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10033703 No.10033703 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any cuisine in your city/country that is known by a different name than it is in the rest of the world?

For example, here in Buffalo these are just called "wings" instead of "Buffalo wings," and it's called "sauce" instead of "Buffalo sauce."
Might be a bad example, but does anyone have anything else?

>> No.10033705

Other countries call it "Chinese food" but I just call it food lol

>> No.10033714
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Do theu call a cheesesteak a "Philly" in Philadelphia? They call it a philly in Florida and I'm literally shaking.

>> No.10033716

We told the English to call cheese on toast 'rarebit' and they fell for it the daft cunts, half of them even think it's different to normal cheese on toast

>> No.10033718

Hawaii has a pidgin name for pretty much every non-native local food, and which is only used in Hawaii.

>> No.10033756

Welshfag here too, nice.

>> No.10033775

We got a couple in QC, Canada. First I can think of is instead of calling it deluxe pizza we call it all-dressed, which probably comes from the French "toute garnie". Specifically in Montreal we also mix shawarma and shish taouk for some reason. Shawarma is the meat grilled on a spit and shish taouk is chicken kebabs but they can both be taken to mean either of the two (don't ask why). There's also a thing about gravy, where it's literally called "brown sauce" instead, since most canned stuff could be described as that. It took me way too long to realize what gravy was when I first heard the term and that the two are the same.

More or less a name thing, we also have a specific version of shepherd's pie which is ground beef, corn and mashed potatoes that we call "pâté chinois" (literally Chinese pie, even if it has nothing to do with anything Chinese). Another strangely named poverty meal we have is "hot chicken" (not to be confused with the standard spicy fried chicken): two slices of white bread, dunked in gravy (brown sauce), with shredded chicken between the slices like a sandwich, and peas on top.

Really most of the differences stem from language things or from the first inhabitants being poor as fuck.

>> No.10033781

In America we call fake cheese "necessary."

>> No.10033786


NewEngland here. We call soft serve ice cream a "creamy" or "kreemee" or all kinds of awful spelling. We are also very proud of it for some reason.

>> No.10033787

Fettuccine Alfredo in Italy is called Fettuccine al burro (Butter). Mostly because we add Parmigiano everywhere so it's not added to the name.
Fun fact: When Alfredo Di Lelio created the recipe, it was supposed to be a natural restorative for his bedridden wife.

>> No.10033792

This is all because Quebec sucks

>> No.10033799

Also, what is it like being by far the most hated province in HockeyLand?

>> No.10033815
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>> No.10033817

non-southern states call grilled meat slathered with bbq sauce bbq. i call it heresy.

>> No.10033832


>> No.10033875

No it’s just a cheesesteak

>> No.10034798
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I just burro'd up last night.

>> No.10034807

In the states people eat Quarter Pounders
In France they eat Royale with Cheese.

Also, people who call a pizza a "pie" can fuck rite off and die

>> No.10034830

Current Year Land (Canada) anon here:

>Canadian Bacon
I've never heard a Canadian say that. It's just ham or peameal bacon.

>> No.10034843

Its a cheesesteak.
Whats annoying about Philly is that they pretend they don't understand the word sub and you have to use the word hoagie

>> No.10034866
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>Royale with Cheese
It's called royal cheese

In the same vein, the French call these fries "potatoes"

>> No.10034879

>KC strip steak

It's just a strip steak

>> No.10034903

In wisconsin an Old Fashioned is made with brandy, does that count?

>> No.10034972

Jesus H. Christ, why??

>> No.10035002

In the coast we call "seafood" fish, lobster and shrimps.

>> No.10035008

Soda, pop, cola -- all mean the same thing
>just as bad for you, no matter the name

>> No.10035386

In Sweden we call meatballs köttbullar.

>> No.10035438

It's true, though. Every other province fucking hates Quebec.

>> No.10035484

Some assholes call it a grinder too.

>> No.10035490
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This is called a pizza.

Give me (you)s.

>> No.10035501

>Lived in central MA my entire life
never heard of a "kreemee"
just called soft serve

>> No.10035508

"New England clam chowder" is just chowder here.

That red shit masquerading as chowder is a war crime.

>> No.10035513

Where the fuck do you live in New England where it's called this? I have never once heard it referred to it as such and I've lived in NE my whole life

>> No.10035546


It's a Vermont thing

>> No.10035570

I'll have to verify this with my VT friend. But I believe you, cold weather does weird things to people

>> No.10035587

"Tex-mex" - style of mexican food in texas.

In texas - "mexican".

>> No.10035622

I'm not sure why this is the case but it's a thing with supper clubs. I was confused the first time I had one and asked the barkeep what was up and he's like oh yeah that's how they do it here. It's still good just more fruity i guess

>> No.10035627

We call danishes wienerbröd = Vienna bread

>> No.10035678

Do the Mexicans in Texas whose families have been in the state since before it was America look down on the recent immigrants?

>> No.10035689

Fuck yes, they hate them almost as much as niggers.

>> No.10035713

>recent immigrants
Yes. We're not wild about the cumskins but we tolerate them for now. The future, however...

>> No.10035714

>His ma doesn't ask what kind of pie he wants she's about to order some za and his response isn't s garbage pie

Get a load of this gavone.

>> No.10035720

i'm in texas. we don't call it 'texas toast'. we just call it 'toast'

>> No.10035729
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Here in Wisconsin we have bratwurst whereas everywhere else it's called "What?".

>> No.10035731

apparently the west coast doesn't have marshmallow fluff

>> No.10035734

i always call them 'brats'

>> No.10035888

Australians say take-away instead of take-out.

>> No.10035904

Was a joke how people in WI say that brats don't exists outside WI.

>> No.10035920

They're quite commonly made and called such in Minnesota, depending on the area.

>> No.10035922

Do they actually think that? Because that's fucking retarded.

>> No.10036055
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>Singapore Noodles
Nope, never had them.

>> No.10036069
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Denmark here, we don't call these pastries Danish we call them Wienerbrod which roughly translated means Vienna bread

it's all a scheme!

>> No.10036103

it's back bacon or a bacon rasher
ham is different
and peameal bacon is a specific type of back bacon

>> No.10036106

Here we don't call it pad thai, it's just called pad

>> No.10036157

Did you mean scam? Or sham? Because it's definitely not a scheme.

>> No.10036202

Woah, big! Deluxe =/= All Dressed.
The Toute Garnie here usually only had cheese, pepperoni, green peppers.
Deluxe has all the shit. And costs more.
Never seen anybody confuse shawarma and kebab, but I guess it doesn't surprise me.
Sauce brune =/+ gravy. You can't just slap any old gravy on fries and cheese and call it poutine. It's gotta be sauce brune. I guess it is a gravy, but not all gravy is sauce brune.
Like, the St-Hubert chicken sauce won't work in a poutine. (They do have their own poutine sauce, though)
Pâté chinois is what they served the railroad workers, who were mostly immigrants.
>Really most of the differences stem from language things or from the first inhabitants being poor as fuck.

>> No.10036241


yup, lol

guess I got em' jumbled up there

>> No.10036243

In French pastries are patisseries, and croissants and the like are Viennoiseries.

>> No.10036255
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In my part of Florida we call doughnuts, "donards". Is this okay for you?

Also, spellings can be modified, but why. Doughnuts/donuts

>> No.10036280

People have a weird habit of calling handles of liquor "half gals" where I live. Which is odd because its not half a gallon.

>> No.10036297

We just call American food "shit" because they taste like shit.

>> No.10036312

We all have different tastes my friend!

We prefer our burger to your mud pies, and that's okay, unboongo hatiti!

Peace be onto all, even niggers!

>> No.10036368

fellow buffalo friend here, what's your favorite wing place? For me it's wing king due to it being a walk down from my apartment

>> No.10036419
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Good tidings buffalobro.

In buffalo, what are your options for sauce? Do they do stuff like add garlic? Levels of spicyness?

In Florida we have mega buffalo culture and some wing restaurants have so many options.

>> No.10036466
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Best in the city is either at Duff's or Gabriel's Gate.
That or at Pearl Street, if not feeling a little mass-produced. Anything on Hertel is also good, but I'm sure you know that based on the area where you live.
Our standard sauces are usually hot, medium, mild (which are made from hot sauce as a base and with varying amounts of butter added), bbq, golden bbq, and a lot of places also offer Cajun and garlic parm, as well as "suicide," which is just very hot. Feels like a lot of places here try to offer more "pure" experiences with the wings, not too many gimmicky sauces at the good places.

Pic sort of related, love our downtown skyline.

>> No.10036469

Why would they think that? I can walk to the store in 5 minutes and pick up a package of bratwurst right if I want to, and I'm in San Francisco.

>> No.10036581
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Buffalo seems like a fine town.
My sauce order in Florida at good wing restaurants is:
Hot Garlic Xwet

Do places call extra sauce extra wet there? I love getting wet, anon.

>> No.10036598

as >>10036466 summed it up pretty good I would just like to point out that people regularly go to buffalo wild wings in buffalo. I hate people who do this but the wings are actually good.

>> No.10036614

The opened up a poutine shop based off the one of allen st has been my weakness. Probably killing me to eat there but it's just so good. The city has a lot of beauty. It's a real shame the city has such shitty residents now that make some parts borderline unlivable.

>> No.10036621

they* the one off**

don't drink and post kids

>> No.10036622
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>We call soft serve ice cream a "creamy" or "kreeme"
No we fucking dont

>> No.10036632

Yeah but are they hot wings?

>> No.10036640
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In Hamburg we dont call them "hamburgers" we just call them "ers"

>> No.10036728

>automatically thinks that im a crooked toothed brit


>> No.10036746

That's horrifying

>> No.10036777

Buffalo wild wings is a scourge on chicken here. So awful.

>> No.10036784

I'm pretty sure he was calling you a Haitian.

>> No.10036944

they just call them steaks

>> No.10036986

Mfw my furiously nationalistic cousin in Corwen got pretty wew when I called it cheese on toast

>> No.10036992

>we call it all-dressed

>> No.10037106

>It's a real shame the city has such shitty residents now that make some parts borderline unlivable.
What residents?

>> No.10037158

I'm from New England, at least in my area a grinder is served toasted and a sub is served cold.

>> No.10037975

I thought it was "chowdah."

>> No.10037990

Was this something off the kids meal?

>> No.10038018

in the southeast when you say barbecue, it means pulled pork. Not brisket, not ribs, not stuff cooked on the grill.

>> No.10038208
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Sooo, do you also call these fuckers grand danois?

because we do and I have no idea why

>> No.10038256

Kraft macaroni is "Kraft Dinner" here

>> No.10038404


>> No.10038516

Kapsalon, a dutch/turkish thing mainly sold in the netherlands

>> No.10038532

.de here, what we call "Wiener Würstchen" is called "Frankfurter" in other regions and countries (not all).

>> No.10039176

Pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd and get me a fuckin chowdah

>> No.10039304
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General Tso's Chicken

>> No.10039331

I'm from a town called Hot and I don't get why all fucking dog eaters are using our name and I hate it.

>> No.10039336

kıymalı poğaça, I believe, is a turkish pastry filled with sweet meat (literally sweet dried pork)
It's called Turco (Turkish) here in Mexico.