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10785038 No.10785038 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most special ingredient (e.g. most expensive, hardest to find, of exceptional quality, etc.) you used in your cooking so far this year?

>> No.10785051

I subsist almost entirely on a diet of edible gold leaf.

>> No.10785061

I think water is pretty nifty and special stuff.

>> No.10785065

it is like pure life juice

>> No.10785067

Gull egg season was good this year

>> No.10785071

It's pretty basic, but miso paste or marmite. I live in a small town in GA so I had to get it off Amazon

>> No.10785076


>> No.10785086

half off 6 dollar steak

>> No.10785088

Is that a person? I'm just your average anon trans girl posting about food.
Inb4 post feet

>> No.10785090

Post feet

>> No.10785146

I had the chance to acquire some high quality Asafoetida
An acquaintance knew someone who is actually in the business of selling spices and other cooking ingredients, including some banned chillies in small quantities to high end chefs and shit. I wasn't sure what I'd use it for, but it was the purest Asafoetida I had ever seen. It wasn't like normal powered form, but it was like a pink soft lump of it. The smell was really overpowering.
I ended up wasting most of it in a miserable batch of croquette, but then asked a neighbour indian woman to recommend me something.
The aloo jeera ended up nicely

>> No.10785590

>What is the most special ingredient (e.g. most expensive, hardest to find, of exceptional quality, etc.) you used in your cooking so far this year?

This year? Probably Capers, or Nutmeg.

>But anon, those are neither very expensive nor hard to find

More expensive and harder to find than everything else I've used this year. We're not all pleb tier kitchen assistants who have to rely on caviar and truffles to make interesting food.

If we expand from "this year" to "all time," probably saffron. Still not that hard to find, but probably the most expensive by-weight ingredient I've ever used.

>> No.10785630

saffron. but my poorfag mentality kicks in. ended up using only a few strands for my risotto. can barely taste anything special about it. i now understand why people calling it as memespice.

>> No.10785645

Are you actually retarded or is this some kind of act?

>> No.10785672

>Trans girl
Post feet and then kys

>> No.10785704

Saffron and black truffle I suppose. Morels are also expensive.

Had some pretty great asparagus this season.

>> No.10785707

Menstruation blood.

>> No.10785709

>Morels are also expensive
They're also poisonous.

>> No.10785728

Only if you eat them raw like a retard.

>> No.10785731

you dont only use a couple of strands for risotto. why bother using it at all then?

>> No.10785746

Getting rid of all poison is more or less impossible. The truth is starting to get out but old farts and Big Mushroom is trying to hush the whole thing down.

>> No.10785766

>Big Mushroom
Kek. Seriously though, oxygen kills you too who gives a shit about trace poisons if it's traded for one of the tastiest mushrooms.

>> No.10785783

I needed ya cai (Chinese pickled mustard), so I went over to Chinatown Manhattan. The problem is as soon as they see a brown person they follow you around the entire store. At least in Italy they're subtle about it, but here there's just an employee right behind you staring at you the entire time. But they don't even speak English and I guess my pronunciation of ya cai is wrong so they're not helpful.

Ended up walking around a bit, found a small store where the owner was nice and helpful. I wrote down the name on a piece of paper and he got it for me. Took me a few hours though.

>> No.10785830

Much earlier in the year I purchased a small piece of Pecorino Tartufello (black truffle hard cheese). It was about $9 for a nub twice the size of a thumb. I grated it onto some gnocchi with butter and a touch of cream to make a pecorino truffle cream sauce. It was incredibly, incredibly rich.

>> No.10785833

Poisonous and toxic arent necessarily the same thing. I think all mushrooms are somewhat toxic raw

>> No.10787805

you're a man with tits?

>> No.10787818

>Pecorino Tartufello
Damn that's good, my grandpa would get half a wheel from his trips to Italy. Now I need to find some.

>> No.10787822

Tallow for pie doughs, and good fresh cream cheese from the farmers market.

>> No.10787829

Last night's dinner involved some pastrami cured salmon that goes for $44/lb.

>> No.10787843

My dad brought me back a jar of garlic chili paste made in house by an ultra-expensive Hong Kong restaurant. I'm really sad that I'm almost out.

>> No.10787903

Post a pic of it plz

>> No.10787916

XO? Or doubanjiang?

>> No.10787917
File: 3.80 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20180620_165815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just came in a Saran wrapped jar with no label

>> No.10787934
File: 113 KB, 915x645, anime hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just your average anon trans girl posting about food
You're mentally ill, my dude

>> No.10787951

>Asafoetida croquette
Wew lad

>> No.10787965

>The problem is as soon as they see a brown person they follow you around the entire store. At least in Italy they're subtle about it
Is this an Italian finally admitting that Italians are niggers, and even Chinese merchants know it?

>> No.10787971

Anon... is that poopoo

>> No.10787973

If it is, it's the most delicious poopoo I've ever had

>> No.10787995
File: 256 KB, 476x477, 7F667917-877F-4F65-B5E4-12CA8767051C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys i’m trans look at me i’m so normal look i’m trans hey did you know i’m trans and that’s somehow relative at all to the conversation? No? well guess what i’m trans just your average person haha

kill yourself

>> No.10788001

How often did you eat poopoo?

>> No.10788003

So you're not a grill, you're a tarp?

>> No.10788275

sike not according to the W.H.O anymore

>> No.10788347

i'm a college student who just started cooking For Real and the most special things to me have been buying real parmesan cheese (not even good stuff, just not powder), and the good bakery bread my parents buy for themselves. life's rough my dudes

>> No.10788389

Learn how to cook with cheaper ingredients. Slow cookers, cheap steak and potatoes are your friend, anon.

>> No.10788432

Live abalone's usually around 5-6 per snail. It's ok.

>> No.10788471

I made quesadillas with some spice-crusted chicken. Used ground tonka bean in my spice rub. Shit was pretty gud.

>> No.10788495
File: 56 KB, 401x372, 1529451964648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened here? Why did an anon ask if this person was a philomath? Why did this faggot respond by saying they were trans? How is this about food? God damn it... I can't comprehend how this unfolded the way it did or why.

>> No.10788508

Tell your fellow niggers yo not steal shit and the chinks will lay off.

>> No.10788509

Looks a little bit like Black garlic that has been caramelized or related method. Nice!

>> No.10788523

FUCK you know that's gotta be good.

>> No.10788553

Caviar from Siberia, Black truffles, canada lobsters & other fine ass tasting items.
Enjoying serving it everyday

>> No.10789143

Bhutanese chhop, I guess? It's a lactofermented chilli/prickly-ash mixture that can be used both in cooking and as a condiment, kinda like Chinese hot-and-numbing oil but with a sour, pickled note in its flavour profile.

I only think it's special cuz I don't know shit about Bhutan, I don't know anyone who knows shit about Bhutan and my area has experienced a huge influx of Bhutanese immigrants so we have a number of Bhutanese grocery stores catering to their needs selling a few products I've never heard of, like this chhop stuff.

>> No.10789569

>Caviar from Siberia
Is that like fresh water fish caviar?

>> No.10789616
File: 91 KB, 450x450, 49cef96e-5253-4f2f-88fa-d79811480258_1.1a80cfc350288ed39043c6714c65f40e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the sticks so this bottle of Sherry Vinegar that was recommended by America's Test Kitchen which I ordered online:

One day I hope to be able to sample some of that $200 aged balsamic vinegar.

>> No.10789926

I like camping either way. I'd definitely rather lay on the ground than be filled with hot coals.

>> No.10791241
File: 9 KB, 459x321, 1503903209069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got myself a couple of lobes of foie gras from Smithfield a few months ago, and enjoyed it tremendously although can't see myself buying it again unless I want to impress a girl or if I'm hosting a party
I cooked it through sous vide, then topped with diced prunes soaked in Nikka, and set that shit on fire... topped with a little 15yo balsamic and set as an amuse. I wish I had a pic