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10558269 No.10558269 [Reply] [Original]

>I drink ipas

>> No.10558287
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For me, Keith's is the only IPA.

>> No.10558291

I mean IPA is pretty good, just avoid the west coast stuff an you will be fine

>> No.10558292

did you know that your favourite thing is literally SOY op?

>> No.10558297


>> No.10558396

I prefer clear pilsner but hey drink whatever you want.

>> No.10558406
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tastes good man

>> No.10558413

stop making these threads you dumbass redditor

>> No.10558475
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>drinking alcohol at all

>> No.10558520
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>> No.10558743

Ipa's are generally babby's first craft beer and like most babbys (hell I was one once too) they take it to extremes of IBU's. After a few years they realize there's a whole world of different and better styles of craft beers and they gravitate away from ipa's and only have one now and again for nostalgias sake. So don't worry about it, you won't be a babby forever.

>> No.10559025
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The best IPAs are surely amongst the best beers

>> No.10559355


Otherwise IPA aren't very good in ameriland

>> No.10559395

>Otherwise IPA aren't very good in ameriland
Dude, what?
Almost all of the best IPAs are America

>> No.10559415

I had a King Sue. It was fine, nothing crazy.

>> No.10559429

craft beers are for faggots.

>> No.10559445
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I think it is unequivocally on of the best of the style, and DDH Pseudo Sue is probably the best APA I have ever had.

I think every pale ale these guys do is gold. Too bad their barrel aged dark stuff is insanely limited and expensive so I have never bought any

>> No.10559451

keep drinking your macro pisswater brainlet

>> No.10559477

Non-craft beer is for grandmothers and rednecks

>> No.10559493

i unironically drink labatt 50 so i think that makes me an honorary hick grandma

>> No.10559531

The problem with IPAs is that when good they're fucking tasty but because it's a HUUUGE fad right now everyone and their mother is making IPAs. Most of them being pretty shit.

>> No.10559553
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>american industry is so poor you can't buy decent beer in stores and have to rely on some guy up the road making "Session IPAs" to get something that isn't fermented hot dog water

For me, it is the Canadian market, a market of beers that are both prolific and good,

>> No.10559572

I don't buy this. Yeah a fucking lot of IPA is being made, and you basically need to have a decent one if you are going to be successful, but this idea that most are bad is just offbase.

The IPAs available have improved immensely and continuously over the last decade as the style has gotten insanely popular. We have shifted from unbalanced bitter west coast style IPAs being the norm to more balanced midwest styles and tropical/citrusy hops, then most recently toward NEIPA. People have extremely high expectations for the quality of a new IPA, the market of IPAs has become so competitive that mediocre IPA just can't sell anymore

>> No.10559580


>> No.10559586

I am sure you are intentionally misunderstanding but literally no one else in the world has the huge quantity of high quality beer available at their local supermarkets that America has. hell, just a random ass gas station will probably have a better beer selection than the vast majority of the non-American world will have

>> No.10559587

every "indie" ipa i've had has been overly bitter swill

the big name ones like keiths taste like normal blonde beers but just a little more earthy, but all the indie ones i've tried have tasted like munching on garden flowers

>> No.10559599

Craft beer is for children and nerds

>> No.10559601

>hell, just a random ass gas station will probably have a better beer selection than the vast majority of the non-American world will have
and all of it is GARBAGE so who cares

quantity is not a substitute for quality

>> No.10559631

Except its not. Sure a gas station will have a disproportionate amount of shitty macro beer compared to other vendors within America, but much larger selection of good beer than most places outside America

The American craft beer scene is awash in quality, quantity, and variety. No where in the world has ever had what America currently does as far as amazing beer choices. The market is larger and more competitive every year, if you don't make really good beer you do not find a place at it in America these days

This idea that somehow craft beer lacks quality is absurd, what is the alternative that has higher quality?

>> No.10559647

honestly if there's one thing I'd have to say the west coast does right it's a hoppy IPA
West coast > East coast > Everything else
Though my favorite IPA overall is probably Dogfish head 90 minute, the west coast has way more to choose from that are almost as good

>> No.10559649

Idk man I'm just talking about what I've experienced over the years. You're definitely right that the bar is slowly being raised but I'm still CONSTANTLY seeing craft beer sections filled to the brim with dime a dozen IPAs trying to be bitter as fucking possible with no prevalent flavor profiles besides ass.

Like I said, when they're good they're fucking amazing and there are a lot of good shit out there. But we're still at that point where companies are cashing in on the fad without much care for quality.

>> No.10559654
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>The American craft beer scene is awash in IPAs

>> No.10559665

I like living in a country where I can get beer I can trust to be not shit instead of having to see rows of "Donut IPA" and "Sezchuan Pickle Sauce IPA" and "Singles Slices IPA"

>> No.10559688

>West coast > East coast > Everything else
This is a bad take

>> No.10559697

people have been saying IPAs are a fad for 15 years now

>> No.10559705

>craft beer sections filled to the brim with dime a dozen IPAs trying to be bitter as fucking possible with no prevalent flavor
This is literally 2007. The trend the last 10 years has been less and less bitter, and replacing west coast hops cascade/columbus/chinook later additions of less bitter and more flavorful hops like Citra/mosaic/galaxy, and the classic midwest style balancing hop centennial. Every year this trend moves further to the NEIPAs we are seeing explode right now with almost all of the hops being added at the very end of the boil or dry hopping. Super bitter west coast IPAs aren't even that common anymore

>> No.10559710

American craft beer is incredibly diverse. IPA is the largest chunk of it but its still not even close to a majority of it. Americans have a better selection of amazing stouts than anyone else in the world at random ass grocery stores. Same is true of maltier beers, and sour beers etc. No matter what the style, you can get great examples of it super easily in America

>> No.10559713

If you drink craft beer, I hope you understand, anyone with an iq over 80 is laughing at you faggots

>> No.10559716

What are you even talking about? What possible other country do you have a better odds of finding a good beer if you pick a random one off the shelf?
You must be spending too much time on reddit if that is your conception of american beer

>> No.10559726

yeah, because smart people are so well known for drinking macro beer. Thats totally not the exact opposite of the stereotype

>> No.10559736

Smart people dont drink any alcohol you mouth breathing knuckle dragger

>> No.10559746

>What possible other country do you have a better odds of finding a good beer
literally every NATO member country except for the US

>> No.10559747

Again, I completely understand what you're saying and you don't have to repeat it for the 20th time itt. I'm just sharing my anecdotal experiences and your long and admittedly very interesting explanation doesn't change the fact that I was literally at my local grocery store (safeway) an hour ago and saw nothing but the usual suspects mixed with local breweries taking a crack at IPAs (and mostly failing ime). But I also live on the west coast and rarely see any beers from NE unless I go to this specific store that imports stuff from all over the world.

>> No.10559753

This isn't true at all. There is a general correlation between intelligence and drinking. Most of the abstaining people are poorly educated religions fanatics

>> No.10559756

Prove it

>> No.10559760

Do you honestly believe this?

>> No.10559761

I am pretty sure he's just pretending to be retarded at this point.

>> No.10559765

>hops, hops, hops

>> No.10559767

Awww baby needs to justify his drinking, get over it and pull the trigger faggot the world is better with out you.

>> No.10559772
File: 106 KB, 800x945, drinkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, southerners, the least educated and intelligent, and most religious people in America by far drink the least

>> No.10559774

no, because NATO has a lot of weird bullshit countries like Bulgaria in it. but there isn't a more convenient but as smarmy way to say "everywhere constituting "the west" except for the US"

but really, you can find decent beer on any shelf in Quebec. If you want to just turn up, Labatt's strong beers taste fine while remaining powerful, and if you want something tasty, both St-Ambroise and Unibroe have lots of offerings that blow every craft beer I've had out of the fucking water

>> No.10559775

I don't know where you're getting the idea that we're saying hops is the only ingredient in beer. I'm sure most itt drink other beers as well.>>10559765

>> No.10559780

>drinking litteral poison
>greatest minds of our times were abstinent
>dat projection
Ill wait for you to post an article paid for by bush

>> No.10559786

Flase equivalence, not an arguement, id expect no more from a brain damaged alcoholic, try again.

>> No.10559796

Lol Florida in the red.
You just owned yourself.

>> No.10559800
File: 173 KB, 614x768, rick morty beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Donut IPA" and "Sezchuan Pickle Sauce IPA" and "Singles Slices IPA"

>> No.10559807

We were specifically talking about IPAs, so hops were rather germane to the discussion

Also, hop variants are much more diverse flavor-wise than barley variants.

Keep in mind though that America also has by far the best selections of beers using different malt techniques such as roasting them as in stouts, or smoking them (much less common but still more likely to find in America than anywhere else), or caramelizing the malt such as in scotch ales.
Also alternative malts are way more common in America, wheat, oats, and rye are everywhere. Plus many excellent uses of adjuncts like lactose and coffee, not to mention barrel aging, or alternative fermentation organisms like lactobacillus or brettanomyces, and just diverse strains of Saccharomyces

No one else has such amazing examples of beers using such a diverse set of techniques so readily available

>> No.10559813

There is literally no other country in the world where you will find a better beer selection at a random restaurant, bar or grocery store than America

That is obviously not to say that no one else has good beer, but the rest of the world has a lot of catch up to do

>> No.10559816

Unibroe is all over in America too, they make good stuff. Most would consider them a craft brewery

>> No.10559822
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>>greatest minds of our times were abstinent
lol what?
>Lol Florida in the red
Probably an artifact of tourism, and non-locals buying a lot of alcohol there

>> No.10559827
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I don't mind people who don't drink, everyone has their own preference and that's fair enough. Can't stand twats who think it makes them better than anyone else though.

>> No.10559831

You can but beer is the US made in every country
We live in the greatest country conceived
We are the melting pot
Stay jelly faggots

>> No.10559832

Sorry reddit but there is literally nothing wrong with Rick and Morty. Also that beer is just an IPA, no weird meme ingredients that you see so mad about

>> No.10559842

Racists arent welcome here, stop justifying your substance abuse.
Acceptance is the first step.
Youre in denial.

>> No.10559854

I love me some fine Belgians, hefes, stouts, rauchbier, browns/reds, bocks, and the occasional lager, but I still love me a well made IPA.

>> No.10559858

>lol what
I wouldnt expect you to understand such a simple concept sorry if it's too advanced for you

>> No.10559864

Maybe its just a regional thing, I live in the upper midwest where brewers never really fully bought the West Coast IPA trend, and pretty much always primarily made more balanced IPAs, and where newer hop varieties really took hold the quickest

When you go to the west coast there are so many breweries that had established flagships that were mediocre west coast style IPAs, its much slower to change compared to a region where most of the breweries didn't a flagship IPA in the earlier phases of the trend so they could much more easily adapt to new varieties and trends

>> No.10559866

This man speakith the truth

>> No.10559870

How is not liking uneducated rednecks racist?

>> No.10559871

>literally nothing wrong with Rick and Morty.
Well, there's the bad art, the shitty animation, the unfunny "humor", utter lack of meaningful music....

>> no weird meme ingredients that you see so mad about
Then why does its label and name sound like it was dreamt up by 10-year-olds?

>> No.10559872

The reason for this is purely business. Craft breweries will have a hard time entering the market if they don't have a year round IPA available.

>> No.10559884

>Then why does its label and name sound like it was dreamt up by 10-year-olds
It literally just says the op variants used. It in no way implies weird ingredients.

The reddit backlash against Rick and Morty this past fall was just super fucking silly, its hard to see how you people get so mad about it

>> No.10559888

This is unironically true. I know of several gas stations in my area that keep stuff like Chimay, Rochefort, Unibroue, Avery, Stone, Ballast Point, Founders, Deschutes etc in stock at all times.

>> No.10559891

Please explain who our "greatest minds" are

Almost no educated people abstain from alcohol

>> No.10559896

Yeah I think a lot of west coast breweries are letting old habits die hard. There are a few here doing great jobs like ninkasi and Elysian though. Once I start traveling around the US more I'll definitely look into more Midwestern breweries because all the info you're dumping itt sounds very interesting and I'm afraid I'm in a culinary bubble here on the coadt.

>> No.10559900

This. Also a lot of people think IPAs are gross because a lot of retailers are lazy af when it comes to keep fresh IPA in stock, and they buy old ones that taste like soy sauce and rubber bands and think that's how they're supposed to taste. Even a 2 month old IPA isn't that great compare to a 1-2 week old version of the same beer.

>> No.10559911

>Dogfish head 90 minute
Patrician taste, anon.

>> No.10559928

I think a big part of it is the early adopter. If you made an IPA 15 years ago on the west coast, it probably ended up making you a bunch of money and now probably has pretty decent name recognition in your market. Almost all of those beers would be considered mediocre by today's IPA standards but its hard to give up the marketing value of that name. Thats why we have seen some of the bigger craft guys reformulate their IPAs with a spin on their original name like New Belgium's "Voodoo" Ranger, or Sierra Nevada's 'Tropical" Torpedo, and Sam Adams revolving definitions of their Rebel IPA as sales of the original versions slumped in the face of more modern and local IPAs popping up everywhere

>> No.10559934

Why are IPAs associated with hipster shit? I mean fuck, it's just a beer.

>> No.10559941

Yeah, IPA has a terrible shelf life before it becomes mediocre. People really like buying a variety of good beer but when some retailers try too hard to keep a lot of things in stock they cannot move them all fast enough to keep them fresh

>> No.10559945

they aren't really. Hipsters drink wine

>> No.10559957

because the 35 year olds on this board never leave the house and have an outdated perception of what is "hipster"

>> No.10559966

>greatest minds of our times were abstinent
Name one.

>> No.10559979

like the 90% demography of 4chan

>> No.10560016

"REEE stop making beers that actually taste like something! Bud Light is a REAL BEER for REAL MEN!"

That said, hoppy IPAs are genuinely disgusting.

>> No.10560058

Florida is mostly immigrants now you alt right nazi

>> No.10560190

Florida is still mostly inland rednecks, and elderly northerners in all of the nice parts

>> No.10560203
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>> No.10560425
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Nova Scotian here.

Keith's being marketed as an IPA has been pissing me off for the past 30 years

>> No.10560435

Good ol' Utah.

There's some terrific beer here all the same.

>> No.10560459
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Friend it's been an IPA for nearly 200 years. It's so old it's named for the fact that it was the sort of beer actually shipped off to India rather than just a garbage hop bomb.

If history pisses you off so much then feel free to import the foreign-brewed Keith's.

>> No.10560478

Expect its not at all like those original IPAs, which were very hoppy, and kinda sour

>> No.10560510


I don't doubt that Keith's was something other than a slightly skunky lager in it's storied past, but stuff served in Halifax bars is comparable to Labatts or Molson. I think it's great that the city has a historic brewery, but the branding just seems a bit silly.

Truthfully, I didn't know that Keith's was available on the American market; I'd be curious to try some of those.

>> No.10560788

I feel like IPA's used to taste like something more than just hops before this craft beer craze.

>> No.10560821

I'm high on gose beers rn.

>> No.10560822

I feel like this is definitely not true

What IPA were you drinking pre-craft beer that had worthwhile and distinct flavor not primarily derived from the hops?

>> No.10560850

>soja adolescent meme
t. brainlet

>> No.10560886

You've never been to Belgium.

>> No.10560923

In my opinions European beers are the best. I love German beers, and Belgium also makes quality shit.

>> No.10560927

This is a myth perpetuated by the West Coast hop addicts, IPA was never a hop bomb and excess hops were never necessary for the beer to keep during shipping.
Porters and other dark, malty ales were equally popular for shipping to India.

>> No.10560928

I swear to god Nogne O IPA had softer and distinctive piney taste to it when they were still just a starting, low volume brewery like 10 years ago.

>> No.10560930


What's the problem, I like the taste. I like big flavor in stuff, so I generally prefer strong ales and stouts.

>> No.10560939
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They also got a new logo which is awful.

>> No.10560940

one pint feels like a meal to me thats why I avoid them

>> No.10561040

I love Belgian beers. If anything American craft beer drinkers like Belgian beer and rate it more highly than anyone else in the world. Still its super easy to find Belgian beer, and American beer in Belgian styles in America. Belgian beer certainly isn't something any of us are unfamiliar with when we say Americans have the best access to excellent beer

>> No.10561053
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Sounds like a regular old APA

This one is great

>> No.10562005
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BASED daddy god emperor

>> No.10562009

Selfies aren't allowed on /ck/

>> No.10562040

IPAs are such a shit beer. Why would you order an IPA when you order literally any other style of beer? A stout, a porter, a sour, a gose, a wheat, even things that still fall under the "pale ale" umbrella, like a bitter, an amber, a blonde. Virtually fucking any style of beer except the one that was designed to taste like a skunk pissed in it.

>> No.10562058

>le >>>/soc/ meme
Already played out my underage friend

>> No.10562068

>le meme
You have to go back

>> No.10562076

don't respond to trolls, newfag.