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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10416679 No.10416679 [Reply] [Original]

>friend said he orders steak Well Done for "best flavor"
>says people only order medium rare cause the TV
I want to beat the fucking shit out of him do people actually believe this?

>> No.10416701

They do.
Rare is a meme that people follow because they don't want to look uncool.
If a person says they prefer well done, I commend that person because at least they don't give a fuck what you think and eat their food how they fucking want it.

I don't mind medium rare or anything but steakfags are the FUCKING WORST PEOPLE.

>> No.10416726

if the best flavor is the outside getting cooked, why doesn't the inside also be good cooked?

>> No.10416766

If they want something that tastes identical to steak for a quarter of the price, they can have ground hamburger. Enjoy wasting your money and yelling at people who tell you you're wasting it.

>> No.10416773

First off, that's not the source of the "best" flavor.

Second, the chemical reactions which give the exterior its taste can only happen at very high temperatures. That works whe n the outside of the steak is over a hot fire or is touching a hot metal pan, but it can't happen to the interior of the steak due to its moisture content. By the time you got the inside of the meat hot enough for carmelization & the malliard reaction to take place then all the water would be gone and you'd have a completely dry rock-hard lump.

Remember that steak isn't just about flavor, it's about texture too. There's nothing like the combination of a good hard sear on the outside with a nice tender interior.

>> No.10416905

try eating a well done tenderloin and a well done rump roast and tell me how identical they are

>> No.10416913

try eating a well done *cut of steak* and a *that cut of steak* and tell me how identical they are

>> No.10416918

but that isn't what you argued

>> No.10416925


First day on /ck/? Don't you know that everyone is only pretending to like popular things?

>> No.10416957 [DELETED] 

I don’t give a shit how others like their steak. If someone wants a well done steak I will cook them a well done steak. I like mine medium rare and if someone tries to tell me I shouldn’t like medium rare steak they can go fuck themselves.

>> No.10417035

I like medium well because well throughout is a little tough for me but having just a little bit of pink makes for a more tender bite.

I won't pass up a well done steak though, I still think they're tasty, just not my "ideal"

>> No.10417061


I'm convinced that people like you have serious mental issues, probably resulting from an abusive childhood, and possibly religious indoctrination of some kind.

>> No.10417092

Well adjusted adult. Married and living in my own home. Healthy relationship with my parents and religion was never a part of my childhood outside of the mormon part of my extended family saying grace for holiday meals.

I've never understood steakfags in general, desu. Just felt like chiming in because medium well doesn't get much representation.

>> No.10417121


I'm a cook and almost nobody orders medium well. Makes sense for a Mormon I guess.

>> No.10417134

I'm not a mormon..

>> No.10417180


Okay, "culturally mormon".

>> No.10417188

maybe it's time you just conceded you're wrong. not the guy you're mad at. now go ahead and call me a mormon or a vegan or whatever, you're still wrong

>> No.10417193

The optimum meat doneness temperature is 98.6 F

change my mind

>> No.10417201
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me eat raw meat!
fire bad!
not good meat if put in fire!

>> No.10417206


Yeah, but when you pull out it should be closer to 118.

>> No.10417215

What kind of numale hasn't cooked their own steaks, and tried various levels of doneness via fuckups and experimentation.

Such an experience exclusively leads you to medium at the absolute most.

>> No.10417223

>"culturally mormon"

That gave me a giggle. I'm gonna run tho now, cutting into my painting time a bit too much. Have a good steak thread guys!

>> No.10417228

Well he's sorta right in that most people ask for medium rare because they are retarded and don't know any better than to ask for what people in movies ask for.

And besides that, let him have his own opinion. If he likes well done then whatever.

>> No.10417374

Steak elitist really are the worst and it's a really, really good assumption that people say you shouldn't eat well done because that's the general standard and they don't want to look stupid by saying otherwise. Steak isn't that fucking amazing anyways and it's not even that expensive. Pretending that someone else likes their meat cooked through ruins your day is the most cringey, memiest shit since avocados.

>> No.10417394

>Well adjusted adult. Married and living in my own home. Healthy relationship with my parents and religion was never a part of my childhood outside of the mormon part of my extended family saying grace for holiday meals.
Why do you insist on defending yourself from baselss accusations? You could have just said "No" and looked a lot less retarded.

>> No.10417410

Anon, this is an anonymous imagine board.

>> No.10417420

Doesn't disconnect the fact that the post and the guy who made it is an idiot.

>> No.10417433

Yeah I don't think steakfags are really that bad. If you only knew how upset the chefs are who stock that steak to cook and serve when they receive an order requesting well-done

>> No.10417438

you're right

>> No.10417466

a well done steak is still good steak IF COOKED PROPERLY.

Retards like you dont understand that "rarity" is simply coloration of food in respect to doneness. for well done you only need to cook till the innards are brown, not burn the fucking hell out of it till its leather which most people do just out of rage of someone asking for a "well done" steak or just being a shitty chef in general.

if cooked properly there is no real difference between a medium steak and a well done steak in terms of texture and flavor, especially for tender cuts like ribeye.

>> No.10417492

the first time i cooked a steak was on a charcoal grill, which was also the first time i used a grill at all. the only thing wrong with it was me over seasoning it ironically. steak is easy to cook if you aim for medium. the worse that can happen is it turns out medium rare or medium well.

>> No.10417523
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>if cooked properly there is no real difference between a medium steak and a well done steak in terms of texture and flavor
How much cocaine how you been taking?
>especially for tender cuts like ribeye
Now I know you're insane. As temperature increases, more fat is going to soften and eventually just leave the steak. This is especially true with ribeye because it's a very fatty cut so differences is temperature are extremely noticeable.

>> No.10417542

I disagree. I did a little experiment back when my neighbor was a butcher. We sous vide a bunch of samples of steak at temps ranging from 125 to 170. A 155 to 160 degree sous vide thick cut steak with a nice sear tastes about the same as a "poorly" cooked pan fried steak. The cooking process just makes the meat tough, bland, and dry even when vaccuum sealed.

If you want well done steak because the outside is tasty
you ought to just get fajita beef and pan fry it like a Mexican resturant.

>> No.10417558

I order it well done because I'm paranoid that any spot not cooked enough will fuck me up
I order filet mignon well done specifically to see how creative the chef is if I have a chance.

>> No.10417597

At worst you'd get a parasite or ecoli which is exceedingly rare and more likely to occur due to a cook handling your cooked steak with unwashed hands.

The real bad stuff in beef (prion disease/mad cow) isn't killed at well done temperatures.

>> No.10417601

This. If you're cooking at a sane heat, then by the time you've got a decent sear on both side, the steak is probably at an edible temperature. It's kind of hard to really fuck up, honestly, unless you're paranoid about you meat being "undercooked".

>> No.10417606

Then I'll just burn all the meat and eat it anyway. There's one state past well done and it's burnt

>> No.10417630

Burned flesh is a pretty bad carcinogen. You want it crispy and brown not burnt.

Just sous vide it at 140 for 6 hours and you can have the best of both worlds yah dingus.

>> No.10417651

First off, what >>10417630 said.

Secondly, you can't destroy prions with any temperature you'd be able to produce in your kitchen, so you could still get mad cow, even if you burnt the shit out of your meat.

>> No.10417671

you WANT the melt to fat retard, this is what gives it juicyness. you are the type that just eats globs of unmelted fat arnt you?

>> No.10417695 [DELETED] 
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>not being a man of culture and eating well done steak with ketchup on it

>> No.10417697

>eventually just leave the steak.
That's not how it works, retard. The fat on a steak in is lipocytes, not just random globs of solid lipids you dumb fuck.

>> No.10417833

Then they should shut the fuck up and do their fucking job.
It's comparable to someone getting upset over ordering mashed potato instead of roast.
My best mate is a chef and he hates that I like well done steak and I honestly don't give a flying fuck.

>> No.10417911

why not just order the steak thin cut and have them fajita sear it then?

Why use an expensive cut of meat when what you like about it is the malliard reaction on the outside? Maxmize the crust by using a thin cut like a flank steak.
No judgement, just wondering why people would get a NY strip or filet mignon well done.

>> No.10417930

>just wondering why people would get a NY strip or filet mignon well done.
Brain damage.

>> No.10417941

I like filet well done because it stays tender. I only get it when it's free though, I wouldn't waste my money paying for that.

>> No.10417992

i hate everything thats popular and love everything thats not . thats why i come to /ck/ in the first place

>> No.10418290

you literally just have shit taste. might as well just buy your own cheap cuts of meat and throw it on a pan til your fire alarm goes off

have fun eating hockey pucks faggot

>> No.10418313

No shit man, I like rare, but if you want it well done,I'll cook yours well done.

>> No.10419579

I just like Medium-Well because I don't like the texture of the meat when it's not cooked enough. I can't stand it.

>> No.10420136

I order steak medium-rare, except for filet mignon, which I order medium. i am a patrician.

>> No.10420144

it's because they don't want to be bothered to keep it on the grill for more than 5 seconds, they don't give a shit about what you like.

>> No.10420157
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>5 seconds
>he doesn't request it grey-raw on one side only

>> No.10420160


Nah, we actually do get annoyed by having to ruin good product, regardless of the fact that some tastelet is paying for it. A lot of effort went into butchering, cleaning, and storing that steak only for it to end up a hockey puck.

>> No.10420984

I'm a chef and I couldn't care less. Everyone is different, steakfag.

>> No.10421140
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>eating red meat at all

>> No.10421146
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Well done with ketchup please.

>> No.10422784
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>being vegan

>> No.10423109

>still eating meat
Uncultured people

>> No.10423125

I enjoy a cheap cut of meat cooked medium because it renders down some of the chewier connective tissue and whatnot. If I'm getting something tender and aged though rare or medium rare is the way to go.

>> No.10423132

i didn't think that people this retarded could use the interwebs.

>> No.10423195


>renders down some of the chewier connective tissue and whatnot

The word you're looking for is fat. Otherwise I agree 100%.

>> No.10423203

americucks eat raw cause they dont know how to cook

>> No.10423213

t.flyover who never has fine dining cuisines

>> No.10423220

does it hurt being this obsessed?

>> No.10423223

Are you implying vegetarians and vegans are retarded?
Meatcucks cannot handle the truth lmao

>> No.10423689


You're a fucking idiot

>> No.10424087


I'm pretty sure you replied to the wrong post. If not, you're the idiot.

>> No.10424118

I got a random cut of marinated meat and some beer to grill at a friend's birthday party. No one knew how to cook it. "medium rare, that's how everyone does it, right?"

Fucking wrong. That shit was so hard to chew. Only the well done parts were any good.

>> No.10424125

Let him order well done, OP. Chefs use the cheapest cuts for them because burnt meat is burnt meat at the end of the day.

>> No.10424181

Why would you want brown meat? Brown is the color of poop. Do you like eating poop? Red is the color of apples, when you eat raw steak you are basically eating beef apples, they're good for you and full of fibre and one meat apple a day keeps the meat doctor away. Medium rare fags are the worst. It's like taking a delicious crunchy meat apple and smearing poop all over it, at least well done fags admit they are poop eaters. Raw is the only way to go.

>> No.10424194

you clearly don't know what well done means

>> No.10424643

You cant tell me you didnt want to eat rare because "FANCY" people do it, yes it does taste good but you have to admit eating a slice of meat thats raw in the middle is a status thing.

>> No.10425525

>It’s another barbarian shit flinging thread because he can’t comprehend a sophisticated nobleman eating his steak well done like the patrician he is episode

Good bait but not giving a (you) still.

>> No.10425845

Only those who are right. Retard.

>> No.10425859
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>he actually believes that ground beef and steak taste the same

>> No.10425885

Or burnt, for that matter.

>> No.10427222

burgers always taste better than steaks

>> No.10428824

Steak in itself is a meme.
>A fucking piece of meat
>Half raw
>Zero skill to cook
>Barely any seasoning
Truly the pinnacle of western cooking.

>> No.10428879

Am I the only one that doesn't care too much? Medium rare is probably my favorite but I'll still love a steak no matter what.
If it's cooked longer and drier then just add some kind of sauce to make it moist again.

>> No.10428971

People's main complaint about well done is that it's too dry. Using my methods, a well done steak turns out just as juicy and flavorful as a medium rare steak, if not MORE juicy.

>> No.10428984

better cough up those methods then

>> No.10429796

>do people actually believe this?
I find it hard to believe that they do. Maybe they never had a steak rarer than Well Done.

Well Done steak doesn't taste nice at all. Whenever I visit my grandmother she has steaks ready before I arrive but they're Well Done, so they become very dry easily and I have to eat them with ketchup

>> No.10430016
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If you aren't a knuckle dragger and have a tiny sense of taste you can instantly taste how different beef tastes at different levels of doneness. Medium rare is really the only choice for a perfect piece of meat.

>> No.10430085
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I'm pretty sure it's a taste thing and some people enjoy the juicy meat...Other enjoy tough dog shit. Weird planet.

>> No.10430091

I can see why people would think well done is better. With low skills, it's easier to make a nice, well-done steak than a nice, rare steak. The chances of it having raw parts or not having a good enough sear are high. That said you have to pity people who've never had a good rare steak that has a good sear and the juiciest most delicious beefy flavour inside.

>> No.10430117

Yet on a Yemeni cooking image board.

>> No.10430119

What if the steak was cooked well done via sous vide? The juice wouldn't be able to escape the bag.

>> No.10430132
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>> No.10430136

it would stay in the bag but leak out of the steak, meat tends to contract as it is cooked, but you might still have a moist well done steak in there

>> No.10430198

Maybe butter it up with some wine and dump it back on the steak? I'm not a fan of well done steak but if it had moisture and tenderness then I could possibly be a convert.

>> No.10430224

>rare meme
enjoy your parasites

>> No.10430660

>Such an experience exclusively leads you to medium at the absolute most.

Most children start to realize other people have separate minds around ages 2-3, I'm impressed you've managed to keep up until now when you're thirteen, but you should try to outgrow it.

>> No.10431174

People are just fucking retarded, if something is done it means eating it won't make you sick. So even if you eat a bloody fucking blue rare steak than guess what you fucking retards that means it's cooked.

>> No.10431198

theres nothing wrong with well done steak but the problem is that a lot of people are either incompetent or memesters or both and think that "well done" LITERALLY means you have to burn it

with that knowledge, medium is usually the best balance between texture and flavor (a rare steak is too tough and is unpleasant to eat, and no matter how done it is all the flavor comes from how it was marinated/spiced anyway)

>> No.10431633

I'm sorry your weak jaws can't handle meat, soygoy

>> No.10431649

Dude, your friends with the President? Nice. You should be careful with that shit-talk though the Secret Service will get you

>> No.10432508 [DELETED] 

Thos who eats medium well has shitty culture background
>mexicans with fajitas
Shitskin gringos
>arabs with kebabs
Terrorists food
>greeks with souvlaki
Unemployed food
>india with curry
Shithole poo in loo food
>china with stir fry
Chinkies scraps meat
Only civillized people can come up and truely bring out the flavor of the meat by eating it seared or raw, on medium or rare. those who palate isn't limited to chewing some grey hideous awful meat.

>> No.10432516

>I only get it when it's free though
I see you are also a man of class who dumpster dives.

>> No.10432527

Thos who eats well done meat always have a shitty cultural background
>mexicans with fajitas
Shitskin gringos
>arabs with kebabs
Terrorists food
>greeks with souvlaki
Unemployed food
>india with curry
Shithole poo in loo food
>china with stir fry
Chinkies scraps meat
Only civillized people can come up and truely bring out the flavor of the meat by eating it seared or raw, on medium or rare. those who palate isn't limited to chewing some grey hideous awful meat.

>> No.10432539

>a rare steak is too tough
Stop using shit-tier meat. Rare is extremeley tender, assuming your meat is worthy of the term "steak".

>> No.10432541

What kind of shithole restaurant did you get your fajitas from? That should be pink in the center just like any other steak.

>> No.10432553
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Anyone who eats half raw meat is clinically retarded, in addition to their brain worm infestation. If you can't cook meat fully without burning it, stick to frying tendies.

>> No.10432556

We know the true way to cook steak though


>> No.10432580

Why would I want to cook it fully? Half raw tastes better.

>> No.10432585


>> No.10432626

nice reasoning there redit

>> No.10433100

Well done is a short of
'Well done, you've ruined the meat moron'
Or 'Well,shit's fucked up'