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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10113451 No.10113451 [Reply] [Original]

Tea (hot)

>> No.10113452

looks like a slop of shit

>> No.10113453

What is a /ck/ thread along with /ck/ shit slop posting doing in my /g/?

>> No.10113454

>doing in my /g/?
Hello moot, how are you doing, fren?

>> No.10113455

Not yours. /g/ is for everyone

>> No.10113456

First /biz/, now /ck/. What board am i gonna discover next that eventually makes its way here after 2 weeks of me discovering it

>> No.10113457

You know, you can't start a good day without a nice cup of tea. Especially when it comes to programming. Boiled and steeped using loose tea leaves, damn. Proper way to start the day indeed.

>> No.10113458

Just drink coffee

>> No.10113459

bought some tazo tea that im drinking right now. it's like lemon grass and chamomile or something. it's like fucking hot lemony water

>> No.10113460

/g/ is basically full of plebbitors. Look at all the Musk shilling today.

>> No.10113461

Is the computer's default tea program instructed to serve earl grey cold? Why does he need to specify hot?

>> No.10113462

Seeing as the replicator can make a huge range of things it's unreasonable to set defaults on it. Makes more sense just to spend the extra second saying what you want.

>> No.10113463
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Why doesn't he have to specify temperature like with water?

>> No.10113464

Obviously temperature keywords are mapped to certain temperatures, he likes the hot temperature but wants a non-preset for his water.

>> No.10113465

I drink chicory, its kinda weird, but I may have delayed my family heritage of peptic ulcers and stomach cancer that I was rushing though prodigious coffee consumption.

>> No.10113466
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I'm calling a penalty for excessive lewdness.

>> No.10113467

Green tea is literally the only good tea and you can't tell me otherwise.

>> No.10113468
File: 296 KB, 600x488, PuerhTeaCake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't drink moldy cave tea

>> No.10113469

Picard just set an alias for hot to mean specific temperature he wants.

>> No.10113470

opinion dropped.
Brew tea in 70-80 C. It will change your life

>> No.10113471

thats called flavored water

>> No.10113472

anon pls

>> No.10113473

Try it. Make two cups and compare the taste. Report results back when you realize how wrong you've been

>> No.10113474
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Good shit

>> No.10113475


>> No.10113476

Tea is technology, and green tea is the best tea. Two objectively true facts.

>> No.10113477

No bro it's oolong or bust

>> No.10113478

Is it a cultural thing? I always saw the verb brew used in this context.

>> No.10113479

Teafaggots BTFO.
Unless you are British I guess.

>> No.10113480

Reminder that tea IS indeed /g/-related:

>> No.10113481

You objectively can't say that something in between and having best of both worlds is objectively best.

>> No.10113482

How am I supposed to measure temperature?

>> No.10113483

No idea man, I wish someone would come up with some sort of device that you immersed in the water and told you its temperature

>> No.10113484

Wing it. Boiled water is about 100C, cold water is about 4C, so if you mix them 4:1 you should land in the right temperature

>> No.10113485
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>> No.10113486

underrated derailment

>> No.10113487

I always boil the water and let it cool down to about 85-90

>> No.10113488

warm / cool tea is the best
scorch fags need not apply

>> No.10113489
File: 52 KB, 498x495, image__498x495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really feel sorry for you US guys, visited the states and even their "English" teabags taste like dog shit.

The only real way:
>Find a medium mug
>Put in teabag and 2 teaspoons of sugar
>Add boiling water
>Wait 4 minutes
>Add (whole) milk to D2 levels

>> No.10113490

>sugar and milk
come on now

>> No.10113491

I just get really triggered when it comes to tea brewing, I had to do it
Let it cool a bit more, the differences will surprise you

>> No.10113492

Sugar is totally optional.
Milk is not and enforced by law.

>> No.10113493

On my pack of green tea leaves it says 75 degrees celsius or something, however on the packs of rooibos and black tea it says 100, is that correct?

>> No.10113494

>mixing milk and water
Brits are disgusting

>> No.10113495

>not drinking Chifir
Go get some goddamn good knowledge:

>> No.10113496

Milk is 90% water you dumb mart sharter.

>> No.10113497

Anon you put tea in the water.

>> No.10113498

>being elitist about some shitty plant water
lmao nigger wtf, just put a fucking bag of some shit in a cup with a couple spoons of sugar and add some boiling water
Tea elitists are the biggest soylords I have ever seen

>> No.10113499
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>not drinking Matcha for that coffeine + L-Theanine mix and extra weeb cred

>> No.10113500

I bet you put the milk in before the water you degenerate. Also there are no tea elitists here no one likes a bad cup of tea in Britain.

>> No.10113501

>watering down milk even more
I bet you are one of these faggots who drink skimmed milk

>> No.10113502

Its more expensive, and tastes worse. Even actual japs are moving away from it.

>> No.10113503

Coffee is terrible. You feel all sweaty and shitty afterwards. It has no way to smooth out the high of the caffeine, unlike tea, which keeps you feeling please to for hours.

I once drank an entire mega sized can of Redbull for the first time in my life before I spoke to my cousin and I was so high on it that she must have thought I was on the verge of raping her.

>> No.10113504

Why does this thread make me smile so much? Are all of the /ck/ucks this retarded?

>> No.10113505

Taking weed decreases your sperm and testosterone levels by 2/3rd. You now know why the left wants it legalised so much.

>> No.10113506

/ck/ is for two kinds of people. Mothers and bachelors.

>> No.10113507

Pretty much. The problem is with anything made with the Tea plant, it gets pretty bitter (tannins etc) when brewed in over 80C, and it breaks down some other aromatic compounds. Things like rooibos and and camomile just don't have that problem.
If I feel like splurging on day I'll purchase a kettle with temperature settings, they cost over 100$

>> No.10113508

2/3's sounds like bullshit made up on the spot.
There are plenty of ways to level out the test (i.e. lifting). Also what does the left have to do with anything? Surely there are conservatives that want it legalised too?

>> No.10113522
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f-f-f-f---oo-o-o-rrr-r--r---r yyy-oooou-u-u-uu

>> No.10113530
File: 314 KB, 1280x853, f1e3dde0-5f12-4a24-90d2-92bc5c5e4846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tea (cold)

>> No.10113554

Do people actually put milk in their tea? What the fuck, that's disgusting. A1 or bust.

>> No.10113559

i like oolong

>> No.10113564

> I never had oolong or puerh in my life

>> No.10113614

Yes it's standard to do so here in the UK. It doesn't go in fruit or herbal tea just assam and blends including assam. Elsewhere in Europe they don't add milk.

>> No.10113624

I have, I just hate its taste

>> No.10114017


>> No.10114022

I hope you mean that the law prevents people from putting milk in their tea.

>> No.10114025

I am baffled as to how PG Tips is so popular in Britain. It is the most disgusting tea I have ever had.

>> No.10114030


>> No.10114037
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>> No.10114050

Tea is for women and faggots, coffee is the real mans drink

>> No.10114156

Do me a favor, last time I used degree units was Kelvin, 6 years ago.

>> No.10114241

real men drink molten rock, coffee is for flaming homosexuals

>> No.10114309


If you make a cup of tea without putting milk in the bobbies mercilessly beat you down.

PG tips is pretty low tier. Clipper is best imo.

>> No.10114318
File: 7 KB, 250x223, thumbup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only true for green tea. It does really improve the taste a lot. Though black tea should always be brewd with boiling water

>> No.10114441

Only if no sugar cold tea (what the fuck, fatties)

>> No.10114464

Trying to get into tea

When I try to dive deeper, it seems that all roads lead to Gong Fu. Though it seems cool, I was trying to stay Western.

If I get into tea, do I have to get in to tea ceremonies?

>> No.10114572

Hot cup o' jasmine green reporting in.

>> No.10114579

>Trying to get into tea

That sounds contrived; just enjoy it how you enjoy it. Don't worry about the bullshit.

>> No.10115286

Try Althouse's Earl Grey, you'll want to smack yourself after you compare it brewed in boiling and just hot water.

>> No.10115367
File: 36 KB, 582x406, 1487488411692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being anti spacex
it's fucking shits like you that delay the future

>> No.10115387

Fuck off /tv/

>> No.10115391

>yes i do consume copious amounts of soy

>> No.10115432

Which is better for that Earl Grey? Boiled or 70-90degreesC?

>> No.10115557

tea with cream is delightful

>> No.10115763

anti-space is being anti-science and you should be hung desu

>> No.10116972

what are some good green teas on amazon? is davidson's and numi organic good?