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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 404x273, 1491344971153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10799943 No.10799943 [Reply] [Original]

>Just gonna grab a fry real quick bro. How much do I owe you?


>> No.10799946

Nothing, since I'm not some penny pinching autistic faggot

>> No.10799970

Then I'm just gonna grab my open carry sidearm real quick, "bro."

>> No.10799973

A third of your cunt. Just remember it. Twice more and you owe me a proper fuck.

>> No.10799979

Nothing dude, we're on a date :)

>> No.10799983

Six gorrilian shekels, oy vey.

>> No.10800011

open carring is for autisitc people that wanna show off. no ones gonna think you are cool because you have a gun they think you are the next school shooter

>> No.10800015

Fuckin' awesome man!

>> No.10800086
File: 287 KB, 454x391, LOADSAMONEY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an easy one.

First, before I begin my dining experience, I pour the fries out onto a series of napkins and arrange them via size and colouration. At this stage, I remove any that are unsatisfactory (i.e. black spots, breaks and so on) and count them up. Usually I keep a notepad on hand or a phone app, an abacus is too cumbersome for an outing to McDonald's or Burger King.

After finishing taking inventory of the fries, which usually only takes about thirty seconds, I carefully use the napkins to holster them back in their original container while I divide the number of remaining fries by the cost of said fries, now we've established the base rate per fry, or BR/F.

From there, it's a simple matter of weighing the circumstances. Usually, I keep a spreadsheet in the index of my notebook or on google sheets to compare the situations. If I'm REALLY hungry and I want fries, I charge about 20% more. Likewise, if my companion for the day is super hungry, I knock off 20%.

As I cannot gauge the size from OP's pic, I will use the standard large in the UK and do the following:
£1.69 (children, please keep calm ;) ) / 90 is £0.02, the conditions are normal, so 2p per fry.

Hope this helps you, OP.

>> No.10800087

your firstborn

>> No.10800091

This kind of shitty copypasta belongs on /b/

>> No.10800094

couple days of my life since fries are poison

>> No.10800141

That'll be $12.99 plus tip

>> No.10800997

People who reach into your food before even asking piss me off. What if I were to say no?

>> No.10801134

One of your own fries when your order comes out cause that's the only reason you should be taking one of mine in the first place

>> No.10801153
File: 67 KB, 960x640, VKCgTh7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you gotta reach in before they have time to say no.

>> No.10801189

Fleshlight full of macaroons

>> No.10801243

>People who reach into your food before even asking piss me off. What if I were to say no?
You can do some things to avoid this. From the point of ordering, figure out if you are dining with cheap or rude or flaky-not-hungry-anorexic types and over-order, and ask the waiter to bring appetizer plates for all, and a serving spoon. Or, ask anyone if they want to have some of it when it arrives, "before I start, would anyone like some of this?" then using your clean fork, add some to their plate. Then, after that, "are you sure? no one else? no more than that?" and it's yours alone to enjoy alone. You might have to order more for yourself, if you rake it all out. The point will be made. The check comes? Cover it this time, but for the next time, you have trained them. If it's just one friend that does this from time to time, go ahead and ask the waiter to be generous with the fries or add a second side, ie let him know he will be grabbing a second handful before bringing that plate out from the kitchen.
If someone dips into it after that, and they're a regular friend, you need to up the ante of basic etiquette and lay down your boundaries at the same time. You can be passive aggressive, like put your fork down and just be done with it all like a mama lion helping the children to feed, acting not offended. Offer your leftovers to them too, they obviously need it more than you. Or be nice, like, oh, they are good fries, pass me your plate, and then giving full consideration of how you would have liked communication to happen in the first place, rake a generous amount, ask if they are wanting even more, don't stop raking until you get the clear, you're mr. generous and when they react, you say, "oh I was done" and put your fork down, like a true hero. If they know that isn't true, they catch onto your annoyance. Train your friends how you like things, but you never ever just take it laying down.

>> No.10801244

What kind of school shooter does open carry

>> No.10801245

1 succ

>> No.10801251


>> No.10801265

*take out my gun and point it at the offender's head*
You just made the biggest mistake of your life kiddo, and the last one.
*pulls the trigger*

>> No.10801276


>> No.10801280

the kind in the process of shooting the school, I'd imagine

>> No.10801781

One kiss! It's the only correct answer!

>> No.10802039

I've seen gays and millenial cis couples literally do this. I always have a gag reflex, so it's annoying.

>> No.10802456

Don't eat fries, they're not healthy.

>> No.10802510


>> No.10802541
File: 21 KB, 563x503, 1529463752411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grabbing a sidearm you're already open carrying
you've already grabbed it. you can't grab it twice. what the fuck, america.

>> No.10802559

expose yourself to children

>> No.10802612

Open carry just means in a visible holster, you retard. It doesn't mean you're holding it in your hand. Imagine being this much of a retarded 16 year old boomer.

>> No.10802621

>real quick bro
The speed you steal my fry at doesn't affect anything.

>> No.10802631

aren't all arms technically "side" arms? I mean, they're on your sides... nobody has a fucking arm growing out of the front of their chest

>> No.10802633
File: 64 KB, 940x940, 1529334361741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she doesn't like kisses

>> No.10802635

It is because they are to be used as a side choice if you need to use it instead of your main firearm

>> No.10802689
File: 339 KB, 1182x972, BoomersSMH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's never seen a chest holster
Also, you can carry it at 6 o'clock, aka in the back of your waistband. That's not your side either. These boomer kids are getting worse by the day.

>> No.10802731

You sound really knowledgeable about tactical equipment. Did you win last weekends paintball skirmish where you honed your tactics, lol?

>> No.10802732


>> No.10802839

Isn't there a tactical nail clipper this fag can buy

>> No.10802854
File: 65 KB, 900x900, reeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GF wants to grab in-n-out before I give her the in-n-out
>Get fries because i'm not hungry enough for a buger
>Told her to get whatever she wants
>Just gets a burger
>Bitch starts taking my fries
>Tell her i'll go buy some for her
>"Oh anon I only want them because they're yours :3"

Fuck all you french fry stealing bitches

>> No.10802859

I need about tree fiddy

>> No.10803543

spoken like a true passive aggressive roastie

>> No.10803580
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>> No.10803601

i had a roommate that said shit like this, glad he's gone

>> No.10803605

>charging someone for taking a singular fry
are you one of "them"?

>> No.10804362


Or you can order more food and not act like a goddamn child.

>> No.10804369
File: 111 KB, 600x600, 9714A213-25C9-42B0-B9BE-240A17EA6A48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just gonna grab a tendie real quick bro

>> No.10804379
File: 1.04 MB, 300x225, lenny_thumbs_up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 star post

>> No.10804391

he ate the cum brownies at the /k/ meetup

>> No.10804462

I'm not Jewish.

>> No.10804469

thats a nice tendie supply

>> No.10804534
File: 44 KB, 306x423, article-0-0E3790DB00000578-786_306x423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having an entire person growing out of your chest to hold your guns for you

>> No.10804643

between £0.90 or £1.20

>> No.10804658

>he isn't preparing for the upcoming race war
>Just gonna exterminate all whites real quick bro.

>> No.10804659


your life...

>unsheathes katana

>> No.10804666
File: 37 KB, 639x531, 8ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STFU noob, remember last time we had to pretend it was "just a joke"? The straight white cismales must not know we are coming or else they might prepare themselves for their inevitable doom at the hands of the brave anteefa revolution. I order you to put away your che guevara shirt and trade it for a hollister shirt. Never think about che guevara again until the Dia de los Taco Trucks.

>> No.10804669

>he thinks I'm a commie like his cuck ass
You fags want to ban all guns so you wouldn't even be able to fight a race war. Go back to sucking Achmed's dick.

>> No.10804675

>I want to kill all minorities
>therefore when whites become a minority they'll want to kill me!
Projection: the post

All we want to do is force multiculturalism down your throat. Also, you must get on your knees every day and acknowledge that Karl Marx and Mohammed were the most brilliant men who ever lived greater even than Jesus Christ

>> No.10804856

That's stupid, just give them the unsatisfactory fries for the same price you dumb gentile

>> No.10804864
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>> No.10804867
File: 52 KB, 330x391, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>STFU noob, remember last time we had to pretend it was "just a joke"? The straight white cismales must not know we are coming or else they might prepare themselves for their inevitable doom at the hands of the brave anteefa revolution. I order you to put away your che guevara shirt and trade it for a hollister shirt. Never think about che guevara again until the Dia de los Taco Trucks.

>> No.10804874

Blunt force is the only response I have for those commies.

>> No.10804891

I have a reputation to uphold. I will not sell subpar products to my friends and damage my fry based income. I respect your idea, however.

>> No.10804916
File: 480 KB, 259x200, 1501317969339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you've gone too far.

>> No.10805011

this is the normiest goddamn shit

>> No.10805501

>it thinks kill whitey day was real
look and laugh, kids

but seriously, kill whitey

>> No.10805988

You keep your honor, goy, while I build my empire upon unsalted, spotty french fries I dropped on the floor

>> No.10806023

You people need to reevaluate your friendships.

For what reason would you ever take food off of someone's plate without asking? This is something that goes back to our caveman days: it's primal. We used to have to fight, steal, hunt, or kill for food. There was no alternative. Any encroachment on your food was a threat to your life.

Obviously times have changed, I'm well aware of that. But I can't fathom why you'd want to hang out with someone who takes your food without asking.

I told my friends long ago that I don't do bites, sips, or portions of my meal unless I've finished and it's left over. My friends also know that I make much money money than they do and would gladly pay for their fries/a side of their choice from time to time should they ask, but they never do. It's good to set a precedent. And nobody has ever called me out for being greedy, or tried the "omg calm down dude it's just one fry xD it's nbd!" bullshit because I've told them years before of my policy regarding food. If your friends try that shit on you, you need to get new friends.

If you set a precedent they'll remember. Likewise if you falter even once and relinquish a single fry, a single potato chip, a single sip of your drink even once they'll remember if and call upon your weakness. So don't let it be an option.

>> No.10806243
File: 34 KB, 800x533, girl-drinking-soda-eating-fries-fast-food-restaurant-cute-woman-having-quick-snack-sweet-beverage-dinner-112724528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh wow these are gud
>you wouldn't mind if I grab some more right hon?

>> No.10806250

you can suck my cock, ironically and no homo of course. lol!!!!

>> No.10806326

I need about tree fiddy

>> No.10806430
File: 350 KB, 468x620, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_02.30_[2018.06.16_22.21.15].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You owe me a kiss, babe

>> No.10806470
File: 83 KB, 640x640, angry-miata-54d285b094c2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10806501

I think he meant if it's visible you don't need to then grab it to make your point unless you're the kind of guy who uses open carry as a replacement for a tiny dick.

>> No.10806507

oh no people having a good time

>> No.10806518

>ruining the happy dopey face of a miata
Some men shouldn't be given the privilege of driving.

>> No.10806540
File: 97 KB, 619x645, don't touch my food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Just gonna gra-" *fashunk!*

>> No.10806655

I wish I could do this to every single roastie on this website.

>> No.10806661

So brave.

>> No.10806688

Seek professional help for your instability.

>> No.10807230


you know until i read some of the posts in this thread i thought i was socially retarded, but the thought you guys put into sharing your food has really opened my eyes to how normal i am and how autistic you are so thanks for that anons

>> No.10807594

>open carring
I prefer to keep my car concealed so no one thinks I am driving the next car of peace.

>> No.10807645

Not him, but hating roasties is pretty logical. He seems pretty stable to me desu.

>> No.10808028

Only if you're gay.

>> No.10808031

Roasties =/= women you dumb legbeard

>> No.10808055

Pretty safe to assume you mean all women since you've never seen a labia before anyway.

>> No.10808075

All women are inherently roasties, sorry to rinse off your brainwashing. They're all the same inside and you don't need that shit in your life.

>> No.10808108
File: 16 KB, 418x405, badda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and we see how the jew creature works

>> No.10808164

based and redpilled

>> No.10808565
File: 371 KB, 600x304, 1509482842320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chip tax.
If you get a plate/basket/shovel of chips at a table everyone is entitled to one or two. If someone takes three though you scold them, because they need a license for that.

>> No.10808568

>Be American
>Take a freedom fry
>Get shot
Checks out

>> No.10808602

How’s life on the spectrum?

>> No.10808611

>An order of fries is like 99 cents to MAYBE 4 or 5 dollars
>people unironically get angry about change
fucking poors

>> No.10808620

>pulls out my Texas Instruments BA II Plus

>> No.10808635

There's like 11-12 I can't eat that much thanks bro help yourself.

>> No.10808721

I went to a muslim place the other day and they make some american foods and amazingly they have the best french fries ever. The only downside is they aren't that good after reheating so you gotta enjoy them while you're there.

>> No.10808756

your life

>> No.10808763
File: 32 KB, 424x645, 1443310654988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food served on a fucking shovel

>> No.10808766

>not cooking and eating directly from a cast iron shovel

>> No.10809042

No probs, bro
Do you also want to take a bite of this juicy burger?

>> No.10809059

how do I join your business?

>> No.10809062

-grabs him by the throat-
back the fuck off !?!?

>> No.10809077

LOL holy shit yeah you're right senpai

>> No.10809106

Going by all of the shitposting I've read I assume that photo was entered as evidence against the restaurant's proprietors.

>> No.10809558
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You are like little baby.
Watch this.

>> No.10809561
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>> No.10809567
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>> No.10809572

>tfw you bring your autistic son to a fancy restaurant but he brings his legos

>> No.10809634

anal sex

>> No.10809693

A quarter. If drunk I would take the entire basket of fries and jam it in their face (if they reached their hand onto my plate without me knowing them)

>> No.10810598

The total cost of the whole thing, because they contaminated the rest of it.

>> No.10811133

>Start the reactor

>> No.10811312

>Friend does this all the time
>But they get upset when you do it once

What is your plan of action?

>> No.10812482

fuck off, retard

>> No.10812502

If you need a gun to be tough, you’re not tough.

>> No.10812603

your ass bro no homo

>> No.10812608

12.99 plus tip

>> No.10812609

Redpilled and based

>> No.10812614

Yes, but what does this have to do with weed?

>> No.10812708
File: 119 KB, 521x544, 1520711256962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10812734

and redpilled based

>> No.10812929

A bite of your food, faggot

>> No.10812963


>> No.10813326
File: 137 KB, 735x490, MMmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold my beer, anon

>> No.10813620

My ancestors were aztecs... you ahve no idea what you just did you fucking moron.

*pull out knife stab chest and rip out heart*

Now were even.

>> No.10813637

This and checked!

>> No.10813643

But, can I keep the Legos after I'm done?

>> No.10813655

I don't see why n-

>> No.10813660


Owe me? The fuck? What stingy cunts r u hanging out with?

>> No.10813668

They're not Legos? Mega Blocks? Sorry I grew up

>> No.10813764

You never say "legos" it's "lego" and the company itself says they prefer people not say "lego" by itself you are supposed to say "lego brick" or "lego set".

>> No.10813773

My bad, always thought that multiple lego blocks = legos
>Dear journal, today I've learned....

>> No.10813779

They say that because they don’t want their trademark to be genericized like kleenex. Fuck those Danish pricks, I’ll say Legos if I want.

>> No.10813787

I mean you can but you'll sound like an idiot to some people. Especially anyone that speaks Danish.

>> No.10813801

Anybody who judges me for using wrong terminology of a trademark is someone whose opinion I don’t give two fucks about.

>> No.10813803

Literally no one except you actually refers to them that way.
You sound like an idiot to the entire rest of the world.

>> No.10813831

Fun fact, lego(s) got their name from when a kid was playing with them and his mom said "le' go of that come have dinner." Let go... lego. Lego.

>> No.10814080

Fun fact, eggo got its name when a kid was making a lot of them and his mom said "le go of that eggo waffle" e go...eggo. Eggo.

>> No.10814107

Fun fact, preggo got their name from when a kid was playing with his pregnant mom and his mom said "come have spaghetti cause i'm preggo and hungry." Pregnant... preggo. Preggo.

>> No.10814229

Lego is a Danish word that means "play well". It's like using the incorrect plural for any other word. But on purpose.

>> No.10814314

Sort of. It's a brand name that is made by combining two Danish words. "Play well" is actually "leg godt". "Lego" is nothing more than a brand name inspiried by those words.

In Danish people call it "Lego" with no S. The english speaking world seems to like to stick the S on the end, even though the packages, instructions, etc, never say "legos". Anytime multiple parts are being referred to it's always written "lego pieces" or "lego bricks" or simply "lego".

But people are pretty dumb about foreign words in general. I often see people using the term "fajitas" as though it is plural. It's not. It just happens to end with an "S". Dummies gonna dumb, even when the know better. I.e. >>10813803

>> No.10814346

Thanks for the explanation. Didn't know some of that.

>> No.10814350

Imagine being this autistic

>> No.10814353

You're a corporate fag, they don't want people saying Lego bricks just like band aid says "band aid brand bandages" since they can lose their trademark retard

>> No.10814370

Absolute legend, cunt

>> No.10814376

Imagine being dumb enough that you need it explained to you.

Fuck, just look at the damn logo. there's no "S" there so why are people adding it?

>> No.10814411

Imagine being so autistic that you don't understand why people don't say "Legos" over "Lego brand bricks"

>> No.10814482

>and arrange them via size and colouration

I thought I was the only one who arranged things by size and shape like that.

>> No.10814864

Women are unevolved animals. They want your food becouse it simulates you being a primal hunter and her mooching off your kill. Your money buying her food Doesn't figure in her mind. She will take your money to get a free burger thats nice but when she sees you eating it triggers her deepest primal urge to get food from you.

>> No.10814910

Typically if they are a friend in good standing I will share whatever I have with them. I'm sure they would do the same for me. I cant really recall how many times this would happen to me though. If i have some fast food and I am with friends why didn't they get some I hate to eat alone and if they dont have money ill stop them. And it we are at my home I would have made they food. I honesty dont think I have ever had this problem. And if I did its so inconsequential it didnt register as a problem.

>> No.10815134

You owe me one bottle of 'vark sauce

>> No.10815821

Interesting. Turns out the way I said it as a kid was the correct way this whole time. "Legos" just didn't sound right somehow.

>> No.10815836
File: 166 KB, 1300x956, 00998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just gonna grab a rock real quick bro

>> No.10815837

You can have the spare I keep in my purse.

>> No.10815851

I hate the millenniall phrases like 'real qwik'. Niggers say that. The sooner you become a nigger, the sooner you will become irrelevant, the same way that most niggers are irrelevant today.

>> No.10815855

People were saying that in the 90s. Probably earlier. Unless there's something weird about the pronunciation implied by your spelling. It seems to read the same as "quick" to me.

>> No.10815860

People were not saying it enough in the 90s for it be a meme like it is now

>> No.10815863

Oh.. Just a favor...

>*grin as widely as physically possible and hold it for several minutes until my cheek muscles give out*

>> No.10815869
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>> No.10815874
File: 3.77 MB, 3000x4218, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah go ahead

>> No.10816488

You must allow me one deep kiss on your tender asshole.

>> No.10816492

lol yeah there probably is and costs like $50