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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9965164 No.9965164 [Reply] [Original]

God Tier:

Shoestring Fries

Patrician Tier:

McDonald's Fries
Outback's Fries
Chili's Fries

Shit Tier:

Wedges of any kind

Wal-Mart Tier:

Steak fries

Feel free to argue with me you fat assholes. Everyone knows the delicate cut of a shoestring fry contains the most skill. It is truly the best.

>> No.9965173

>god tier
>not batter-fried fries with tarragon in the batter
You can argue all you want, but you're wrong.

>> No.9965205
File: 102 KB, 500x500, baked-garlic-parmesan-potato-wedges-7-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't handle t h i c c fries

>> No.9965233
File: 104 KB, 176x264, whore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating wedges

>> No.9965248

Eldritch tier
>McDonald's fries (fresh + hot)
Dumpster tier
>McDonald's fries (10 minutes after coming out of the frier)

>> No.9965258

no checkers/rallies in your insignificant locale?

>> No.9965263
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How do you not like steak fries? They're like little baked potatoes with a crispy shell.

>> No.9965275

Wedges are truly the worst. They're too big, the potato flavor overwhelms everything else, you can't season them properly. They're shitty middle-ground between a baked potato and french fries - they're garbage.

>> No.9965341
File: 871 KB, 800x578, OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak fries and wedges are fine. If they are bad you're making them wrong. Sometimes having a nice crispy shell on taters is just the thing. Sometimes it's something else.

>> No.9965350

A&W fries from the 60s. They were battered shoestring. Golden brown and crisp

>> No.9965360

>>McDonald's fries (10 minutes after coming out of the frier)
If you have a convection oven you can keep them warm for a while without them getting gross and soggy.

>> No.9965365
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>the potato flavor overwhelms everything else

>> No.9965367

Pretty much correct. Shoestring is the ultimate form of the french fry. Wedges are lazy fries, and they are disgusting because they don't get cooked through all the way. Undercooked wedges make me gag, it's disgusting. Just shove a cock in your mouth if you can't get enough of the feeling of hard potato penetrating your throat.

>> No.9965409

Shoestring fries
>Taste the oil, the salt, the seasoning
>Light crunch of the outside
>Soft fluffy potato inside

Wedge "fries"
>Taste nothing but potato
>Hard nasty crust on the outside formed on the outside from cooking all the way through
>Dense, nasty, unseasoned potato instead of a tasty light crunch

>> No.9965631

God tier:
Chili fries
Steak fries
Onion rings
Curly fries

Okay tier:
Fast food fries

Okay tier:
Crinkle cut fries

Shit tier:
Cottage fries
Anything from the frozen foods section

Not even fucking fries tier:
Shoestring fires

>> No.9965724

You know those are haystack and not shoestring, right?

>> No.9965736
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Only objective ranking.

>> No.9965739
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>shoestring: taste like nothing but grease and salt
>wedges: actually taste like deep fried potato
We can do this all day anon

>> No.9965755

ye wedge are shit, but how do you dip those in ketchup, or make poutine with em? they just become a sopping mess

>> No.9965765

Shoestrings suck balls, get cold too quick.

>> No.9965852


You must eat slowly. Are you a retarded adult?

>> No.9966050
File: 41 KB, 492x720, 9b6c9ba66268d2eec302ec0d63d16d90--akb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this the correct power rankings OP.

>> No.9966077

kfc wedges imo are god tier

>> No.9966083

I like crinkle cut. Good surface area to volume ratio.

Also a fan of those smaller, seasoned wedges that are usually orange.

>> No.9966228

gb2 /ptg/, boomer.

>> No.9966241

>potato tornado

where can i buy this

>> No.9967334

If you're a burger, try hot dog shops or carnival vendors.
Of you're a limey, try a chip shop.

Speaking of carnivals, the Carnie Brick is the apex way to order just fries.

>> No.9967347

If you're complaining about the potato flavor in fries you probably should just be drinking the oil they cook them in.

>> No.9967386

Well done, you held the key all along!

>> No.9967390

Despite your utter lack of descriptive skill I know exactly what you're talking about

>> No.9967471
File: 11 KB, 420x420, images.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant let that potato flavor interfere with that fine A grade American grease

>> No.9967661

Shoe string Is garbage you dumbass faggot. Kill yourself

>> No.9967697

mashed potatoes > fries

>> No.9967699
File: 168 KB, 928x522, parmesan-roasted-potatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, the older I get the more I crave a side of these with my steak/burger.
Infinitely more satisfying than fries.

>> No.9967702

Haha oh wow can’t believe people actually like shoestring. At least I know someone’s getting enjoyment from those shit fries at Steak ‘n Shake I guess. Glad for you anons

>> No.9967747
File: 125 KB, 256x256, 1424097151519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although I don't hate wedges to the degree OP does, I agree on the points he uses to justify his hate.
Thinner wedges are alright, but often they end up being way too thick, ruining the kind of taste that I'm going for if I'm ordering fries to begin with.
Too much soft, unseasoned, white-hot potato in the middle after the initially satisfying crunch of the surface.

Shoestring fries have the opposite problem. No substance past the initial crunch and all flavor aside the grease is nowhere to be found, making them really easy to get tired of even with a small portion.

In the end, there's a reason why the classic french fries cut is the most widely used. It's just the best.

>> No.9968103

Wedges and steak fries are superior faggot

>> No.9968118

You are making them wrong.

>> No.9968809

Along with every restaurant that has ever served them to me I guess

>> No.9968834

You're disgusting. Bougie fuck.

>> No.9968871

How the fuck do you eat shoestring?

>> No.9968933


>> No.9968947

Always soggy.

>> No.9968977

>Of you're a limey, try a chip shop.

No, we don't have Tornadoes here. Chip shops sell chips.

>> No.9968999

Fuck you you dirty nigger fucking fuck. Smiley potatoes are literally god's gift to earth you massive homosexual cock guzzling faggot.
You know why I know you haven't ever gotten laid is because your disdain for the simple pleasures of a smiley fries plate covered with cheese, sour cream and bacon bits.
Just go fucking kill yourself you fucking nigger.

>> No.9971224
File: 483 KB, 1400x3210, chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know man.
If you put any kind of cheesy beef combination on my starches then you've done something right.

>> No.9971673

>"French" Fries
you mean freedom fries?

>> No.9972422

I don't agree with your language, but I do agree that smiley fries are fantastic.

>> No.9972746

It depends on what you eat fries for. If you eat fries for the potato, you like wedge. If you eat fries for the crispyness, salt, and lightness, you like regular fries or thinner

>> No.9972764

>no home fries


>> No.9972809

Anything you need a fork to eat should count