnt check for including subjects overall health and physical fitness
>"We also found that organ meat intake was positively related to total sperm count, sperm concentration, and progressive motility"

>Checks out, no data on what milk was used though

>literally nothing about addiction, just some shit about histamines

>"A meta analysis of studies" aka we picked 33 studies and compiled results into a positive correlation, we need more money to get something conclusive plz gib grant

>Checks out

>Self reported diets and no control for what they got the iron from, be it a mcdonalds burger or a wild venison steak. States iron itself doesnt have a correlation

>Meta-analysis of 11 studies that comes to the shocking conclusion that when people eat heavily processed mcdonalds/burger king/KFC meat 3 times a day, they get ass cancer

>Meta-analysis of 11 studies on how people whose diet includes eggs also get cancer

I could write a meta analysis that would "prove" gay asian men who exclusively smoke camel crush menthols prefer orange to apples then follow it up with a second meta analysis saying the opposite. All these links have done, with the exception of the acne one, is prove people who dont pay attention to what they eat are going to be less healthy. The only one btfo is me for taking 20 minutes and seriously responding to this half assed wall of links

>> No.9631248
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vegans GTFIH


>> No.9631256

Dude she's got that absent brain dead stare. Aka the crazy eyes

>> No.9631266

ur mirin bro don't lie

>> No.9631275

Lol no. Those abs are photoshopped as fuck too. Women with those eyes are major red flags.

>> No.9631294

Don't make assumptions about what I want fag

>> No.9631324

>reduction, not elimination, of meat
LOL, the damage control is hilarious
>Oy, vey! The goyim are waking up? What do we do? They aren't buying meat!

>> No.9631330

Your post confuses me.

>> No.9631338

>Hey, goy, haha, you realized meat is bad for you? Please buy a little at least, one bite can't hurt! I need shek-- Eh, I mean, you need saturated fats in your diet!

>> No.9631346

You think Jews are behind industries dominated by southerners in America?

>> No.9631357
File: 142 KB, 600x842, raskolnikov pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better glycemic control and less need for type 2 diabetes medication through a low carb diet

Studies unable to conclude that red meat increases colorectal cancer:

Eggs are not bad for you:

Some vegetarian diets lead to a higher risk of heart disease:

No difference in long term mortality between health conscious vegans and meat eaters:

Largest study ever proving that vegans do not live longer than meat eaters:

Vitamin and nutrient deficiencies from a vegan diet

Vegans have a lower sperm count than non vegans:


Vegans have lower testosterone than non vegans:


Veganism causes loss of libido and erectile dysfunction:


Vegetarians displayed elevated prevalence rates for depressive disorders, anxiety disorders and somatoform disorders.

Omnivorous diets are the best to fight against CVD

>> No.9631373

>implying jews aren't pushing for veganism
Yehuda plz

>> No.9631480

Still doesn't provide arguments you moron.

>> No.9631491

'Omnivorous diets are the best to fight against CVD'


>> No.9631809

is antivenin the same as antivenom?

>> No.9631931
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>> No.9631955
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kek, we do and we understand it, unlike you. try the full study.pdf, it explains.

>> No.9631981
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If only you had a fresh argument that holds any weight against being vegan
.. hmmm

>> No.9631991
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Not the same person but why the fuck are you sucking down liquid calories when you could just drink straight whiskey or vodka. Beer is for sissies.

>> No.9632001
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>gets btfo every time
pick one argument that holds even a grain of btfo against veganism, I'll wait
>inb4 you can't

>> No.9632005

This woman lived on a diet of almost only potatoes. Shes nearly a vegancuck

>> No.9632021

You've proven here that you are, actually. Annoying idiot trying to "debate" his bullshit.

>> No.9632043

the average vegan has three vitamin deficiencies.
the average omni has 8.
nice try.

>> No.9632060
File: 37 KB, 450x411, 1508944673738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was never a published statistic.

>> No.9632061

We kept rabbits when I was a kid. Their hobbies included fucking and eating their own children. Not always in that order.

>> No.9632073
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/soyboy/ general

>> No.9632075
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>brainlet attempt at discrediting abstracts

>> No.9632081

She's pretty hot desu

>> No.9632100
File: 78 KB, 700x789, 1508687467150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these articles conclude something completely different than what you point out. Two are based on a paper looking soy estrogens to hormones which is currently proven false. The egg study is from 1999 and has been cited on numerous occasions to prove it false.
Literally none of these articles are recent nor conclude what you've taken from them. Did you pass high school?

>> No.9632141

>a person was mean once so I don't associate with humans

>> No.9632146

wow steroids give you muscles? who knew?

>> No.9632232

>t. never roid
You realize you need portionate nutrition, up to literally 10k cal/day to roid, yeah? The point is nutrition at even such a high level is possible. What's your excuse?

>> No.9632338

soyboyz ftw

>> No.9632399

Yeah but those eyes. I'm a wise man now. If I was drunk I might m fuck her but she'd probably accuse me of rape and torture.

>> No.9632406

No thanks.

>> No.9632601
File: 82 KB, 1080x1077, naturallystefanie-20171102-0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c'mon bro just admit it

>> No.9632602

avoid soy

>> No.9632607
File: 225 KB, 1480x870, 1509585319121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel milkcels

>> No.9632618


>> No.9634238

Prove that an organism without a nervous system has sentience, and if you do post it so I can steal it and get a Nobel Prize. And before you pull the " ackshually burden of proof is on you" meme, I'm providing a negative. You have to provide proof of the positive.

>> No.9634244

>There's a massive difference between a dog that has been raised as a "family member" (a pet) versus one that was raised to work, vs one raised for meat, etc.

So if I breed humans for the purpose of eating them, is that okay? I mean I raised it them for their meat like you're saying.

>> No.9634327

That's a non-sequitur and you know it.

>> No.9634356

it's valid if you apply your moral principles universally

>> No.9634593

>you people should all go vegan

>> No.9634600

A lot of animals eat their own children, being homosexual and rape each other.

>> No.9634604

The fact you cannot refute him even makes him better than you.

>> No.9634619

All your meats are pumped with chemicals to boost their growth.

>> No.9634656

i wish there was threesome porn between them
it would be fantastic sex

>> No.9635183

You do know what anivenin is, right?

>> No.9635188

And then I butcher my spelling. Well done me

>> No.9635571

Holy shit yes

>> No.9635584

>465 replies and 132 images omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.9635712

It's fascinating that this is a person's response. Have you wrestled with the trait argument? It's something you should consider, no matter how dumb you think vegans are.

>> No.9635731

>vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters


Why do vegetarians always try to hide this shit and pretend everthing vegan is healthy for you?

Shit. At least the meat industry will tell you eating too much meat will give you a heart attack. Fucking big Agra just tries to hide all their dirt and lie to the public.

>> No.9635740

>But it has the knock-on effect of boosting the production of arachidonic acid, which is linked to inflammatory disease and cancer. When coupled with a diet high in vegetable oils - such as sunflower oil - the mutated gene quickly turns fatty acids into dangerous arachidonic acid.

So there is direct causation here... not just correlation.

>> No.9635747

fucking manlets hogging all the dumbbells

>> No.9635750

Daily reminder that vaccines are not vegan and any vegan should be against them.

>> No.9635752

There is not direct causation. Notice the use of the term "linked". That's a red flag. If they knew there was direct causality then a stronger word would have been used. "Linked" means "we think that A and B might maybe sort of be related but we aren't really sure about the details so the best we can say is linked".

>> No.9635753

He's locked out and hasn't even lifted it to his chin. My lazy fatasss can do that.

>> No.9635760

So we can ignore all vegan sources to then? Nearly every study can on diet show correlative links and not causal links.

>> No.9635767

>"Linked" means "we think that A and B might maybe sort of be related but we aren't really sure about the details so the best we can say is linked".

So does that mean vegans will try to stop spouting bullshit as "Facts?"

>> No.9635771


>> No.9635773

>complete proteins

Christ you are fucking stupid


>> No.9635796

> you need 10k cals to roid
tiptopkek this is what co/ck/ vegans believe

>> No.9635859

>lactose free mentioned as positive
Hating cause of can't digest it?
Also, citations needed

>> No.9636065

I don't get why people think calling me a meatcuck would somehow make me not eat meat instead of ignoring your opinion

>> No.9636303

Only grain with a full protein profile is quinoa you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.9637000

Meat isn't killing Americans. What's killing Americans are the excessive amount of carbohydrates we eat in place of meat and vegetables.