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File: 69 KB, 768x432, 1522087707_why-this-wagyu-sandwich-is-worth-85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10355970 No.10355970 [Reply] [Original]

Would you pay $85 for this sandwich?


>> No.10355975
File: 52 KB, 1000x1000, 1499999809316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt watch the video but no

>> No.10355998

I would pay a lot to try the meat but why the fuck would you ruin it by making a sandwich with it. It shouldn't be deepfried either.

>> No.10355999

>calling toast japanese milkbread so you can justify charging 85$ for a steak sandwich
Fucking jews

>> No.10356003

I'd buy it and feed it to my dogs

>> No.10356006

this, I wouldn't pay $85 for any sandwich.

>> No.10356009
File: 90 KB, 865x944, 1520638192953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$100/pound meat
>deep fry it

>> No.10356020

why would you deep fry it?

>> No.10356025

because gaijin wirr pay thlee hunna dorra for it

>> No.10356029

>it’s a pop aggregate Facebook video on /ck/ thread
Sage. Fuck off

>> No.10356031

Even if you had the money?

>> No.10356033

im sorry i'll try better next time

>> No.10356042

If I had the money I'd definitely try it.

>> No.10356044

Fuck no. I'd pay $85 for an armload of prime grade steaks though. Not watching the video either.

>> No.10356046


>> No.10356048

Business insider, buzzfeed, and the rest of these social media companies are so fucking amateur it hurts. That dumb broad describing the sandwich sucked at it, like she was a dumb intern or something. They fucking record these videos with a fucking cell phone for Christ sake.

Stop giving these shitty videos views you fucking normie.

>> No.10356049


>A5 wagyu beef
>deep fry it with breadcrumbs and put a shitty katsu sauce and put it in a sandwich

what a fucking waste, wagyu is meant to be enjoyed as a singular experience, you don't pollute it with shitty addons.

>> No.10356064


>they deep fry it

>> No.10356070
File: 8 KB, 291x343, kp0q9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said i'm sorry

>> No.10356165

I'd rather just have a nice steak.

>> No.10356316

You would have to pay me to eat that undercooked shit.

>> No.10356342

americans are degenerate

>> No.10356368

>have one of the highest quality beefs in the country
>deep fried it
>smother it with Ketchup
>stick it between two pieces of white bread

Almost as cringey as all of the flyovers in the comment section crying about how it's not cooked well done.

>> No.10356369

and yet still better than you.

>> No.10356423

It's nipponese tho

>> No.10356479

I watched the video and I think the price is probably fair for the cost of the materials but I think it's criminally retarded to pay $85+tax+tip for a sandwich just because the meat is exotic and foreign.

We make perfectly fine beef in America and I could make a similar sandwich on potato bread woth a fine cut of beef and sauce for less.

>> No.10356525

how? to begin with I'm not a mutt.

>> No.10356536

thats what separates rich and poor
poor people thing 'gee youre rich, $100 for a sandwich is no big deal'
while the rich think 'that 100 could be invested to diversifiing my portfolio

>> No.10356552

Thats wrong bc a portfolio should already be diversified youd just be adding in 100 to the overall portfolio
Also he definitely meant if you have enough money to not care about the price

In which case i still wouldnt desu it looks gross

>> No.10356569

Without watching the video I can tell you that no matter how justified the price may be it is absolutely unreasonable to pay that much for a sandwich.

>> No.10356593

I would if they actually gave me the entire fucking sandwich instead of cutting off the crust and cutting it into tiny, kid sized pieces. Also the fact that they only sell 3 a day is retarded. It's already overpriced enough for wagyu, it's not like they can't afford to simply buy more meat to meet the demand.

>> No.10356611

Is there really a demand tho? It sounds to me like the sandwich isnt as popular as they hoped and now theyre trying to save face

>> No.10356628

I mean, sorta. It's more like most sensible people with money still prioritize their spending, so they don't just charge in and order whatever's most expensive just for the hell of it, but if it's sufficiently interesting they may still get that most expensive thing.

>> No.10356672


>> No.10356843

I want to murder whoever came up with this shit, along with their families

>> No.10357264


>> No.10357269
File: 27 KB, 328x328, OZNUF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon but I could easily afford it, and still no.

>> No.10357272

I'd want to try it, but be too embarrassed to be seen doing something that others might perceive as pretentious.

>> No.10357276


>> No.10357280
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Only if the sandwich came with $80

>> No.10357311
File: 530 KB, 245x245, 1520537212331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you put that expensive ass quality.eat on a sandwich? If it were a steak or something I would consider it but $85 for a fucking sandwich the chef can shove it directly up his pretentious ass

>> No.10357318

Remove toast. Eat it as a steak. Problem solved.

>> No.10357357

It's deep fried and comeswith katsu sauce all over it if irlt was just meat and bread that would be lazy but would work then

>> No.10357486

sorry's not fucking good enough now stop posting.

>> No.10358596

Rich people constantly buy stupid expensive shit purely as a dick waving contest with other rich people.

>> No.10358638

If you’d ever eaten A5 beef before you’d understand. It’s good, but an inquiring mind will eventually wonder what all you can do with it. Do you only eat things in their “purest” form like a picky child?

>> No.10358674

over priced for the amount of a5 that you get, maybe worth 60~ due to importing costs, but why the fuck would you eat it on white bread?

>> No.10358691

I was about to say yes until that food critic bitch started talking.

>> No.10358698 [DELETED] 


>> No.10358705

Sure I would love to try it, YOLO.

>> No.10358713


it's the best bread to eat it on.

>> No.10358784

It’s just a variation of a Katsu Sando, sometimes made with shaved cabbage added.

>> No.10358806 [DELETED] 


>> No.10358843

>your shitty deepfried wasted steak sammy isn't selling
>"I heald whitu piggu like excrusivity desu"
>call jews at food insider for advertisement
>mark up price for shitty sandwich

>> No.10358852

Why are Americans such crabs in a bucket when it comes to other’s success or different ideas?

>> No.10358869

>take highest quality steak
>deep fry and lather it in sauce
>serve it raw


>> No.10358938

This is a feature of Nordic societies, not America in particular.

>> No.10358960

Always with the jews.........

>> No.10358965

Leave this poor little guy alone :(

>> No.10359015

I have never wanted to hug anything as badly as you in my whole life :(

>> No.10359711

What's wrong with that? Maximum browning. Maximum Maillard.
What's the difference between putting it in a ripping hot pan with a little oil for a few seconds on each side?

>> No.10359734

this made me laugh so much

>> No.10359789

If I had the money I would spend far more to slap the shit out of the man who invented this shit.

>> No.10359812
File: 74 KB, 612x657, Pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10359916

It's not like they overcooked it.
it's still medium-rare on the inside
I'm actually more concerned about the sauce.

>> No.10359921

Why is wagyu beef so expensive, what's special about it?

>> No.10359924

Why? It sounds like there might be something desperately wrong with you.

>> No.10359964

I can't believe rich people only eat food that's on sale at aldi's and nothing else.

>> No.10359968

We just steal it.

>> No.10359981

Nope because it was battered and breaded.

>> No.10359983

I wouldn't pay $85 for any sandwich under any circumstances. But I wouldn't eat that particular one even if it was free because I hate fatty meat.

>> No.10359989

$100 to a rich person is like a fiver to normies. Putting a measly $100 in their portfolio is literally not worth their time.

>> No.10359999

I wouldn't pay £5 for a sandwich, why would i pay $85?

>> No.10360003

I have the money to do so; perhaps not every day but I could comfortable spend $85 on a sandwich a few times a week and not notice it.

But I wouldn't because it's stupid to pay $85 on a sandwich, especially one so simple to do as that; perhaps it wouldn't be Wagyu beef I'd use, but a nice cut of steak quickly breaded up and deep fried would be easy to do and taste close enough to satisfy me.

>> No.10360009

They do; the best way to tell someone who's actually rich and old money is where they shop; a monied, landed individual will shop at a local supermarket, drive as a daily an old Volvo or such, etc. They'd have the better stuff as well, but they'd only use that when they felt they should.

A nouveau riche individual will be gauche and uncomfortable with his new status, thus pushing himself or herself to display that wealth, to show what it means, which is quite frankly the best way of showing yourself up.

>> No.10360016

Why wouldn't you pay £5 for a sandwich, that's like a normal price

>> No.10360022

It's vastly overpriced for what it is. I'd rather by a baguette, a tomato and a pack of ham; cheaper and you get more than the tiny sandwiches.

Also it's not; a sandwich typically costs between £2 and £4.

>> No.10360031

This is a dumb meme. There are countless rich folks who spend frivoulously and never suffer from it, simply because they really do have enough money to do whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.10360035

So if you're out for the day and you get hungry for lunch, you go to the market and get ingredients for a goddamn sandwich instead of just buying one? How poor are you?

>> No.10360039

People relying on inheritance usually don't know how to make more money. Of course they have to be careful with what they've got.

>> No.10360043

Nigga youre on the wrong website. No one goes outside here

>> No.10360082

Not poor at all. I just think wasting money is silly and prefer the taste of a freshly made sandwich to the ones they make themselves. It's also pleasant. Most of the time at work and such I just bring left overs from dinner. I'd rather spend the money on booze and such after work than waste it on bad sandwiches.

>> No.10360088

Gotta say that's pretty fucking weird dude. So what, do you carry a knife everywhere you go to cut tomatoes and bread in case you get hungry? Quite possibly the most autistic thing i've heard all week.

Not to mention you're saving at most £1-2.

>> No.10360099

>wagyu is meant to be enjoyed as a singular experience, you don't pollute it with shitty addons.

Listen to this guy. He gets it.

>> No.10360109

I actually do carry a pocket knife with me everywhere in general, yes. Not for this specifically, but it helps out. Have done so since I was 10. And no, like I said, it's only if I fancy a sandwich, didn't bring lunch or feel like having a picnic or something.

And it's not saving £1 or £2 as the sandwich is cheaper and bigger than what a normal sandwich would be, potentially even serving multiple people or making two meals. The cost actually for a high street sandwich of similar size, cost, etc would be more like £4 or so. If sharing with others, potentially even more.

But it's also not just about the cost. It's also about the flavour, size of portion, etc. If your concern for not getting a good sandwich is 'You autistic bro', then it's your loss.

>> No.10360112

Alright buddy, no need to get aggro. Whatever floats your boat.

>> No.10360119

I mean the savings for the sandwich; the cost would likely be about 6 pounds or so.

Further explaining oneself is not aggro. If you think it is, perhaps you should get out more.

>> No.10360136

only because it's scarce

if it wasn't scarce people would be making cheesesteaks and lasagne with that shit

every dumb fuck says that about expensive shit like truffles or abalone or whatever. 'x can only truly be appreciated on its own. wasting it by throwing it in a curry is criminal'. yeah, no. not if buying it has about as much impact on you as buying a bag of rice

>> No.10360154

There's no universally true thing about rich people, but I suggest you read The Millionaire Next Door. Self-made/first generation millionaires typically drive used cars, wear cheap digital watches, cut coupons, and rarely eat out. Their kids are the ones who tend to waste tons of money.

>> No.10360223

I can actually touch your fedora through this post. Amazing.

>> No.10360242

>I actually do carry a pocket knife with me everywhere


>> No.10360354

No. Next question please.

>> No.10360384

you guys are the autists. all over the world people buy lunch ingredients and take the time to assemble it on their break because it's cheaper and nicer and they were either taught to do it by friends and family or they just don't have the same convenience culture in their country as we do in the west.

hell even here in the uk you get people buying pots of sandwich filler and a roll instead of a boxed sandwich. you see it all the time.

if you think carrying a knife is 'fedora' you have to either be a NEET or just a total sheltered city boy

>> No.10360386

are traps gay

>> No.10360399

Yes. Keep up the pace.

>> No.10360433

doing that once in a while or even on the regular is a perfectly ordinary thing, but this guy literally said he'd never pay for a fucking sandwich because he doesn't want to waste £1

there's absolutely no way a guy who does weird shit like that has friends

>> No.10360456
File: 1014 KB, 512x286, 1GraAbs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you think carrying a knife is 'fedora' you have to either be a NEET or just a total sheltered city boy
You realize most people live in one place, and work in another, right? Even if they don't live in Tribeca and work on Wall Street, this same pattern applies almost everywhere

So why in the fuck should anyone carry around a knife all the time just in case they need to cut bread? Normal people have a knife in a drawer, usually several. I guess that's considered "unsecured storage of a weapon" and punishable by ASBO over there, you have to keep it on your person at all times otherwise you could lose your knife permit?

>> No.10360457

if you take that interpretation from his posts you are the person who lacks social and verbal intelligence, anon.

>> No.10360463

>So why in the fuck should anyone carry around a knife all the time just in case they need to cut bread?
they carry a knife in case they need to use a knife for something.

>Normal people have a knife in a drawer, usually several
but that drawer is only in one place, whereas a busy person usually moves through several. why do i have to go through this autistic level of explanation? oh that's right, because you're trying way too hard, probably because you want to prove to yourself that you're more 'normal' than all the losers on 4chan.

>> No.10360468
File: 82 KB, 728x700, E529BA5F-E869-418F-BE41-58EF01CDA034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the normie

>> No.10360474
File: 20 KB, 406x315, cold+steel+knife+to+skull+test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but that drawer is only in one place, whereas a busy person usually moves through several.
So you're cutting bread while walking down the street? On board a train? Do you carry a cutting board too, or just perform katsuramuki?

If you're somewhere that cutting bread isn't a completely hobo-tier weird spectacle, there's a knife there to begin with. You fucking aspie.

> because you want to prove to yourself that you're more 'normal' than all the losers on 4chan.
I literally do not know a single adult who carries around a knife, it's something kids do to seem "tough", with their little cold steel folding knives they bought with their allowance money. Anyone is "normal" compared to you. Even homeless bums eating food they fished out of a garbage can have an excuse, while you're sitting there making up excuses in your head to justify your dumb knife "open carry" or whatever it is you think you're doing.

>> No.10360500

you can double down on your signalling all you want, but 'carrying a knife because you use it to cut up things during the day' is exactly the kind of simple untroubled logic that normies live by and you'll never join their ranks if you rage against it.

>I literally do not know a single adult who carries around a knife
you probably do not know a single adult, man.

>> No.10360513
File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, so I'm "libtard virtue signalling" now, yes?

I don't want to break your weird fantasy universe, sorry. Just go out on a limb with me and pretend I'm an alien who doesn't understand "normies". What kinds of "things" are you cutting up all day as you rush around in public, besides the bread? Are you batoning champagne bottles for random hobos who forgot they don't need a corkscrew for champagne? Doing "fruit ninja" in the middle of a train station? Harvesting grain at the gym? Slicing potatoes as you wait for the light to change?

And can you answer the question about cutting boards?

You're right, I have never met an adult. Please help me understand so I can become a normie like you.

>> No.10360530

Carrying a knife is indeed a manly thing to do

However, if you have ever taken a photo of your knife, if you have an 'interest in knives', if you have more than one knife filling the same purpose or if you ever play with your knife, then it is a comfort akin to a child carrying a blanket or his favourite soft toy, you are not a man, and people will rightly view your knife carrying habit with contempt.

>> No.10360545

Only marxists engage in class warfare.

>> No.10360556

1. No, rich people do not think that, rich people do not think about "diversifying their portfolio" at all, that is what middle class people do once they have a stable income and have started thinking long term, and they picked up a few "investing tips" from their buddy at the office. Rich people have someone who takes care of that stuff for them.

2. Nobody eats $100 sandwiches, spend less time online.

>> No.10360562

>Ah, so I'm "libtard virtue signalling" now, yes?
no, but it's interesting to know you only understand words in the context of their latest faddish implementation.

>What kinds of "things" are you cutting up all day as you rush around in public, besides the bread?
most of the uses of a pocket knife come under cutting up food or opening packaging/cutting ties and shit like that.

the more you strain to come up with humorous putdowns and imagery the more obvious it is that you're outside a bubble you desperately want to be in.

>> No.10360576

>cutting up food
Again, please pretend I am a NEET who has never been outside, and I do not understand normies. Specifically, where are you in your busy day as you rush around making mirepoix with your cold steel tactical folding tanto? And can you please answer the question about the cutting board?

>opening packaging
Is this like, right after you exit the store, you rip open the packaging right there on the spot instead of waiting until you get home? Or is it more like you're having Amazon drone deliveries follow you around and intercept you as you're rushing through the train station, and you desperately need to open the box before robo-signing with your smart phone? I have never had the need to open packaging outside my NEET cave or an office, so I guess I'm at a loss here for understanding.

>> No.10360580

Anon has to carry something in his purse

>> No.10360582
File: 2.91 MB, 640x340, 1498926665662.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread about sandwich
>Argument is all about knives
Never stop being the most autistic board on 4chan /ck/. Have a convenient webm.

>> No.10360587

>Never stop being the most autistic board on 4chan /ck/.
pretty stiff competition for that spot

>> No.10360588


>> No.10360592

anyone who drives any car that isn't used is either

a. Uber rich, like Bill Gates rich, "couldn't spend it all if I wanted to" rich

b. dumb as fuck

>> No.10360593

i get that you think it's really epic and cool to troll fat katana wielding losers like you saw on all your favourite /b/ screencaps, but it's not epic and cool to try to copy it in an entirely inappropriate context, anon. just think: if you're wrong, and lots of normal people do carry knives because it makes their daily lives easier, you've just wasted a lot of intellectual energy trying to look cool, haven't you?

>> No.10360596

So why is Bill smart for buying one and the average person is dumb for doing it?

>> No.10360598

I intentionally cut out the part where they cut the crusts because I didn't want "le crust cutters" meme man who shits up the webm threads to say anything.

>> No.10360603

$85 isn't an incredible amount of money. So yes, I would pay $85 to eat this sandwich once. But I would NOT wait in line for an incredibly low chance of getting one, which is apparently what you gotta do because they only make 3 a day. Also, $100/lb is wayyy cheaper than I thought this would be

>> No.10360604

Answer me this anon, have you ever posted a picture of your knife online?

I will adjudicate this argument and decide whether it is you or the other anon who is the fool.

>> No.10360608

> "le crust cutters" meme man who shits up the webm threads
all he does is post food webms which have something about cutting crusts in the filename, the rage against him is insanely autistic

>> No.10360614

Look, just like we told you in the webm thread, no one thinks your meme is funny and you excuse for not changing the file names is dumb. Move on pal.

>> No.10360618

no. i don't even carry one these days. i just would if i started noticing myself needing to use one fairly often.

>> No.10360620

it's not the same without someone to hate

>> No.10360622

I'm wrong though, I admit it. I'm just trying to learn from a normie so you can teach me how to be like you.

Can you please answer the questions so I know when it's appropriate to pull out my tactical folding combat tanto? I don't want anyone to think I'm inexperienced at being normie.

>> No.10360624



>> No.10360628

even if you put an enormous amount of effort into this kind of humour, it will only ever be slightly amusing and it will only ever amuse the people who want to be cool as much as you do. it's not in your interests dude. being a tryhard never is.

>> No.10360630

>I may be starving and getting replaced by brown people by my own government but at least I'm white!

>> No.10360632

It would save me a lot of effort if you just answered a few simple questions instead of insulting me:
1. Do you carry a cutting board
2. What kinds of food do you cut while waiting for the light to change
3. Do you often open packaging in the parking lot of the Home Depot rather than waiting until you get home
4. How often do you have to sign for an Amazon package that needs to be instantly opened and you're not at any fixed address while this is happening

Thank you in advance for saving a lot of unnecessary bickering over your attempts to change the subject.

>> No.10360635

5. is it a stattrak

>> No.10360637

alright, it is the other anon that is the autist

cease your blathering fool. go and cut your wrists with a spoon

>> No.10360643

Can you answer the questions on his behalf? He seems to be tongue tied at the moment.

>> No.10360645

>I literally do not know a single adult who carries around a knife

Try going to the countryside, or associating with people who do outdoors jobs like fishermen, carpenters, joiners etc

>> No.10360648

>need to cut rope, open boxes, mark wood for cutting

Not everyone drives a desk anon, talk to a builder, decorator, sailor, gardener...

>> No.10360654

But in those cases the knife would be part of comprehensive set of occupational tools, so you're not really "carrying a knife" any more than you're "carrying a screwdriver" or "carrying fishing weights". You're carrying a toolset which goes with your occupation or whatever, and that toolset happens to include a knife. It would be like saying "as a police officer, I wear a uniform that consists of a pair of pants". It's an inappropriate fixation on a specific part of the ensemble.

Outside of a few niche cases which you have yet to name, no normal adult has reason to carry a knife around.

>> No.10360656

when i spent 3 months living off my bicycle i just picked up free newspapers and pamphlets and stuff to use as cutting boards. If you have a sheet of paper then you have a cutting board/plate

>> No.10360658

So in other words, again, you're a police officer who wears pants. Thank you for clearing up the fact that you're trying to rationalize inappropriate behavior by citing cases that neither apply to you nor can reasonably be described as "carrying a knife"

>> No.10360663

If you really cannot think of hypothetical scenarios where a knife might be useful then you have a complete lack of imagination.

>> No.10360667

I use a knife multiple times a day. I simply fail to see the point of carrying it around in my pocket like some kind of D&D character.

>> No.10360670

Some people do stuff outside their house/ office

>> No.10360680

Like preparing mirepoix while waiting for the A train. Yes, I get it.

>> No.10360697

You have no idea. $100 is tp to anyone 'rich'. I have a very modest portfolio and I didn't think twice buying a $150 silk kimono because 'why not'. These are people who never own but lease a new, ridiculous, vehicle every year for no other reason than novelty; a hundie for a sandwich is not something to think about.

>> No.10360710

>But in those cases the knife would be part of comprehensive set of occupational tools, so you're not really "carrying a knife" any more than you're "carrying a screwdriver" or "carrying fishing weights". You're carrying a toolset which goes with your occupation or whatever, and that toolset happens to include a knife.
you're still carrying a fucking knife you idiot, jesus christ. usually people have a bag of tools on their person or in their car but the knife often goes into the pocket because it is of wide and regular general use across all trades.

>> No.10360722
File: 8 KB, 349x321, 1513854638310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 100 could be invested to diversifiing my portfolio

>> No.10360724

1. millionaire as a synonym for wealthy person is an anachronism from the great depression

2. most actual wealthy people did not work for it let alone “save up”

get some perspective and less tim ferriss

>> No.10360801

>Rich people never spend money frivolously on food, entertainment, etc

>> No.10360859

No you don't understand anon, those are the "fake" rich people. Or so he tells himself to feel better about being a miserable poorfag.

>> No.10361572

No, you’re carrying a tool box

And in any case carrying a toolbox to a work site is not the same as bringing a knife to the movies on your day off

Get a grip

>> No.10361582

Haha ck is full of those hicks from school who carry a pocket knife with them at all times

>> No.10361608

>carrying a knife is not carrying a knife

>> No.10361780

If Jay Leno says “I have two cars” he isn’t lying. He may have fifty cars, which means he has two.

>> No.10361801
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Your sorry cannot undo your crimes

>> No.10363050

I don’t give two shits about him having a knife (as an American, I own several firearms). The fedora part is that this guy has blatantly admitted that he had never bought a sandwich and never will. Rather, he goes to the market and buys fresh ingredients to make his own anytime he’s hungry. Not, “oh, I’ll buy some groceries this weekend so I can make sandwiches for lunch for the the week,” but “it’s currently my lunch break on a Tuesday afternoon. Better go to the store, buy some ingredients, and just walk around the rest of the day with a loaf of bread, ham, and some cheese.” Perhaps I’m over thinking this or perhaps my reading comprehension is off, but I seriously picture a guy just walking around town with a backpack full of tomatoes, bread, and cutlery on the off chance he needs to make a sandwich on the spot. That’s pretty autistic.

>> No.10363639


I carry a proper knife everyday and use it all the time but I'm a mariner. The short answer is: better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

>> No.10363679

You mean, as part of your occupation. If you're likely to need to cut some rope or whatever, because you spend 40+ hours a week on the deck of a cargo ship, obviously you have a good reason to have one on your person. I'm talking about aspies who think they're going to be walking around the Walmart parking lot and suddenly will encounter some random box that desperately needs to have its tape cut out with CPX-S69VM sintered martensitic ultra-steel RIGHT NOW. Or like, they grab some food at the gas station that requires a special knife otherwise I guess it will fight back as you're trying to unwrap it. And of course it's never just a $10 buck, nah. Your life depends on it! Gotta be a Busse Tactical Anodized SERE Operator tanto with full tang and griptilian scales resistant to formic acid and the latest Soviet chemical weapons, otherwise you might be killed fighting a box of nachos.

It's just as delusional as the people who think they're going to get jumped on the way to Burger King and they need a Kel-Tec and 2 spare CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIPs full of hydra-shock otherwise their life is at stake.

People read too much marketing literature and it warps their view of reality.

>> No.10363692

I >>10355970
wouldn't have this sandwich even if it was free

>> No.10363699
File: 87 KB, 610x458, 07162013-brad-italiansub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in a billion lifetimes.
Especially not when I can get a good italian hero for like a tenth of that and nut myself almost anywhere in the US.

>> No.10363708

Yes and no. I always keep a blade on me for work, so yes I use it all the damn time on the ship. But I also carry it around, like my keys or phone, when I'm not on the ship. I am serious when I say I have used it many many times. You never know what you may need it for.

>> No.10363928

Also, I'd buy OP's sandwich with 6 friends, everybody gets a sandwich for not much out of pocket.

>> No.10363958

>Even if you had the money?

It's about two days of work for me. I MIGHT be willing to pitch in to sample it if I had five others to go in on it with where we each get one of the pieces.

But, the price is insane.

>> No.10364255

Literally the same is happening to you, but you're not white.

>> No.10364291

>Stop giving these shitty videos views you fucking normie
I watched it just for you.

>> No.10364594


>> No.10364679

yes but only if I can pay for it at the self checkout

>> No.10364795


c'mere anon

>> No.10365274

You can't just say sorry, you have to prove it you little shit. Now bend over.

>> No.10366066

That’s not remotely autistic, that’s winning at life

>> No.10366079

No one gives a shit about how many fucking references you drop in to your post you loser

Anyone who works in a job that involves packaging, ropes or cable ties, eats fruit as a snack, needs to trim things or a million other little tasks has use for a knife. If you are one of those people and you’re held back from buying one because of this self-image anxiety you’re projecting so hard, you’re the one with the problem

>> No.10366210
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>> No.10366221

>Why this expensive ingredient is expensive
God I want to fucking shoot the cocksucker that popularized clickbait formatting

>> No.10366234
File: 133 KB, 675x1200, DWpnOk0W4AAHO2X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>bluepill betacuck
>travel to japan specifically to try jiro's sushi
>pay $$$hekels for plane ticket and hotel
>arrive 2 minutes late
>get scolded but they seat me
>get served 20 pieces of shitty, raw fish on overly damp rice
>get check
>charged extra $100 late fee
>charged extra $250 "foreigner fee"
>charged extra $400 for "hiroshima & nagasaki reparations"
>charged extra $600 for rape/murder in okinawa by USA nignogmilitary
>complain, ask to speak to manager or owner
>get charged an additional $100 to file a complaint
>make a scene
>get escorted out by japanese police
>receive bill at my hotel, it says the amount was automatically charged to the card they have on file that i used to book the room


>> No.10366239

expensive ingredients are only expensive from the perspective of poorfags. i've splurged on some pretty high-end stuff and i have to say, it was worth it.

>> No.10366242

>the point

>> No.10366429

>if I own a knife I must carry it at all times
How long have you been homeless?

>> No.10366472

>self-image anxiety you’re projecting so hard
It's funny you should accuse people of projection when you're the one who seems to associate knives with self-image. Do you realize literally everyone owns a knife? It doesn't make you special.

>> No.10366793

Actually I am very white. And I have enough money to live a proper middle class life.

>> No.10366806
File: 117 KB, 262x255, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pay $85
>They don't even cook it

>> No.10366847

Yknow how Champagne is Champagne because its from Champagne? For beef Kobe is Kobe because its from Kobe. Anywhere else its Wagyu. But unlike wine, which sparkling wine is just carbonated wine, Wagyu is a breed of cattle with spectacular marbling and flavor. That sandwich costs more than 2 wagyu strip steaks in San Antonio, so honestly it sounds like a rip. I had a wagyu filet last year that was only $60, for the price of that sandwich I could toss on charcuterie and a few beers

>> No.10366901

Close, and the analogy is spot on.

Wagyu is a beef from one of 4 jap/euro hybrids that require an autistic attention to detail to raise. They are fed a certain way, raised a certain way, bred a certain way etc to fall in line with the Kobe guidelines as best they can, name is changed because 3 of those guidelines require being in a certain region of japan. These cattle have been bred since the 1800s to have a richer marbling than other breeds of cattle, a marbling that also renders at a lower temperature. The meat is almost creamy compared to other cattle. Its worth it to try it at least once

>> No.10366953

American wagyu is a crossbred. We searved it at the restaurant I cooked at.

>> No.10366974

So is kobe. The breeds this magnificent beef comes from were crossbred hundreds of years ago. If its been crossbred again then youre buying from a schiester

>> No.10366985
File: 55 KB, 600x338, JiroOno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deep fries raw beef and puts it on toast
>85 dorra, gaijin, you pay now

>> No.10366998

I'd pay it for the experience if I were rich, but as is nah that's way too crazy

>> No.10367001

No I don't understand the obsession with other cultures.

>> No.10367005

I wouldn’t. If I had to eat something from a popular media, then I’d want one of the sandwiches from chef. They looked so amazing.

>> No.10367361

A walletlet AND a brainlet. Hurr, I just read buffett's biography, the rich live frugally.

>> No.10367375

No, the American wagyu is clearly known.

>> No.10367434

I think I see the issue after some googling
>"American" wagyu is the original wagyu beef cattle breeds imported and raised in America
>"American Wagyu" is a new crossbreed that dilutes the purebred bloodlines because most of you couldnt tell beef from pork without a label

>> No.10367442

Why don't they just replace all the beef in the world with wagyu?

>> No.10367501
File: 1.99 MB, 320x224, IMG_2248.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expensive ass beef deep fried, slathered in sauce, and put on toast
>85 dorra
I love America and even I'm gonna say >americans

>> No.10367518

>if I thank the super rich for my grey goo, they will reward me

>> No.10367553
File: 214 KB, 736x638, 1521987028034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wagyu is not supposed to be eaten raw, so no

when will this meme end

>> No.10367757

retarded coasters will eat anything "trendy". look at how they ruined avocado.

>> No.10367786

For a sandwich maybe, but It doesn't look appetizing. Just make a roast from the Wagyu beef, slice it thin and make a proper roast beef sandwich and I'd consider it.

>> No.10367858

It’s not me who’s bringing in self-image into this discussion. The guy is repeatedly trying to portray people who carry pocket knives as lame nerds.

>> No.10367886

there's also rich people who don't do that stuff

>> No.10367913

No, just the ones who do so for no reason and make up excuses about the random boxes that materialize out of nowhere and opening them is of extreme urgency

Meanwhile Spergy MacKnifey is trying to argue that if you don’t LARP as Crocodile Dundee you’re lacking in masculinity and there is simply no way to simply use the knives in the drawer or toolbox, it has to be pulled out of a holster, because homelessness or something

Why can’t you just treat your tools as tools instead of acting as a child with a comfort blankie

>> No.10368045

>Meanwhile Spergy MacKnifey is trying to argue that if you don’t LARP as Crocodile Dundee you’re lacking in masculinity and there is simply no way to simply use the knives in the drawer or toolbox, it has to be pulled out of a holster, because homelessness or something
I have carried 2 knives every day since high school. Because I carry a craftsmen multitool that also has a little saw, scissors couple screwdrivers a can opener and pliers. Close to every male student had a similar tool in their pocket because its a little thing that can be carried and takes up less space than your average phone today. You seem to be projecting this nonsensically elitist mindset nobody has ever actually had on a group of people you didnt even know existed before this thread.

>> No.10368633


>> No.10368646

Not everyone appreciates their beef loaded with fat.

>> No.10369220

Okay I had beef katsu before in japan.
Idk about this but what happened is that the wagyu is breaded, lightly tossed in a pan. Then it's served. So it's actually still blue. It's then up to you to cook it again to example medium rare or just eat it as it is (blue).
So it's not deep fried.

>> No.10369534
File: 61 KB, 604x453, 2477_1045668424331_1304269297_30274048_8506_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have carried 2 knives every day since high school
Do you take them off when you eat, or is that a violation of the code of the blade?

>> No.10371130

he's probably just a bald middle aged guy

>> No.10371188
File: 84 KB, 412x398, e0d (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak marbling is a meme, it's not actually good for you to eat all that fat.
Hokkaido milk bread is not even expensive to make.
A lot of areas in and around Tokyo are like this, they mark up everything because of tourism since they know weebs and sexpats are retarded with money.

>> No.10371305


>> No.10371335

I opened the video to look at the comments. I don't know what I was expecting, but I lose that last little bit of faith in humanity that I didn't even know I still had.