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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10405089 No.10405089 [Reply] [Original]

>Gordon comes to a vegetarian restaurant in France that is failing
>Owner used to the the waitres
>only one cook and he doesn't speak english or french
>restaurant fails and closes down before the episode airs
>owner becomes a 200 dollar prostitute

>> No.10405102

is she still 200 dollars?

>> No.10405103


>> No.10405114
File: 8 KB, 182x268, MV5BNDU4MmEzMDMtZGJlNC00MDg5LWE3NjgtYTA2NGQ2OWUzNThlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTM3MDMyMDQ@._V1_UY268_CR87,0,182,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picks up tables with his mouth.

>> No.10405127

It's from Gordon Ramsay's original Kitchen Nightmares series.

>> No.10405135
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>it's a "Gordon strips naked and showers on camera" episode

More Hotel Hell when

>> No.10405141


>> No.10405144


>> No.10405148


>> No.10405154
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>Owner used to the the waitres

>> No.10405160

I didn't notice my spelling error of waitress before posting and I hate how I can't edit posts on this site.

>> No.10405163

>>owner becomes a 200 dollar prostitute

Where's her ad ?

>> No.10405168

It's the >used to the the part that's problematic more than anything else.

>> No.10405176

Ignore him he's a pedophile. All he does is shitpost huh

>> No.10405179

Fuck. I really should proofread my shit more often.

>> No.10405188

hotel hell is better than US kitchen nightmares imo

UK Kitchen Nightmares is probably his best show because it's more down to earth and believable but Hotel Hell is definitely a better us style reality tv show than US Kitchen Nightmares, they find some real fucking zany shit. a place makes wet pizza and the owner is senile, whatever, plenty of places like that. Hotel Hell really manages to squeeze fukken drama out

>> No.10405205

This is the best episode of Kitchen Nightmares. Man it was compelling as fuck.

>> No.10405227
File: 62 KB, 640x483, good night pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more good episodes of kitchen nightmares

>> No.10405237

In one episode of the US series he references his original UK series and calls it a documentary. The UK series really does feel more like a documentary than a reality show. The US series has so much last minute drama that feels scripted. Like a cook that doesn't want to make fried chicken or a bartender that hates the redesign because he things it drives away their old working class customers.

>> No.10405249 [DELETED] 


>> No.10405252

The waitress in this episode was a qt.

>> No.10405345

I wonder how many waitresses Gordon has bedded? Because you can guarantee he's fucking some of them.

>> No.10405348

I think it's because in the UK one, the people tend to speak with more concern and fear for their business than in the US one, and Gordon himself is way more dramatic on the US one

but it also seems like the US one is more often the same few problems; food is from a can/tub/etc and the owner is a jerk, and they find really genuinely awful places all the time. It feels like the issues on the UK version are a bit more relatable and diverse, and the places themselves are ones you could imagine going to and thinking "that would have been nice if not for ________" or "oh i could see myself running a place like that, guess it's not a great idea"

but on the US one you see shit like
and the place is so shit you can't even get emotionally engaged, it's just gawking at retards 90% of the time

>> No.10405385

Amy's Baking Company cannot be topped for sheer stupidity.

>> No.10405396

The majority of the people on the US series are owners with zero experience with cooking or running a business. But this is the one episode where I felt the drama was good.

>> No.10405465
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Her face when Gordon pushed her shit in.

>> No.10405484

0 he's loyal to his dom wife

>> No.10405500

>>Owner used to the the waitres

>> No.10405687

The brazilian chef was high af

>> No.10405703

wouldnt you be too if you were brazillian

>> No.10405707
File: 54 KB, 1127x1073, 2dlsvn4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kid that played Molly O'Brien in Star Trek Next Gen and Deep Space Nine worked as a server.

>> No.10405759

it always kills me when they renovate the place on these shows and they become the same trendy bullshit as everywhere else

if the problem is that the owner has a shit menu and untreated depression, why fuck with the decor? the decor is fine. people like that stuff. maybe get a professional cleaning crew in, but don't go replacing all the down home mama's italian resto shit with EYYY BROOKLYNE garbage ffs

>> No.10405798

Probably to get more poeple on the show and for dramatic effect. But I agree with you.

>> No.10405808

The only thing wrong with his decor really was the ripped up awning outside. There's another episode where the main problem at a soul food restaurant was the owner and employees attitudes, and the cooks don't know how to do their jobs. Every order was sent back with complaint's of their pork being dry and overcooked, mac and cheese has no taste and is mushy, etc. But we never see Ramsay confront the cooks about their skills. Instead he just redecorates and gives them a new menu.

>> No.10405852

this one seems actually interesting. typical "owner is a jerk" but it's not cartoonish mismanagement with giant bags of mold everywhere and shit for once, just casual money-grubbing and not listening as much as one should letting stuff snowball


>> No.10405907
File: 90 KB, 1000x685, 1_Stanley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There will never be an episode of Gordon being spooked by ghosts while sitting in the tub at the Stanley Hotel.

>> No.10406013

Gordon likes his girls thick.

>> No.10406018

ive never met a chef that doesnt like em thicc 2bh

i guess if your job is food you're gonna be a feeder

>> No.10406151


>> No.10406164

>the fucking muhreen outfit complete with american flag patch
what a fucking dork

>> No.10406179

He's hunting boar on a military base. Are they going to give him a chef jacket to hunt boar?

>> No.10406186


>> No.10406195


>> No.10406421
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Gordon didn't like his deconstructed salad.

>> No.10406461
File: 796 KB, 970x507, Amys-Baking-Company.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such flawless skin.

>> No.10406465
File: 57 KB, 500x335, Amys-Baking-Company-facebook-freakouts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10406533

Yeah, it reminds me of a blonde Michael Jackson.

>> No.10406567

pretty sure he was talking about the guy

>> No.10406573

>vegetarian restaurant in France

There's your problem

>> No.10406611

So was I.

>> No.10406625

Does Ramsay redecorate the restaurants in the UK series? I feel like that shit is only done in the US series to appeal to fans of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.

>> No.10406659

that's way too much for a prostitute, will she cook for me or something?

>> No.10406682

She started out as the waitress of a vegetarian restaurant in France. You might ass well just cook your own meal.

>> No.10406712

I'm not a degenerate so no.

>> No.10406728

Why does this guy talk and act like he's in the mob.

>> No.10406737

Gordon always does the same shit in every episode. Eats the food, tells them how bad it is, watch their dinner service, redecorate, new menu, things go good, he leaves. In this episode it seemed rather obvious that the problem is the lazy kitchen staff.

>> No.10406758

Relax, man. Only autistic assholes care about a typo as long the point of your post still comes across.

>> No.10406766

Oh shit, it's the one with the cunt step daughter.
She and her mother should be beaten senseless. One of the very episodes that got me genuinely mad.

>> No.10406809

I remember that episode, how becoming a literal prostitute
Basically gordon turns the restaurant owner into a prostie

>> No.10406815

That's a rape face

>> No.10406823

Yeah but sometimes it's gaudy. And desu it's to renew the restaurant image which is the point. If you want to attract more customers a neutral deco works better.

>> No.10406829

Not really, gordon ran the place by selling some tomatoes soup and made some money un few hours.
It's doable, especially with new veganism wave anyway

>> No.10406835

No, in few episodes he actually liked the food.

>> No.10406844

Name one episode where he liked the food and him only liking the dessert doesn't count.

>> No.10406850

Also, American series only.

>> No.10406852

Yeah that kitchen staff is awful. Running a tight kitchen that gets shit done is hard, but if everyone is invested in it, it can be possible. In the end, running a tight ship will lead to fewer headaches later on down the road.

>> No.10406898

She pushes Gordon's shit in.

>> No.10406933
File: 30 KB, 500x374, MV5BMjI2MzI0OTk0N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzY1NTM0MjE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Employs all his kids as the cooks and servers
>just enough kids to run the place
>he doesn't pay them
It's almost like he realized he can use his sperm to create slaves.

>> No.10407078

>american series only
Sucks to be american with all those bullshit drama
Watch the UK version mate, it'd be better for your brain

>> No.10407108

no shit

>> No.10407131

My point exactly. Every episode of the American series is the same.

>> No.10407405

He was caught having an affair with a woman named Sarah Symonds not that long ago. He definitely sleeps around.

>> No.10407433

dunno i remember he liked clam chowder one ep.

>> No.10407455


>> No.10407585
File: 217 KB, 400x400, IMG_1769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he and megan have something going on

>> No.10407664

>I hate how I can't edit posts on this site.
>on this site.
Then go back to circlejerk and never come here again. Its always been like that.

>> No.10407695

Which episode?

>> No.10407777

That's Army you twat.

>> No.10407978
File: 32 KB, 626x345, Kitchen Nightmares vs. Fired Chef David Blaine Refuses To Leave vs. Burger Kitchen Owners vs. Gordon Ramsay 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10408395
File: 83 KB, 1280x731, Gordon-Ramsay-The-Nightly-Show-ITV-1120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408857

>used to the the waitress
>point still comes across

>> No.10408878

Reminds me of a 10,000 baht Thai ladyboy

>> No.10408962

>only one cook and he doesn't speak english or french

He spoke french in the trailer at least.

>> No.10409086
File: 74 KB, 700x350, c7a2-automatic-rifle-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's only one valid army pattern ok anything else is either marpat, flektarn, GARBAGE (marpat is garbage thats just knockoff cadpat btw (also its GARBAGE))

>> No.10409096

>as long the point of your post still comes across

>> No.10409367

All the UK episodes

>> No.10409374

>taking a shower with a full tub
what the bollocks

>> No.10409380


>> No.10409402

are those jews?

>> No.10409513

i just watched the entire episode and i was extremely confused with the renovation. its called "mama maria's" and they changed the logo from a traditional look to a real edgy and gritty black and red style. it really didnt fit

>> No.10409986

Sometimes, but it's not as drastic. I think in the US ones, the producers already have a "game plan" way before Gordon visits the locations, including the extreme makeovers and new equipment. Notice how they fast forward quick once the drama is over.

>> No.10410245

Poor girl. She should continue her acting career, I'd watch whatever film/tv show she's in.

>> No.10410248

That's a lot of photoshop.

>> No.10410261

Gordon is alpha as fuck, I'd legit be straight sprinting away from a tarantula

>> No.10410900

>Gordon "re-decorates" the restaurant
>walls have been painted and the table covers replaced
>staff react like the place looks nothing like it had before
>crying and shit
Probably the worst part of the US version desu.
You can practically see the producers being like "take 7, this time I want more emotion people!"

>> No.10410909

that's just americans being american