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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9801911 No.9801911 [Reply] [Original]

>cuisines that deep fry everything
Looking at you, Japan.

>> No.9801959

>deep fried water

>> No.9801988

Was talking once to my Syrian roommate, fuck him btw, and I noticed he was refrying freshly fried meat, so I asked him why and he literally, word for word said that it's not really fried if it's only once, something about the first time it being for flavor and the second for crunchiness or some shit. Fucking prehistoric monkey. I fucking him and his kind for the most part.

>> No.9801998

If it isn't really fried after frying once then how can you fry something twice?

>> No.9802015

croquetts, tempura, etc.

>> No.9802021

I mean, he's kinda right, at least for french fries.

You fry once at a lower temperature to cook the fries, and then again at a higher temperature to get them crispy

>> No.9802023

>Looking at you, Japan.
Why (

>> No.9802028

Because the sun rises from the other side and he doesn't want to damage his eyes

>> No.9802031

The philosophy is lost on me. But trust me on this, the already fried meat chunks lookd desiccated, and after the second session, they were as dark brown as 99% lindt. Dude uses an oven only for pizza, I know, because I tried convincing him to use it so as to not having the kitchen in utter unhygienic, fire-hazardous , disgusting dismay. i'm sure boiling is strictly relegated to legumes only because they're too dry to fry

>> No.9802038

I would have said "nigga, is you syria?" then farted on his food

>> No.9802064

We deep fry things more than the Japanese do.

t. naples
>inb4 terrone

>> No.9802066
File: 477 KB, 1280x670, black-ramsey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not black enough to do that.

>> No.9802074

His food is, though.

>> No.9802097


>> No.9802103

>Syrian "roomate"
Sweden, Germany, or England?

>> No.9802565

yet you never said anything to his face. he's right btw you fucking pussy

>> No.9802592

I'm not gonna teach him how to cook, clean, or be an all-around decent human bean, not my job, and if I did it with him, I'd have to do it with all the other idiots, with whom I've had the displeasure of coming into contact.
Bitching and moaning isn't gonna do a thing, so you've got that right, but unless you have a steadfast, easy solution to idiots, then keep it to yourself.

>> No.9802672
File: 101 KB, 512x410, E8626354-F6CA-4C29-BD2D-AC8B9C64479C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kushi Katsu is Japan’s greatest creation though. Wish you could find it here though.

>> No.9802685
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Why he look like Mike Tyson without tattoos

>> No.9802697
File: 1.81 MB, 640x360, 1507449678621.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. also it's how animus cook their meat too.

>> No.9802752

That is one light breading.
How the hell?

>> No.9802817 [DELETED] 

Why aren't you sucking his cock, you racist? Mama Merkel should put you in prison for right-wing tendencies and wrongthink.

>> No.9802870

I doubt there's a culture that deep fries everything. Shit like that gets expensive if you don't reuse the oil and some people are too uptight for that

>> No.9803809
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>I fucking him and his kind for the most part.

>> No.9803816

/ptg/ poster detected

>> No.9803818 [DELETED] 

>unless you have a steadfast, easy solution to idiots
How about you secure your fucking borders you cucked little Kraut?

>> No.9803822

Indonesia deep fries everything too. Whenever I go there I don't get the runny shits like a lot of people who pick up a stomach bug, I get the opposite due to eating so much fried crap and not enough Veggies.

>> No.9803824

Yeah you're German alright

>> No.9803826


>> No.9803850 [DELETED] 

Yes, and?
>As a result of the migration crisis, ongoing as of summer 2017, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Norway, and Sweden temporarily imposed controls on some or all of their borders with other Schengen states.
>Following the November 2015 Paris attacks and subsequent attacks in France, France declared a state of emergency, which has included measures to control borders with other Schengen states
Oh look, even the member states admit it's a horrible idea. Nice going.

>> No.9803854

He is fucking right
That's why you double fry, first time it Cooks, second time you use high heat to make it super crunchy

>> No.9803859

>Think you can do it?
>Think you could fry chicken?
A monkey could fry chicken

>> No.9803897

I bet you don't even dip your ote ote in petis faggot

>> No.9803918

No I don't, but only because I'm allergic to shellfish.

>> No.9803926


>Syrian roommate is literally right

Kys you waste of air. Double frying is essential for fries and any other starchy veg.

>> No.9803939

Hey man, it's not nice to talk about black people like that

>> No.9803954

i'm scottish and deep fry sausages, u mad?

>> No.9804133
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I lel'd, have a (you)

>> No.9804316


> has never worked fast food or made good fries at home

>> No.9804322

Korean fried chicken is twice fried. That's what makes it super crunchy. French fries are too.

>> No.9804494

>deep fry everything

That doesn't even make sense. 95% of it is barely cooked let along deep fried. Steamed foods are more common.