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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9905646 No.9905646 [Reply] [Original]

Any NEETs out there with godly cheap recipes? I'm talking canned-tuna on clearance with mayo and pickles salad tier.

>> No.9905685

just go through the fridge and just stick anything you find on a sandwich it might be good it probably won't but when you find some combo that is good its pretty great

>> No.9905686

Pasta with tomato sauce. Empty a can of chopped tomatoes into a pan, cook down with garlic, seasoning etc, mixed with pasta and cover with grated parmesan.

>> No.9905703
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>pasta with tomato sauce

adding a few pieces of fatty meat will really boost flavor. like a few slices of pepperoni.

fat = flavor.

>> No.9905705


My ultimate poverty mode is pasta with tomato sauce made from diluted tomato paste with some salt

>> No.9905710

>godly cheap

>> No.9905717

Buy some dried beans, buckwheat, canned tomatoes, chili flakes and cumin. Make a /ck/ unapproved chili.

>> No.9905725

Dozen eggs at Walmart$0.98, loaf of reduced bakery bread $1.00 and a pack of sliced cheese $2-3.

Box of great value pasta $1.50
Jar of great value sauce $2
Cheap Pepperoni's $1.50

Great value ice cream $1.99

Food for 5 days at least.

>> No.9905735

just eat oatmeal with cooked water for every meal except dinner so you have a better budget

>> No.9905742

cooked water?

>> No.9905743

Soups are the max-level poverty cooking.

>> No.9905768

my bad, boiling water. just pour it into a bowl of oatmeal with some sugar and/or cinnamon, then stir until it's absorbed

>> No.9905772

cooked water nigga wat

>> No.9905809

I pre-cook water and freeze it in ziplocks so that it’s ready when I need a quick meal.

>> No.9905818

What? Do you eat uncooked water?

>> No.9905820

I have a good one i call rice. All you need is rice and water.

>> No.9905876

eat what your parents buy/make for you

>> No.9905902

Reheating boiled water just gives you stream dumbshit

>> No.9905903

we're talking about food, not vegetable water

>> No.9905998

>soups don't have meat
Is this what it's like to not be American?

>> No.9906151

Sopa de ajo. It's just old bread, paprika, garlic and ham, with a poached egg over the top. Great poverty soup

>> No.9906213

Buy 40lb bag of korean rice $22 on sale
Buy 1.5 liter bottle of sesame oil $15 CAD
Buy 2 liter bottle of kikoman$20CAD
Buy 5 bars of butter and freeze the ones you arent using. $12.50 CAD
Buy family sized gochujang sauce at korean mart $7
Buy a few flats of eggs every month from the local hutterites/amish/local dude selling them, works out to $2.50/dozen

I ate like this for 2 months when I lived in a korean study room. The only thing for free was rice and kimchi (my only vegetable). So i just added a little of the 3 sauces and butter with a fried egg on top. Probably the cheapest way to live thats delicious.

>> No.9906227
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For me? It's oats and beans. The heartiest, easiest poor fag meal of all.

>> No.9906269

>oats with beans
I am not sure OP is ready to go 120% poorfag
let him start with rice and work his way down

>> No.9906474

Oats are
>more nutritious than rice
>faster to cook
>more delicious

Oats are the superior grain

>> No.9906488

But oats taste like shit.

>> No.9906626

It's a good idea. You could probably steal some salt and pepper packets from McDonald's to jazz it up.

>> No.9906644

You're an idiot, you should stop typing now before you make yourself look worse.

>> No.9906682

i've tried that, never had luck

>> No.9906703

Buy pork shoulder when it's on sale then cook it super low and super slow. Shred the pork and reserve the drippings, then skim off the fat when it's cooled

Now you have about 4 pounds of meat and pork stock for $2-$3, pick up some rice and beans for cheap and you're set. Splurge on some peppers to round out the dish and you're set

>> No.9906745

This is what got my grandma's family through the great depression

>> No.9906786


>being so poor you contemplate stealing salt and pepper packets from Mickey D's

I can understand oats and beans somewhat but at what point do you draw the line?

>> No.9907068

>2 liter bottle of kikoman
he said cheap food not cheap hormone therapy

>> No.9908599

taco bell sauce

>> No.9908769

for all the bitching about CAD power your food really doesn't seem any more expensive than the US counterparts

>> No.9909004
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ramen, discard spice packet, wash after cooking so it's cold, add salad dressing

>> No.9909318

Lentils, canned tomatoes, frozen vegetable mix, curry powder, garlic, ginger. Serve over rice. This is a very cheap curry that is also very good.

>> No.9909355
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I just get my mommy to buy me the Stoffers pastas that you heat up in the oven.

>> No.9909616

Kek'd a little

>> No.9909693

Yes, I am on a raw foods diet. I eat local artisanal, organic, free-range, gluten-free, non-GMO, fair-trade, sustainably sourced uncooked water.

>> No.9909752

>I could've afforded rent while going to college
>But I stayed at home with Mom and Dad to eat well
At least I cooked most nights.

>> No.9909762

It's not that bad until you factor in worse-than-california income taxes, National sales tax of 5%, provincial sales taxes that add on up to another 10%, carbon taxes and levies on fuel, home heating, and electricity in a country that's almost across the board -30C right now and governments more concerned about virtue signalling than employment. This doesn't include property taxes, having your vehicle inspected annually if it's after a certain year, or odds and ends.

I'm paying 15k on income taxes, 5% on everything I buy, and my fuel price will go up to $4.23/gal on New Years day from new carbon taxes, in a province that has one of the largest oil reserves on the planet.

And my governments want to add more taxes and government than we already fucking have.

>> No.9909781

Actually, pasta is one of the best choices if you want to keep it cheap - the other one are potatoes.

If you want to use your canned tuna: make some pasta, cook the tuna in a pan with a can of cream (reduce the cream until it gets really creamy - you will know when) and maybe some onions or garlic, and put them toghether with some pepper and parsley.

>> No.9909797

Fisherman's breakfast

Put a can or two of sardines in small fish that can go in the oven (I use one of those French onion soup crocks).

Season em up. I use chili powder, garlic salt and pepper.

Throw in oven for six or seven minutes.

Remove, crack a couple eggs on top, put back in oven for a couple minutes till your eggs are how you like.

Serve on toast or something with hot sauce

>> No.9909801


>> No.9909863

It's important to build that insulin resistance while you're young.

>> No.9910127

Wedge potato nachos
Grilled potato salad with beets
Classic peanut butter banana sandwich
Peanut butter cookies with jelly thumbprint
French toast grilled cheese and ham sandwich
Potato cream soup in a homemade whole grain bread bowl
Black beans, potato and rice veggie karē
French Onion scalopped Potato Bake
Classic egg boat baguette sandwich (make your own baguette)
Italian disco fries (same as disco fries but with bolognese sauce and melted sliced cheese)

>> No.9910138

>buy some pasta
>cook it
>mix with tomato sauce and grated cheese

>> No.9910178

Canned chickpeas
Can of salmon
Bag of rice/rice alternative
Whatever herbs or spices you wanna add

That's my go-to lazy meal. It's really tasty and easy and it helps me get my macros

>> No.9910204

chicken noodle soup.
can o fruit
tuna sandwich with mayo
spam sandwich with mayo
tuna crackers
spam crackers

i don't get very hungry and don't like spending a bunch on food.

>> No.9910206

oh baked beans.

>> No.9910332

I was so poor that I was stealing whole rolls of toilet paper...

I had just gotten out of lockup.

>> No.9910345

Get some banquet frozen potpies. They are usually a buck or less each. Also, get some Arizona iced teas. Those will help.

>> No.9910346

It's not that you need recipes. It's that you don't know how to shop while being poor. Buy pasta, beans, potatoes, onions, garlic. Cheap bread. Look for produce that is on sale. Find the weird spot in your store where they keep the cheap cuts of meat, buy those and cook them low and slow. Also grocery stores are practically paying people to take ground turkey. Use the vegetables and meat you buy to flavor a stock that you can then use on your rice and beans or whatever to increase flavor. A bowl with some meat and potatoes is going to blow the socks off of whatever dumbass mayo-pickle-tuna shit-ass college kid recipe.

>> No.9910353

What doneness do you cook your water to?

>> No.9910358

Just add in a bit of brown sugar and something like a banana to make it bearable. That's what I do at leat when i have oats

>> No.9911221

This, I can make a huge ass pot of borscht for $24 (I live in an extremely expensive area so it's bound to be much less in most places) that'll feed me for 5 or 6 days.

But if you're going super ultra poverty-tier:

- macaroni, shitty olive oil, any seasonings you have on you
- reduced price bread, butter, garlic
- grilled cheese with generic-brand ''''cheese''''''
- boxes of shitty generic-brand snacks that you think can get you through the day
- unleavened bread

>> No.9911236

How do you prepare the drippings to make stock?

t. stock retard

>> No.9911243

Banger and mash? can be really cheap depending on the quality of sausage.

>> No.9913341

look, for cheap it's potatoes, rice, beans, pasta, and oats

for seasonings/fats:
olive oil, salt, pepper, discount cheese, hot sauce, and canned pasta sauce

mix and match

>> No.9913394

Fucking get some beans and stick em in a crockpot, pussy

>> No.9913800

Brown rice and dried beans with whatever vegetables are on sale and some oil and salt.

>> No.9913804

Strange combo.

>> No.9914614

I make pasta sauce (it's cheaper to prepare yourself and can for later use), store bought pasta (I mix it up and buy different types every time), and some hot dogs so I can cut up in it.

>> No.9914630

>oats and beans
I've never had it but I like the way you think, anon. The picture makes me nostalgic for the times when I used to cook top ramen, rice, and beans in a rice cooker. It would all turn into a congealed mess and I would eat bowls of it with Tapatio when I was really high.

>> No.9914641

you're such a fucking piece of shit


>> No.9914649

just the jjansons temptation recipe

>> No.9914703
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You're not looking for godly cheap recipes, you're looking for godly cheat recipes. Methods of processing, baking, making food by other means. You can yield a multiple of chips and dips by just making your own, etc. You can make your own peanut butter and flour. You can extract your own oils. You can save the fat from your bacon and use it to fry foods on the stove instead of spending money on things like butter or oil.

Ramen is going to be your best best, and buying raw vegetables that don't come in a package will help, and sometimes canned food is a good idea things like tomato sauce and packaged noodles when you're looking actual flavor without all the effort. It's all about how much food you need to eat in a day, and if you're trying to meet certain vmacros that you can't get with a multi vitamin or supplement. I believe a good long term investment pays off in rewards that last seemingly infinitely longer in regards to food and health.

Going with canned food is a cool idea, but being able to replant what you use is an even better idea. And saving your meat and vegetable scraps to make broths that can be used to make soups and stuffings, or to cook other meats and vegetables? Starting an herb garden and investing in spices will keep you from wanting to blow your fucking brains out when you're stuck eating the same thing every day, and you'll learn a little something about taste along the way and you can carry that knowledge with you the rest of your life.

>> No.9914719

I doubt pasta is cheaper than rice. Unless you make it from scratch or something and don't care about it taking much more time.

>> No.9916084

I stick with the diversity principle. It's my strength. But for real get bread, cold cuts, tuna, eggs. That way you can do any of the following: a ham and mayo sandwich (place the bread in the toaster oven with the ham fluffed on top, take it out when the bread starts to brown, add mayo, slap together and cut in half), an egg sandwich (scramble the eggs, toast the bread, add mayo), a nice fried eggs and toast breakfast, tuna sandwiches, egg salad sandwiches with a few extra ingredients. Also if you're going to go the pasta n sauce route, it's not much more expensive to make a traditional marinara with canned tomatoes (unless you happen to live somewhere that actually has good fresh ones), garlic, olive oil and basil. Just don't burn the garlic, mash up the tomatoes, let them sit and bubble until they have that nice frothy thing going on top, let the basil leaf just sit in there for a few minutes, and add the (unstrained motherfucker) spaghetti.

>> No.9916101

pack of sliced knock off processed cheese substitute is one dollar what are you on about

>> No.9916120

didn't you just come up with this shit like three weeks ago and made a thread you faggot?

>> No.9916132

You want a lid with a hole in the middle on the collection bowl so it doesn't evaporate back out constantly.

>> No.9917341

just make asian food

>> No.9917349

ramen and eggs

>> No.9917352

together, not separate

>> No.9917421

Dry lentils, rice and store brand frozen vegetable medley.
Seriously like 50¢ a meal.

>> No.9917427

Why do Amerifatts pretend ramen is cheap?

If you want to sustain yourself on white flour, which is dumb, there are easier ways.

>> No.9917448

Thought I was the only person that did this. I like to put a poached egg on top.

>> No.9917473

three days at MOST unless that box of pasta is like 5lbs

>> No.9917496

that's not entirely retarded

oats are denser and more nutritious than rice, and you could probably make it edible-tasting without too much difficulty

>> No.9917528

>rice made with seasoned water
>pasta, use can of chopped/diced tomatoes and some garlic as sauce
>roasted french fries made out of sliced potatoes, about 2 potatos per meal
>literally just peanut butter, get the biggest economy size you can find at walmart or costsco
>dried beans

>> No.9917543

It's really easy to church it up for cheap, especially if you make your own beans.
Cuban-style with black beans and coconut is good, spicy pinto beans, etc.
Really, savory oatmeal is underappreciated.

>> No.9917550

Not that guy, but:

>breakfast: 2 eggs + 1 piece toast
>lunch: cheese sandwich
>dinner: pasta with sauce and pepperoni

2 eggs plus a few pieces of bread (probably, depends on the loaf) for whenever. Easily enough for 5.days.

>> No.9917551

Wew check out this trust fund golden baby with his eggs.

>> No.9917701

You should be stocking up on non perishables when you do have some cash, start of term or pay check or whatever. Spices, pasta, rice, tins that kind of thing.

When I was absolutely fucked money and prep wise I would buy a tonne of eggs and onions and go omelette crazy.

Tinned anchovies, sardines and mackerel are godsends. Much better than tuna.

You can experiment using the different sauces they come in or use the oil for frying

>> No.9919405

Not a NEET, but the best food of all is split pea soup, and it's fucking dirt cheap.

>> No.9919897

I had been making it for some time now, but yes, that was me! Savory oats are the bomb.

>> No.9919944
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>that pic
lol step it up fag

>> No.9919994

Can of beans
Medium onion chopped
1-2 cloves of garlic chopped
200-500g of minced meat of any type (preferably pork) depending how much you can afford
Tomato paste/fresh tomatoes chopped/ketchup
Lots of hot paprika or Sriracha
Salt and pepper to taste

Basically throw everything into a pot with boiling water, cook on med-low for half an hour stirring occasionally. Mash it with potato masher or don't idgaf and serve with rice or toasted bread

>> No.9920243


>> No.9920342

Una delicia

>> No.9920369

I didn't realise /ck/ was the place to come for bants but jee wiz I was wrong

>> No.9920672

Cooked Rice
Green Peppers

Chop up bacon and fry it. Remove the bacon bits. Dice the green peppers and onions. Fry them the bacon grease. Toss the bacon back in, toss in the cooked rice. Stir and eat.

For a NEET meal its pretty expensive (because of the bacon) but hella easy to make and tastes delicious.

>> No.9920723

Extra firm tofu $2.50
green onion
bell pepper
mung bean sprouts
Weight on top of tofu to squeeze out moisture. Big pan, some oil, good and hot, throw stuff in and stir until it's done. Serve over rice.

>> No.9921021

Meat is cheap if you're smart about it.

>buy meat that's almost expired (and therefore reduced price) and freeze it until you want to use it.
>buy ground turkey instead of ground beef.
>16 oz smoked sausages are always 2 for $5 and you can stretch that into six meals
>buy meat that most people won't eat
>2 lbs of chicken hearts is ~$1.50 at most asian marts
>visit butcher shops for cheap meat

I HIGHLY recommend that last point. Butchers will sell you animal parts that they otherwise would just throw out because no one wants them. They usually sell them for pennies and will let you haggle for price. I once bought a pigs head and an entire leg for $2.45. Made about a months worth of hambone soup with black eyed peas and froze it for later.

t. was a povertyfag for 3 years to save up for house

>> No.9921088

I just put oil on my pasta

>> No.9921122

Bring grapenuts and water to a simmer in a saucepan. Add salt, pepper, herbs, etc to taste and budget. Add butter because you can't afford milk but the butter is useful. Add a jar of the homemade applesauce you swiped from your parents. Mix it up, stick saucepan in the fridge overnight because power is included in rent. Enjoy apple pie in a saucepan the next day

>> No.9921145

How is someone supposed to make his own beans?

>> No.9921512

I can never make it savoury enough, I have to add sickly amounts of salt.

I never eat sugar so I have low sweetness tolerance. Oatmeal is overly sweet to me at all times.

>> No.9921529
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>How is someone supposed to make his own beans?

christ, I just give up

>> No.9921530


>> No.9921542

buy dried, soak and cook

>> No.9921823

Ahh i thought the bastard thought about planting seeds. Should've said dry beans indeed.

>> No.9921839

a bean garden is pretty based desu