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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 157 KB, 1242x1387, IMG_2156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9985124 No.9985124 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/ I've already been to a few other boards (/lgbt/ /fit/ and even /adv/) but basically imI'm homogay and because of it step daddy beat me so i statted binge eating and got fat as fuck (230lbs)

Now i want to be a Trap specifically able to wear a maid outfit I'm already going to a gym but i wanna know what kind of food should I eat,
Any recipes for not gaining fat and to avoid building muscle? Please share or just call me a fag eithers good

>> No.9985132

I doubt you'll ever look cute as a trap, just end it alreadt you fat fuck tranny

>> No.9985135

Tofu, Soy Milk, Soy Beans, Yogurt, Milk, Purple Potatoes. Just eat those and take a solid multi vitamin.

>> No.9985138

45acp to head

>> No.9985142

You'll be fine, friend. Just focus on losing weight and take in the foods I listed. Maybe some green tea powder you can make some shakes with too.

>> No.9985143
File: 233 KB, 1242x1525, IMG_3540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna try first if it dosn't work out suicide is always an option


Be a soyboy got it thanks

>> No.9985149

Yes, soy boys are traps who don't put in enough effort.

>> No.9985154
File: 117 KB, 561x933, IMG_3532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point

>> No.9985173

Once you're fat, it's too late. With or without effort some trannies won't pass. In this case it's more dignified (and more attractive) to just be a femboy/soyboy.

Back when I was a man I exercised a lot so I have too much bulk to ever be a trap, so I choose to just present androgynous. It's a lot less embarrassing than looking like a man in a dress.

>> No.9985175
File: 1.26 MB, 1432x2164, 1473414168081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matcha powder? In the Wal-mart flour aisle they have this. In the same section you find banana flour, wheat flour, goji powder, bee pollen, etc.

Pic related, hope can help. Idk why I saved it. But yeah.
I've been meaning to do this, and you should too probably, but, research what supplements are best and for what things. Not just magnesium, fish oil, etc. But things like Flaxseed, Cinnamon, and whatnot. That snakeoil type of stuff that comes in a pill and you can find in the vitamin and supplement at Wal-Mart as well.

>> No.9985181

>tfw no guns in europe otherwise i'd have done this a long time ago, being a disgusting tranny
i envy you americans so fucking much

>> No.9985185
File: 221 KB, 1240x1656, IMG_3089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not a tranny i just want to be a femboy but thanks for the advice im watching my exercise to avoid muscle building

Wow freind thanks for that pic

>> No.9985186


Fuck off. Die. No way this shit is going to contamination /ck/. DIE FAGGOT

>> No.9985191
File: 36 KB, 639x271, IMG_2925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No contamination desu i just want advice then i'll peacefully leave pinkie promise

>> No.9985192

Psht, dude, building muscle is not that easy...

>> No.9985198
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Nha, fuck that hater. We need more traps. A bro that I can also fuck and cook for and with? You keep your twink ass right here motherfucker.

>> No.9985199

It's the alt-righties who started "soyboy" meme so we can really only blame them.

>> No.9985203
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Alrighty I'll stay then

>> No.9985218
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This is where you post your boibussy with some food or a beverage so that it's /ck/ related, and this thread isn't for nothing.

>> No.9985227
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Anon B..but thats lewd!

>> No.9985232
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>> No.9985235

Wow, you're ass ravaged no question about it.

>> No.9985240
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I want that shirt!

>> No.9985248

Don't have advice, just here to say Godspeed on your journey, anon.

>> No.9985257


>> No.9985259
File: 134 KB, 1242x701, IMG_1983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks freindo

>> No.9985268

I want you to post what you're eating for dinner tonight, with a timestamp
>and boipussy

>> No.9985272
File: 1.45 MB, 2208x1242, IMG_1556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No boipussy but I can post when i get off work for din din after like 3 hours if the threads not dead

>> No.9985314

You post that boipussy right now god damn it

>> No.9985335
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>> No.9985342

Ew, gross. Fuck that nigga. Someone delete this thread.

>> No.9985346
File: 148 KB, 1242x617, IMG_3373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XD my hands just gross cause like i said I'm at W O R K

>> No.9985368

You're 230lbs and you want to be skinny!? You sound too passive to make it happen. Realistically, you need a solid researched plan and to experiment with your own body and food. Living off random tips from strangers will be risky to your health.

First of all drop all this shit and make it your mission to learn about food and YOU. Not what random people on the internet say, but experiment with your cooking, and learn what works for you and no one else. This is the point where you stop eating whoppers and start taking nutrition seriously, spend lots of time looking at vegetables, bread, dairy products, and learning to understand what you are eating.

You're a human being though, you have a brain and are capable of learning, there are a million tips out there already, what I think you want is someone to order you around and make you feel like a sissy, what would help you lose weight would be to take control of your life and you don't want that. I think being fair you should learn to be comfortable and happy in the body you are in. That might not be what you want to hear but if you are desperate to be in a maid outfit I am sure there are plenty of other people who will be happy with you no matter what your weight is.

>> No.9985394
File: 193 KB, 1242x1185, IMG_2342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pretty much hit it right on the nail I do want to be a submissive sissy put in a maid outfit and bossed around

That is my overall goal to become a house bitch however to achieve that i want to loose my body weight that my poor choices lead me to and no one around me has helpful advice i have no freinds and my family are all diabetes whopper munchers

I'm not relying on 4chan advice alone but i wanted to see if anyone her had any tips or suggestions

>> No.9985395

Hey, back off. OP's been nothing but nice, keep your troll bigotry out of this thread.

>> No.9985486


>> No.9985490
File: 261 KB, 1144x1199, IMG_3457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no thats just dirt i swear

>> No.9985510

>Guaranteed to 404 at 300+ posts

>> No.9985565

Ok ok, you just need to learn to cook. If you're going to be a maid, you need to learn to cook, right?

Here's a good way to do anything - a vegetable stir fry. Anybody can do it. It's so simple that it is crazy. Just chop up vegetables, fry them in vegetable oil and a little salt, stir them around and in 10 minutes, you have a healthy meal. Pasta dishes are a good starting point too. Try student recipe websites.

If you're shopping, pick up leeks, onions, cabbage, stuff you have no idea about. Then chop them up at home, fry them and taste them. Have some instant noodles on the side if you like ramen. For meat, add in chicken strips, or tinned fish portions with pre-made sauce, or beef or lamp meatballs.

I'm sorry there's no one by your side, but after the first several weeks of experimenting, you won't need anyone else anymore.

>> No.9985572
File: 3.43 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right if i wanna be a house maid i will have to cook thanks for the recipes~ i will look into and expermient
More on my own

>> No.9985853

Waterfast and every couple of days eat beans, soybeans, pinto beans, black beans, tempeh, and yer vegetables

>> No.9985961
File: 84 KB, 754x565, IMG_3474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waterfast means dont drink water right? Stupid question i know

>> No.9986008

but serbia makes all the guns

>> No.9986647

water fast means you drink only water (and take vitamins if you want)
a fast without food and water is a dry fast

>> No.9986933

Seek mental help instead, autist. Attention whoring retard

>> No.9987149

bad thread desu, please stop posting

>> No.9987787
File: 51 KB, 700x525, 9236457864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post bum

>> No.9987916
File: 245 KB, 1080x779, Screenshot_20180110-142516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but here is my trap butt

>> No.9987918

so... you tried to be the male you were born as for a while, failed at it, and decided to be a faggot?

>> No.9987936

Yeah I guess. I did an okay job being a guy though. I just didn't want to be a guy.

>> No.9987944

You're never gonna pass with those hands amigo.

>> No.9987947

thank you for bum

>> No.9987976

Yw anon. Does it meet your standards?

>> No.9987980

Teach me your ways. How'd you get the trap butt?

>> No.9987988

I don't even workout, nor has my body mass changed much over time. That's just the result of 1.5 years with female levels of estradiol and testosterone. I weigh the same as I used to, it's just gone a lot from muscle to fat, and the fat went to different places.

>> No.9988054

Very much so

>> No.9988069

Clearly your step dad didn't beat you enough.

>> No.9988079

Are you the type of trap that is a

>cute boy that know it is a boy and likes to crossdress like Felix


>mentally ill antifa tranny that will probably commit suicide after the transition?

Nice ass by the way

>> No.9988131

>cute boy that know it is a boy and likes to crossdress like Felix
I mean I'm on hormones and shit, but I don't buy into this idea that I have a girl brain that got placed in the wrong head or that everyone who doesn't celebrate transition is a hateful jerk. I do think it's still sort of a mental illness though.

Cute feminine boys who just like to crossdress really are on the tranny spectrum regardless, because there comes a point where you have to choose between remaining fem, and the consequences of that, or becoming a fully-developed male. I hate being associated with crazy trannies, but the truth is I get why trannies act the way they do also. Plus many are autistic.

I don't want penis surgery anyway desu, so as far as suicide, worst case scenario is I just detransition and deal with having tits

>> No.9988201
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I can't speak for everything in the infographic, but definitely DON'T just make your own exfoliator. I used to be super into all this stuff before I became a NEET, and I promise you it's a terrible idea to just use random shit you have in your kitchen to scrape up your face. You want something that's non-irritating and non-comedogenic, otherwise you have a good chance of breaking out like hell. You don't have to go to Ulta or buy Paula's Choice like a lot of people will tell you to, but you do want something that's been actually chemically tested. Most of the 'essential oils' that internet fuckos tell you to mix into that stuff can irritate your skin pretty easily. So most chemical cleansers these days will do a bit of gentle exfoliation without the need for you to scratch up your skin. I recommend CeraVe, for both cleansing and moisturizing. It's extremely lightweight, unscented, inoffensive. If you don't already do these things regularly, you'll probably have a bit of breaking out at first, this is normal. It's your skin purging out all the bad shit due to an increased cell turnover rate. It's different than the 'essential oils' causing a breakout, because that's just the oil fucking with your pores. With CeraVe and stuff, it's the active ingredients doing their jobs, so give it like two or three weeks. Remember, you're supposed to both cleanse and moisturize twice a day.

>> No.9988232

> because there comes a point where you have to choose between remaining fem, and the consequences of that, or becoming a fully-developed male.

Well amigo i hate to be the guy that uses that cliche of "that's just a phase, bro" but one day you will have to chose a side. I belive that you are very young and your hormones treatment are kick in but one day you will reach your 30s and after that you'll have to make a choice.
Good luck with your treatment, follow the advices of 9985175 for your perfect trap mode and enjoy your young years of cuteness.

>> No.9988266

>I belive that you are very young
If only if only. I'm in my mid twenties.

>> No.9988287

Anymore pics? Y-you don't have to show your face if you're shy.

>> No.9988419 [DELETED] 
File: 1.44 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180115-104919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

I don't wanna attention-whore here on /ck/ either though.

>> No.9988505

got a little pudge there, you should work on that. planks, stomach vacuums, and dead bugs to keep it from sagging. couple weeks of strict cutting to shave off any unnecessary fat

>> No.9988926

He deleted the pic? What a shame, i just get a little glance on my phone and he is a solid 8/10 cuteboy.

>> No.9989105
File: 1.44 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180115-104919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a pretty lame pic but I will post it again

>> No.9989290
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fat fuck

>> No.9989325

>basically imI'm homogay
>i want to be a Trap

Stop associating us decent fags with your mental disorder.

>> No.9989414

>stepdad beat me because I’m gay

Just because you’re a fag doesn’t mean you have to be a pussy little cuck. Kill the fucker next time he comes at you and be the most confident little twink you can be.

Seriously just be exclusively a soy boy and only eat leafy greens. You’ll go full trap mode in a few weeks.

>> No.9989417

Oh come on I'm in normal BMI range. Yeah I could lose a LITTLE weight, but having some weight in ass doesn't bother me that much

>> No.9989427

Leave him alone you faggot.

>> No.9991133 [DELETED] 
File: 598 KB, 1440x2010, _20180116_144502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop eating

>> No.9992387

not the same anon

>> No.9992398

Food won't signifcantly change you, stay lean and take girlpills

>> No.9992404

Traps should take estradiol, and soy will only lessen the effect

>> No.9993084

If we stop to think about, traps are like woman but they have a heart, are rational and behave like decent human beings.

>> No.9993106

Honestly, the penis only makes it better.
If you had long hair and a boy face with cute eyes, like, if puberty missed you and shit? Holy fuck. Come on, tease a little more faggot.

>> No.9993241

>fat fuck
Wtf he is completly normal, at least you are not hugging a radiator, hate that shit both in chicks and dudes.

>> No.9993248

>Fudds and trannies
I want /k/ to stay off of /ck/.

>> No.9993402

>it's a nigger
Fuck this whole thread has been for nothing REEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9994041

Honestly, estrogen fucks this up. I act a lot like a woman. But I can at least be brought back to my senses sometimes.

Transitioning has made me respect women less... though also more at the same time? Since I now know the craziness in their heads that they have to deal with.

>> No.9994076

best way to lose weight when you're overweight: stop eating. fast for several days and only eat fiber gummies and drink laxatives. wait until your stomach is literally just digesting your fat and you're in pain from how hungry you are. THEN you can eat.
source: lost 20 pounds in 2 months doing this.

>> No.9995332
File: 6 KB, 235x215, One Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, maybe traps and the artificial womb will be the final solution for this nuisance know as woman.
>Send all the females to gulags for forced labor
>Replace them with cute traps with artificial wombs
>World peace is achieved

Think of the possibilities

>> No.9995355

what if they give birth to females?

>> No.9995360

that all sounds kind of gay.

>> No.9995922

The need for forced labor will never go away

>> No.9997219

Traps are as bad as women.

>> No.9997282

>Lots of Soy
>Alcohol (Lowers Testosterone)
>Red Meats
>Fatty foods

Be happy to be your workout buddy OP

>> No.9997396

This is true, traps are only good for a quick fuck.
It's rare, but it is possible to find a woman with a hobby that's interesting.
The hobby of a trap is always being a trap.

>> No.9997399

>not 9mm

>> No.9997515

nah, no homo

>> No.9997519

>The hobby of a trap is always being a trap.
This is bullshit. I meant traps are just as emotional and insecure and want their man to be a mind-reader like women. I don't mean that traps are boring and uninteresting.

>> No.9997799

Kill yourself